10 Resistance Band Exercises to Work Your Whole Body - with PDF (2024)

10 Resistance Band Exercises to Work Your Whole Body - with PDF (1)

Many hardcore lifters will avoid resistance bands in favor of free-weight alternatives at the gym. However, resistance bands offer incredible benefits to those who use them.

For one thing, they are the easiest way to achieve variable resistance throughout a range of motion.This allows you to target weak points on some of your major lifts by better addressing the strength curve of different movements.

Furthermore, bands are inexpensive, easy to travel with, and can enable anyone to get a great workout no matter how little space or equipment they have available.

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10 Resistance Band Exercises to Work Your Whole Body - with PDF (2)

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In this article, we will outline the 10 best exercises that can be done using a resistance band. If you put all these exercises together in one session, you’re sure to get a killer workout!

List of resistance band exercises

  1. Shoulder press
  2. Band squats
  3. Banded push-ups
  4. Anti-rotations
  5. Banded row
  6. Horizontal abduction
  7. Hamstring curl
  8. Lateral squat walks
  9. Assisted pull-ups
  10. Front shoulder raise

1. Shoulder press with resistance band





Band shoulder presses emphasize the deltoids, triceps, the upper portion of the pecs, and various stabilizers in the shoulder.

To perform this movement, stand with both feet on the band. Grasp the band with both hands and slowly press it towards the ceiling, lowering the band to the starting position to complete the rep.

For this exercise, you’ll want to select a band that fatigues your muscles around the 8-12 rep range, for 3-5 sets.

2. Banded squats





Colocando unas banda elástica sobre los hombros mientras te pones en cuclillas, te garantizas que al día siguiente lo pasarás mal caminando. Coloca la banda bajo tus pies para completar este movimiento.

By placing a resistance band across your shoulders while you squat, you guarantee that you’ll a tough time walking the next day. Place the band under your feet to complete this movement.

Squats primarily work your glutes, quads and calf muscles (the triple extensors).

Complete 8-12 reps, 3-5 sets per workout.

3. Banded push-ups

Once you’re able to complete 20 or 30 pushups per set without fatigue, it’s time to increase the difficulty.

One great way to do so is to wrap a band around your back and hold it with both hands as you complete the movement. Just be sure you aren’t letting your back collapse as you perform the pushup!

This exercise works the pecs, shoulders and triceps.

Aim to complete 12-15 reps for 3-5 sets.

4. Anti-rotations





Also known as the Palof press, anti-rotations crush the oblique muscles. Find a very stable attachment point, secure your band to it, and you’re ready to go!

The movement involves simply standing at perpendicular angle to the line of the band, while holding it in both hands, and pressing forward. The benefit comes in resisting the pull of the band as pulls you into rotation.

Complete 10-15 reps for 3-5 sets.

5. Banded row





Like some of the other exercises on this list, you’ll need to find a strong attachment point. Once your band is secured you’re all set to work your biceps, rhomboids, and lats.

Hold each end of the band with both hands and pull until your hands are on either side of your chest. Slowly return the band back to the starting position to complete the rep. be careful that you aren’t pulled forward by the tension in the band!

Complete 8-12 reps for 3-5 sets.

6. Horizontal abduction





If this exercise name is too much of a mouthful, “band pull-aparts” will do just fine!

This movement will work your rear delts, rotator cuff muscles, traps, and the rhomboids.

Hold the band at each end (cinch in if it’s too easy, widen your grip if it’s too hard) and extend your arms straight out in front of you, with little to no bend in your elbows. Pull your arms apart, keeping your elbows straight, until you’ve stretched the band as far as you can. Return to the starting position to complete the rep.

Perform 10-15 repetitions for 3-5 sets.

7. Hamstring curls





Once again, you’ll need a secure attachment point for this exercise. As the name of the movement suggests, you will primarily be working your hamstrings here..

Lie face down on the ground to start, with one end of the band secured to a stable point, and the other end wrapped around your ankle. Bend your knee, pulling the band taut. Next, slowly straighten your knee back out to finish the movement.

Perform 10-15 repetitions for 3-5 sets.

8. Lateral squat walks


10 each side



Depending on the size of your legs, how strong you are, and other factors, you may need to double up the band for this exercise. This movement works a ton of muscles including your glutes, quads, calves, and hip external rotators,to name a few.

Start by wrapping the band around your ankles, or just above your knees. Squat down to a comfortable depth (it doesn’t have to be a very deep squat), and begin taking large steps to your left. When you get to the end of your available space, or complete your desired number of steps, begin moving back toward the right.

For this movement, your reps will largely depend on how much space you have at your disposal. Aim to take about 10 steps left and 10 steps right per set for 3-5 sets.

9. Assisted pull-ups





Thus far, all of the exercises listed use bands to make them harder. This exercise uses a band to make it easier!

Pull ups are a phenomenal exercise that works the forearms, biceps, lats and many other muscles.

Attach the band to the pull up bar and step both feet into the loop that hangs down. Grab the bar with both hands and perform a pull up, relying on the band to hold some of your weight. Be careful during the set-up and dismount portions of this exercise. There will be a ton of tension on the band, so don’t let it snap up and hit you in the face!

Complete 10-15 reps for 3-5 sets.

10. Front shoulder raise





The front shoulder raise will primarily work the deltoids..

Stand with both feet on the band and grip one end of it with both hands. Keeping your elbows straight, raise your arms up in front of you to 90 degrees. Slowly lower back down to complete the rep.

Perform 10-15 repetitions for 3-5 sets.

You did it!

After completing this resistance band workout, made tsure to drink plenty of water and stretch your muscles properly.

10 Resistance Band Exercises to Work Your Whole Body - with PDF (3)


Caty is a blogger and certified personal trainer. She loves designing workouts for different age groups.

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10 Resistance Band Exercises to Work Your Whole Body - with PDF (2024)
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