Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (2024)

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After a long winter spent hibernating on the couch, this is the time of year that many of us get that itch to start moving again. Spring weather draws us outdoors for walks and makes juicy fruits and veggies more appealing (bye, heavy comfort foods!).

But with so many diets and workouts out there, it can be difficult to figure out where to start. A lot of folks jump right into intense cardio routines because they think that cardio will help them see and feel the quickest results, but strength training is actually a smarter place to start to see the results you want.

More defined muscles are easier to see. So, if you want to look toned, strength training is necessary. And while strength training is often thought of as a means of improving athletic performance or gaining muscle mass, it's also a great way to prevent injuries. When your muscles are strong, they are better able to move your joints — and protect them — making everyday movements easier.


11 resistance band exercises to work every muscle in the body

Intimidated by strength training? You're not alone. The idea of going into a gym full of already fit health nuts and navigating the weight rack can be scary. That's why when I work with clients who are just getting started with strength work, I love to recommend resistance bands. Resistance bands are an easy, accessible workout tool that you can use at home — or wherever.

Resistance bands are less expensive, more portable and more versatile than dumbbells. If you’re looking for a way to tone your muscles and get a more defined look without expensive equipment, resistance bands are a great option. Plus, they offer a unique form of strength training that also works your stabilizing muscles, which adds an additional core challenge. And, let's be honest, toning your abs while you're exercising other parts of your body is a pretty major bonus.

Do resistance band workouts really work?

It's easy to assume that you need giant weights to get strong, but that's just a myth. In fact, there are some things that resistance bands can do for you that weights simply can't. Resistance band workouts really work because there is constant tension throughout the entire movement of an exercise. With dumbbells and body weight, there's only tension on the exertion portion of the movement.

For example, when you do a bicep curl with a resistance band, there is tension on the way up to curl and also on the way down as you return to the starting position. When you use dumbbells, there's only resistance on the biceps on the way up — and that resistance is what creates strength.

Resistance bands also make it easier to target smaller muscles. Because larger muscles frequently take over when you use weights or your body weight, resistance bands can be used by people in rehabilitation or physical therapy to help safely activate all of the smaller muscles, as well as the larger muscles.

How long should a resistance band workout be?

I recommend starting with a 10-minute resistance band workout and seeing how you feel. This can be your entire workout, or part of a longer workout. You can also continue doing exercises beyond 10 minutes if your fitness level is more advanced.

Each workout in this month's plan should take about 10 minutes. If it takes you more or less time, you can adjust the number of repetitions you do to add or subtract time if you need to.

Is it OK to do a resistance band workout everyday?

Working the arms one day and the legs the next day with resistance bands is great. But I do not recommend working the same body parts two days in a row with resistance bands, which follows my general recommendation for strength training big muscle groups!


Is it safe to work out every day? Yes and no, according to a trainer

Who are resistance band workouts for?

I recommend resistance band workouts to:

  • Those who want to feel balanced and coordinated.
  • Anyone traveling who needs to pack something that takes up little space.
  • People who work out at home and want an inexpensive piece of equipment.

I don't recommend resistance bands for people who feel uncoordinated because resistance band exercises can be more complicated than dumbbell or body-weight exercises. There's no reason to needlessly frustrate yourself if resistance bands make you feel unstable!

30-day walking and full-body resistance band workout

You can use resistance bands to target every major muscle group — and that's exactly what we're going to do! I’ve devised this 30-day resistance band routine to strengthen the upper body, lower body and core — plus give you a cardio workout, too. Suggested walking days are included to give your body a rest from strength training, but I encourage you to keep up your current walking routine. You can walk on strength days, too!

Once you have the moves down, try doing them along to the beat of your favorite song. Music can really help you stay motivated while you're working out. If you don't have any go-to playlists, don't worry, we have a selection of playlists curated by Al Roker and some of our favorite fitness instructors.

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (4)

Upper body workout

For the upper body exercises you will utilize a resistance band with handles.

Bicep curl

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (5)

Hold one handle in each hand. With your feet hips-width apart, step on the center of the band with both feet. Slightly bend your knees and pull your abs in. Keeping your upper arms glued to your sides, pull the band up toward your shoulders into a bicep curl, then release back to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Bent over reverse fly

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (6)

Hold one handle in each hand. Step one foot forward and the other foot back behind you into a high lunge. Anchor the band under your front foot. Bend the front knee at almost a 90-degree angle and keep a slight bend in the back knee as well. Hinge at your waist, leaning forward to a 45-degree angle, and let your arms reach down toward the floor. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, pulling the band out to the sides as high as your shoulders. Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times.

Overhead press

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (7)

Start in the same position as the last exercise, with one foot forward, standing on top of the band, and the other foot back behind you. Switch your grip, grabbing the handles from underneath so that your palms are facing forward, away from you. Hold the handles at shoulder height. Press the band up over your head, extending both arms fully. Release back down to the starting position and repeat 10 times.

Horizontal rear delt flys

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (8)

Grab the tubing of the band with both hands. Hold it in front of your chest with your hands as wide as your shoulders, letting the handles dangle. Make sure there is a little bit of tension on the band from this position; you don’t want any slack. Then, keep the shoulders down and engage the upper back as you pull your arms straight out to the sides, wider than your shoulders. Come back to center and repeat 10 times.

Seated row

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (9)

Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and your back straight. Wrap the resistance band around the bottom of your feet, holding one handle in each hand. Keeping good posture, pull the ends of the band toward your chest. Repeat 10 times.


Sheet-pan suppers, Mexican quinoa stew and more healthy meal ideas for the week ahead

Lower body workout

For the lower body exercises you will utilize a resistance band loop.

Standing side taps

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (11)

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and the resistance band around your ankles. Slightly bend your knees and shift your weight so that you are standing on your right leg; press down through the heel. Then, lift the left leg out to the side so that it is completely straight, tapping the toe on the ground. Bring it back to center. Repeat 10 times and then switch to the right side.

Standing glute kickbacks

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (12)

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and the resistance band around your ankles; bend your knees slightly. Shift your weight so that you are standing on your right leg. Step the left leg back behind you and straighten the leg, reaching through the heel. Then bring it back to center. Repeat 10 times and then switch sides.

Squat jacks

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (13)

This move works both the glutes and the legs by combining the squat with the jumping jack. Place the resistance band around your thighs just above your knees. In a slight squat position with your feet hip-width apart, jump both feet out toward opposite sides of the room and then back together. Repeat 10 times.

Side lying hip abduction

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (14)

Lie on your right side with your right hip and right leg on the ground, and your left leg stacked on top. Wrap the resistance band around both legs, just above your knees. Pull your knees apart by raising your upper leg toward the ceiling. Squeeze your glutes throughout the move, holding your legs apart for a few seconds before returning the left leg to meet the right again. Repeat 10 times before switching sides.

Glute bridge

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (15)

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor in front of you. Wrap the resistance band around both legs just above your knees. Keeping your heels on the ground, lift your hips up toward the ceiling, forming a straight line with your body from your knees to your shoulders. Squeeze your glutes and maintain tension on the band by pressing your knees outward. Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times.



Core and cardio workout

Core open and close

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (16)

Lie on your back with the resistance band wrapped around the upper thighs. Reach the legs up toward the ceiling and then lower down to a 45-degree angle. From there, open the legs as wide as the shoulders, feeling the outer hips working against the resistance of the band, and then close the legs back together. Repeat this 10 times, making sure to pull the naval in toward the spine and press the low back into the ground.

Standing crunch

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (17)

With your feet hip-width apart, fold your resistance band in half and hold it straight out in front of you, keeping your arms straight. Lift your right knee toward your left hand until your knee touches the band. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side. Repeat 10 times on each side.

Lying leg raise

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (18)

Lie down on the floor and wrap the resistance band around your ankles. Keep your hands on the floor or under your butt and your legs straight. Lift one leg up while keeping the other on the floor. Alternate legs, kicking up and down. Repeat 10 times on each side.

Skating squats

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (19)

Standing on top of your band with your feet hip width apart, hold one handle of the band in each hand. Bend down into a half squat or full squat position. When you stand back up, shift your weight onto your right leg and straighten your left leg out to the side pushing against the resistance of the band. Return to a squat position and repeat on the opposite side. Do as many as possible for one minute.

Opposition cardio jacks

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (20)

Instead of performing a jumping jack with your hands moving over your head, perform one with your hands moving in front of you. Fold the band in half, holding one side in each hand. With your feet together, pull the bands apart. When you jump your feet apart, release your hands back together, performing the opposite movement of a traditional jumping jack. Repeat as fast as you can for one minute.

Read our Start TODAY Success Stories

  • How a busy mom trained to run NYC Marathon after losing 135 pounds
  • Want to make walking a habit? Tips from 13 people who’ve done it
  • This woman replaced wine with walking and it changed her life


Stephanie Mansour

Stephanie Mansour is a contributing health and fitness writer for TODAY. She is a certified personal trainer, yoga and Pilates instructor andweight-loss coachfor women. She hosts “Step It Up with Steph” on PBS. Join her complimentary health and weight-losschallenge and follow her for daily inspiration onInstagram and in hernew app.

Intimidated by strength training? Try this resistance band and walking workout (2024)


Are resistance bands considered strength training? ›

If you're looking for a new way to push (and pull) your fitness to the next level, consider resistance bands. Resistance bands are large elastic bands with differing levels of tension. Physical therapists often use them to help people recover from injuries, but strength training with resistance bands is also effective.

What are the weakness of resistance training? ›

limited use in sports. limited strength and endurance gains. cannot monitor intensity. large increases in blood pressure.

Do some people respond better to strength training? ›

When you strength train, the fast-twitch ones are more responsive and grow more easily, he says. So: "People born with a higher-than-average percentage of fast-twitch fibers respond quickly and more effectively to the strength training stimulus," explains Westcott. Then, there's body fat.

Can you build muscle with resistance bands only? ›

Do resistance bands build muscle? Absolutely. In fact, a 2019 study shows that training using resistance bands provides similar strength gains to using conventional gym equipment. “Resistance bands might not look like much, but they can strengthen your muscles as effectively as more traditional weights,” says Travers.

What are the disadvantages of resistance bands? ›

Using resistance bands, it is difficult to compare the progress of your day to day workouts. Slightly changing your grip on the elastic band has an immediate effect on the tension of the band. It is almost impossible to compare your exercises.

Can resistance bands help lose belly fat? ›

Yes, resistance bands are effective for fat loss. They work by creating muscle tension and engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously, leading to higher calorie expenditure during workouts. Resistance band exercises also boost metabolism, increasing calorie burn and aiding in fat loss.

How many days a week should you workout with resistance bands? ›

Generally, you can do resistance bands workouts 6 days a week to develop lean muscle mass, or full-body workouts for athletic performance benefits. As long as you maintain a healthy recovery time between workouts, you can easily use resistance bands up to six times per week.

Are resistance bands good for seniors? ›

In summary, resistance band exercises are great for seniors to maintain their muscle mass and strength. Always undertake a new workout routine under the supervision and approval of your healthcare provider.

What are the bad things about strength training? ›

Utilizing improper form while performing a deadlift or squat can cause back, hip, or leg injuries. In any weight-bearing exercise, using too much weight can cause muscle or ligament tears. Always practice proper form and only increase the weight when you know you can handle it while performing the movement correctly.

What are the risks of resistance training? ›

Using the wrong techniques to lift weights can result in sprains, fractures, or other injuries. Whether you're a novice or you've been lifting weights for a long time, check to see that you're using correct posture and applying the right techniques to lift weights to avoid injuring yourself or anyone in your vicinity.

What is resistance training for seniors? ›

Pushing up and down from a chair, opening and closing a door, lifting a can of soup or a 1-pound weight are all types of resistance exercises that seniors can easily do in their own homes.” Swanner recommends that seniors start slow with lower-resistance exercises and listen to their bodies.

Can you build muscle mass at age 70? ›

Seniors who work at it, however, can still make strength gains. “Research shows that, even into your late 80s, your body still has the potential to build muscle mass,” Stacy Schroder, director of wellness at Masonic Village at Elizabethtown, said.

Can you build muscle after 60? ›

Strength training plays a key part in healthy aging, and for older adults, building muscle after age 60 can be an attainable and rewarding experience. However, it is necessary to consult with health care providers before beginning any new exercise routine.

Can you build muscle after 50? ›

But while you won't be adding pounds and pounds of new muscle every month after 50, it's still possible to make incremental gains in strength and eventually muscle size, especially if you treat nutrition and recovery as seriously as training.

Does resistance training count as strength training? ›

Resistance training (also called strength training or weight training) is the use of resistance to muscular contraction to build strength, anaerobic endurance and size of skeletal muscles.

Is a resistance band better than weights? ›

Different planes of motion

That is why resistance bands are more effective at preventing injuries because you can push, pull, and twist while getting constant tension. Weights will only benefit you if you are lifting directly from the floor in a single plane of motion.

Are resistance bands considered functional training? ›

Functional training utilizes a wide variety of training methods and tools that include barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, TRX, resistance tubes and bands, cables, medicine balls, sandbags and so much more. Some tools are better at some things than others.

Can you train with resistance bands every day? ›

Choose a resistance level that allows you to complete 10 to 15 repetitions with good control, alignment and form. The National Strength and Conditioning Association recommends strength training be performed two to three days per week on non-consecutive days (not back to back).

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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