Live Trap Hazards & Considerations (2024)

One of the first things people want to do when they discover they have a wildlife problem is trap the animal, destroy or relocate it and then patch up the damage. However, there are several disadvantages to this kind of do it yourself trapping. For starters, it only offers a temporary solution.

For instance, with trapping - whether you do it yourself or a professional pest control company does it - simply removing the critter will just make room for new wildlife to move into the vacated territory, and you will soon have a new hole in your building and a new problem on your hands. Consequently, trapping will likely end up costing you more money than if you had done it the right way, the humane way, from the very start.

Another problem with do it yourself trapping, is that so called, supposedly humane "live traps" can actually injure and harm the animal - causing them a great deal of pain, suffering and distress

Live Trap Hazards & Considerations (1)

The above raccoon was trapped by a do-it-yourself homeowner in a "humane" live trap. After 2.5 hours in the trap, it had injured itself so badly that the homeowner took it to a wildlife rehabilitator for medical attention. Note the skin and fur worn off the head and how bloody the raccoon's hands got from trying to get out in that short amount of time.

The photo below shows a opossum injured in a trap that was promoted by the manufacturer as a "humane" live trapping device.

Live Trap Hazards & Considerations (2)

In addition to that, in most states it is illegal to do the trapping portion on your own, even with a hunting license. Laws from state to state will vary, but most have some rules, and they are sometimes difficult to find and you may be quite surprised to discover which critters you cannot trap. It's true that stores will sell traps just the same, but they will not be the one to tell you that you cannot legally trap your own critters or wildlife.

Live Trap Hazards & Considerations (3)

Squirrel With Head Injury
From Humane Live Trap

It is interesting how improper trapping and relocation can make our job difficult at times. When improper do it yourself trapping methods are tried and failed that animal is now more cautious and much smarter.

Even when the trapping process is apparently successful the relocation process can be problematic for the area to which it is relocated and/or to the wild animal itself. The animal may cause havoc for those residing in the new area, upset the balance of that environment, or it simply may be unable to cope with it's new location.

Live Trap Hazards & Considerations (4)


Do it yourself wildlife removal often kills baby animals. Baby animals like those shown below are often left behind in attics when trapping is used as a wildlife removal method, especially with squirrels and raccoons.

Note how small these baby squirrels are. Rest assured, they will smell a lot longer than you realize and if they are in a wall or tough to get to place, holes will need to be cut to remove them. Often times, young raccoons will roam all over the house and die in five different areas, mandating a lot of holes being cut to remove all the dead babies.

Baby animals can be hard to locate, so before we do repairs, we use our own special methods to manipulate the mothers into moving their young out of your attic so the babies won't inadvertently get left behind.

Another hazard presented by both Do It Yourself and professional wildlife traps is the danger they present to children and household pets. Both of which let curiosity get the best of them sometimes.

Live Trap Hazards & Considerations (7)

Dog Caught In Trap

When it comes to trapping, somebody will lose. Wildlife control is better left to trained Wildlife Management Professionals who utilize proven methods to keep animals out. The Wildlife Whisperer knows how to eliminate your wildlife issues with methods that are humane, long lasting and cost effective.

Live Trap Hazards & Considerations (2024)


What are the disadvantages of live traps? ›

  • Ineffective for large infestations: Live-capture traps can capture 15 to 30 mice, but they aren't effective for addressing large-scale rodent infestations.
  • Time-consuming: Capturing rodents alive can be time-consuming, as you need to monitor traps regularly to check for captured rodents.

What are the three safe trapping practices? ›

Following Trapping Guidelines
  • Avoid locations where the animal could get tangled in fences or other objects that could cause injury.
  • Select a location that minimizes the chance that objects or debris will prevent the trap from functioning properly.
  • Place traps away from well-traveled paths or residential areas.

Which of the following is an example of a live trap? ›

Live-restraining devices include foothold traps, enclosed foothold devices, cage traps, and some types of cable devices.

What are the dangers of mouse traps? ›

Some mouse baits and rodenticides may cause accidental poisoning if used incorrectly. People may also experience injuries when they accidentally trigger mouse traps. Cleaning up the dead mouse in a trap should be done with caution because they can transmit serious diseases to humans like leptospirosis and hantavirus.

What are the disadvantages of traps and pots? ›

Risks to Marine Mammals

Large whales, including endangered North Atlantic right whales, humpback whales, fin whales, and grey whales, are particularly susceptible to becoming entangled in trap or pot gear due to spatial overlap with fisheries and their feeding behavior.

What are trapping hazards? ›

The risks associated with trapping typically refer to a situation in which part of a worker's environment is mobile or movable, and this movable part shifts in such a manner as to pin all or part of the worker's body between two or more obstructions within the workplace.

How risky is trapping? ›

Dangers of Cage Trapping

Contracting infection – cages have sharp edges, which can break the skin and expose it to the urine and fecal contamination on the wire. 4. Parasite exposure – fleas, ticks, lice, worms, and other organisms can move from the animal to the trapper.

What are three prohibited traps? ›

Full “S” traps, bell traps, drum traps, crown-vented traps, and running traps are prohibited.

What is a benefit of live trapping? ›

Trapping provides recreation, food, clothing, and supplemental income. Trapping allows many people to participate in cultural traditions. Live trapping is used to move species from areas where they are plentiful to areas where they are scarce. Live trapping helps biologists study many species of wildlife.

What can you catch in a live trap? ›

1 Select a Bait
  • raccoons: marshmallows.
  • rabbits: cabbage.
  • squirrels or chipmunks: peanuts.
  • groundhogs: cantaloupe.
  • skunks or opossums: canned fish.
  • feral cats: cat food.

How often should you check a live trap? ›

If you must live trap, traps should be checked 3-4 times a day. Animals can do significant damage to themselves in live traps if left for too long and they will dehydrate quickly. Be aware that the trapped animal may have babies nearby, so look for babies before relocating.

Why should you check a live trap before use? ›

The most important reason to check traps early each morning is animal welfare. To minimize pain and suffering, animals should spend as little time as possible in traps. You also should check traps early each day to: Prevent escape from live traps.

Do mice learn to avoid live traps? ›

Yes they should, because house mice are adaptive creatures that use their keen senses to detect dangers around them. They eventually learn to avoid the mouse trap if it's left in the same place for too long. Some of them might even move into the other rooms in the house to avoid getting caught.

What are the disadvantages of rat traps? ›

Below are some, though not all, problems that can come with rat traps when used incorrectly.
  • 1. Rat Traps Can Cause Unexpected Injury. Have you ever actually seen a traditional snap trap for rats? ...
  • 2. Rat Trapping Doesn't Keep Other Rats Out. ...
  • 3. Rat Trap Placement Takes Knowledge of Rats.

Are live mouse traps better? ›

If you can't stand the thought of mice in your home (honestly, who can?), but you don't like the thought of killing them, live catch traps are a great solution. These traps are designed for humane catch and release so you can rid your home of mouse invaders without harming them.

What are the disadvantages of snare traps? ›

The disadvantage of the snare trap is that it is very easy for an animal to escape from it if it is not set up properly, and if it is not used properly, it can potentially cause injury or death to the animal.

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