Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (2024)

Shepherd’s pie is a meat pie made with ground meat cooked in a sauce then topped with potatoes and baked until golden brown. It is wholesome and hearty and you can load it up with veggies that picky eaters won’t know are there.

Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (1)

Recipe for Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherd’s pie is a hearty, savory blend of succulent ground meat, tender vegetables, and aromatic herbs, all enveloped in a luscious, velvety blanket of creamy mashed potatoes. Each forkful is delicious mesh of flavors and textures. This classic dish has a rustic charm that makes it the ultimate comfort meal.

Why You’ll Love This Shepherd’s Pie Recipe

  • Family Friendly: This is a dish where you can hide tons of veggies. Every time I made it I like to add lots of chopped veggies to the ground meat. Here I added onions, mushrooms, tomatoes and parsley. Feel free to sneak any kind of veggies in there if you have picky eaters.
  • Perfect for Meal Prep: It is perfect for meal prepping. Make a large pan for meals throughout the week. I love a dish that is easy to pull together and can span two or three meals.
  • Great Comfort Food: Indulge in something hot, hearty, and delicious. Dairy-free, creamy mashed potatoes and a savory meat mixture are the main components for this shareable dish.

What is Shepherd’s Pie?

Shepherd’s Pie is a classic British dish with rich and savory meat filling. Although it is traditionally made with ground lamb or mutton, it’s also common to use ground beef. The meat filling is typically cooked with vegetables and seasonings, then topped with a layer of mashed potatoes before being baked to perfection. The result is a hearty and comforting all-in-one dish that’s perfect for colder weather.

Table of Contents[Show All]

  • Recipe for Shepherd’s Pie
  • Why You’ll Love This Shepherd’s Pie Recipe
  • What is Shepherd’s Pie?
  • Ingredients for Shepherd’s Pie
    • For the Mashed Potato Topping:
    • For the Filling:
  • How to Make Shepherd’s Pie
    • Prepare the Potato Topping
  • Cooking the ground beef and veggies
  • Assembling the Shepherd’s Pie
  • Baking the Shepherd’s Pie
  • Storage
  • Tips for the Best Shepherd’s Pie
  • Recipe Variations
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Shepherd’s Pie {Whole30}
    • Equipment
    • Ingredients1x2x3x
    • Instructions
    • Nutrition

Ingredients for Shepherd’s Pie

The two main components of this recipe are the mashed potato topping and the meat filling.

For the Mashed Potato Topping:

  • Potatoes: Most Shepherd’s pie recipes are topped with white potatoes. I love mixing up the type of potatoes I use. In this recipe I am using a combination of white (russet) potatoes and golden or white sweet potatoes. The combination of the sweetness from the sweet potatoes and the fluffiness from the russet potatoes makes a really delicious topping for the pie.
  • Water: to boil the potatoes
  • Seasoning: granulated garlic, onion powder, iodized sea salt
  • Mayo: In classic Shepherd’s pie recipes, butter, cream and even cheese is added to the creamed potato topping. When I am on a round of Whole30 I just add Whole30 compliant mayo to my potatoes and that does the trick.

For the Filling:

  • Ground beef:
  • The New Primal’s Classic Marinade and Cooking Sauceor The New Primal’s Coconut Aminos: Some recipes use beef broth but I prefer either of these Whole30 sauces.
  • Tomatoes:diced
  • Garliccloves: minced
  • Yellow onion:diced
  • Mushrooms:diced
  • Frozen peas and carrots:
  • Parsley:fresh finely chopped or dried flakes
  • Seasoning: salt and paprika
  • Cooking spray: Use this or another oil/grease for the baking dish

See recipe card for quantities.

How to Make Shepherd’s Pie

Prepare the Potato Topping

Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (2)

Add russet and sweet potatoes to a large stock pot on high heat. Then add enough water to cover the potatoes followed by 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Bring the potatoes to a boil, then cover them (with the lid slightly ajar).

Boil until fork tender, then remove from the heat and drain the water. Next, return the potatoes to the pot then crush them with a potato masher or fork. Then add the seasonings and set the mashed potatoes aside.

Cooking the ground beef and veggies

Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (3)

Add the ground beef to a hot skillet on medium heat (no oil is needed for this step). Stir often to ensure even cooking and cook until all the pink color is gone from the meat. Add salt and your preferred vegetables. For this shepherd pie’s recipe, I added onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, and parsley.

Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (4)

And of course, I add a good amount of peas (peas are now allowed in whole 30) and carrots. My two older kids love peas and carrots. I swear I would add it to every dish I make if I could, just so that they are eating vegetables.

Assembling the Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (5)

The order of cooking is important for this dish. Add potatoes first, then the meat. I do it this way because I often make the pie right in the cast iron skillet that I am using to cook the meat. When the meat mixture is ready, I top it with the creamed potatoes and stick it in the oven. This is what I love most about using an oven-safe skillet!

Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (6)

You can dress up the top of your pie with lines using a fork, scallops using the back of a spoon, make it smooth using a spatula, or leave it rustic. Anything goes! I love that about this dish.

Baking the Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (7)

Before adding the pie to the oven I give it a generous dusting of paprika. Here I am using Penzey’s Spanish Style Paprika. It’s a little on the pricey side of the spice aisle but it is so worth it. The richness and depth of flavor is unlike any other paprika I’ve used.

Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (8)

In addition to a lovely flavor, the paprika adds a golden color to the finished dish. Look at how absolutely gorgeous this pie looks. Yum.

Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (9)

This dish is a winner in my home. The kids really love it. Even our one year old eats it up. I can eat this at any meal. A complete meal in one dish? Yes, please! And if you’re looking for another hearty, baked dish, try my Whole30 Fish Pie next.


Once the dish has cooled, store leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days. For longer storage, freeze shepherd’s pie for up to 3 months. Reheat it in the microwave or in the oven.

Tips for the Best Shepherd’s Pie

  • Season generously. Season the meat filling with a variety of fresh herbs and spices for maximum flavor.
  • Properly cook the veggies. Sauté the onions, carrots, and other vegetables until they’re tender, but not mushy. This preserves the texture and flavor.
  • Use an oven-safe baking dish, such as a casserole dish or a cast-iron skillet.
  • Allow the pie to rest for at least 5 minutes before slicing. This helps the filling set and makes it easier to serve.
Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (10)

Recipe Variations

  • Mayo Substitute: You can also add nut milks, ghee and even coconut milk or cream to yours if you like.
  • Meats: Instead of ground beef, you can use ground lamb or ground turkey.
  • Cheese: If you don’t need a Whole30 meal, feel free to add cheddar cheese to the meat mixture, the topping, or both.
  • Cauliflower Topping: For a more nutritious, low-carb meal, use cauliflower instead of potatoes.
Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (11)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is traditional shepherd’s pie made of?

Classic shepherd’s pie is made with ground lamb, gravy, mashed potatoes, and veggies like peas, corn, celery, and carrots.

Why is my shepherd’s pie soggy?

Avoid a soggy pie by simmering the meat mixture for at least 8 minutes. Be sure to cook down the mixture to remove excess moisture.

What is the difference between cottage pie and shepherd’s pie?

Cottage pie and shepherd’s pie are two terms that are often used interchangeably. In England and Australia, they refer to the dish as cottage pie and here in the United States, we call it shepherd’s pie. Pie made with lamb is often referred to as shepherd’s pie, whereas cottage pie is used to refer to shepherd’s pie with ground beef.

Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (12)

Shepherd’s Pie {Whole30}

Althea Brown

Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (13)

Shepherd's pie is a meat pie made with ground meat cooked in a sauce then topped with potatoes and baked until golden brown. It is wholesome and hearty and you can load it up with veggies that picky eaters won't know are there.

5 from 3 votes

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Prep Time 30 minutes minutes

Cook Time 30 minutes minutes

Total Time 1 hour hour

Servings 6 Generous Servings

Calories 682

Course Whole30


  • Large Skillet or Casserole Dish


For the topping:

  • 2 lbs russet potatoes peeled and cut into 2 inch chunks
  • 1 lb golden potatoes white sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 2 inch chunks
  • Enough water to boil the potatoes
  • 1 teaspoon granulated garlic
  • 1/2 tablespoon onion powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon iodized sea salt
  • 1/4 cup mayo

For the Filling:

  • 2 lbs ground beef
  • 1/4 cup The New Primal's Classic Marinade and Cooking Sauce or The New Primal's Coconut Aminos
  • 1 cup tomatoes diced
  • 3 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 yellow onion diced
  • 1 cup mushrooms diced
  • 2 cups frozen peas and carrots
  • 1 tablespoon parsley fresh finely chopped or dried flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • Cooking spray or other oil/grease for the baking dish


Preparing the Potatoes:

  • Add russet and sweet potatoes to a large stock pot on high heat. Then add enough water to cover the potatoes followed by 1/2 teaspoon of salt

  • Next bring to a boil, then cover (with the lid slightly ajar)

  • Boil until fork tender, then remove from the heat and drain the water

  • Next, return the potatoes to the pot then crush with a potato masher or fork

  • Then add 1/4 teaspoon of salt, the granulated garlic, onion powder and mayo to the crushed potatoes, mix together well and set aside

Preparing the Meat Filling:

  • Add the ground beef to a hot skillet on medium heat (no oil is needed for this step)

  • Stir often to ensure even cooking and cook until all the pink color is gone from the meat

  • Next add 1/2 teaspoon of salt, the onions, garlic, mushroom, tomatoes and parsley and sauté until the vegetables cook (about 3-5 minutes)

  • Then add the classic marinade sauce or coconut aminos

  • Continue to sauté, then add the frozen peas and carrots

  • Cook for an additional 3 minutes or until the peas and carrots come up to temperature

  • Then remove from the heat

Assembling the Shepherd’s Pie:

  • Preheat oven to 375 °F

  • If you used an oven safe skillet for the meat filling, you can simply add the potato topping directly on top of the meat in the skillet

  • Then smooth the potatoes over the meat filling making sure to cover all of the meat

  • Next sprinkle with paprika and bake for 30 minutes

If you prefer adding to a separating baking dish follow these instructions:

  • Spray a baking dish large enough for the pie, with cooking spray

  • Add the beef filling to the dish, then add the potato topping and smooth until all of the meat filling is covered

  • Decorate the potato filling with a fork or any way you choose

  • Sprinkle the shepherd’s pie with paprika then bake in a 375°F oven for 30 minutes

  • Remove from the oven and let rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving


Calories: 682kcalCarbohydrates: 53gProtein: 34gFat: 38gSaturated Fat: 13gPolyunsaturated Fat: 5gMonounsaturated Fat: 15gTrans Fat: 2gCholesterol: 111mgSodium: 924mgPotassium: 1615mgFiber: 6gSugar: 3gVitamin A: 4869IUVitamin C: 35mgCalcium: 84mgIron: 6mg

Keywords: best shepherd’s pie, how long to bake shepherd’s pie, how to make shepherd’s pie, recipe for shepherd’s pie, Shepherd’s pie, shepherd’s pie recipe, what is shepherd’s pie, what’s in shepherd’s pie

The information listed in the recipe card is an estimate provided by an online nutrition tool. The tool evaluates ingredient names and amounts then makes calculations based on the number of servings listed for the recipe. It is provided as a general guideline and not as a precise calculation. For precise nutrition information please feel free to add the ingredients to your preferred nutrition calculator or consult a doctor or licensed nutritionist.

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Shepherd's Pie (Whole30) (2024)


Can you have potatoes on Whole30? ›

Are Potatoes Whole30? Yes! As of January 2021, all varieties of potatoes are included in the Whole30 diet. Yet, the catch is that fries and chips are not included in the diet as they are not considered to be “real” or whole foods.

Why does my potato sink in shepherds pie? ›

How do you keep potatoes from sinking in shepherd's pie? Let the beef layer cool before you top it with the mashed potatoes. This is the number one way to keep your potatoes from sinking. Another tip is to not make your potatoes too runny because firmer mashed potatoes stay more level while baking.

What can I use to thicken my shepherd's pie? ›

The easiest way to thicken shepherd's pie filling is by sprinkling a few tablespoons of flour into the ground beef mixture as it cooks before adding it to the baking dish. The starch in the flour will absorb the extra liquid and create a thick gravy.

Why is my shepherd's pie soggy? ›

Classic shepherd's pie is made with ground lamb, gravy, mashed potatoes, and veggies like peas, corn, celery, and carrots. Why is my shepherd's pie soggy? Avoid a soggy pie by simmering the meat mixture for at least 8 minutes. Be sure to cook down the mixture to remove excess moisture.

Can I eat Chick Fil A fries on Whole30? ›

Potatoes of all varieties are in, but fries and chips are not. (This should not be a surprise. Fries and chips are about as Whole30 as Paleo Pop-Tarts.)

Are bananas allowed on Whole30? ›

What about bananas? Yes, both pickles and bananas are allowed on Whole30. Yet if they are a potential trigger food for you (for instance, the sweetness of bananas sets off a craving for other treats or makes you want to binge on the fruit), then you may consider including them on your “don't eat” list.

Why is shepherds pie unhealthy? ›

This ultimate comfort food can be quite unhealthy, with lots of butter in the mash and pushing up your saturated fat intake.

Is it safe to eat shepherd's pie that was left out overnight? ›

According to the USDA, food that has been left out of the fridge for more than two hours should be thrown away. That's because between 40° F and 140° F (what the USDA calls the "Danger Zone"), bacteria grows incredibly fast and can make you sick.

How to make shepherd's pie less soupy? ›

Why is my Shepherd's Pie soupy? If your casserole is too runny, chances are you either didn't add enough flour to thicken the gravy or you didn't simmer it long enough to reduce the liquid. Also, make sure your potatoes are thoroughly drained before making the mashed potatoes, so the topping is not too sloppy.

Why put flour in shepherd's pie? ›

Flour: Used to thicken the filling, creating a sauce to coat the ingredients. Stock: Beef stock or broth enhances the meaty taste of the filling.

What is traditional shepherd's pie made of? ›

Traditionally, shepherd's pie is made with lamb mince, vegetables and mashed potato. The meat is added to an aromatic combination of softened carrot, onion and celery, known in French cooking as a mirepoix, which is then loosened up with stock, Worcestershire sauce, tomato paste and bay leaves to make a tasty gravy.

Why is shepherd's pie called shepherd's pie? ›

Shepherd's pie was attributed to a similar Scottish dish that used lamb or mutton rather than beef. Shepherd's herded sheep, hence the name. The textured, mash potato topping also resembles the woolly fleece of a sheep.

How to stop mash sinking in shepherd's pie? ›

OUR TOP TIPS. To get really smooth, creamy mash, use a potato ricer or sieve. To stop the mash sinking into the filling, allow the meat to cool before topping with the mashed potato.

What kind of potatoes are best for mashing? ›

The best potatoes for mashed potatoes are a starchy varieties like russet, Idaho or Yukon gold. Starchy potatoes are best for mashed potatoes because they have a fluffy, almost airy texture that breaks down easily.

Why does my shepherd pie fall apart? ›

How do you keep shepherd's pie from falling apart? Make sure your casserole dish is the right size. You should also have firm mashed potatoes so it won't fall apart when you're serving. As you put the topping on, don't press too hard, using a gentle touch to smooth it out.

Is rice ok on Whole30? ›

You cannot have rice on a Whole30. But don't let that scare you off! Stick around and learn a little more about what this whole Whole30 thing is all about, including why rice is off limits and what you can have instead.

What foods are off limits on Whole30? ›

What Can't You Eat?
  • Added real or artificial sugars.
  • Alcohol.
  • Carrageenan—a type of plant-based sugar—or sulfites.
  • Commercially-prepared chips or French fries.
  • Dairy products, except for clarified butter or ghee.
  • Foods recreated with allowed Whole30 ingredients (e.g., coconut milk ice cream)
  • Grains.
Dec 13, 2023

Is bacon allowed on Whole30? ›

Bacon can be a delicious addition to your Whole30 meals, but you'll need to find bacon without added sugar. Look for Whole30 Approved sugar-free bacon from Applegate, ButcherBox, or Pederson's Natural Farms.

Are onions allowed on Whole30? ›

Lettuce (bibb, butter, red) Onion/shallots. Rutabaga. Spinach.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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