SWTOR Galactic Seasons Objectives: June 18 - July 30 (2024)

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SWTOR Galactic Seasons Objectives: June 18 - July 30

Once completing Galactic Seasons objectives and unlocking level one on the rewards track, players will have unlocked a new Stronghold based in Copero!

Galactic Seasons 6: “Building a Foundation” started with the launch of Game Update 7.4.1! Here is the list of the Season Objectives from June 18 - July 30.

Week 15 (June 18th - June 24th)
Influencing the GalaxyEarn 25,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
WeeklyComplete any 7/11
March Across the GalaxyEarn 200,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Finding FragmentsObtain Blueprint Fragments by completing Daily Objectives, Season Objectives,
Season Reward Track, Flashpoints, Uprisings, Operations, or defeating enemies across the Galaxy.
- Daily Objectives grant 1 Blueprint Fragment
- Season Objectives grant 5-8 Blueprint Fragments
- Some Reward Track levels grant Blueprint Fragments
- Flashpoints grant 1-2 Blueprint Fragments
- Uprisings grant 1-3 Blueprint Fragments
- 8 Player Operations grant 6-9 Blueprint Fragments
- 16 Player Operations grant 7-12 Blueprint Fragments
- Lair Bosses (including Event Lair Bosses) grant 1-3 Blueprint Fragments
Combat outside of the above content with any companion is prone to produce higher yields of
Blueprint Fragments. Speaking with an 'Informative Jawa' on the Fleet may offer aid in locating
Blueprint Fragments.
Pre-Fabulous ResultsAssemble materials into Industrial or Synthetic Prefabs and Fabricator Crystals
or Designs.
Drop In: Dromund KaasVisit another player's Kaas City Apartment stronghold. The stronghold directory is located
in the Stronghold and Crew Skills section of the Imperial Fleet, or the Kaas City Marketplace
on Dromund Kaas.
The Coreward WorldsComplete Repeatable, Exploration, or Bonus Missions, while defeating enemies
across Alderaan, Balmorra, Corellia, Mek-Sha, or Onderon. To locate Exploration Missions
throughout the Galaxy, check 'Show Exploration Missions' on the World Map Legend.
Liabilities of CorelliaTrack down and defeat the following high profile targets on Corellia: Admiral Kalmic
(Central Blastfield Shipyards - Republic), Jimme Weasle (Southern Government District - Empire),
Lord Rashal (Northeastern Labor Valley - Republic), Prototype RK-4 Sentinel (Southwestern
Labor Valley - Empire)
We're Not Out of This YetBoard your personal ship and complete 2 [HEROIC] Space Missions.
Clashing in the StarsComplete Galactic Starfighter matches. Earn double progress for wins.
Quelling the Uprising BComplete the second group of Uprisings
Brawl with KithrawlDefeat Kithrawl on Ruhnuk. (Requires a Subscription and/or access to Legacy of the Sith)
Storming the BattlefrontComplete Arena matches. Earn double progress for wins.
Week 16 (June 25th - July 1st)
Influencing the GalaxyEarn 25,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
WeeklyComplete any 7/11
March Across the GalaxyEarn 200,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Drop In: Republic FleetVisit another player's Carrick Station Penthouse stronghold. The stronghold directory is
located in the Supplies section of the Republic Fleet.
Still Got ItDefeat non-player enemies across the Galaxy without the aid of your Companions.
(No companion may be summoned for progression. This does not progress through Warzones,
Galactic Starfighter, Flashpoints, or Operations)
Fielding LoyaltyComplete Missions as a Trooper or an Agent Origin.
Great BeastsDefeat Lucky the Rancor on Corellia and Trapjaw on Tatooine.
I Have Your BackDefeat non-player enemies across the Galaxy with any Companion in a Damage Role.
(This does not progress through Warzones, Galactic Starfighter, Flashpoints, or Operations)
Sparks of WarDefeat Champion difficulty Republic and Imperial guard droids and turrets across
Alderaan and Corellia.
Heading the FrontlineComplete Warzone matches. Earn double progress for wins.
Forging DarknessAssemble materials into War Supplies: Invasion Forces, and then assemble Dark
Project MK-1s.
Veteran Operations: Explosive ConflictComplete the following Operation on Veteran or Master difficulty. (Requires a Subscription):
Explosive Conflict
Anarchy in ParadiseComplete Chapter X: Anarchy in Paradise of Knights of the Fallen Empire on Veteran
difficulty or harder. (Requires a Subscription and/or access to Knights of the Fallen Empire)
Week 17 (July 2nd - July 8th)
Influencing the GalaxyEarn 25,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
WeeklyComplete any 7/11
March Across the GalaxyEarn 200,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Finding FragmentsObtain Blueprint Fragments by completing Daily Objectives, Season Objectives,
Season Reward Track, Flashpoints, Uprisings, Operations, or defeating enemies across the Galaxy.
- Daily Objectives grant 1 Blueprint Fragment
- Season Objectives grant 5-8 Blueprint Fragments
- Some Reward Track levels grant Blueprint Fragments
- Flashpoints grant 1-2 Blueprint Fragments
- Uprisings grant 1-3 Blueprint Fragments
- 8 Player Operations grant 6-9 Blueprint Fragments
- 16 Player Operations grant 7-12 Blueprint Fragments
- Lair Bosses (including Event Lair Bosses) grant 1-3 Blueprint Fragments
Combat outside of the above content with any companion is prone to produce higher yields of
Blueprint Fragments. Speaking with an 'Informative Jawa' on the Fleet may offer aid in locating
Blueprint Fragments.
Liabilities of QueshTrack down and defeat the following high profile targets on Quesh: DS-224 Colossus
(Adrenal Valley - Republic), Foreman Telleon (Imperial Mining Control - Empire), Lord Rhexa
(Broga's Palace - Republic), Yanu Selke (Three Families Palace Grounds - Empire)
Ace of the ArmadaBoard your personal ship and complete 3 Space Missions.
Seeking ArtifactsUncover artifacts and other lost treasures with your Seeker Droid across Alderaan,
Tatooine, Hoth, and Makeb.
The Seat of the EmpireComplete Repeatable, Exploration, or Bonus Missions while defeating enemies on Taris,
Oricon, Yavin 4, Ziost, or Dantooine. To locate Exploration Missions throughout the Galaxy, check
'Show Exploration Missions' on the World Map Legend.
Legacies of RevanComplete 2 Flashpoints from the following list: Maelstrom Prison (Republic only), Taral V (Republic only),
The Foundry (Empire only), or Boarding Party (Empire only).
Hotblooded on HothDefeat Gargath and Snowblind on Hoth
The Eternal ChampionComplete all 10 rounds of the Mayhem at the Arena Grand on Zakuul. (Requires a Subscription
and/or access to Knights of the Fallen Empire)
Profit and PlunderComplete Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder of Knight of the Fallen Empire on Veteran
difficulty or harder. (Requires a Subscription and/or access to Knights of the Fallen Empire)
Heart of RuinDefeat the Colossal Monolith on any difficulty. (Requires a Subscription)
Week 18 (July 9th - July 15th)
Influencing the GalaxyEarn 25,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
WeeklyComplete any 7/11
March Across the GalaxyEarn 200,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Finding FragmentsObtain Blueprint Fragments by completing Daily Objectives, Season Objectives, Season
Reward Track, Flashpoints, Uprisings, Operations, or defeating enemies across the Galaxy.
- Daily Objectives grant 1 Blueprint Fragment
- Season Objectives grant 5-8 Blueprint Fragments
- Some Reward Track levels grant Blueprint Fragments
- Flashpoints grant 1-2 Blueprint Fragments
- Uprisings grant 1-3 Blueprint Fragments
- 8 Player Operations grant 6-9 Blueprint Fragments
- 16 Player Operations grant 7-12 Blueprint Fragments
- Lair Bosses (including Event Lair Bosses) grant 1-3 Blueprint Fragments
Combat outside of the above content with any companion is prone to produce higher yields of
Blueprint Fragments. Speaking with an 'Informative Jawa' on the Fleet may offer aid in locating
Blueprint Fragments.
For the Right PriceComplete Missions as a Smuggler or a Bounty Hunter Origin.
Liabilities of TarisTrack down and defeat the following high profile targets on Taris: Jiinan E'ron (Western
Republic Resettlement Zone - Republic), Maltok (Northern Republic Resettlement Zone - Empire),
Reclamation Forerunner (Eastern Brell Sediment - Empire), Urlos Du'Ram (Southern Tularan
Marsh - Republic)
Seat of the Hutts Daily SweepsComplete the mission: [WEEKLY] Daily Area: Oricon multiple times or complete
[WEEKLY] Daily Area: Ossus once.
The Distant Outer RimComplete Repeatable, Exploration, or Bonus Missions while defeating enemies on Belsavis,
Hoth, Rishi, or Tatooine. To locate Exploration Missions throughout the Galaxy, check 'Show
Exploration Missions' on the World Map Legend.
Peace or PowerComplete Missions as a Jedi Knight or a Sith Warrior Origin.
Decorated CombatantEarn Warzone Medals (1 point per medal).
Clashing in the StarsComplete Galactic Starfighter matches. Earn double progress for wins.
Sparks of WarDefeat Champion difficulty Republic and Imperial guard droids and turrets across
Alderaan and Corellia.
Sweeping Ruhnuk and Kessan's LandingComplete the mission: [WEEKLY] Daily Area: Kessan's Landing or [WEEKLY] Daily Area:
Ruhnuk. (Requires a Subscription and/or access to Legacy of the Sith)
Week 19 (July 16th - July 22nd)
Influencing the GalaxyEarn 25,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
WeeklyComplete any 7/11
March Across the GalaxyEarn 200,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Finding FragmentsObtain Blueprint Fragments by completing Daily Objectives, Season Objectives,
Season Reward Track, Flashpoints, Uprisings, Operations, or defeating enemies across the Galaxy.
- Daily Objectives grant 1 Blueprint Fragment
- Season Objectives grant 5-8 Blueprint Fragments
- Some Reward Track levels grant Blueprint Fragments
- Flashpoints grant 1-2 Blueprint Fragments
- Uprisings grant 1-3 Blueprint Fragments
- 8 Player Operations grant 6-9 Blueprint Fragments
- 16 Player Operations grant 7-12 Blueprint Fragments
- Lair Bosses (including Event Lair Bosses) grant 1-3 Blueprint Fragments
Combat outside of the above content with any companion is prone to produce higher yields of
Blueprint Fragments. Speaking with an 'Informative Jawa' on the Fleet may offer aid in locating
Blueprint Fragments.
Drop In: Imperial FleetVisit another player's Vaiken Spacedock Penthouse stronghold. The stronghold directory
is located in the Supplies section of the Imperial Fleet.
Supplying the War EffortAssemble materials into any of the following War Supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship
Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, or a Holocron of Strategy, then assemble an
Invasion Force.
Seat of the Empire Daily SweepComplete the mission: [WEEKLY] Daily Area: Ziost multiple times or complete [WEEKLY]
Daily Area: Yavin and [WEEKLY] The Enemy Within once.
The Coreward WorldsComplete Repeatable, Exploration, or Bonus Missions, while defeating enemies across
Alderaan, Balmorra, Corellia, Mek-Sha, or Onderon. To locate Exploration Missions throughout
the Galaxy, check 'Show Exploration Missions' on the World Map Legend.
Storming the BattlefrontComplete Arena matches. Earn double progress for wins.
The Nightmare of VossDefeat the Nightmare Pilgrim World Boss on Voss.
Fearsome FoesDefeat Dread Pirate Karvoy on Mek-sha and R8-X8 on Ossus. (Requires a Subscription)
Into the VoidComplete Chapter VII: Into the Void of Knights of the Eternal Throne on Veteran
difficulty or harder. (Requires a Subscription and/or access to Knights of the Eternal Throne)
Lair of the Mountain QueenDefeat the Mutated Geonosian Queen on any difficulty. (Requires a Subscription)
Week 20 (July 23rd - July 29th)
Influencing the GalaxyEarn 25,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
WeeklyComplete any 7/11
March Across the GalaxyEarn 200,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Drop In: CoperoVisit another player's Copero Villa stronghold. The stronghold directory is located on
either the Republic or Imperial Fleet.
Finding FragmentsObtain Blueprint Fragments by completing Daily Objectives, Season Objectives,
Season Reward Track, Flashpoints, Uprisings, Operations, or defeating enemies across the Galaxy.
- Daily Objectives grant 1 Blueprint Fragment
- Season Objectives grant 5-8 Blueprint Fragments
- Some Reward Track levels grant Blueprint Fragments
- Flashpoints grant 1-2 Blueprint Fragments
- Uprisings grant 1-3 Blueprint Fragments
- 8 Player Operations grant 6-9 Blueprint Fragments
- 16 Player Operations grant 7-12 Blueprint Fragments
- Lair Bosses (including Event Lair Bosses) grant 1-3 Blueprint Fragments
Combat outside of the above content with any companion is prone to produce higher yields of
Blueprint Fragments. Speaking with an 'Informative Jawa' on the Fleet may offer aid in locating
Blueprint Fragments.
This Will Do NicelyAffect enemies with destructible pipes, tanks, canisters, and capacitors found throughout
the Galaxy.
Ace of the ArmadaBoard your personal ship and complete 3 Space Missions.
Serenity or PassionComplete Missions as a Jedi Consular or a Sith Inquisitor Origin.
Legacies of the Outer RimComplete 2 Flashpoints from the following list: Battle of Rishi, Hammer Station, Athiss,
or The Nathema Conspiracy (requires content).
Clashing in the StarsComplete Galactic Starfighter matches. Earn double progress for wins.
Heading the FrontlineComplete Warzone matches. Earn double progress for wins.
Veteran Operations: The RavagersComplete the following Operation on Veteran or Master difficulty. (Requires a
Subscription): The Ravagers
End TimesComplete Chapter VIII: End Times of Knights of the Eternal Throne on Veteran
difficulty or harder. (Requires a Subscription and/or access to Knights of the Eternal Throne)

SWTOR Galactic Seasons Objectives: June 18 - July 30 (1) SWTOR Galactic Seasons Objectives: June 18 - July 30 (2) SWTOR Galactic Seasons Objectives: June 18 - July 30 (3)

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SWTOR Galactic Seasons Objectives: June 18 - July 30 (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.