The Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia (2024)

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This unit of measure describes the amount of pressure a hydroclamper (or similar tool) can apply to a surface.(CFG)

This was the codename used by a female Corellian gunrunner who worked in the Cularin System during the early years of the New Order.(LFCW)

K Company
This clone trooper unit was under the command of Commander Deviss during the Battle of Geonosis. It was part of the Hawkbat Battalion. All but three members of the unit were killed in the fighting. Deviss risked his own life to drag two injured members of the company to safety.(SWI84)

This droid was part of Korren Starchaser's scouting team, and provided services ranging from protocol to language translation and computation.(SWJ13)

This combat droid was abandoned when its starship was destroyed in space. It became what was commonly known as a void droid, and patrolled the Paradise System Junkyards.(SH)

This was the Alliance's evacuation code signal, used on the Hoth base.(E5)

This cybernetic implant was produced by Control Zone, and provided the user with an internal blaster.(AIR)

This steam-powered, all-terrain transport vehicle was produced by Barimoq Industries for use on Tasariq. It employed a large airscoop to collect hydrogen and helium from the atmosphere, which were used to heat water in a boiler to produce steam. Steampower was routed to a transmission which turned the wheels on a treaded drive system. The self-enclosed K-111 was a single-person vehicle measuring eight meters in length, and could carry up to six additional miners and ten cubic meters of cargo.(SWJ15)

A former military tactical unit, this assassin droid became a bounty hunter during the final decades of the Old Republic. Noted for its ability to sift through huge amounts of computer data to pinpoint its targets, K1-1R often dispatched swarms of modified G-2RD seeker drones to help it overwhelm a target and bring them in with a minimum of effort. Armed with a blaster carbine, a flamethrower, and a light repeating blaster, K1-1R was the unofficial leader of a group of bounty hunters to accepted a job to eliminate several Cularin-based freelance agents, just after the Battle of Naboo. Along with Shiana Trist and Drokka, K1-1R set out to capture the agents on Nar Shaddaa, while they were escorting Korlana Toryn back to Cularin.

Trist managed to pin the agents down in a Nar Shaddaa warehouse, allowing K1-1R and Drokka to move in and capture them. K1-1R then decided to freeze the agents in carbonite before returning them to the Metatheran Cartel, and wanted to use Korlana as a test subject. However, one of the agents volunteered instead, convincing the droid that one dead agent was better than several angry agents. Although the freezing process worked this time, the carbon-freezing chamber was so overloaded that it exploded in a shower of ion and electrical energy. K1-1R was momentarily shut down, releasing the other agents and giving them a chance to recover their weapons.

In the firefight that ensued, K1-1R was able to reset itself and call its seeker droids into the fray. Not content to let anything worse happen, K1-1R called for the termination of all organic beings in the chamber, realizing that a reduced bounty was better than none. However, several blaster bolts hit the droid's frame, and it went down in a heap. Concentrated blaster fire from the agents then rendered K1-1R a molten pile of slag.(AA23)

This was the official rank level of those individuals who served as an Emperor's Hand, during the height of the New Order.(A)

This BlasTech blaster weapon was commonly issued to Imperial spies and undercover agents, during the height of the New Order.(A)

This was a common type of starship rations.(SOL)

This medical droid was assigned to the New Republic warship Intrepid. K-1B treated Lumpawarump, after the Wookiee sustained a blaster wound while rescuing Han Solo from the Pride of Yevetha.(TT)

This massive droid served as Tookra's bodyguard at the Kishpaugh Spaceport, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Roughly humanoid in shape, K1L-R had two massive arms that ended with huge pincers. However, the droid moved about on four stout legs, each of which ended with a huge spike. This configuration allowed K1L-R to move about and remain quite stable, while attacking any being who Tookra had deemed a threat or a problem. When Han Solo arrived at the spaceport about a year before the Battle of Hoth, Tookra refused to listen to Solo's pleas for help, especially since the man had failed to make a delivery of parts eight months earlier. When Solo tried to renegotiate their deal, Tookra became angry, since he had paid Solo up front, and the part were now worthless on the open market. To take care of the problem, Tookra ordered K1L-R to eliminate Solo and his companions, but they managed to escape with Grintlok's help. Tookra, however, was monitoring the spaceport, and was able to track the Millennium Falcon as it blasted away from the spaceport. Tookra tracked the ship to Cataalda, although he was unaware that Solo was also being tracked by a bounty hunter named Dust. When Dust snatched Princess Mi, K1L-R attacked while Solo was distracted, and might have killed the smuggler if not for the appearance of Solo's Wookiee first mate, Chewbacca. The Wookiee fired a blaster rifle into K1L-R's mid-section, then tossed a mine at the droid, catching it full in the chest with the resulting explosion. However, K1L-R was a well-built machine, and recovered from the blast and began tracking Solo and the Wookiee. K1L-R found them at Dust's starship, and suddenly began to attack the bounty hunter, who responded with his own attacks on the droid. Dust managed to leap on top of K1L-R and, ejecting a knife from his armored gauntlets, he severed K1L-R's head from its body.(PLRR)

This Merr-Sonn rocket launcher was exceptionally powerful for its size. It could be fired by a single being, but could bring down a swoop in mid-air and turn it into a melted pile of twisted metal.(SOJ)

Manufactured by Wickstrom, this device was a heavy-duty peripheral sensor package, designed to allow the offloading of tasks during transmission of data.(VOF)

This zZip aero-interceptor was one of the premier atmospheric fighters in the Corporate Sector Authority fleet, providing maneuverability with firepower for added protection. It measured 13 meters in length, and was armed with double-wingtip laser cannons and six concussion missiles. It was capable of reaching 2,600 kilometers per hour in atmospheric flight.(CSA)

This was the callsign of the Syndicat guard whose armor was stolen by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi during their attempt to break the Syndicat's hold on the planet Phindar. K23M9's armor was worn by Guerra Derida, who was discovered in an unauthorized part of the Syndicat warehouse during their search for Paxxi Derida's Anti-register. Obi-Wan switched armor with Guerra and was captured by Syndicat guards and brought to Baftu himself. Obi-Wan was scheduled to be renewed and dumped on an unspecified world.(HP)

This was the designation of a series of small, explosive rockets produced by Merr-Sonn for use in wrist rocket launching systems.(EGW)

This green-plated protocol droid was part of a small pool loaned to the Wookiees of the planet Kashyyyk by Temporary Droids, during the years following the Clone Wars. These droids served as liaisons to any offworlders with business on the planet. Like its counterparts, K-27 could speak Basic and Shyriiwook, and was programmed to ensure that visitors did nothing to offend the Wookiees or harm Kashyyyk's natural beauty. K-27 could also speak Xaczik, and had the quirky habit of using Wookiee body language in addition to speech. It was K-27's dedication to serving organic beings what revealed Turren Lonarr's plans to smuggle Trandoshan hunters onto Kashyyyk.(GMR4)

This humanoid droid served as Mara Jade's assistant during the time she served as the Emperor's Hand.(MJEH)

This white protocol droid served the Alliance under Commander Arhul Narra, learning military tactics along the way. The droid later served as the leader of the Alliance's droid pool at Echo Base on Hoth.(CCG, SWI74, RF4)
This was the designation of Tay Vanis's personal droid, a black-plated 3P-series unit with an insectile head. It accompanied Vanis on a mission ot Gamandar, but Vanis disappeared. Lando Calrissian and his Iskalonian companion Mone managed to purchase K3PX from the Imperial droid pool shortly afterward. Unknown to the Alliance, however, was the fact that K3PX was actually an agent of the Empire, reporting directly to Darth Vader himself on the activities of the Alliance in the Iskalon system.(MC74, MC75, MC76)

One model of Rim Securities security droids, these 1.6-meter automatons were well-armored and equipped with an internal blaster rifle. The K4 was one of the most reliable, dependable security droids ever produced, but were known to have difficulty targeting while moving quickly. This could be solved with regular maintenance of the droid's weaponry and targetting system.(RPG, FTD)

This battered, blue-painted droid was employed by the law enforcement agency on the planet Emmer. Humanoid in stature, K4-06B was paired with the Gamorrean Uurk, and helped defuse bombs and translate for Uurk.(ND)

This heavy laser cannon was developed by Incom Industries during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(GG2)

This Rim Securities K4-series security droid was owned by Suraya.(SWJ15)

K5 Enforcer Droid
Developed by Rim Securities, this series of droids succeeded the K4 series. The K5 was more versatile, had a wider range of external weaponry, and was considerably tougher than the K4. It was also a bit slower, making it a somwhat easier target.(SWJ1)

This was Obi-Wan Kenobi's callsign, during the Grand Army of the Republic's mission to destroy a Separatist droid factory on the planet Farquar III, during the height of the Clone Wars.(LLOW)

NeuroSaav produced this targeting system during the height of the New Order.(SWJ2)

K-749 System
Located in the Outer Rim Territories, this system contains the planet Pzob.(COJ)

This was a mid-grade starship shield generator produced by Incom Industries, during the height of the New Order.(SWG2P)

K7-series Droid
This Rim Securities security droid was known as the Black Dagger. It moved about on a pair of auto-balance legs, and was protected by heavy armor plating and an internal blaster rifle.(GSE)

This protocol droid was owned by Jabba the Hutt and his aunt, Jiliac, shortly before the Battle of Yavin.(RD)

A series of silver protocol droids. Jabba the Hutt owned one just before the Battle of Yavin. When Muftak and Kabe tried to rob Jabba's Mos Eisley townhouse, they freed K-8LR of his restraining bolt, and the droid allowed them to escape while the townhouse was destroyed in a firefight. Jabba became angry with his K-8LR and had it destroyed.(TME)

This was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male Cereans given an individual name, which was added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete male names were arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings were arranged to ensure proper descriptions. The name Ka referred to the moon, the stars, or the heavens in general.(GCG)

This was once of the many names given to Duros females. Among the Duros, it meant "sky".(GCG)

K'a m'ho kurlee hurlee?
This Sullustan request, often heard at barbershops and salons, translated into Basic as "May I have it curled?"(GPB)

This steam-powered, nuclear fusion drive system was produced by Girodyne, during the final decades of the Old Republic. The Ka/La engine was used as the primary propulsion system for the Corellia Mining Corporation Digger Crawler.(E4VG)

This city on Lucazec was the site of the planet's only major spaceport. It was considered new and secure by the natives, but was far from the galactic standard.(BTS)

Kaa, Chom Frey
This Old Republic Senator was implicated by Pol Secura as the primary financial backer of the glitteryll development project. When Vilmarh Grahrk returned Quinlan Vos to Coruscant, he agreed to betray the Jedi Knight and turned him over to Chom Frey Kaa for a huge bounty. However, the betrayal was part of a plan developed by Mace Windu and Quinlan, as a way to get Chom Frey Kaa to admit his part in the glitteryll plans. Chom Frey Kaa was arrested and sent to trial for his corruption.(SWT)

Kaa, Tee Watt
This Lurmen led a group of his people on a mission to find a new home, after their homeworld was attacked during the Clone Wars. Tee Watt Kaa's people ended up on Maridun, where they were immediately attacked by the native Amanin population. A pacifist by nature, Tee Watt Kaa was a follower of the Te Padka faith. Thus, he chose not to fight back agains the Amanin, even when it became obvious that the Amanin wanted the spaceship in which the Lurmen had arrived on the planet. Tee Watt Kaa and his people let the Amanin have the ship, stranding themselves on Maridun before resorting to violence. His peaceful nature shaken but not broken, Tee Watt Kaa was somewhat reluctant to help out when an Old Republic frigate crash-landed on Mariduan a short time later. However, he could not turn a blind eye to the needs of Aayla Secura and Ahsoka Tano, who were hoping that the Lurmen could lend medical assistance to the frigate's crew. Tee Watt Kaa allowed his son, Wag Too, to go to the ship and care for Anakin Skywalker, but asked Aayla Secura to remain with the Lurmen as a sign of good faith that Wag Too would not be harmed. Despite the sincerity of the Jedi, Tee Watt Kaa was angry with them when General Lok Durd arrived with an army of battle droids. In order to protect the Lurmen, Anakin and the Jedi remained hidden, but the Separatists had not qualms about bullying the Lurmen aside while they got ready to test their defoliation weapon. Despite the objections of his son, Tee Watt Kaa refused to fight back when the Separatists targetted the Lurmen with the weapon, although he grudgingly accepted the help of the Jedi in defending his village. Unfortunately, Wag Too and his friends took up farming tools to help the Jedi, and Tee Watt Kaa feared that life among the Lurmen has changed forever.(CWTV13, CWTV14, CWOC1, OWS)

This elder race of nomadic aliens referred to the Koornacht Cluster as no'aat padu'll, which translated into Basic as The Little Nursery.(BTS)

This Mando'a word meant "sound."(OWS)

KAAC Freerunner
Ground-based assault vehicle built by Kelliak Arms and Armor Corporation.(DFR)

This volcano was active on the planet Haariden, during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. Five years after Naboo, Kaachtari finally erupted, spewing lava which was laden with titanite across the land and causing severe seismic damage. The nearby coastline was greatly altered, and the resulting groundquakes caused a massive tidal wave. Much of the new coast - and the titanite which had been exposed - was flooded with tons of seawater. The eruption and its effects were theorized by Granta Omega, who contacted Sano Sauro and ensured that the native Haariden population - as well as the Senate - were unaware of the mineral wealth of the exposed titanite. Their plans to corner the market on titanite and, therefore, bacta, were thwarted when their scheme was discovered by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.(JQ4)

This was one Naboo's smaller cities, a popular tourist destination during the height of the New Order. During the Galactic Civil War, Kaadara was garrisoned by Imperial forces, in an effort to crack down on rebellious activity on Naboo.(ROD, SWGAL)

This young, female Phindian was part of the resistance movement led by Paxxi and Guerra Derida, which sprang up in opposition to the control of the Syndicat over Phindar. Her father, Nuuta, had been forced to submit to the Syndicat's renewal process, and was dropped on the planet Alba. Kaadi invited the Derida brothers and the Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, to stay at her parents' house while they avoided the Syndicat. When the group put their plans to expose the Syndicat into motion, Kaadi rallied the local resistance and helped storm the Syndicat's warehouses. Kaadi was injured in the struggle which was fought between the Syndicat's forces and the resistance, but survived to lead the rebels to victory.(HP)

This species of two-legged, flightless reptavian was native to the planet Naboo. Kaadu were fearless creatures, and were often used as steeds by Gungan warriors. The kaadu laid their eggs on land, often in fields, where they were often eaten by predators like the peko-peko. For this reason, the average clutch of kaadu eggs was quite large. In addition to being excellent runners, kaadu were also good swimmers, having lung capacity that would allow them to remain underwater for up to two hours. Note that Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Final Battle describes the kaadu as a four-legged creature.(GF, E1A15, WSW)

Kaadu and Aliens
This was a popular childrens game on the planet Naboo, during the final years of the Old Republic.(CN1)

This Mid-Rim ocean world was located in the Yushan Sector. Despite its boundless oceans, Kaal was also a major exporter of agricultural goods. Numerous casinos and luxury resorts populate its coasts and islands, which were controlled by the Empire until the Battle of Endor. Following the death of Emperor Palpatine, Jeng Droga - one of his faithful Dark Jedi - was so overwhelmed that he crashed his ship into the oceans of Kaal. The ship was rumored to have the only working cloaking device of its time. The crash caused massive tidal waves which destroyed the Unis Islands. The Empire laster abandoned the planet, since its most valuable resort properties had been wiped out. The crimelord Tirgee Banyalle then took control of the planet, and exploited its aquacultural resources. After the Battle of Endor, the New Republic and Talon Kaarde both negotiated for control of the planet. The Republic wanted to have access to the aquaculture, while Kaarde wanted the cloaking device.(SWJ2, SWJ7, GMR5)

This Imperial physician was responsible for the creation of Bledsoe's disease. He was on Tatooine, verifying a new strain, when Luke Skywalker became infected. He administered to Luke, but kept Luke confined to the hospital.(CSWEA)

This Sith Lord was one of the few Sith who survived the internal violence which tore the Sith order apart, some 2,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Believing that the Sith needed to look upon each other as equals, Lord Kaan gathered some twenty thousand Sith devotees and established the Brotherhood of Darkness. Then, with guidance from the most powerful Sith Lords, Kaan set out to take control of the galaxy. For many years, the Sith appeared to be winning the battle for the galaxy, having drawn the Jedi Knights into combat and overwhelming them on many worlds. However, many of these early victories had occurred before the Jedi entered the battle, after which time the Jedi rallied time and again, forcing Kaan to make a stand against the Jedi on the planet Ruusan.

The Jedi had massed on Ruusan under the guidance of the Jedi Master, Lord Hoth, forming the so-called Army of Light in opposition to Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness. As the fighting ground on, Lord Kaan's tactics of fighting the Jedi in individual battles did not sit well with many other of the Sith Lords, especially Lords Kopecz and Qordis. Adding to Kaan's problems was the Sith renegade, Darth Bane, who believed that the Sith had to unite under a single being in order to defeat the Jedi. Rather than have Bane tear the Sith apart, Kaan sent Kas'im, and then the Jedi traitor Githany, to eliminate Darth Bane. Kas'im was killed by Bane on Lehon, and Githany only succeeded in making Bane stronger. On Lehon, Bane had realized that he needed to eliminate all the members of the Brotherhood of Darkness, in order to consolidate the power of the Dark Side under the Rule of Two. To further his plans, Bane sent Lord Kaan the incantations necessary to form a thought bomb, as a last-ditch effort to destroy the Jedi. He then tricked Kaan's starship captains into leaving their blockade of Ruusan, which allowed the Jedi to land reinforcements on the planet's surface.

With victory suddenly changed to defeat, Kaan and his followers decided that the time had come to set off the thought bomb. Unfortunately, the combined strength of the Sith was not enough to protect them from the weapon's incredible blast. Lord Kaan, and virtually every Sith and Jedi warrior in the battle, was obliterated when the thought bomb detonated. In the wake of the Battle of Ruusan, Kaan's so-called Rule of the Strong was abandoned by Darth Bane, who instituted the Rule of Two in order to ensure that the Sith could survive. Kaan, however, refused to remain dead, and haunted Bane in the form of a silent spirit that hovered on the edges of Bane's vision. Kaan appeared fully to him on Dxun, where Darth Bane had hoped to find the tomb of Freedon Nadd. Kaan's silent image led Bane through the jungles to the tomb, then joined the spirit of Qordis in directing Bane deep into the tomb.

There, they showed him a Sith Holocron, which Bane quickly took into his possession. However, taking the Holocron unleashed a horde of orbalisks, and Bane only barely survived the trap.(JVS, ECH, WOTC, NECH, DBPD, DBRT)

Kaan, Loiric
This Yuuzhan Vong warrior served as the Supreme Commander of the military forces which attacked the planet Mon Calamari during the final stages of the aliens' invasion of the New Republic. Loiric Kaan served under Warmaster Nas Choka aboard the Yammka's Mount during the assault. Kaan was interested in the many ways that the forces of the Galactic Alliance used machines and technology to draw off the strength of the Yuuzhan Vong, despite Nas Choka's assertion that such use of technology showed cowardice more than ingenuity. Kaan was also boastful of his own position of power over the forces of the Alliance, which only served to anger the Warmaster more. Eventually, Nas Choka had Loiric Kaan escorted from the bridge and relieved of his command.(UF)

This was one of the largest cities found on the planet Neimoidia.(SWI65)

This Alliance YT-1300 was captured by Imperial forces, during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War.(TIE, TIEP)

Kaarenth Dissension
This splinter group formed in Corva Sector after the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn at Bilbringi. It was the brainchild of Meres Ulcane and an anonymous Imperial supporter. Using the Spawn Nebula as a shield, the Kaarenth Dissension began assembling a fleet of warships. From this hidden base, they destroyed the New Republic communications center hidden within the gas giant Galaan, and stirred up a great deal of anoymosity toward the New Republic among the alien races of the Outer Rim. Ulcane proved to be a motivational speaking, inciting discontent toward the Republic with relative ease. However, the Dissension died near Betha II, when the New Republic was able to locate Ulcane and discover his hidden fleet. The Republic agents managed to destroy the space station which served as Ulcane's base, killing Ulcane and destroying much his fleet.(SWJ8)

This man was a native of the planet Ceriun, about 1,000 years before the Battle of Endor. A farmer like most of his ancestors, Ka'arn was a stern man who brooked no disrespect from his son, Tenno. To ensure cooperation and to put Tenno in his place, Ka'arn often resorted to physical violence with his son, slapping the boy across the mouth whenever he spoke back. Ka'arn and several others left their fields to investigate a strange object that fell from the sky, and discovered the mangled body of a Jedi Knight whose ship had crashed into the planet. Before the Jedi died, he gave Ka'arn a holocron for safekeeping, until another Jedi could recover it. The Jedi indicated that the holocron contained a map, and needed to be hidden. When Tenno and his friends showed up at a council meeting to demand the holocron, Ka'arn angrily questioned their motives. When he made to strike Tenno yet again, Tenno drew a knife and stabbed his father in the chest. Ka'arn died shortly afterward.(T17)

Kaarz, Teela
A professional architect, this woman was one of the chief architects of the first Death Star, although she arrived at Despayre aboard a prisoner transport ship. A Mirialan by birth, Kaarz had made the "mistake" of backing a certain political candidate during the early years of the New Order. When the Empire declared that the candidate was a traitor, he and all his supporters - including Kaarz - were rounded up and sent to prison for treason.

As a child, she had spent many days with her father, exploring the outdoor environments. A specialist in encapsulated arcology design, Teela Kaarz had designed the Ralthok Encapsulization and the Blackstar wheelworld before being arrested. She was sent to the Dungeontown facility on Despayre, where she survived for almost a year before she suddenly found herself being transported to the construction site of the first Death Star. Her professional achievements and her skills attracted the attention of Benits Stinex, who had been hired by the Empire to serve as the chief architect for the interior spaces of the Death Star. The noted designer and architect took her on as part of his staff, pushing her to come up with new and better designs as the station was constructed beneath their feet.

Although she was initially intimidated, Kaarz rose to the challenge, earning her several commendations from the master architect. It was while she was on the Death Star that Kaarz discovered she could discern the basic thoughts of another being when she first encountered Darth Vader. When the Sith Lord turned his attention to her, Kaarz blocked his Force-assisted mind probes by putting up a mental barrier. This surprised Kaarz almost as much as it surprised Vader, who was surprised that she could block him out without a true connection to the Force.

During a visit to the Hard Heart Cantina with her fellow architects, Kaarz was accosted by a drunk soldier. Villian Dance intervened, although he later admitted that his actions were prompted by a bet among some other pilots about who was going to get the woman to have a drink with him. Kaarz was taken by Dance's candor, and agreed to meet him for a cup of caf later on.

After the destruction of the planet Alderaan, Teela began to wonder about her loyalties. She felt in her heart that she would jump ship and join the Alliance, if the opportunity presented itself. When Atour Riten provided Kaarz and her friends with a chance to escape, they eagerly accepted his help. However, when she learned that the Alliance was planning an attack on the Death Star, and that they were planning to fire on a small thermal exhaust port she had wanted moved, she balked at leaving. Riten implored her to leave, explaining that the Death Star needed to be destroyed in order to save more lives. She reluctantly agreed, and set out for the shuttle he had acquired for them. Although Riten was forced to remain on the Death Star, Kaarz and the others were able to escape, just prior to the Death Star's destruction during the Battle of Yavin.

When Vil decided to join the Alliance, he also decided to ask Teela to marry him. A bit flustered by the sudden proposal, she agreed to follow him to the Alliance and see what happened from there.(SWI96, DSTR)

Kaas City
This was the name of the ancient capital of the planet Dromund Kaas. The city was established in the jungles of the planet by a group of Sith Lords who survived the Great Hyperspace War, then spent twenty years making random jumps through hyperspace to elude the Old Republic and locate a suitable world on which to live. The city grew larger and more diverse over the centuries that followed, until the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, establishing the Sith as the primary power in the galaxy. However, the Sith were eventually defeated, and Kaas City was all but abandoned for many centuries.(SWORW)
Developed by the Yuuzhan Vong, this scavenger was used to clean up the waste in most kitchens.(SBS)

Kaava kyotopa bu whirlee backa?
This Huttese question, often heard at bars and musical events, translated into Basic as "Can I visit the dancers backstage?"(GPB)

This was a form of savory pie that was popular in the Cularin System during the final years of the Old Republic. The crust of the kaavo flattened into a disc, covered with meat and cheese, then baked until the meat and cheese were cooked and the crust was a golden-brown color.(LFCW)

This Imperial officer was an Admiral in the Navy, during the early years of the New Order. Admiral Kaaz's fleet was assigned to the evil Doctor Raygar, during the search for the Sunstar.(ECAR)

Kabadi, Jav
This was the alias used by Han Solo when he and his wife, Leia, rented an apartment on Corellia, some ten years after the end of the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. They were forced to use the Kabadi aliases in order to avoid being targeted by the bounty hunters who were working for Thrackan Sal-Solo, who had placed a huge bounty on the heads of the Solo family. In this way, Jav and Lora Kabadi became just another Corellian couple fleeing the planet Coruscant. Ironically, the Kabadis were leaving Coruscant because of the crackdowns that were being instituted by Jacen Solo.(LF2)

Kabadi, Lora
This was the alias used by Leia Solo when she and her husband, Han, rented an apartment on Corellia, some ten years after the end of the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. They were forced to use the Kabadi aliases in order to avoid being targeted by the bounty hunters who were working for Thrackan Sal-Solo, who had placed a huge bounty on the heads of the Solo family. In this way, Jav and Lora Kabadi became just another Corellian couple fleeing the planet Coruscant. Ironically, the Kabadis were leaving Coruscant because of the crackdowns that were being instituted by Jacen Solo.(LF2)

This oceanic Outer Rim world was located in the Teilcam System. The planet-wide oceans were broken periodically by more than two million volcanic islands. Most of the volcanoes were inactive. The few that remain active were located in the southern hemisphere.(SWJ7)

The homeworld of Lady Lapema Phonstom, Kabal was also the site of the Conference of Uncommitted Worlds during the Galactic Civil War. It remained neutral throughout the conflict, even after surviving an Imperial invasion during the Conference. The invasion was a direct result of Kabal's neutrality, but had been confined the planet's capital city. Life on the rest of the planet continued on, and Kabal's neutrality was never tested again. Much of the planet's weather was dominated by steady rains, and its primary landmasses were large islands. Kabal was orbited by a single moon.(AC, CSW, GMR1)

Kabal Central Citadel
Located at the heart of the city of Shoribus, on Kabal, this building served as the seat of the planetary government during the Old Republic. Shortly before the Clone Wars, a series of riots broke out in Shoribus when food became scarce on Kabal. The taxation of the Sharlissian Trade Corridor forced many shipping companies to abandon regular deliveries along the route, leaving Kabal without a regular supply of foodstuffs. The Citadel was badly damaged during these riots.(HNN4)

This was the native language spoken by the inhabitants of the planet Kabal.(HNN5)

Kabarr's Fortress
This HT-2200 medium freighter was highly modified by a number of owners. Additional armor plating was added to supplement the trimantium hull, the cargo area was divided into four environmental holds, and the original sublight drive was replaced with a SoroSuub Boav ion drive. The original armaments were removed to add additional shielding, but the poor wiring of the shield generators into the power cores sometimes drains the ship's entire power supply. This "quirk" causes the entire ship to shutdown while the shields were in use. The only remaining armament was a pulse laser cannon.(SWJ9)

This Twi'lek male was a noted broker of all manner of illicit goods, who worked from a base on the planet Corellia during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Kabat didn't take lightly to smugglers stealing cargos or skipping out on deals, and often employed harsh means for dealing with those individuals who tried to take advantage of him.(SWGAL)

The Chandra-Fan who was present in the Mos Eisley cantina when Luke Skywalker was assaulted by Ponda Baba, Kabe was orphaned in the streets of the spaceport by a group of smugglers who thought she was too small to be of any value. She had fled a natural disaster on her homeworld of Chad, and was about 40 standard years old at that time. She was adopted by the Talz named Muftak, and the two of them often work together. She also gains a great deal of fun and money by posing as a Jawa and demanding unofficial taxes of the desert scavengers. She had a great liking for Juri Juice, which she consumes quite readily in the cantina. However, Wuher won't give her credit, so she had to have Muftak get it for her. The two orphans get a chance to leave Tatooine for good after trying to rob Jabba the Hutt's Mos Eisley townhouse. They nearly got away with a trove of treasures when they found Barid Mesoriaam in a hidden chamber. He entrusted a datadot to them, which they delivered to a Mon Calamari working for the Alliance. He paid them 15,000 credits and two Imperial travel vouchers as a reward.(E4, SCRE, TME)

This was the name of the race of aliens native to the planet of the same name.(TFE)

This planet was the homeworld of a tall, thin alien race.(SWJ8)

Kabir, Zev
This man was a fighter pilot who served the Alliance during the Battle of Hoth, using the callsign Rogue Eight.(SWK)

Kabor, Salis
This Lorrdian revolutionary was known for speeches and writings that called for all Lorrdians to do their utmost to eliminate slavery in the known galaxy, regardless of where it was happening or the cost involved. His speeches became a rallying cry for those Lorrdian groups that opposed the Galactic Empire, and Kabor was known to have tried to ally several rebel groups with the fledgling Alliance to Restore the Republic. However, Kabor was later arrested and imprisoned on the planet Kessel for his actions. After learning what he could about the mining operations, he led a revolt that saw many prisoners escape the spice mines and regain their freedom. Unfortunately, Kabor himself was killed during the revolt, and his body was later entombed in the Crypt of Martyrs on Lorrd.(OWS)

Kabray Station
Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa were involved in an interplanetary delegation on this space station, during the months just prior to the Battle of Endor. Leia once described Kabray as the most neutral and perfectly useless space station in the galaxy, attributes which made it the perfect location for the delegation to meet. During the last years of the Old Republic, many considered Kabray to be a hub of social activity, with huge galas and long-lasting celebrations.(MC77)

This Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "ancestor", "councilor", or "guide". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name.(GMR10, GCG)

Kabul, Arista
This athletic, black-haired woman was the daughter of Lorn Kabul. Her father, worried about her independent streak, placed a tracking bracelet on her ankle to ensure that she remained on Otunia. Arista was nearly killed by the bomb planted by her uncle, Seth, in an effort to kill Lorn. The bomb exploded, but only after it was discovered by the Gamorrean miner, Grissom. Despite Grissom's heroic effort, Lorn was killed in the explosion. He asked that Grissom save Arista, who had been knocked unconscious in the blast. The pair fled into the desert, and were rescued by the Jawa Tek. Instead of fleeing, though, Arista asked Grissom and Tek to return to the Kabul estate and get the ankle bracelet removed. She also used Grissom's knowledge of the mines and Tek's knowledge of explosives to plant a series of bombs in the Kabul Industries mines. After getting the bracelet removed, Arista forced her uncle to watch as she set off the explosives and destroyed the entire mining complex. Arista then fled Otunia with Grissom and Tek.(T3)

Kabul, Lorn
This man was the patriarch of Kabul Industries, and something of a leader on the planet Otunia. Despite the efforts of Grissom the Gamorrean, Lorn was killed in the mines on Otunia by a bomb planted by Lorn's own brother, Seth. His dying words to Grissom were to save his daughter, Arista.(T3)

Kabul, Seth
This obese man was the brother of Lorn Kabul, and greatly resented the fact that Lorn was given control over Kabul Industries instead of himself. He entered into a pact with Moff Harsh which would allow the Imperial hold-over to gain easier access to raw materials in return for certain political favors. Seth arranged for Lorn to die in a staged mining accident, in order to take control of the corporation. His plan nearly succeeded, since Lorn was killed in the accident, but Lorn's daughter, Arista, was rescued from the mine by the Gamorrean miner, Grissom. When he learned that Arista was alive, he moved swiftly to ensure that the Empire took control of the mines. However, Arista managed to get back onto the Kabul estate and confronted Seth, demanding that he remove the ankle bracelet that kept her on Otunia. Despite his protests, though, Arista then blew up the entire mining complex operated by Kabul Industries, leaving Seth with nothing.(T3)

Kabul Industries
This mining and heavy machinery manufacturer was based on the planet Otunia. During the early years of the New Order, it was controlled by Lorn Kabul, until his greedy brother Seth murdered him and took control. However, Seth's plot to acquire Kabul Industries failed when he was unable to eliminate his niece, Arista, who joined forced with Grissom the Gamorrean and Tek the Jawa. The trio set a series of bombs throughout the Kabul Industries mines, then confronted Seth. After he removed Arista's ankle bracelet, Arista set off the explosives. The mines, as well as Seth's career, were utterly destroyed. For all intents and purposed, Kabul Industries had ceased to exist.(T3)

This ancient city, located on the planet Muzara, was the site of a minor Dark Side nexus. It was shunned by the native Muza, who ordered Keval Raffaan to recover a bag of coins form the temple in the city to prove his worthiness as a Jedi Peacemaker.(TOJC)

Kabus-Dabeh Monstrosity
This huge monster inhabited the ruins of the ancient city of Kabus-Dabeh, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. It was covered with black scales, and had four barbed tentacles. Two large fins and a lumpy tail helped it move about, and its fang-filled jaws could kill its prey with a single bite. The barbs on the tentacles were hollow, and could inject a lethal poison into its prey.(TOJC)

This slicer helped a group of freelance spacers obtain forged invitations to Rae Vixe's gala, during which they managed to "kidnap" Cera Vixe so that she could flee Kinyen and marry Vee Naaq.(IA)

This Wookiee clan founded the city of Kachirho, on their homeworld of Kashyyyk.(VD3)

This city was located several hundred kilometers from Rwookrrorr, on the planet Kashyyyk. It was originally founded by members of the Kachirho clan, and became the de facto capital of the planet over the generations. The city, located on the Wawaatt Archipelago, was the site of much of the fighting that occurred during the First Battle of Kashyyyk, as Separatist forces tried to eliminate the forces of the Old Republic. Kachirho was different from many Wookiee cities because it was build on the edge of a lagoon, surrounding by conical peaks and dense forest. The Wookiees who lived in Kachirho had dwellings both on the ground and in the surrounding trees, and had carved a vast network of escape routes through the rocky mountains. Originally used to escape from Trandoshan slavers, the escape routes became both refuges and ambush lcoations during the Separatist occupation of Kashyyyk. A large portion of the city was located in a 984-foot-tall wroshyr tree, which allowed the Wookiees to defend the lagoon area from above. During the era of the New Order, the Imperial forces that subjugated Kashyyyk took control of the city's starport, but were unable to fully subdue the Wookiee population. Thus, Kachirho was only minimally garrisoned, and became known as Wookiee City.(VD3, SWGAL, SWDB, RDV)

Kachirho Wall Cornucopia
This piece of home decoration was one the traditional gifts exchanged by the Wookiees of Kashyyyk during the Life Day celebration. According to Wookiee tradition, each Wookiee had to exchange at least one gift with another Wookiee.(SWGAL)

This was a common name among Mandalorian males. It came from the Mandalorian word for "sword."(RCTC)

This Mando'a word meant "sword" or "saber."(OWS)

Kad, Tolo
This ancient Onderonian served King Ommin and Queen Amanoa as a chief aide, although much of the work he claimed to have done himself was actually done by his assistant, Novar. Novar became disgruntled with Kad's constant denial of his abilities. When King Ommin demanded that Kad prepare a wonderful state dinner, Novar told him that he would make sure everything was in order. However, Novar planned to use this to his advantage, and did absolutely nothing about the dinner. Meanwhile, Kad bragged endlessly about the incredible plans he was developing. When Ommin arrived at the dining hall, he found that there was nothing in place: no food, no servants, no entertainment. He demanded to know the meaning of it all, and Kad was speechless and unable to respond. In fury,. King Ommin destroyed Tolo Kad with a ball of flame conjured from the Dark Side of the Force.(TOJC)

Kad Ha'rangir
This was the name of the Mandalorian destroyer god, who was continually at odds with the sloth-god Arasuum. Kad Ha'rangir's forces were continually changing and growing, and imposing their will upon the universe as they changed. The battles between Kad Ha'rangir and Arasuum were fought on the ethereal plane, and formed the Mandalorian vision of the afterlife.(SWI86)

This Mando'a word meant "wounded" or "hurt."(OWS)

This Mando'a word meant "casualties."(OWS)

A black-bearded dwarf, Kadann was the Supreme Prophet who led the Prophets of the Dark Side, during the era of the New Order. A former Jedi Knight, Kadann drank a strange tea brewed from the fungus-infested bark of an Endorian tree, which was rumored to allow him to see into the future. He was also a collector of the galaxy's finest artifacts, which he displayed throughout the halls of Scardia station. Kadann was approached by Darth Sidious shortly before the Jedi Purge was initiated, and Kadann was asked to join the Empire to serve as a seer. When Kadann predicted that the Empire would be shaken if it allowed the Battle of Endor to take place, Palpatine dismissed him and his prophecies. Kadann gathered the other Prophets and fled Coruscant, taking up residence on Scardia Station. He was later responsible for the prophecy that whoever wore the Glove of Darth Vader will be the next Emperor of the galaxy, which was contained in a series of four-line, non-rhyming verses.

The leaders of the remnants of the Empire strove to obtain his blessing to make their rulership of the galaxy legitimate. When none of the pretenders to the throne met with his approval, Kadann tried to take control of the Empire for himself. His attempt failed when Ysanne Isard rose to power, and Kadann fled back to Scardia Station. However, he was hunted down by Imperial Grand Admiral Makati, whom Kadann had embarrassed years before. Exacting his own revenge, Makati fired a fleet's worth of turbolasers at Scardia Station, destroying it and killing Kadann in the process. Note that the official Star Wars website's Hyperspace section indicates that Kadann was killed by Azrakel.(LCJ, DSSB, SWI66, OWS, EGF)

One of the five main Nikto races, the Kadas'sa'Nikto were also known as the Green Nikto. The evolved on the coastal regions of Kintan, in the forests which grew near the oceans. The Green Nikto were distinguished by their skin coloration as well as their visible noses and the small horns which surrounded their eyes. The sense of smell was highly developed in the Kadas'sa'Nikto, and an individual could discern much from their environment just from the scents they smelled. It was rumored that a "lost tribe" of Green Nikto managed to avoid being enslaved by the Hutts, and lived in the wilderness of Kintan.(GG12, EGA, GMR6, NEGA)

This was another Mando'a word for "lightsaber."(OWS)

This remote planet served as the processing hub for the multitude of slaves that were captured and later sold by the Zygerian Slavers Guild, during the final years of the Old Republic. The planet itself was a barren and rocky world that was still quite tectonically active, and rivers of lava flowed across areas of its surface. The Zygerians constructed their processing facility above a massive whirlpool of lava, putting their slaves to work massive foundries that extracted metals and ores for use in manufacturing facilities. The presence of the lava served as a threat to slaves who misbehaved or were unable to complete their processing. In cases where slaves or other beings needed to be eliminated, they were often simply dropped into the lava, which destroyed the bodies and left behind no evidence of their presence. Security measures at the facility often had double fail-safes, and it was believed that no being had every escaped from the processing center alive. Individual slaves were housed in a honeycomb-like warrens, with each doorless cell providing barely enough room to sit down and rest. These warrens were arranged vertically, so that any slave who tried to leave their cell - or wasn't attentive enough - would fall to their death. Making matters worse for the slaves, the Zygerians installed manually-operated turbines at the core of their air filtration system, forcing slaves to take turns pushing the great turbine blades around in order to draw fresh air into the processing facility.

During the early stages of the Clone Wars, Count Dooku entered into a deal with Miraj Scintel, the Most High Queen of Zygerria, in which the Zygerrians would capture the populations of planets that were disputed during the fighting. The disappearance of the population could then be blamed on the Grand Army of the Republic, as part of a propaganda scheme to discredit the Republic and the Jedi Knights. However, the Queen wanted more, and put the Togruta who were captured on Kiros up for auction. News of the auction spread quickly, and many planets began to doubt Dooku's sincerity. Forced to act before the Separatist effort was smashed, Dooku ordered the Zygerrian slave processing center on Kadavo to be destroyed, so that any evidence of their working relationship was eliminated. The Separatist attack on Kadavo coincided with Anakin Skywalker's mission to rescue Kenobi and the slaves, and the Republic's forces managed to drive off the Separatists. The Zygerrian slavers were arrested and taken into custody, and the slaves were placed aboard transports to be returned to their homeworlds. The slave processing facility was destroyed, ensuring that the Zygerrians would not be able to use it in the future.(TCW1)

This Rodian was one of the bounty hunters who were hired by Chief of State Natasi Daala to serve as a kind of protective defense force, during the years following the end of the Second Galactic Civil War. Kaddit and his partner, Zilaash Kuh, were part of the team that was assigned to track down Valin Horn, when the young Jedi went on a destructive rampage that disrupted the opening of the Unification Summit on Coruscant.(FJ1)

Kaddyr Bug
This insect, known for its droning song, was native to the planet Ossus.(DN3)

The huge, ultraviolet supergiant star was the central body in the Ka'Dedus System, and the primary sun of the planet Af'El.(GG4, GORW)

This was one of the most common names given to male Corellians.(GMR9)

This Mando'a verb meant "to pierce" or "to breach."(OWS)

This Mandalorian word translated in to Basic as "little sword."(LF2)

This was the only name known to describe the rogue Mandalorian who rose to power during the years following the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. Kad'ika had many of the Mandalorians worried, as he tended to prey on his fellow Mandos almost as much as he did other beings. Kad'ika was dsitinguished by his eclectic armor, which was formed from various pieces he had taken from his friends and close companions. Many questioned whether Boba Fett was ready to stand up to his challenge, should Kad'ika ever try to assume the role of Mandalore. For all his skill and his network of informants, however, Fett had never heard of Kad'ika, a situation that him worried as well. His unease only increased when he learned that the name kad'ika meant "little sword" in the Mandalorian language. Fett's concern only increased when it was rumored that Kad'ika was behind the so-called kadikla movement, which placed the future of Mandalore before all other considerations. As he struggled to assert himself as the Mandalore, however, Fett became more and more aware of the fact that Kad'ika might be right, especially after the clone known as Jaing Skirata implored Fett to reunite Mandalore and return the planet to its former strength.

Kad'ika traveled to Mandalore under the alias of Venku, when he agreed to carry Skirata's serum to Fett. When he was convinced that Fett was truly working to restore Mandalore to its former glory, he revealed his true self. The son of a former clone trooper, Kad'ika was trained as a field medic. Kad'ika later helped Fett and Mirta Gev locate Gotab, an old Mandalorian man who was Kiffar by birth, in an effort to help the two understand what had happened to Sintas and Ailyn Vel. Kad'ika often referred to Gotab as his ori'buir, but it wasn't until Jaina Solo arrived on Mandalorian that anyone knew the true depths of their relationship. Jaina discovered that both Kad'ika and Gotab were sensitive to the Force, and was surprised to learn that Gotab was actually Bardan Jusik, a Jedi Knight who had served during the Clone Wars. Kad'ika had never been formally trained, but admitted that he was the son of a Jedi Knight who had given birth to a son with one of the many clone commandos of the Grand Army of the Republic. This led to the knowledge that Kad'ika was actually the son of Etain Tur-Mukan and Darman. The name Kad'ika meant "little sword" in the Mandalorian language, and was the nickname used by Kal Skirata to describe the soldier during his infancy.(LF2, LF5, LF8, RC66)

This Mandalorian word came to stand for a grass-roots movement to place the needs of Mandalore itself before the needs of individual Mandalorians. It was believed that the movement was started by a soldier named Kad'ika, who was rarely seen in public.(LF5)

This term from the Bocce langauge translated into Basic as "malfunction".(GPB)

This Imperial Moff assumed command of Coruscant's security forces shortly before the Battle of Yavin, after his father - the former commander - was executed for his failures. After witnessing the vengence of Darth Vader first-hand, Kadir decided to join the cadre' of Imperials who supported Grand Moff Trachta and his plans to unseat Emperor Palpatine. He claimed that he did not trust Grand Moff Bartam, and pretended misunderstand the intricate political game that Trachta was playing. However, Kadir was actually playing Trachta against Bartam, with whom Kadir shared a wealth of confidential information. Kadir was chosen, along with Gauer, to personally bring a new squadron of stormtroopers to the Emperor. The troopers - specially conditioned by Trachta to execute the Emperor - were replacements for the troopers lost in an earlier assassination attempt. Palpatine, however, had discerned the assassination attempts through the Dark Side of the Force, and confronted Kadir alone. Using an intense barrage of Force Lightning, Palpatine injured Kadir while Darth Vader executed his troops. Then, Palpatine turned the Force Lightning on Kadir and killed him as well.(SWEB)

This being was living on the planet Taris, some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War, when the planet was subjugated by the Sith. Kadir made a living as a janitor, and was generally ignored by the Sith, who believed him to be insane. When the Endar Spire was destroyed over Taris, Kadir helped Carth Onasi and his fellow survivors reached Kebla Yurt's Equipment Emporium, during their search for Bastila Shan.(KOTOR)

This Mando'a word meant "sharp."(OWS)

An ancient Duro King, he was honored by having the largest tower in the Valley of Royalty, a silver structure near Queen Rana's monument.(MMY)

Kadlo Talisman
This ancient artifact was believed to have once been owned by the Duro King, Kadlo. It was recovered during the height of the Galactic Civil War by Admiral Cov and a group of freelance explorers he hired.(CCW)

One of the ruling families of the planet Kuat. They sided with the Knylenn family during Khoss of Knylenn's bid to overturn the Inheritance Exemption.(SLS)

Kadok III
This star, located in the Kadok Regions, was the primary body in the Tertiary Kadok System.(AIR)

Kadok III-A
This searing ball of rock was the first planet in the Tertiary Kadok System. It had eight natural moons.(AIR)

Kadok III-B
This searing ball of rock was the second planet in the Tertiary Kadok System. It had fifteen natural moons.(AIR)

Kadok III-C
This barren, rocky world was the third planet in the Tertiary Kadok System. It had a single moon.(AIR)

Kadok III-D
This was the name of the planet Guiteica, which was used in most Old Republic starcharts.(AIR)

Kadok III-E
This gas giant was the first planet in the Tertiary Kadok System. It had 75 natural moons.(AIR)

Kadok Regions
This area of the galaxy was the home of the Bitthaevrian race. It was rumored that the inhabitants of the Kadok Regions had little regard for the Old Republic, and were even said to have defeated the Jedi Knights in a battle shortly before the rise of Emperor Palpatine.(AE, AIR, SWJ15)

Kador, Mab
This eager young Aleena was an up-and-coming podracer during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. He named his podracer the White Panther.(BF4)

Kadorto, Halley
A veteran of the Clone Wars, this man was a particularly daring Alliance starfighter pilot who, during the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin, received the Kalidor Crescent for single-handedly rescuing Mon Calamari slaves from the Star Destroyer Warrior by wiping out the ship's complement of TIE fighters and securing the freighters it guarded. Kadorto later served as a training instructor aboard the flagship Independence.(XW, XW)

This planet was the site of an Imperial laboratory, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. It was believed that pacifog was developed on Kadril. Kadril resembled a huge, pointed asteroid when viewed from space, and was known to be the homeworld of the Kadrillian race. During the Stenax Massacres, the native Kadrillians were exterminated by Stenax invaders. Only a semi-intelligent race of terrapins managed to survive, and eventually recolonized Kadril. During the height of the New Order, it was learned that an original EV-series supervisor droid had been using an electroprod on the organic workers who toiled on the planet.(NEGC, LAT3, GMR1, NEGD)

This race of intelligent, chameleon-like humanoids was native to the planet Kadril. They were considered one of the most peaceful races in the galaxy, but were known to timid when they encountered other races. For this reason, they living primarily in well-defended cities. Individual Kadrillians were distinguished by whorls of color on their skin, and the density and quantity of the whorls served to indicate an individual's intelligence level. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, the Kadrillians were exterminated during the Stenax Massacres.(LAT3, GMR1)

This was the incredibly complex language of the Kadri'Ra species.(BSS)

This was the name of a species of huge, intelligent, insectoid worm native to the planet Arapia. They were rumored to be related to the Duinuogwuin, and can exist in hard vacuum for short periods of time. Their lifespan can reach 1,500 years, and they continue to grow throughout their lives, often reaching lengths of 200 meters or more. A protective exoskeleton cracked and expanded with each period of growth. The front section of their bodies was studded with six to ten arms, and their heads were crowned with a wide frill of chitin. The lower section of their body was a bulbous, fleshy mass. As individual beings grew, they eventually reached a point in their lives where their bodies were too large to survive. These huge Kadri'Ra often chose to hide themselves in caverns, thereby forcing their bodies to adapt to the natural confines of the cave. The Kadri'Ra were generally regarded as thinkers and sages, although the Empire regarded them as mere beasts. They were subjugated and enslaved, and many Kadri'Ra died in labor camps. In the brief period of the New Order, the population of Kadri'Ra was cut from over 140 million to less than 15,000.(BSS)

Kae, Arren
This woman was one of the many Jedi Knights who chose to participate in the Mandalorian Wars, nearly 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. Unknown to most beings, Arren Kae had had a relationship with the Echani master Yusanis, and had borne him at least one daughter. Although Arren Kae died on Malachor V, her daughter became one of the Echani Handmaidens.(KOTOR2)

Kaebra, Mika
This young man was just a teenager when the Empire was defeated at the Battle of Endor. He joined the underground rebellion on his homeworld of Garos IV, serving as a communications specialist under the command of Wink Tasion.(SWJ2)

This bounty hunter was known to have a near-perfect record of captures before being employed to hunt down Karl Ancher. Unfortunately, the Society of the Black Bha'lir had hired a group of freelance mercenaries to act as Ancher's bodyguards, and Kael was unable to secure the smuggler.(BSS)

This man, a native of the planet Naboo, was a Captain in the Royal Security Forces during the era leading up to the Battle of Naboo. He seldom left Naboo, spending much of his time training his troops and enjoying his homeworld. He was known as a tough, demanding leader, but one who worked alongside his troops and earned their respect.(BFN)

Kaell 115
This Khommite was the 115th genetic clone of a family, native to the planet Khomm, which produced the leaders of Dorsk 81's home city. When Dorsk 81 left, Kaell 115 was the leader. When Dorsk 81 and Kyp Durron returned to the planet, Kaell 115's son, Kaell 116, was in charge of the city.(DS, EGP)

Kaell 116
This Khommite was the 116th genetic clone of a family, native to the planet Khomm, which produced the leaders of Dorsk 81's home city. When Dorsk 81 left, Kaell 116's father, Kaell 115 was the leader. When Dorsk 81 and Kyp Durron returned to the planet, Kaell 116 was in charge of the city.(DS, EGP)

Kaellin III
This tiny, backwater world was located in the Malenstorr System.(GG9)

This man was a minor starship mechanic who was hired to repair the Starchaser IV, during the final years of the Old Republic. Kaelon's team, which included Jace, Kraeger, and Kaelon's R2 unit, were hired by a group of freelance agents who were working for Cularin Star Tours.(REPL)

A purple star which was the primary sun in the Kaelta System, a planetary system which contains the planet Toola.(GG4)

This planet was the site of a large battle, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. Kaer was one of the gas giants in the Siskeen system, which was located in the Outer Rim Territories near the planet Tatooine.(SWDB, GBC)

Kaer Orbital Platform
This space station was built in orbit around the planet Kaer by the Confederacy of Independent System, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. Established as a remote, secret base, the station measured over two kilomters in length. It had been built in just a few months by the InterGalactic Banking Clan, using materials specially ferried by the IBC's cargo ships. In addition to serving as a secret base, the Kaer Orbital Platform also served as a refueling and repair depot for Separatist forces.(GBC)

Kaernor's Smile
Located on the moon of Tilnes, this deep chasm was believed to have been cursed. Several different mining expeditions set out to the chasm, acting on rumors of easily harvested crystals in an effort to obtain quick wealth. None of them ever returned. The most famous of these expeditions was launched by Kaernor Belasstie, for whom the chasm was later named. Later expeditions to the chasm reported that members experienced vivid nightmares and dreams of death, and that the crystals which lined the walls of the chasm actually fed on the energy in the air around them. This was discovered to be the reason that no ship ever returned from the chasm, as the crystals eagerly consumed the power cells used on these ships. Other explorers claim that Kaernor's Smile was filled with the Dark Side of the Force, and the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic agreed that there was something evil about the chasm. Shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, two hidden bases were discovered by miners near the Smile: one owned by the Caarites, and the other by the Thaereian Military.(LFC, WOTC)

Kaernor's Story
This tale was told in the Cularin System, and described the tale of Kaernor Belasstie. The moral of the story was aimed at miners and explorers, and basically stated that no one should ever set out on their own to an unexplored area, no matter what the perceived value of a site could be.(LFC)

This being was the leader of the pirate gang known as the Red Draigon, during the early years of the New Republic. Although relatively young, Kaerobani was nonetheless an ambitious leader was known to be a collector of many obscure things. One of the things he managed to acquire was a Sith Holocron, which had been stolen from a New Republic facility on Coruscant. Mara Jade tracked the Holocron to Kaerobani, and recovered it before Kaerobani could figure out how to use it.(MOTS)

This woman was a formed student of the Imperial Academy, although she ended up washing out of the training program and ended up as an administrative assistant on Coruscant, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. This didn't sit well with Kaesii, and she abandoned her post and fled into the criminal underground. In doing so, Kaesii also abanonded her lover, who had been placed in the elite spy training program. She reappeared on Tatooine as a forger and spy, working to undermine the efforts of Jabba the Hutt from her position within the White Thranta shipping operation. During a mission to recover the plans to a prototype military speeder design, Kaesii unknowingly hired her former lover to recover them. His disguise was perfect - he had been given intensive surgery to appear to others as a Twi'lek - and he managed to recover the plans and discover her part in the underworld machinations of Tatooine.(SWGAL)

Kaezeb, Corwin
This Siniteen was a yonta-level dejarik player who met Ohh Bronna in a semi-final match at the Sector championships on Arkania, during the year leading up to the Clone Wars. When Kaezeb suddenly played an unusual move that defeated Bronna, Bronna attacked Kaezeb and nearly killed him in a brawl. The pair was separated, and both were disqualified.(HNN5)

Kaezeb Mining Operations Center
This ancient space station orbited the planet Arkania, 1,000 years after the fall of the Sith Empire.(TOJC)

This species of vine was native to the planet Bothawui, and was often used in decorative plantings.(SOP)

Kag Bug
This noxious insect was known to find its way into sewer drains and pipes, where it fed in large swarms on the refuse that passed through the pipes.(LF8)

This Mando'a word referred to the ordinal direction "south."(OWS)

Kaggle, Boss
This Dazouri crimelord worked from a base on the planet Lanthrym, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He was the chief rival of Lud Chud, and built his own empire with the primary goal of eliminating the Rakaan crimelord.(PG3, SWJ3)

This clone Captain served as Emperor Palpatine's personal pilot, during the weeks following the First Battle of Coruscant.(IS3, E3)

This was a group of friends who enjoyed gambling, who were native to the Forest Moon of Endor.(ECAR)

This Jedi Master and instructor was known for his ability to carry only those items he needed most. In his own words, "If the Force wants me to have more (than what I carry), it finds a way of letting me know."(PJSB)

The Empire used this planet as a communications and sensor hub, monitoring Airon and Japrael Sectors from this base.(SWJ10)

This Tarasin female was among the many prominent individuals who were invited to debate the problems associated with floating cities during the height of the Clone Wars. She brought the Tarasin perspective to the panel, although other panelists chafed at her continual environmentalism. Kaguya, however, was not without her own ideas. Her proposal to the panel was to completely dismantle the floating cities, and move their populations to the existing groundside locations. Kaguya argued that the development of multi-story buildings, that could be used for commerce and residences, would provide a much-needed boost in Cularin's economy, creating jobs and adding more environmentally friendly living situations. Even the foul-minded Mirt had to agree with this plan.(LFCW)

This Neimoidian command meant "Fire your weapons!" when translated into Basic.(GPB)

A species of tree native to the planet Talasea, the kaha tree was a coniferous plant which grew in tall pyramids.(XWN)

Kahel Cave Fungus
This fungus was native to the few natural caverns found on the planet Mustafar. Distinguished by its wide cap, the kahel cave fungus was revered by the native Mustafarians for its ability to survive in Mustafar's hellish environment. Most Mustafarian architecture was based on the shape of the kahel cave fungus.(SWCL)

This was one of the many Wookiee settlements found in the Wawaatt Archipelago, on the planet Kashyyyk.(SWDB)

Kah'lehalle so fendoon
This Twi'leki phrase translated into Basic as "The guests were welcome here."(SWJ6)

This ancient Quarren surname meant "builder of homes". Like many Quarren surnames, it could be traced back to the time of the Battle of Ruusan.(GCG)

This was a species of inoffensive mammal that was native to the planet M'haeli. Note that there was a krouzek (ring) over the 'a' in this word.(MJH)

Kahmf, Drell
Urban legend held that this Iridonia scientist was able to recover the brain and part of the spinal cord of Darth Maul, after the Sith apprentice was killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi in combat during the Battle of Naboo. The brain was returned to Iridonia, where Kahmf kept it in a specialized bacta tank, hoping to provide "Iridonia's greatest champion" with a chance for revenge against the Jedi Knights. Kahmf developed a solid-state hologram that could be manipulated by the brain to produce a vision of the Sith apprentice. This apparition was supposed to have driven several high-ranking Iridonian officials mad over the years. When Luke Skywalker arrived on Iridonia to negotiate a treaty between the Zabrak and the New Republic, he was able to discover Kahmf's laboratory and shut down the support system that kept Maul's brain alive. Kahmf fled the scene when he learned that Luke was a Jedi Master.(T17)

This mammalian creature was native to the planet Talus, where was was believed to have been bio-engineered from the genetic material of other creatures. A development lab was discovered on Talus during the Galactic Civil War, and the kahmurras that were found in the lab had all gone berserk.(GQRG)

Kahorr, Ssk
This ancient Cha'a was one of the major investors in the mining colony on Goluud Minor. A tall, stocky, orange-skinned reptiloid, Ssk Kahorr was rarely without the companionship of Tk'lokk. When the Goluud Corridor was discovered and proposed to him by the Navigator's Guild, Ssk Kahorr took the chance that it would help him increase profits by making hyperspace travel to and from the mining colony faster. When the Zeta Five was destroyed near Primus Goluud, Ssk Kahorr had Shodon Ko - the Navigator's Guild representative who sold him the Goluud Corridor - executed. Ssk Kahorr also set a group of bounty hunters on the trail of Jori and Gav Daragon. Only the timely intervention of a group of Jedi Knights saved them. However, Ssk Kahorr was able to briefly obtain possession of the Starbreaker 12. During a joyride, the ship was targetted by Naga Sadow, who was on his way to meet the combined forces of the Jedi Knights and the Old Republic. The Starbreaker 12 was destroyed, and Ssk Kahorr was killed.(GAS, FOSE)

Kahr, Omze'kehr
This old Sludir was the owner and operator of Omze's Incredible Traveling Starport. Omze was the brother of the Sludir known as Big Quince, and held a deep-seated grudge against Platt Okeefe. He was the sole keeper of the cruiser's schedule, and was known to leave a system at a moment's notice if things suited him. He was rarely seen by the patrons of the Starport, and very few knew that he was once a great fighter on the planet Loovria. It was on this planet that he grew to hate humankind, especially gamblers who bet on the kinds of gladiator fights he had participated in.(PSPG)

Kahr, Quintik
This was the given name of the Sludir known as Big Quince.(SWJ2, PSPG)

This woman and her family were stranded in the Refugee Sector of Nar Shaddaa, following the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War, after Kahranna paid Planore for what she believed was transport to another planet. Instead, the ship captain traveled to the Smugglers' Moon and simply dumped the family there. Kahranna managed to get free, and hid in the Refugee Sector while looking for help. She was able to convince The Exile to help her out, and he arranged for her and her family to be transported off Nar Shaddaa by Lasavvou.(KOTOR2)

A member of the Noghri clan Khim'bar, Kahr'corvh served as the Noghri's representative to the New Republic, during the years following the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Kahr'corvh was among the many New republic diplomats who signed the declaration of war against the remnants of the Empire.(DESB, OWS)

This alien race was native to the planet V'shar. Humanoid in stature, the Ka'hren were isolationists who developed their own forms of space travel but preferred to remain on their homeworld. Any Ka'hren who wished to leave V'shar had to receive special permissionfrom each of the leaders of V'shar's seven nations. In appearance, the average Ka'hren appeared almost skeletal, with tall bodies and thin limbs. Their thick skin ranged in color from blue to dark red to black, and they were hairless except for fur ontheir forearms and two locks of hair which grew from their temples.(AIR)

This man served as an Imperial stormtrooper, and was stationed aboard the first Death Star during the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Kai was on duty when Han Solo and Luke Skywalker rescued Princess Leia Organa from Detention Block AA-23, and he was ordered to join his Sergeant, Nova Stihl, to apprehend the rebels before they could escape.(DSTR)

Kai, Jarus
This man served as a Lieutenant Commander within the Alliance, and was second-in-command at Edan Base, when it was attacked by the Empire. In reality, Kai was an Imperial spy inserted into the ranks of the Alliance by Shela Jalahafi, when the Empire first took notice of Edan II. The Commander of Edan Base, Drayson, had placed Kai in control of the base's shield bunker, but Kai used his position to drop the shields when the Havoc attacked the planet. Unknown to the Alliance, Kai was also working as the demolitions expert working for Scruts' group of freedom fighters. This allowed him to infiltrate the rebel underground which opposed Imperial control, and gave him the opportunity to betray them to Jalahafi in Fortuna City.(IAG)

Kai, Tamith
The first of a new group of Nightsisters, Tamith Kai gathered a group of surviving witches in order to continue the work set down in The Book of Shadows, durnig the years following the Battle of Endor. Tamith Kai had served aboard the Shadow Academy, and used her skills to bring the Nightsisters together. After returning to Dathomir, she trained those students Brakiss had discovered to be strongly attuned to the Dark Side of the Force. Tamith Kai later kidnapped Jaina and Jacen Solo, along with Lowbacca, from GemDiver station. Tamith was distinguished by her jet black hair, pale skin, deep violet eyes, and remarkable beauty. She wore jet-black armor which was adorned with functional spikes. She employed Qorl as her personal pilot after joining Brakiss on the Shadow Academy. She struggled against Brakiss' leadership, and was bitter that Zekk defeated her own champion, Vilas. When the Shadow Academy attacked Yavin 4, Tamith Kai led the initial ground assault with Zekk. They split up the Jedi students and tried to kill them separately, but were unable to do so. When Tenel Ka clipped a TIE Fighter with her lightsaber, the craft spun out of control and struck the landing platform on which Tamith Kai stood. She was instantly killed in the resulting explosion.(SA, L, JUS, DSSB, NECH)

Kai Mir
This starship was one of Ellor's smuggling ships. It was used in the smugglers' raid on Bilbringi, some five years after the Battle of Endor, in an attempt to steal the Imperial crystal gravfield trap that was located in the shipyards.(TLC)

Kai Tok
This leather-winged avian predator was native to the moon Rori.(SWG2P)

This tall, alien race was easily distinguished by its thin form and long face. While not as long as the face of a Chevin, the Kaiberoun's face was nonetheless just as distinctive.(TFE)

This unusual crystal was considered by the ancient Jedi Knights to be one of the most powerful stones that could be used as a focusing lens in the construction of a lightsaber. The use of a kaiburr stone was supposed to give a Jedi added insight and fortitude. The best-known example of this mineral was the appropriately-named Kaiburr Crystal, which was pursued for many years by Darth Vader.(KOTOR2)

Kaiburr Crystal
A red gemstone capable of enhancing the user's Force strength, the Kaiburr Crystal was believed to have been lost on the planet Circarpous V, many years before the onset of the Galactic Civil War. According to reports that had been collected by the Jedi Order of the Old Republic, the Kaiburr Crystal increased the holder's perception of the Force, an effect that was magnified is an individual held a larger portion of the crystal.

During the months following the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa were stranded on Circarpous V, and Luke stumbled upon a shard of the Kaiburr Crystal that was given to him by Halla. Luke felt the gem's power from the small shard, and agreed to help Halla find the entire crystal. When he gained control of the entire gem, after an intense lightsaber duel with Darth Vader, its power was revealed as a healing power. It healed the various mortal injuries Luke and Leia had sustained in their battle with Darth Vader inside the Temple of Pomojema. The crystal also provided Luke with a link to the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who guided Luke's hand in the battle.

Halla later made the connection between the crystal's power and the rumors of Pomojema's priests performing healing miracles. Upon leaving Circarpous V, Luke gave control of the crystal to Halla, who held onto it in order to keep it out of the hands of the Empire. She later returned the crystal to him, for safe-keeping. Luke's later studies into Jedi lore also revealed that Kaiburr Crystals were the most powerful stones that could be used in the creation of lightsabers. However, the power of the Crystal was limited, and diminished greatly as it was moved farther from the Temple of Pomojema.(SME, L, ECH, NEGC, RFDV, EGF)

This was one of the many postures and stances developed by the Jedi Knights for combat with a lightsaber. In the Kai-Kan stance, the Jedi held their lightsaber in both hands, but with the blade horizontal and in a low position across the chest.(VD3)

Kaikieli Reconquista
This was the term used by historians to describe the efforts of the Galactic Republic and the ancient Jedi Order to bring the planet Kaikielius under control, some 4,225 years before the Battle of Yavin. Minster of State Emppu Praji-Barck had purposely filibustered the Galactic Senate to delay any aid to Kaikielius, as part of a subtle plan to ruin House Vahalii. However, the fighting between local law enforcement agencies and the crimelords who had overrun the planet became too violent to ignore, and the Chancellor requested that the Jedi Knights be sent to mediate a resolution. Master Vandar Tokare and his Padawans, including Derrica Praji, were dispatched to Kaikielius to help broker a peaceful resolution to the civil war. When negotiations broke down, the Jedi forcibly removed the crimelords. This new-found peace undermined the efforts of Minister Praji-Barck, and gave House Vahalii a chance to assume control of a lawful world.(OWS)

This was the name used to describe the human inhabitants of the planet Kaikielius.(OWS)

This planet was the primary world in the Kaikielius System, located on the very edge of the Deep Core. It was believed that Kaikielius was originally founded some 200 years before the formation of the Galactic Republic, in the chaos that followed the collapse of the Rakatan Empire. The colonists had come from one of the Core Worlds, searching for a safe haven. During the years leading up to the Great Sith War, the planet was a stopover point along the Koros Trunk Line, and was a prominent world in galactic politics. However, with Empress Teta's role in the First Unification Wars and the Great Hyperspace War, the influence of the Kaikielii began to wane. The nearby planet of Koros gained considerable favor with the government on Coruscant, and Kaikielius was relegated to minor status. Unchecked growth on the planet became urban sprawl, and much of the planet was plunged into economic and social decay. Seeing an opportunity, Neimoidian investors bought up large tracts of property, and the Kaikielii either moved into the suburbs or left the planet entirely. Those Kaikielii who remained on their homeworld built walls around their cities, hoping to remain independent in the face of the Neimoidian advance. However, these grasps at independence only opened the door for Hutts and other crimelords to gain a foothold on the planet. The Kaikieli Reconquista helped to resolve the conflict, and Kaikielius was rebuilt to good standing in the Galactic Republic. The planet outwardly supported the Galactic Empire, in the wake of the Clone Wars, but quickly surrendered to Admiral Ackbar and the New Republic some two decades later. However, Operation Shadow Hand brought Imperial forces back to Kaikielius, and General Nahdonnis Praji led the Imperial attack that recaptured Kaikielius.(PH, OWS)

Kaikielius System
This planetary system lies close to the Coruscant System, over the edge of the Deep Core. During the years leading up to the Great Sith War, the Kaikielius System was located along the Koros Trunk Line. The system was later taken over by the remnants of the Empire that rose to power in the wake of the Galactic Civil War, just before Emperor Palpatine re-emerged on Byss. This increased Imperial activity forced the New Republic to leave Coruscant for a brief time, to regroup and consolidate its position in the rest of the galaxy.(DESB, OWS)

This planet was located in the Corporate Sector.(HSE, CSA)

Kail Ranges
This was the name of the land that Torm Dadeferron's family owned on their homeworld of Kail. It was one of the most beautiful tracts of land on the planet, and was one of the few areas that were still independently owned. In an effort to gain control of the Kail Ranges for himself, Torm turned in his father and older brother to the Corporate Sector Authority for assumed crimes. The Authority, recognizing Torm's desire to own the Ranges, forced him to become a secret agent if he wanted to own them. After Torm was thrown out of an airlock aboard the Millennium Falcon for killing Rekkon, the Kail Ranges remained in the possession of his father and brother.(CSA, HSE)

Kaileel, Detien
This Kabieroun served as the Kuari Princess' chief of security during the later years of the New Order. He fled his homeworld of Kabieroun several years before the Empire began subjugating the world, and studied police science at Balaidas Academy before the Empire closed it to non-humans. Detien then spent twenty or so years as a detective for the Mid-Rim Sentinel Agency before hiring on with Galaxy Tours as a security officer. A good friend of Celia Durasha and Dap Nechel, neither knew that Kaileel was also a supporter of the Alliance. On several runs with the Kuari Princess, Kaileel had been delivering guns and supplies to the underground on Mantooine, which had attracted the attention of Adion Lang and the ISB. When he was arrested aboard the Kuari Princess, Celia tried to rescue him from prison. She didn't believe that the rebellion was correct until Kaileel revealed that the Empire had destroyed Alderaan. When he was captured by Lang, his resistance led to his demise as Lang shot him before he could board his shuttle and escape.(TFE, SWJ8)

This was a common name among the S'kytri people.(UANT)

This S'kytri served as the Lord of the Outlander Clans during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(GMR1)

Kailio Entertainments
This business was owned by the Hutts, and served as a legitimate front for their plans to monolopize the manufacture and distribution of holographic entertainment within the Core Worlds. Despite its seedy background, Kailio was recognized throughout the galaxy as one of the most charitable patrons of the arts, and was active in artistic relief efforts. These humanitarian goals helped mask the corporation's trillion-credit-a-year laundering operations.(GG11)

This planet was located in the 77 Sectors region of the galaxy.(GORW)

Kailor V
This planet was the site of the Imperial Zoological Gardens. The various aquaria were maintained by the Shalik family of Sedrians.(TA, GG4)

This Red Nikto served the Alliance as a sharpshooter, as part of the Sandwind Team which worked in the Periphery during the Galactic Civil War.(SSR)

This Twi'lek male was one of the many Jedi Masters who remained on Coruscant to teach and instruct during the early stages of the Clone Wars. When Senator Meena Tills was kidnapped and held hostages, along with several civilians, by a group of Korunnai terrorists led by Nuriin-Ar, Master Kaim was dispatched to negotiate for the release of the hostages. When Nuriin-Ar realized that Kaim was carrying a strip-cam that allowed Omega Squad to get an image of the kidnappers, the Korunnai became exceptionally angry and decided that the time had past for peaceful negotiations. Nuriin-Ar struck Master Kaim across the face, breaking bones and rendering the Twi'lek unconscious. The Korunnai then strapped an explosive to the Twi'lek's chest and pushed him back outside the room in which the hostages were being held. Shortly afterward, the explosives were detonated, killing Master Kaim and injuring the clone commando known as Fi.(SWI81)

This man served as the mayor of the settlement of Wayfar, on the planet Tatooine, during the early years of the New Republic.(GG1)

Kaimme Twins
These smuggling kingpins harrassed Corporate Sector transport ships until they were captured and imprisoned at Stars' End, under the direction of Viceprex Hirken, during the height of the New Order.(CSA)

Kain, Drukus
This hot-tempered farmer was one of the least-known weapons manufacturers on the planet Draenell's Point, during the Galactic Civil War. This was because he appeared to be nothing more than a farmer, which was his chosen cover. Kain was also known as a drunkard, and spent many loud nights drinking in the Farmer's Folly. Drukus took up the secret life of a weapons maker after the Empire took control of Bissillirus System for use as a supply depot., supplying the rebellious youths of the planet with weapons he hopes will be used to eliminate the Imperial presence.(GMK)

This was a common name among the Zeltron people.(UANT)

Kaine, Ardus
This Imperial Grand Moff ruled the Outer Rim Territories following the death of Wilhuf Tarkin. In the wake of the Battle of Endor, Kaine found himself in a position to assume command of a large portion of the Empire. A gifted speaker, he was the mastermind behind the formation of the Pentastar Alignment, calling together the leaders of the Velcar Free Commerce Zone and making them see his vision and support it during a series of meetings which became known as the Pentastar Talks. He more or less ignored the call to arms of Grand Admiral Thrawn, waiting until his own forces were ready to attack the New Republic themselves. He formed the Alignment with the intent of gaining the support of corporations, and created a highly-organized force that maintained the ideals of the New Order, although with a slightly modified implmentation. During the runninf of Operation Shadow Hand, Moff Kaine was killed, and the Pentastar Alignment floundered.(TFE, ECH, SWJ3)

This woman was a reporter for major newsfeed. She was also a friend and associate of Siro Simito, and an Alliance agent. She used her position as a reporter to interview Simito, while secretly passing him data for him to transport to the Alliance.(CRO)

According to Ewok legend, this was the name of an oracle.(GCG)

This was a common name for Ewok females. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in the Ewoks' mythology.(GCG)

An Ewok priestess living the forests of Endor, Kaink was a source of mystical inspiration for the Ewoks. When Deej and his sons agreed to help Cindel and Mace rescue their parents, they sought out Kaink for guidance. When she discovered that they were carrying the crystal token, she used it to test Mace and Cindel's intentions toward the Ewoks. The crystal turned into a mouse in Cindel's hands, and a lizard in Mace's hands. Finding these revelations valid and truthful, Kaink joined the party to rescue the children's parents from the Gorax. Kaink used the crystal a number of times to influence the wildlife of Endor, aiding the party's passage to the Fortress of the Gorax.(EA, SWDB)

This Nediji assassin found work within the Black Sun organization during the last decades of the Old Republic. Distinguished by his violet eyes, Kaird was shunned as a youth by his people for an inability to join the communal society known as the Flock, and he left Nedij to find his own way. His skills as a tracker and hunter were already exceptional, which made him the perfect candidate to join Black Sun. Kaird moved with a swiftness that few other races could match, and was knowledgeable in a wide variety of fighting styles and poisons. During the height of the Clone Wars, Kaird was dispatched to Drongar to spy on the bota-processing system of Admiral Tarnese Bleyd and Filba the Hutt.

Disguised as a member of the Silent, Kaird moved among the various Rimsoo outfits on the planet, keeping a watchful eye on the two conspirators. After Filba tried to coerce Black Sun into paying a higher price for bota, the Hutt was poison by the spy known as Lens. After the death of Mathal, however, Kaird was ordered to step up his investigation and confront Bleyd directly. Kaird knew of Bley'd prowess as a hunter, but he also used the Sakiyan's ego as a weapon. Kaird challenged Bleyd to a knife duel, but never actively engaged him. As Bleyd began to grow confident, Kaird backed off enough to throw his own knife at Bleyd. Using his forearm, Bleyd easily deflected the blade, laughing at Kaird's foolish attempt to attack him. Kaird, however, was ready for the last laugh, having tainted the edge of his knife with dendriton toxin. He spared Bleyd any real pain, however, by slitting his throat before the toxin took effect.

When it was revealed that the bota on Drongar was mutating in such a way that it would be useless as a medical wonder-drug, Kaird realized that he had a chance to retire from the underworld life and return to Nedij. He hired Squa Tront and Thula to help him secure some of the last bota ever produced, and planned to return to Coruscant with it as his final delivery. He hoped that this would make his masters very pleased, and allow him to return to Nedij. However, Thula and Squa Tront double-crossed him, and Kaird would have been killed if he hadn't discovered their trap. He set out to return to Black Sun, but vowed to hunt down the two traitors and exact his own revenge on them.

In the months that followed, Kaird found himself competing for a position as a vigo with Prince Xizor. Their subtle manipulations became something of a game, with each being trying to win the favor of Underlord Dal Perhi. However, where Xizor wanted the Underlord's power, Kaird simply wanted to find a way to leave Black Sun and return to Nedij. In his dealings with Xizor, Kaird adopted one of General Grievous' strategies, keeping his friends close but keeping his enemies closer. In an effort to discredit Xizor and gain more power for himself, Kaird stole a hypergem from Gogh Pleetik and sold it to a fence named Endrigorn. He hoped that Xizor would be implicated in the theft, but later learned that Xizor himself had leaked information about the Pleetik hypergem in order discredit Kaird himself.

A meeting with Dal Perhi could have turned out very badly for Kaird, after Xizor revealed his schemes. Perhi, however, did not have Kaird executed or imprisoned. Instead, he offered Kaird the chance to eliminate Xizor, as much to protect Perhi's position as to maintain Kaird's. Perhi also revealed that he had discerned Kaird's true motivation, to return to Nedij. With this revelation, Kaird found that he was more than willing to take up Perhi's offer. Perhi helped to pre-occupy Xizor by giving the Falleen information on the search for the rogue droid 10-4TO, which allowed Kaird to track Xizor without being detected. However, luck was not with Kaird when he finally tracked Xizor down in the undercity of Coruscant. His attempt to shoot Xizor down was interrupted by an Ugnaught child playing gyroball, and Kaird found himself without an advantage.

Xizor reacted swiftly, firing back at Kaird, and their battle ripped open several electrical conduits. Both beings were stunned by the electrical discharge, although Xizor recovered faster and escaped. When Kaird regained consciousness, he found himself face-to-face with 10-4TO, which obeyed Xizor's command and fired a powerful stunning blast into Kaird's chest. Rather than killing Kaird outright, Xizor used more stun blasts to force the Nediji to answer his questions about the attack. Kaird continually refused, and endured more and more blasts. Unfortunately, each blast left him unconscious, and he received more questioning and pain when he came to again.

Xizor later transported Kaird and 10-4TO to a remote location in the Factory District, where the Falleen ordered the droid to dump its data into a computer system and then self-destruct. It was shortly after this that Kaird realized he had reached the end of his usefulness, when Xizor revealed that Dal Perhi was with them. However, it wasn't actually Perhi himself, but a human replica droid prototype that soon dissolved into a puddle of slime when its internal systems deteriorated. It was then that Xizor offered Kaird a deal: be killed now, or agree to a suicidal attempt to kill Underlord Perhi, in which Perhi would be killed and later replaced with a working human replica droid. Kaird was forced to agree to the deal, if only to give himself time to figure out his own plans.

His patience was rewarded when they encountered Nick Rostu, Jax Pavan, and the group that was helping them search for 10-4TO. Although Xizor gained the upper hand by quickly injuring Nick and force-cuffing the others, Jax drew his lightsaber and confronted the Falleen prince. Xizor was no match for the Jedi's combat skills, and was forced to flee in order to survive. This left Kaird with the others, and although they refused to set him free, they took him with them when they escaped from the Factory District. Kaird believed that he had finally rid himself of Black Sun, and dreamed of finally returning to Nedij. To show his gratitude for their help in his escape, Kaird directed Pavan and his companions to a safehouse he knew of, where they might all catch their breaths before moving on. Kaird continued to show his gratitude by turning over a large portion of his own fortune, keeping only enough to book passage back to Nedij.(MBS, MJH, CN1)

This was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language, the clan's name meant "dark" or "black".(GCG)

This young native of the planet Necropolis greeted Zak Arranda when the boy arrived on Necropolis with his sister Tash and their uncle, Hoole. The two became friends, until Kairn and his buddies dared Zak to enter the huge graveyard and travel to the Crypt of the Ancients in the dead of night. Zak agreed, but was confronted with the undead zombies that lived in the cemetary. Kairn tried to rescue Zak, but was captured and murdered by Evazan. Kairn was buried in a ceremony along with Evazan, but Kairn returned to the city the next day as a member of the reanimated dead. He had been the latest of Doctor Evazan's experiments, and a fairly successful one at that. Kairn's death provided Evazan with a freshly dead body, and proved that his reanimation serum was viable. Evazan himself had been killed by Boba Fett, but had injected himself with his reanimation serum and returned to life. Zak was caught up in Evazan's plans, and Kairn became just another zombie until Evazan tried to kill everyone in order to cover his tracks. When the droid D-V9 discovered a way to reverse the reanimation process, Kairn was ordered by Evazan to stop him. However, Kairn disobeyed Evazan and used the droid's new potion to halt the living dead and make them dead again. However, in the struggle, some of the potion got on Kairn's skin, and he was also killed.(GOF2)

Kairn, Reess
This Twi'leki was, at one time, a Jedi Knight. However, when he returned to Ryloth and found his betrothed in the arms of another male, he went berserk and killed them both. Reess Kairn than fled the planet and hid out in the Outer Rim for several years. The Dark Side of the Force consumed him, along with a steady supply of ryll spice. He emerged years later as a pirate, and was known to prowl the Gamorr Run during the last decades of the Old Republic. He once invaded the planet Lorahn, stealing a wealth of religious artifacts and killing four Ffib priests. Shortly afterward, he disbanded his pirate crew and returned to hiding. In order to ensure his safety, he convinced a trio of Shi'ido brothers to live their lives in his appearance. The Daugthers of the Ffib employed Aurra Sing to hunt down Kairn and eliminate him and his Shi'ido accomplices. One Shi'ido fled to Hoth, the other to Tatooine. Both were killed by Aurra Sing, who then went after Kairn himself on Bespin. At Bespin, she discovered that Kairn had employed a third Shi'ido, which had insinuated himself into a troupe of thranta riders. The bounty hunter eliminated him as well, then returned to Endor to discover that Kairn had undergone reconstructive surgery to make himself resemble a female. He then infiltrated the very Daugthers of the Ffib who swore to kill him. Aurra Sing discovered that it was Kairn himself who actually made the deal with her. The bounty hunter, not happy at being so carefully duped, executed Reess Kairn upon her return to Endor.(BHAS)

This beast was native to the planet Dathomir.(SWG2P)

This forested planet was once the homeworld of the Buro race, until a geological survey crew neglectfully destroyed the forest in which the Buro lived.(DOG)

This woman, distinguished by her greasy, black hair and the curving scar that ran from one corner of her mouth, then under her chin to the other corner of her mouth, worked for Nirama on the Tolea Biqua station at Genarius, during the final years of the Old Republic.(MCT2)

This woman was Janq Paramexor's consort. She had a cybernetic replacement for her right hand.(GG10)

This Mando'a word meant "food."(OWS)

This was one of the most common names given to female Corellians.(GMR9)

This Ewok exclamation was a command used to make a riding beast being moving. It loosely translated into Basic as "Get going!"(GPB)

Kaj, Obs
This young, green-skinned Falleen was studying as a Jedi Padawan under Master Lunis when the Clone Wars broke out. Like many students of her generation, Obs was taken from her homeworld of Falleen at a very young, and she strived to make sure that her Master's choice was not in vain. However, the stress of trying to match Master Lunis' ideals, combined with the hypocrisy of the Jedi Order's participation in the Clone Wars, led Obs to seriously consider leaving the Order forever. Some fifteen months after the Battle of Geonosis, Lunis and Obs were dispatched to Katanos VII to to investigate possible cloning activities on the planet. Although Stiv Kram denied any such activities, Obs discovered an entire laboratory set aside for cloning vats. The vats contained many failed experiments, the results of the miners' attempts to provide the Old Republic with something of value. The Jedi found themselves cut off from the rest of the galaxy, and ordered to surrender, as Kram explained that he planned to turn them over to Count Dooku for a sizeable bounty. As the miners closed in, Master Lunis made ready to defend himself. Obs, suddenly recognizing that their link through the Force had grown weaker, was unprepared for the attack. She saw Master Lunis killed in the fighting, but managed to escape when Andru let her go. She reached her ship and fled into space, but found that the hyperdrive ring for her starship had been disabled. She sent out a distress signal, only to have it intercepted by Count Dooku himself. Dooku ordered his gunners to fire on her ship, and Obs perished in the explosion.(T19)

One of the five major Nikto races, the Kajain'sa'Nikto were commonly referred to as the Red Nikto. Native to the Wannschok desert, these Nikto had a series of forehead ridges on their brows, with eight horns ringing their eyes and two horns on their chins. The nasal passages of these Nitko were protected by a thin, permeable flap, which kept out the sand and dust of their desert home.(GG12, EGA, GMR6, NEGA)

This Huttese term described any familial or cultural unit, including the group of retainers and employees of many Hutt crimelords. The term, which translated into Basic as "business enterprise," was adopted into the Vodran language as well. There was a total of forty-eight kajidics within the Hutt Grand Council during the height of the New Order, but few of these were able to survive the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. After the subjugation of Nal Hutta, many Hutt leaders were forced to relocate to Tatooine, where they formed a single alliance in order to survive.(GG12, RD, HG, SWI89, NEGA)

This was the name of a Hutt clan, and was similar in derivation to kajidic.(TPS)

Kajiin Swamp
One of the thickest parts of the tropical jungles found on the planet Murninkam. It was also filled with the worst of the planet's denizens, both animal and plant.(SEE)

This Mando'a word meant "flat" or "level."(OWS)

Kakani Sector
Along with the Ikenomin, Sugai, and Fusai Sectors of the galaxy, this sector made up the Outer Zuma region.(GMR9)

This company manufacturered landspeeders.(VOF)

This Mando'a verb meant "to cower."(OWS)

This young Lorrdian was the son of the planetary governor, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Kal befriended Zak and Tash Arranda, when they visited Lorrd with their uncle, Mammon Hoole.(EGA)

This Mando'a word meant "blade."(OWS)

This fourteen-year-old boy and his Tarasin friend, Dannik, were sent by their elders to deliver a message to a group of freelance agents, in the wake of the execution of Borus Ferthyn, sometime after the Battle of Naboo. Their message was simple: Osten Dal'Nay wanted to meet with the agents, in hopes of convincing them to help rescue the Force-sensitive beings who had been captured by Task Force Pest.(NET1)

Kal Fas, Hrchek
A male Saurin droid trader from Mos Eisley, Hrchek was the cousin on Sai'tor Kal Fas.(CCG2, IWST)

Kal Fas, Sai'Torr
This female Saurin was the bodyguard of her cousin, the Saurin droid trader Hrchek Kal Fas. She was an accomplished warrior, and had been willing to teach battle skills to those who prove themselves worthy.(CCG)

Kal Puk
This was the Ewok term used to describe the log piles they used as ambush attacks. Originally just a small collection of logs used to trap Gorax, the kal puk were increased in size and used against Imperial AT-ST walkers during the Battle of Endor.(GMR9)

This planet was subjugated by the Empire during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. Much of the planet's existing plant and animal life were exterminated to allow for the unimpeded construction of a massive Imperial facility, but the indigenous natives managed to avoid being wiped out. They were able to fight back using guerrilla tactics, employing hit-and-fade attacks to constantly harrass their Imperial controllers.(FC)

Kalaan City
This was the capital city of the planet Kalaan. It was located in the Marchall Province, in a valley formed between two grass-covered hills.(FC)

This alien race was native to the planet Kalaan.(FC)

A planet located near Glova.(POC)

Once a sister-city to Kala'uun, Kala'din was the site of an ancient ryll mine. After its hidden location was sold to the spcie merchant Brophys by a Twi'lek named Kroh'dalla, Brophys enslaved Kroh'dalla and forced him to mine ryll. After incredible amounts of ryll were extracted from the city in virtually no time, Kala'din collapsed in upon itself, killing Brophys, Kroh'dalla, and everyone who lived there. Kala'din ceased to exist, and became the subject of a Twi'leki fable whose moral was, "Once a secret was revealed, it spreads until the truth above was destroyed."(PSPG)

A mysterious race of aliens that started building onto Zirtran's Anchor during the Galactic Civil War, the Kalai arrived at the station aboard the unusual starship Destiny. They were outwardly shy, and rarely ventured out into the general population of the space station. Many believed that the Kalai were discorporeal beings made from light itself, capable of communicating telepathically, although this was never proven. Others believed that the Kalai were observers, sent to Zirtran's Anchor to monitor the Galactic Civil War and guide it along.(SWJ5)

This was a species of small mollusks native to the waters of Harvest Bay, on the planet Cols. They measure no larger than two centimeters across, including their shelled bodies and flagellum. They have a lifespan of just a few months, but reproduce proficiently in stable environments. The kalaides float along and consume a wide variety of bacteria and small algae, in effect cleaning the waters of the planet and making them inhabitable to other species. However, when climatic or environmental changes affect the waterways, birthrates of kalaides drop dramatically, thereby affecting other populations. The government of Cols had placed severe restrictions on the corporations of the planet, forcing them to minimize their chemical wastes in order to preserve the kalaide populations.(COG)

Kalaim, Baarak
This Klatooinan was known as absent-minded and unkempt, but was nonetheless an excellent mechanic and technician. He joined The Shield after being recruited by Peert Ginzork, and served them for many years during the Galactic Civil War.(CRO)

This creature was native to the planet Roon. A nimble beast, the four-legged kalak was also quite fast, and could move about at speeds appraoching sixty kilometers per hour at a dead run. The head of a kalak was dominated by a mouthful of teeth, although these were used primarily to strip leaves from low branches. The Roonans often tamed kalaks for use as mounts, especially for delivering messages.(WOTC, GORW)

Kalakar Six
This desolate moon was covered with active volcanoes and lava flows. Much of its crust was riddled with tunnels created by intense magma floes. Darth Vader was believed to have visited the moon shortly after the plans for the first Death Star were stolen by agents of the Alliance, hoping to intercept the plans and eliminate the rebels. Kalakar Six was rumored to have been a nexus of the Dark Side of the Force, a rumor which drew Baron Yorn and his followers to the moon a century before the Battle of Yavin. When Vader arrived on Kalakar Six, he discovered a group of Dark Side adherents who had become disillusioned with Vader himself, claiming that too much of Anakin Skywalker had remained in him. The information about the Alliance agents was planted by the heretics, to lure Vader to the moon. They created a clone of the Zabrak Sith Lord, Darth Maul, and hoped to have the clone defeat Vader. The adherents then planned to present the clone to Emperor Palpatine, as a testament to their devotion to the Dark Side of the Force. Unfortunately for them, Vader was able to defeat the clone, and Emperor Palpatine himself destroyed the adherents.(T9)

Kalama, J'Kek D'rith
This Gorothite, a member of the J'Kek j'ber, was the Rel'Kan of his people, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. It was Rel'Kan J'Kek who mediated the initial discussions between the Corellian and Aqualish factions which desired to mine hyperbarides on the planet. J'Kek struggled mightily to remain neutral throughout the negotiations, vowing to give each side equal opportunity to match the bids made for various mining rights. In this way, Rel'Kan J'Kek obtained great wealth for the P'Dar'Ken, but he was blinded to the fact that the Corellians and the Aqualish were gearing up for a confrontation which led to The Scouring. For his part in securing this wealth, J'Kek's supporters wanted him to be given the position of Rel'Kan until his death, but the P'Dar'Ken voted against it. Modern Gorothites viewed J'Kek D'rith Kalama as evil incarnate, for his part in The Scouring, and the insult of being tainted with "the blood of the J'Kek" was a venomous attack.(GSE)

This species of tall herbivore was native to the planet Mutanda. Measuring over three meters in height, the fur-covered kalans roamed the plains in large herds in their four legs. These tusked beasts were hunted for food by humans as well as the native Horansi.(PG1)

Kalandar Installation
This Old Republic military base was constructed on the planet Talus. It was later renamed as Fort Praji, in honor of the bravery of Colonel Collin Praji.(OWS)

Kalandis IV
This planet served as the seat of Imperial power in Pallis Sector, during the height of the New Order.(GG10)

One of the six Tiss'shar races, the Kal-ar were characterized by the thin, concentric bands of color that cover their hides.(GG12)

This planet and its two moons, Hosk and Indobok, were among the first planets to join the Refugee Resettlement Coalition, shortly before the Clone Wars. During the height of the New Order, C-3PO and R2-D2 had a number of adventures on Kalarba while in the ownership of the town's baron and his grandson, Nak. Shortly after the Yuuzhan Vong took the planet Fondor, they attacked Kalarba and wrecked Hosk Station in order to eliminate the non-organic technology it contained. The fighting was fierce, as the Pitareeze family and its supporters fought desparately to remain free. However, despite these efforts, Kalarba and its system was utterly destroyed. A small percentage of the population managed to escape before the Yuuzhan Vong render Kalarba a toxic wasteland.(DRO, BP, HNN5, NJOSB, TGD)

Kalarba City
The capital city of the planet Kalarba, Kalarba City was the site of the planet's primary spaceport. The city, like the rest of the Kalarba System, was destroyed by the Yuuzhan Vong as they made their way Coreward toward Coruscant.(DRO, NJOSB)

Kalarba Pirates
This band of vicious pirates was based in the Kalarba System, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. About a year after the Battle of Geonosis, the Kalarba Pirates saw a chance to profit by exposing the operations of the Friends of the Republic. After taking on a job for the Friends, the Kalarba Pirates double-crossed them and attacked the space station that had been acquired by Alinta. The pirates might have gotten away with their treachery, but Alinta had arranged to meet Senator Bail Organa at the station. Organa was traveling with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the pair were able to fight their way through the pirates to reach Alinta. Although the pirates were eliminated, Alinta soon died from injuries she had sustained in the pirate attack.(CWWS)

Kalarba Safari
This company provided tours of Kalarba's ancient ancestral lands, during the height of the New Order. Kalarba Safari was run by Jarth and Meg Pitareeze.(DRO, TGD)

Kalarba System
This star system contained the Kalarba and its two moons, Hosk and Indobok.(TGD)

This was the name adopted by the human settlers of the planet Kalarba. All but a handful of Kalarbans survived to escape the Yuuzhan Vong attack on their system, which was destroyed as the alien invaders pushed toward Coruscant.(BP, NJOSB)

This was one of the many cities located along the terminator line of the planet Ryloth. Generally considered to be the capital of Ryloth, Kala'uun was the planet's commercial center, and boasted the Kala'uun Starport.(PSPG, GORW)

Kala'uun Starport
This Rylothian starport was under the control of the Shak clan at the height of the New Order. Like all Twi'lek settlements, it was located on the terminator line between dark and light sides of the planet, gaining a measure of warmth from its position. However, due to the crosswinds created as the cold air of the dark side mixes with the hot air on the light side, approaches to the starport needed to be handled with care. This danger was further compounded by the fact that Kala'uun was dug into the heights of a huge spire of rock, part of the formation known as the Lonely Five. A Watcher was in place at all times, to ensure that an oncoming heat storm was spotted before it could do any damage to the Starport. Deep in the bowels of th Starport was a huge cistern, that held all the water needed to maintain the facility.(KT, XWBT)

This Mon Calamari male, believed to have been a distal cousin of Admiral Ackbar, served as an Admiral in the Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic, during the months that followed the Battle of Endor. Kalback was among the oldest members of the NRDF, standing in contrast to the youthfulness of General Luke Skywalker. Admiral Kalback was assigned the command of the flagship Justice during the Republic's initial assault on Lord Shadowspawn's base on the planet Mindor, serving with Skywalker on the Jedi's first mission as the leader of the Rapid Response Task Force. Both were surprised when a single shuttle arrived from the surface of Mindor, with a lone occupant who claimed to be Shadowspawn himself. The transmission from the shuttle indicated that Shadowspawn had seen the size of the Republic's task force, and wanted to discuss the terms of surrender before any of his forces would be hurt or killed in a senseless battle. Although Kalback and his crew were tentatively optimistic, Skywalker sensed something was wrong. The General's fears were realized when the shuttle exploded before it could be destroyed, sending a wave of intense gravitic energy cascading through the Justice. The ship was ripped apart, and Admiral Kalback died when his skull was crushed by a falling computer system.(LSSM)

A Mon Calamari, Kalbrac served his people as a Councilor on the Mon Calamari Council during the height of the Clone Wars. Ostensibly, Kalbrac worked hand-in-hand with Senator Tundra Dowmeia to keep their homeworld free of Separatist influences. When the Quarren Isolation League briefly rose to power and was defeated in combat, Kalbrac openly called for all inhabitants of the planet - Mon Calamari and Quarren alike - to work toward ridding the government of corruption. Years later, Kalbrac was one of the Mon Cal who tried to welcome the Empire to his planet. When the Empire began trying to suppress the natives, Kalbrac tried to fix things himself. He found that the effort was nearly futile, and turned to the Alliance for help.(DU, SWI73)

This was the affectionate nickname used by the Null-class ARC Troopers to describe their mentor, Kal Skirata. It came from Skirata's given name, and was combined with the Mando'a word for "father." It literally meant "Papa Kal."(SWI87)

Kaldani Spires Residential Apartments
This residential monad was located on Coruscant, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. There were more than 500 different levels of apartments within the Kaldani Spires.(DMSH)

This was one of two sentient races native to the planet Ropagi II, although their external appearance would bely that. The Kalduu were large, hemispherical creatures which float above the ground. Four tentacles dangle below their transparent bodies, serving as a means for eating and breathing. They travel in groups of three or less, consuming viruses and germs from the air. The average Kalduu can live to be 500 standard years in age, and they reproduce via fission. The Kalduu have no vocal chords, and have learned to communicate via telepathy. Two or more Kalduu and form a group mind if they were in close proximity. Several millenia before the Galactic Civil War, the Kalduu realized that the warring factions of the Ropagu were eventully going to destroty their planet. The Kalduu intervened in the struggles, making contact and winning the trust of the various Ropagu nations. Since then, the Kalduu have bonded with the minds of the various Ropagu leaders, filling their minds with peaceful thoughts while forming a form of symbiotic relationship. After many centuries of this existence, the Kalduu stopped influencing the minds of the Ropagu, using telepathy only to avoid warfare. Current generations of Kalduu often regret that their ancestors used this form of mind control on the Roapgu, but they also realize the potential danger that was averted.(TSK)

Kale, Anton
This man was a Captain in the Imperial armed forces, and was deployed to Kuat during the height of the Galactic Civil War. During the last years of the Old Republic, Kale was one of many individuals who saw the corruption in the Galactic Senate and fervently believed that the New Order would re-establish the morality of the galaxy. He also believed that force was often necessary to achieve peace and justice, and was not above using excessive force to attain the goals of the Empire. Unlike many of this peers, Kale also believed in the existence of the Force, and considered any being who could use it an individual to be feared and respected. His belief in the Force, along with other ideas and startegies uncommon to most Imperial officers, made Kale an unconventional adversary for the Alliance.(CCW)

This was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy.(GCG)

One of the three main land masses of the planet Fyodos.(PG2)

This planet was the homeworld of the Kaleesh race. It was a remote world which had limited natural resources, which forced the Kaleesh to import much of what they needed to survive. It was located in a star system that neighbored the Kadok Regions, in the Outer Rim Territories.(LEV, OWS, NEGA)

This was another name for the Kaleesh race.(SWGG)

This alien race was native to the planet Kalee. For many generations, the Kaleesh were at odds with their planetary neighbors, the Huks. Much of the conflict remained within their systems, which were remote enough to avoid the notice of the Old Republic. The Kaleesh fought bravely against the Huks, until the conflict reached its head several years before the onset of the Clone Wars.

In the full-scale war that broke out, the Kaleesh launched massive attacks against the Huks, hoping once and for all to win their freedom. With leaders such as General Grievous, the Kaleesh were nearing a victory when the Huks appealed to the Old Republic to mediate the "dispute." The Huks claimed that the Kaleesh were trying to eliminate them in order to take control of the resource-rich Huk worlds, and the Kaleesh were powerless to defend themselves.

A group of fifty Jedi Knights was sent to Kaleesh to negotiate a truce, and they ultimately ruled in favor of the Huks. The Kaleesh were sent back to Kalee and punished by the Republic for their aggression. Without support from the Republic, the Kaleesh society went into a severe recession, and hundreds of thousands of Kaleesh died from starvation and disease in the aftermath before the InterGalactic Banking Clan arrived on Kalee and offered the Kaleesh funding and trade concessions in exchange for General Grievous. Grievous, having suffered a career-ending injury, agreed to leave with the IBC in order to save his people.

As a race, the Kaleesh were humanoid in stature, although their orange-scaled skin pointed to more reptilian origins. Their long skulls ended with a pair of heavy tusks at the chin, and a thermochemical receptor gland located between their eyes allowed them to "see" into the infrared spectrum. Each hand ended in four clawed fingers, with two fingers opposable to the other pair.

The Kaleesh were nomads, moving about the surface of Kalee in search of hospitable environments and good hunting grounds. They always wrapped or covered their bodies, ostensibly to shield themselves from the planet's harsh sunlight. The only parts of the body that remained visible to the naked eye were the hands, which allowed a Kaleesh to use them to hunt. Otherwise, exposed skin was frowned upon.(LEV, VIS, NEGA)

This Hapan man was Prince Isolder's older brother. He had no competance for ruling the worlds of the Hapan Cluster, a fact that was not missed by his mother, Ta'a Chume. She had him assassinated in order to get him out of the way, so that Isolder could eventually marry the next ruler of the Hapan Cluster.(CTD)

This young woman was a member of the Indupar royal house. She was taken prisoner when the Free Lance ambushed her own ship, the Indupar Nova, near Ec Pand. It was revealed that she was posing as her maid, Missa, as the two had switched positions when the pirates attacked. Urias Xhaxin took both women hostage in order to ransom them off later on.(PP)

Kalena, Fae
This charismatic woman was the owner and operator of the StarLiners passenger shuttle service, serving Brak Sector at the height of the New Order. Originally a pilot in a small-time ferry service, Fae quit to set up StarLiners on her own. Originally just operating between Genesia and Bacrana, Fae quickly expanded her operations when business began to pick up. She invested funds in new ships, and eventually built StarLiners into the largest passenger service in Brak Sector. Fae was also a rebel operative for the Alliance, having joined Trep Reskan and the renegade Bacrana System Defense Force after her brother, Har, was arrested by Imperial forces on Bacrana. She hoped Reskan could help her locate Har, but he was unable to help her. Fae often allowed Alliance personnel to travel on her ships, provided that they paid their own way.(FBS)

Kalenda, Belindi
A slight, dark-skinned female human working for the New Republic Intelligence agency, Belindi was noticeable from her jet-black hair and disarming eyes that never seemed to focus on their subject. As a Lieutenant in the NRI, she was assigned to infiltrate the Corellian Sector in 37 NE and try to find out why other NRI agents were suddenly disappearing. She enlisted Han Solo's help in trying to gather more information. Her operation to land on Corellia was compromised, though, and she was forced to crash into the planet's ocean.

When she realized that the NRI had been infiltrated, she changed her mission in the field, acting as the unofficial bodyguard for Princess Leia and Solo family until the New Republic security team arrived. She was forced to go further underground when Thrackan Sal-Solo seceeded the Sector from the New Republic. She was twenty-five years old when Thrackan Sal-Solo rose to power. She was told by her brother, Tindel, that she was a native of an unspecified backwater world in the Outer Rim, but she grew up on Coruscant. After the crisis in the Corellian Sector was resovled, Belindi remained with the NRI, and eventually held the position of deputy director of operations.

By the time the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, Belindi had earned the rank of Colonel within the NRI. She oversaw the initial interviews with the Yuuzhan Vong priestess Elan on Wayland, but was later implicated in the "misinformation flap" which arose in the wake of the Battle of Fondor. Her team had provided intelligence enough to point to a Yuuzhan Vong invasion of Corellia, Bothawui, or Tynna. After Tynna was attacked, Corellia was left undefended to lure the Yuuzhan Vong into a trap. However, the aliens attacked at Fondor instead, and the shipyards there were lost. Belindi became something of a scapegoat, and was demoted to Lieutenant Colonel.

Nevertheless, she remained a valuable agent for the NRI. In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong surrender at Coruscant some five years after their invasion began, Belindi found herself promoted to Director of Intelligence for the Galactic Alliance after Dif Scaur was quietly forced into retirement by Cal Omas. She retained this position for more than a decade, and it was Kalenda and her team who discovered that the so-called Corellian Confederation seemed to be growing too fast, during the Corellia-GA War. Her sources discovered that the Bothans had demanded the name of the group be changed to simply The Confederation, and that a face-to-face vote of all the group's members be held to elect the Supreme Commander of The Confederation's growing military forces.

In her position, she was also charged with monitoring the operational status of Centerpoint Station, which was generally considered the most powerful weapon in the galaxy. She had Doctor Toval Seyah inserted as part of the station's staff, and his knowledge of the station ensured that accurate reports were always available. However, after a few months, Seyah reported that he believed his identity had been compromised, prompting Kalenda to extract the doctor and return him to Coruscant for his own safety.(AC, AS, CTD, BP, UF, LF4, LF7)

Kalenda, Tindel
This man, the brother of Belindi Kalenda, was killed on Coruscant while searching for a job. He told his sister that their family was from an Outer Rim backwater world, although they were living on Coruscant at the time.(CTD)

This planet was a member of the Galactic Republic, during the final decades of the Old Republic. Some two decades before the Battle of Geonosis, the planet was plunged into a devastating civil war, and duch*ess Satine Kryze was forced to flee the planet for sanctuary on Mandalore until the conflict could be resolved. The fighting was vicious, and much of the planet suffered greatly under the attacks and counter-attacks that occurred on a regular basis.(OWS, CWTV35)
see Kalgrath(PJSB)

Kalgo 13
A planet.(LAT2)

This Massassi warrior was chosen by Exar Kun to become the first of his Dark Side warriors. Kalgrath grew powerful, and eventually was placed by Kun as the guardian of his temple. Thus, Kalgrath eventually became the Night Beast. Note that the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook names this warrior Kalgarath.(EGA, PJSB)

Kalhar Monster
This was an older name used to describe the Mantellian Savrip.(SSW, SWI95)

Kalibac Industries
This small corporation manufactured the MK-series of maintenance droids. Their operations were severely weakened by a series of lawsuits brought about by Cybot Galactica, although Kalibac's droids remained well-made and reliable. Their reputation was fuirther diminished, however, by a variety of cheap knock-offs produced by outlaw techs in the Corporate Sector.(XWA, FTD)

A strong, winged predator found on the planet Davnar.(XW)

Kalidor Crescent
A medal given to starfighter pilots by the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, the Kalidor Crescent signified great bravery in the face of overwhelming odds. It commemorated the grace and power of the predatory kalidor from Danvar. It was the highest honor bestowed by Alliance Starfighter Command, and had 5 additional upgraded status indicators: a Bronze Cluster, Silver Talons, the Silver Scimitar, Golden Wings, and the Diamond Eyes.(XW, XWP)

This Xiytiar-class transport was part of the Imperial supply fleet that was ambushed by the Alliance before it could rendezvous with the Corrupter. The Alliance tried to force the Imperial-II class Star Destroyer out of battle by cutting off its supply lines.(XWA)

This lifeless moon was located near the Kaliida Nebula. It once sustained life, but its atmosphere was striiped away many millennia before the onset of the Clone Wars.(CWTV04)

Kaliida Nebula
Located near the planet Naboo along the Balmorra Run, this area of interstellar gas and debris was known as the home of the Nebray manta. The Galactic Republic established the Kaliida Shoals medical center in the nebula, in hopes of avoiding Separatist attention.(CWVG)

Kaliida Shoals Medical Center
This space station served as one of the Grand Army of the Republic's primary medical facilities, during the height of the Clone Wars. Under the leadership of Nala Se and several other Kaminoan scientists, injured clones were treated and given the opportunity to return to active duty. The station itself was a circular facility that once served as a merchant hub in the Enarc System. Projecting down from the center of the station was a cylindrical reactor chamber that provided power. The Galactic Republic purchased the station after it was abandoned, and refitted it for use as a medical facility. The Kaliida Shoals Medical Center could accommodate and treat up to 60,000 clones at one time, and served as the primary medical facility in the Outer Rim during the Clone Wars. For this reason, Count Dooku ordered an attack on the station, hoping to destroy it and cut off the Republic's ability to keep healthy clones on the battlefields of the Outer Rim Sieges. However, access to the station was limited due to the interstellar anomalies of the Kaliida Nebula, so any approach had to be undertaken with care. This gave the Republic's forces a chance to evacuate the station, while starfighters were able catch up to Grievous and the Malevolence.(CWVG, CWTV03)

This was Rav Bralor's affectionate nickname for Kal Skirata, during the era of the Clone Wars. The nickname was originally used by Munin Skirata, who had adopted Kal more than fifty years earlier. The name Kal'ika came from the Mandalorian for "little knife", although it was not a demeaning name. It referred to the fact that Kal, who was born Falin Mattran, had used his dead father's three-sided knife in an attempt to kill Munin Skirata. Skirata appreciated the boy's survival instincts and bravery in the face of a superior adversary, and adopted him after Falin's parents were killed on Surcaris. Munin would later explain that he had chosen the name Kal because there was no word in the Mandalorian language for "hero", which Falin had been during the years following his parents' deaths.(RCTC, RC66)

This Mando'a verb meant "to stab with a narrow blade."(OWS)

This orange star was the primary solar body in the Kalinda System.(TSK)

Kalinda, Jak
This Old Republic free trader was responsible for the discovery of the Kalinda System. He named the one habitable planet after his mother, Kirima.(TSK)

Kalinda, Kirima
Jak Kalinda's mother, and the namesake of the primary planet in the Kalinda System.(TSK)

Kalinda System
This six-planet star system was located at the junction between the Corporate Sector, New Republic space, and a sliver of Imperial space. In this position, it was greatly desired by the Corporate Sector and the Imperials, although it supported the New Republic. It was named for Jak Kalinda. The system was somewhat protected from the outside by a wide asteroid belt which orbits beyond the last planet in the system.(TSK)

Kalindan Royal Constabulary
This police force was the primary law enforcement agency in the Kalinda System and its neighboring systems, during the last decades of the Old Republic.(HNN5)

Kalindean DeepSpace Fleet
This space-faring Navy was under the command of the monarchy which ruled the Kalinda System. They successfully repelled both pro-Imperial and Corporate Sector forces which were attempting to control the system, without the aid of the New Republic.(TSK)

This was the name of a distinguished Vor individual.(UANT)

This planet, with its rocky wastes and steaming jungles, was the third world in the Derilyn System. It had a single moon.(PG3)

Kalis Peaks
This range of rugged mountains was located on the planet designated OM813, otherwise known as Thrantin. This location served Barosa Warren as one of the many outdoor environments of his Galactic Outdoor Survival School.(AIR)

The single continent in the oceans of Jomark.(HTSB)

This Mid-Rim planet was one of the Alliance's safeworlds, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(GMR3)

Kalist VI
This planet was the site of an Imperial labor colony. Dak Ralter was born at the colony, and escaped when he was seveteen, with the help of Breg, a downed Alliance pilot. Kalist VI was a world dominated by rocky deserts that were broken only by rugged, arid mountain ranges.(MTS, GG3, SWEWW)

This Jawa leader once requested that Jabba the Hutt mediate a peaceful settlement between himself and his longtime rival, Wittin. Kalit was mated to Aved Luun. It was Kalit's tribe who found C-3PO and R2-D2 in the desert of Tatooine, and sold them to Owen Lars before being sdetroyed by Imperial stormtroopers.(CCG7, CCG9)

This was the name of an alien race that was known for its ability to eat almost anything. Their digestive system, though, was not very strong, and anything that could not be digested was simply regurgitated. Kalkals also had excellent vision, during both night and day.(TJP)

This searing ball of rock was the innermost planet of the Garqi System.(GORW)

Kalki Nebula
This area of the galaxy was once considered part of the Cassandran Worlds. After the Empire split the Cassandran Worlds apart, the Kalki Nebula became part of the Tendrannan Sector.(GORW)

Kalki's Braid
This asteroid belt was located in the Garqi System, between the worlds of Kalki and Garqi.(GORW)

This remote, uncharted world was inhabited by a race of blue-skinned humanoids who were discovered to be worshipping the Yavin Vassilika as a godlike entity. They were first encountered by Illyan Webble, after he was dumped on the planet by slavers, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. The natives of the planet appeared to have been descended from a group of beings from the Thelvin Order of Barundi. They were relatively tolerant of the alien races which traveled to the planet, so long as they didn't disturb the Vassilika. Any being who tried to steal the crystal found themselves attacked by hordes of the blue-skinned beings.(UYV)

This was a type of stilleto that was often used by female Quarren.(GCG)

This was a common name among Quarren females. It referred to a thin dagger that was used by Quarren females.(GCG)

This Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "angry" or "wild", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name.(GMR10, GCG)

This planet, located within the Corporate Sector, was the site of a noted university campus. Rekkon was teaching there when his nephew, Tchaka, began fomenting resentment and unrest against the Corporate Sector Authority and its activities. His speeches detailing Authority oppression led to his being kidnapped by the Authority and sent to Stars' End. Kalla later became the site of an Imperial base.(HSE, XW)

Kalla VII
Alliance X-Wings captured the Imperial frigate Priam near this planet.(XW)

This Wookiee discovered that Nak'tra Crystals were an effective weapon against the Urnsor'is, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. He was later named Chief of his village, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWGAL)

This female Wookiee was Chewbacca's sister and Lowbacca's mother. Like her husband, Mahraccor, she worked at the local factories producing starship components for the New Republic.(DK)

Kallad's Dream Vacation Hostel
This family resort was located on the planet Coruscant, during the years following the Second Galactic Civil War. Corran and Mirax Horn owned a residence at the resort, and often spent time there with this children. The rooms and suites within the Kallad's Dream Vacation Hostel provided many luxuries and amenities, including viewports that provided real and artificial vistas of waterfalls and landscapes.(FJ1)

Kallakean Rainbow
This natural phenomenon produces wildly intense colors, not unlike the visual displays seen during hyperspace travel.(OS)

Kallarak Amphitheater
This famous landmark was located on the planet Coruscant. During the last centuries of the Old Republic, the Kallarak Amphitheater could seat a million spectators, and drew some of the galaxy's most popular and enduring talents. Despite its reputation as a concert hall and its sheer capacity, the Kallarak Amphitheater was known to have poor acoustics. Also, the farthest seats from the stage required that many concert-goers purchase holographic viewers to see what was happening on the stage below.(SOL, CCW)

Kalla's Stanchion
This Nebulon-B frigate was operated by the Alliance during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. It was based in orbit around Etti IV.(SWEAT)

Kalld'n-class Stardrive
Only 50 of these starship powerplants were ever build, and 43 were accounted for.(GG9)

Kallea, Freia
One of the first female starpilots to map out parts of the galaxy, Freia was the trailblazer who charted the Hydian Way some 3,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. A native of the planet Brentaal, she became a symbol of the planet's cultural strength and endurance. After retiring from the life of a spacer, she married into a minor Brentaal family and helped grow it into a major trading enterprise.

Her life story was later documented in the Kallea Cycle, a three-part opera that was later adapted for the masses in the holofeature Kallea's Hope.(SWJ5, IDC, OWS)

Kallea Cycle
This was one of the most famous Brentaal operas produced during the New Order, and lasted more than five full hours. This three-part opera portrayed the life of Freia Kallea and her discovery of the Hydian Way.(SWJ13, SESB)

Kallean League
This was a large consortium made up of representatives from several of Brentaal's trading Houses. During the height of the New Order, the Kallean League also operated the Grand Colonnade shopping center.(WOTC)

Kallea's Hope
This holo-feature was produced and directed by Neile Janna shortly before the Battle of Yavin. Janna also assumed the lead role of Freia Kallea. Kallea's Hope translated the famed Kallea Cycle opera into a format which easily understood and accessible to the majority of the galaxy. Many art historians of the New Order credit this holo-feature with creating new interest in the life of Freia Kallea and the opera known as the Kallea Cycle.(SWJ5, SWJ13)

Kallebarth Way
This was a 275-meter-long thoroughfare that was located in the Narsacc Habitat of Toryaz Station, located in the Kuat System.(LF1)

This Imperial Navy Captain was given temporary command of the flagship Super-class Star Destroyer Executor shortly after the Battle of Hoth, when Darth Vader was called to Coruscant by the Emperor. Vader had executed Admiral Ozzel for incompetence, promoting Firmus Piett from Captain to Admiral. Kallic took Piett's place as Captain.(SESB, NEGC)

This planet was the homeworld of the Kallidahin race.(SWCL)

This race of short, thin-bodied humanoids was native to the planet Kallidah. A small group of Kallidahin emigrated to the shattered remains of the planet Polis Massa, and eventually came to call themselves Polis Massans.(SWCL)

This virus was distinguished by the way in which it clumped together in a jelly-like mass.(BF5)

This was the traditional bow weapon of the Ebranite people.(SWJ11)

Originally part of the Revkinn System, this Outer Rim world was a once a prosperous mining colony. Despite its arid bioshpere, radioactive elements and rare gemstones were found in abundance under the low mountains. After the advent of the New Order, the planet was placed in the center of an ongoing series of raids by Alliance personnel who hoped to take the planet and finance their war efforts. However, the mines fell into disrepair, and the planet's economy sagged. Shortly after the Alliance began its raids, pirates and smugglers started making their bases on the planet, further dragging its economy and reputation down. The average day on this temperate desert planet lasted 22 standard hours, and its year encompasses 342 local days.(GG10)

This Trandoshan was the leader of the Armorers' Confederacy, during the early years of the New Republic.(GMR9)

This was a name which was common among members of the Trandoshan race. It translated into Basic as "one who frightens his enemies into submission."(WOTC, UANT, GCG)

Kalmec, The
This was one of the most successful criminal organizations found on Ralltiir, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. The Kalmec was founded by a group of dishomed Wookiees, who shaved the hair off their shoulders in an effort to prove to other beings that Wookiees had actual skin beneath their fur. In other words, Wookiees were not that different from other races. However, there was a darker side to The Kalmec. Below their social activism, the Kalmec were providing an information gathering system for many powerful organizations. It was rumored that The Kalmec was in league with the Separatists, using their informations to sow counter-intelligence that bred dissent on many planets. These rumors were based in fact, since shaven-shouldered Wookiees often appeared on planets where secessionist movements gathered large support.(PH)

This young Hutt was a member of the Ramesh kajidic when they assassinated a leader of the Black Bha'lir smuggler society. Kalna never made it back to his clan, as they were all exterminated by the smugglers. Kalna fled to Terman Station, where he set up a small "protection service" for the local merchants.(SSR)

This red giant was one of four stars that were located at the center of the Opiteihr System.(TSK)

This planet, the fourth in the Jiroch System, was colonized by the Tunroth. Together with Jiroch-Reslia and Saloch, they were known as the Triumvirate. A Jedi shrine was rumored to exist in the system. This world was sometimes referred to as Jiroch-Kalok, on certain starcharts.(GG12, UANT)

This low-grade ore was used in the development of weapons and building materials, before higher-grade ores like doonium and meleenium were discovered.(AE)

This ball of searing rock was the innermost planet of the Roon System.(WOTC, GORW)

This food was consumed by the Ergesh in order to cleanse themselves. It causes all of the Ergesh's glands and organs to secrete copious amounts of fluid, which flushes their systems of any pollutants. Kaloob can be ingested by other races as a detoxifier and antibiotic, but was will also increase moisture production as with the Ergesh. This results in the being shedding large amounts of sweat and tears, and can induce diarrhea and nausea.(PG2)

This Fyodoi was the leader of the Roh clan, during the height of the New Order. This was the clan which seemed to be most receptive to the visitation of off-worlders.(PG2)

Kaloth Battlecruiser
An old-model warship, the Kaloth cruiser measured 307 meters in length. It was armed with 44 turbolaser batteries, 24 laser cannons, and 2 tractor beam projectors. It was crewed by 1,240 and required 224 gunners.(GG9)

Kaloth Y-9
This out-dated trader ship found wide acceptance among the tramp freighters of the Outer Rim and other distant sectors of the galaxy.(POT)

This being served as the Supreme Chancellor of the Old Republic, following the leadership of Chancellor Frix. Chancellor Kalpana was eventually succeeded by Finis Valorum.(NEGC, SWDB, OWS)

Kalranoos Carbine
This custom-built blaster carbine was develped during the height of the New Order. It was unusual in that it was equipped with a bio-link module that allowed the user to interface directly with the weapon during combat.(SWGAL)

This Lambda-class shuttle was owned and operated by Galactic Electronics, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The Kalree was used to evacuate the company's VIPs during the Imperial raid on the Pondut research platform, during the months that followed the Battle of Hoth. However, the Imperial forces that launched the attack were able to disable and capture the Kalree, and her crew and passengers were taken into custody.(TIE, TIEP)

A planet located in Kathol Sector, Kal-Shebbol served as the Imperial capital of the sector during the New Order and into the early years of the New Republic. It was originally settled some 400 years before the Battle of Endor by a group of escaped Twi'lek slaves. During the last years of the Imperial presence in Kathol Sector, Kal'Shebbol was ruled by Moff Kentor Sarne, until the New Republic launched an offensive attack to oust Sarne from power. The planet was infiltrated by Katarn Commandos, and the Imperial forces were routed. Unfortunately for the New Republic, Sarne escaped, and had to be chased across Kathol Sector.(CCG3, DARK, KO)

Kal'Shebbol Fury
This was the name of the platoon of Special Forces stormtroopers which were charged by Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne to guard DarkStryder's fortress on Kathol. The four squadrons of the Kal'Shebbol Fury were led by Lieutenant Gerrin Nikals. Unfortunately, the Kal'Shebbol Fury were destroyed by the combined forces of the Charr Ontee, the Yapi, and the crew of the FarStar during the Battle of Kathol.(E)

Kal'Shebbol Transport
This small corporation, based on the planet Kolatill, manufactured its own repulsorlift vehicles and repuslor parts for Ikas-Adno.(DARK)

Kalstan Gangsters
This group of criminals worked in the Xorao System, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War.(AIR)

This planet, several centuries before the Golden Age of the Sith, resisted the predations of the ancient Sith Empire. However, the Sith warriors eventually overwhelmed the natives during the Battle of Kalsunor, employing immense silooths to destroy incredible amounts of beings and property.(DSSB)

Kalta, Jurgan
This ancient Zabrak mercenary was active during the decades leading up to the Great Sith War. He was one of the few beings who enjoyed hearing the screams of his enemies as they died in combat. Kalta was known for his ability to adapt to any situation or environment, a characteristic that made him a deadlier hunter.(KOTOR)

This Tiss'shar was a noted bounty hunter and assassin who had an intense rivalry with Ssach'thirix during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. Kal-tan-shi made a living capturing Alliance operatives, preferring to hunt for Alliance personnel because Imperial bounties tended to be higher than individual ones. This alone would have angered the Alliance, but Kal-Tan-Shi had a penchant for killing the operatives during transport. Kal-Tan-Shi earned his reputation as a member of House Paramexor, which specialized in the capture of non-living bounties. He left the Paramexor family to start his own business, which earned him the displeasure of Janq Paramexor, although the two remained good friends for a long time. For an unknown reason, Kal-Tan-Shi hated droids, and didn't use any to help operate his freighter, the Accuser.(GG12, AIR)

This ruthless Advozse warlord followed in the footsteps of his father, Tulak. After Tulak's death, Kalut began reclaiming the planets his father had left to him in his will. Among them was the world of Koba. Kalut, however, was unprepared for the reappearance of the Jedi student Yaddle, who had escaped Tulak's imprisonment during a period of seismic activity. Kalut was killed in battle with Yaddle, when he fell on his own knife, driving the blade through his lower jaw and into his brain.(T5)

This unusual strain of grass was developed by the Sith Lord Darth Rivan, when he first came to live on the planet Almas. The kaluthin was developed to help "terraform" the atmopshere of Almas, which at the time was dense with phosphorus, methane, and other poisonous gases. The kaluthin also grew a strong, deep-reaching taproot, which was necessary since all the water on the planet Almas was located underground. Over the centuries, the kaluthin took root and spread, helping to alter the landscape as well as the atmopshere. Almas' air was soon oxygen-rich, with only traces of phosphorus and methane, but breathing still required a filter or breathmask in order to combat oxygen saturation. Because of the centuries of consuming phosphorus, kaluthin grass actually glowed with bioluminescent light, giving the planet a strange aura. At night, blades of kaluthin grass folded up to conserve moisture. In the morning, kaluthin grass unfolded, taking in the sunlight.(LFC, TS)

This species of near-humans was native to the planet Kalzeron. Distinguished by their leathery, gray skin, the Kalzerian race also had black teeth and piercing yellow eyes.(SWJ8)

This planet was still in a pre-atomic, fuedal age when it was subjugated by the Empire. A small resistance force sprung up, and quietly left the planet in order to train and obtain weapons. However, during this training period, the Empire was routed in the Battle of Endor, and tre forces on Kalzeron were recalled. The resistance group returned home to find themselves branded cowards and traitors, exiled from the planet forever.(SWJ8)

This was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy.(GCG)

Kam, Nikal
This grizzled old man was a pirate for nearly fifty years before the Battle of Yavin.(IA)

This was the Mandalorian term for a cape, although the more literal translation was "belt-spat." A shortened variant of the kama was adopted by the ARC Troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic as protection for their legs. It was made from a special material that provided camoflage as well as anti-blast protection. The troopers of the 327th Star Corps also found that the kama protected their legs from the backwash of their jetpacks. Because of its use in the question Tion'ad hukaat'kama?, or "Who's watching your back?", the word kama came to refer to one's backside or back.(SWI80, SWI84, OWS, RCTZ)

This planet was the homeworld of the Kamarian race. It was a hot, dusty world, being very close to its white sun. Han Solo once ran a holotheater there during the early years of the New Order, catering to the local Kamarians whle trying to make repairs to the Millennium Falcon and earn some spare cash. The planet was home to a number of incredibly adaptive plants and animals, including the howlrunner. In the wake of the Galactic Civil War, the planet was discovered to have a wealth of crystalline formations hidden beneath the sands of its deserts. The crystals exported from Kamar were prohibitively expensive, since the native Kamarians refused to allow offworld interests to establish mining operations on the planet.(HSR, DE1, DN2)

Kamar Badlands
This desert region was found in the equatorial regions of the planet Kamar, and was home to the Kamarian Badlanders.(HSR)

Kamaran, Willum
At one time, this man was the commanding officer of the mercenary squadron Nova Force. He was contracted by Prince Xizor to help Durga the Hutt defend the Ylesian colonies from Teroenza and the Desilijic Hutts. Durga agreed to pay Xizor thirty percent of the profits from Ylesia for the protection. He was a squat, heavily-muscled man from a high-gravity world.(RD)

An insectoid race native to the planet Kamar, the Kamarians have a number of pairs of legs called brachia that support their chitinous exoskeleton. They have multifacted eyes, and a large prehensile tail that they use to sit on in conjunction with their lowermost pair of legs. Most Kamarians lived in the mountains of Kamar, while the Badlanders preferred to live in the deserts. Their color tends to mimic their surroundings - the Badland natives were pale and brown, while the mountain clans ahave more greens and dark browns. They have a unique form of communication, which involves various vocal clicks and whistles as well as way of interweaving their arms to create complex patterns. They also have an emerging technology, although they were a number of advances behind the majority of the galaxy. They have perfected the use of fluidics, as well as missile-based nuclear weapons. As a species, the Kamarians were largely nocturnal. Each subspecies of Kamarian was denoted by the physical characteristics of its carapace. The average lifespan of a Kamarian was about 125 years. During the Swarm War, large numbers of Kamarians volunteered to fight alongside their fellow insectoids, the Killiks.(HSR, AE, EGA, DN3)

This was one of the largest Wookiee cities established on the planet Kashyyyk. Like its counterparts, Kamarkiia was established around a manufacturing facility, and was built in the intertwined branches of wroshyr trees.(SWJ10, GMR4)

Manufacturers of security systems and locking mechanisms.(IR)

This Devaronian female worked for Nolaa Tarkona and the Diversity Alliance, during the early years of the New Republic. A noted recruiter, Kambrea was appointed to lead the delegation that greeted a group of New Republic representatives who traveled to Ryloth. When the New Republic discovered the true nature of the Diversity Alliance, a firefight broke out. In the midst of the battle, Lusa used the Force to topple several tons of cargo crates on top of Kambrea.(DOG, TEP)

Kamdon System
Aurra Sing avoided being captured by the Jedi Knights on this planet, about two years after the Battle of Naboo. She was working on killing Senator Tikkes and her former mentor, the Dark Woman, but faield to kill either before being defeated by A'Sharad Hett.(NEGC)

This Imperial officer served under Admiral Daala, during the early years of the New Order. Captain Kameda was one of her ship runners, carrying sensitive information from Daala's own ships to another Imperial vessel.(DSTR)

This young Ewok princess was the betrothed of Tippet, an upstanding Ewok from Bright Tree Village. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, Tippet was led to believe that Kamida was assaulted by a Lahsbee, on a false rumor planted by the Hiromi spy Hirog, setting off a war between the Ewoks and the Lahsbees.(MC94)

Kamiel, Earnst
This Justice Action Network terrorist leader was captured on Elrood following the Battle of Yavin. Kamiel was wanted by the Empire because he was the leader and founder of JAN, which rose to prominence on the planet Findris some sixteen years before the Battle of Hoth. The movement spread over much of the Colonies region of the galaxy before Kamiel's capture. Kamiel himself was wanted by the Empire on many charges, including thousands of bombings and the cause of over 10,000 deaths. He also had the death sentence in 54 different systems. Shortly after being caught on Elrood, Kamiel was transported to Haldeen, where he was executed by a firing squad.(SWJ6, SWJ8)

This Mando'a word referred to a member of the Kaminoan race.(OWS)

This Mandalorian word was the plural of kaminii, and referred to two or more Kaminoans.(SWI87)

This star was the central body in the Kamino System, located in a dwarf satellite galaxy found in the Wild Space region of the known galaxy.(GORW)

This water-covered planet was the homeworld of the Kaminoan race. It was the fifth planet in a star system located in the area known as Wild Space, beyond the Outer Rim Territories. The system itself was actually part of a dwarf satellite galaxy that spun within the known galaxy, some twelve parsecs to the south of the Rishi Maze. Kamino was constantly swept by intense rainstorms, earning it the nickname "Planet of Storms." Centuries before the Battle of Geonosis, the planet's surface was made up of flat landmasses that were separated by choppy oceans. Huge glaciers and thick polar caps kept a large part of the planet's water supply under control. Most cities were established on the temperate coastlines. A sudden rise in planetary temperature caused the polar caps to melt completely in less than 200 years, submerging all the landmasses under roiling oceans of water in an event known the Great Flood. Even the planet's best geologists were unprepared for the amount of water that was contained in the glaciers and ice caps. Retreats that were built on mountaintops were quickly abandoned to the rising water. This change in surface level caused additional problems by changing the atmospheric density and configuration, which resulted in the massive storms that swept the planet, dumping more rain into the oceans. The native Kaminoans adapted these changes by building stilted cities that stuck out of the water, sitting above the waves on thin, sturdy columns that provided little resistance to the water. Shortly after the Battle of Naboo, it was on the stilted cities of Kamino that Jango Fett was cloned to create the clone armies used during the Battle of Geonosis. Like many planets, Kamino experienced regular seasons. However, these seasons were marked by variations in heat and cloud cover, but the rains never stopped. The oceans of Kamino held a wide variety of life, including huge cousins of the colo claw fish and opee sea killers found on Naboo. The planet was orbited by three moons. Near the end of the Clone Wars, Kamino was attacked by the Mandalorian Protectors, who were acting under orders from the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The attacks left the cloning facilities in shambles, cutting off one of the Republic's primary sources of clone troopers.(SWI60, OWS, BF1, E2N, SWDB, SWI66, RDK, IWE2, SWI80, GORW)

Kamino Accords
This set of laws and regulations was established on the planet Kamino, during the Old Republic's negotiations for a continuous supply of clone troopers for the Grand Army of the Republic during the early stages of the Clone Wars. The Kamino Accords provided guidelines and boundaries on the training of the clone troopers, ensuring that they were all perfectly loyal to the Old Republic and the unwritten Code they operated under.(TCD)

Kamino Space Control
This division of Kamino's military was concerned with ensuring the safety and security of Kamino's airspace. Kamino Space Control monitored all incoming and outgoing traffic, especially to Tipoca City, and routed ships to their appropriate destinations.(GORW)

This race of thin-bodied, humanoid beings was native to the planet Kamino, and was descended from a species of amphibians that once lived in Kamino's marches. The average Kaminoan was a tall, thin being with pale skin and a small, knob-like skull. The skull sat atop a thin, seven-boned neck. The male of the species had a thin ridge running along the back their heads, which the females did not display. Their almond-shaped eyes could see into a variety of spectra beyond that of visible light, including ultraviolet.

The Kaminoans were considered one of the most adept species at the creation of clones, although very few beings in the galaxy at large even knew of the existence of the Kaminoans. The Kaminoans had been developing cloning technology for many centuries prior to the Clone Wars. This technology was developed shortly after the Great Flood, when the Kaminoans struggled to survive the global warming of their planet. Genetic manipulation and cloning ensured that the Kaminoans remained a strong and viable species. Over the generations, Kaminoans discovered that certain genetic groups had specific eye colors. This trait eventually came to define the various social castes in Kaminoan civilization, with gray-eyed Kaminoans being in the most elite caste, yellow eyes for the middle class, and blue-eyed individuals being in the lowest caste. Green-eyed individuals were shunned as aberrant mutations with intolerable genetic differences. Knowledge of this use of genetics to define social castes was later uncovered in the memoirs of Ko Sai, although it was unclear if she wrote the memoirs from personal experience or was merely relating information from Kaminoan history.

It was believed that their aloof nature was due, in part, to the genetic manipulation of the Kaminoan gene-pool, which kept the race vital without sacrificing individuality. Many beings speculated that the modern Kaminoans were cloned, rather than created by natural reproduction. Their ability to manipulate genes to create "perfect" clones led to an unspoken intolerance of other races among the Kaminoan people, especially those individuals who had some physical ailment or defect. To the average Kaminoan, other races were merely living puzzles that could be taken apart and put back together at the genetic level. Other scientists and social anthropologists believed that the Kaminoans were capable of showing emotions, but because of their history, they cared about different things.

Because the post-flood Kamino provided little natural resources, the Kaminoans discreetly sold their cloning services in return for the import of raw materials. Among their customers were the mining corporations of Subterrel and the agricultural operations on Folende. The Kaminoans aloof nature, coupled with Kamino's location in Wild Space, kept them isolated from the Old Republic until Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas contacted them about the creation of a clone army. Their anonimity was further ensured when Darth Tyranus killed Sifo-Dyas and erased evidence of the Kamino System from the Jedi Archives, having no desire to have the Jedi discover their former Master's plans. However, Tyranus continued with the order for a clone army, under orders from Darth Sidious, leading to the formation of the Grand Army of the Republic.

In the wake of the Clone Wars, the Kaminoans tried to fight back against Imperial oppression by secretly creating their own army of clones, loyal only to the Kaminoans themselves. This rebellion was swiftly stamped out by the 501st Legion of Imperial stormtroopers. In the years and decades that followed, the Kaminoans experienced a rapid decline in their civilization, as galactic bans on cloning, the defection of many important Kaminoan scientists, and Kamino's distance from the rest of the galaxy meant that very few credits reached their coffers. The wondrous cities of Kamino fell into disrepair, and any attempts to reinstate the once-important cloning facilities failed to get on track. In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the Kaminoans struggled mightily to remain a viable people.(SWI60, TCG1, BF1, E2N, VD2, SWDB, GORW, LF2, NEGA, RCTC, LLOW)

This was the native language of the Kaminoan race.(UANT)

Kaminoan Planetary Defense
This was the primary police force which protected the planet Kamino, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Offices and substations were maintained at the highest point in each of Kamino's cities, allowing easy distribution of forces and shielding. Because many cities on Kamino lacked any sort of defensive shielding, other than what was provided around the planet itself, the KPD had jurisdiction to call up the Kaminoan reservists to military duty if needed.(IWE2, GORW)

Kaminoan Sponge
This ocean-dwelling sponge was native to the planet Kamino. Several species were harvested and dried, then sold as supposedly healthful supplements, providing unspecified benefits if a being could get past the awful taste.(CN2)

Kamiroz, Zaz
This man worked with Hanos Darr, searching for ores in the asteroid field known as the Graveyard. After Darr was nearly killed by the assassin droid XS3, Kamiroz tried to go into hiding aboard the herdship Bazaar. He let the Ithorian Poliss know where he was, and also provided the Ithorian with information on what was located in the Graveyard of Alderaan. He was shot by the assassin Ferreges, but a team of Alliance agents managed to rescue him and bring him to Poliss for healing.(GA)

This young Falleen was one of the handful of Jedi Padawans who were being trained by Master Lucien Draay at the satellite training facility on Taris, during the years following the Great Sith War. Kamlin was among the most promising students at the facility, and was responsible for the capture of the noted criminal, P'den Robalt. Kamlin and the other Padawans were invited to a special ceremony by Master Lucien and the other Jedi instructors on Taris, to mark their achievements and ready them for their futures. Unknown to the Padawans, however, was that Lucien and the Masters were planning to murder the Padawans. Before they could react, Kamlin and the others were cut down by their instructors. Only Zayne survived, having arrived late to the ceremony. The media reacted to the story with intense interest, and dubbed the four murdered Padawans as the Taris Four.(KOR1, LPSS)

Shaara's older brother, Kamma was killed by Imperial troopers while trying to protect his sister from them.(TJP)

This planet, located in the Drynn System, was colonized during the early years of the New Order. Later, it was one of the first worlds provided to the Ssi-ruuk for the acquisition of human subjects, as part of a deal struck between Emperor Palpatine and the Shreeftut of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. The Empire later issued a statement which indicated that Kammia colony had been wiped out by a mysterious disease, and was under strict quarantine.(TBSB)

Kammie was a member of Echo Flight, during the period leading up to the Battle of Naboo.(SFT)

Kammris Iron
This metal was mined on several worlds, including Nkllon and Burnin Konn.(TLC, WOA33, SWG2P)

This planet was nearly destroyed by a series of intense earthquakes that occurred weeks after the destruction of Alderaan. All transportation, communications, and power were cut off, and hundreds of people were killed in the disaster.(SWJ5)

This planet was the site of a Jedi training center, utilized by the Jedi as late as the Clone Wars. It later served as a storehouse of Imperial data during the reign of Emperor Palpatine.(TOJ, SOP, HNN4)

Kamper System
This Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Calipsa during the New Order. It was seized from the holdings of House Pelagia, after Pelagia was nearly wiped out by House Mecetti.(LOE)

Kamperdine Clothing Specialists
This small corporation produced a wide range of leather clothing during the centuries before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.(GFT, AEG)

This man worked as a security guard at the LoBue casino, on the planet Abregado-rae, during the early years of the New Republic.(HTTE)

This was the Tarasin word used to describe the fan of scaly skin which surrounded the Tarasin head. The word kampo was unheard of until just after the Battle of Naboo, when the recorded memoirs of Dariana were discovered.(LFCW)

This was one of the seven inhabited worlds of the Stenness System.(RD)

This was a volcanically-active planet.(COG)

This was a species of vicious, predatory avian creatures that was native to the planet Dathomir.(SWG2P)

This Yuuzhan Vong term was used by members of the worker caste to indicate one of their peers.(NJOSB)

Kanal Islands
This frigid polar chain of islands was found on the moon Rellnas Minor, and was one of the primary Rellarin population centers.(GG12)

Kanali Wafers
These tasty pastries were made by the natives of Eiattu.(XWWP)

Kanarak the Slayer
This pirate was noted for the necklace he wore around his neck. It contained one bone from each of the enemies he had killed in battle. Kanarak was a huge, hulking, reptiloid with a long, fang-studded snout and two short horns. He was known to be excessively violent and aggressive. Kanarak was approached by Dhas Vedij and offered a chance to serve on the crew of the Far Orbit, after Vedij defected from Imperial service.(FOP)

Kanas, Srrn
This was a noted figure in the history of the Nazzar people.(UANT)

Kana's Steel
This Imperial cruiser was under the command of Captain Williar Barrog during the Galactic Civil War.(TA)

Kanauer Corporation
This vast mineral and ore mining operation owned the exclusive rights to mining the Thrugii Asteroid Belt, located within the Socorran System. Because of the system's remote location, Kanauer rarely had to deal with the Empire. Thus, they were free to handle things theri own way. This included hiring and paying their laborers, as well as dispensing their own justice to claim jumpers.(BSS)

This planet was located in the Tion Hegemony.(GORW)

Kanawyn Belt
This was the innermost of the two asteroid belts which ringed the star Saurton. Along with the Greawyn Belt, the Kanawyn Belt enclosed the planet Essowyn. Both belts were mined by six competing consortiums, which were watched closely by the Empire during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(PG1)

Kanchen Sector
This area of the galaxy contained the planet Xa Fel. It was attacked by Thrawn just prior to the Battle of Bilbringi, and was forced to surrender to the Empire.(TLC)

This tree, known for its edible and nutritious fruit, was native to the planet Dorin.(GCG)

This was one of the more common Kel Dor surnames. It referred to a fruit tree that was native to Dorin.(GCG)

Kand, Milessa
This woman, a native of the planet Alderaan, sympathized with the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the height of the Galactic Civil War. However, she chose to help the Alliance in covert ways, believing that outright attacks on the Empire would do more harm than good. Milessa was also sensitive to the Force, and had an uncanny ability to attune herself to her natural surroundings.(CCW)

This cave-ridden landscape was located on the planet Solem.(SWES)

This female Ansionian served as a member of the Unity of Community, in the city of Cuipernam on her homeworld of Ansion, some ten years after the Battle of Naboo. She was one of the strongest supporters of Ansionian secession, believing that the Old Republic was no longer a viable political institution. Her family holdings in Korumdah had been appropriated under Republic laws, and she believed that the Republic had caused the downfall of her family's fortunes. Kandah agreed to help Soergg the Hutt ensure Ansion's secession, and was one of the delegates who pushed for a rapid secession vote, even while the Jedi Knights sent to mediate the situation were working with the Alwari. After the Jedi successfully negotiated a treaty among the Alwari, Kandah was one of just two votes for Ansion's secession, while there were nine votes in favor of remaining with the Republic.(APS)

This Duros served as the pilot and astrogator aboard the pirate vessel Free Lance.(PP)

This Imperial shuttle was part of the support fleet of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Tempest.(SWJ4)

Kandela, Entha
This small-time criminal was one of many who were secretly working for Mikdanyell Guh'Rantt, the Rodian who served as the Mayor of Mos Eisley during the years following the Battle of Yavin.(SWGAL)

This fertile region of the planet Ansion, located north of Cuipernam, was known for its varied fruits and vegetables.(APS)

This young woman was in love with Biggs Darklighter, during the height of the New Order. They had pledged their love to each other just before Biggs left Tatooine to attend the Imperial Academy. However, before he could leave, Kandji was captured and killed by Tusken Raiders. A rescue posse found no trace of her body, and killed the Tuskens in revenge.(SWED)

Kand'lar, Bron
This Bothan female was a member of the Alliance's Intelligence agency, and was responsible for providing information on the activities surrounding the Bilbringi shipyards during the Galactic Civil War. She was ordered to step down from active duty after several members of her clan were killed in an Imperial raid, but she refused to grieve and remained active. However, her effectiveness began to wane, and Bilbringi's effectiveness as a source of information declined.(CRO)

This Mando'a word meant "weight" or "importance."(OWS)

Kandos Shuttle
A space transport famous for leaving ahead of schedule.(TJP)

This was a Mandalorian that had two different meanings, depending on the context and the way in which it was spoken. When shouted or used as a term of praise, Kandosii! was an adjective that was used to describe a job well-done, although its original meaning was meant to imply a certain nobility. It translated loosely into Basic as "good job." In other contexts, this Mando'a word meant "indomitable" or "ruthless."(OWS, RCTZ)

This Mandalorian phrase translated into Basic as "The elite boys."(RCTC)

This Mando'a word meant "stunning" or "amazing."(OWS)

Kane a bar
This Yuuzhan Vong phrase, used primarily as an insult, literally meant, "the dung of a meat maggot."(SBS, NJOSB)

This was a healthy vegetable that was often served pureed, especially to young children.(RC66)

Kang, Davik
This man was a noted crimelord, who operated as part of The Exchange from a base on the planet Taris, during the Great Sith War. He was once the owner of the Ebon Hawk, which he claimed to have stolen before outfitting it with state-of-the-art systems. Kang's small empire was based on smuggling and the slave trade, and he was not above extortion. When he was seen in public, Kang always wore a specialized suit of body armor. This body armor was rumored to have been created by a brilliant technician who owed Kang a large sum of credits. Kang agreed to cancel the debt and spare the technician's life in exchange for the creation of the body armor. Kang took possession of the armor and had the technician killed anyway, to ensure that no other being acquired such a suit. Just before the planet Taris was destroyed by Darth Malak, Kang was killed in a firefight, and the Ebon Hawk was taken by Carth Onasi and the survivors of the Endar Spire.(KOTOR, SWDB)

Kang and Lubrichs
A musical duo who performed during the middle years of the Old Republic.(TME)

This Mugaari cargo ferry was destroyed during an Imperial raid on their hidden outpost in the Tungra Sector, shortly after the Battle of Hoth.(TIE, TIEP)

This fiery, red-haired woman worked as an Alliance operative, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(TB2)

Kannu, Sai-Ani
This Cerean bounty hunter and assassin was active during the last years of the Old Republic. Although he was a skilled hunter, Kannu had grown tied of killing, and hated much of the tedium involved with his line of work. At one point in his career, Kannu had been forced to kill a Jedi Knight, an act that he was neither proud of nor wished to repeat. After a job on Rodia, Kannu had briefly considered giving up his career as an assassin, having finally tired of the killing. He arrived on Cularin to meet a contact about a possible job in the wake of the deaths of twelve Jedi Knights, all of whom had been killed in recent days. Much to his dismay, he had been contacted by a wealthy human who needed his skills as an assassin. His mood brightened slightly when he learned that he was to put his skills to use in protecting eleven key Cularin figures from being killed; Kannu had been hired to stop other assassins. These individuals had been working to keep the Cularin System free, and had become targets of certain unscrupulous organizations. He eagerly took the job, vowing to keep his work secret from the eleven unsuspecting targets.(LFCW)

Kanos, Kir
This man was at one time an elite stormtrooper for the Empire. Recognized as one of the most loyal and able warriors of the Empire, he was given a chance to train at the Royal Guard facility on Yinchorr. His chief rival during the training was Carnor Jax, who defeated Alum Frost in combat for the Emperor. Kir also survived the training, after being forced to fight a battle to the death with his friend, Lemmet Tauk. His reward was to be defeated by Darth Vader and the Dark Side of the Force, which earned him a lightsaber scar across his face. He was promoted to serve as one of Emperor Palpatine's Royal Imperial Guards, and he served faithfully until Palpatine was killed at Endor. Like many of the Royal Guard, he remained loyal to the remnants of the Empire, and tried to return to Palpatine's side when his clones were activated on Byss. However, after the clones were killed, Kanos returned to Yinchorr with the other Guards to discuss their next moves. All but Kanos were wiped out by the treacherous Carnor Jax, including Kile Hannad. Kanos suddenly found himself loyal to an Empire with no leader. Worse, he learned that Carnor Jax had assumed control of a portion of the Empire, proclaiming to be a Dark Lord. Kanor went into hiding on Phaeda, and joined the New Republic cell led by Mirith Sinn in order to defeat their common enemies. When Colonel Shev ordered his forces to invade the Republic stronghold and capture Kanos, Sinn's forces were unable to stop the assault. However, Kanos took matters into his own hands nad eliminated Shev's troops, then fled to Yinchorr. He was followed by Jax, Blim, and a squadron of specially-trained, black-armored stormtroopers which he quickly dispatched. He then faced Carnor Jax, alone in The Squall. Kanos was able to gain the upper hand, and when Mirith Sinn and Sish Sadeet dispatched Blim, Kanos was able to breach Jax's defense and drive the blade of his staff through Jax's breastplate. Jax was killed instantly, despite the fact that Mirith wanted him alive for questioning. Sadeet was angry at the loss of Jax, and tried to kill Kanos. Kanos, however, anticipated Sadeet's attack and killed the Trandoshan with a jab of his staff. He then left Yinchorr and went into hiding. He reappeared as the bounty hunter Kenix Kil, and infiltrated Grappa the Hutt's organization. When Mirith was given over to the Zanibar and taken to Xo, Kanos followed them. He hoped to rescue Mirith, and asked for Kennede's son's help. However, Kanos was captured by the Zanibar and brought to Genon by Zzzanmxl, who hoped to collect the Imperial bounty on Kanos' head. Mirith managed to free him, along with Feena D'Asta, and they returned to Ord Cantrell to find the Baron D'Asta. In the wake of Xandel Carivus' treacherous schemes, Kanos hunted the self-proclaimed Emperor down and executed him as a traitor to the Empire. Kanos then left them all on Ord Cantrell, to follow his own ideal of the Empire depsite his afffection for Mirith. Kir Kanos was voiced by Patrick Coyle for the Crimson Empire audio book.(CE, CE2, SWDB)

This was one of the many subcities located in the CoCo District of Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old Republic.(HNN4)

This was the name of the primary star in the Kantel System.(SN)

This Mon Calamari grew up on his homeworld of Calamari like every other member of his race, working toward the betterment of his people, until a chance meeting with a wandering Quarren changed his perception on life. This Quarren claimed that personal freedom - not the improvement of society as a whole - was the most important thing in life. Instead of clinging to what he was taught, Kant left Calamari behind and took to the stars in his starship, the Freedom. On world after world, Kant found societies in which individual freedom was suppressed in order to ensure the continuation of the whole, a situation he found utterly unacceptable. He began working to unsettle governments and society, hoping to spur the populace into action against their oppressors. His mission became harder with the establishment of the Galactic Empire, when all freedoms were curtailed by the whims of Emperor Palpatine. Kant fought against the Imperial oppression, but never joined the Alliance. He fought his own war, and was happy to see the Empire defeated at Endor. He didn't stop his own crusade, however, recognizing that beings were still being oppressed by their governments.(UA)

Kantal Boulevard
This was a residential street that was found in the city of Hedrett, on the planet Cularin. The Jedi Knight known as Nek Lawsirk lived at 113 Kantal Boulevard, in apartment number eight.(FOC2)

This city was located on the planet Arkania.(HNN5)

Kantt, Soly
This Corellian man was one of many beings who worked at the Orbital Assembly Facility 7 station, in orbit around the planet Corellia, some sixty years before the Battle of Yavin. Soly lived in Corellia with his wife and children, and was a ten-year veteran of CEC's construction operations. Thus, he spent regular shifts on the orbital facility, supervising the work of the cybernetic overseers that guided the starship production lines.(MF)

This region of the planet Caamas was once noted for its rolling hills and gentle valleys. However, when the Empire decided to attack Caamas, much of the Kanupian region was leveled by bombs. The villages that had grown up in the region was summarily destroyed, leaving the area a blasted wasteland.(CN2)

This was a Kubaz expletive.(MBS)

Kanx, Nollo
This Quarren enforcer worked for Odanni, the Mon Calamari owner of the Fathoms restaurant complex. He had a fearful reputation among the locals of Wildwater City, who knew that he presense meant only bad things were going to happen. Nollo Kanx was something of a expert in the use of poisons, and he created many of his own poisons using the plants and animals which were supported within Wildwater City's environs.(WSV)

Kanz Disorders
This was the term used by historians to describe events that occurred in the wake of the Great Sith War, when Myrial, the provisional governor of the planet Argazda, seceded her planet from the Old Republic and declared the Kanz Sector independent. She and the so-called Myrialites who followed her then launched a series of conquests in which a number of planets were placed into slavery, including Lorrd. The outrage from the enslaved worlds met with deaf ears in the Old Republic, which was busy battling both the outbreak of Sith magic in the galaxy and the Mandalorian Wars. The Kanz Disorders lasted nearly 300 years before they were resolved by a joint task force of Jedi Knights and Old Republic armed forces, some 3,670 years before the Battle of Yavin. 300 million Lorrdians and 5 billion other beings were killed in the conflicts.(HSR, CSA, NECH, OWS)

Kanz Sector
This area of the galaxy contained the planet Lorrd.(SWI85)

Kanzer Exiles
This alien race existed on a remote planet in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, more than 100,000 years before the onset of the Clone Wars. The Kanzer Exiles were believed to have been reptiloids who worshipped a pantheon of demons.(LSSM)

Kanziwck Amphitheatre
This was the name of a popular, open-air entertainment facility.(RPG)

This Jedi remained hidden during Palpatine's purge, and then later helped smuggle arms and other valuable goods for the Alliance. Kaoln once employed Nuendo Rash to transport goods from Tatooine, using a cargo of grain to hide the real cargo.(GG6)

This remote world served as Count Dooku's primary base of operations, after he was forced to flee Vjun during the Clone Wars.(LEV)

This Hutt was considered typical for his race, for his criminal empire had interests in the spice trade, slavery, and weapons running. What separated Ka'Pa from other Hutts was his willingness to do business with the New Republic after the death of Jabba, despite the fact that Leia Organa Solo was Jabba's killer. Ka'Pa simply explained that he never let politics get in the way of business. He was also a business rival of Takara.(WOTC, MOTS)

Kapa tonka
This Huttese command literally meant "Hands up!"(GMR5)

This Gwurran deity was the god of thunder. Lightning was often referred to as Kapchenaga's Breath, and Kapchenaga commanded the rain gods whenever he needed water to fall from the skies.(APS)

Kapchenaga's Breath
According to the mythology of the Gwurran race of Ansionians, Kapchenaga was the god of thunder, and his breath was the lightning.(APS)

This code phrase was used by Etahn A'baht, during the blockade of the Koornacht Cluster. It released Task Force Aster to attack the Yevetha at Doornik-319.(SOL)

The Imperial transport intercepted by Alliance starfighters as it tried to carry away the Cygnus Spaceworks technical staff.(XW)

This was one of the common designations used by the targetting computers installed on Imperial warships to identify a group of Imperial starfighters. Because most Imperial starfighters, like TIE Fighters, were mass-manufactured, their transponders codes were often little more than a group of letters and numbers. In order to distinguish these ships from enemy vessels during a battle, Imperial targetting computers assigned all fighters in a given unit to a specific group, each with a specific designation. The eighth group discovered by the targetting computer was usually assigned to the Kappa group, and the ships within that group were also given a numerical identifier, such as Kappa 1. In situations where starfighters from two or more base ships were participating in a battle, the designation Kappa was preceded by a character that was unique to the base ship.(TIEP)

This was one of the common designations used by the targetting computers installed on Imperial warships to identify a group of Imperial bombers. Because most Imperial bombers, like TIE Bombers, were mass-manufactured, their transponders codes were often little more than a group of letters and numbers. In order to distinguish these ships from enemy vessels during a battle, Imperial targetting computers assigned all bombers in a given unit to a specific group, each with a specific designation. The third group discovered by the targetting computer was usually assigned to the Kappa group, and the ships within that group were also given a numerical identifier, such as Kappa 1. In situations where bombers from two or more base ships were participating in a battle, the designation Kappa was preceded by a character that was unique to the base ship.(TIEP)

Kappa-class Shuttle
This 35-meter shuttle was a personnel transport ship produced during the height of the Old Republic by Republic Sienar Systems. It was originally designed to carry AT-PTs into battle for close support operations, and could carry up to 40 troops into battle. The shuttle's interior was modular, and could be rearranged for various troop needs. In form it was a precursor to the Lambda-class shuttle, but the co*ckpit was extended away from the main fuselage and the the dorsal wing was not used. The stabilizer wings on the Kappa-class shuttle were much smaller than the Lambda-class has, and were stationary. The standard Kappa-class shuttle was armed with a pair of turret-mounted, double blaster cannons, and a pair of repeating blaster cannons mounted on the nose. After the rise of the Empire, the Kappa-class remained in production, although many users decided to leave off the AT-PTs. The cargo space which held the small walkers was often turned into additiona storage space.(SWJ7, ROE)

Kappela Dynasty
This dynasty was the last of the descendants of Shey Tapani to rule Tapani Sector before the advent of the Tapani Federation.(PGT)

This small corporation produced some of the finest starship thrust packages available for civilian use during the height of the New Order.(SWJ10)

This was one of the most common names given to female Corellians.(GMR9)

This Mando'a word meant "stars." Its exact meaning was based in Mandalorian legend, and referred to a ruling council of fallen kings.(OWS)

This creature was native to the planet Kalee, although its range had been reduced to the Grendaju region by the time of the Clone Wars. It was often hunted by the Kaleesh, who used its blood to paint ritualistic patterns on their masks prior to combat. The snout of the karabba was studded with heavy fangs. This creature was also referred to as a karabbac.(VD3, OWS, NEGA)

see Karabba(OWS)

This individual once tried to create a Gamorrean board game.(SWJ10)

This charismatic, power-hungry Sedrian priest was the bishop of war under Cardo's rulership of Fitsay. However, Karak desired more power than that. He stole a piece of the Golden Sun for his own use, hoping to take control of Fitsay and, eventually, all of Sedri. His chief rival, Cardo, drove Karak and his followers out of Fitsay, but they retained their piece of the Golden Sun. In order to gain popular support, Karak preached that the Golden Sun should be accessible to all Sedrians, in open opposition to Cardo's own stance. After fleeing Fitsay, Karak tried to form an alliance with Commander Aban and the Imperials. Karak hoped to crack the Great Shell Dome and take the Golden Sun for himself. Aban wanted to obtain the power of the Golden Sun for the Empire. His treacherous plans eventually affected the Golden Sun itself, turning it to the Dark Side of the Force. Pek, Fala, and a group of Alliance agents were able to scatter pieces of the Golden Sun from the Great Shell Dome, cutting off Karak's power and leaving him defenseless. He was captured by Pek's forces and imprisoned for his treachery.(BGS)

This ancient isolationist was known for the advanced technology he produced during the years leading up to the Great Sith War. Because he detested the company of others, Karakan developed devices that helped him survive without unnecessary interaction.(KOTOR)

Karakan Gauntlets
Named for their inventor, the noted isolationist Karakan, these heavy gauntlets were essentially a self-contained medical computer system. The gauntlets constantly monitored the wearer's nervous and circulatory systems, and could adjust nerve impulses, blood pressure, and tension through the wearer's hands. The use of these gauntlets gave a user greater stability.(KOTOR)

This planet was the homeworld of the Shimholt race.(OWS)

This Krish smuggler worked in the Lexas Systems before joining the Mytaranor Slaving Council.(AIR)

This Mando'a word was another way to say "breath."(OWS)

Karap Valley
This fog-shrouded valley was located on the planet Hewl.(AIR)

Karastee, Gawynn
This criminal psychiatrist worked on the planet Coruscant, during the height of the New Order.(EGA)

This woman was the youngest of the daughters born to the Singing Mountain clan's Clan Mother, Augwynne. She died protecting her mother from an attack by the Nightsister leader, Gethzerion.(CTD)

Karath, Craddock
This Corellian man was the father of Saul Karath. After the death of his wife, several years before the onset of the Great Sith War, Craddock was forced to work two shifts at a local munitions factory in order to bring home enough credits to feed himself and his five children. This forced Saul to take on a role of surrogate father, helping his siblings while his father was at work.(KORH)

Karath, Saul
This Corellian man was at one time a respected Admiral with the Old Republic's naval forces, having earned several promotions in the aftermath of the decisive struggles during the Mandalorian Wars. As a child, Saul was the oldest son of Craddock Karath, and had to serve as the surrogate father to four other brothers and sisters while his father worked long hours to bring home enough credits to survive. When the Great Sith War broke out, Saul volunteered for military training, and many believed that he might have been little more than a foot soldier if he had not been recognized by Captain Vanicus. Over time, he worked his way up through the ranks, and eventually was promoted to serve as the captain of the Reciprocity. After smashing a pirate ring, Karath was promoted to serve as the commander of the warship Courageous, which was deployed to confront the Mandalorian forces arrayed near Taris and Vanquo during the early stages of the Mandalorian Wars. He had complete faith the battle plan, which had been put together by Admirals Veltraa and Sommos, and which mandated that Republic engage in minor disputes with the Mandalorians, rather than all-out war. In this way, Karath believed that the Mandalorians would be lulled into a false sense of security against the Republic's forces, at which time a full-fledged fleet could descend on the Mandalorians and wipe them out.

However, the Republic's forces were overwhelmed along many parts of its defensive line, in a series of battles that became known as The Onslaught. Karath himself only barely escaped the conflict, and was promoted to Rear Admiral for his heroism. He was then ordered to take the Courageous and form a defensive stand at Serroco, but was again overwhelmed by the ferocity and strength of the Mandalorian battle fleet when he failed to heed a warning from the former Jedi Padawan, Zayne Carrick. The Courageous was eventually scuttled near Serroco, and Karath was forced to flee to Arkania with Carrick and Carth Onasi. They were intercepted by the Arkanian Legacy and directed to Omonth, where Lord Arkoh Adasca revealed his plans for the altered exogorths that inhabited the system. He had chosen Karath to act as the Old Republic's negotiator, a role that Karath struggled with, especially when he was faced with representatives from the Revanchists and the Mandalorians. Although Dallan Morvis urged him to do what was necessary to obtain control of the exogorths, Karath was unable to fully represent the Republic by himself. In the end, Karath didn't have to negotiate at all, as Zayne Carrick and Lucien Draay managed to stage a diversion, allowing The Camper to take the exogorths deep into the unknown regions of the galaxy. In the wake of the Adasca Affair, Admiral Karath was recalled to Coruscant, to protect Coruscant and ensure that Zayne Carrick did not reach the planet's surface. His orders were originated by the Jedi High Council, and were supported by the Galactic Senate, but Karath chafed at having been relegated to homeworld protection instead of remaining on the front lines of the war.

Once in place in Coruscant's orbit, Karath discovered that someone had hacked into the Vanjervalis Chain that had been installed into the fleet's shipboard computers. The ships under his command suddenly opened fire on several locations on Coruscant's surface, although Karath himself had given no such orders. A technician discovered that the Vanjervalis Chain could only be disabled by destroying the Swiftsure, a move that Admiral Karath reluctantly accepted. However, on the surface of Coruscant, Zayne Carrick and Lucien Draay were able to defeat Haazen and call of the attack on Coruscant, allowing Admiral Karath to keep the Swiftsure intact. Shortly after the defeat of the Mandalorians, Admiral Karath declared that the Republic was no longer worthy of his support. Karath fled into the depths of the Sith Empire and joined Darth Revan. Among the Sith, Admiral Karath commanded the Leviathan, the Interdictor warship he stole from the Republic. His defection to the Sith did not help the Old Republic, as it set a precedent for many other officers to abandon their positions and join the Sith. Many of these officers feared that the Sith would learn a great deal about their tactics from Karath, and defected in order to avoid a swift death. From the bridge of the Leviathan, Karath oversaw the destruction of many planets, including Taris. His triumphs were short-lived, however, when he was confronted by Carth Onasi aboard the Leviathan, during the search for the Star Forge. Onasi was a former pupil and protégé, and killed Karath on the ship's bridge in an act of revenge and frustration.(KOTOR, SWDB, KOR2, KOR4, KOR5, KOR6, KORH, KOR9, KOR10)

This planet was the site of the Alliance's Eyrie Base. From space, the planet appeared to be bathed in a blue-green atmosphere. Much of the planet's crust was dominated by a soft mantle made of limestone, and many sink holes formed on its surface over the millennia.(SWJ8)

Karathas, Vara
This woman served as an Admiral in the Corellian military, during the years following the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. Admiral Karathas was among the many military leaders who supported Thrackan Sal-Solo's continued calls for Corellian independence from the Galactic Alliance, which gave her considerable power when Sal-Solo ousted the Minister of War and assumed the role himself. Sal-Solo then named Karathas as his chief of staff, placing her ostensibly in command of the entire Corellian military.(LF1)

Karatos Plague
Jango Fett used this deadly virus to try and gain the upper hand in his negotiations with Darth Tyranus, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. He carried the spores on his armor, and released them into the air as soon as they were alone. Tyranus, however, used his mastery of the Force to alter his internal chemistry to defeat the virus. Jango was immune to the Karatos Plague, which was native to Concord Dawn, since he had been inoculated against it as a child.(JFOS)

A common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "strength".(GCG)

This was the primary planet in the Karazak System, located in the Outer Rim Territories. The planet was riddled with natural caves and tunnels, which were used by the Slaver Syndicate as a base of operations. Along with Zygeria and the Thalassian System, Karazak was one of the Outer Rim's slaving capitals.(GG9)

Karazak Slavers Cooperative
see Karazak Slavers Guild(TFNR)

Karazak Slavers Guild
Headquartered on the planet Karazak, this slaving operation maintained a transfer center on Gabredor III, which was led by Greezim Trentacal. Trentacal was hired by the Pentastar Alignment to kidnap the children of the ambassador of Cantras Gola, in an attempt to force PowerOn Conglomeration to remain with the Alignment. The children were rescued - and the transfer center destroyed - by the Red Moons, who were operating in the interests of the New Republic to defeat the Alignment.(TFE)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "hyperdrive," although its literal meaning was "star to star."(OWS)

Karbonni Asteroid Belt
This asteroid belt was located in the Pax System. It was here that one of the two ships carrying gems from the Klatooinan Trade Guild, in payment for the rights to trade on Plagen, was lost. To this day, explorers of every kind seek the ship, called the Fool's Gold, hoping to obtain fantastic wealth.(TSK)

Karda, Abal
Karda was, at one time, an Imperial Colonel. Boba Fett took on the assignment to track this man down, after he was declared an enemy of the Empire, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. A balding man with a cybernetic replacement for his left eye, Karda had been ordered by his superior, General Nim, to wipe out the Icarii. Karda destroyed the Icarii by poisoning the entire tribe. Selestrine, queen of the Icarii, was captured by Karda and forced into slavery. Karda believed that he could use her ability to foresee the future to his advantage, but Selestrine took the same poison that killed her tribe. In anger, Karda beheaded her before the poison could spread, and then stolen the disembodied head after medics encased it in a life-sustaining casket sheathed in kneeb hide. Selestrine then predicted that Karda's superior, General Nim, would be killed, and Karda could move up to take his place. General Nim came to Karda to congratulate him, and also revealed that Darth Vader himself knew about Seletrine's disembodied head. Karda grew scared and jealous of this knowledge, and shot Nim and his forces dead on the spot, thereby fulfilling Selestrin'es prophecy. Karda fled the Empire, assuming the guise of a Vestaari nomad in order to escape notice and travel to Star Station 12, then assumed the guise of a Duhman traveller in order to avoid being captured for the bounty placed on his head. Karda then traveled to Star Station 9, hoping to throw off any pursuit before fleeing to the planet Maryx Minor, where he hid himself among the Ancient Order of the Pessimists. Karda grew more and more delusional, and even killed one of the priests there when he believed the young man was a bounty hunter. He killed another when their funeral dirge for brother Mabob was too loud. However, Karda's disguises and hiding places couldn't prevent Boba Fett from finding him. In the end, Karda was shot and killed by Fett on Maryx Minor.(EOE)

This being was living on the planet Tatooine, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWG2P)

This Yinchorri was a member of the Intelligentsia class, during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. It was Kardek who proposed that Vilmarh Grahrk marry into his clan, so that the Devaronian could help the Yinchorri steal starships from the Golden Nyss Shipyards.(TDV)

This was the alias used by a serial killer who went on a rampage during the early stages of the Clone Wars. After killing Ash B'risko, Kardem took the lives of three Twi'lek females. Kardem's Twi'lek victims had apparently been killed by a lightsaber, then their bodies had been immoliated in what seemed to be Force lightning. Thus, Vydel Dir'Nul was assigned the mission of tracking Kardem down and bringing the killer to justice. She was unable to stop the death of a fourth Twi'lek on Perilious, but it was on the Outer Rim world that the truth of Kardem's identity was exposed. Kardem was actually Vydel Dir'Nul, who had slipped over to the Dark Side of the Force when she discovered that Ash B'risko had taken a Twi'lek female as a lover. In her jealousy, Dir'Nul killed B'risko, then set out to avenge her loss by killing Twi'lek females. Another Jedi was dispatched to bring her in, but she killed him as well, adding a Jedi to Kardem's growing list of victims. Kardem remained free to kill again, until she was captured by Feskitt Bobb.(T17, SWI80)

This Devish from the Kardue family was the third to bear that name and the sixteenth in a line of devoted Army supporters. He was also the last, for when the Empire ordered him to execute over 700 Devaronian supporters of the Alliance, he balked at military life. He fled Devaron, and ended up on Tatooine. There, he went by the name of Labria, where he was known as Mos Eisley's mascot drunkard. He tries to make a living as an information broker, but his constant state of inebriation nets him little in the way of valuable data. He was known to a few by the alias Airbal (Labria spelled backwards), which was the name his was using to save money in a Tatooine bank. He hopes one day to make it big and get off the desert world. In the meantime, he pursued the best the galaxy had to offer for music, despite Imperial restrictions on performers in general. He had an extensive (complete, in his estimation) collection of the galaxy's music hidden in his Mos Eisley residence. When Garindan told him that Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes were playing for Jabba, he became obsessed with seeing them. Knowing that Jabba didn't like him and wouldn't let him in, Kardue'sai'Malloc arranged for Valarian to dump the Max Rebo Band and hire the Nodes away from Jabba. At the same time, he tipped Jabba off to Valarian's transgression. In the resulting melee, he asked Wuher to offer the Nodes a chance to lay low, in exchange for playing at the Mos Eisley cantina for basically nothing. Thus, Kardue'sai'Malloc - Labria to his Mos Eisley friends - was present in the Mos Eisley cantina when Obi-Wan and Luke approach Han Solo for passage to the Alderaan system. Larbia eventually won most of the Nodes' musical instruments playing sabacc with Figrin. He used his ability to see infrared light to cheat Figrin, failing only to obtain Doikk Na'ts's Fizzz. Kardue was eventually captured, some fifteen years after the Battle of Hoth. Kardue had been spotted on Tatooine, following the deaths of four mercenaries who were trying to kill him. Boba Fett tracked him to Peppel, somehow finding him by tracking sales of Merenzane Gold. Fett incapacitated Kardue, and brought him back to Devaron for sentencing. Before being turned over to the authorities, Kardue made Fett promise that his music collection would be recovered and saved for posterity. As per Devaronian law, Kardue was executed by a pack of quarra for his crimes.(E4, SCRE, TME, TBH)

Karduran Acrobats
These acrobats were known throughout the galaxy for their trapeze-like acts.(TCC)

Kareas Brandy
This distillation was favored by General Hestiv.(SOP)

This planet was the third world in the Kessel System, and was too far removed from the inner two and the star, Kessa, to received much sunlight. Thus, Karedda was a frozen wasteland. Its orbit was slowly decaying, due to its proximity to the Maw during part of its orbital path, and many astrophysicists believed it would eventually be swallowed by the black holes.(JASB, GORW)

Kareen, Kidd
This blue-skinned was one of the most popular podracers on the planet Mon Gazza, during the early months of the Clone Wars. Kidd Kareen drove a black Solarix-G6 podracer, and he was not above using its size to force other racers off a racecourse. During the preliminary heats at the Mon Gazza Maze, Kidd Kareen met a young Togruta racer named Ahsoka Tano. Unaware that she was actually a Jedi Padawan, Kidd Kareen agreed to show Ahsoka around the racetrack. This gave Ahsoka's mentor, Anakin Skywalker, a chance to snoop around Kareen's pit position in search of a stolen data disk that had been brought to Mon Gazza by Messo. While they were alone, Kidd Kareen explained to Ahsoka that he had grown up around racing vehicles, and that he had learned to fly before he had learned to walk. Their discussion wandered into talk about the war, and Kidd Kareen explained that he had heard the Republic's forces were trying to ensure that the galaxy was under the control of Galactic Senate, with the Jedi Knights as their enforcers. Although Ahsoka believed otherwise, she maintained her appearance as a simple podracing rookie. However, Kidd Kareen's pit crew discovered Anakin posing as a crew member and snooping around their pit stall, and tried to apprehend him. Anakin told the crew that he was only making sure they didn't cheat, and while Kidd Kareen accepted this explanation, his Devaronian racing partner Maxus did not. When Maxus returned a short time later with knowledge that Ahsoka and her crewman were actually Jedi Knights, Kidd Kareen asked why he knew this. Maxus explained that he was working for the Separatists, and forced Kareen to go along with his actions, otherwise the evidence of Maxus' duplicity might put Kareen in jail. The two racers conspired to eliminate Ahsoka and Anakin during the finals race at the Mon Gazza Maze, but when Maxus forced them into the Skeleton Straits, Kidd Kareen began to have second thoughts. He decided to help Ahsoka and take whatever punishment came to him as a result of his association with Maxus. After they escaped from the Skeleton Straits, Ahsoka revealed that she was a Jedi Padawan, and that her crew chief was actually Anakin Skywalker. Kidd Kareen was surprised, because his parents had seen Anakin's victory at the Boonta Eve Classic podrace on Tatooine, a decade earlier. Kidd was even more surprised when the two Jedi let him go free, since he had not known what Maxus was doing until the very end. Kidd told Ahsoka that he would welcome her if she wanted to take Maxus' place, but he understood when she declined.(CWCC)

This was one of the Alliance's Dreadnaught warships, active during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(XVT)

Karell, Dunston
This man was a member of the Alliance's Gray Griffins, and served as the pilot of the Whisper.(OE)

This ancient Jedi scholar was believed to have been the first being to use the term praxeum to describe the distillation of learning combined with action. Millennia later, Luke Skywalker used the term to describe his new Jedi training facility on Yavin 4.(DA)

This race of arboreal beings was native to the tisvollt forests of the planet Barlok. The Karfs were considered delicate in appearance, especially when compared to their planetary neighbors, the Brolfi.(OF)

A planet in the Senex Sector, it was known for its slave farms.(COJ)

Karfeddion Skull Crackers
This was Karfeddion's most notorious smashball team, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. They were best-known for their blatant disregard for the rules of the sport, and their style of play often resulted in injuries to their opponents.(COD)

This was a species of long-bodied, predatory mammal.(SQ)

Karflian Nestling
This northern area of the city of Xakrea, on Darkknell, was inhabited by members of the fringe and the lower classes.(TFNR)

Karflo 1
This Alliance freighter was part of the group that was trying to supply Admiral Harkov's defecting fleet, during the months that followed the Battle of Hoth. The convoy, and the Karflo group, were destroyed in an Imperial ambush that was led by Maarek Stele.(TIE, TIEP)

Karflo 2
This Alliance freighter was part of the group that was trying to supply Admiral Harkov's defecting fleet, during the months that followed the Battle of Hoth. The convoy, and the Karflo group, were destroyed in an Imperial ambush that was led by Maarek Stele.(TIE, TIEP)

Karflo 3
This Alliance freighter was part of the group that was trying to supply Admiral Harkov's defecting fleet, during the months that followed the Battle of Hoth. The convoy, and the Karflo group, were destroyed in an Imperial ambush that was led by Maarek Stele.(TIE, TIEP)

Karflo Corporation
This conglomerate had subsidairy businesses in heavy mining, manufacturing, xenobiotechnology, colonial exploration, and research. Karflo was one of the original Signatory Sponsors of the Corporate Sector Authority. Under the rule of Emperor Palpatine and the New Order, Karflo became a major manufacturer of hyperdrive components, and often exploited low-tech worlds in order to rape them of natural resources. This practice was curtailed by the New Republic, in an effort to allow these worlds to decide for themselves how best to use their natural resources.(CSA, GG8)

The son of an Imperial Admiral, this Imperial Commander was order by Darth Vader himself to locate Princess Leia Organa, and to confiscate her ship and her cargo upon capture, during the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Commander Karg managed to intercept Leia on Kattada, and would have shot her in cold blood if she hadn't acknowledged the fact that she was a member of the Alliance, if the Alderaanian soldiers aboard the Tantive IV hadn't shot him first. Leia ordered that Karg and Mia Ikova be taken aboard the Tantive IV for medical treatment. However, the wounds to his head and neck were too extensive even for bacta to heal, and Karg died shortly afterward.(SWEP)

This man held the rank of General within the Hawk-bat Independent Space Force pirate command structure. In reality, Kargin was Garik Loran.(IF)

This was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy.(GCG)

This was the Neimoidian word for "cargo."(GPB)

This eighty-meter-long, predatory worm lived in the heart of a cluster of Trindellian oak trees, on the moon of Trindello. Generally nocturnal, the kargul lived in lairs that were hidden inside the main root of the Trindellian oaks. When disturbed, the kargul worms attacked with ferocious bites, and were known to kill entire teams of loggers in swift order.(GMR9)

This was the sole sentient species was native to the planet Karideph. The Kari were small insectoids, with black exskeletons covering most of their bodies. They walk on two powerful legs, with two small arm-like appendages used to manipulate objects. Due to the huge, city-like structures which dominate the surface of the planet, many Kari live in a vast system of underground tunnels, and have never seen the light of the planet's primary star. Much of their effort was spent growing food, as the population of Karideph was nearly 100 billion Kari. The Kari were also adept at creating small appliances and machines, which they export in exchange for food. The basic societal element of the Kari was the Hatch, which describes a family of 20 to 30 individuals. It was the Hatches, not the Kari themselves, that form the individual personalities of Karideph, as the Kari have a true hive society. As a whole, the Kari have limited intelligence, but they have developed a system of songs that maintain histories and lessons from generation to generation. Bards were among the most important of the Kari, and each Hatch had at least one singer to preserve their history and to communicate with other Hatches. The Empire banned the Kari from participating in - or even developing - space travel, fearing that their impressive birthrate would allow the Kari to quickly overrun human society.(GG6, AE)

This planet was one of the most overpopulated places in the galaxy. Like Coruscant, Karideph's surface was dominated by cities, with any space not given over to buildings being consumed with endless tiers of well-groomed gardens. There was no longer any wilderness or wildlife on Karideph. Even the mountains and seas have been turned into terraced and manicured plots. Much of the planet's industry was geared toward the production of food for its incomprehensible numbers; foodstuffs also top the list of items imported to the planet. The planet's native sentient race, the Kari, supported the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, although they were prone to any attack which left them without a constant source of food. Karideph was located in the Minos Cluster, and served as one endpoint of the Trition Tarde Route. Its temperate climate once allowed the operation of farms. Its day lasted approximately 19 standard hours, and its year lasted 204 local days.(GG6, DARK)

This temperate planet was the homeworld of the Eickarie and Lakra races.(FB)

This Em'liy was distinguished in the history of the planet Shalyvane.(UANT)

This young Jedi Padawan and his master, Dajjun, were trapped on the planet Kailion, during the height of the Clone Wars. Karii was still quite young, and lacked a great deal of training, but was assigned to the mission nonetheless. Their mission involved investigating whether or not the Sheyasti Trade Syndicate was secretly smuggling goods for the Separatists. The information they needed was found in a blocky droid, but the group was forced to escape through a series of caves in order to avoid detection. Their mission was discovered, however, and Separatist forces caused a cave-in, trapping them in the caves. Master Dajjun and his students had to fight their way clear of several large predators, few of which Karii could dsicern through the Force, in order to escape Kailion and return with their proof.(SWMW)

One of seven major Kentran cities on Orellon II, Kariish was the planetary capital. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, it was ruled by King Jerius.(SWJ2)

This woman lived on the planet Corellia, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWG2P)

This Baron was a native of the planet Yarrv, and ruled the Darpheon city-state during the Galactic Civil War. Karin was militaristic agitator who hoped to become King of Yarrv and subjugate the nearby planet of Steelious. A war with Steelious would require heavy investment in war materiel, and Karin's city-state was heavily involved with military manufacturing. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, an Alliance protocol droid containing vital information on the Alliance's activities in the sector was damaged on Yarrv, and found employment in Karin's estate as a butler. Alliance agents were forced to infiltrate the Baron's estate and recover the droid.(WS)

Karina the Great
This massive, Geonosian female was the Queen of the Stalgasin hive, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. About a year after the Battle of Geonosis signalled the onset of the Clone Wars, Queen Karina discovered a way to use brain worms to control the male drones of her hive. The brain worms augmented the hive-mind connection between the Queen and the members of her hive, and even provided her with the ability to continue to control individual Geonosians after their deaths. These individuals appeared like zombies, moving about in response to Queen Karina's directives. Through the use of this new-found connection, Queen Karina was able to re-establish the Stalgasin hive from her safe location deep inside Progate Temple, in the wake of the Battle of Geonosis, and restore full operations at the hive's droid production factories within a few months. Queen Karina used her brain worm-infected drones as a personal security force, ensuring that no beings discovered her location. Thus, when Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and clone trooper Buzz arrived at the Progate Temple in search of Poggle the Lesser, the drones killed Buzz and captured Master Unduli. Queen Karina realized that a captive Jedi would be the perfect addition to her strange protectors, and planned to insert a brain worm into the Jedi Master's skull. Her plans were briefly interrupted by the appearance of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, and Queen Karina revealed that she could speak the Basic language when Kenobi began to negotiate for Master Unduli's freedom. Karina refused to give up her prize, and even threatened to insert a brain worm into his nose as well. Before the brain worms could get inside the skulls of the Jedi, however, Kenobi and Skywalker ordered their clone troopers to attack. In the ensuing firefight, the Republic's forces captured Poggle the Lesser before destroying the columns and supports that held up the Queen's chamber, burying Karina the Great and her minions under tons of stone and rubble.(CWTV29)

This Corvette was based on the planet Ryloth, during the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin. It was attacked by the Star Destroyer Avenger while on a diplomatic mission to meet with representatives of the Alliance. The Twi'leks, at that time, were a neutral party in the war. The Karinne was rescued by a squadron of Alliance starfighters who drove off the Avenger.(XW, XWP)

Kariss, Thul
This being served as Cala Worner's co-pilot aboard the Midnight Star during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin.(RESB)

This was a swear word used by the Kiffar and several other races, during the last decades of the Old Republic. The word could be used in a variety of colorful euphemisms, including the expletive "What the kark?!"(J4, RSF, SWLB, SWLHT)

Kark, Kith
This ancient Gotal spent much of his young life tending the family farm, but never really found his calling. On a vacation trip to Truuine, Kith encountered a Jedi Knight for the first time. Kith realized that he was without a vocation, and decided to become a Jedi. Both he and the Jedi realized that Kith could touch the Force, and the Jedi allowed him to travel to the training compound of Master Mroon Jassa. The Master ignored Kith Kark's presence, sensing correctly that the Force had not called to the Gotal. Kith didn't understand the rejection, and returned to Antar 4 to learn all he could about the Jedi. He traveled back to Truuine several months later, and was again rejected. After more study, Kith finally understood that the Force wasn't something you just obtained, but rather an innate energy that calls you to it. After meditating on this, he traveled back to Truuine. There, Master Jassa realized that Kith finally had been called by the Force, and accepted Kith as a student. After Kith attained the rank of Jedi Knight, he went on to be trained by Master Vodo Siosk-Baas just prior to the Great Sith War. He was killed on Onderon, as part of the joint Jedi Knight-Old Republic force trying to eliminate the Naddists, when the Dark Side energies of their opponents drain the Light Side energy from their attack.(FNU, TOJC)

An Alliance starfighter pilot who was killed in the offensive against Operation Strike Fear near Briggia.(XW)

This was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "lucky." In most cases, it was more precise to say "suspiciously lucky."(GCG, WOTC)

This Gree was credited with the creation of the Karkak'k Marek device.(SWJ8)

Karkak'k Marek
This sensor-like device was created by the Gree Karkak'k, and was used to protect the huge starship known as the Rokak'k Baran.(SWJ8)

Karkan Ribenes
This rack of meaty ribs was often served seasoned with tomo spice.(SOP, SWG2P)

This huge man was easily distinguished by his smashed-in face, one crushed eye, and muscular physique. He was one of the most wanted criminals in the galaxy during the Galactic Civil War, with a death sentence in over two dozen systems. He was wanted by the Empire, the Alliance, and even Black Sun for committing over 90 murders. Each time he murdered, Karkas carved the letter 'K' in his victim's forehead. Part of the time, Karkas was working for Jabba the Hutt. Karkas had agreed to submit to the B'omarr monk brain removal operation, which would allow Karkas' brain to be placed into another person's body, allowing Karkas to continue his criminal actions. However, Zak Arranda allowed the prisoner Jabba had held for Karkas' brain to escape, so Jabba transferred Karkas' brain to Zak's sister, Tash. They had plans to transfer Karkas' brain into the Shi'ido body of Hoole, but Hoole and Zak foiled their plans.(GOF7)

This Phindian was a friend of Mammon Hoole.(EGA)

This was a derogatory adjective used by the Kiffar and several other races, during the last decades of the Old Republic. The word could be used in a variety of colorful euphemisms, including the expletive "Are you karking crazy?!"(J4, RSF, SWLB, SWLHT)

Karkko, Volfe
This Anzati Dark Jedi haunted Quinlan Vos' past. At one time, many decades before the Battle of Naboo, he was a student of the Force at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, despite the Jedi Council's underlying apprehension at training an Anzat. Volfe Karkko, who had never partaken of another being's "soup," was arrogant, believing that he could overcome his species' innate desire to consume the "soup" of another being's brain. In his arrogance, Volfe Karkko told himself that tasting the soup just once would not affect him, but instead it made Karkko desire to feed quite often. He even fed on other Jedi, gathering a measure of their strength in the Force, and eventually used his control of the Force to trap and consume other beings. When he turned to the Dark Side of the Force, the Jedi Council was forced to trap him in a stasis field on the prison world of Kiffex, where he languished for many years. The Jedi placed his lightsaber in a smaller stasis field, as a warning to other Jedi about what he had become. However, the Dark Side energy that surrounded him twisted the local population of Anzati, turning them into feral beings who survived simply to do his bidding. These feral Anzati worshipped Karkko and his influence, and sem even referred to him as The Dreamer of Anzati legends. Even in stasis, Volfe Karkko managed to attract the attention of Aayla Secura, who traveled to Kiffex to kill her former master, Quinlan Vos. She released Volfe Karkko from his stasis, allowing him to obtain complete control of the feral Anzati. Volfe Karkko took her as his Queen, and groomed her to become an extension of his Dark Side powers. However, Vos returned to Kiffex with the Jedi Knights, and defeated Karkko in combat. Quinlan nearly succumbed to the Dark Side, but the combined contact of Masters T'ra Saa, Tholme, Zao, Mace Windu, Adi Gallia, and Plo Koon gave him the strength to resist the temptation of the Dark Side. Vos cut Karkko in half with his lightsaber, eliminating the Anzati threat.(OWS, DRKN, NEGA)

Karl, Anet
This Doctor served as part of Urias Xhaxin's pirate crew, during their runs in Imperial space. She was aboard the Free Lance when it was attacked by a Yuuzhan Vong warship near Bastion.(DTO)

Karl, Terri
This Alliance cell organizer was based on the planet Lianna during the later years of the Galactic Civil War. Her cover was that of a socialite who was too flightly to be considered useful or reliable. This young, blonde woman was the daughter of a noble, Old Republic family.(ML)

Karlini Tea
This was a flavorful, steeped tea that was often served by the galaxy's wealthiest individuals.(CWWS)

This Twi'lek worked for Alfreda Goot. Karlo was guarding the entrance to the Dockside Cafe when Han Solo and Captain Sodarra arrived to recover Leia Organa. Karlo and his men fled the cafe when they discovered Sodarra was accompanied by a squadron of stormtroopers, leaving Alfreda Goot alone.(SL)

This Aqualish was responsible for the upbringing of his siblings on Ando, after the deaths of their parents. He later joined the Alliance, and became good friends with the Carosite Tamo Lan. However, Karlon was killed by Imperial forces on Bresnia. Tamo Lan agreed to look after Karlon's younger sister, Gondara.(SWJ10)

Karltonian Fiskin
This was a rare coin, minted during the heyday of the Old Republic. At the height of the New Order, these coins were only found in the collections of true historians. Note that this was a reference to the basbeball player Carlton Fisk.(SWJ11)

Karmek, Pel
This Skakoan individual was noted in the histories of the planet Skako.(UANT)

This Old Tarmidian word translates to "Admiral."(VOF)

Karmova Drum
This musical instrument was a round, domed, drum.(IWE1)

This man was Tallov Kersk's brother-in-law, and was one of the first colonists of the Brentaal League to settle on Muzara.(TOJC)

This bald, well-muscled man was one of the many rebels who joined Garm Bel Iblis in his fight against the Empire, during the height of the New Order. He was the leader of the group that the dispatched to recover Rasha Bex, after the woman tried to leave Bel Iblis' group. He managed to corner BoShek at Tam's flophouse, but the former smuggler was more than Karn had bargained for. BoShek took out one of Karn's goons with a length of pipe, then stole his speeder to escape with Rasha. Karn and the rest of his rebels took off after them, and nearly trapped then at an old mining operation.(SWEOR)

Karnak Alpha
This planet was home to a race of fur-covered creatures known simply as Karnak Alphans in Basic.(LO)

Karnak Alphan
This alien race was native to Karnak Alpha. They have humanoid dimensions, but were covered completely in fur. The Karnak Alphans held their children in a position of importance far above other races, for they valued their families and descendants greatly. They also have a great reverence for unusual zoological species, and have created unique, contained environments for their specimens.(LO)

Karne, Teva
This mid-level employee of Procopia's transportation ministry was loyal to the Alliance. He used his contacts to obtain public vehicles and driving licenses to Alliance agents were working on the planet.(LOE)

This green-skinned Trandoshan slaver was the leader of the Separatist-backed band that captured and enslaved the Palsaang clan of Wookiees, during the final stages of the Clone Wars. Karniss was later captured by clone commander Faie and turned over to Jedi Master Quinlan Vos for interrogation. Karniss revealed that the true objective of his band was the Claatuvac Guild, as the Trandoshans hoped to steal their interstellar maps and use secret hyperspace routes to expand their slaving operations. When he tried to attack his captors, Karniss was shot and killed by Commander Faie.(RHE)

This planet, the primary world in the Karnst System, was located in the Karstaxon Regions, between Pirik and Talir.(SSR)

This Dark Jedi and his brother, Vinoc, were seduced by Count Dooku and agreed to serve as two of his lieutenants. Both brothers were killed some ten months after the Battle of Geonosis by Anakin Skywalker, who was searching for the source of the cortosis-based battle droids being produced on Metalorn.(NECH)

This was one of two moons orbitting Kerest which were colonied by the Kerestians.(GG12)

This was the name of the waterfront district of the city of Nime, located on the planet Roon.(GORW)

This was a slang term used by the stormtroopers of the Empire, nearly a century after the war against the Yuuzhan Vong, to describe the standard-issue equipment that was provided to new recruits. The term had a derogatory meaning, since this equipment was often mass-produced and lacked any sort of quality. Veteran soldiers discarded this equipment as soon as they discovered something better.(SWLN)

Karpa, Bado
This male Aqualish was a pirate of some renown during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. He worked briefly with Meeko Ghintee before the Muttani was arrested, and later worked with Quallung Tula, Grillo Zaman, Sabo Leeda, and Tuba Acho to steal fuel cells from the Outland Transit Station during Ghintee's escape from Oovo IV. However, a bounty was placed on all their heads by Rozatta, and Bado Karpa was captured by Jango Fett shortly afterward.(BH)

Karpaki 50
This sniper rifle was produced during the years following the Swarm War. It was considered the most advanced ballistic sniper rifle of its time. The Karpaki could be modified to accept a wide range of add-on components, including smart sensor optics that helped the shooter compensate for windage and other variables.(LF5)

This female Rodian served as a member of the Galactic Alliance Security force, during the years that followed the end of the Second Galactic Civil War. Karpette was assigned to Captain Atar's team, and delivered a warrant for the arrest of any Jedi Knight who was deemed criminally dangerous to the Jedi Temple, following the strange actions of Bazel Warv and Yaqeel Saav'etu.(FJ3)
This Imperial Lieutenant served under Administrator Brago, after Brago replaced Fuguee at the Kline Colony outpost, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Lieutenant Karr intercepted Daye Azur-Jamin and his crew when they were traveling through the system, on a mission to deliver a cache of weapons to the native Sunesi.(SWJ10)

Karr, Hondo
This man served in the 407th Stormtrooper Division, based on Yinchorr, nearly a century after the end of the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. No one knew of his true origins, although it was rumored that he was a former Mandalorian. A melee-combat expert, Karr was a member of Joker Squad, and was one of the many stormtroopers who quietly questioned their loyalty to the "Empire," after the Sith Lord Darth Krayt took control of the galaxy and exiled the former Emperor, Roan Fel. After the Jokers were dispatched to Borosk to lead an attack on the 908th Stormtrooper Division, their commanding officer, Lieutenant Gil Cassel, was ordered to kill his own brother by Darth Maleval. Maleval demanded a show of loyalty from Cassel, a demand that Karr refused to simply accept. He tried to stand up to the massive Quarren, but Maleval simply flung him away with the Force. Unharmed, Karr confronted Lieutenant Cassel and demanded that he make up his mind about whether to continue to follow orders from the Sith. Although Cassel finally decided that Joker Squad needed to continue with the mission, Karr remained unconvinced that the Sith were worthy of his loyalty.

When Maleval later demanded that Cassel execute his own brother to prove his loyalty, Karr tried to stab the Quarren in the back with his short sword. Although Maleval again thwarted the attack, his anger toward Karr allowed Anson Trask to shoot Maleval several times, killing the Quarren instantly. Karr gave his tacit approval to Trask's actions, then simply walked away from the rest of Joker Squad and was not seen again. Maleval was later reported as having been killed in combat, and Karr was said to have perished in the blast that killed Jes Gistang. However, this was not the case. Karr had, in fact, defected from his Imperial service and joined the ragtag forces of the Galactic Alliance. During his first assignment, Karr was made part of the crew of the Scarlet Star, but introduced himself to the crew by getting into a fight with Andurgo, a garrulous Dug. Jhoram Bey broke up the fight, and both beings retreated to the nearest bar for a drink.

In the weeks that followed, Karr agreed to lead a strike team of soldiers that would infiltrate the Mon Calamari shipyards and eliminate the stormtrooper squad that was being sent to protect the Star Destroyer Imperious. Karr and his men then donned the stormtrooper armor and pretended to subdue the Alliance forces that initially tried to take the ship. Imperial Admiral Valan had planned for the stormtroopers to ensure the Imperious remained under Imperial control, but Karr and his men revealed themselves at the last instant. They were able to retake control of the ship, and they soon blasted free of the drydock and escaped with the Imperious. Hondo Karr then joined the members of Rogue Squadron during the Galactic Alliance Remnant's attempt to save a group of Mon Calamari refugees. It was during this time that his comrades discovered that Karr was once a member of the Mandalorian shocktroopers. In the months that followed, Karr eventually returned to his Mandalorian roots.(SWLN, SWLI, SWI112, SWI114)

Karr, Karl
His man, a merchant who worked for the Aratech Repulsor Company during the era of the Great Sith War, spent much of his time working with Crattis Yurkal on the planet Dantooine.(KOTOR)

This planet was an intensely warm world covered with grassy plateaus and thick jungle canyons. Much of the indigenous life on Karra was insectoid, and the native Karrans have evolved into primitive insectivores. A group of settlers, funded by the Mineral Assets Partnership, tried to establish a varmigio mine on the planet, but the mines were dry and provided no ore. The settlement was abandoned until the Empire tried to rejuvenate the mines. They met with the same result, and again the mines were abandoned. The mines were eventually destroyed by dense swarms of insects, presumably controlled by the Karrans. The average day on Karra lasted 20 standard hours, and its year took up 304 local days.(SWJ1)

This race of large, fur-covered creatures evolved on the planet Karra. Their bodies were roughly cone-shaped, with their long snouts at the apex and their round hindquarters at the base. By the era of the New Order, they had developed the use of tools, but their long fingers and the lack of an opposable thumb limited their dexterity. The Karrans subsist on the various insect species on the planet, and have a primitive culture. They have recently developed a form of hive mind, and seem to be able to control certain species of insects. The primary evidence of this control was the destruction of two failed varmigio mines on Karra, which were destroyed by huge swarms of insects which were seemingly operating at the will of the Karrans.(SWJ1, AE)

Karran Beetle
This species of huge insect was native to the planet Karra. They used their large mandibles as weapons, and could do great damage to living flesh. The Karrans themselves learned how to control the beetles, and used them in battle against their enemies.(SWJ1)

Karran Mantis
This species of huge insect was native to the planet Karra. Imperial forces which tried to establish a base on the planet discovered that this species of mantis was nearly as large as an AT-AT walker. The Karrans themselves learned how to control the mantises, and used them in battle against their enemies. At the height of the Galactic Civil War, there was only one surviving specimen of Karran Mantis, kept alive by the careful tending of the Karrans.(SWJ1)

Karrde, Talon
This noted smuggler and information broker learned the ropes of smuggling from Billey, during the early years of the New Order. It was during this period that Karrde discovered the whereabouts of the Katana fleet by accident, when a botched operation left his crew's ship in an uncharted area of space. After leaving Billey's operation, Karrde became one of Jorj Car'das' most trusted lieutenants. When Car'das suddenly disappeared about five years before the Battle of Endor, Karrde stepped in and took control of the operation. He quickly solidifed his power base, surviving seven different assassination attempts, four of which seemed to have Car'das behind them. Karrde commanded a group of highly-skilled thieves and mercenaries from his starship, the Wild Karrde. He more or less took control of most of the galaxy's smuggling after Jabba the Hutt's demise, although it was not a position he desired. He surrounded himself with the best people he could hire, including Mara Jade and the young slicer Ghent. During the time when Grand Admiral Thrawn returned from the Unknown Regions to harry the New Republic, Karrde found himself in the midst of the struggle when he intercepted Luke Skywalker in an empty section of space. He then hosted Han Solo and Lando Calrissian at his base on Myrkr, but forced to abandon the base when Imperial forces raided it. Karrde continued to assist the New Republic from a distance, and was instrumental in the recovery of a crystal gravfield trap receptor for the Republic. He was later instrumental in the formation of the Smuggler's Alliance, and he eventually retired from active smuggling operations. During the Caamas Incident, Karrde decided that it was time to search out Car'das, if not for his own personal reasons then to recover a copy on the Caamas Document. While Car'das did not have a copy of the Document, he did have complete history records of Moff Disra, Grodin Tierce, and Flim, which Karrde, with the help of Shada D'ukal, managed to return to Admiral Pellaeon aboard the Chimaera. Once Disra was brought to trial, Karrde's actions allowed the Republic and the remnants of the Empire to initiate a peace treaty. Ever the opportunist, Karrde proposed that he be allowed to set up an Intelligence agency that provided the same information to both the Empire and the New Republic. That way, there could be no secrets between them, especially if Karrde's agency remained neutral. Both sides agreed to the proposal. For a while, Karrde himself served as the primary liaison between the Republic and the Imperial Remnant. However, individual systems and sectors began to ask for the same information, and Karrde's once-adequate network soon became overwhelmed. After receiving some bad information from irresponsible agents, Karrde decided to start downsizing his operation and move toward retirement. When the Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion of the galaxy, Karrde went into hiding, like many other smugglers, hoping that the mobility of a starship would keep them one step ahead of the alien invaders. Karrde continued to relay any information he could to the New Republic, unaware that the Yuuzhan Vong were purposely leaking misinformation across the galaxy. When Karrde's news of certain shipments proved to be nothing more than the bait for a trap, he lost favor with the government. When the Yuuzhan Vong finally surrendered to the Galactic Alliance at Coruscant some five years after their invasion began, Karrde was one of many members of the Smugglers' Alliance and pursue more legitimate goals. The galaxy needed to be rebuilt, and there were too many honest ways to make a living.(HTTE, DFR, TLC, DA, SOP, VOF, JE, UF)

Karre, Debin
This modest-seeming, middle-aged man wanted to join the Imperial military as a young man, but a childhood accident left him with a decided limp. Despite this setback, Karre believed that the New Order was the best government for the galaxy, and joined the Empire as an Imperial morale officer.(HR)

Crix Madine's former fiancee, Karreio was a supporter of the New Order, but she was oblivious to the Empire's atrocities. She died on Coruscant when the New Republic first reclaimed the planet from the Empire.(DS)

Karrel Engineering
This small, Cularin-based corporation produced a wide of specialty tools and toolkits, during the final years of the Old Republic.(AYS)

This city, located on the planet Antiquity, was the site of one of the planet's two spaceports. It was essentially a larger version of the city of Lis'an, some 25 minutes away. It was the nominal capital of Antiquity.(POC)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "heart."(OWS)

One of the main Wookiee tree-cities of the planet Kashyyyk.(TT)

This Coynite word was used to describe a warrior who had bonded to a tris. In the basic tongue, the word mean "soulrider."(PG3)

This was the basic monetary unit of the planet Radnor, during the last years of the Old Republic. The average annual salary of a Radnoran was about 5,000 karsems.(JQ1)

Karsh, Hreven
This Yuuzhan Vong warrior, a relative of Komm Karsh, was one of the few survivors of the Battle of Bastion. He was distinguished by the hasty way in which was ritualistic implants and scarring were done. Much of this vonduun crab armor - inserted at odd angles to give him a jagged outline - were still unhealed at the time of the Battle of Basiton. He was required to report directly to Supreme overlord Shimrra about the failure to capture the Imperial Remnant, as well as to report that Luke Skywalker had managed to launch a mission into the Unknown Regions to locate Zonama Sekot. Hreven Karsh himself had tracked the Skywalker mission to Csilla, but lost them before they actually arrived at the Chiss homeworld. For his inability to halt the Skywalker mission, Hreven Karsh was ordered by Shimrra to cut off his arm and present it as an offering to the Supreme Overlord.(FH2)

Karsh, Komm
This Yuuzhan Vong was one of the many Supreme Commanders of their naval forces, during the invasion of the New Republic. Karsh's forces were dispatched to Obroa-skai when it was learned that the libraries there held information on the Jedi Knights, to protect against any action from the Republic. News of Karsh's presence reached the New Republic's Intelligence agency, but was misinterpreted as that of Supreme Overlord Shimrra. A Republic task force, led by Keyan Farlander, was dispatched to Obroa-skai to destroy the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. Commander Karsh was unprepared for the Republic's use of the Force-meld, coupled with the loss of his yammosk's controlling abilities due to a jamming device. The Yuuzhan Vong forces were routed, and Karsh's flagship was destroyed in the fighting. All hands, including Karsh, were lost in the explosion.(DW)

Karsk, Amil
This Alliance fighter pilot was a rival of Biggs Darklighter. On a mission against a large number of TIE Fighters, Biggs recorded five kills and should have been named ace, while Karsk recorded four. Karsk later claimed to have made the kill Biggs' claimed was his third. Biggs let him have it, and to let Karsk know that he knew about the deception, any time Biggs obtained five of anything, he gave Karsk the third. During a series of five scheduled patrols Biggs was to fly, he gave Karsk the third. This mission was a simple escort mission to Alderaan. However, while on layover on Alderaan, Karsk was killed when the Death Star destroyed Alderaan.(XWN)

This creature, native to the planet Rodia, was hunted for its meat, which was often roasted for best flavor. Resembling huge armadillos, these beasts were distinguished by their antlered tail, and were exported to many worlds for breeding at hunting preserves. Despite their bulky physique, karstags were extremely agile and fast, which made them difficult to hunt.(LOE)

Karstaxon Region
This area of space was located near the Lesser Plooriod Cluster. It was surrounded in the galaxy by Hutt Space, the Periphery, the Iotran Expanse, Sulorine Sector, and Ansuroer Sector.(GG12, SSR)

This was the single moon which orbited the planet New Plympto, and was the location of the Karstem High Port. The moon lacked any atmosphere, so environmental domes were erected to provide living areas.(CCW)

Karsten High Port
This was the name of the spaceport, located on the moon of Karsten, that also served the planet New Plympto.(CCW)

Karsten Moon
see Karsten(CCW)

This was the name of the Kintan strider that was kept by Tu'rsc'yulir as a companion and guard. Kar'sylic was unerringly loyal to his master, and would crush any being who attempted to harm her.(GMR9)

This Mando'a word meant "heart," but could also be used to describe one's soul.(SWI86)

Kartan, Race
This notorious smuggler was captured by Jango Fett, some time before the Battle of Geonosis.(JSF)

Kar'tayli ad meg hukaat'kama
This Mando'a phrase translated into Basic as "so we make sure we know who is watching our backs," and was used as an explanation of why Mandalorians only trusted other Mandalorians.(RCTZ)

This was a Mandalorian verb that translated into Basic as "to know" or, more literally, "to hold in the heart."(OWS)

Kar'taylir darasuum
This was a Mandalorian verb that translated into Basic as "to love," although the more literal translation was "to hold in the heart eternally."(OWS, SWI86)

This Elomin served as a Captain in the New Republic military, and was stationed aboard the Mon Adapyne during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, after the Pulsar had to be scuttled.(DW)

Karthakk System
This star system, the home system of the planet Lok, was briefly occupied by the Trade Federation, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. It was here that the Federation tested its droid starfighters before launching them into battle.(SWD, NEGV)

This planet as noted for the vast glaciers that covered its frozen surface.(LSSM)

This Glassferran served as a tactical officer aboard the New Republic cruiser Remember Alderaan, serving under General Lando Calrissian during the Battle of Mindor.(LSSM)

This method of swordfighting was developed by the Murra Orders during the early years of the New Order.(AIR)

A fast-paced dance performed on Tatooine. Many tourists come to the planet to see the dance performed in person.(RPG)

This old Wookiee was imprisoned on Oovo IV, many years before the onset of the Clone Wars. Over the years, Karundabar inhaled a large amount of zenium dust, which caused all manner of health problems in the Wookiee's body. His hair began to fall out, and his eyes were rendered all but useless by thick cataracts. Nevertheless, Karundabar had been working the zenium mines for so long that he knew the usual routes by memory, and could operate a gasifier better than most new inmates.(CN2)

Karvoss II
This planet was believed to have been the homeworld of the Matukai sect of Force users.(CRO, HG)

Karvrish Canopy
This style of awning or canopy was identifiable by its woven leaves.(TFE)

This was the shortened name of a noted Chiss individual.(UANT)

This small corporation produced some of the most powerful repulsorlift engines in the galaxy, during the early years of the New Order.(CCS)

This name was common among the Narzen people.(WOTC)

This ball of molten rock was the innermost of the thirteen planets that made up the Kamino System.(GORW)

This was one of the many family names used by the Bothan people. It translated loosely to "sentry" or "guard".(GCG, WOTC)

Kas, Maritan
This Kiffu served as a member of the Guardians, during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was Maritan Kas who delivered Quinlan Vos back to Kiffex, shortly after the Battle of Naboo, when it was discovered that Volfe Karkko had awakened.(OWS, DRKN)

Kas tulisha abia al port
This Old Corellian phrase translated into Basic as, "Chaos opens the door to opportunity."(GMR2)

Kasa Horansi
On the the four main Horansi tribes, the Kasa Horansi were known for their thick, striped fur and pointed ears. Among the four tribes, the Kasa Horansi were known to be trustworthy and brave, and they were a noble and dignified people. Leaders of their clans were always albinos, a tradition whose origins were a mystery.(PG1)

This unusual mollusk was distinguished by the thick shell that covered its entire body.(CWN)

This immense bull was one of the Swimming People of Dellalt, living on the planet during the early years of the New Order. Kasarax was also Shazeen's nephew. After Shazeen grew tired of being Top Bull and abandoned the lake, Kasarax named himself the Top Bull. He gained a lot of power over the humans who used the lake, as well as the other sauropteroids, by bullying his way around and charging exorbitant prices for transport while harshly discouraging other Swimmers from operating on the lake. When Han Solo arrived on the planet Dellalt, he asked for transport across the lake after the Millennium Falcon was confiscated by J'uoch's people. Kasarax demanded 40 driit each, a price that enraged Shazeen. The older bull agreed to take Han and his companions across the lake for free, just to show Kasarax that he was out of bounds in his demands. This led to a race and, eventually, physical combat between the two bulls. Kasarax was ultimately bested by Shazeen, and was forced out of power. Shazeen sincerely hoped that Kasarax would come to realize the error of his ways and return to his position as Top Bull, but with a more accommodating attitude toward the other Swimmers as well as to the Dellaltians.(HSL)

Kas'as Chen'ru Den
This Selonian warren, known to most beings as the Gray Cove Den, was a legendary Selonian warren. Active several millennia before the Corellian Crisis, the Kas'as Chen'ru Den destroyed when an outer wall suddenly collapsed. In minutes, the den was filled with silt and mud which buried the Selonians alive. Legends told of valuable artifacts and relics buried in the den, and the Sacorrian Triad once tried to excavate the den and recover the valuables for themselves. They were thwarted by a group of freelance explorers who managed to hold the Sacorrian team off long enough to have the den declared a sanctuary.(CCW)

A Bothan in Page's Commandos, specializing in infiltration techniques and shadowing.(HTSB)

A former pirate and smuggler based on Demophon, Kasey fell in love with Enid Vahr. He often worked with the bounty hunter, Bower.(SN)

When translated into Basic, this Ewok word meant "how."(GPB)

Kash, Samish
This man was elected the leader of Delaluna, some years before the onset of the Clone Wars. Kash worked tirelessly to restore peace to the population, as well as to eliminate the fear and distrust caused by the rumors of the Annihilator weapon. When Lorian Nod returned to Junction 5 and became the ruler of that world, Kash put aside their historical differences and agreed to meet with him, in an effort to restore the relationship between the two worlds. Kash's belief in Nod's sincerity proved beneficial, as the two worlds put their past behind them and re-established trade and communications. Years later, after the onset of the Clone Wars, Kash agreed to meet with Count Dooku and the leaders of the planets that built the Station 88 Spaceport, to discuss a possible treaty that would allow the Separatists to control the station. He hired the brother-and-sister team of Floria and Dane to act as his bodyguards, should the Separatists try anything foolish. However, shortly after arriving on the planet Null, Kash was assassinated, shot in the heart with a blaster bolt. Floria and Dane were initially accused of killing him, but Floria later revealed that Samish had survived the attempt. Lorian Nod had brought him to the hospital for treatment, and he chose to remain in hiding in order to discover who his attacker was. When the founders of the station met with Count Dooku on Null to discuss a possible alliance with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Kash decided to side with Lorian Nod and throw his support to the Old Republic. Dooku decided that this was not an acceptable answer, and brought in twelve super battle droids in order to force an agreement. Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, managed to defeat the battle droids and svae the leaders, but Dooku managed to escape.(LOJ)

Kasha Meditation Crystal
This unusual crystal was found on the planet Cerea, and was used by the Cerean people as a meditation device. Patterns were scribed into each facet of a kasha crystal, allowing the artist to harness its natural energies. These patterns were believed to have been first created by Bi-Dar Tyunda during the earliest days of Cerean civilization.(SWI66, UANT, NEGA)

This planet was the homeworld of the Kashi race. It was also sometimes known as Kashi Mer.(TOJC)

This planet was destroyed soon after the formation of the Old Republic. The exact cause was unknown, but the system's primary star suddenly went supernova and wiped out the entire system. Kashi was the homeworld of the legendary Kashi Mer culture.(SWJ6)

This was the name of the alien race which inhabited the planet Kashi several millennia before the Battle of Yavin.(TOJC)

Kashi Mer
An extinct culture that reached its height sometime before the formation of the Old Republic. Their civilization was based on the tenets of the Followers of Palawa, and many Kashi Mer had some control over The Force. They also practiced the martial art of teras kasi, refining it over the years into an almost religious form of combat. Through the use of teras kasi, many Kashi Mer were turned toward the Dark Side of the Force, leading up to the events of the First Great Schism. The Kashi Mer culture was wiped out when the primary star supporting the planet Kashi went supernova and destroyed the entire system.(SWJ6, GMR5)

Kashi Mer
This was another name for the planet Kasi.(TOJC)

Kashi Mer
This was the name of the political government established in the ancient Kashi.(TOJC)

Kashi Mer Dynasty
This ancient civilization was located in the Phelleem Sector, and discovered ways in which to control and manipulate the Breath, or the Force.(TOJC)

This planet was one of the few worlds that actually wanted to join the Old Republic, during the years leading up to the onset of the Clone Wars. Kashir was the homeworld of the Kashirim people.(T12)

This primitive race of humans was native to the planet Kashir. Several years before the Battle of Geonosis, the Kashirim decided to join the membership of the Old Republic. Suspicious by nature, the Kashirim often wore their weapons in plain site to establish trust among each other. Unfortunately, the Kashirim were also known as expert thieves.(T12)

This forested planet was known as the homeworld of the Kashoonara and the humbaba. The planet was conquered by the Empire early in the era of the New Order, but was eventually liberated by the Kashoonara with the help of the Alliance.(COG)

This species of savage humanoids was native to the planet Kashoon.(COG)

This Wookiee starship manufacturer was founded in the wake of the Swarm War, and produced some of the most innovative starfighter designs the galaxy had seen in decades, including the Owool Interceptor.(LF6)

This was a common misspelling of the planet Kashyyyk.(LLOW)

This yellow star was the central body in the Kashyyyk System, located in the Mid Rim's Sumitra Sector.(GMR4)

This jungle planet, known for its widely diverse and deadly flora and fauna, was best-known as the Wookiee home world, although there were legends that clakimed the Wookiees settled on Kashyyyk after travelling from another planet.

There were four main continents on the planet, separated by bands of ocean that were studded with archipelagoes. Despite its completely-forested appearance from space, about forty percent of Kashyyyk's surface was covered with water. Much of it was simply covered by the immense canopies of the native wroshyr trees. There was also a small region of desert near the equator.

Many xenoarchaeologists believed that Kashyyyk's abundance of both plant and animal life was the result of ancient manipulations by the Rakata race, which left behind several artifacts on Kashyyyk that might have caused changes in the way life was evolving on the planet.

The Wookiees lived in huge tree cities built to elevate them from the dangerous lower levels of the jungle. The Wookies discovered that the jungle had seven distinct levels, each defined by the amount of light it received. The lower levels - designated first, second, and third - had plants which were phosphorescent, providing their own light. Wookiees never traveled below the fourth level.

The normal Kashyyyk rotational period lasted about twenty-six standard hours, while its year lasted 381 local days. Kashyyyk was located in the Sumitra Sector, and had three moons. Because the world had no axial tilt and maintained a nearly circular orbit around its star, Kashyyyk experienced very little seasonal change, and the climate remained constant throughout the year.

During the height of the Clone Wars, Kashyyyk was considered an important world to both sides of the conflict because it was the primary navigation point for travel into the southwest quadrant of the galaxy. Some sixty years later, Kashyyyk was once again at the forefront of a galactic civil war, this time between the Galactic Alliance and The Confederation. The Jedi Order had defected from the Alliance and regrouped at Kashyyyk, prompting Jacen Solo to attack the planet without provocation. He chose to send turbolaser fire into the jungles, burning trees in an effort to force the Wookiees to surrender the Jedi, or become an example of what would happen to other planets that stood in his way.

The attack was thwarted when the Wookiee defenders were joined by the Jedi Knights, as well as a Bothan-led force of Confederation warships. Their combined forces overwhelmed the Alliance's ships and drove them off, allowing Kashyyyk's forces a chance to recover. The turbolaser blasts that Solo had already sent to the planet's surface set off massive firestorms that burned through even the most humid jungles, leaving devastated and charred landsacpe in their wake. Confederation starships assisted civilian vessels in controlling the blazes, using their own turbolasers to create controlled burns.(E4, HTTE, HTSB, REB, DK, RD, GMR4, IS3, SWCL, NECH, NEGA, LF6, CHRN2, LF7)

Kashyyyk Bantha
This subspecies of bantha, also known as the Kashyyyk greyclimber, was native to the planet Kashyyyk. Because of Kashyyyk's forest-dominated landscape, it was believed that the planet's bantha population had grown from specimens brought back to Kashyyyk by Wookiee traders. The Kashyyyk bantha evolved to live in the tree-cities of the planet, but developed a rudimentary skill for climbing. Among the most obvious differences of the Kashyyyk bantha were lack of a shaggy coat, and the lack of the huge horns that were often associated with the species. In place of horns, the Kashyyyk bantha had evolved a pair of massive, bony plates that were used as battering rams. Another difference was the feet of the Kashyyyk banthas, which were tipped with longer, more articulated toes that allowed the creature to climb along the wroshyr tree branches.(GMR4, NEGA)

Kashyyyk Clarion
This horn was produced by the Wookiees of Kashyyyk, who used hand-hammered bronzium ot cover a bantha horn. The bronzium was inset with cerulan gemstones. The clarion, although primarily a musical instrument, could be heard for up to twenty kilometers when blown properly. This made the clarion a communication device, as well as an instrument.(VD3)

Kashyyyk Greyclimber
see Kashyyyk Bantha(NEGA)

Kashyyyk Stalker
This was a heavy blaster pistol produced by the Wookiees of the planet Kashyyyk, during the era of the New Order.(SWGAL)

Kashyyyk Station
This space station, located in orbit around the planet Kashyyyk, was placed under the protection of the Civilian Protection Guild, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWGAL)

Kashyyyk System
This Sumitra Sector star system contained the planet Kashyyyk.(REB, GMR4)

Kashyyyk Wheat
This unique crop was grown on the planet Kashyyyk.(OWS)

Kashyyyk Wood-moss
This species of wood-moss grew thick in the jungles of Kashyyyk.(MJH)

Kashyyykian Black Mountain Armor
This form of hand-crafted battle armor was produced on Kashyyyk for use by the native Wookiees. This armor was useful only to those races that were similar in size and form to a Wookiee.(SWGAL)

Kashyyykian Ceremonial Armor
This form of hand-crafted reconnaissance armor was produced on Kashyyyk for use by the native Wookiees. This armor was useful only to those races that were similar in size and form to a Wookiee.(SWGAL)

Kashyyykian Hunting Armor
This form of hand-crafted assault armor was produced on Kashyyyk for use by the native Wookiees. This armor was useful only to those races that were similar in size and form to a Wookiee.(SWGAL)

Kasik, Katin
This noble was a friend of J'an Ane Jinder, and spent a great deal of time on the planet Mrlsst.(WOTC)

This Twi'lek Sith Lord served as the swordmaster at the Sith Academy on Korriban, during the years leading up to the Battle of Ruusan. The son of enslaved parents who were sold into servitude on Nal Hutta, Kas'im was discovered by Lord Na'daz, who purchased the young Twi'lek and took him away to train him as a Sith. As an instructor, Kas'im never allowed a student to wield a lightsaber unless they had proven themselves worthy of the honor, but he drilled his students in styles and techniques every morning, in preparation for the time when they would earn their blades. His training sessions were as thorough as they were hard on the students, and he trained them every day, rain or shine. He was often quoted by his students as saying, "A little rain was nothing to a Sith." Kas'im took a great interest in the student known as Dessel, who adopted the name Bane. During an early ligthsaber training session, Bane challenged Fohargh to a duel of training blades. Although Fohargh was much stronger, he chose to taunt Bane rather than finish the man off. Bane grew angrier, and eventually choked the life out of Fohargh by drawing on the Dark Side of the Force. However, instead of growing stronger, Bane retreated into himself, and earned the ire of Lord Qordis. Qordis forbade any instructor from teaching Bane, but Kas'im had seen too much of the man's potential to let him flounder. Thus, when Bane approached Kas'im for additional training, the Twi'lek agreed. Kas'im felt great pride when Bane defeated Sirak in the challenge ring, and was therefore angry when Lord Kaan ordered him to track Bane down on Lehon and force him to return to the Brotherhood of Darkness. Kaan ordered Kas'im to kill Bane, if the man refused to return to Korriban. Kas'im accepted the mission, believing that he could still defeat his student. To improve his chances, Kas'im fought with a double-bladed lightsaber that he was able to twist apart into two separate weapons, allowing him to fight in the Form IV style that Bane had never seen. Only then did Bane realize that Kas'im had held back knowledge of Form IV in order to maintain an edge over his students, should the need arise to confront one in combat. Their fight took place in the Rakatan Temple, where Bane had been studying the Sith Holocron. While Kas'im was the better swordsman, he lacked Bane's control of the Force. In an effort to survive the fight, Bane drew upon the Dark Side and used it to bring down the Rakatan Temple on top of Kas'im and burying the Twi'lek swordmaster under tons of rubble.(DBPD)

A star.(COG)

Kasiol 3
This third planet in orbit around the star Kasiol, this planet was covered with swampy forests.(COG)

This verb from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "to help."(GPB)

This name was common among the Kobok race.(GORW)

Kaski Throwing-blade
This was a form of knife that was designed to be thrown at a target, rather than used in a stabbing or slashing attack.(RC66)

This Gotal was tested for admittance to the Jedi Order some six centuries before the Battle of Yavin. Unfortunately, due to his age and the shallow depth of his sensitivity to the Force, he was turned down for training by Jedi Knight Marus Timpel. He returned to Antar 4 and eventually became a successful businessbeing speciallizing in negotiations and intercessions. When Timpel arrived on Antar 4 several decades later, Kaskutal was initially reluctant to meet with him. His admiration for the Jedi won out, and he agreed to talk with Timpel. As Timpel began explaining his frustrations with the Jedi Order, Kaskutal became aware that Timpel was expressing many of his own opinions. After a series of meetings and discussions, they decided that it was time to establish a paramilitary group which supported the Jedi Knights but was not under the control of the Jedi Order. Kaskutal provided much of the initial funding, with which they founded the Antarian Rangers. The organization grew quickly, and managed to survive Timpel's untimely death. Kaskutal decided that it was time to retire from active duty, and took up a more administrative role, and helped the Rangers expand into more than fifty different systems.(WOTC, HG)

Manufacturers of hovercraft turbopumps, Kasmin makes the most refined heavy-duty blowers on the market. Mekuun used Kasmin pumps to power the Hoverscout combat vehicle.(ISB)

Kass, Shotarr
This Tunroth warrior was orphaned by the Reslian Purge. He chose to train as a hunter in order to maintain as much of his species' culture and history as possible. Well educated in Wookiee culture as well as that of the Tunroth, Shotarr eventually was employed by the Nalroni crimelord Sprax as a personal bodyguard. He earned the nickname "The Strap" because Shotarr preferred to wear leather jerkins. Shotarr was not part of Sprax's own security force, and was often left out of many operations he felt should have been his work. This troubled him, but his loyalty to Sprax never wavered, even when Black Sun chose Ket Maliss to wipe out the Disac pirates and not himself.(SSR)

This searing ball of rock was the innermost planet of the Adega System.(GORW)

Kassa, Ossk
This male Trandoshan was one of the many thugs who worked for Gardulla the Hutt during the years following the Battle of Naboo. A bounty was issued for his capture, which Jango Fett later claimed during a mission to meet with Gardulla to discuss the Bando Gora cult.(BH)

The members of this crime family were killed in the explosion that destroyed the Alaspin Casino.(SSR)

This elderly male Codru-Ji was one of the many clan leaders who met with Riikar-Du, some seven years after the Massacre at Ossus, to discuss a plan to unite against the Sith and the Imperials who wanted to impose their will on Munto Codru. Kassek-Ka questioned Rikkar-Du's plan of uniting against the Imperials, since it would mean that the Codr-Ji would have to abandon their traditional methods of plotting and kidnapping and resort to the outright killing that characterized their enemy. Rikkar-Du reasoned that, if the Codru-Ji didn't change their ways, then the Empire would move in and take everything that they had built. When none of the other clan leaders accepted the plan, Rikkar-Du gave them a chance to return to their clans and think it over.

Unknown to the other leaders, Kassek-Ka had been approached by Darth Kruhl, the Sith Lord who had also talked with Rikkar-Du. While Rikkar-Du was hesitant, Kassek-Ka had no qualms about allying himself with the Sith Lord. Under Darth Kruhl's orders, Kassek-Ka murdered Tassa, while the Sith Lord killed Rikkar-Du and his son, Jassar, thereby eliminating any possible opposition to the Sith occupation of Munot Codru.(SWLR)

One of Plourr's sisters, Kassen was abused and executed by the Priamsta during their successful coup against Uthorrferrell Cartha.(XWWP)

A planet.(HNN5)

This female Tarasin was the Mother of the Vriisan irstat during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. She agreed to help a group of explorers locate the ancient treasure trove of documents which had been created by Reidi Artom some 200 years earlier.(LFCW)

This miserly, grizzled old man was the Captain of the independent freighter Ravelev. He hired Platt Okeefe to work aboard the ship, some two years after she served aboard the Starlite Cloud.(PSG)

This form of spice was mined on Naboo's smallest moon, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Kassoti spice had to be processed in a plasma bath shortly after mining, and the primary processing facilities were located near Naboo's major starports. All kassoti mining was controlled by the Naboo Moon Mining Union. Just before the onset of the Clone Wars, mining ships were forced to land at remote starports, when Queen Jamillia closed off the larger ports so that refugee traffic could land safely. The Union began a series of "sit-in" protests, leaving their ships in port and preventing refugee ships from landing, in protest of the loss of spice caused by delays in getting it from remote ports to the larger cities for processing.(HNN5)

This common, albeit archaic, Zabrak surname meant "mercenary" - or, more literally, "food warrior", referring to an ancient Zabrak practice of paying mercenaries with food.(GCG)

Kast, Hundria
This woman was the leader of the Alvorine police force, during the early years of the New Republic. She supported the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, and was one of the few survivors of the Imperial massacre at Kolanda Station. As Marshall, she was repsonsible for ensuring that Krova the Hutt was brought to trial for her crimes, after the bounty hunter Langro Dis captured Krova. Marshall Kast and her team were unprepared when a team of Dark Side adepts tried to captured the Hutt, hoping to recover a Sith Holocron.(GMR5)

Kast, Jodo
The bounty hunter wore Mandalorian shock trooper armor, similar to that worn by Boba Fett, although it was unknown if his armor was as modified. In reality, Kast was once a Special Ops resistance fighter during the earliest days of the Galactic Civil War. On a mission to Goratak III, he killed a man that he thought was Boba Fett, and the belief that he had killed the infamous bounty hunter gave him an idea. Kast decided to abandon the rebellion, and set out on his own to become a ruthless and cunning bounty hunter. Kast patterned his own life after Boba Fett, and often let his quarry assume he was the famous bounty hunter. After obtaining his Mandalorian armor from a scrap heap on Zaadja, he often got jobs for his resemblance to Fett, when the party posting the bounty wanted Fett's reputation but couldn't afford it. It was Kast who pursued Ponda Baba through Truuzdann. He later teamed up with Puggles Trodd and Zardra when he was approached by Captain Parlan to hunt down Adar Tallon. When Kast took a New Republic bounty to hunt down Jerresk's pirates, he came under the notice of Dengar, who relayed the hunter's impersonation of Boba Fett to Fett himself. Fett, using the alias Sava Brec Madak, hired Kast to hunt down the ficticious Satnik Hiicrop. Hiicrop was none other than Boba Fett, who managed to capture Kast on Nal Hutta some five years after the Battle of Yavin. Fett injected Kast with a neural toxin to disable him, then blew up the building Kast was lying in.(TM, SCRE, EGC, TOD, SWI80)

This ancient Aaris was a noted military leader in his time, and was also a scientist and visionary. It was Kastays and his team who discerned the downfall of their civlization, after witnessing a comet pass through the night skies over Aaris III, and he set out to record everything they could about the Aaris civlization before it was destroyed. They cloistered themselves in a temple which became known as the Place of Kastays, where they were presented with the Plaque of Victory. Shortly after the Plaque was recovered, the Aaris civilization was destroyed in a planet-wide civil war.(DARK)

This was the name given to the ancient Aaris city which surrounded the Place of Kastays.(DARK)

This was the name given to the planet that was designated OM811 by Imperial surveyors.(AIR, OWS)

Kastolar Sector
This area of the galaxy included the planet Sneeve.(HNN5)

This bounty hunter wore a suit of body armor, augmented with a Mk 45 vest.(GUN)

This Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "moon" or "white", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name.(GMR10, GCG)

This was the Bocce word for the number 8.(GPB)

This was the traditional, bladed sword used by the ancient Jedi Knights.(WOTC)

This was the name of the flagship Dreadnaught in the Katana Fleet. The Katana was one of 200 such Dreadnaughts, which were called "The Dark Force" due to their dark coloration and lack of interior lighting. The entire Katana Fleet was lost on their maiden voyage when a hive virus invaded the crew. The dying crew tried to slave all the ships together, but the command crew was by this time also insane, and they blind-jumped into hyperspace and disappeared. Decades later, the rumors of the Dark Force were proven factual, when the location of the ships was discovered by Talon Kaarde. Like the rest of the Dark Force, the Katana was in good working condition when it was recovered. However, as soon as its weapons were fired, the Katana's systems fried themselves, rendering weapons control useless.(DFR)

Katana, Ra
This was the alias adopted by Kayala Ravein, after she took up the secret life of a bounty hunter, many years before the Battle of Yavin. In the guise of Ra Katana, she wore black bodysuit, helmet, and sniper goggles, completely hiding her true appearance. As Ra Katana, Kayala hunted down and eliminated some of the galaxy's worst criminals, all the while remaining an enigma to those who followed her activities. Even her own father was unaware of Kayala's alter ego, and once remarked that he would be sure to have her arrested if she was discovered on Alderaan. This only made Kayala more intent on her work, and Ra Katana's reputation as a cold, bloodthirsty killer continued to grow for many years. Using excuses that she was on vacation or attending social events, Kayala traveled the galaxy in the Mystic Wanderer, pursuing her targets with dogged tenacity.(UA)

Katana Fleet
This fleet of 200 Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers was commissioned by the Old Republic, during a period some ten years before the Clone Wars, when such an expense was incredibly unjustified. Note that Dark Force Rising places the loss of the Katana Fleet some fifty years before the Battle of Endor, while The New Essential Chronology dates the completion of the fleet's construction at forty-six years before the Battle of Yavin. However, the plan was approved based on the fact that they were fitted with full-rig slave circuitry to cut down on the huge crew size, as only about 2,000 crewmen would be needed. Called "The Dark Force" due to their dark coloration and lack of interior lighting, the Katana Fleet was lost on their maiden voyage when a hive virus invaded the crew. The dying crew tried to slave all the ships together, but the command crew was by this time also insane, and they blind-jumped into hyperspace and disappeared. The loss of the Katana Fleet sparked a renewed call for decentralized ship automation, away from central computers and toward a pool of droids. It also began a period of dedicated research into the nature of hive viruses, although a cure would take decades to uncover. After the disappearance of the Katana Fleet, it became the stuff of legend. Some five years after the Battle of Endor, the rumors of the Dark Force were proven factual when the location of the ships was discovered by Talon Kaarde, who had stumbled onto the fleet's location fifteen years earlier. His information was given to the New Republic, but also stolen by Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn's forces managed to get to the fleet just before the Republic, but both sides managed to secure parts of the fleet. The ships, when found, were still in good working condition, with all lighting and life support systems still activated and running. Power and certain other systems needed some realignment, but in general the Katana Fleet was intact. Of the original 200 Dreadnaughts, more than 170 were recovered by the Imperials. Six had already been recovered by Garm Bel Iblis, leaving just fifteen - including the Katana itself - for the New Republic to recover.(DFR, NECH)

Katanos VII
This barren, remote world was the site of several mining operations during the last years of the Old Republic. The atmosphere of the planet was laden with heavy clouds and electromagnetic interference, making any approach and landing difficult at best. Katanos VII was considered a prize by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, since it was a prime source of cortosis ore.(T19)

Katarkus, Ludwin
This Jedi Master was part of the team which was dispatched to resolve the growing conflict between the Virgillian Free Alignment and the Virgillian Aristocracy, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. Their transport was destroyed upon arrival, and it was believed that Katarkus and his Padawan, Danyawarra, were killed in the explosion. Danyawarra managed to survive, however, and took Katarkus' place as commander of their clone troops.(HNN4, SWI84)

This was a style of lightsaber hilt that was first developed by Kyle Katarn, and mimicked by other students who were trained by Luke Skywalker, during the height of the New Republic. The emitter cone was extended away from the body of the hilt by a short cylinder ringed with heat-dissipation rings, similar in many respects to the lightsaber maintained by Obi-Wan Kenobi, during his isolation on Tatooine during the height of the New Order.(JKAP)

An arboreal predator native to the planet Kashyyyk, the katarn was a sleek quadriped with a thin, rodent-like tail and prehensile claws on their hands. The head of a katarn was crowned by a bony ridge that flared backward from the face, which served to protect the neck of the beast. The beak of the katarn was hard and bony, and was used to dig out tree-burrowers from the wroshyr trunks. Although vicious when cornered or surprised, katarns could sometimes be befriended, but usually on the katarn's terms. This friendship could last for the katarn's lifetime. Katarns were generally solitary creatures, with males and females remaining separated unless mating. Mating occurred every few years, with the couple remaining together only long enough to ensure a pregnancy. The female usually left the male and moved higher into the trees to give birth. Thus, it was the female katarn that taught its young how to hunt and survive. When they were old enough, young katarns left their mothers and set out on their own. Katarns were considered by many beings, including the native Wookiees, to be among the most intelligent creatures in the galaxy.(HTTE, TTSB, ANT, UA)

Katarn, Kyle
Kyle Katarn was born to a farming family on Sulon, and was raised with the ideals of hard work and perseverence. When he was old enough, he enrolled in the Academy for two reasons. First, it would allow him to pursue his own military interests. Second, he felt that it would help his father gain prosperity and recognition. While he was at the Academy, Kyle's family - and all of Sulon - were destroyed in an Imperial invasion. The Empire's agents at the Academy blamed the attack on the Alliance, spreading the seeds of hatred for the Alliance. They failed to cultivate them, though, when they denied Kyle funeral leave. Thus, he grew to hate the Empire equally. As the Empire became more pro-human and worried less about individual rights, Kyle became more and more frustrated with his service to it. When he encountered the captive Jan Ors, she persuaded him to help her escape. The persuasion came at a time when Kyle was most disheartened, and so he freed her and took up the life of a mercenary. He worked for anyone who would pay him, since he had no love for the Empire or the Alliance. However, Jan Ors petitioned Mon Mothma to seek out and hire Kyle Katarn, for she recognized in him the potential ally he could be. Mon Mothma agreed. His first mission was part of Operation Skyhook. He was asked to single-handedly infiltrate the secret Imperial base on Danuta and steal the plans to the original Death Star. He succeeded, escaping the base and turning the plans over to the Alliance. He stayed with the Alliance, and was the agent responsible for obtaining early clues to the Empire's Darktrooper development program. Katarn, again working alone, discovered the location of several manufacturing facilities and the main Darktrooper base - the Arc Hammer - and was able to defeat Rom Mohc in one-on-one combat to halt the Darktrooper development and destroy the Arc Hammer. When Katarn returned from these missions, he was asked to train a group of crack Alliance commandos for undercover missions such as Operation Skyhook. Kyle agreed, and quickly formed a tight-knit group of agents.

The relationship between Jan and Kyle continued to grow, and they became a formidable team of agents. When Kyle retired from service, one of the commandos - Lieutenant Page - took over as the leader of the commando squad. Sometime afterward, Kyle was visited by the spirit of Rahn, and told of the Jedi heritage of his father. Many years before, Kyle's father had helped a Jedi Master close of the Valley of the Souls. When the Dark Jedi Jerec tried to enter the Valley, Rahn managed to penetrate the physical world and enlist Kyle's help in defeating Jerec and his minions. In the wake of the defeat of Jerec on Ruusan, Kyle trained briefly with Mara Jade before nearly falling to the Dark Side on the planet Dromund Kaas. After fleeing the planet, Kyle enrolled in training at the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4 fulltime. His skills and his connection to the Force allowed him to rise quickly from apprentice to Jedi Knight and later to Jedi Master, and he was responsible for the early training of Jden Korr. He provided both military and tactical assistance to the Jedi and the New Republic during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Throughout this time, Kyle continued to work with Jan on various missions for the Republic. It was during the invasion that Kyle first asked Jan to marry him, and his initial reasoning caused her to decline the offer. She didn't want to get married because they might die any day during the war. She told Kyle that she would marry him when they were ready to get out of the military and settle down to raise a family. During the final stages of the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong, after the living planet Zonama Sekot agreed to help bring about an end to the conflict, Kyle was one of several Jedi Knights were bonded to seed-partners and provided with Sekotan starships.

After the resolution of the Yuuzhan Vong conflict, Kyle set out on his own, and was not seen for many years while he searched for information about the Sith. His travels brought him to Daye Azur-Jamin, who had been twisted to the Dark Side of the Force by a Dark Jedi. Kyle was able to defeat the Dark Jedi and restore Daye to the Light Side, but Daye carried with him a terrible secret. A Force-sensitive Yuuzhan Vong female had made her presence known, and she was exceptionally strong. Kyle and Daye then set out to locate this Yuuzhan Vong before she could cause anymore harm to the galaxy. Their mission ultimately succeeded, and Kyle returned to Ossus to work with the other Jedi Masters to assist the Galactic Alliance in its struggle against the Colony. When Master Skywalker was forced to assume the role of Grand Master, Kyle joined many Jedi in deciding to remain with the new Jedi order. He also traveled to Sarm with Master Skywalker, on the mission to eliminate Lomi Plo and force UnuThul to sever his contact with the Colony. Following the Swarm War, Kyle was among the many Jedi Masters who feared that Jacen Solo was growing too close to the Dark Side of the Force. When Jacen launched a vicious assault on the Jedi training center on Ossus, he found that he was correct. Thus, he accepted a leadership position on a mission to infiltrate Coruscant and capture or eliminate Jacen, before he could do more harm to the galaxy.

This meant that Kyle was one of the first Jedi to confront Jacen Solo, along with Valin Horn. Their ability to control Jacen was only minimally enhanced when the other Jedi caught up with them. The lightsaber duel that ensued taxed both men as it moved into a hangar bay, until Solo managed to use the Force to ram Katarn with a passing speeder. As Katarn fell forward onto Solo, he felt Solo's lightsaber blade bury itself in his chest. Solo left Katarn to die, then confronted the other Jedi before eventually escaping. Seha Dorvald managed to reach Katarn and carried him aboard an escape shuttle, then collected the rest of the Jedi and blasted off from Coruscant. Katarn survived the attack, although he spent many weeks on the Forest Moon of Endor recovering from his injuries. The Jedi healer, Cilghal, managed to repair the two severed ribs, the punctured lung, and the damaged shoulder blade Katarn had endured. When the wounds finally healed, Kyle agreed to travel with Jagged Fel aboard the Millennium Falcon, on a mission to rescue Allana, the daughter of Tenel Ka, who had been kidnapped by Jacen Solo. The Second Galactic Civil War ended shortly afterward, when Jaina Solo was forced to kill her brother in combat.

Although the Jedi Order worked to restore itself, the newly-named Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, Natasi Daala, refused to let the Jedi emerge from the conflict without paying a price for the fall of one of its members. She forced Grand Master Luke Skywalker to accept a ten-year exile from the Jedi Order, as a show of the Order's contrition in the matter of the war. Kyle, who had been named to serve on the Jedi Council following the war, accepted Luke's decision to go into exile, but Kyle chafed at the fact that no sanctions or punishments were leveled at Cha Niathal, whom he believed was as much to fault for the war as Jacen Solo had been. His frustration only increased when Tahiri Veila was arrested for the killing of Gilad Pellaeon, claiming that the only reason Tahiri was arrested was because she was a former Jedi Knight.(DF, SWSB, DA, DF2, SWDB, UF, T21, WOTC, DN3, LF7, FJ3)

Katarn, Morgan
This native of Sulon was Kyle Katarn's father, having married Patricia Katarn and started a family during the last years of the Old Republic. He was also quite sensitive to the Force, but was untrained as a child. He recognized that he had certain gifts when he used the Force to nudge a bully off-balance, sending the other child over a ten-meter cliff to his death. With no witnesses, Morgan told his parents that the bully just slipped, but he kept his knowledge of the Force a secret. Years later, after the accidental death of Patricia, Morgan retired at about the time Kyle enrolled in the Imperial Academy, hoping that his son could receive an education despite the family's poor status. Shortly afterward, the Empire subjugated Sulon. Morgan couldn't sit back and watch his world destroyed, so he joined the Alliance. During the evacuation of his friends and his assisting the Alliance, Morgan learned of the location of the Valley of the Jedi. He used many tricks to hide the location of the Valley from evil eyes, including creating a map to its planet in the ceiling tiles of his house. He told his good friend Qu Rahn about his discovery, for Rahn was also searching for its location. Rahn recognized the strength of the Force in Morgan, and realized that Kyle would eventually become a Jedi. Rahn entrusted his lightsaber to Morgan to give to Kyle, so that he could locate the Valley and protect it from Dark Jedi. After Rahn's death at Jerec's hands, Jerec who travelled to Sulon and killed Morgan and stole the tiles.(DF2, SFE, RAG, WOTC)

Katarn, Patricia
This woman married Jedi Master Morgan Katarn, and was the mother of Kyle Katarn. Patricia was accidentally killed when a BT-16 perimeter droid used on the farm blew a sensor system and mistook her for one of the small creatures that roamed their farms. Before anyone could react, the BT-16 shot and killed her, leaving the Katarns devastated.(WOTC, NEGD)

Katarn Armor
This was the name given to the modified clone trooper armor that was given to those clones who were decanted and trained as commandos, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. The primary difference between the basic suit of armor and Katarn armor was in the electronics, which provided a wide range of sensors and communications systems to the commando's helmet and heads-up display. Commando-to-commando communication could take place entirely within the helmet, and no external sound could be heard to give their position away. While this was beneficial in many situations, it also required a clone trooper to minimize their body language so that they did not draw unnecessary attention to themselves. Katarn armor was also crush-proof and vacuum-proof, allowing a trooper to remain in the vacuum of space for up to twenty minutes. Many of the Jedi Knights who worked with the clone commandos were ill at ease with the apparent detachment of a commando who was talking with his comrades. The commandos were obvious from other troopers by the weird, blue glow that eminated from their T-shaped visors. Unlike the standard clone trooper armor, Katarn armor was painted a dull gray, to help with camouflage. The training of a clone commando was intense, and although they were taught to obey orders like rank-and-file clone troopers, they were more independent in their missions. They were not as independent as the ARC troopers, though. As the Clone Wars ground on, the basic Katarn armor was given several upgrades, resulting in a Mark II version and a Mark III version. The Mark II version was given a matte-black color, and was strong enough to withstand a blast from a laser cannon. The Mark III version was given even more technological enhancements, and was rated as blaster-proof against even light cannon fire.(RCHC, RCTZ, RC66)

Katarn Clan
This was one of the many "clans" formed by the Jedi Council to facilitate the training of young individuals, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Like other such groups, the Katarn Clan was made up of children of varying species between the ages of four and eight standard years. They trained in these groups until they were thirteen years old, at which time they were either chosen by a Jedi Master as a Padawan learner or given other duties outside the Jedi Order.(PJSB)

Katarn Commandos
The crack squadron of guerilla warriors who were teamed with the former mercenary Kyle Katarn during the early days of the Galactic Civil War. When Katarn retired from active duty, Judder Page rose from the ranks to become the leader of the group. Their name changed to Page's Commandos, but their expertise didn't change. Their insignia was formed from the seal of the New Republic, with a stylized katarn beast leaping across and in front of it.(DF, DFRSB, TTSB, FP)

Katarn Mark III
This was another name for Mark III Katarn Armor.(RC66)

Katarn Reservior
This water-collection system was located at the compound that was owned by Morgan Katarn on the moon Sulon. Rain water and runoff were collected for irrigation use in the fields that surrounded the compound. A series of movable dams allowed the Katarn family to manage how much water was stored in the reservior at any time, and to direct water to needy areas.(DF2P)

Katarn-class Armor
see Katarn Armor(RDV)

Katarn-class Boarding Shuttle
This Rendili StarDrive shuttle was designed with a nose-end airlock. The shuttle was structurally enhanced so that it could ram into a target ship. Once the target was hulled, plasma torches mounted around the airlock would open a hole, and the airlock would seal around it. Assault troops could then board the target ship through the airlock and begin their take-over. This all could be accomplished in less than two minutes. The Katarn-class shuttle was armed with a single, front-mounted double laser cannon, and measured 28 meters in length. It could transport up to 50 troops and 500 kilograms of equipment, and required a crew of three.(ROE)

This planet was one of the last known colonies worlds of the Miraluka. It was a beautiful world of rocky mountain ranges and temperate jungles. The ancient Jedi Council met on Katarr, just before the Mandalorian Wars, to try to discern the growing power of the Dark Side of the Force. Unfortunately, the gathering of Jedi attracted the attention of Darth Nihilus and his Sith followers. In an effort to drain the planet of its energy, Darth Nihilus destroyed the entire population of Katarr and left the planet a barren wasteland. Only Visas Marr was spared, although she never learned why her people were killed or why she was chosen to live. Katarr was abandoned after the Miraluka colony was destroyed, and it simply orbited its star as a dead world.(KOTOR2, LAWS, T24)

This young, female Wookiee led the underground resistance which sprang up after the Empire subjugated Kashyyyk and began taking Wookiees as slaves. She organized Wookiees in the city of Rwookrrorro and its environs. Like her father, Tarkazza, Katarra was a striped Wookiee distinguished by her brown fur and tan stripe.(RD)

This shrub-like fern was native to the Forest Moon of Endor, where it served as a hiding place for many of the moon's smaller forms of life. The kata-wata was also used by the Ewok for a number of things. The long fronds were used in building walls and as a roofing material, which the fluid-filled stems were rendered down by Ewok shamans and used as a medicinal agent. Despite its abilities when used on Ewoks, which included use as a coagulant and as a salve against infection, it proved largely ineffective on Barabel individuals.(GMR9)

A creature without any sense of reason or control.(VOF)

This young woman a member of the Kuhlvult family of Kuat, and sister to Kodir. However, when Kateel threatened to expose her sister's plans to take control of Kuat Drive Yards, Kodir had Kateel kidnapped and then had her memory erased. From that point on, the only name Kateel knew for herself was Neelah, the only way she could pronounce her name as an infant.(SLS)

K'atel, Joli
This young girl was the daughter of Min K'atel, and a native of Belasco. Twelve years before the Battle of Naboo, Joli was infected with the bacteria which swept through the Great Sea every seven years, and was very ill when it was revealed that the bacterial invasion had been engineered by Jenna Zan Arbor. Joli was one of many children who received a doll from the disguised Jedi Master, R'aya Noor, who had been under the control of Ona Nobis. She showed the doll to Qui-Gon Jinn, allowing him to positively determine Noor's presence on Belasco.(TDR)

K'atel, Min
This man was the planetary leader of Belasco, some twelve years before the Battle of Naboo. He was unaware that the recurring bacterial plague which swept the planet ever seven years was actually the product of Jenna Zan Arbor, believing that she was a savior to the Belascans for helping them cope with it.(TDR)

Kateru Sea
One of the two oceans which cover the planet Gacerian.(PG2)

A reptilian, alien race.(AIR)

This many-tiered world was renowned for the production of delicate figurines made from seashells.(GOF4)

Kath Hound
This predatory canine was native to the planet Dantooine. There were two known species of kath hound, the horned kath hounds and the hornless, mundane kath hound. Although both were dangerous, the horned species was considered the more dangerous of the two species.(KOTOR, WOTC)

Kath II
This planet was settled by beings from a number of different races. The different peoples remained separated for many years, until they united to create a single planetery government. During the height of the New Republic, a global election showed the growing discontent among the non-human natives of the planet. Although a third of the total population of Kath II was human at the time, no humans were elected to governmental positions. This result was caused by the heavy campaigning done by representatives of the Diversity Alliance during the months leading up to the election.(DIV)

About twelve years before the Battle of Naboo, this form of entertainment became overwhlemingly popular on the planet Telos. Ostensibly a lottery mixed with betting on the outcome of several physical challenges, Katharsis allowed every native of Telos the chance to become incredibly wealthy with each round of play. Telosians gathered in huge domes scattered across the planet, where live coverage of the events was piped onto huge screens, while realtime updates on odds were posted on smaller terminals In the opening phase, all Telosians bet on the outcome of short battles and challenges to the players. The payouts were good, but only led up to the main event in which three natives were allowed to bet on the outcome of the final event. The winner, if they bet properly, won a huge award. All proceeds from Katharsis, which was managed by the corporation UniFy, were said to go directly into a fund which helped preserve the natural beauty of Telos. In reality, Katharsis was simply a way for the former Jedi Knight Xanatos to obtain a steady income of credits to fund his illegal mining operations. After Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi exposed Xanatos' plans, Katharsis was outlawed on Telos.(DOR)

Katharsis Day
During Xanatos' rise ot power, these were holiday-like periods when the game Katharsis was played. The entire planet virtually stopped moving, and citizens all over the planet flocked to the domed gaming chambers for their chance to win a fortune.(DOR)

Kathis, Dav
This man was an Imperial Navy officer who retired when his hitch was up. He and his wife, Leanna Carella, decided to settle down and have a family. After the birth of their son, Dav suddenly disappeared under mysterious circ*mstances. It was later discovered that Dav had been captured by COMPNOR agents who suspected him of selling information to the Alliance. Kathis maintained that he had done nothing wrong, and remained loyal to the Empire.(SS)

This was a derogatory term used to describe any individual who was deemed offensive. The term was used during the years leading up to the Battle of Ruusan, and referred to the kath hounds of Dantooine.(DBPD)

This was the name given to the only remaining world in the Kathol civilization, located deep within the Kathol Sector. Kathol orbited a binary star, and was surrounding inside and outside its orbit by asteroid belts formed from the debris of other, destroyed planets. The planet was inhabited by a variety of alien races which evolved from genetically-engineered creatures of the Kathol and DarkStryder, including the Charr Ontee, the Yapi, and the Yimi.(E)

This ancient race was believed to have descended from the Old Ones, the original beings to inhabit Kathol Sector. Sometimes referred to as the Precursors, the Kathol evolved on the planet known as Kathol. They developed an entirely organic technology, and their civilization flourished for many millennia before they were known to have created the Codex device. The Codex's activation attracted the attention of a Dark Jedi, who traveled to Kathol Sector and promptly enslaved the Kathol. When a team of Jedi Knights was dispatched to investigate the Codex, they fought to free the Kathol, but the ensuing battle was raged across the entire face of their homeworld. The intense battle destroyed all but one of the Kathol launch gates, and warped the hyperspace continuum in Kathol Sector in an event known as the Rift Disaster. By the end of the battle, the Kathol had disappeared and the Dark Jedi was killed in the explosions. It was later discovered that the Kathol had created the construct known as DarkStryder to guard the remnants of the civilization, and had stored their life-energies in the Lifewell for later restoration. Unfortunately, DarkStryder became self-aware, and chose to keep the Kathol in the Lifewell even after the danger had passed. Over the centuries, the Kathol slowly lost the ability to escape from the Lifewell, and were trapped forever. This concentration of life energy, combined with the natural elements of The Force, evolved into the Ta-Ree, and the Kathol themselves longed to be free of the Lifewell. After DarkStryder was destroyed by the crew of the FarStar, Halbret managed to reopen the Lifewell and free the Kathol. Most of the Kathol in the Lifewell allowed themselves to dissipate, preferring this kind of death to a continued, non-corporeal existence. A few hundred decided to live on, and were constantly at odds with each other. When they discovered that beings who were not from the planet Kathol were using Ta-Ree powers, as when the crew of the FarStar used them to defeat DarkStryder, the Kathol began manipulating the Ta-Ree energy to make it unusable to offworlders.(E)

Kathol Outback
A wild area of space located in Kathol Sector, across the Marcol Void from more populated areas. Much of the Outback was unexplored, although there were several small settlements maintained by colonists, refugees, criminals, and religious cults. Most of the settlements were unaware of the events in the rest of the galaxy, and there were several colonies which had never heard of any government but the Old Republic.(SOP, KO)

Kathol Protector
This Imperial escort carrier was part of the Charis Fleet, and had been modified to transport TIE Fighters into battle.(DARK)

Kathol Republic
This collection of ten star systems found in the Kathol Outback was created by a group of renegade politicians who saw that the Old Republic was crumbling and chose to set up their own government. They settled on fourteen worlds, twelve of which required some terraforming in order to be habitable. In order to ensure that all members worlds would be adequately defended in case of attack, all member worlds maintain a mutual defense pact. The seat of the Republic's government was located on the moon Dayark. Each member planet of the Republic elects eleven senators to represent them in the Republic's government, regardless of the individual populations. One senator from each planet was nominated for the position of president of the Republic, and this position was then voted on by all the worlds.(KO)

Kathol Rift
This collection of young suns and nebulous gas clouds forms the boundary of the Kathol Outback, along with the Marcol Void. No one had been able to navigate through the Rift and return, although it was rumored that the Aing-Tii monks used the Rift as a way to hide their worlds. Based on the handful of reports about the Aing-Tii, as well as on the size of the Rift, it was believed that several thousand planets might exist within the boundaries of the Kathol Rift. The size of the Kathol Rift was estimated to be several parsecs across, although its boundaries were continually shifting as the nebulae expanded and contracted. More exact measurements were all but impossible, since the Rift was filled with electromagnetic storms and sources of intense radiation that rendered normal sensor equipment useless. Despite these occurrances, the Aing-Tii were able to swiftly and accurately move through the Rift by following corridors and currents of clear space. These corridors were constantly shifting in position, often several dozen times in a standard Coruscant day, and were not permanent in any sense of the word. Thus, most beings were forced to travel through the Kathol Rift with great care, and many refused to use these corridors for fear that they would collapse. Thus, over time, the Kathol Rift became a place that was feared and shunned by many spacers, and many Force-sensitive beings experienced even stronger sensations that kept them away from the Rift. These sensations included strange hallucinations the focused on spiders of all shapes and sizes, as well as sightings of hairless beings with large eyes and small mouths.(KO, FJ2)
Kathol Sector
This was a remote section of the galaxy which was overtaken by Moff Sarne shortly after the Battle of Endor. The Empire had held the sector during the later years of the New Order, but Sarne was unable to take control of more than a quarter the entire sector. The Imperial capital of the sector was Kal-Shebbol. Much of the sector was uncharted, especially the Kathol Outback and the Kathol Rift.(GG2, DARK)

Kathol Tyranny
This was the name used by Sho'ban Do to describe his political stance and his vision of the Kathol Republic under his rule.(KO)

This was the primary news agency that reported on the events and people of Kathol Sector, during the early years of the New Republic.(DARK)

This form of Adegan crystal was the most plentiful, but it was discovered to be much weaker in form than the mephite crystal, making it almost unsuitable for use in the construction of a combat-ready lightsaber. Kathracite could be used in an emergency, but there was a considerable risk of an explosion due to power overload. Kathracite did have its uses, however, especially in low-powered training lightsabers.(WOTC)

This Anzati assassin was once a student of Akku Seii, until he was hunted down and captured by Jedi Master Tholme, several years before the onset of the Clone Wars.(RT)

This Mandalorian command stemmed from the verb atiniir, and translated into Basic as "Suck it up!" The literal translation was more along the lines of "It's only pain!" It was most often used by military personnel.(OWS)

This gas giant, orbited by some twenty-seven moons, was the fourth and outermost planet in the Katorrs System.(PH)

This star, located on the inner edge of Wild Space, was the central body in the Katorrs System, which contained the planet Adumar.(PH)

Katos, Trillan
This man was a friend of Rayt. When the Grand Army of the Republic attacked their homeworld in an effort to acquire a Separatist treasure, Katos and his family were forced to fight their way to freedom. Rayt, who had been trying to stow away aboard a Republic transport with Bryn and Wes, decided to help them escape without being caught. Because the three men had donned scavenged clone trooper armor in order to pass themselves off as soldiers, Trillan and his wife began firing at them, believing them to be clone troopers.(CWA7)

This was a traditional Snivvian greeting.(HNN5)

This planet was one of many that took heavy damage during the Clone Wars. The forces of the Old Republic were routed by Separatist forces, after clone commander Jai'galaar was unable to effectively affect a retreat to higher ground. Some ten years after the end of the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, representatives from Katraasii joined the growing number of planets who openly opposed the formation of the Galactic Alliance Guard.(SWI84, LF2)

Katraasii Space Port
This spaceport was known for its seedy cantinas.(MOTS)

Katrane, Joth
This Corellian pirate was sent to the Oovo IV prison facility sometime before the Battle of Naboo. During his stay at Oovo IV, Katrane swindled a number of his fellow inmates out of their credits in a variety of scams and blackmail schemes. One of these inmates eventually was freed, only to find that his pension had been acquired by Katrane, who had told the warden about the inmate's "extra income". This disgruntled, former inmate issued a bounty for Katrane's capture, in the event that he ever managed to get released from prison. Jango Fett managed to claim this bounty while Katrane was still at Oovo IV, while he infiltrated the facility in order to "rescue" Bendix Fust.(BH)

It was believed that asteroids with large deposits of the mineral katrium were favored by space slugs. The Krish hunter Gamgalon routinely laced asteroid fields with katrium, in an effort to capture the slugs.(EGA)

Katsu Line
One of three major monorail commutubes connecting various locations in Umgul City. The Katsu Line circles around the city, and it intersected by the Shedra and Raceway Lines.(JASB)

Katt, Piklin
This man was the baron-administrator of the floating city of Tindark, on Cularin, until he was found murdered in his own bed. While the police in Tindark immediately deemed the death an assassination, no evidence could be found that Katt had angered anyone enough to warrant being killed. Some believed that his strict control over the criminal activites in Tindark earned him his death.(LFC)

This temperate world was covered with shallow seas, broken by small landmasses and spectacular waterfalls.(SWEP)

This yellow star was at the center of the Kattellyn system.(PG2)

Kattellyn City
This was the capital city of the planet Atraken.(SWI67)

Katth, Zasm
One of the Emperor Palpatine's Dark Side Elite, Katth was activated by Operation Shadow Hand. Sedriss commissioned Katth and Baddon Fass to perform a number of activities on Nar Shaddaa. First, they were to enlist the aid of Boba Fett in tracking down the Millennium Falcon. Second, they were to hunt down and destroy Vima-Da-Boda. Third, they were to report on the Millenium Falcon's whereabouts so that Sedriss could capture it. Katth and Fass, both grizzled veterans of Palpatine's rule, failed on all counts, as Boba Fett escaped them, and they were both unable to capture the Millennium Falcon. Katth perished aboard his Star Destroyer Invincible when it mistakenly locked onto Nar Shaddaa's control tower with its tractor beam. The collision destroyed the capital ship and all its crew.(DE2)

This was the second day of the Tapani local calendar's week.(PGT)

This Cerean was among the refugees who were forced to flee the planet Druckenwell, when it was attacked and captured by the Yuuzhan Vong. Ka-Tu-Un tried to escape Druckenwell aboard the converted freighter Chilastra, only to discover that he was wanted by the Yuuzhan Vong. The aliens believed he was a Jedi Knight, but Ka-Tu-Un was simply one of many individuals with sensitivity to the Force but no actual training. He was, however, a follower of the Ner Yan belief, and used his connection to the Force to mentally bond with his fellow followers. Unfortunately for Ka-Tu-Un, he was sold out by Doctor Vlohei during his escape from Druckenwell aboard the Chilastra, and he was eventually captured and interrogated by the Yuuzhan Vong.(GMR8)

This Toydarian male was a member of the royal family that ruled the planet Toydaria and its moon, Rugosa, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Katuunko had assumed the title of King by the time the fighting broke out, and refused to join either side in the growing conflict. However, when Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself requested a treaty, King Katuunko agreed to discuss the matter, but only with a Jedi Knight. Palpatine refused to send a Jedi without armed support, so Katuunko suggested a meeting on Rugosa as a neutral site. On Rugosa, King Katuunko continued to remain neutral, and refused to join the Separatists even after Asajj Ventress arrived before Master Yoda. Although Katuunko was not swayed by Ventress' words, he agreed to a deal in which Master Yoda would provie himself worthy by reaching their location. In order to do this, Yoda and his clone troopers would have to fight their way through battle droids in a fair fight. Although Ventress ordered her droids to do what was necessary to kill Yoda, he and three clone troopers managed to reach Katuunko's locations. With Ventress dispatched by Yoda, King Katuunko was free to chose his allegiances, and agreed that Toydaria would join the Galactic Republic..(CWVG, CWOC1, CWTV01)

This albino Wookiee was Crying Dawn Singer's stage manager. When the Shashay was kidnapped on Najarka, Katykam was executed and brought to the Imperial Biological Research Center on the planet. The Wookiee's body was probed and dissected and hung out to be bled dry.(TA)

This was one of the codenames used by Zozriodor Slayke to describe key locations of military value on the planet Praesitlyn, during the attempt by Freedom's Sons and Daughters to fend off a Separatist attack on the Intergalactic Communications Center, some two and a half years after the Battle of Geonosis. Kaudine and Eliey were positions that flanked Slayke's command center, and were located some 600 meters behind Izable. Like the command center and positions Izable, Eliey, and Judlie, Kaudine had a 360-degree view of its surrounding terrain, and its fire zone overlapped with Izable and Judlie. This provided the maximum defense of the command center. However, Zozridor's forces were badly outnumbered by the battle droids of the Separatists, and personnel from the Kaduine location were forced to fall back to Judlie to regroup.(JT)

A city on the continent of Tronis, on the planet Algara II.(PG2)

This Twi'lek male was one of the many beings who lived in the Refugee Sector of Nar Shaddaa, following the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. For reasons he never explained, Kaul knew a great deal about the inner workings of the Exchange.(KOTOR2)

One of the ships dispatched to intercept the Teljkon vagabond, the Kauri was the ship that was able to get nearest to the vagabond. Lando Calrissian's yacht, the Lady Luck, was tethered to the vagabond after Lando boldly gained access to the strange ship. When Pakkpekatt ordered the Kauri nearer, the vagabond severed the connection to the Lady Luck and fired on the Kauri before jumping into hyperspace. The Kauri sustained a great amount of damage, and there were many casualties and injuries. The dead and wounded were taken to Nichen on the Kettemoor.(SOL)

This New Republic Agave-class interdiction picket ship was assigned to the Glorious, during its attempt to capture the Teljkon vagabond. The Kauri was assigned to keep the vagabond from jumping to hyperspace by projecting a false mass-shadow into hyperspace near the ship. The Kauri was destroyed when the vagabond fled into hyperspace after Lando Calrissian breached its inner hull.(BTS)

Kauron System
This star system held a large asteroid belt, which was the home base of the Cavrilhu Pirates for many years. They abandoned the base after it was infiltrated by Luke Skywalker during the Caamas Incident.(SOP)

An alien race.(TME)

This man was a member of the Kolatill Council, some four years after the Battle of Endor. Kause strongly supported the tenets of the New Republic, but accepted Imperial support from Moff Kentor Sarne whenever needed.(DARK)

This was a common surname among the Neimoidian race.(OF)

This Huttese question translated into Basic as "how?"(GMR5)

Kava che copah?
This Huttese question translated into Basic as "How much for that item?"(GMR5)

Kava doompa D'emperiolo stoopa
This Huttese insult translated into Basic as, "You're a low-down, Imperial fool."(GPB)

Kava nopees do bampa woola?
This Huttese question, often heard at hotels, translated into Basic as "How much is a room for the night?"(GPB)

Kavaa kyotopa bu banda backa?
This Huttese question, often heard at bars and musical events, translated into Basic as "Can I visit the band backstage?"(GPB)

This was the name of the primary god in the Em'liy pantheon. Kavaan was known as The Provider of the Sun, and was the being that allowed the star Kavaan'oa to rise and set twice each day. In order to appease Kavaan and keep the sun moving along its regular path, the Em'liy made blood sacrifices at the Circle of Kavaan, and ensured that the Circle as never defiled.(GMR1)

This star was the primary body in the star system that contained Shalyvane.(GMR1)

Originally native to Yuuzhan'tar, the long-lost homeworld of the Yuuzhan Vong, this avian creature evolved over many millennia to live underground. Its once-keen eyes adapted to the low-light conditions of subterranean life, and its wings eventually became arms. The Yuuzhan Vong then stepped in, taking several specimens and bioo-engineering them to serve as sophisticated echolocation devices. Modern kavaaviks were bred for their unique senses, not for combat or other physical activity. Thus, the average kavaavik resembled a mass of squirming flesh. When worn over the head of a Yuuzhan Vong warrior, the kavaavik used its vestigial arms to grasp hold of the head, while a speciallized spinal needle was extended from the kavaavik's body and penetrated the warrior's right tear ducts, eventually connecting directly to the optic nerve. In this way, the Yuuzhan Vong could see through the eyes of the kavaavik, whuich used its sophisticated echolocation to visualized it surroundings while working underground or in darkness. The kavaavkik could not discern colors, but shapes were projected to the Yuuzhan Vong as a collection of gray images. Thus, the warrior using a kavaavik could see a datapad in front of them, but couldn't read what was displayed on it.(GMR8)

This man was a friend of Mammon Hoole, a relationship dating back to the time when Hoole worked as a scientist for the Empire. Kavafi was one of the scientists working in the Imperial Biological Welfare Division. After retiring from Imperial service, Kavafi then took the reins of the Mah Dala Infirmary on Gobindi. While on Gobindi, Kavafi was captured by Imperial agents and imprisoned in one of the ancient ziggurats, while a Shi'ido loyal to the Empire was put in his place. The Shi'ido then conducted experiments on the Gobindi Virus, hoping to use it as a weapon for the Empire. Some weeks later, Mammon Hoole arrived on Gobindi to enlist Kavafi's help in curing Zak Arranda, but discovered the Shi'ido in Kavafi's place. The false Kavafi was exposed and the real doctor freed, and Hoole was able to halt the futher development of the Gobindi Virus.(GOF3)

This relatively young, male Kriek was the k'lar, or patriarch, of the Kherkhaman clan, at the beginning of the New Republic.(SWJ13)

Kaval, Shil
This man and his girlfriend, Merish Hath, were members of the Union of Fabricants, Plastoid Molders, and Allied Trades, Local 61, on their homeworld of JanFathal, during the final years of the Old Republic. A native Athari, Shil was one of the many laborers who resented the planetary monarch's opulent wealth, and helped organize the support for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the early stages of the Clone Wars. Shil was a quiet man whose arms were criss-crossed by scars that were the result of his being tortured by the Regent's secret police. He kept the scars as a reminder of his torture, and as a way to defy those who inflicted them. When Orla Taman arrived in Athar, Shil and Merish befriended her, and introduced her to the other rebels, unaware that Taman was actually Hallena Devis, a Republic Intelligence spy. Shil invited Taman to join their revolution, which was timed to coincide with the arrival of a Separatist army. However, when Taman's colink suddenly began beeping to indicate an incoming message, despite the fact that communication were being jammed, Shil and Merish realized that she was a spy. When Devis admitted to working for the Republic, they decided to keep her as a hostage, hoping that they would gain favor with the Separatists by turning her over to them. They never got the chance, however, because Devis had activated the comlink's emergency signal. The Torrent Company of clone troopers, dispatched from the warship Leveler, were able to locate their hideout and break inside. Merish was fatally injured by the lightsaber of Jedi Master Djinn Altis, prompting Shil to draw his own weapon and begin firing at the clones. It was believed that Shil was killed in the firefight that ensued.(CWNOP)

This chemical was essential to the creation of bacta. It was mixed with alazhi lotion to form the thick, healing fluid. Although kavam was easily synthesized on any planet, the alazhi which was needed to create bacta could only be grown on Thyferra.(SWJ3)

This planet was located in a remote corner of the Hapes Cluster. A large percentage of the planet' surface was covered with ancient ruins, with a vast network of underground tunnels connecting the crumbling towers and buildings. The native Kavani took advantage of these tunnels, using them as emergency dwellings during the planet's harsh winters.(LF5)

This alien race was native to the planet Kavan.(LF5)

This Jedi Master was one of just five to survive the Jedi Civil War. In the wake of the fighting, Master Kavar fled to Onderon, where served as an advisor and protector for Queen Talia. When The Exile arrived on Onderon during General Vaklu's attempt at a coup, Master Kavar was pleased to find that he supported the Queen's right to rule. After Vaklu was defeated, Kavar chose to teach The Exile new lightsaber combat techniques before setting out to return to Dantooine and help rebuild the Jedi Order. Unfortunately, Master Kavar was among the many Jedi who were killed with Darth Traya attacked and destroyed the Jedi enclave on Dantooine, some 3,952 years before the Battle of Yavin.(KOTOR2, EGF)

This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "low."(GPB)

This pirate sought to gain favor with the Empire by throwing his support to Leonia Tavira, after Tavira fled Eiattu. He was a hulking, brute of a man with stringy clumps of red hair and a myraid of scar tissue covering his face and body. Shortly before Sate Pestage was executed by Ysanne Isard, Kavil was working as a double agent, supplying Pestage with information on Tavira's actions. Kavil brought news of the mission to Eiattu which captured Leia, but Pestage knew that the actual Leia had been on Axxila at the time.(XWM)

This was the only true continent found on the damp, watery world of Dalos IV. Covered with jungles, Kavila's population was primarily alien, with just a few pockets of human occupation. Much of the architecture on the continent was old-fashioned in style, but there was no lack of modern conveniences.(ND)

Kavila, Harido
This Rodian Grand Protector was credited with creating the Rodian form of drama, primarily as a way to curb the violent Rodian instincts during a period in which murders and killings were outnumbering births. When Kavila took over as the leader of the Rodians, his people had almost wiped themselves out as a race, during a time when the birthrate among females dropped below the level at which they were killing each other off. Kavila devised a way for the Rodian people to funnel their violent tendencies through dramatic plays. The stories revolved primarily around violence, but had a well-defined plot and used the violence to magnify the emotional impact of the plays. The Rodian dramas became well-known throughout the galaxy, in part because they were strong dramas but also because they portrayed the full impact of violence on the perpetrator and his victim.(GG4, NEGA)

Meaning "poetic", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to describe an individual.(GCG)

Kavil's Corsairs
One of several pirate groups operating under the Blazing Claw sigil, this pirate group recruited Leonia Tavira after she fled Eiattu.(HXW)

This was one of the few human settlements found in the Outlands region of the planet Shiva IV. The city was also one of the many settlements controlled by the Calian Confederacy. Just after the Battle of Hoth, K'avor was destroyed by an antimatter bomb which leveled the city, leaving nothing but a hole filled with molten metal and glass. Before the explosion, more than a half-million beings had lived in K'avor. Afterward, nothing by the blue flames of the Cherenkov Effect marked the city's location. The explosion happened just before Leia Organa crash-landed on Shiva IV, during a mission to investigate the build-up of Imperial forces in the sector. Although no explanation could be found for the attack on K'avor, Aron Peacebringer found enough clues to realize that it was part of a spreading plot to remove him from power.(MC53, OWS)

Kavos, Adriav
This starship captain owned the freighter Isilia. He was known as a moderate success, never really breaking through into the "big leagues" of smuggling. Kavos and his crew once tried to sell a datadisk containing vital information on the Alliance to the highest bidder, but his ship was forced down on the planet Joralla. There, a team of Alliance agents enlisted the help of the Tikiarri in recovering the disk.(PG1)

This Imperial Lieutenant led the search team that was dispatched by Voss Parck to investigate the crash of a TIE Fighter on the planet, located in the Unknown Regions, where Thrawn was first discovered.(SWJ7)

This Twi'leki restaurant opened up in Imperial City on Coruscant during the years following the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. It was owned by Car'ulorn.(IJ)

Kawakian Spider-Monkey
This was a species of rambunctious primates.(PH)

Kay, Kei No
This beautiful Qwohog was considered an accomplished dancer and musician, although her real love was art. The exact circ*mstances were unknown, but Kei No Kay was also enslaved to the Ishi Tib merchant Jund Voon, who forced her to produce wondrous pieces of jewelry and art to be placed on sale at the Wave Works gift shop. Jund Voon kept her trapped in a specially-designed tidepool tank, where she spent her free time playing a hydroharp.(WSV)

Kay, Vasnish
This Bimm spent little time on her homeworld of Bimisaari, instead traveling across the galaxy with her merchant parents. She learned a great deal about the Jedi Knights during these travels, and when her parents were killed in an accident, Vasnish just kept on traveling, looking for more information on the Jedi. She eventually became something of a bard, collecting and retelling stories of the Jedi despite Imperial prohibitions against it.(HR)

This was a Kel Dor word of encouragement.(FJ1)

Kaycee Kollenz
This being was one of the many refugees who fled the planet Coruscant aboard the Jendirian Valley during the months leading up to the Clone Wars. Kollenz was distinguished by the breathing apparatus that covered his nose and mouth. The entire mask was supported with an elaborate headpiece, and was connected by two hoses to processors that were housed in his ornate breastplate.(DAG)

This man, a native of the planet Naboo, was a noted pirate who assisted in the capture of the Ay'Nat during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWGAL)

This mosgoth, native to Togoria, was provided to a young Han Solo for use in training to ride the great beasts. The Togorian Rrowv taught Han to fly, and Kaydiss was a willing and able mount. Han once took Bria Tharen for a ride on Kaydiss.(TPS)

This planet was the site of a palace coup financed and armed by supporters of Seti Ashgad and Dzym as part of their plan to lure New Republic forces into small battles while Dzym took control of the galaxy.(POT)

This female Tarasin was the irstat-kes of the Nirrani tribe, during the height of the Clone Wars. When Mother Dariana and many other elders held a vurgat during the conflict, Kaylanna was one of the few who refused to participate without fully understanding why they were called together. Her concerns were silenced when she learned it had been Jedi Knight from another world who had called them together with the Force, hoping to convince the Tarasin to ensure their survival in the face of the tarana-te'sath.(LFCW)

This gas was often used in fluorescent-style lighting.(TA)

This was the name of a noted Sludir individual.(UANT)

Kayniph, Macus
This near-human ran the Black Sun operation on Smarck, during the early years of the New Republic. He resembled an overweight human male, but had scaled, tan skin and a series of five bony ridges along the top of his skull. He had arranged to kidnap Feena D'Asta and keep her drugged and in custody, while a clone of Feena was created and placed on the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. Grappa the Hutt kept her drugged with a regular dose of gree spice, and paid Macus to engineer more clones. However, Macus discovered that Grappa was making partial payments. Macus required a full payment in order to produce the clones Grappa needed to infiltrate the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. He confronted Grappa, who assured him that the debt would be paid. In the meantime, Macus told Grappa that Kenix Kil was really Kir Kanos. When the Zanibar failed to locate Kil, Grappa had one of them shot. Macus objected, and Grappa shot him as well. He kept Macus' body frozen, in order to fool the other members of Black Sun into believing Macus was still alive. In order to preserve his secret, Grappa had all the other guests who witnessed the shooting killed as well. The New Republic later destroyed his cloning facility on Genon. Meanwhile, a bounty hunter (who resembled Dengar) fled Grappa's court and brought the news of Kayniph's death to Y'ull Acib.(CE2)

Kayri III
This planet was the site of an early Charon base in the galaxy. The presence of the Charon was discovered when an Alliance starship crashlanded on the planet. The Charon, who had been using the planet as their home after accidentally crossing over into the galaxy, hoped to steal the starship in order to escape Kayri III and regroup with more of their kind. The Charon had hidden the Void Stone deep within the planet's crust, waiting for a chance to unleash its power. However, the Alliance team was able to defeat the Charons and keep them stranded on the planet.(RESB)

This was a Mandalorian pronoun that translated into Basic as "he," "him," or "her," depending on the context. It could also be used as the possessive forms "his" or "hers."(OWS)

Kaysh meg miit'gaana, oyacyi
This Mandalorian proverb translated into Basic as, "Who writes, remains."(OWS)

Kaysh mirsh solus
This was a Mandalorian phrase that translated into Basic as "He (or she) is an idiot." The more literal translation was "His (or her) brain is lonely."(OWS)

Kaysh mirsh'kyramud
This was a Mandalorian phrase that translated into Basic as "He (or she) is boring me senseless." The more literal translation was "He (or she) is a brain assassin."(OWS)

Kaysh shu'shuk
This was a Mandalorian phrase that translated into Basic as "He (or she) is a disaster."(OWS)

Kaysh tayl'ud
This was a Mandalorian phrase that translated into Basic as "He (or she) is taking a break." It could also be used to say "He (or she) is having a nap."(OWS)

This man served as the chief of the Black Hole Gang for a brief period during the height of the New Order, until Amaiza Foxtrain discovered that he had been embezzling funds from the gang. Rather than expose him to the rest of the gang, Amaiza simply shot him dead before revealing his treachery.(GMR4)

This grizzled alien ran Kayson's Weapons Shop in Mos Eisley. Kayson had a sour disposition and atrocious manners. He was a hulking humanoid with short fur and an optical enhancer worn over his left eye. Kayson was named for Meysen Kayson, who raised the alien from infancy.(GG7, SWJ6)

Kayson, Meysen
The owner of MK Enterprises and the Greel Wood Logging Corporation, Meysen Kayson was able to appease the local Imperials enough to keep them off his planet, Pii IV. He maintained his greel logging operation and was able to support an Alliance training facility and safeworld for Alliance recruits. Kayson also owed a sizable portion of Kwenn Station. At the height of the Galactic Civil War, Meysen was 121 years old, originally born on Corulag. He spent much of his life in unsavory lifestyles, but his experiences helped form him into a determined individual. While on Tatooine, he took an alien orphan and raised him to adulthood. The alien took the surname Kayson as its own, and became the owned of Kayson's Weapons Shop in Mos Eisley. Meysen himself was a vocal opponent of Emperor Palpatine, and spent much of his later years avoiding the Empire. In order to help overthrow Palpatine, Kayson used much of the profit from his corporate holdings to fund the Alliance.(SWJ6)

Kayson's Weapons Shop
A firearms distributor in Mos Eisley.(GG7, TME)

This was a small city on the planet Rodia. An open square was found in the central part of the city.(CWTV25)

This planet was noted for its sweeping, temperate plains. The sky above the planet was tinged with yellow, giving it a strange, yet beautiful, appearance.(LJ10)

Kayven Whistler
An avian race of carnivores, Jabba the Hutt kept a group of them in a captive webbing at his Mos Eisley townhouse. If a burglar tripped the security alarms, the net would fall an entrap them, allowing the kayven to consume them while they struggled. The kayven measures one meter in length.(GG7, TME)

This was a common name given to Zabrak males. Like many Zabrak names, it related to survival characteristics, and meant "intelligent" or "innovative".(GCG)

This man was a freelance mercenary and scout, active during the early years of the New Order. He often worked with his good friend, Spin.(WOTC)

According to Ewok legend, this nature spirit awarded magical weapons to those Ewoks who could beat at at his complicated games.(GCG)

This was a common name for Ewok males. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in the Ewoks' mythology.(GCG)

This Ewok elder served on the council headed by Chief Chirpa. Kazak was an excellent scout, and studied the movements of the Imperials garrisoned on the forest moon of Endor during the construction of the second Death Star. His efforts were invaluable to Han Solo's assault team.(CCG10)

Kazan, Bera
This woman was a noted smuggler and collector during the last decades of the Old Republic. In addition to being implicated in some of the galaxy's most heinous crimes, she was also known for her extensive collection of ancient artifacts. Just before the Battle of Geonosis, Bera was hired by Count Dooku to assist Cydon Prax in recovering the Force Harvester. Despite their success, Dooku had no intention of rewarding Bera for her work. Instead, he condemned her to death, positioning her as one of the first beings to be sacrificed to the Force Harvester. She managed to escape from Raxus Prime when she met another captive, the Jedi apprentice Anakin Skywalker. The pair fled Raxus Prime, and Bera later assisted the Old Republic in its fight against the Separatists on the planet Kashyyyk.(CWG)

This planet served as the base of operations for a slavery ring that operated in the Mahrusha Sector of the galaxy, during the early years of the New Order.(GORW)

Kazellis Corporation
Manufacturers of freighters and other large starships, Kazellis was based in Kathol Sector. As their designs became more popular, Kazellis began advertising and selling on Kal'Shebbol and Eriadu, where they met with stern opposition from the Empire. As Moff Kentor Sarne grew in power, he demanded that Kazellis supply him with ships at a huge discount. Kazellis refused, not knowing the full power behind the Empire. In short order, Kazellis was nationalized by the Empire, and its entire management chain was executed or imprisoned.(SS)

Kazellis Light Freighter
Developed by Kazellis Corporation, this transport ship measured 28 meters in length, and was armed with a turret-mounted quad laser cannon. The ship found a following among the spacers who plied the Rimma Trade Route, and Kazellis expanded its operations to meet the demand. The light freighter design required a pilot and gunner to operate, and could transport up to eight passengers and 100 metric tons of cargo. Its semi-circular design gave it an organic look and feel, making it visually different than most other transports available during the early years of the New Order.(SS)

Another spelling of the planet Kashyyyk.(MCI1)

This was the spelling used for the planet Kashyyyk, in the Marvel comics series of Star Wars stories.(MC91)

Kazlin 5
A planet.(SWJ10)

Kazz ma kazz
This phrase from the Bocce language was often heard in spaceports throughout the galaxy. It translated into Basic as "I have insurance."(GPB)

This Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "ghost" or "tracker". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name.(GMR10, GCG)

Kcaj, Coleman
This Ongree Jedi Master replaced Coleman Trebor on the Jedi Council, during the height of the Clone Wars. It was unclear if Coleman Kcaj survived the fighting, or the execution of Order 66 by the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic.(OWS, SWI100)

K'Cin, Onicrop
This male Ugnaught was employed by the Trade Federation as a code breaker and forger, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. In the aftermath of the batlle, K'Cin deserted his position and fled into the Outer Rim. A bounty was placed on his head by the Trade Federation's Recruitment Center, as it was believed that K'Cin took with him several classified encryption codes. K'Cin was captured on the Outland Transit Station by Jango Fett and brought in for the bounty on his head.(BH)

This member of the Cavrilhu Pirates worked in the electronics shop at the Kauron asteroid base.(SOP)

This high-grade starship weapons capacitor system was developed and produced by Rendili StarDrive, during the height of the New Order.(SWG2P)

K-class Planet
This was the designation of a planet with a specific bandwidth of ambient light.(EGA)

K'cri's Cafe
This was a small cafe located on Figg Avenue on Cloud City, and was owned and operated by K'cri Elban. Odea Aurora made unique pieces of jewelry for sale at K'cri's.(GG2)

This was the designation of one of Taim & Bak's starship light blaster cannons. They can be mounted in retractable turrets for easy deployment against ground troops.(SWJ9)

Developed and manufactured by Kelvarek Consolidated Arms, this weapon was known as the Dissuader. Instead of firing solid rounds, the KD-30 fired hollow spheres filled with borless acid. The spheres themselves hit with a painful impact, and the resulting acid spray attacked cloth and flesh on contact.(GFT)

This Karydee repulsorlift engine system was used by Alliance engineers to power the T-47 snowspeeders that were used at Echo Base, on Hoth, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(CCS)

This three-chambered repulsorlift engine was produced by Karydee, during the early years of the New Order. It was believed that Jabba the Hutt used three KD57 repulsorlift engines in his sail barge, the Khetanna.(CCS)

This ancient beast was found in the Colla-Di caverns of Arda-2. It was a huge, slug-like creature who mouth was ringed by several thick tendrils. These tendrils could be used as feelers, but could also grip prey and drag it into its beaked mouth. Located above their mouths, the kdak have nine eyes. The kdak exudes a strange-smelling slime as it travels.(CSWEA)

This was a form of short-range, defensive turbolaser battery that was produced during the final decades of the Old Republic. The KDD2055 was designed for the protection and defense of buildings and other large structures.(SWCL)

This male Tarong was the sibling of Sk'rirak. His russet and black plumage complimented her green coloration. He was an explosives expert, and was adept at gathering intelligence on Imperial garrisons. Both worked as lucrative businessbeings until they signed on as information gatherers with the Alliance. They sold their information for droids and jewelry.(GG12)

KDY Orbital Defense Platform
This planetary defense station was produced by Kuat Drive Yards, during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong War.(FJ3)
This was an ion cannon used for planetary defense. This may be an error in Lords of the Expanse, referring to the v-150 ion cannon produced by Kuat Drive Yards.(LOE)

Designed and developed by the engineers at the Kuat Drive Yards, the KDY-4 series tech droid was built to construct and repair starships. Often referred to as "the builder's buddy", the KDY-4 droids were dsitinguished by their easy-going manner and usefulness on the job site. Their memory banks were loaded with schematics and blueprints, spanning those designs creating for thr Trade Federation through those of the New Republic. Kuat Drive Yards liked to say that the KDY-4 had the versaility of an R2 unit, the eloquence of a 3PO unit, and the muscle power, skill, and experience of a shipyard worker.(CCW)

This was an imperative Mandalorian prefix that was used when giving a command.(OWS)

Ke, Hali
This Kaminoan served as a senior research geneticist during the development of the clone troopers created for the Grand Army of the Republic. Hali Ke wrote about the dangers that were inherent in the recreation of human life, and of the need for Kaminoan cloners to improve their techniques to eliminate errors.(RCHC)

Ke, Seva
This was the name of a noted Kaminoan scientist.(UANT)

Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya
This Mandalorian adage translated into Basic as, "Train your sons to be strong but your daughters to be stronger."(LF2)

Ke baslana meh mhi Kyrayc
This Mandalorian phrase translated into Basic as, "get away if we don't make it."(PM)

Ke Booda?
This Huttese phrase translated into Basic as the question "what?", used in asking another being to repeat themselves.(E2A)

ke Fanax, Depird
This Adumari man was the brother of Jeapird ke Fanax. When his brother was killed while in combat with Cheriss ke Hanadi during the Cartann Ground Championships, Depird sought to avenge not only his brother but the reputation of pilots. In the duel, which was staged for the entertainment of Wedge Antilles and his pilots, Cheriss defeated Depird soundly. She offered his life to Wedge as a sign of respect and honor. Wedge, however, thought the loss of life was too blatant. Instead of having Depird killed, he let the man live, hoping that Depird would learn from his pain and his mistakes to fight better another time.(SOA)

ke Fanax, Jeapird
This man was defeated by Cheriss ke Hanadi in the Cartann Ground Championships, just before the New Republic first contacted Adumar. Jeapird was one of the few Adumari pilots who had real skill with the blastsword. His defeat was unusual in that he lost to a woman who was also not a fighter pilot.(SOA)

ke Hanadi, Cheriss
This Adumari woman served as Wedge Antilles' guide, during the time he spent in Cartann during the negotiations between Adumar and the New Republic. She was a skilled fighter, but suffered from vertigo and couldn't gain honor among her fellow Adumari as a pilot. She was born to parents of the working class, and spent part of her youth working in an underground food processing plant. Her mother had worked there, before she died from brownlung. Many Admuri felt she was nothing more than a gutter-fighter who retained favor in the court by winning her challenges. She was the victor in the Cartann Ground Championship just before the New Republic first contacted the Adumari, and received several challenges from pilots because of it. She managed to meet every challenge, and hoped to impress Wedge while doing so. However, Wedge did not return her affection, since he was in love with Iella Wessiri. Cherris tried to further impress Wedge by accepting a string of challenges, deciding that perhaps her life wasn't worth living anymore, but he convinced her to back out when she was nearly killed.

Eventually, Cheriss understood what Wedge had to say, and simply worked with him to bring about changes in Adumari society. When Wedge was exiled from Cartann by perator Pekaelic ke Teldan, who was given false information by Tomer Darpen, Cheriss followed him to the Yedagonian Confederacy, and helped him prepare for the civil war with Cartann. She proved her combat skills once again, and when the Adumari agreed to join the New Republic, Wedge helped her gain admission to the Academy. He also introduced her to a prescription drug which helped her overcome her vertigo. She opted to join the Republic's armed forces and train as a pilot, becaused she knew that her role in helping the Yedagon would prevent her from returning to her home nation of Cartann. She later became one of the Galactic Alliance's most skilled vibroblade handlers, and helped train starfighter pilots in hand-to-hand combat.

When the war between the Galactic Alliance and The Confederation reached its highest point, Cheriss was among the many military people who decided to bring their military service to an end, rather than support the rise to power of Jacen Solo. She eventually found her way to Wedge Antilles aboard the Errant Venture, where she agreed to serve as Rakehell Eight during a Jedi-led mission to disable Centerpoint Station. Her fighter sustained heavy damaged, and she was forced to eject from the ship as it exploded around her. She survived the explosion, and continued to fly starfighters during the years that followed the end of the Swarm War. Cheriss later volunteered to assist with the effort to save the planet Kessel, some three years after the end of the Second Galactic Civil War, rejoining Wedge to help destroy the strange caches of explosives that were found beneath the planet's surface.(SOA, PH, LF7, FJ1)

ke Harran, Testan
This Adumari man, distinguished by his colorful clothing, was employed by the Dammant Killers corporation, during the years following the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. A tall, balding man, ke Harran often wore tunics and shirts that resembled starfighter pilot gear, with his own splashes of color added to make him stand out. When Jacen Solo and Ben Skywalker arrived on Adumar to investigate the operations of Dammant Killers. Ke Harran was assigned to guide them on a factory tour. Dressed in a tunic that resembled an X-Wing pilot's uniform from the era of the Galactic Civil War, ke Harran's cool demeanor was tested by Solo's detachment and Skywalker's harrassment, especially when Solo discovered the secret missile production facility that Dammant Killers had been trying to hide. He was unable to prevent the two Jedi from abandoning him in the main facility, while they set off on their own to investigate the secret areas.(LF1)

Ke jurir kad
This Mandalorian command meant "Carry that saber!" when translated into Basic.(SWI86)

ke Kith, Garatty
This Adumari man lived next door to Fiana Novarr, alias Iella Wessiri. He was challenged to a duel and killed by Irasal ke Voltin.(SOA)

ke Mattino, Liak
A decorated Adumari pilot, Captain ke Mattino led the Strike the Moons Flightknife. He was the first to challenge Wedge Antilles and Red Flight in simulated - rather then live-fire - combat, but his flightknife was soundly defeated. When Wedge offered them another chance to duel, ke Mattino accepted despite the fact that a second challenge was not a normal protocol. In the end, the Strike the Moons learned a lot about New Republic fighter tactics. He and his pilots later joined Red Flight at the Giltella Air Base to discuss tactics and the results of their simulated combat. In the wake of the treacherous actions of Tomer Darpen, ke Mattino led the Strike the Moons Flightknife on a mission to escort Wedge and Red Flight out of Cartann and to the Yedagonian nation. He and his Flightknife defected, and assisted the Yedagonian forces in defeating Cartann. Unfortunately, Liak was killed in the battle.(SOA)

Ke narir haar'ke'gyce rol'eta resol
This was a Mandalorian command that translated into Basic as "Execute Order 66!"(OWS)

Ke nu jurkad
This was a Mandalorian warning or command, depending on the context. Although it literally translated into Basic as "Don't brandish your sabre," it often simply meant "Don't mess with me," and was often shortened to N'jurkad.(OWS)

Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya
This Mandalorian warning translated into Basic as, "Don't mess with the Mandalorians, mate!" The literal translation of the warning was "Don't brandish your sabre at the Mandalorians, mate!"(OWS)

Ke nu jurkad ti Mando'ade, burc'ya
This Mandalorian warning translated into Basic as, "Don't mess with the Mandalorians, mate!" The literal translation of the warning was "Don't cross sabres with the Mandalorians, mate!"(OWS)

Ke nu jurkadir sha Mando'ade
see Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya(SWI86)

Ke nu'jurkad sha Mando'ade
see Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya(SWI86)

ke Olean
This was one of Cartann City's families.(SOA)

ke Rassa, Balass
This 22-year-old Adumari man was the eldest son of perator Pekaelic ke Teldan. Following Adumari custom, he was sent away to live with a surrogate family at an early age, protecting him from the many challenges and duels which would have been levelled at him if his true identity were known. He became an excellent pilot, a trait noted by Wedge Antilles when the New Republic sought to bring the planet Adumar into its membership. Balass was a quick study, and eagerly picked up on the notion of honor being an internal feeling, rather than an external show of worthiness. He also understood the notion of doing good for the betterment of others, rather than using one's accomplishments to further one's own goals. However, when Pekaelic ke Teldan was forced to initiate a civil war among Adumar' nations by the urgings of Tomer Darpen, he found himself defeated by the other nations and disgraced. By Adumari custom, Pekaelic should have been killed by the victor, which happened to be Wedge. Instead, Wedge offered Pekaelic the chance to abdicate his throne and leave the political scene. Once Pekaelic discovered that Balass had survived the war, he offered the perator's title to Balass. Balass agreed, and was named perator in his father's place. Balass retook the surname ke Teldan, and vowed to work fairly and equally with the other Adumari perators to create a world government and join the New Republic.(SOA)

ke Seiufere, Phalle
This Adumari pilot challenged Cheriss ke Hanadi to a duel, shortly after she had defeated Eneboros ke Shalapan. She accepted the challenge, and barely defeated him in combat. She claimed that these were challenges that she had ignored while escorting Wedge Antilles and Red Flight in the city of Cartann, but the challenges were actually an effort to prove herself worthy of Wedge's affection and to redeem herself in the eyes of the perator, Pekaelic ke Teldan.(SOA)

ke Sekae, Thanaer
This Adumari pilot challenged Cheriss ke Hanadi to a duel, shortly after she had defeated Eneboros ke Shalapan and Phalle ke Seiufere in combat. Her third challenge in less than a day, she was weary and injured at the start of the fight. She had claimed to be accepted challenges that had remained unfulfilled during her time as Wedge Antilles' escort through Cartann City. In reality, she was trying to please Wedge and the perator, Pekaelic ke Teldan. Thanaer quickly defeated Cheriss, but her life was spared when Wes Janson challenged Thanaer to a duel for her life. While not an accepted motivation for a duel, Thanaer accepted and was soundly defeated by Wes and his hand-to-hand combat tactics. Wes claimed his challenge and victory was an "engagement present" to Wedge and Iella Wessiri.(SOA)

ke Shalapan, Eneboros
This Adumari pilot challenged Cheriss ke Hanadi to a duel. She accepted the challenge and defeated him, in an effort to prove herself worthy of Wedge Antilles and the perator, Pekaelic ke Teldan.(SOA)

ke Shia, Buan
This Adumari pilot was part of Dyans ke Vasan's flightknife, and was one of the first Adumari pilots to challenge Wedge Antilles. The flightknife attacked Red Flight as they arrived at Adumar, but all were killed in combat by Wedge and his pilots.(SOA)

ke Teldan, Balass
see ke Rassa, Balass(SOA)

ke Teldan, Pekaelic
This Adumari was the perator of the city of Cartann when the planet was first contacted by the New Republic. Tomer Darpen quickly began manipulating ke Teldan, hoping to sway the perator to join the New Republic instead of the Empire. Unknowing of Darpen's schemes, ke Teldan was drawn into a web of deceit which forced him to declare Cartann the seat of the world government which was required for entry into the Republic. This declaration, made without the consent of any of the other perators on the planet, initiated a civil war which ended in defeat for Cartann. Wedge Antilles, which led the forces of the Yedagonian Confederacy against Cartann, refused to execute ke Teldan, as was demanded by Adumari custom. Instead, Wedge allowed ke Teldan to abdicate his throne to his son, Balass ke Rassa.(SOA)

ke Unthos, Uliaff
This Adumari man served as Cartann's Minister of Notifications under perator Pekaelic ke Teldan. In this role, Uliaff's office was responsible for notifying the families of fighter pilots who had died in combat, in training, or in a duel. Uliaff himself was responsible for setting the policies by which the notification letters would be written and sent.(SOA)

ke Vasan, Dyans
This man, a native of the planet Adumar, was the first Adumari pilot to challenge Wedge Antilles and his pilots when they arrived at Adumar. ke Vasan and his flightknife attacked Wedge's Red Flight as they made their to Cartann, forcing the Republic pilots into battle. In the end, ke Vasan and his flight were destroyed by Wedge and Red Flight.(SOA)

ke Voltin, Irasal
This Adumari man had a long-standing feud with Garatty ke Kith. On the night Wedge Antilles and Iella Wessiri decided that they were in love with each other, Irasal finally killed Garatty in a duel.(SOA)

This was the designation of the reconnaissance X-Wing flown by Plat Mallar while stationed aboard the Venture during the New Republic's battle with the Yevetha.(TT)

Golan Arms produced this landmine for the Empire, which used it extensively during the ground battles of the Galactic Civil War.(LAWS)

This proximity mine was produced for the Empire by Golan Arms, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. It was a modified version of the basic KE-6 mine, equipped with a sensor that detected the presence of a large, metallic object. When the object - often a troop transport or field artillety vehicle - came within close range of the mine, it exploded. The KE-6b was noted for its destructive power.(LAWS)

KE-8 Enforcer
This starfighter was manufactured by the Kaminoan people to protect their cities and the cloning technologies developed within them. Resembling an inverted teardrop, the KE-8 measured thirteen meters in height but just four meters in length. It was capable of flight within Kamino's atmopshere as well as orbital space, but lacked a hyperdrive and laser weapons. Instead, the KE-8 was armed with an electroshock stun device. Powerful manipulator arms allowed the KE-8 to also serve as a labor vehicle, capable of carrying many times the vessel's own weight. The KE-8 was a highly maneuverable craft, with excellent repulsors and throttle controls. Most of these ships were used during the production of the clone troopers for the Army of the Republic, leading up to and during the Clone Wars. Each ship required a pilot to operate, and could accommodate another crewman to handle the manipulator arms. The KE-8 Enforcer patrolled the training grounds established for the clones, and bodily removed any clone that didn't meet the Kaminoans' rigid expectations.(WOTC, IWE2, RCHC)

This was the identification number of one of the two stormtroopers who were assigned to guard the tractor beam emplacement, located aboard the first Death Star, which was disabled by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Using the Force, Obi-Wan distracted KE-829 and his companion, shutting down the tractor beam and allowing the Millennium Falcon to escape. Is this Tag or Bink?!(TCG4)

This was a common name among the Nagai people.(GMR1)

Keb, Gefal
This Gossam worked as a senior civil servant for the Galactic Alliance, during the years following the Swarm War. Based on Coruscant, Gefal Keb was part of the public protectoin department of the Alliance.(LF5)

This Rodian was one of the main agents of the Bombaasa Cartel, during the early years of the New Republic. Kebbo was also the Magistrate of the Pembric Security Legion, and was assigned by Crev Bombaasa to provide assistance to the crew of the FarStar during the New Republic's search for Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne.(DARK)

This was a Mandalorian verb that translated into Basic as "to attempt" or "to try."(OWS)

This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "long ago."(GPB)

Keben Park
This open-air park was located in the city of Coronet, on the planet Corellia. The park surrounded and overlooked the primary governmental office buildings that made up the G.O., including the Corellian Assembly Building.(LF2)

This was a Mandalorian word that referred to the color blue.(OWS)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "the daytime sky." Stemming from the word kebiin, it literally meant "blue sky."(OWS)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "things" or "stuff."(OWS)

Kebla Yurt's Equipment Emporium
This general store, which was owned and operated by Kebla Yurt, provided beings with a wide variety of equipment during the height of the Great Sith War. Yurt's selection was aimed at supplying the needs of mercenaries and explorers, with a wide selection of protective suits and low-grade weaponry available.(KOTOR)

This planet was set aside by the Old Republic as the relocation site for those hujan colonists who were extradited from Qiilura, during the height of the Clone Wars. The humans of Qiilura were relocated to Kebolar in exchange for the assistance of the Gurlanin, who refused to join the Republic but agreed to work as agents and spies if their homeworld was returned to them.(RCTC)

Kebroot Stew
This hearty meal was popular among Alderaanian families.(DOG)

This near-human female served as the senior accountant for the Cloud City Miner's Guild, during the administration of Lando Calrissian. Like Calrissian, Kebyc was determined to wipe out the corruption of prior administrations.(CCG5)

Kech, Nakk
This Khuiumin Survivor was the Captain of Rock Squadron, under the command of Jacob Nive. He was killed several months after Corran Horn - under the alias Jenos Idanian - joined the Survivors, when the Invidious suddenly jumped out of the system during a raid. Another Invid raid - under the command of Shala the Hutt - was under attack, and Leonia Tavira felt that the losses to Rock Squadron were minimal compared to the other group.(IJ)

see Ketcher(TIEP)

see Keldabe(LTA4, MC68)

This was the title given to the Tarc who served as the supreme ruler of the planet Hjaff. The Keddek was advised and counciled by three continental leaders.(AE)

A variation of an Old Corellian term for a person who condemned or fallen.(SWJ4, TFE)

Ke'dem Ramp
This was the name given to a section of the Agrilat Swamp Circuit, one of the most popular swoop racing courses of the New Order.(SWGAL)

Keder the Black
This paid assassin and spy infiltrated the Coruscatn royal guards who were protecting Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, during the months leading up to the Battle of Naboo. His employee was an unknown being, as was the reason for Keder's presence in the royal guard.(CCG13)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "chain of command."(OWS)

This Imperial Admiral took his fleet to Sellasas shortly after the Battle of Yavin, in an effort to help break the Alliance's siege of the planet.(GG10)

This small-statured alien race resembled humanoid moles. A large population of Kedorzhans lived on the planet Taris, during the era of the Great Sith War, working as miners in the Lower City. As a race, Kedorzhans were known to be sloppy drunks, who lost any ability to distinguish visual identities when they had consumed too much alcohol. Because of their physical size and abilities, Kedorzhans were often employed as miners and diggers.(KOR1, KORV)

Kedran Lip-smear
A lipstick that it impregnated with a poison that can stun a victim. The wearer must take the antidote before putting it on.(MTS)

Kedriss One
One of the Old Republic starships sent to evacuate Ossus, during the Great Sith War. It was destroyed by the Mandalorian warriors and their war mounts before it could land on the planet.(TSW)

A Yuzzem slave who was working for the Empire on Circarpous V. He, along with Hin, were getting fed up with the demands place on them by the local Imperials, and started destroying everything they saw. They were imprisoned by Grammel, and continued to wreak havoc by killing their fellow prisoners. This was OK with Grammel, as it helped eliminate certain captives. When Grammel placed Luke and Leia in the Yuzzems' cell, Luke began to communicate with them, and gained Hin and Kee's trust. Together, they escaped the prison compound and set out to find the Temple of Pomojema and the Kaiburr crystal. Kee was killed at the temple by Darth Vader.(SME)

This young Devaronian female worked for the Wookiee smuggler Chak'a, some 130 years after the Battle of Yavin. Although she served as the co-pilot of the Grinning Liar, Kee was hired by Chak'ka for her mechanical skills. She had a natural talent for understanding all manner of technology, and often took things apart just to see how they worked before putting them back together. Kee was distinguished by her spiked hair, dark skin and pointed ears, which served as the only outward evidence of her heritage.

She was dismayed when Chak loaned the Grinning Liar to Jariah Syn and Deliah Blue, but held her tongue. However, then they ran into Cade Skywalker on Coruscant some seven years after the Massacre at Ossus, she found she could no longer keep her frustration in. Syn and Blue had been abandoned by Skywalker months earlier, prompting them to request the ship. When the pair never returned the ship, Kee figured that Skywalker would have some idea where they were. Instead, Skywalker asked about their whereabouts, hoping to repair their friendship.(SWLB, SWLC, SWLH)

Kee, Denaria
This female Koorivan served as Passel Argente's chief aide, during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis.(VD2)

Kee, Habba
This alien was one of the best podracers found in the Outer Rim Territories, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo.(E1N)

Kee, Neva
This Xamster was a native of the planet Xagobah, and was regarded as a good podracer during the last years of the Old Republic. He preferred the Farwan&Glott FG 8T8 Twin Block2 Special racer, with its unique, co*ckpit-in-front design. However, his own version of the podracer was designed to look good, and only had moderate performance characteristics.(RAC, IG1, IWE1, SWDB, CHRN2)

Kee, Tas
This female Weequay enforcer was hired by Hat Lo to protect his interests on Coruscant, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. She was adept at concealing weaponry on her body, avoiding the scanners and sensors to ensure Hat Lo was protected wherever he went. One of her best assets was her ability to blend into a crowd, which allowed her to move among the Outlander Club's patrons without arousing suspicion.(SWDB, SWI75)

Kee, Twink
This male Koorivan served as an aide to Passel Argente during the months leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. This may have been a placeholder name for Argente's aide, and later changed to Denaria Kee.(TCD)

Ke'e, Rasher
This young, female Bothan served the Galactic Alliance Security forces as a Lieutenant, during the years that followed the end of the Second Galactic Civil War. Lieutenant Rasher served under Captain Atar, and was on duty when Jaina Solo and a group of Jedi tried to enter the Galactic Alliance Storage facility where Valin and Jysella Horn were being held prisoner. Captain Atar placed Ke'e in charge of ensuring that only the Jedi, including Corran Horn, and Mirax Horn were allowed to enter the facility. Javis Tyrr was among a group of news reporters who had arrived at the facility, and Ke'e moved to block their access, until Jaina Solo demanded that they be allowed to follow the Jedi. Solo forced Ke'e to accede, asking her if she was willing to shoot the reporters while they were recording the events, in order to prevent them from entering.(FJ3)
Kee baatu baatu
This Huttese phrase translated into Basic as "You bother me."(GMR5)

Kee chai chai cun kuta?
This Huttese question translated into Basic as "What were you doing here?"(GMR5)

Kee hasa do punyoo
This Huttese command translated into Basic as, "Drop your weapon."(GPB)

Keeara Major
This planet was a popular destination for big-game hunters.(REPL)

This disgusting fruit was native to the planet Nal Hutta. The flesh of the keebada took on a putrid smell as it ripened. When it was ripe, keebada fruit was often pushed through a sieve to strain out any of the stringy flesh. Strained keebadas, known as Keebadas Binggona in the Huttese language, were a popular side dish at Huttese restaurants.(CN1)

Keebadas Binggona
This was the Huttese name for strained keebadas, a popular Huttese meal.(GPB)

This was the Gungan word for "good manners."(GPB)

An alien race native to the planet Keedad, the humanoid Keed differ from normal human stock in several ways. They lack a protruding nose, instead having a flat ridge atop two nostrils in the center of their face. They also have three fingers and a thumb.(CRO)

This temperate planet was the homeworld of the Keed race.(CRO)

Keed'kak, Kitik
This female Yam'rii was a quick-tempered, insectoid creature who inhabited Mos Eisley. She was often seen in the Mos Eisley Cantina, where she was always on the lookout for her next meal. She preferred the eggs of the Quor'sav race, in particular those of Kal'Falnl C'ndros.(CCG, SWDB)

Keedo, Judge
This Rodian magistrate was known more for his bullying nature than for his skills as a lawyer. Short in stature, even for a Rodian, Judge Keedo started carving a niche for himself on a backwater world in the Outer Rim Territories. He grew up on the planet knowing that bigger things were in store for him, if only he could reach out and grab them. To this end, Keedo appointed himself magistrate of his settlement and began to dole out rulings and punishments during the early years of the New Order. He quickly the judge, jury, and executioner of the settlement, and his rulings were exceptionally harsh. This helped expand his own power by keeping the locals in constant fear of him, amd eventually helped him gain control over a neighboring settlement. Keedo maintained an inner circle of guards and officers who made regular patrols through the populace, searching for any hint of disrespect for the Judge.(UA, WOTC)

This was the Gacerite name for the singing forest found on the An-Elto continent of Gacerian. It was made up of s'ae trees which sense the planet's seismic activity and resonate to the vibrations of the earth.(PG2)

This was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, Keeg was used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros. This ancient name literally meant "fisher".(GCG)

Keeg, Baniss
This female Duro frequented the Mos Eisley cantina, ever on the lookout for a pilot needed deep-space training. She often worked with Ellors Madak as a scout for the Empire, and sometimes worked for the Corporate Sector Authority as a surveyor. In reality, Baniss Keeg was an alias used by Chachi DeMaal.(CCG, MTSE, GMR2)

An orphaned Trianii, Keeheen was adopted by his aunt after an "accidental" dump of toxic waste began killing his family and ruining their farm. Keeheen watched with interest as the Trianii Rangers moved in to apprehend the culprits, and he decided that he would become a Ranger. He excelled in his studies, and quickly surpassed his classmates. He became the youngest commissioned Ranger in the history of the service. During his stay on Trian, he met and fell in love with Atuarre. He proposed to her the first time they met, but she politely turned him down. Keeheen wouldn't take "no" for an answer, and maintained close ties to her. Atuarre eventually fell in love with him, and they were soon married. Atuarre also began training as a Ranger, and they were moved to Fibuli. There, Atuarre gave birth to their only child, Pakka. Then, the Corporate Sector Authority annexed Fibuli and rounded up any dissenters. Keeheen was among the loudest, and he was taken prisoner, along with Pakka. The Authority tortured Pakka in front of his eyes, but he resisted their attempts to get him to cooperate. He was imprisoned at Stars' End, but was eventually rescued by Atuarre and Pakka, with the help of Han Solo and Chewbacca. Since then, Keeheen had returned to duty with the Rangers, and became an Administrator.(HSE, CSA)

This Imperial Lieutenant served under Administrator Brago, after Brago replaced Fuguee at the Kline Colony outpost.(SWJ10)

This unusual creature inhabits the caves of a number of worlds, including Yavin 4 and Thila. Known to many explorers as the cave crawler, this strange beast was more of a fright than a threat. They can grow to lengths of two meters, and spend most of their life dwelling in deep caves where they scavenge for food. Their ability to filter out the correct elements in their air supply had given them the ability to exist in a variety of environments, including the vacuum of deep space. Specimens have even been found inside space slugs and miner's horrors. Their long bodies were supported by two stump-like arms, and they crawl with the help of two claws on each "hand." As these claws scrape along the ground, they create an eerie sound which disconcerts most explorers because you can hear the creature well before they see it - if they ever see it.(COG)

This taller, broad-shouldered Brigian was distingiushed by his darker coloration. Keek served as the Chief of the Internal Security Police for the Brigian New Regime, during the early years of the New Order, as evidenced by the gaudy uniforms and plumed helmet he preferred to wear. In fact, a badge among his "military honors" marked him as the spelling champion of Oor VII. A devoted member of the New Regime, Keek took it upon himself to insure the security of Brigia. To this end, he decided to close down all institutions of higher learning, and labeled any Brigian who sought to improve the educational system on Brigia a dissident and a troublemaker. Like his superiors, Keek believed that higher education of the masses encouraged freedom of speech, which threatened the New Regime and Keek's position in it. However, when Han Solo arrived on Brigia to bring Hissal back to his homeworld, Keek found himself in a bad situation. Solo exposed the New Regime's counterfeit currency, and immediately brought Hissal back on board the Millennium Falcon. Solo then set Hissal down in a more remote area, where he could establish his university. Keek was forced to back down, and was forced to watch as the Brigian population rose up to demand its freedom.(HSL)

This New Republic K-Wing bomber pilot was assigned to the Fifth Battle Group. Keek was killed in the unsuccessful blockade of Doornik-319.(SOL)

Meaning "swift", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to describe an individual.(GCG)

Keela, Gyr
This Mrlssti was the president of the Mrlssti Academy, a position to which he was promoted after Rorax Falken suffered his nervous breakdown. He was known for his beautiful, yellow and red facial plumage. He tried to extort money from the Empire by proposing the Phantom project's cloaking device. When the fledgling New Republic also showed interest, Keela opened negotiations between the New Republic and the remnants of the Empire. Wedge Antilles represented the Republic, while his old nemesis Loka Hask represented the Empire. An Imperial plot, involving faked video of Tycho Celchu and the imprisonment of Wedge during the negotiations, virtually assured Imperial control of the Phantom project. In the end, Keela admitted that the project was a fake. After the Empire was driven off Mrlsst, Keela remained president, and vowed to reform his ways and restore his people to their former glory.(XWPA)

This diminutive, bat-like being worked as a security guard for one of the many pazaak dens on Nar Shaddaa, during the years following the Jedi Civil War.(KOTOR2)

Keel-ee calleya ku kah
This Huttese phrase literally meant "You disappoint me."(GMR5)

Keel-ee calleya ku kah
This statement from the Huttese language translated into Basic as "You disappoint me."(E4, GPB)

This creature, an intelligent relative of the krakana, was used as a mount by the Mon Calamari Knights, during the height of the Clone Wars.(SWDB)

Keelo, Trehla
This small-time criminal was one of many who tried to make a name for themselves in the city of Mos Eisley, on Tatooine, during the Galactic Civil War.(SWGAL)

Keely, Jobe
This elderly man was one of the Councilors who worked on the Managing Council of the survivors of the Outbound Flight Project, during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Keely was also one of the few remaining Survivors, having been an original member of the Outbound Flight team. He was also one of the first members of the civilian portion of the mission to openly question the motives of Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth. Their desire for equality led C'baoth to detain them in the ship's central storage core, where they were spared from the blasts of the radiation bombs used by the Chiss against the crews of the Dreadnaughts. Like many others among the Survivors, Keely was angry at the Jedi Knights for not providing better protection against their attackers. When a Chiss-led expedition located the remains of Outbound Flight many years later, Keely was one of the first to demand a fully-armed, modern warship as recompense from either the Chiss or the New Republic. After the Vagaari threat was eliminated, Keely grudgingly agreed to accompany the Outbound Flight Colony to Nirauan, staying as far away from the New Republic as they could.(SQ, OF)

This was an alternative spelling of the Huttese verb killye, which meant "to kill" when translated into Basic.(CWYN)

Keenigh Footwear
This was one of the largest producers of athletic footwear in the galaxy, some ten years after the Battle of Naboo.(HNN4)

This was a Mandalorian verb that translated into Basic as "to infiltrate."(OWS)

Keen's Grotto
Located on the planet Corellia, this maze of caverns and catacombs was a dangerous place for inexperienced spelunkers.(EGD)

This unusual automaton seemed to be created from highly-advanced technology, and was contained in a vast mechanical structure found deep below an uncharted planet. The planet was located somewhere between Yavin and Akuria Two, and was stumbled upon by Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa shortly after the Battle of Yavin. The dome-shaped container in which the Keeper existed was connected to a power-supplying structure that tapped the planet's core for energy, and it appeared as a face of stars inside the huge dome. When the Keeper realized that it's secret had been exposed, it told the rebels about its history. The Keeper had been created as a guardian of the planet by its original inhabitants, which had fled their sector to avoid a centuries-old war. The Keeper's mission was to ready the planet for the ancient beings' eventual return. Over time, the Keeper became lonely, and created four humanoid droids in its makers' likeness. Named Earth, Wind, Fire, and Rain, the four automatons had the unusual abilities to control the natural elements they were named after. These "children" were created to help the Keeper reform the planet. Much of the reformation work was done in secret, because the Keeper didn't want the rest of the galaxy to find the planet and destroy it again. In order to protect its world from the Empire, the Keeper planned to turn Luke and Leia over to the Imperial forces on the planet. However, when it realized that the rebels weren't going to expose its secret, the Keeper worked to convince the Imperials that the planet was too dangerous to consider as a base.(PZZ1)

This was the simple title given to the immense Zygerrian male who controlled the slave processing facility on Kadavo, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. When Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was delivered to Kadavo, along with Clone Captain Rex, Keeper believed that he would be able to fully defeat the Jedi by turning Kenobi's good deeds against him. Every time Kenobi tried to help other slaves, Keeper did something to cause more misery for them. In this way, he hoped to break Kenobi and earn attention and wealth from the Most High Queen. However, Kenobi was biding his time until the Jedi could launch a rescue mission. Keeper was certain that any rescue was doomed for failure, after the Queen entered into an agreement with Count Dooku and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, but the Queen overstepped her authority. In order to clean up the situation she left behind, Dooku launched a mission to destroy the slave processing center on Kadavo. This attack coincided with a rescue mission led by Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and Keeper was eventually taken prisoner. The slave processing facility was then destroyed, so that the Zygerians could no longer use it to recondition slaves.(TCW1)

A group of CR90 Corvettes used by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War, the Keeper group was used to escort prison ships on transfer missions.(TIE)

This Trade Federation battleship was part of Special Task Force One, the group that was dispatched to intercept Outbound Flight and eliminate it, some five years before the onset of the Clone Wars. When the task force was intercepted by the Chiss forces under the command of Field Commander Thrawn, Vicelord Siv Kav ordered the Keeper to launch half of its droid starfighters, in an attempt to engage the enemy. This was interpretted by Thrawn and the first salvo in an attack, and he responded by launching his own, smaller group of ships. When the two forces were close enough to engage, Thrawn pulled his own ships back, fooling Kav into believing that he was trying to judge the operational range of the Droid starfighters. However, Thrawn was actually trying to slice into the transmissions between the droid starfighters and their command computer, in an effort to steal their activation commands. Once he had launched several feints against Kav's forces, Thrawn siezed control of the droid starfighters and used them to attack Kav's forces. The Keeper and its sister ships were swiftly eliminated, and only the flagship Darkvenge was spared by Thrawn.(OF)

This form of Yuuzhan Vong starship was developed during their attempt to take control of the galaxy. Its development came shortly after the New Republic learned to pour intense amounts of firepower into a dovin basal, weakening the creature and stealing power from weapons systems. In this way, the Republic managed to destroy a number of Yuuzhan Vong warships. The keeper was well-protected, and contained a large dovin basal. The keeper was the attached to another, larger, Yuuzhan Vong warship, to act as its shielding and protection. In this way, the larger ship was protected from enemy fire by a stronger shield, and their weapons didn't lose power when the shield were absorbing fire.(HT)

Keeper of Ancient Records
This was one of the most important public offices within the Gungan government. The Keeper of Ancient Records was charged with maintaining and expanding the history of the Gungan race. During the final decades of the Old Republic, Rep Been served as the Keeper of Ancient Records.(HWS)

Keeper of Antiquities
This was the title held by those ancient Jedi Knights who controlled access to the Chamber of Antiquities, located in the Great Library of the Jedi on the planet Ossus. While the Keepr of Antiquities was charged primarily with preserving ancient paper texts, they were also protecting a wealth of Sith artifacts, including a Sith holocron.(PJSB)

Keeper of Promises
This Qom Jha was one of the few that had ever gotten into the caverns below the High Tower and seen the Threateners up close. He was assigned by Eater of Fire Creepers to lead Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade to the Tower, along with Splitter of Stones and Builder with Vines, as well as the Qom Qae Child of Winds.(VOF)

Keeper of the Tower
According to the customs of the Tammuz-an, the Keeper of the Tower was responsible for ensuring that the Takmmuz-an people were ruled by the rightful leader. Only the individual who returned to the Keeper with the royal scepter, on the first morning of the equinox, would be allowed to rule the planet.(SWDB)

Keeper Subdermal Control System
This piece of exotic technology was produced by Vector Technologies. Known in the catalogs as the AA-2, this system involved the use of surgically-implanted beacons and a tracker unit. Developed for the maintenance of slave labor pools, the Keeper system provides its user with a way to keep slaves from escaping. The beacon provided the tracking unit with an exact location of the slave, and contained a dose of an exotic neurotoxin which could be injected into the slave's system in the event of an escape attempt. The slave owner could activate the neurotoxin by signalling the beacon from the tracker. If the slave managed to escape beyond the range of the tracker, the beacon would lose its signal and release the neurotoxin automatically.(WSV)

This was the name of the small force of Tarasin guards who protected the Mother of an irstat. More often than not, the Keepers were required to keep tensions between leaders to a minimum, rather than protecting them from outside injury.(LFCW)

One of the first Mon Calamari floating cities destroyed by the World Devastators, shortly after Emperor Palpatine was reborn into a cloned body on Byss.(DESB)

Kee-Piru Computronics
Based on the floating city of Kee-Piru, this Mon Calamari corporation produced a variety of native technologies for export to the rest of the galaxy, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(GFT)

This was the Huttese verb, used to command a being to shoot their weapon. It could also be used as a mild expletive, as in "Shoot! I thought we were finished!"(GMR5, SWLL)

Keer, Karena
This woman, a native of the planet Corellia, was working for the Alliance during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWG2P)

Keer, Tilath
This woman, a native of the planet Commenor, served as a pilot in the Twin Suns Squadron during the New Republic's struggle against the Yuuzhan Vong. She was designated Twin Suns Eleven during her tenure with the squadron, and served as the squadron's navigational expert.(EL1)

This Trandoshan bounty hunter and his brother, Currsk, were hired to kill Deggar Feps, after the scout angered Sottos the Hutt, during the early years of the New Order. They were dispatched as a contingency plan, to cover the activities of the spy droid NEK-01 in case it failed. Neither party knew about the other, so the Hutts could hedge their bets on the capture of Feps. Keerag was able to speak Basic, and served as the team's liaison to their employers. Because Feps was able to escape, the Trandoshans failed to collect their bounty.(WOTC)

This Ssi-ruu was unusual in that it was born with rainbow-colored scales, incorporating all aspects of the Ssi-ruuvi caste system into a single individual. The birth of the Keeramak was the stuff of legends among the Ssi-ruuk and the P'w'eck, and signaled the end of the rigid caste system maintained on Lwhekk. The Keeramak would make the weak strong and free the oppressed, making the lower castes into leaders.

According to the P'w'eck Emancipation Movement, the Keeramak was born shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, and began rallying the P'w'eck to rise up against the Ssi-ruuk. In short time, the P'w'eck had thrown off their yokes and toppled the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium, taking control of Lwhekk for themselves. The Keeramak was named the Shreeftut, taking control of the Ssi-ruuvi people and forcing them to submit to P'w'eck leadership.

Five years later, the P'w'eck Emancipation Movement proposed an alliance with the Bakuran people, in an effort to strengthen both peoples against future invasions. The Bakuran people, fearful of another Ssi-ruuk invasion, were happy to learn of the P'w'eck liberation, and eagerly pursued an alliance. However, the P'w'eck were simply pawns in a much larger power play.

The Ssi-ruuk had been subjugated by the Yuuzhan Vong, and forced to work toward an invasion of the Unknown Regions. To assist in this effort, it was required that the planet Bakura also be under Yuuzhan Vong control. The Keeramak, knowing that the Bakurans had no knowledge of the Ssi-ruuvi language, performed the consecration ceremony on Bakura, but declared the planet - now known as Xwhee to the Ssi-ruuk - to be consecrated in the name of the Ssi-ruuk.

This was all part of a plan in which Prime Minister Cundertol received entechment and virtual immortality in echange for Bakura, a plan that the Keeramak openly endorsed when confronted by Leia Organa Solo. However, the Keeramak and its Ssi-ruuvi cohorts didn't anticipate the desire for independence of their P'w'eck assistants. Lwothin, the advance leader of the P'w'eck Emancipation Movement, shot and killed the Keeramak when it was ordered to shoot the Solos, ending the plot to subjugate Bakura.

The body of the Keeramak was transported back to Lwhekk to appease the Conclave, with the hope of eventually appeasing the Elders' Council. Note that The New Essential Guide to Alien Species indicates that the Keeramak was a P'w'eck.(FH2, NEGA)

This was a common name among the Rodian race.(UANT)

Kees, Byhdee
This male Gran was a member of the RavinsBlud syndicate during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, and was also a death sticks dealer who worked for Sebolto. A bounty was issued for his capture by the Coruscant police force, in connection with the rise in death stick distribution that occurred on the planet during the years following the Battle of Naboo. The bounty was claimed by Jango Fett, when the bounty hunter traveled to Malastare to meet with Sebolto.(BH)

This Huttese phrase was used as an adjective, and was used to describe an object "owned by a friend."(E1A14)

This female Pa'lowick worked as an assistant to Dama Brunk at the Sidi Driss Inn, on Tatooine, during the early years of the New Republic. She was assaulted by stormtroopers who were searching for Han Solo and his wife, Leia Ogana Solo, who were on Tatooine searching for the Killik Twilight moss-painting. The stormtroopers who accosted her were berated by their commanding officer, who was actually Grand Admiral Thrawn in disguise, for their actions against Keesa. Thrawn then apologized to Keesa for her trouble.(TG)

Meaning "affectionate", this name was common among Gungan females.(GCG)

When translated into Basic, this Ewok word meant "when."(GPB)

This Rodian arms dealer worked with Gredori, Aald, and Vosso during the early years of the New Order.(WOTC)

This stone was native to the planet Quilken and the Roon System. Kessums were not valuable as gemstones, since they tended to break too easily. Munog Baobab had planned to use crushed kessum for beach sand, until scientists working for him discovered that kessum fragments could reflect electronic signals and bounce them off of random objects. This strange phenomenon allowed sensors to track the presence of kessum in an area to within a three meter radius, making it a useful substance for tracking technologies. When injected into the bloodstream of a living being, the keesum was harmless, but was virtually undetectable by most medical scanners.(OWS)

This tree was harvested for its wood, which often laminated to produce wall paneling.(LF6)

This was the Huttese word for the number six (6). The Hutts used a base-eight numbering system, since their hands had just four fingers each. Note that Tempest Feud indicates that this word was spelled keta.(GMR5, TF)

This cream-colored Trianii was Gideon's first mate, and worked with him aboard the Independent Class. She lost an eye in a battle with one of Boss Trome's shape-shifting alien thugs, and she covered the scar with a black eye patch.(SWJ12)

This Huttese adverb translated loosely into Basic as "most severely".(CWBB)

Keez meeza foy wunclaz?
This question from the Bocce language was often overheard on passenger vessels. It translated into Basic as "Can I upgrade to first class?"(GPB)

This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "weapon."(GPB)

This word from the Bocce language translated into Basic as "yes".(GPB)

This clone trooper was one of the many commandos who were trained by Walon Vau and Kal Skirata, during the build-up to the Clone Wars. Unfortunately, Kef was also one of the many clones who were killing in the fighting.(RC66)

This man was a security officer who worked at the Kwilaan Spaceport shortly after the Battle of Naboo.(WOA2)

This proud beast was native to the planet Anaxes, where it was domesticated by the Anaxsi and used as a mount and tack animal. Equine in form, the keffi moved about on four long legs, each of which ended three large toes. This gave the keffi incredible stability when combined with its thick tail. A crown of horns adorned the skull of the keffi, while it sleek coat ranged in color from black to golden brown. The keffi were extremely intelligent and easily trained, and could be used as pack animals, racers, or show beasts.(CCW)

This pale-skinned man was the director of manufacturing for the Five Families of Ord Cestus, during the height of the Clone Wars. Many who first encountered Kefka remarked on the sallowness of his skin, as if he had never been exposed to sunlight of any kind. His appearance was human, and was suggestive of Kiffar ancestors.(TCD)

This man was a reporter for the Galactic News Network, and worked at GNN's Indu San bureau during the early years of the New Republic.(SWJ6)

This temperate world was the sole planet orbiting a single sun in the Outer Rim Territories. Some thirty-five years before the Battle of Yavin, Kegan was ruled by an isolationist government which believed a series of evil prophesies would come to pass if the Jedi Knights were allowed to visit the planet. There was only a single city on the planet at the time, which was divided into circles of expertise. Outside the city, all land was given over to food and animal cultivation. The humans who lived on the planet remained apart until the child O-Lana was born. The Jedi Knights were contacted by her parents, and the child was eventually brought to Coruscant. The Keganites soon discovered that the galaxy around them was a wondrous place, and overthrew the government to join the Old Republic. It was later discovered that the prophesies described by the Keganites were visions of the rise of Emperor Palpatine and the subjugation of the galaxy under the New Order.(FFT)

This was the name of the human population of the planet Kegan. During the rulership of V-Tan and O-Vieve, all Keganites were required to become part of the General Good. To this end, each Keganite had to take a name which included a link to the General Good. Every male was given a name, to which was added the beginning "V-". Every female was also given a name, to which was added the beginning "O-".(FFT)

Keggle, Hoolidan
This Duros was a noted scholar and educator who lived on the Jyvus city-station during the last decades of the Old Republic. He vehemently denounced Triplanetary Press and the Encyclopedia Galactica, when the editors wrote the entry for Neimoidians to simply read "See: Duros". He opposed the simplification of the genetic relationship of the Duros to the Neimoidians, indicating that there were many genetic, philosophical, and cultural differences between the two races. Later, Keggle was forced to flee Jyvus when it was attacked by the Separatists as part of Operation Durge's Lance. Jyvus held out for a short while, but the advanced tactics of General Grievous eventually broke through Jyvus' defenses. It was Grievous himself who confronted Keggle and forced him to sign a surrender form, officially making Duro a Separatist world.(HNN4, SWI74, SWI75)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "order" or "command."(OWS)

Keh lee chalya chulkah in ting cooing koosooah
This Huttese statement translated into Basic as "If you give it to me, I might forget I found you."(E4, GPP)

This Yevethan female was Nil Spaar's primary wife. She gave him two strong nitakka and a a beautiful marasi before she died of the gray death. Kei was the darna of his females.(SOL)

Keill, Furva
This master artist was a native of the planet Alderaan.(WSV)

Keist, Torv
This man served the Alliance armed forces as a Commander, and was part of the force that was deployed to defend the Alliance's base on the planet Turak IV, during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. Commander Keist was among the survivors of the Battle of Turak IV, and later provided details about the tactics of the Hell's Hammers. Kiest and his man had been instrumental in the establishment of the Uratai Basin Base, and had ensured that it was well-stocked and manned with more than enough personnel to rout the forces of General Maltaz. The initial stages of the fighting went well for the Alliance, as the Hell's Hammers were cut off from the main army, and General Maltaz's forces were trapped in a corridor while trying to reach them. However, the Alliance's forces were unprepared for the sheer willpower and determination of the Hell's Hammers, and they were quickly decimated and forced into a tactical retreat.(OWS)

This alien race had allied themselves with the Ansionians during the last decades of the Old Republic.(APS)

Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty
This treaty was signed by representatives from the Ansionian and Keitumite peoples, linking their planets in defense during the last decades of the Old Republic. While the Treaty had never been invoked, it was nonetheless still in force during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Count Dooku and Shu Mai hoped the Keitumites would follow the Ansionians in seceding from the Republic, shortly before the Clone Wars, leading to a large-scale secession movement of which they were the leaders.(APS)

This corporation produced podracers during the last decades of the Old Republic.(IG1)

Kej, Aruden
This Jedi Knight was a noted starfighter pilot, and was part of the task force assigned to the Monitor III during the attempt to smash a band of Iridium Pirates which was harassing Old Republic shipping convoys near Vuchelle. After the Monitor III took heavy damage from a blast of the pirates' power gem, Aruden Kej and his fellow pilots took to space in the Aethersprite-class fighters designed for the Jedi. However, Kej was killed in the battle to save the Monitor III.(HNN4)

This elderly Melida freedom fighter was a supporter of Wehutti, and fought along side the one-armed warrior.(DOD)

This planet was the site of an Imperial garrison during the years surrounding the Battle of Endor. Kyle Katarn infiltrated the base, shortly after the Empire's defeat at Endor. He recovered information on the plans of Admiral Galak Fyyar, which led him to the mining operations on Artus Prime.(SWI69, JK2)

Kek, Bolton
This man was one of the original designers of the neural network designed for use in the IG series of assassin droids. He had retired to Peridon's Folly, departing from Imperial service on what he deemed "moral grounds." While on Peridon's Folly, Kek sold his services to the various weapons designers there. However, he did not escape the notice of IG-88, which had discovered the whereabouts of the entire team of engineers which designed it, during its escape from the Holowan Labs. IG-88B, after dispatching Grlubb's rivals, broke into Kek's house and killed the engineer in while he slept.(TBH)

The false identity used by Elea Poista in order to run her black-market sales operation on Cloud City, working to further the efforts of the Alliance and bring down the Empire. Kel was supposedly a native of the planet Galltine.(GG2)

This was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy.(GCG)

This name was given to female Zabrak, and meant "warm", referring to the body temperature of the female Zabrak.(GCG)

This young Glarsaur resented the work of T'laerean Larn.(SWJ14)

A city on the continent of Dysis, on the planet Algara II.(PG2)

Kel, Tessun
This was a note Dashade individual from the ancient histories of the planet Urkupp.(UANT)

Kel, Waxarn
This man was a Jedi Knight during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. During the Battle of Ebaq, Kel sustained heavy damage to his head and shoulders, but chose to allow his body to heal naturally as a reminder of the danger posed by the alien invaders. He hated the fact that the Senate continually portrayed the Jedi in a dubious light, and was openly sarcastic when Senator Thuv Shinev began speaking in favor of the work done by the Jedi to fight the Yuuzhan Vong. Waxarn was ultimately one of the handful of Jedi Knights to survive the conflict with the Yuuzhan Vong.(FH1, UF)

Kel Dor
This was the name given to the native language of the Kel Dor race.(WOTC)

Kel Dor
This formidable race of humanoids was native to the planet Dorin. They had enlarged, external sensory organs located at the base of their skulls, which allowed them to interpret basic external stimuli as well as extrasensory input. They evolved breathing the unusual mixture of gases in Dorin's atmosphere, which included helium and a unique gas found only on Dorin, and could not survive on oxygen-rich planets. Thus, those Kel Dor who traveled to other worlds must wear a sophisticated pair of goggles and an anti-oxygen mask whenever they were off-world. Since most beings never traveled to Dorin, they never saw the true appearance of a Kel Dor individual. Most Kel Dor were tall and relatively thin beings. The face of a Kel Dor was hairless, with deep-set eye sockets, thin noses, and a toothless mouth.

As a people, the Kel Dor were known for their compassion and kind-heartedness, but also for the swift justice they meted out whenever necessary. It was believed that those individuals with silver irises to their eyes were very sensitive to the Force, but there had not been any definitive relationship identified. The Kel Dor society was based on the family, with several generations living together and often participating in the same trade for decades. However, the choice of a career was never cast in stone, and any individual who wished to pursue a career outside of the family business was not discouraged.(IG1, WOTC, NEGA, FJ1)

Kel Tag
This Ithorian sport was played on many Ithorian herdships, including the Bazaar.(GA)

This industrial planet was located in the Anarid Cluster. It was the site of an Arakyd factory and was a major supplier of repulsorlift components and AT-AT parts for the Empire. The once-beautiful world was turned into an industrial wasteland due to the intense manufacturing that was required to support the Imperial war machine.(SWJ1, SWJ2, SWJ13)

Kelada Planetary Militia
This was the primary security force that protected the planet Kelada, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(GCG)

Kelada Starport
This spaceport served IndSec, the capital city of the planet Kelada, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(GCG)

This male Lethan Twi'lek was a member of the Anti-Republic Liberation Front, an insurgent group that formed on the planet Serenno during the years following the Battle of Ruusan. A handsome male with ties to a noble Ryloth family of warriors, Kelad'den was able to use his charisma and family connections to get the things he wanted or desired. About ten years after the Battle of Ruusan, Kelad'den met a young woman named Rainah, who worked for the Republic embassy in Carannia. Once he learned that she had connections to the government, Kelad'den cultivated a relationship with her, hoping to use her as a source of information for the ARLF. She seemed to have a similar desire to bring about change to the Old Republic, and agreed to help him and his group. She was also an excellent lover, and the pair became romantically and physically involved.

Unknown to Kelad'dan was the fact that Rainah was actually the Sith apprentice, Zannah, who had been sent to Serenno to undermine the efforts of the ARLF. She urged him to carry out a bold mission, the assassination of former Chancellor Tarsus Valorum, instead of a simpler mission to eliminate local senators. The other members of the ARLF initially balked at the plan, since their leader, Hetton, had not heard of it year, but Kelad'dan eventually talked them into the plan. Although Rainah disappeared shortly before the plan went into action, she provided Kelad'dan with a wealth of information on the Chancellor's visit, including arrival and departure times and locations. Their initial attack destroyed Valorum's shuttle, but he was pulled to safety by Johun Othone. When one of the ARLF members chose to run, after learning that they faced a Jedi Knight in combat, Kelad'an pulled out a pair of combat knives and sliced open the man's throat. Paak and Cyndra chose to make their own escapes, leaving Kelad'dan to face Othone alone.

Kelad'dan managed to get in a couple of early strikes, and his tactics kept Othone off-balance enough that he couldn't call on the Force to augment his skills. Othone finally abandoned his lightsaber and came at Kelad'dan with his bare hands. Caught off-guard, Kelad'dan was unprepared when Othone dragged them both over the edge of the landing platform. They plunged into the water below, but Othone was able to call on the Force to shield himself from the impact of hitting the water. Kelad'dan had no such ability, and his neck was snapped as soon as they hit the water. Othone did not escape unharmed, and was forced to leave Kelad'dan's body in the ocean.(DBRT)

This planet was the site of an Old Republic staging area, during the height of the Clone Wars.(RCTZ)

Kelbarone's Mercantile
This general store was established in Roaring Crater, on the planet Tasariq, during the Crater's boomtown period. It carried everything a miner could need, but usually at three times the normal price.(SWJ15)

Meaning "protective", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to describe an individual.(GCG)

This man was one of the many Mandalorians who were stranded on the moon Dxun, in the wake of the Great Sith War.(KOTOR2)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "stronghold" or "citadel."(OWS)

This was the capital city of the planet Mandalore. It was not a true city in the cosmopolitan sense, but reflected the Mandalorian values and traditions. There were no straight roads leading to the city, which made ambushing invaders much easier. The city itself was located on a low hill that was situated in a bend of the Kelita River, giving the natives a clear view of the river for kilometers in either direction. Many of the stone and wooden buildings were built overlooking the river, as if they were clinging to the granite that formed the hill.(SWI80, LF5, RC66)

Keldabe Anchoring Bend
This was a complex form of knot that was devised by the Mandalorians, and was used to tie off heavy loads or boats. It had a distintive shape, and was complex enough that few non-Mandalorians ever used it, let alone recognized it in use. The Keldabe anchoring bend was one of the few knots that secured objects without slipping.(RCTC)

Keldabe Handshake
This was a hand-to-hand combat technique developed by the Mandalorians. Despite its name, this technique had little to do with shaking hands, although it was an effective way to immobilize an opponent with just on grip. The Keldabe handshake involved grasping a certain, delicate part of another being's anatomy and applying pressure with increasing force, forcing the other being to the floor in pain.(RC66)

Keldabe Kiss
This was the nickname given to a head-butt, when it was executed by a Mandalorian soldier. The Mando'a word for this action was kov'nynir.(OWS)

Keldabe-class Battleship
This massive warship was designed during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. Its primary weapons systems were unique in that they were matched with power generators that were designed to leech power from enemy shielding systems, thereby augmenting the Keldabe-class battleship's already powerful generators.(LAWS)

This was the term used to describe the Mandalorian inhabitants of the city of Keldabe, on the planet Mandalore.(LF5)

This man was a member of the crew of thre Boneyard Rendezvous, serving under Byalfin Dyur during the years following the Swarm War. Keldan was an experienced starfighter pilot, and flew one of the TIE Fighters that were hidden in the Boneyard Rendezvous' converted hangars. When Dyur and the crew ere hired by Lumiya to track Ben Skywalker on his mission to recover the Amulet of Kalara, it was Keldan who was sent to eliminate Skywalker and Kiara on Ziost. When Skywalker used the Force to hurl a boulder at him, Keldan broke off his attack and returned to the Boneyard Rendezvous. This angered Dyur, who relieved Keldan of his piloting privileges.(LF4)

This medic served the Alliance on Kirtania, under the command of Commander Astred.(SWJ1)

Keldor, Ohran
One of the designers of the original Death Star, Ohran Keldor taught at Moff Tarkin's Omwat orbital school, and later helped make the Maw Installation habitable by employing Mrlssi to make the outpost operational. Ohran and his colleagues were on the first Death Star when it destroyed Alderaan. They were dropped off on Carida as the Death Star made its way to Yavin 4. He was about 30 years older than Leia Organa. Keldor was killed on Belsavis while trying to captured the escaped Leia Organa, when he fell from one of the mobile vine-coffee beds.(COJ, JE, DSTR)

This was another name used to describe the Kel Dor race.(CWTV02)

Keldrath Alignment
This area of the galaxy, located in the Outer Rim Territories, was once part of the empire controlled by Xim the Despot. As such, it formed the rimward boundary of the Tion Cluster, and was briefly considered part of the Tion Hegemony. After the establishment of the Empire, the Keldrath Alignment was separated from the Tion Hegemony and reclassified as the Keldrath Sector.(GORW)

Keldrath Sector
This area of the galaxy was incorporated by the Empire, after it stripped the Keldrath Alignment from the Tion Hegemony and made it its own sector.(GORW)

This scout worked from a base on Lianna during the early years of the New Republic.(GUN)

Kelene, Sakme
This young woman was a graduate of the Theed School of Technology and Engineering, and was a good friend of Kharl Vanneb. During the Trade Federation's blockade and invasionof Naboo, Sakme was sent to a detention camp. While there, she managed to figure out the wiring schemss of the STAPs used by the Federation's battle droids, and rewired one of them to sabotage it. Both were hired to work on the moon of Ohma-D'un during the months following the Battle of Naboo. Sakme was incapacitated aboard the shuttle Fair Gale when Captain Worlohp went mad after breathing Kyvalon-4 gas.(GMR1)

This was one of the two elements that were found in large concentrations in the crust of the planet Gaftikar. The deposits of kelerium and norax were coveted by Shenio Mining, during the era of the Clone Wars, but the local human population refused to allow Shenio to have access rights. This was in opposition to what the Marits wanted, and this civil strife dragged the planet into the fighting when the humans sided with the Separatists.(RCTC)

This was a common name among the Toydarian race.(WOTC, UANT)

Kelita River
This winding river was located on the planet Mandalore. The capital city of Keldabe was situated within one of the river's bends, which had been carved over the millennia as the river eroded the surrounding stone. It was believed that a single flood of sufficient force might overrun the convoluted banks of the river, restoring it to a straighter course. In the wake of the war against the Yuuzhan Vong, much of the veshok forest that grew up along the Keilta River was flattened or destroyed, allowing the river to be visible from Keldabe for kolimeters in each direction.(LF5)

Kelita Valley
This was the shallow valley that was carved out by the Kelita River, on the planet Mandalore.(LF8)

Keliza l'gik droi to talk droi
This phrase from the Bocce language was often overheard during business conversations. It translated into the Basic language as "My droids will talk to your droids."(GPB)

see Kello(LFCW)

Kelkko, Rath
This Anzati male was one of the most powerful crime figures on his homeworld of Anzat, during the height of the Clone Wars. He was Sora Bulq's primary contact during this time, and was working with the former Jedi Master to establish a Shadow Army for the Separatists when they were discovered by Jedi Masters Tholme and Aayla Secura. He traveled to Saleucami to train the cloned Morgukai warriors that had been created for the Shadow Army, teaching them the ways of the Anzati assassins.(RT, RSOS)

Meaning "resourceful", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to describe an individual.(GCG)

This Rodian was known as a survivor, eking out a living on the fringes of the known galaxy during the last decades of the Old Republic.(SWRPG)

This was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy.(GCG)

This woman was a native of the planet Dathomir, some 300 years before the Battle of Yavin. She was among the witches who fought against the Jedi Knights who crashed on the planet when the Chu'unthor went down. It was Kell who discussed the situation with Jedi Master Yoda, after Yoda saved her life, and agreed to free the Jedi prisoners. Kell also agreed to preserve the reader tapes stored on the Chu'unthor, until a future Jedi Knight arrived on Dathomir to reclaim them. Amazingly, Kell survived on Dathomir for the next three centuries, and eventually turned the reader tapes over to Luke Skywalker before dying of old age. Note that this may be a misspelling of the name Rell.(PJSB)

This was one of the most common names given to male Corellians.(GMR9)

Kell, Erron
This man served as a starfighter pilot for the Alliance, until the victory over the Empire at the Battle of Endor. Kell chafed at the more rigorous New Republic Navy and its rules, and resigned his commission shortly afterward. He became something of a mercenary for hire, and had his personal attack craft, the Deathraven, built from a pair of B-Wing/E2 bombers.(SOG)

Kell Dragon
This species of flat-bodied, short-legged lizard was a cousin of the krayt dragon. The average kell dragon was mottled grey in color, and its body was plated with armor-like scales. Three rows of spikes studded the dorsal ridges of the dragon, starting near the nose and travelling down to its hindquarters. These defenses made up for the kell dragon's relatively slow reactions and rate of movement. It was believed that the kell dragon was native to the planet Ruusan.(DF, DF2, PJSB, DF2P)

Kell Mark II
An out-dated heavy assault rifle built on Dra III, the Kell Mark II was known for the way it could utterly destroy its target. The weapon was originally designed for use on Dra III, which had a heavy gravity than standard. Thus, the weapon was meant to be wielded by strong-muscled races, as it had a powerful recoil action when fired.(HSL, GMR1)

Kell Plath
This subdivision of the city of Sodonna, on the planet Teyr, was later renamed River Gardens.(SOL)

Kell Plath
This Fallanassi term translates roughly into Basic as "held breath," and refers to their meditative techniques.(SOL)

Kell Plath 13
This location, found in the city of Sodonna, was the last known address of Trobe Saar. Akanah used it to try and locate the Fallanassi on the planet Teyr. She recognized the origin of the words "Kell Plath." After the Fallanassi fled Teyr, the Kell Plath subdivision was renamed to be River Gardens.(SOL)

Kell Plath Corporation
This Teyr-based conglomerate ran a number of businesses and housing complexes in the city of Sodonna. It also owned the starship Star Morning, which figured prominently in the Fallanassi migration through the Koornacht Cluster.(SOL, TT)

This man was one of the many Thaereian spies who were infiltrated into the cities of the planet Cularin, during the final years of the Old Republic. Kellam was part of the cell that worked in the platform city of Bayonard.(JCT1)

Kellen, Remi
This young woman was the daughter of master trader Van Kellen of Corellia. Much to her father's dismay, Remi fell in love with Pellum Cordoni of Chandrila. The pair was captured by a group of thugs during a vacation on Naboo, shortly after Pellum discovered the site of an ancient starport in the swamps of the planet. Pellum and Remi were eventually rescued by a team of freelance officers shortly after the Battle of Naboo.(SON)

Kellen, Van
This man, a native of Corellia, was a master trader during the last decades of the Old Republic. Master Kellen was known for his hot temper and brash actions, and was furious with his daughter, Remi, when she fell in love with Pellum Cordoni of Chandrila. However, he was unable to stop their relationship.(SON)

Kellenech Corporation
This ancient droid manufacturer went bankrupt during the era of the Great Sith War. Kellenech had to sell off its intellectual property and trademarks just to dissolve its operations. Among the designs that it sold was the T1-series labor droid, which were purchased by Duwani Mechanical Products and produced as the LB-series labor droid. Kellenech maintained a series of manufacturing facilities on the planet Rendili, among other worlds.(KORH, KOR12)

This clone commander was one of the leaders of the Old Republic's forces on Toola, during the final stages of the Clone Wars. When the time came to execute Order 66, Keller was unable to quickly eliminate the three Jedi who were leading his group. Only Jedi Master Simms was killed, but Jedi Master Kai Hudorra and Simms' Padawan, Noirah Na, were able to escape. Keller set out with his troops to Ithaqua Station, in an effort to prevent them from leaving the planet.(RIU)

An Imperial scientist assigned to Dr. Eloy's team. Dr. Kellering assisted in the development of the second-generation laser cannons for the second Death Star under Bevel Lemelisk. Kellering was the scientist who approached Manda D'ulin about gaining Mistryl security for the project, code-named Hammertong.(TME)

Kellermin Competition
This sharpshooting competition was held on the planet Resti Kel.(SWJ2)

Keller's Void
This region of hyperspace connected the Calus and Wroona Systems. It was named for the trader who first discovered it.(SWJ3)

Kellex, Nos
This was a note Dashade individual from the ancient histories of the planet Urkupp.(UANT)

This frozen ball of ice and rock was the sixth and outermost planet of the Eriadu System, located in the Outer Rim Territories.(GORW)

Kelliak Arms and Armor Company
This small corporation, often referred to simply as KAAC, tried to persuade the Empire that their Freerunner CAV was the ultimate in fast, flexible firepower. The Empire didn't go for their advertising campaign, and the Freerunner didn't appeal to them. So, KAAC was forced into unloading the Freeruner wherever there was a buyer, which usually meant selling them to petty arms dealers and undercover Alliance agents. The company eventually went bankrupt.(RASB)

This smuggler hate the Empire.(SWJ14)

Kelliv, Dutan
This Arcona was a cousin of Dutan Lee, and was a supervisor at Gallisport's SoroSuub munitions factory, and often provided classified information on shipping schedules and and security procedures to Dutan Lee.(SWJ9)

Kellmer Institute of Galactic History
This source of higher learning was well-known for its governmental curriculum. It was a renowned source of information on the history of the New Republic, and was part of the General Ministry's Institutes division. A branch office was scheduled to be built on Ryloth, after Cal Omas was elected to serve as the Republic's Chief of State.(CTD, DW)

Kellner, Daria
One of Thadius Black's associates, Daria was a human female.(SN)

This man was one of the many underlings who worked for the crimelord Vex, on the planet Cularin, during the last years of the Old Republic. Kello was often part of the convoy that was dispatched to make regular deliveries for Vex, piloting a swoop to patrol the area during the exchange. During a fateful exchange that turned out to be a trap set by Riboga's agents, Kello tried to escape on his swoop shortly after Dusty and Nardakka were killed, but was cut down by blaster fire and killed.(LFCW)

This corporation manufactured starship power couplers, during the era of the New Order.(ISB)

This Imperial officer was stationed at the Troska garrison, during the months following the Battle of Yavin. Kelmont was a friend to Lieutenant Manech, and even sympathized with Manech's position, but Kelmont could not bring himself to accept that there was anything that could be done to rectify the situation. Thus, he was surprised when Manech revealed that he had hired Boba Fett to force the Kybers into submission. Kelmont was even more dismayed when Fett appeared to go off on his own, destroying everything in his path and threatening the life of King Natas Kyber. He pleaded with Manench to confess to Buzk, in the hope of fixing the situation before it got out of hand. Unknown to Kelmont, Manech's actions were all part of a larger plan to expose the treachery of Commander Buzk. The plan ultimately succeeded, and Manech was promoted to fill Buzk's position as Commander. Manech then offered Kelmont the position of executive adjunct, since he had proven to be loyal to both himself and the Empire.(BFOK)

Keloid Tissue
This thick, bio-organic material was used to stitch together flesh wounds.(DMSH)

This cyborg was the chief directory assistant at the Woostri HoloScan Database during the Galactic Civil War. He wore a cybernetic implant wrapped around the back of his head.(MTSE)

This was the second month of the Tapani local calendar, which mapped almost directly to the Coruscant local calendar.(PGT)

Kelp Gnat
This insect, native to the planet Rodia, was grown to enormous proportions by Zubindi Ebsuk. The blue bugs created by Zubindi resembled huge berries, and were extremely tasty. Their flesh had a meaty texture that was juicy and sweet. In the wild, kelp gnats grow for a single day before they die. Zubindi managed to keep them alive for a year, causing them to grow small tentacles and move about.(POT)

This Herglic was Shella Rinou's best friend, and her business partner. A former policeman on his home planet of Giju, Kelric resigned his commission when the government aligned itself with the Empire. He eventually joined Malcolm Dallory's smuggling organization, and was aked to help Malcolm's daughter, Shella, start her own business. He spent much of his career just keeping Shella out of trouble.(SPG)

This hot, desolate world was the second planet in the Lazerian System.(TSK)

This planet was the site of a famous gelatin mine run by Baron-Administrator Drom Guldi.(DS)

This Rodain was the leader of the Justice Action Network cell which operated on Mrlsst, in Tapani Sector, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Kelsek was a student of Doctor Arkeld, and joined the Tapani cell when it was first formed. He was skilled in identifying new recruits for JAN.(LOE)

A bronze-colored metal often used to decorate clothing, kelsh also had many industrial uses.(TJP, UF)

This was the handle of one of the many slicers who first discovered Tiny F's message of an impending attack by the Thaereian Military on the people of the Cularin System, during the early stages of the Clone Wars.(LFCW)

Kelsome, Maren
This man served the Alliance as a scout and soldier. He was assigned to one of the regular patrols at the Echo Base on Hoth, and was the first scout to report on the presence of AT-AT walkers, just prior to the Battle of Hoth. It was believed that Kelsome and his tauntaun were shot and killed by one of the walkers, before he could return to base.(GG3)

Keltos IV
This Mid Rim world was located in the Keltos System of the Irnaj Sector. It was the site of an Imperial Solar Plexus base situated in orbit around the planet.(CRO)

A New Republic Colonel who assisted Colin Darkmere by leading a field operation to learn more about the World Devastators.(DESB)

This Dug was a small-time smuggler and con artist, and a friend of Vilmarh Grahrk during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Keluda was among the many criminals who seriously doubted every single word that came out of Grahrk's mouth. Some eight years after Naboo, Keluda was among the many assassins who were retained by Venco Autem, to assist in the elimination of bothersome Senators. When Princess Tsian of Old Mankoo failed to eliminate Senator Simon Greyshade, Keluda took the mission himself. When he was apprehended by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, Keluda revealed the name of his employer as venco Autem. He then tried to use his wrist-mounted blaster to kill Obi-Wan, but the Jedi blocked the blast with his lightsaber. Unfortunately for Keluda, the blast ricocheted right back to its owner, killing Keluda.(TDV, RHD)

Kelvannon, Denell
This Corellian man was an Alliance sympathizer, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWG2P)

Kel'Vannon, Denell
This easy-going man was one a member of the Corellian Security Forces before resigning his commission to become a private investigator. He was cool under fire, and rarely lost his temper. He maintained a strict code of honor, and never took questionable jobs or worked for disreputable beings. During the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, Denell traveled to Starlyte Station to investigate the disappearance of several beings. With the help of a team of independent agents, Denell managed to uncover the experiments of Dahz Thulaka, but was unable to bring the Twi'lek to justice.(WSV)

Kelvarek Consolidated Arms
This small weapons manufacturer produced a number of miniature weapons systems, including the MM7 and MM9 wrist rockets.(EGW, SWRPG2)

Kelvarlek Consolidated Arms
This weapons manufacturer produced a variety of handheld, projectile weapons.(GFT)

Kelvynn, Graxol
This Anx, a slaver by trade who worked from a base on the planet Ryloth, was known as an affectionado of podracing, and was present at the Boonta Eve Classic race won by nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker. Graxol made several bets with Watto, believing that Anakin would win the race and that Sebulba would not set a speed record during the Boonta. This being was named Graxol Kelvyyn in Star Wars Kids magazine, issue 15.(SWI50, SWK, PRT, OWS, GMR7)

This was a common name among the Ryn.(UANT)

Kem, Mawbo
This stout woman, distinguished by her pale skin and almond eyes, owned and operate Mawbo's Performance Hall on Tatooine during the early years of the New Republic.(TG)

Kem Stor Ai
This planet was one of many that chose to secede from the Galactic Alliance after the Battle of Gilatter Eight, during the height of the Corellia-GA War. Although the planet's secession was put on hold, the government of Kem Stor Ai joined the growing group of worlds that protested Murkhana's growing boldness in breaking its trade agreements with other worlds. The government threatened to go to war with Murkhana, if the agreements weren't accepted and adhered to. The threat of war caused neighboring worlds like Roche to demand that the Galactic Alliance step in and rectify the situation. When no aid was made available, the Verpine were among the first peoples to contact the Mandalorians about an alliance.(LF5)

Kemal Station
Meysen Kayson owned property on this station, as part of the holdings of MK Enterprises, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWJ6)

This man was a corporate Vice-President, and a peer of Justahl, during the height of the New Order.(CSA)

This alien race was native to the planet Kem Stor Ai.(LF5)

This was a Mandalorian verb that translated into Basic as "to walk."(OWS)

This planet was the site of one of the largest shipyards maintained by the Galactic Republic, during the era of the Clone Wars.(CWNOP)

Kemla Yard
This was one of the Galactic Republic's most prominent starship construction and repair facilities, during the era of the Clone Wars. Kemla Yard was located in orbit around the planet Kemla.(CWNOP)

This was a Weequay word for any complicated collection of items, like a haystack or a bird's nest.(TFNR)

This was a Mandalorian command meant "Halt!"(OWS)

Kemp, Lott
This man, a crystal merchant from the planet Dodz, was once the owner of R2-D2 and C-3PO, during the decade leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Shortly before he was to take ownership of the droids, his home was destroyed by Governor Kugg's droid, the Destroyer. Kemp managed to escape from the droid with his life, and left Dodz behind. This also left R2-D2 and C-3PO without a master, until the Intergalactic Droid Agency could recover them and find them a new master.(MDCAR)

Kemple, Bran
Plawal's town boss, following the disappearance of Nubblyk the Slyte. Kemple didn't follow Nubblyk's smuggling activities, and the town suffered because of the lack of traffic. His alien race was not known.(COJ)

Kemplex IX
A dead moon located in the ancient Cron System, in the Auril Sector, it was the site of an Old Republic hyperspace station. It was the location chosen by Captain Vanicus to mass the Old Republic's fleet against Ulic Qel-Droma. He chose it because he believed Qel-Droma would attack there. Instead, Qel-Droma attacked Coruscant while its defenses were down.(TSW)

This Alliance container transport group was supporting the Organarms deep-space facility when it was attacked by Imperial forces. The facility, and the entire Kempman group, was destroyed.(TIE)

Kempo, Lex
A good-looking young Corellian known as the "Mad Vornskr," Lex was a member of the Red Moons. Prior to his service under Andrephan Stormcaller, Kempo claimed to have been a member of an elite stormtrooper unit and several mercenary groups. In fact, Lex had been conscripted in the Imperial military after a drinking and bragging session in a Corellian bar left him too hungover to remember how he had gotten there. He proved himself tougher, faster, and better than his fellow soldiers, but this also earned him their hatred. Lex was assigned to the 676th Light Support Scouts to keep him out of the way, and took the first chance he could find to sneak away and join the world of freelance soldiers. He kept and wore a modified suit of scout trooper armor, which had been dulled and therma-painted to match the surroundings in which he worked. Kempo managed to escape from firefights that no being could have survived, and an acquaintence once told him he was as "mad as a vornskr." He liked the description, and kept the nickname "Mad Vornskr." Sometime later, he joined the Alliance as a pathfinder and scout, and worked closely with the Red Alpha unit. He was responsible for protecting Gunder Vren during the Alliance's attempt to recover the Shard of Alderaan program from Begas Tok. When Andrephan Stormcaller broke away from the New Republic, Kempo followed him to join the Red Moons. He was part of the assault team that attacked the Karazak Slavers Guild on Gabredor III. Kempo was responsible for driving a repulsorsled laden with explosives into the primary entrance to the slavers' compound, killing himself in the resulting infreno. However, Kempo "went out with a blaze of glory," having set up the explosions to burn a huge, crescent shape in the compound, marking the destruction as casued by the Red Moons.(SWJ8, TFE, LAA)

A small child discovered by an unknown Jedi Knight, Ken was raised by the DJ-88 caretaker droid in the Lost Coty of the Jedi. His origins have been kept a secret, but he had fairly good control of the Force. As long as he can remember, he had worn a birthstone on a silver chain, although its origins were unknown to him as well. The stone was a hemispherical piece of silver crystal. He was restricted to living within the limits of the Lost City until he was old enough and experienced enough to survive by himself. Kadann foresaw that Ken would be able to bring Trioculus down, which was a prophecy fulfilled when Ken learned about Trioculus by secretly reading DJ-88's files on the Slavelord. He was 12 years old when Luke Skywalker took him out of the Lost City and trained him. His name, Ken, was taken from his mother's name, for Ken was the child of the Jedi woman Kendalina. He was sought later by Kadann, who believes he can obtain the location of the Lost City of the Jedi from Ken. Kadann, in an effort to make Ken give him the location of the green marble entrance, reveals a stone which fits perfectly with Ken's birthsone. Once inside the City, Kadann and DJ-88 reveal that Ken was the child of Kendalina and Triclops. Kendalina wanted Ken hidden from Palpatine, who was in fact Ken's grandfather, so she had someone hide him in the Lost City City of the Jedi.(LCJ, ZHR, PDS)

This tall-growing tree was native to the planet Corellia.(GG2)

This was a common female name given to Sullustan females. It meant "cherished" in the Sullustan language.(GCG)

This male Sullustan served the Galactic Alliance military as a fleet operations Commander, during the years following the Swarm War. Commander Kenb was based in the fleet operations center on Coruscant, during the height of the war between the Galactic Alliance and The Confederation.(LF8)

This Bakuran was typical of her race, during the early years of the New Republic. She maintained a working disruption bubble generator to ensure her privacy.(GUN)

A human female, she was also a Jedi Knight known by Triclops before his imprisonment on Duro. Kendalina was captured in Palpatine's Jedi purge, and sentenced to the Imperial asylum on Kessel. There, she met Triclops, also a prisoner in the asylum. Together, they gave birth to Ken, the Jedi Prince. She had bright, gray eyes.(MMY, PDS)

This Hapan Battle Dragon was the flagship of the task force Tenel Ka Djo assembled to assist the Colony in defending itself against the Chiss, some five years after the Yuuzhan Vong were defeated. The ship and its small fleet were under the command of Dukat Aleson Gray. After the Battle of Qoribu ended with the death of Welk on Kr, the Kendall was quickly refitted to accommodate the many Qoribu hives that were to be relocated to Woteba, a planet that was deeper in the Unknown Regions and well away from Chiss space.(DN1, DN2, LF3)

This planet was located in Lol Sector.(GG11)

Kendamari Casinos
This string of high-class casinos was owned and operated by the Tenloss Syndicate. Many of the larger casinos were owned by Hutts, and all were located in Lol Sector. The headquarters of Kendamari were on the planet Kendamar.(GG11)

This Imperial Navy Admiral was one of many stationed at Kuat Drive Yards during the height of the Galactic Civil War. It was Admiral Kendel who commissioned 100 Star Destroyers to be plated with havod alloy hulls, in the wake of the Battle of Yavin. He met with opposition from his fellow commanders, as well as several pro-Imperial civilian groups, which claimed that the new Star Destroyers' pink hull coloration - due to the high content of havod - undermined the Empire's strength.(SWJ10)

This female Iskalonian was Mone's wife. Shortly after Mone left with Lando Calrissian on a mission to Gamandar, Kendle was attacked while inside the city of Pavillion, and her water tank was smashed. She would have died of suffocation had not Luke Skywalker located her and returned her to the water in time. Unfortunately, it was shortly afterward that Pavillion was destroyed by a tidal wave triggered by an Imperial missile. When Kendle was confronted by Kiro, however, she fled into the ocean. Kiro revealed to Luke and Leia Organa that it had been Kendle who alerted Imperial Admiral Tower to their presence on Iskalon, and that it had been he who tried to kill her earlier. Kendle returned to the surviving Iskalonians, and claimed rulership of Iskalon by her marriage to Mone. Since Primor was dead, and Mone was on Gamandar, she decreed that she was the rightful leader of the Iskalonians. Her motiviations for betraying Luke and Leia were simple: to save her husband and father-in-law from the Imperials on Gamandar. She tried to fight back against the Alliance agents, but a chiaki attacked their base and killed Kendle.(MC74, MC75, MC76)

Kendo, Nond
This young man was one of the many humans who were recruited to be fighter pilots by the Imperial Navy, during the early years of the New Order. Lieutenant Kendo was assigned to the fighter squadrons that wer stationed aboard the first Death Star, during its construction in orbit around the planet Despayre. However, his nonchalant attitude chafed with his superiors, especially Lieutenant Commander Villian Dance. During a routine training mission, Kendo disobeyed Dance's orders and attacked a practice drone at high speed. He got too close before firing, and clipped the drone, setting off an energy discharge that caused his fighter's fuel cells to explose. Kendo was killed instantly when his TIE Fighter exploded in a fireball.(DSTR)

Kendy, Machel
This man served the New Republic as an Imperial Palace Security guard, during the period leading up to Grand Admiral Thrawn's rise to power. A Lieutenant, he was fiercely competitve in many sports, but was recognized as the New Republic armed forces champion in the K'thri martial arts. He learned the arts from his stepfather, who was also a master, and who trained Machel from the time he could walk.(TLC, TTSB)

Kener, Druno
This man worked as a technical officer within the Corellian Security Force, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Kener was part of the team, led by Lieutenant Varias, that investigated the sudden reactivation of a battle droid factory near Nashal.(SWGAL)

Kenit, Vocis
This Imperial Captain was in command of the Far Orbit when Dhas Vedij and his followers mutinied. Kenit was a native of Hallu Sector, and formerly served on the Semqi Pefis and at Thomquizarr Naval Base. He proved himself to be to powerful and too well-connected to remain in any one position for very long, and was named Captain of the Far Orbit just twelve years after joining the Imperial Academy on Lianna. He spent much of his time on the Far Orbit hunting down pirates, often wiping out entire fleets when a simple victory would have sufficed. Kenit was not well-respected by his crew, being more of a bully and a dictator than a captain and mentor. The mutineers took control of the frigate and blasted Kenit and his officers into space in an escape pod. After being recovered, Kenit was visited by Sate Pestage, who delivered the message that he was to be executed for failing to avoid the mutiny.His only chance for redemtpion was to bring in the Far Orbit and her crew. Kenit vowed to bring Vedij and his crew to justice, but failed in several attempts. Emperor Palpatine, upset with the way in which the Far Orbit allied itself with the Alliance, executed Kenit himself.(FOP)

This was the term used by the Krieks to describe their warrior caste. The ken'kali were largely ceremonial, as the Krieks were a peace-loving people, although they did serve to guard their tribe's lands.(SWJ13)

This form of government was used by the Krieks. Each ken'karro was made up a male and female representatives, and was led by the patriarch known as the k'lar.(SWJ13)

This man served the Empire as a Lieutenant in the armed forces, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Kenkirk served under Captain Andal Sait, and was one of the Captain's primary recruiters when Sait decided to defect from Imperial service and sell his Star Destroyer to Black Sun. The plan promised to make any loyal crew members quite rich, and had taken months to plan and carry out. Kenkirk spent many hours gauging the loyalty of the crew, and often personally escorted contrary soldiers to the brig. When necessary, Kenkirk used deadly force to ensure the Captain's plans were carried out. For his own loyalty, Kenkirk was given a field promotion to Commander by Captain Sait, just as they set their plans in motion.(SWGAL)

Kenley's Lager
This micro-brewed beer was popular during the early years of the Galactic Civil War.(SWJ11)

Kenlin, Bors
This man was trhe Captain of the Xucphra Rose, the first bacta transport ship captured by Rogue Squadron, in the time leading up to the Battle of Thyferra. Kenlin surrendered his ship as soon as Wedge Antilles guaranteed the safety of the crews' families.(BW)

Kenloo's Market
This small market and grocery store was located in the Southern Underground of Coruscant's Galactic City, next door to the Soft Heart Cantina, during the early years of the New Order.(DSTR)

Kenn, Josa
This male Duros worked as a crewer aboard the Fricasseed Nerf, a modified freighter that was owned by Jyn N'oram and D'yra Calisse, during the final years of the Old Republic.(AYS)

Kennede, Tav
This man was the son of Master Kennede, the man who trained Royal Imperial Guards Carnor Jax and Kir Kanos. He had joined the New Republic, believing that the Empire his father had supported no longer existed. After Kanos brought word of his father's death at the hands of Carnor Jax, the younger Kennede threw his loyalty to Kir Kanos. He accompanied Kanos on a misison to rescue Mirith Sinn from the Zanibar on the planet Xo, and after being signalled by Kanos to retrieve them, Kennede was able rescue Mirith. Kanos was captured by the Zanibar before the younger Kennede could rescue him. Later, after Kanos escaped from the Zanibar and Grappa the Hutt, he was reunited with Kennede when they returned the real Feena D'Asta to her father. When Xandel Carivus ordered his forces to kill the Baron, Kennede took a blaster bolt which was meant for the Baron. It struck his shoulder, but he survived the injury. In the aftermath of Xandel Carivus' execution, Tav remained with Baron D'Asta as an aide, although he remained at Kanos' back and call.(CE2)

Kennede, Ved
This elderly man served as Emperor Palpatine's training Master at the Royal Imperial Guard facility on Yinchorr. A former Guard himself, Ved trained Kir Kanos and Carnor Jax, and was killed by Jax's stormtroopers on Yinchorr following the death of Emperor Palpatine's last clone. However, his son Tav remained loyal to Kanos, after the former Royal Guard brought news of his father's death. Kennede's son was, by that time, a member of the New Republic, having seen that the Empire his father loved was no longer in existence.(CE, CE2, HCE)

This noisy casino game was popular during the last decades of the Old Republic.(BF3)

Kenobi, Obi-Wan "Ben"
Obi-Wan was taken from his family at a very early age, once his affinity with the Force was evident. Note that the novelization of Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi claims Obi-Wan was the first son of a moderately wealthy family, and he was a fast learner. He sailed through his education at the Academy, and was praised by his family as well as his acquaintances in the Old Republic. His ability to control the Force was also evident, and he was recruited into the ranks of the Jedi Knights. Like other young Jedi, Obi-Wan was initially trained by Yoda, and quickly learned the value of patience and hard work in understanding the Force. He also showed an aptitude for sensing the shape of future events, but the talent was sometimes unreliable. Once Yoda was elected the Jedi Council of twelve Masters, Obi-Wan's training was continued by Qui-Gon Jinn, who chose Obi-Wan on the eve of his thirteenth birthday. They were at odds with each other quite often, as Qui-Gon was headstrong while Obi-Wan was more practical. However, their opposing personalities blended them into an effective duo. Some twelve years before the battle of Naboo, Obi-Wan actually renounced his Jedi brethren while trying to help Cerasi and the Young. After helping to thwart Xanatos' plans to destroy the Jedi Temple, Obi-Wan once again accepted as Qui-Gon's padawan. Then, during a mission to Cirrus to protect Talesan Fry, Obi-Wan suddenly found himself falling in love with another Padawan, Siri Tachi. They had trained in the Jedi Temple together as long as either could remember, and their love forced them to choose between each other and the Jedi Order. Ultimately, both agreed to bury their feelings and never think of each other in anything other than a professional light.

Some twelve years after becoming apprentice and teacher, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were dispatched to Naboo during the Trade Federation's blockade of the planet, and the situation brought their differences to a head. When Qui-Gon discovered the young Anakin Skywalker, he told the Jedi Council that he no longer needed to train Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan took it as a personal affront, and despite the thrill of actually becoming a Jedi Knight and progressing to Master, he resented Qui-Gon's impertinence. Their differences were quickly resolved as the Battle of Naboo came to a head, and they battled the Sith Lord Darth Maul in the depths of the palace in Theed. When Qui-Gon was killed, Obi-Wan was forced to watch from behind a laser barrier. As soon as the barrier dropped, Obi-Wan attacked, pressing the battle until he was caught off-guard. Darth Maul forced him into a power shaft and nearly killed Obi-Wan, but the Jedi managed to recover Qui-Gon's lightsaber and eliminated Maul. Shortly thereafter, Obi-Wan was given the title of Jedi Knight. At the same time, against Yoda's judgement, Obi-Wan was also named Anakin's Master. Together, they spent much of their time engaged in the search for Granta Omega, an underworld figure with a grudge against the Jedi Knights. Over time, Obi-Wan's relationship with Anakin became strained, as the young Padawan progressed rapidly and required a stern hand to keep him under control. After the death of Yaddle, Obi-Wan's confidence in Anakin began to waver, and for a short time he even blamed Anakin for Yaddle's death. Their internal struggle reached a head just before the Battle of Geonosis, when Anakin's love for Padme' Amidala caused him to overstep his bounds regularly.

While Anakin was assigned to guard Padme', Obi-Wan traveled to Kamino to investigate its connection to the death of Zam Wesell. On Kamino, Obi-Wan discovered Jango Fett, as well as an immense army of clone troopers that had been apparently produced at the request of Jedi Master Syfo-Dyas. His pursuit of Jango led him to Geonosis, where he learned of the Separatists' plans to engage the Old Republic in battle. Like many other Jedi Knights and Masters, Obi-Wan was promoted to General in the Army of the Republic, and given command of a squad of clone troopers. He gained acclaim during the Clone Wars, fighting along side Anakin Skywalker and Bail Organa. He was captured by Asajj Ventress during the Battle of Jabiim and tortured on Rattatak, along with an ARC Trooper known as Alpha. After being tortured by all manner of Sith techniques, Obi-Wan was able to escape and return to Coruscant. He took a position on the Jedi Council, and was instrumental in the formulation of battle plans and tactics. Master Yoda, however, worried that Obi-Wan had been lax during his training of Anakin, since Skywalker continued to be a brash and bold Jedi Knight. Yoda questioned whether or not Obi-Wan's attachment to Qui-Gon had led him to be less harsh on Anakin, and to allow the younger man to maintain his own attachments. He then demanded that Obi-Wan order Anakin to break off any relationship he might have had with Padme' Amidala. Obi-Wan accepted Yoda's concerned questions and his commands, but actually came to believe that his own attachments made him a better Jedi. A discussion with Senator Amidala revealed that she probably had similar feelings for Anakin, and Obi-Wan politely asked her to break off any relationship they had.

As the Clone Wars ground on, Obi-Wan and Anakin were reunited on many missions, despite the fact that Anakin had been promoted to full Jedi Knighthood after the Battle of Praesitlyn. Their exploits became regular fodder for the HoloNet news agencies, and they became celebrities because of their bravery and success. Obi-Wan became known as The Negotiator, since he tried - often successfully - to bring about a peaceful resolution to most circ*mstances. Following the First Battle of Coruscant and the end of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan tried to refocus Anakin's dedication in the ways of the Force, but could not control his young student's need for more control and power. Anakin began to see plots and schemes against him, many of which were either created by or reinforced by Chancellor Palpatine. After Anakin became a pupil of Palpatine, who was actually the Sith Lord known as Darth Sidious, Obi-Wan was powerless to stop his descent to the Dark Side. Obi-Wan was ordered by the Jedi Council to track down Anakin and bring him to justice, and went to talk to Padme' about him. It was then that Obi-Wan discovered their marriage and her pregnancy. He then waited for Padme' to leave, and stowed away aboard her ship, as Padme' was on her way to Mustafar to try and save Anakin. On the lava-covered planet, Obi-Wan tried everything he could to reason with Anakin and return him to the Light Side, but to no avail. Following a particularly heated argument in which Anakin nearly choked Padme' to death, Obi-Wan found himself drawing his lightsaber and dueling ferociously with his former student. Anakin faltered only briefly, and Obi-Wan took the opportunity cut off Anakin's legs and left arm, leaving him to fall into a pit of molten lava. Through the Force, Obi-Wan knew that the man he had known as Anakin Skywalker was gone, and he left him behind, unable to kill Anakin himself and believing that the fires of Mustafar would eliminate one of the evil Sith Lords from the galaxy. He then returned to take Padme' to a medical facility on Polis Massa. Padme' died during childbirth, but her twins survived the ordeal. Obi-Wan quickly discussed a plan with Bail Organa and Yoda to ensure that the unborn twins were hidden away from the Emperor.

Bail Organa agreed to take in the daughter, to raise as his own with his wife. Obi-Wan then fled to Tatooine where he convinced Owen Lars and his wife, Beru, to take in the infant son of Anakin. Obi-Wan then hid himself in the Jundland Wastes of Tatooine, assuming the name Ben and promoting the image of a crazy old hermit. In the days following his return, Obi-Wan learned that Anakin had survived, having been somehow rescued from Mustafar and transformed into the half-man, half-machine creature known as Darth Vader. Obi-Wan felt safe, though, because heknew that Tatooine was a source of painful memories for his former apprentice, and believed that Darth Vader would not set foot on the planet unless ordered to by Emperor Palpatine. In the years that followed, Obi-Wan found himself questioning his decision on Mustafar to let Anakin live. Killing Anakin might have put Kenobi on his own pathway to the Dark Side of the Force, but it would have robbed Emperor Palpatine of his enforcer. Obi-Wan also began to study a technique he had learned from Yoda, drawing upon the Force to communicate with the spirit of his former master, Qui-Gon Jinn. It was Qui-Gon's spirit who revealed to Obi-Wan that Anakin Skywalker had murdered the Tusken Raiders who killed his mother, and that Anakin had shared this knowledge with only Padme' Amidala and A'Sharad Hett. Kenobi eventually confronted Hett, as much to put a stop to Tusken attacks on human settlements as to ascertain if the former Jedi knew of the existence of Anakin's son. Kenobi managed to defeat Hett, but let him live, ordering him to leave Tatooine to meditate on what it meant to be a Jedi.

In the years that followed, Obi-Wan kept an eye on Owen and Beru Lars and their adopted nephew, Luke Skywalker. Whenever the young boy was in trouble, Obi-Wan seemed to be able to sense him through the Force, as if Luke were unknowingly calling out through the Force. When R2-D2 escaped from Luke while trying to deliver a message from Senator Leia Organa - the daughter of Anakin Skywalker - many years later, Obi-Wan was forced out of hiding. Through the Force, Obi-Wan felt a sudden need to take a walk. He came to Luke's aid when the boy was attacked by Tusken Raiders, and enlisted Luke's help to make sure that the plans to the first Death Star safely to Alderaan. Luke's help came only after Owen and Beru Lars were murdered by Imperial stormtroopers who were searching for R2-D2, and Obi-Wan feared that Luke might suffer the same kind of separation issues that Anakin Skywalker had felt after the death of his own mother, Shmi. Pressing on, they booked passage to the planet aboard the Millennium Falcon, taking a chance on a smuggler named Han Solo and his Wookiee co-pilot, Chewbacca. Before they could complete their mission, Obi-Wan and Luke were intercepted by the Death Star and forced to find a way to get themselves free. When they discovered that Leia Organa was being held prisoner aboard the space station, Obi-Wan saw that he must sacrifice himself for the greater good of the Alliance. In a great lightsaber duel with his former apprentice, Darth Vader, Obi-Wan martyred himself, thus allowing his spirit-self to become one with the Force. He drew upon the training he had received from Yoda and Qui-Gon's spirit, and when Vader's lightsaber cut him in half, Obi-Wan's body simply disappeared.

Obi-Wan became a spirit like Qui-Gon, which allowed him to gently urge Luke to trust his feelings - rather than computer technology - during the Battle of Yavin. He continued to assist Luke's development, hoping to further the boy's training while remaining hidden from the eyes of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. Obi-Wan's spirit visited Luke on Mimban, helping the youth survive his first encounter with Darth Vader. Obi-Wan remained quiet for many months after this encounter, silently wondering how Vader could continue to survive. His spirit re-appeared to Luke on Hoth, after Luke's escape from the Wampa Ice Creature, when he told Luke to go to Dagobah and seek out Yoda. Obi-Wan sensed that his old master yet lived, and he knew that Yoda would be the only being who could help Luke ascend to the ranks of the Jedi Knights. He managed to convince Yoda that Luke was neither a Padawan nor a Master, but his own man, which made him unique among the Jedi. Obi-Wan's spirit reappeared twice more to Luke on Dagobah, urging the young man to continue his training. He tried to shield Luke from the truth about his parentage, in an effort to keep Luke's mind focused on Jedi training. In the wake of Luke's encounter with Vader on Cloud City, Obi-Wan feared that Luke was going to be killed by Vader, and eventually re-appeared to explain why he had kept information about Vader's true identity a secret. At the Battle of Endor, Obi-Wan watched in silence as Luke once again faced Vader, this time with Emperor Palpatine goading him toward the Dark Side of the Force. When Luke was able to redeem Anakin Skywalker, it was Obi-Wan who was surprised, because he believed that Anakin was beyond redemption. This moment made Obi-Wan realize that he had totally given up on Anakin, while Luke had maintained - as Padme' Amidala had done on her deathbed - that there was still good in Anakin. Obi-Wan then forgave Anakin for what had happened between them, and his spirit was surprised to find that Anakin had also transcended to the spirit realm. Obi-Wan then taught Anakin the technique for remaining a spirit. Obi-Wan briefly appeared to Luke after the Battle of Endor, but his ability to remain a spirit began to wane as the universe called for him to move on to death. He visited Luke one last time, on the planet Coruscant, before becoming one with the Force. Obi-Wan reminded Luke that he was not the last of the Jedi, but the first of the new Jedi.(E4, E4R, E5, E5R, E6, E1, DOD, CT, JQ6, JQ7, SWDB, IS3, E3, SOJ, CWWS, LLOW, RF2)

Kenobi Medallion
This award, presented by the Alliance, was bestowed upon those individuals who sacrificed everything for the elimination of the New Order. Thus, the award was only given posthumously. Jek Porkins was one of the first recipients of the award, for his heroic actions in the Battle of Yavin.(MTS)

Kenobi Offensive
A series of military maneuvers employed by Obi-Wan Kenobi, when he was a general with the Old Republic. The Offensive revolved around the use of a large number of smaller ships, which executing small attacks on the enemy fleet in an effort to draw a portion of the fleet out of formation. Once out of formation, the enemy ships could be destroyed by a reserve offensive task force, which could then rush behind enemy lines through the hole created in the main formation. In theory, the enemy's ships would be unable to fire on attacking ships as they passed through the line, because any stray fire would strike their own ships. Over time, Alliance military leaders simplified the strategy, simply placing ships where the enemy wouldn't expect them to be, and then attacking the main enemy force from within.(TB, TBSB)

Kenobi's Legacy
According to Jedi legend, this blue gemstone was named in honor of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. If found by a future Jedi Knight, the gemstone could be tuned for use as the focusing crystal in a lightsaber. It is unclear who actually created the gemstone, however, since the Jedi Order was destroyed in the wake of the Clone Wars, where Kenobi made a name for himself.(SWGAL)

A Colonel in Klyn Shanga's rag-tag militia, Kenow was charged with intercepting Vuffi Raa on Oseon 6845 during the early years of the New Order. Unfortunately, Kenow was discovered by Lando Calrissian, who killed him in self-defense. Lando was arrested, but was only charged with carrying a concealed weapon, due to eye-witness accounts of his defense. Shanga mourned his loss, since he and Kenow fought together in the Battle of the Rood as boys.(LCF)

This Corporal served the Alliance as a scout and field tracker. Kensaric served under Bren Derlin at Echo Base, and survived the Battle of Hoth. Later, Kensaric served on Han Solo's strike team sent to the forest moon of Endor. There, Kensaric and his team were assigned to ensure that the strike team's tracks were covered, so that there was no evidence of their being on the moon.(CCG10)

This Wookiee was a member of the Alliance, but was captured and sold into slavery shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Kentara had been sent to Bundim along with a group of Alliance forces to assist in the liberation of Bundim, but was one of the first prisoners taken during the Battle of Heg. He was purchased by Quintarus Returyl on Deysum III, but was later rescued by the Alliance agents who were investigating the construction of an Imperial supply station the Bissilirus System.(GMK)

Kentas, Julynn
This woman was the Chief Executive Officer of Industrial Automaton during the height of the New Order. She had held the position of CEO for more than twenty years.(SWJ7, EGD, HNN5)

Kento, Nir
This was a noted member of the Nagai race.(UANT)

A species of winged, fur-covered aliens native to the planet Orellon II. The average Kentra stood more than two meters tall, and their bodies were humanoid in form. Their large wings were bat-like in form, but were distinct from their arms. The Kentra social structure was based on the idea of nests, which were formed from extended families and local village folk. Nests were organized into clans, and clans were organized into flocks. Each flock was ultimately based on the race of Kentra which formed it. There were four specific racial groups: jungle Kentra, which were the least populous of all Kentra groups; spotted Kentra, which were nomads that lived on the plains of Orellin II; striped Kentra, known for their incredible strength and patience; and the brown folk Kentra, who lived in the lowlands at the foot of the mountain ranges. Among the Kentra, the concept of "truth" had many subtle layers, and honor was valued as highly as family. It was believed that they chose to name themselves Kentra after the arrival of Michael Tandre to Orellon II. Tandre was forced to land his ship, the Alpha Kentrum, on the planet, and he became a sort of spiritual leader for the Kentra.(SWJ2, AE)

This was one of the many Rodian clans which pledged their support to the Hutts, during the last years of the Old Republic. The Kenu clan was one of the strongest rivals of the Bomu clan, whom the Kenus considered to be rank amateurs.(TF)

Ke'nu jurir kad
This Mandalorian command meant "Put down that saber!", although it literally meant "Don't carry that saber!" when translated into Basic.(SWI86)

Kenuun, Nal
This Muun was a noted gambler and loan shark who worked on the ourskirts of the city of Pilaan, on the planet Muunilinst, during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. A rich and powerful being, Nal Kenuun sponsored his own podracing team, and was known to have kept a baby krayt dragon as a pet. Because of his wealth and power, but mostly for his underhanded dealings, Nal Kenuun was hated by many of his Muun contemporaries. Kenuun supposedly had Mak Luunim killed when the art collector failed to pay his debts, although Luunim's death was deemed an accident by Imperial investigators. Princess Leia Organa set out to make contact with Nal Kenuun, hoping that he had obtained a datacard that she was supposed to recover from Mak Luunim. Princess Leia, along with Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, tried to reach Kenuun by trusting a Dug named Grunta, but Grunta double-crossed them. This allowed Kenuun's stormtroopers to locate the rebels and capture them. They were brought to a hidden dungeon and deprived of water and food for several days before Nal Kenuun revealed himself. Kenuun agreed to return the datacard, since it was Princess Leia's property, just as soon as they replaced Grunta, who had been working for Kenuun but was killed during his double-cross, in an upcoming podrace. It was Luke who agreed to stand in for Grunta at the race, which gave Kenuun time to research their true identities. Although he was surprised when Skywalker won the race, Kenuun knew that he had a chance to earn a tidy profit. He invited them to his offices to turn over the datacard, but then revealed that he had turned them over to the local Imperial forces. The rebels tried to escape, and Kennun believed that he had stopped them when he put a blaster to Solo's head. He failed to see Tobin Elad come up behind him, and the soldier of fortune forced Kenuun to back off by placing a blaster to his head. Kenuun gladly accepted Tobin Elad's offer, in which Elad remained behind in Luke's place, while the others were set free with the datacard. Princess Leia, however, demanded more from Kenuun, threatening to kill his pet krayt dragon if he didn't agree. Urgiluu was one of Kenuun's most prized possessions, and he gladly let them all go free to preserve its life.(RF1)

Kenyak, Xol
This was the name of a distinguished Kel Dor individual.(UANT)

This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "deal."(GPB)

Kenzon, Ephaan
This man, born on the planet Baltimn many years before the Clone Wars, was discovered to be Force-sensitive at a young age, and was taken to the planet Coruscant for training. He was accepted as an apprentice by Jedi Master E'kothTassjun, but proved to be too unruly and quarrelsome. After disobeying his Master on a mission to the Zeemacht Cluster, Kenzon decided that he did not want to be expelled from the Jedi Order. So, he abandoned it altogether and returned to Baltimn. There, he set out to establish a dueling academy, which became known as the School of Hidden Wisdom, despite the flagging popularity of such schools. Kenzon accepted the homeless and eccentric to the School, and trained each individual with the same amount of respect. However, he found himself in a unique position when Supreme Chancellor Palpatine declared himself Emperor and instituted the New Order. As Jedi Knights began to hide from the Jedi Purge, Kenzon privately offered up the School as a safe haven. Over the years, Kenzon also began accepting Force-sensitive individuals as students, training them as best he could in the ways of the Force. His education provided a way for the Jedi and their followers to strike back at the Empire which destroyed the Jedi Order. His efforts finally came to the attention of the Empire around the time of the Battle of Endor, but by that time it was too late to do anything about it. The New Republic took control of the galaxy, and Luke Skywalker emerged as a Jedi Master. Kenzon had finally achieved his goals, and decided to shut down the school. He felt a great deal of pride when many of his students were accepted at Master Skywalker's Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4.(PJSB)

This Snivvian word represented the number 2.(HNN5)

This small marsupial was often kept as a pet. It had an innate ability to mimic the speech of any being near it, which made the keon either cute or annoying, dependingon your point of view. Keons resembled balls of fur, with a long, hairless snout and two long legs for jumping. Their faces were dominated by two huge eyes, and a pair of pointed ears sat atop their heads.(FTD)

This was a common name for Ewok males. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in the Ewoks' mythology.(GCG)

According to Ewok legend, this Ewok hunter and warrior first developed the ways of battling the Gorax.(GCG)

This grizzled Ewok shaman served under Chief Chirpa during the Battle of Endor. Keoulkeech grew up with his brother, Leektar, in the Red Bush Grove. He was believed to have perished when lightning struck the trees of the village and destroyed it. The only other survivor was Leektar, who eventually brought Keoulkeech to Bright Tree Village. Following the struggle to free Endor from Imperial control, Keoulkeech set out to find his calling among the great trees of the forest. Opening himself up to the spirits of Endor, he found himself at Salfur's Trading Post. There, he met a Carosite trader who was bringing medical supplies to Yir Tangee. He heard the spirits calling, and joined the crew of the Sudden Restoration as a healer and medic.(HR, SWDB)

This Adumari measure of distance was based on one thousand paces of a long-dead perator.(SOA)

This Mando'a command translated into Basic as "Wait!"(OWS)

This was one of the largest tree-cities found on the planet Kashyyyk, during the early years of the New Order.(RDV)

Kepporra, Wynt
This man, a native of the planet Alderaan, attended the Imperial Academy on Prefsbelt IV at the same time as Delak Krennel. A member of the Academy's Thespian Union, he was home on leave when the planet was destroyed by the first Death Star, and was killed. Later, as Krennel rose to power and tried to disrupt the workings of the early New Republic, he claimed that Kepporra had been a good friend, when in fact they rarely met and had little interaction on Prefsbelt IV. In a broadcasted message, Krennel shed a fake tear for Kepporra's death, in an effort to win over dishomed Alderaanians from the Republic. This plan was the idea of Ysanne Isard's clone, who hoped to establish a rift between the human and non-human races of the Republic.(IR)

This Jedi Master was part of the small task force that was dispatched to confront corporate warships during the Battle of Malastare Narrows, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars.(CWTV38)
Kepzen, Lev
This Imperial Navy Captain was in command of the frigate Feral when it captured the Solar Terrors pirate gang.(FOP)

Ker pazet on bonip Holonot
This phrase from the Bocce language was often used during business conversation. It translated into Basic as "The payment is in the HoloNet", indicating that a being has already submitted payment for goods or services received from another.(GPB)

This gelatinous organism was once native to the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar. They were grown in large, semi-sentient colonies as the basis for many land-based vehicles, such as the vangaak. Kera-boa colonies were attached to yorik coral frames and allowed to grown, and were eventually studded with scutes for protection.(NEGV)

This man was a noted prospector during the last decades of the Old Republic, although many of his peers considered him more than a bit insane. Kerane was the first being to map out and investigate the Hoth asteroid field, where he claimed to have found a huge asteroid formed of pure platinum. He claimed that he had even brought back a small sample to verify its composition. However, when Kerane returned to the asteroid belt to recover the asteroid, he was never able to find it. He went mad in his frustrating search, and the asteroid's location remained a mystery.(ISU)

Kerane Valley
Named for the legendary explorer who first scouted the Hoth System, this glacial valley was located on the planet Hoth, just north of the Nev Ice Flow.(IWST)

Kerane's Folly
Named after a mad prospector named Kerane, this legendary asteroid in the Hoth system was reportedly composed of pure platinum. Kerane was the first to locate the asteroid, and even brought back a small sample to verify its composition. However, when Kerane returned to the asteroid belt to recover the asteroid, he was never able to find it. He went mad in his frustrating search, and the asteroid's location remains a mystery.(ISU)

Kerdos Company
This was one of Coruscant's largest recycling firms, during the last decades of the Old Republic.(IWE2)

This river town was located on the planet Risban. It was defended by the massive Fortress Keremark.(HAS)

This secondary city, located on the planet Naboo, was the site of the Kwilaan Spaceport. Although Theed was the planetary captial and the govnermental seat, Keren was the largest city on Naboo and the center of its planetary and interstellar businesses.(WOA2, SON)

Keren City Circuit
This was the most noted swoop racing course on the planet Naboo, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWGAL)

Keren City Council
This was the governing body of the city of Keren, on the planet Naboo, during the last decades of the Old Republic.(SON)

Keren Street Circuit
see Keren City Circuit(SWGAL)

A frozen planet on which humans dwell in enclaves.(DESB)

Kerensiki Trees
These tall trees, native to the planet Kerensik, have large spines instead of leaves.(DESB)

Keres I
This planet, little more than a ball of searing rock, was the innermost world of the Empress Teta System.(PH)

Keres II
This frozen ball of rock was the ninth and outermost planet in the Empress Teta System.(PH)

This dying planet was the homeworld of the Kerestian race. The planet, located far from many trade routes within the Sluis Sector, entered an ice age sometime before the Clone Wars, after the Kerestian sun underwent strange changes. The sun's power was greatly reduced, and the amount of light and heat reaching Kerest was greatly diminished. As a result, the Kerestions were forced to resort to any means possible to survive. This had created two unique groups of Kerestians: the savage descendants of those who survived on Kerest, and the less intense descendants of off-world Kerestians. The planet was discovered by exploration vessels of the House of Tagge.(GG12)

This was the native language of the Kerestian race. The spoken form was incredibly complex, with many unique rules and exceptions. The written form used an equally complex alphabet.(UANT)

An alien race hailing from the planet Kerest, the Kerestians evolved into savage hunters of great cunning and skill. They were tall, powerfully-built humanoids with convoluted ridges on their foreheads. Two thin strips of hair grew in a strange double widow's peak from the ridges, and the strips continued down the Kerestian's back. Their nose was defined by a single, vertical slit above their mouth, and a row of breather tubes ran along their cheekbones. Their small ears were little more than holes located at the base of the skull, and were surrounded by folds of skin. The breather tubes were once used for long-range, high-frequency communication, but that ability was lost over time. They ware known as methodical, deliberate hunters, and were thought to be humorless. However, a recent discovery of a Kerestian colony ship turned up ancient members of the species suspended in time. When they were revived, these colonists showed none of the current Kerestian violence or deliberateness. It had been surmised that the harsh conditions of the planet Kerest forced subsequent generations of Kerestians to evolve into the vicious hunters they were today. They had mastered repulsorlift technology and sub-light space travel before Kerest was nearly destroyed as its sun began to convulse and contract. Kerest was reduced to a frozen wasteland. This caused the ancient Kerestians to "devolve" into barbarians and hunters. Their technology subsequently reverted to stone-age levels.(GG12)

This Imperial Major served as part of the spaceport control team assigned to monitor all traffic in the capital city of the planet Bastion. It was Kerf who announced the arrival of Admiral Pellaeon, just after Pellaeon had met with Leia Organa-Solo.(VOF)

This city, located on the planet Trogan, was the closest inhabited area to the Whistler's Whirlpool.(NJOSB)

Keriba VI
This lush moon, located in the Kalarba System, was the site of Aucellis Park.(WOA27)

Kerif City
This was one of the primary cities foundon Bogg 5, during the final years of the Old Republic. Kerif City was the site of an ore processing and transfer terminal.(RCTC)

This humid, jungle-covered planet was the first world in the Algaran System. The intense humidity and dense jungles prohibit colonization, although the atmosphere was conducive to habitation. Kerilt had one moon. A small population of Caamasi made their home on Kerilt, after the destruction of their homeworld's ecosystem.(PG2, WOTC)

Kerioth, Eisen
This cunning and ambitious Imperial Moff controlled Doldur Sector from a base on the planet Doldur. He walked with a limp, a reminder of his service in the Imperial armed forces. Kerioth sustained the injury when his stormtrooper escort was eliminate by Alliance blaster-fire, and Kerioth set out to find a way to make the eightteen-piece suit of armor better at protecting a trooper. When he discovered that Strephan I'att had developed a way to augment the protective properties of stormtrooper armor, he decided that he could steal the designs and take credit for them himself. The Moff had both Strephan and his wife, Augusta, executed before taking the designs for his own. He returned to Doldur, and began working on perfecting the system, but he lacked a piece of the puzzle: several c-boards stolen by Strephan's granddaughter, Tinian, as she escaped from Kerioth's killing spree.(TFE, SWJ4)

This was a slang term used to describe a member of the Kerkoiden race.(CWN)

This alien race was similar in appearance to the Whiphids. However, Kerkoidens had rough, hairless skin that ranged in color from blue to green.(CWN)

Kerl was a member of Echo Flight, during the period leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Kerl's Naboo Police Cruiser was damaged during the defense of station TFP-9, when Echo One's ship took damaged from Dren Melne and crashed into it. Kerl was thrown clear of most of the debris, and barely survived the impact.(SFT)

This gruff alien was a native of Horn Station. He was beheaded in a firefight with a man he believed to be a simple rock miner. In reality, the man was a Jedi Knight with amazing reflexes, and his blast took off Kerlo's head.(T2)

This Imperial Admiral commanded the Star Destroyer Belligerent. He survived the Battle of Endor, and was in command of the remaining Imperial fleet which tried to protect the Core Worlds from invasion by the fledgling New Republic. Kermen's main forces were gathered in the Yushan Sector during the early years of the New Republic. He tried to control the planet Kaal at the behest of the Imperial Ruling Council, but was opposed by Imperial Moff Prentioch. Kermen had established a network of spies and agents on Kaal, infiltrating Tirgee Benyalle's criminal empire in order to make way for the Empire to re-establish control of the planet.(SWJ7)

This man was part of the crew of the BioCruiser, and was in charge of monitoring the ship's multitude of sensors to ensure that all its component parts were operating properly and safely. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, while investigating the ship at the request of the Old Republic Senate, learned from Denetrus that Kern had a high-level security clearance, despite his lowly position on the ship. An investigation by Tnani Ikon revealed that a former Senate operative named Kern had died eight years before, revealing that the man was using a No-Name alias which had been resurrected. It was later discovered that Kern was actually the real Tarrance Chenati. In his attempt to escape the Jedi, Kern shot Vox Chun and made his way to an escape pod. Kern had set the BIoCruiser to self-destruct and made off with the treasury, double-crossing Offworld Mining.(JAD)

This thug and his partner, Bont, terrorized the city of Gadrin, on Cularin, during the last years of the Old Republic. They rode a pair of modified speeder bikes through the jungles surrounding the city, preying on anyone who strayed into the wilderness. Both Kerner and Bont were killed when they tried to attack the group of freelance agents who were investigating the rise to power of the Metatheran Cartel. The two were unprepared to have their prey fight back, and both were killed in fiery explosions.(EOS1)

Kerner Plaza
This roadway, which was essentially an open-air bazaar, was located in Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine. It connected the Straight Street and the Ubrikkian Trade Tower to the Inner Curved Street, after splitting off from Outer Kerner Way. During the Imperial occupation of Tatooine, the primary Imperial garrison was built along Kerner Plaza.(IWST, SWI91)

This material was created by the Gungans. Similar in most respects to utanode, kernode was stronger and better able to support larger bubble buildings.(IWE1)

Kern's Pride
Samuel Tomas Gillespee's personal freighter, the Kern's Pride was a modified CR90 corvette that had seen more than its fair share of combat and fighting. Many of Gillespee's team wondered why he kept the ship around, as it was easily the most beat-up ship in his small fleet. Gillespee, however, refused to accept another command, and once claimed that the way he'd leave the Kern's Pride was when the ship itself finally died. He first acquired the ship some twenty-five years before the Battle of Endor, and reconfigured the ship almost annually to meet his changing needs. It even helped transport Alliance soldiers into battle during the Galactic Civil War. The Kern's Pride was armed with six double turbolaser cannons and a pair of ion cannons. It required a crew of 145 to operate, and could carry up to forty passengers and 10,000 metric tons of cargo.(TLC, GMR4)

Kerol Fire-gem
A rare and beautiful gemstone.(TPS)

Kerr, Danaan
This man was rumored to be a Dark Jedi with an allegiance to Emperor Palpatine. He reappeared about three years after the Battle of Endor in the Bitrose and Instrop Sectors, where there were reports of an insane dark magician. It was later discovered that he was indeed a Jedi Knight at one time, entering the order during the Clone Wars. He was saved from Palpatine's Jedi purge when the Emperor discovered Kerr had a strong link to the Dark Side of the Force. Palpatine left Kerr to be consumed by the Dark Side, and Kerr eventually fled to Rannon.(WBC)

This Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "high" or "tall", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name.(GMR10, GCG)

This elderly Wookiee was the leader of the Kerritamba tribe, during the height of the New Order.(SWGAL)

This Wookiee tribe lived in the settlement known simply as Kerritamba Village, which was located near the Mysess Glade, in the Kkowir Forest of the planet Kashyyyk. Like much of the surrounding forest, Kerritamba Village appeared to be dying off, as a virulent disease destroyed the plantlife that filled the jungles around. The Kerritamba tribe spent much of their time trying to defeat the disease, but couldn't get any help from the nearby city of Kachirho to mass-produce a possible cure.(SWGAL)

Kerritamba Village
This was one of the many Wookiee villages found on the planet Kashyyyk. This settlement was the home of the Kerritamba tribe, although it was located in the Kkowir Forest. Like much of the surrounding forest, Kerritamba Village appeared to be dying off, as a virulent disease destroyed the plantlife that filled the jungles around. The Kerritamba tribe spent much of their time trying to defeat the disease, but couldn't get any help from the nearby city of Kachirho to mass-produce a possible cure.(SWGAL)

A Wookiee leader within the Alliance, Kerrithrarr was instrumental in the development of the New Republic. His signature helped validate the Declaration of a New Republic. When former Imperial supporters began gaining Senate seats after planetary elections, Kerrithrarr agreed with Leia Organa-Solo, believing that the Imperials would tear the Senate and the Republic apart.(HTSB, TNR)

Kerros' Tower
The highest tower located on Cloud City, Kerros' Tower housed the traffic control center for the facility. It was also the base of operations for the Storm Guard.(ISU, TBH, GG2)

Kerseage, Emil
This man was one of the best shuttle pilots on the planet Cartao, during the Clone Wars. He was hired by Kinman Doriana to transport him to Spaarti Creations, during a mission to develop cloning cylinders for the Army of the Republic. Doriana had investigated various shuttle pilots, and believed Kerseage to be the most knowledgeable and discreet of the lot. Kerseage had no love for the government of Lord Pilester Binalie or the Prackla Trade Council, since his own cargo transport company had been run out of business by badly-worded regulations.(SWI68)

Kersh Lauskner's Traveling Animal/Acrobatic Arcadium
This small troupe of gymnasts and animal handlers travelled the galaxy, performing for planetary officials and Imperial dignitaries. Among the clowns and acrobats was the Amazing Alonzo and his captive trompa. The troupe once played at the Gralleenya Gala, some three years after the Battle of Yavin, when Alonzo's trompa escaped and nearly injured a young child. It was later learned that the beast was reacting to Moff Bandor's hurlothrumbic generator.(GCQ)

Kersk, Cavvie
Tallov Kersk's young daughter.(TOJC)

Kersk, Tallov
This man and his family were among the colonists sent by the Brentaal League to establish a settlement on Muzara, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Tallov and his family were also the first colonists to encounter the Muzara. Tallov dreamed of the day that he and his community would turn Muzara's dry savannas into a major supplier of crops and foodstuffs for the Brentaal League.(TOJC)

Kersk, Vettle
Tallov Kersk's young son.(TOJC)

This was one of the many Corellian families which were considered enster, maintaining their sociopolitical affiliations with almost fanatical devotion.(MBS)

Kersos, Erel
This man was born into an enster family on the planet Corellia, many decades before the Clone Wars. However, his marriage to Feleema - an ekster woman - led to his exile from his own family, an exile he gladly accepted to be with the woman he loved. Some sixty years before the Clone Wars, Erel and Feleema were married. The couple traveled to Coruscant when Erel began his military career. Unfortunately, they only had about six years of marriage before she was killed in an accident, leaving Kersos without any family whatsoever. He threw himself into a military career, and eventually rose to the rank of Admiral in the Old Republic's command structure when the Clone Wars broke out. He was dispatched to the planet Drongar to replace Tarnese Bleyd, and was surprised to find his own great-nephew, Jos Vondar, serving at Rimsoo Seven. Kersos was Vondar's mother's uncle, so their relationship was not close, but Jos was nonetheless aware of Kersos' exile. When Kersos discovered Jos' love for Tolk le Trene, he set out to make sure Jos knew about the implications of their relationship. Despite his own life story, Erel was unable to convince Jos of the great loss he would experience when he was exiled. Ultimately, Erel admitted that the six years he had spent with Feleema were worth more than 600 years with his family, despite the fact that he never got to see his nieces and nephews grow up. Erel decided to take another tack, and arranged for Tolk to be stationed on his MedStar vessel. The pair had another series of talks, and Tolk found herself wary of forcing Jos into such a position. Erel, however, realized that Jos was indeed serious, and simply wanted to make sure Tolk found out for herself. He then provided a taped recording of their discussion to Tolk, so that she knew of Jos' love as well. When Jos finally confronted Tolk and explained his love for her, she gladly agreed to continue their relationship. Although Jos was initially angry at his uncle, he eventually thanked Erel for his words. In the wake of the Battle of Drongar, Kersos requested a transfer to Borellos Base, on his homeworld of Corellia, with the intent of trying to make contact with his long-lost family.(MJH)

Kersos, Feleema
This woman married Erel Kersos, some sixty years before the Clone Wars, despite the fact that he came from an Ensterite family. Erel abandoned his family in order to marry her, a testiment to the depths of their feelings for each other. When Erel began his military career, Feleema traveled with him to Coruscant. Unfortunately, she died in a mag-lev transport crash, along with 400 other beings, leaving Erel without any sort of family to fall back on.(MJH)

Kerts-Bhrg Field Generator
This massive, conical device generated a directional forcefield, when placed into a formation of two or more generators. The Alliance used five Kerts-Bhrg generators to form a shielded pyramid in which to hide its fleet near Arbra's sun, in the wake of the Battle of Hoth. The base of the generator was designed to collect huge amounts of stellar energy, which was then used to power the forcefield it projected from its top. The Alliance's plans nearly worked, until an absorption circuit overloaded. The resulting fire let off noxious fumes which rendered the command crew unconscious. Only the valiant efforts of R2-D2 and C-3PO repaired the problem and saved the fleet.(LTA5, MC58)

This hot, dry world was the first planet in the Zelos System. It had been scouted for terraforming, but had yet to be modified. It had no natural satellites.(PG2)

This Weequay, a native of Coruscant, was involved in a huge brawl between Weequays and Houk on the planet Coruscant, shortly before the Clone Wars. During his arraignment, Ker-Zakk overpowered his guard and fought with Egome Fass, before being forcibly subdued and returned to prison.(HNN4)

This archaic name was given to female Zabrak, and meant "cook" - or, more literally, "fire tender", referring to those Zabrak women who were charged with keeping the cooking fires burning.(GCG)

This frozen ball of rock was the fifth and outermost planet of the Tirahnn System, located in the Zeemacht Cluster.(WOA32)

This was a form of money, created from keschel ore, that was used on the planet Tyne's Horky during the early years of the New Order.(SWDB)

This ore was mined in Tyne's Horky.(SWDB)

This was a Mandalorian command meant "Take aim!"(OWS)

This man was one of the many Mandalorians who served under Cassus Fett, during the height of the Mandalorian Wars. It was believed that Ke'serim was killed on Cathar, some 3,975 years before the Battle of Yavin, when he refused to allow Fett to simply kill a group of Cathar they had captured. Ke'serim argued that the Cathar had been beaten, but Fett demanded revenge for events that had take place years earlier. Fett forced Ke'serim to remain on Cathar while he blasted off, although Fett ordered his warships to remain in low orbit and incinerate the Cathar and their village, killing every last individual. It was believed that Ke'semir's helmet was discovered on Cathar some twelve years later by the Jedi Knight known as Revan, who was on the planet with a group of Jedi Knights and Masters who were investigating claims that the Mandalorians had all but destroyed the Cathar. Revan and the other Jedi experienced a shared vision of Cassus Fett's attack, and Revan realized that Ke'serim had been trying to defend the Cathar. Revan them put on Ke'serim's helment and vowed not to remove it until the Mandalorians were finally defeated.(KOR14)

This planet was located in a remote sector of the galaxy, and was the homeworld of the Keshiri. The Keshiri believed that Kesh was protected by the Skyborn, and that the land masses that were scattered throughout the planet's vast oceans had been formed during the Great Battle. The Keshiri believed that the blood from wounds that were inflicted on the Skyborn by the Otherside fell into the ocean and hardened, creating the land. This story had some basis in fact, because the island chains found on Kesh were made up of land formations that resembled splatters of liquid, with jagged peninsulas stretching outward from a central plateau. These plateaus were arranged in long chains, and were actually formed along the edges of tectonic plates, where volcanos rose up and spewed lava into the sea. The ocean pounded the lava, creating lavender-colored sand that covered the planet's beaches. The native Keshiri evolved without any advances in technology for generations before a group of Sith arrived on the planet, some 5,000 before the Battle of Yavin. These Sith, mostly of human descent, were stranded on the planet when their ship Omen crash-landed and was rendered inoperable.(FJI, LTS1, LTS2, FJ2)
Kesh, Lurze
This Rodian was a noted dealer of spice, who worked from a base in the city of Dreshdae, on the planet Korriban, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Many of his underworld contacts came from Davik Kang or Motta the Hutt.(KOTOR)

Kesh Sector
This sector saw a great deal of Alliance activity prior to the Battle of Yavin.(SWJ11)

This Rodian and two of her friends - Besha and Nesha, all unrelated - worked with the Wookiee known as Nerrowr whenever he was on Tolea Biqua, on the planet Genarius, during the height of the Clone Wars. Together, the group was once employed by Riboga the Hutt.(LFCW)

This man was a member of the Karazak Slavers Cooperative team sent to capture Janissa Locrin. He was shot in the leg by Janissa during the attempt.(GG11)

This race of near-human beings, distinguished by their pale purple skin and white hair, was native to the planet Kesh. The Keshiri had a matrilineal society in which a family's property and status was passed on through the wife's side of the family. This stood in contrast to the fact that only males were allowed to ride the uvaks that were found in the mountains of Kesh. The Keshiri were nearly human in their physical appearance, and were noted for their physical strength and agility. Some 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, the Keshiri civilization was changed by the sudden appearance of the starship Omen and her crew, when the Sith crash-landed on Kesh. Although the Massassi warriors who served the Sith all died within days of being exposed to Kesh's environment, the humans adapted quite readily to their new home. Believing them to be the prophesied Protectors, the Keshiri helped the humans survive, in the hopes that the human Sith would defend them from the Destructors. The Sith began to assert their dominance, and although the Keshiri were not enslaved or forced into subservience, they were not allowed to intermingle and were kept out of most Sith dealings. A few gifted or loyal Keshiri were allowed to join the Sith, but these individuals were considered rare.(FJI, LTS2, FJ2)
This was one of the largest cities found on the planet Thule. It was once an ancient stronghold of the Sith. During the early stages of the Clone Wars, Kesiak was the site of a battle between Anakin Skywalker and Cydon Prax, which ended with the young Jedi Padawan killing the Chistori. Skywalker went on to almost single-handedly destroy the Dark Reaper.(NECH)

This was the capital city of the planet Kaikielius.(OWS)

This being was the owner and benefactor of the gladiator known as Giant Flog, a regular combatant in the Blood Sport of Rattatak during the months leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. Kesivo was not prone to bragging, and simply left his warrior's record do the talking. Unfortunately for both Kesivo and Giant Flog, they were present in The Cauldron when Asajj Ventress set out ot impress Count Dooku. When Ventress defeated Giant Flog, his mace went flying into the air and struck the box in which Kesivo was sitting. The huge chunk of rock crushed Kesivo to death.(SWDB)

This planet was subdued by the Empire, during the early years of the New Order.(ISB)

This Corellian smuggler and his companion, Mica, were swallowed by the Sarlacc on Tatooine.(TJP)

This blue-white star was the primary solar body in the Kessel System.(JASB, GORW)

This species of grazing, herd animal was native to the planet Rordak, and was a staple in the diet of the Viska.(PG1)

Kessek, Prit
This Clawdite assassin worked for a Herglic crime syndicate during the early years of the New Order. She was hired for her ability to alter her shape, which allowed her to serve as a "different" individual each time she was dispatched. Her superiors worked with the Zygerian slavers, and Kessek served as the courier who picked up the funds which were being transferred from Brevis Taug to the Thanda clan. After Taug was apprehended by Imperial Intelligence and explained his relationship to the Zygerians, the Imperials sent a team to the Bazarre space station to capture the courier and any other being associated with the transfer of credits. The Imperials managed to get the drop of Kessek, but she acted quickly and managed to fight them off. With the firefight at a stalemate, she agreed to help transport the Imperials to Zygeria in exchange for a reduced sentence.(WOA26)

A planet known for its glitterstim spice mining operation, Kessel was the second and primary world in the Kessel System, which was located near the Maw, far out in the Outer Rim Territories. A small world, Kessel was too small to have enough gravity to trap a natural atmosphere close to its surface, so the colonists who eventually started mining spice on the planet were forced to create one by continually processing chemicals in huge processors. The surface of the planet was covered with a fine, dust-like coating of rocky debris, with just a few hardy, transplanted weeds providing minimal oxygen and groundcover. A species of strange, avian creatures was discovered to inhabit the planet's surface, and these creatures seemed to live in and around the ruins that dotted the landscape. These ruins apparently included several tombs of unknown origin. Kessel orbited a blue-white star named Kessa, and was itself orbited by a single satellite that was known as the Garrison Moon. Kessel orbited Kessa once every 322 local days, and each day on the planet lasted about 26 standard hours. Astrophysicists believed that Kessel, like the rest of the Kessel System, was doomed to be swallowed by the nearby Maw in the next few millennia, as the intense gravity of the multiple black holes drew it in.

The miners who harvested the spice from the planet's crust worked in near-absolute darkness, so as not to activate the spice. The planet's low gravity allowed them to work without being encumbered, but this also meant that the early operators of the mines worked them twice as hard as normal miners. During the era of the New Order, Kessel was used as an Imperial penal colony, with an Imperial garrison stationed on the moon. The prisoners were used as spice miners. When Emperor Palpatine died at Endor, the Imperials stationed on Kessel were not prepared for autonomy. When the prisoners heard about the death of the Emperor, they revolted against the Imperial guards, overthrowing them and taking control of the planet and the production of spice. Moruth Doole, a prisoner who had risen to the top of the Imperial's list of henchmen, became the de facto ruler of the mines. He continued to use the lowest of the prisoners as spice miners, keeping a handful of the upper-level prisoners as advisors and crew chiefs. Doole had the atmospheric production reduced in an effort to save money; he felt that since the prisoners worked underground, an above-ground atmosphere was a frivolous waste of money. Doole's reign over the mines ended just after he shot Han Solo down over the planet. Solo escaped through the Maw, only to find the Maw Installation. His escape back through the Maw drew Daala's Imperial fleet through it as well, and his escape drew Daala's ire. She lashed out at Doole's Navy in retaliation, destroying ninety percent of it. When Tol Sivron and the remaining Installation crew fled through the Maw in the prototype Death Star, they used Kessel as a target for the untested superlaser. They succeeded only in destroying the Garrison Moon, leaving the spice-laden planet undefended and abandoned.

Lando Calrissian and Mara Jade reopened the mines, with the help of Nien Nunb, but at first, they were only mildly successful at making the operation profitable. Over time, and with an infusion of credits from Lando's wife, Tendra Risant Calrissian, the mines eventually turned a profit, with the glitterstim being sold for medicinal and other legitimate uses. However, in the wake of the Second Galactic Civil War, Kessal began experiencing earthquakes that could not be attributed to the gravitational forces of The Maw. At about the same time, the avians that lived on the planet's surface began to die off, prompting Lando and Tendra Calrissian to request help in understanding what was happening. After scientists could find nothing to explain these occurrances, Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo performed their own investigation. Through the Force, Leia was able to sense that the creatures that inhabited Kessel were linked in a web of life, and may have evolved at a time much earlier in Kessel's existence. Leia theorized that Kessel itself was actually the only surviving fragment of some other, larger world, and that the rest of the fragments were eventually consumed by The Maw.

Deep inside the planet, Han and Leia discovered a chamber that was the size of a small city, with each sector of the chamber being filled with electrical equipment. They had no idea what the equipment was for, although they witnessed bogeys moving into, out of, and around it. In the surrounding chambers, they found forests of large fungi that were inhabited by two species of multi-legged creatures, one of which was carnivorous and one that fed on the fungus. Small avians also lived in these chambers, feeding on the young multi-legged creatures. They also found a non-aggressive species of energy spider, which seemed to derive most of its sustenance from the fungi. Leia's connection to the Force allowed her to gain a sort of understanding of the bogeys, which led her to the realization that the technology they discovered in the caverns was shortly going to explode, destroying what was left of Kessel. The entire network that connected the bogeys to the machinery had reached the end of its operational cycle, and it was programmed to self-destruct when its end-of-life occurred. She also learned that there was some connection between what was happening on Kessel and Centerpoint Station, but she could not get a clear vision of what the connection might be.

The destruction of the machinery occurred over several days, as smaller pieces were destroyed in order to test the operations of the self-destruct mechanism. Han and Leia fled to the surface to warn Lando and Nien Nunb, hoping to give them enough time to evacuate the remaining workforce on the planet. They were surprised when Lando stated that he wanted to save the planet, and they set out to disrupt the self-destruct system by exploding its components in such a way as to prevent the complete devastation of the planet. The effort was a success, although the destruction of the machinery seemed to be related to the disappearance of the bogeys that inhabited the caves. Once the planet was safe, Lando was obliged to report the incident to the Galactic Alliance, which demanded that a full-scale investigation take place before any further mining could be undertaken. Note that the day on Kessel was listed as 34 standard hours, and its year at 428 local days, in the Wizards of the Coast website's Planet Hoppers feature. Also note that the computer game Rebellion states that Kessel was located in the Calaron Sector, while The Hutt Gambit indicates that the planet is in the Kessel Sector. Also note that Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures depicts Kessel as a beautiful, temperate world of strange forests of huge fungi. The planet was ravaged by Captain Bzorn, who controlled the Ionic Ring, but it was unclear if the devastation resulted in the desolate world seen in the Jedi Academy Trilogy.(E4, JS, COTF, AC, CSWEA, JASB, REB, THG, PH, GORW, FJ1)

Kessel Bird
This rare, flamingo-like bird was native to thirteen planets in the Aeneid System, at least according to the outlandish tales of Squishmael. Distinguished by their lime-green plumage, these birds were valued for their pineal gland, which were used in a variety of medical applications. However, because of the rarity of the Kessel Bird, it was illegal to kill them. Thus, a black market for Kessel Birds arose during the early years of the New Order, creating a so-called "Kessel Run". Squishmael's friend, Marshak, explained that smugglers attempting the "Kessel Run" had to obtain as many of the Kessel Birds as they could, filling their cargo holds in as short a trip as possible, all while avoiding the local authorities. In reality, the Kessel Bird was considered worthless, a nuisance creature considered vermin in eight different star systems. The name "Kessel Bird" was even false, used to dupe unwitting rookie smugglers into parting with their credits.(T16)

Kessel Correctional Facility
Despite its name, this medium-security prison facility was actually located on Kessel's Garrison Moon, during the height of the New Order. Those prisoners who were physically unable to contribute to the mining of spice on Kessel itself, yet were too valuable to dispatch, were given menial duties at the Facility.(PH, JS)

Kessel Krusher
This was the stage name used by Resik, during his stint as a professional wrestler.(CRO)

Kessel Mining Authority
This was the name used by the body which oversaw the spice mining on the planet Kessel, during the height of the New Order.(SWJ10)

Kessel Run
An 18-parsec smuggling route that passes near The Maw, the Kessel Run was used by smugglers to bypass Imperial ships guarding the movement of spice from Kessel's mines. The completion of the run was a source of pride and accomplishment among smugglers, who constantly try to outdo each other. By moving closer to the black holes of the Maw, a starhsip pilot can trim parsecs from the Run while increasing the difficulty of the trip. The official record for completing the run was held by Han Solo and Chewbacca aboard the Millennium Falcon, in 11.5 parsecs. BoShek claimed to have beaten that record, but without a full cargo to weigh him down.(E4, TME, JS, JASB)

Kessel Run
This was a slang term used by gamblers during the era of the Galactic Civil War to describe a position in which a being had dangerously overextended themselves in bilateral business. This usually meant that an individual had gotten themselves deeper and deeper into complex and confusing situations, to the point that they could no longer extricate themselves.(SWJ4, OWS)

Kessel Run
This swoopchasing obstacle was one of the straightest parts of the race course, but it was littered with the damaged hulls of spacecraft, simulated asteroids, and other trash placed to impede a rider's progress.(BSS)

Kessel Run for Kids
This was one of the many attractions found at Aucellis Park, on the moon of Keriba VI, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(WOA27)

Kessel Runners
This jango band was popular on Cularin, during the years following the Battle of Naboo.(NET2)

Kessel Sector
This area of the galaxy was noted for the Spice Mines of Kessel, as well as the interstellar anomaly known as The Maw.(GORW)

Kessel Spice Corporation
This was the official title of the Imperial body that governed the excavation and production of glitterstim spice on Kessel during the New Order.(FOP)

Kessel Station
This space station orbitted Kessel, and provided a base from which the Empire could monitor the prison facilities, during the height of the New Order.(XWA)

Kessel System
This star system, located in a sector by the same name, contained the planet Kessel.(GORW)

This term, as in "I'll be Kesseled," was used to express surprise.(SOP)

Kesselian Blockade Runner
A fast passenger ship built on the planet Kessel.(E6N)

Kesselrook, Serja
This portly man made his home on the junkyard world of Patch-4. Kesselrook and his band of scavengers greeted Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian when they arrived on the planet in search of four TIE Fighters they had purchased from Orion Ferret. He disliked Ferret, since it was Ferret who transported the Watcher Beasts to Patch-4. Luke and Lando discovered how to control the Watcher Beasts with Ferret's sonnic pacifier, and turned the device over to Kesselrook. This allowed that vagabonds to live peacefully on Patch-4, effectively ousting Ferret from the planet.(LTA5, MC59)

This was a pseudonym used by a smuggler who had a great deal of experience with droids. KesselRunner was based on Nar Shaddaa.(SWJ13)

Once the capital city of Kessel, this city was abandoned by the time Moruth Doole overthrew the Imperial forces garrisoned on the planet, during the early years of the New Republic. It was also the site of Kessendra Stadium, where Grand Moff Hissa falsely announced that Trioculus was Palpatine's mutant son.(JS, GDV)

Kessendra Stadium
This large, open-air stadium was used by the Empire for demonstrations on Kessel, during the height of the New Order. Grand Moff Hissa convened the Central Committee of Grand Moffs there, shortly after the Battle of Endor, to falsely announced that Trioculus was Palpatine's mutant son.(GDV)

This was a form of sweet and powerful spice that was made from tree bark, which was peeled and dried into sticks. These sticks could then be ground into a fine powder that could be sprinkled onto toast or measured and used in a variety of recipes.(OWS)

This weapons manufactured produced a wide range of missiles and projectiles during the early years of the New Republic.(GUN)

Kesslerite Lounge Chair
This was a type of self-conforming furniture.(BTS)

Kesso, Prit
This was the name of a noted Clawdite individual in the history of the planet Zolan.(UANT)

Kestel System
This Empire used this location as a staging area for assault fleets attacking targets in Mortex Sector during the Galactic Civil War.(BI)

Kestic Station
This was a free-trade outpost located near the Bestine System. It was the home of Zev Senesca and his parents, who were running guns to the Alliance, until the Star Destroyer Merciless destroyed the station.(MTS, GG3)

This was a common name among Cerean females. Unlike their male counterparts, Cerean females use a single name unless they became a bond-wife. In this case, a female will take on their husband's grandfather's name for official matters. The name Kestn indicated snow, ice, or a cold wind.(GCG)

Kestos Minor
Modigal Glave sustained a huge amount of facial damage during the Imperial subjugation of this planet, during the Kwymar Suppressions. He took a blaster bolt in the helmet, at point-blank range. The helmet shattered, and dura-armor shrapnel buried itself in his face. He ignored the pain and damage and continued to fight, eventually gaining control of the world.(SWJ9, SWMW)

This hulking, thick-witted young man was one of the many individuals who signed up to enroll in the Imperial Naval Academy, during the early months of the New Order. Recruit Kestrel was chosen to act as recruit Fortin's mentor, and held back nothing when dealing with Fortin. He gave Fortin ten degrades for simply forgetting to wear his standard-issue cap in the dormitory. He felt that he was going to be one of Lieutenant Maggis' primary leaders, and was therefore confused and dismayed when Maggis stole a starship and fled Coruscant with Fortin in tow.(LJ8)

This woman was a small-time slicer on the planet Ord Mantell, during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. Kestrel, however, was an alias used to conceal her true identity of Raleigh Dawn. She and her friend, the Ho'Din named Skivvers, worked from a hidden location, although Kestrel found herself protecting Skivvers as much as anything, when the Ho'Din earned a bounty on his head. For some reason, Kestrel found that she was the target of a group of bounty hunters, as well as the Imperial Security Bureau, and attempted to flee the planet. With help from the man she knew as the Old Timer, Kestrel met up with Sammie Staable and Raal Yorta, and the group escaped with their Squib friend, Smiley. Although their initial discussions were more like arguments, Kestrel and the others soon realized that they had been recruited by the Alliance agent known as Tiree, and were forced to work together to understand why.(RR, RNTB)

Kestrel, Tarson
This man was the Captain of the smuggling ship Barabi Run during the early years of the New Order. When his ship was captured by agents working for Angela Krin of the Corporate Sector Authority, Captain Kestrel was forced to reveal what he knew about his cargo of spice bound for the tempest production facilities on Varl. Kestrel and his crew were never allowed into the main facility, and were hired by a third party for the job. The crew was only responsible for the delivery of raw spice to Varl, and Kestrel had never seen the finished tempest. He also knew that the Barabi Run wasn't the only smuggling ship at Varl. Although Kestrel and his crew were detained by the Corporate Sector Authority for running spice, they were never arrested, and were set free several days later.(TF)

Kestrel Nova
A freighter captured by the ancient Jedi Knights, in a battle with space pirates near Tanaab. Ulic Qel-Droma used it, disguised as a smuggler, to infiltrate the Krath.(DLS)

This was a Mandalorian command meant "Attention!"(OWS)

This desert world was the home planet of the Ketton race.(AE)

This female name was common among the Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded names.(GCG)

This was a Yuuzhan Vong measurement of time.(EVR)

Zothip's Togorian first mate, Keta had joined the Cavrilhu Pirates shortly before the rise of Grand Admiral Thrawn.(DFRSB)

This planet was the site of an Alliance base that was compromised by the Xucphra corporation. Xucphra leaked the location to the Empire, which promptly destroyed the base.(SWJ3)

This was a common name among adult Codru-Ji.(UANT)

Ketaris was a major commercial world near Berchest. Some five years after the Battle of Endor, Ketaris was the site of an Imperial attack that was part of Grand Admiral Thrawn's attempt to spread the New Republic's fleets too thin, allowing him to eventually attack Coruscant. The Ketaris defense forces put up a strong resistance, however, forcing Thrawn to travel to Ketaris and oversee the battle himself.(TLC)

see Ketcher(TIEP)

This man served the Imperial Navy as a starfighter pilot, serving aboard the Fogger during the months surrounding the Battle of Hoth. Ketcher was a tall man with long fingers and reddis-brown hair, who moved about with a slightly hunched posture that gave him the appearance of trying to overcome a hearing problem. The pilots were later reunited when they were transferred to the frigate Ludwick, during the campaign to eliminate the pirates in the Pakuuni System. Just prior to the first engagement with the pirates, Ketcher was among a group of pilots who snuck down to the hangar decks to sneak a look at Vice Admiral Thrawn, when he arrived aboard the Ludwick. Commander Buckeye learned of their actions, and Ketcher and the others were assigned to clean-up duty after the pirates were driven from their base on Pakuuni. During the clean-up, Ketcher discovered a small gemstones that he decided to keep for himself. Before the others could stop him, Ketcher put the stone in his mouth and swallowed it, ensuring that it would remain with him for a few days more. Over the days that followed, Ketcher began to look tired and haggard, and his condition worried the other pilots. His performance eventually declined to the point that he was unable to control his ship, and Ketcher was later killed in action. Note that this character is also referred to as Kechel or Ketchel in the Star Wars: TIE Fighter - Official Strategy Guide.(TIEP)

This was a species of large, dragon-like insect that was native to the Forest Moon of Endor.(ECAR)

This man served the Imperial Remnant as a Navy Commander, serving under Moff Kurlen Flennic during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. It was Keten who intercepted the Jade Shadow when Luke Skywalker arrived in Imperial space during his search for Zonama Sekot.(FH1)

This avian creature was distinguished by its long body and two pairs of rapidly-beating wings. Similar in appearance to a can-cell, a ketes spent much of its time flying through the air in search of the smaller avians that it preyed upon.(CWN)

This was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy.(GCG)

Kether, Ran
This man, a native of the planet Chandrila, served in Rogue Squadron as Rogue Seven, during the hunt for Warlord Zsinj. He served as the squadron's communications officer. He was later killed during the defense of Kalarba against the Yuuzhan Vong.(SOC, SBS)

This Jawa was one of the handful of his race who were living on Cularin during the final years of the Clone Wars. He was part of a small gang led by Meelo, and was considered the "founder" of the so-called Wookiee Liberation Front, or WOLF for short. In order to communicate with his comrades, Keth-Keth wore a specialized vocoder unit that translated the Jawa language into Basic. When one of their members was captured and imprisoned by the Metatheran Cartel, Meelo led her inept comrades in a daring escape, which was bungled almost from the start. In the resulting chaos, Meelo managed to rescue her friend, but Keth-Keth decided that they needed to cover their escape. Screaming "Free Kashyyyk" as loud as his vocoder would project, Keth-Keth lobbed grenades at police vehicles while calling for people to rally around the Wookiee Liberation Front. Although it was a simple ruse, the Wookiee Liberation Front received a lot of press in the local holonewscasts, and eventually became a legitimate organization that funneled credits and supplies to help the Wookiees of Kashyyyk in their attempt to ousted the Separatist forces that were trying to take control of their homeworld. When Keth-Keth and his comrades were stopped by a group of clone troopers in Hedrett, he reacted violently to their threats to send him back to Tatooine. He used a specially-fitted stun glove to grab the lead clone trooper by the crotch, sending waves of pain into the clone's testicl*s. The band managed to evade capture in the ensuing chaos.(LFCW)

This was one of the many cruisers that made up the small naval fleet that protected the planet Maramere, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars.(JSF)

Kethren Systems
This was one of the largest buyers of spin-sealer tibanna gas from Cloud City during the height of the New Order.(GG2)

This burly, dark-skinned man served the Alliance as a Corvette pilot, and was stationed at Eyrie Base with Stevan Makintay.(SWJ8)

This Jedi Knight was one of many who accepted military roles during the height of the Clone Wars.(CWA4)

Keto, Aleema
This woman was Satal Keto's cousin, one of the direct descendants of Empress Teta who. Unlike the Empress, however, Aleema and Satal were obsessed with the Dark Side of the Force, and they set in motion plans to overthrow the Tetan monarchy just prior to the Sith War. They also founded the Krath, a society of individuals who were interested in Sith lore. She and Satal Keto learned much from their royal tutors, but became curious about the Sith magic during a trip to Coruscant. They stole a book of Sith lore from a museum on the planet, and returned to the Empress Teta System. From the book, they learned many ways to harness the power of the Dark Side of the Force through the Sith incantations. Aleema soon discovered that she was adept at the creation of illusions. She was instrumental in bringing down the Lord Keto and his supporters, tricking them with horrible images of Adegan Eels and terrible lizards. She later put her powers to a grander scale, creating illusions of space grazers to fool the combined Jedi-Republic forces during their battle to recover the Tetan system. She was mortally wounded, however, when Nomi Sunrider detected the use of the Dark Side and tried to stop her. She recovered from these wounds, to help her cousin continue the Krath struggle for power. She eventually became the mistress of Ulic Qel-Droma, seducing him as he was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. Ulic's desire for power and glory overshadowed Aleema's attentions, and she was scorned by him when he launched his attack on Coruscant. She then turned the ancient Mandalore warriors to the Krath, but they too left her to fight along side Ulic. Near the end of the Great Sith War, Aleema and Crado tried to destroy the combined Old Republic and Jedi fleets in the Cron Cluster. Her knowledge of the Sith lore was augmented by the use of certain Sith weapons, one of which was the ancient starship used by Naga Sadow when he eluded the Old Republic in the Denarii System. She attempted to use Sadow's crystals to rip the core from a star and hurl it at the fleet. Although she succeeded in destroying most of the starships, she failed to control the power she wielded. The liberated solar core ignited the cores of the surrounding suns, and created an intense, multi-star supernova. The supernova engulfed three Auril Systems and the planet Ossus. It also killed Aleema and Crado, along with Dace Diath, Shoaneb Culu, and Qrrrl Toq.(DLS, TSW, DSSB, UVG)

Keto, Satal
As members of the Tetan Elite, Satal Keto and his cousin, Aleema, were direct descendants of Empress Teta herself, and were in line to become the rulers of the Empres Teta System. However, Satal and Aleema were drawn to the Dark Side energies that were present in the galaxy, some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War, and they formed the Dark Side worshippers known as the Krath. They were drawn to the Dark Side so fully that they crossed the galaxy to Coruscant, where they entered the Galactic Museum and stole a number of Sith manuscripts and artifacts. They then traveled to Onderon, in an effort to learn more about the artifacts from the Naddists there. Satal was shown how to use the Sith artifacts by King Ommin, who was later killed by the spirit of Freedon Nadd. Nadd's spirit then chose Satal and Aleema to be his new living emmissaries, providing them with Sith swords. The two returned to the Tetan star system, where they overthrew the Carbonite Mining Guild with help from the Dark Jedi and the military just before the Great Sith War. He and Aleema froze their parents in carbonite after they overtook the guild. When Ulic Qel-Droma infiltrated the Krath in an effort to eradicate the Sith warriors, Satal poisoned him with Sith drugs in order to keep the Jedi from turning on the Krath. However, the poison only focused Ulic's powers, and in a pitched lightsaber duel, Aleema tells Ulic that it was Satal who ordered the attack on Deneba which killed Master Arca. Ulic's fury rose even higher, and he killed Satal before turning on the Jedi.(FNU, DA, DLS, UVG, NECH)

Keto, Sebban
A native of the planet Empress Teta, this man could trace his family's roots back to Satal Keto. A wealthy noble, Sebban Keto owned a number of shops and restaurants in the city of Cinnagar during the height of the New Order. Like his distant forebears, Sebban Keto secretly studied the lore and teachings of the ancient Sith, and used his command of the Dark Side of the Force to manipulate local political and business leaders. He maintained the Krath tradition, and it was rumored that Sebban also was the leader of a Sith cult based on a planet in the Core Worlds.(PH)

Keto, Serra
This young woman was a student at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, during the height of the Clone Wars. She was one of the most gifted students ever trained by Jedi Master and swordsman Cin Drallig.(LAWS, OWS, SWI87)

A huge carnivore with four long fangs, the ketrann was native to Alk'lellish III. Ketrann fed on the herding metarshi, leaping onto its prey with powerful hind legs and taking it down with several quick bites.(TB, TBSB)

This man was the Captain of the Admiral Korvin, and served the Trade Federation for many years before being assigned to the task force Wilhuff Tarkin dispatched to Zonama Sekot. Kett's record showed that he had participated in some of the Trade Federation's most heinous military actions, a fact that he was at once proud of and worried about. He chafed at the prospect of being assimilated or forcibly retired when the Old Republic took control of the Trade Federation's fleet, in the aftermath of the Battle of Naboo.(RP)

This young Corellian man served under Urias Xhaxin as a sensor operator aboard the Free Lance.(PP)

This was the name of a non-existent Ewok who applied for a position in Wraith Squadron. He was originally the creation of Wes Janson, who tried to pull a fast on one Wedge Antilles. Wedge vowed to get revenge, but Kettch took on a life of his own. He continually showed up in the co*ckpit of Wedge's X-Wing when he least expected it, and served as the squadron's unofficial mascot until the Wraiths became pirates in order to attract the attention of Warlord Zsinj. When the Wraiths were chosen to assist in the stealing of the Razor's Kiss, Wedge used the stuffed dummy of Kettch to hide his own identity, and Kettch quickly became one of the best pilots in the Hawk-bat pirate squadron. When word leaked out that the Hawk-bats had an Ewok pilot, Zsinj suspected that he had escaped from the Binring Biomedical facilty's Epsilon Wing along with Voort saBinring. This vexed him, and forced him to move the facility from Saffalore to a position on the Iron Fist for security reasons.(WS, IF, SOC)

Kettch's Drill
This starfighter maneuver, developed by Wraith Squadron, was designed to gain surprise whenever a squadron was opposed by two or more waves of enemy starfighters. Instead of swinging around and engaging the first wave of enemies in a dogfight, the drill involved the squadron plowing straight through to the second wave, taking as many of the first wave as possible in the fly-by. The dogfighting would then begin with the second wave survivors, and would eventually collect the remaining ships from the first wave.(IF)

This New Republic Sacheen-class light escort vessel was part of the fleet sent, under the command of Pakkpekatt, to intercept the Teljkon vagabond at Gmir Askilon. After the mission failed to secure the vagabond, the Kettemoor was used to transport the injured and dying crew of the Kauri to Nichen, after the vagabond fired on the other ship and fled.(SOL)

This man was living on the planet Naboo, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWG2P)

This nomadic race of insectile humanoids was native to the planet Ket. They were quite peaceful, but their physical form gave them a fearsome appearance. Ketton stood nearly two meters in height, and their bodies were covered with a tan-colored exoskeleton. Despite their insectile appearance, Kettons were mammals. They had two large fangs at the end of their faces, which were only used for feeding. The Ketton believed that to use the fangs in combat would soil their beings.(AE)

Keturah's Point
Named for Keturah Ambar, this was the highest point located on Orane Mountain, on the planet Neftali. It provided visitors with an uniterrupted view of the planet's icy landscape.(BSS)

This Pacithhip scout spent much of his downtime talking to spacers and travelers at cantinas, such as the one in Mos Eisley, gathering information he needs to locate new worlds. He traveled the galaxy on a starship known as the Herd Mother. In order to overcome his short, round appearance in a humanoid galaxy, Ketwol moved about with the help of a pair of mechanical stilts.(CCG9, MTSE, SWDB)

Kev, Dayla
This woman was a Mission Commander with the Galactic Scout Corps, some forty years before the Battle of Yavin. She was believed to have been killed on an uncharted jungle planet, when one of her team - Milac Troper - returned to report that she was killed. In fact, Kev and her Lieutenant, Hereven, had been attacked by a gasnit, and Troper had left them to die, fleeing in panic. Hereven had tried to rescue her, and both scouts ended up hiding for more than six months in the caves located beneath the planet's surface. Kev and Hereven soon fell in love, but Hereven was killed during a hunting mission. A few days later, Dayla discovered that she was pregnant with Hereven's child. Upon giving birth to the boy, Dayla named him Hereven in honor of his father. They lived together in hiding for fifteen years, and discovered that they had a connection to the Force. They were rescued by a group of Wookiee explorers, who tried to sell them into slavery. Using subtle manipulations of the Force, Dayla was able to convince the Wookiees to let them go free. Instead, she convinced the Wookiees to join her in forming a safari hosting business on the planet. She changed her name to Lady Ahrkan, and made a small fortune by the height of the New Order. She never forgot or forgave Milac Troper for leaving her, however. Dayla eventually met up with Captain Roogak of the Ithorian herdship Galactic Horizon, earning his trust while virtually bankrupting herself to gain it. Her desire to maintain the relationship paid off when young Hereven discovered that Troper was going to be aboard the Galactic Horizon to negotiate a peace treaty. Dayla called in every favor owed to her by Captain Roogak, and got several gasnits placed aboard the herdship's ecosystem. Her plans to exact revenge on Troper were nearly thwarted when she encountered the team of freelance mercenaries Troper had hired to protect himself. Dayla and her son, Hereven, were captured and arrested for the attempted murder of Troper.(GMR6)

Kev, Hereven
This young boy was born nearly forty years before the Battle of Yavin, the son of Dayla Kev and her Lieutenant, Hereven. The boy was named for his father, who survived a gasnit attack but was later killed during a hunting mission. Hereven and his mother were rescued when he was fifteen, by a Wookiee slaving party. Their connection to the Force allowed Hereven and his mother to persuade the Wookiees to let them go free, and even convinced the Wookiees to join them in starting a safari hosting operation on the remote world. Hereven maintained his mother's hatred for Milac Troper, and agreed to avenge her death if she were to ever die on the jungle world. It was Hereven who, some twenty-five years later, discovered that Milac Troper was going to be aboard the Galactic Horizon to negotiate a treaty. Unknown to Dayla, Hereven had been absorbing her hatred of Troper into his own being, and had been turning slowly toward the Dark Side of the Force. When Hereven confronted Troper aboard the herdship, he used his Dark Side connection to attack Troper himself. He nearly succeeded in killing Troper, but was stopped by a team of freelance mercenaries Troper had hired as bodyguards. Hereven and his mother were soon taken into custody for the attempted murder of Troper.(GMR6)

Keval, Dem
A native of the planet Chandrila, this man served as the Imperial Governor of the planet Tasariq during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He struggled to maintin control of the planet, fighting the mining corporations, smugglers, and the Tasari themselves with a limited budget and resources. After receiving little help from Imperial sources, Keval hired a group of Iotran mercenaries, named them the Tasariq Rangers, and used them to patrol the Tasar System.(SWJ15)

Kevdan Aerosystems
This small corporation produced speciallized, miniature fuel cells that were used for droids and other automata, during the decades just prior to the Battle of Naboo. Kevdan Aerosystems produced the hydro-glycolic fuel cells that powered the original R2-series of astromech droids.(CVD)

This man served the Imperial Navy as a Lieutenant aboard the Liquidator during the height of the New Order. When Captain Skeezer was captured on Yavin 4 after the first Death Star was destroyed, Lieutenant Kevell was promoted to take over his piloting duties. Admiral Termo placed Kevell in charge of the attack on Delrakkin, and ordered him to make absolutely sure that the native Delrakkins believed that it was the Alliance that was launching the attack. According to Termo, Delrakkin had betrayed the Empire, and needed to be taught a lesson. In order to ensure that the Delrakkins learned their lesson and blamed it on the Alliance, Kevell and his squadronmates were given X-Wing fighters to pilot in the attack.(MIS3)

Kever, Alroy
This human was the commander of Alarik X's personal guard. Kever was a member of the King's Own Guard battalion assigned to watch over and guard the empeth crystals growing in the Crystal Valley of Lazerian IV. Harvested crystals were stored in his house, under a special security detail.(TSK)

This material was known for its ability to withstand high temperatures and flame.(EGD)

This was the smallest of Algara II's four moons. It was the site of an astronomical research station.(PG2)

This man was a member of the Rock Workers, toiling in the quarries of New Apsolon some twelve years before the Battle of Naboo. Kevta, who was in love with Yanci, was killed when Balog's forces attacked their base of operations. The Absolutes stole all the miners' explosives, weapons, and supplies, and killed every living being in the facility.(DOH)

Kevv, Kala
This Sullustan served the Alliance as a pilot during the Galactic Civil War. She was rescued by a group of Alliance agents after her X-Wing crashed on an uncharted jungle world. She was also rescued after being shot down over NCW-781 by Operation Shadowstrike.(IA)

This plant, native to the planet Joralla, produced brilliant blue blooms. It also produced poisonous barbs instead of leaves, and it could literally fire these barbs at a creature which came too close to it.(PG1)

This man was one of the many Mandalorians who were stranded on the moon Dxun, in the wake of the Great Sith War.(KOTOR2)

Kexeerian Blasters Technology
This weapons manufacturer was headquartered on Algara II.(PG2)

Key Card
A card-shaped device which was coded to allow entrance to a room or passage.(LCJ)

Key of the Overpeople
An ancient artifact that had been traced to the Sharu, the Key of the Overpeople was a golden implement shaped like a fork. To the human eye, it appeared to be continually changing its aspect, which tended to cause headaches in beings who viewed it for too long. The fork seemed to have anywhere from two to four tines, depending on when one viewed it. It was found in a museum outside of the Rafa System, and was recovered by Rokur Gepta during the early years of the New Order. He believed that the Key was a tool to be used to activate the Mindharp of Sharu. The Key was known by many names throughout history: The Fabled Key of the Sharu, The Opener of Mysteries, The Illuminator of Darkness, Shower of the Way, and The Means to The End. Unknown to Rokur Gepta, the actual purpose of the Key was to allow the Bearer to enter the great pyramid on Rafa V, and begin the journey toward the Mindharp. No door actually opened; rather, the Bearer was allowed to pass through the pyramid's structure and enter the "dream without sleep." This dream showed the Bearer the history of the Sharu and, eventually, the Mindharp. Lando Calrissian was given the key by Gepta, since he matched a certain Toka prophecy about who the Bearer would be. He used the Key to gain access to the pyramid for himself and Mohs.(LCM)

This was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy.(GCG)

This musical instrument resembled a piano with black, green, and white keys.(SWJ4)

This was a common name among the Menahuun people.(UANT)

This Lambda-class shuttle was part of the small fleet of starships that were maintained by the Dimok people, during the final stages of the Sepan Civil War. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, the Keydon was charged with transporting a group of Dimok diplomats to Sepan 8, where they were to meet with Ripoblus representatives to discuss a joint alliance to fight back against the Empire. The Imperial forces in the Sepan System learned of the meeting and sent a small task force to prevent. The Keydon was captured, along with the Ripoblus shuttle Phantele.(TIE, TIEP)

Codename of a group of Alliance deepspace probes destroyed during the Galactic Civil War.(TIE)

This was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy.(GCG)

Keyis, Dar
This New Republic starfighter pilot was a member of Rogue Squadron. A native of the planet Churba, he had just eight combat missions under his belt before being assigned to the Rogues, to help fill a position left empty after the Malrev Incident. Keyis was killed at the Battle of Brentaal.(XWES, XWFT)

This Bothan used the spray canisters developed for use with Barkhesh Insect Culture for other uses, including spraying stun gas.(GUN)

This was the alias used by Wurth Skidder, after he allowed himself to be captured by the Yuuzhan Vong on Gyndine and brought aboard the Creche'.(JE)

This carnivore, which was native to the Gontzol System, was known for its ability to track its prey over long distances. This creature later became a sort of mascot for the agents of the Internal Affairs branch of the Imperial Security Bureau.(ISB)

This was the unofficial term used to describe a member of the Internal Affairs division of the Imperial Security Bureau. The term came from the name of a noted predator that was native to the Gontzol System, which was known for its ability to relentlessly track its prey over a wide range of territory.(ISB)

This planet was known as one of the most criminal worlds of the Empire, during the height of the New Order. The small-time crimelord Barpotomous Drebble had a base on this planet, from which he tried to capture Lando Calrissian. During a confrontation on the planet between Bossk, IG-88, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Calrissian, the bounty hunters were defeated and Calrissian escaped. Because of the large population of bounty hunters, both native and transient, Keyorin became known as the "Hunter's World."(EGC, OE, MC85, SWI89)

This was a form of security device that limited a being's access to certain vehicles. The keypass gave the owner of the vehicle access to its door-lock mechanisms and starting systems, allowing them to drive it and ensuring that no other being was able to steal the vehicle.(RC66)

This was the ancient Twi'leki ceremony of History. Rumors had it that a wondrous crystal skull was carved from the crystallized ashes of a fallen Twi'leki hero, and was used to preside over the ceremonies which maintained clan history.(SWJ12)

The name assumed by Mon Julpa after his memory was stolen by Zatec-Cha. Julpa had been dropped on the planet Tyne's Horky, where he was taken in by Jann Tosh and his uncle, Gundy. It was Gundy who gave him the name Kez-Iban, which meant "he who returned from the dead" in the Bocce language, after Julpa rescued Gundy from a cave collapse.(DCAR, SWDB)

This constellation, visible from the planet Coyn, contained the star Kuras. It was named by the ancient Coynites, who called it the "Predator Beast of the Dusk."(PG3)

This planet was known for its unusual crystals. The export of these crystals was tightly controlled, but many made it off-world via smugglers.(BF4)

This species of trees, noted for its spreading branches, was native to the planet Cularin.(LFCW)

This KonGar ion engine was designed for military use, and produced during the height of the New Order.(EGV, SWG2P)

Khaa, Tawss
This female Nimbanel fortune teller was also trained in the ways of the Sakiyan hunters. She was known as a risk-taker, and spent much of her early career roaming the deserts of Tatooine. She later became a scout for the Alliance.(CCG9)

A member of the Noghri clan Kihm'bar and thirdson of the clan maitrakh, Khabarakh was the only survivor of Noghri commando team 22, which was sent to Kashyyyk to capture Leia Organa Solo some five years after the Battle of Endore. However, his encounter with Leia led him to reconsider his loyalty to the Empire, especially after learning that she was the Mal'ary'ush. He spent nearly a month on Kashyyyk before returning to Honoghr, listening to Leia's entreaties to allow the New Republic to help the Noghri and finally agreeing to bring her to Honoghr. Khabarakh was originally believed to have been killed on Kashyyyk, but his reappearance on Honoghr drew the attention of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Although Khabarakh covered his disappearance by claiming that he needed time to meditate and reflect on his failure at kashyyyk, Thrawn placed Khabarakh and clan Kihm'bar under Imperial arrest until the missing month could be truthfully explained. Throughout the struggle between Thrawn and the New Republic, Khabarakh supported Leia and her family, and eventually became a bodyguard of sorts for her. After the death of Thrawn, he returned to his planet to help rebuilt it.(HTTE, DFR, DFRC)

Khadaji Singularity
This was one of the more active black holes known in the galaxy, during the final years of the Old Republic. Sometime during the final stages of the Clone Wars, the Khadaji Singularity consumed the planets of Jalorian Sodality.(CN1)

This massive, pachydermoid creature was native to the planet Odryn. A khadarok was distinguished by its massive, fur-covered body, which was supported by four stout legs. The head of the khadarok hung from its down-sloping neck, and was protected by two long horns that grew from the top of its skull, and two knife-like tusks that grew from its forehead. The mouth of the khadarok was protected by a pair of curving tusks. In ancient times, these shaggy beasts were trained by the native Feeorin to serve as war mounts.(KOR8)

Khaddar, Ob
This outspoken radical at Alderaan University was a native Alderaanian artist whose work was outwardly beautiful, but depicted his fear of the Empire and Emperor Palpatine's iron grip on the galaxy as sharp undertones. One of his works, the moss-painting Killik Twilight, was later used by the Alliance ot store the codes for the Shadowcast program. Khaddar was also grass painter, and was perhaps most famous for a painting he did to commemorate the arrival of Emperor Palpatine on Alderaan. He worked alone, allowing no one to interfere with his vision. When the spring rains soaked the painting, it blossomed with color and life, depicting the Emperor as a benevolent ruler. However, when Palpatine arrived to look at the grass painting, Ob Khaddar's final stroke was revealed. On the very day Palpatine arrived, black lilies began to bloom while the other colored flowers began to wither and die. The painting seen by the Emperor was of a withered, ugly monster, and Palpatine was outraged and ordered the entire grass painting burned. By the time Palpatine arrived, though, Khaddar had already fled the planet. He carried a death mark on his head, but was never found.(ISU, TG)

Khaddor, Ob
see Khaddar, Ob(DN1)

This was one of the most respected families that made up the Sith Tribe on the planet Kesh.(FJI)

Khai, Gavar
The son of Thallis Khai, this man was one of the many Sith Sabers who lived on the planet Kesh, during the years that followed the Second Galactic Civil war. Gavar's daughter, Vestara, was the individual chosen by the Sith meditation sphere known as Ship for training.(FJI, FJ2)
Khai, Lahka
This woman was one of the many members of the Sith civilization that evolved on the planet Kesh. Despite the fact that she lacked any connection to the Force, Lahka was chosen by Gavar Khai to be his wife, and their union produced a daughter named Vestara.(FJ2)
Khai, Thallis
This Sith Lord was the father of Gavar Khai.(FJ2)
Khai, Vestara
This young woman was one of the Sith Tyros who were being trained on the planet Kesh, during the years that followed the Second Galactic Civil War. The daughter of Gavar and Lahka Khai, Vestara was distinguished by the scar that twisted her lips into the form of a smile. This scar marked her as flawed among other members of the Tribe, and prevented her from being chosen as a formal apprentice for many years. Despite this fact, she as able to bond with an uvak at the age of ten, naming the creature Tikk and making her father quite proud. Lady Olaris Rhea, one of the Sith Ladies who sat on the Circle of Lords, told Vestara to use her scar to her advantage, because others would underestimate her abilities because of it. Vestara's life took a strange turn four years later, when the Sith meditation sphere known simply as Ship arrived on Kesh and made an immediate connection with her. Capitalizing on the situation, Lady Rhea took Vestara as her Apprentice, a decision that both stunned and elated Vestara, even though Vestara knew that she would not see her father again for a long time.

One of the first lessons Vestara learned was that Apprentices were not allowed to have personal possessions, in order to learn how to live and succeed without them. This occurred when Lady Rhea ordered another apprentice to take Tikk and keep the uvak in her private grounds. The loss of her uvak's companionship was wrenching, but Vestara steeled herself and set her mind to the task of learning everything she could from Lady Rhea. Lady Rhea then explained that any outburst by Vestara at the loss of her uvak would have led to Tikk's death, since such an outburst would had indicated that Vestara was not ready to begin training. Over the months that followed, Vestara trained hard, and was regarded by Lady Rhea and most other Masters as a skilled Apprentice and talented Sith. While Vestara was training with Lady Rhea, the other Sith were learning about their anscestors and the current state of the galaxy from Ship, and preparations were made to begin the conquest of nearby star systems. An initial raid captured a single ship, and the Sith took this victory and swiftly moved forward, capturing other vessels to serve as warships or spare parts that could be used to repair the Omen. When Lady Rhea was placed in command of the cruiser Eternal Crusader, Vestara served as her chief aide.

On the return leg of a mission to capture more ships, Vestara and Lady Rhea both experienced a sudden wave of power through the Force. Lady Rhea was forced into her command chair by the powerful jolt of energy, and she sensed that it had come from a great Jedi Master. In the seconds that followed, Vestara felt the presence of Ship through the Force, and the meditation sphere provided her with the name Skywalker. With this revelation and her growing skills as a Sith, Vestara became a respected member of the Tribe, and she was often called in with Lady Rhea to discuss matters of great importance. Although she was exhilarated to have become so important, Vestara refused to take her abilities for granted, and strove to improve herself on a continual basis. One of these discussions with the Circle of Lords centered on the events surrounding the discovery of Luke Skywalker's presence. Although Grand Lord Darish Vol initially decided to sent a strike force against Skywalker, the sudden disappearance of Ship changed those plans. Instead, Lady Rhea and the crew of the Eternal Crusader were sent to track down Ship, and Vestara served as the primary connection between the crew and the meditation sphere.

The mission to locate Ship took the Sith to the Maw cluster of black holes, where they found that Ship had hidden itself on a jungle-covered planetoid. A small strike team traveled to the planetoid, led by Lady Rhea and including Vestara, Lord Yuvar Xal, and Ahri Raas. Lord Xal tried to capture Ship on his own, but was himself caught by an unknown creature and cocooned in a purple-colored silk. When Ahri tried to free his Master, the Sith were surprised by the sudden appearance of a woman in the cave. The woman slammed Ahri into a wall, then attacked Vestara. The last thing Vestara remembered thinking about as she was flung to the floor was that Ship had led the Sith to the planetoid to release the so-called Destructors on the galaxy. Vestara eventually regained consciousness, and was surprised to find that the woman who had attacked her was actually a Force presence that called itself Abeloth. Vestara saw Abeloth as a swirl of Force energy that chose to manifest itself as a woman in order to make the Sith more comfortable with her presence. In the days that followed, Vestara was able to establish a link to Ship, and she was surprised to learn that Ship was actually afraid of the presence that had called it to the planetoid. Ship could no longer obey Vestara without defying this other presence, which had apparently called Ship to it out of loneliness.

The Sith set out to locate Ship, but Lady Rhea was nearly killed by siphon reeds while trying to cross a river. Vestara wasted no time in rescuing her Master, but Lord Xal took the opportunity to begin asserting his own will on the mission. The fact that Ship remained elusive and uncaptured only added to their problems, and Vestara knew that Xal and Lady Rhea would soon have to battle for leadership of the surviving Sith. Vestara had planned to kill Ahri Raas if it came to a fight, hoping to eliminate him as a potential enemy before he could assist Lord Xal in overthrowing Lady Rhea. However, any thoughts of killing were put aside when Ahri discovered Ship's location, and they set off to try and recover it. When they found Ship, though, it had decided that it was going to support Lord Xal's attempt to take control of the Sith, and Vestara begged Ship to reconsider. She feared that Lord Xal's attempt to usurp control would result in the destruction of their group. Vestara's concerns only increased when Lady Rhea fell under Abeloth's spell, prompting Vestara to confront her Master and slap her hard across the face. In order to prevent her Master from drawing a lightsaber, Vestara took her own parang and held it to Lady Rhea's wrist, then demanded that Lady Rhea answer three questions. The first question involved the loss of every shuttle the Sith had aboard the Eternal Crusader during the search for Ship. The second focused on the fact that the entire crew of the ship had been brought to the surface of the planetoid. With these facts accepted by Lady Rhea, Vestara then asked her Master if, had she been in control of herself all along, would she have ever allowed the situation to become what it was. Lady Rhea was forced to agreed with Vestara's assessment, but she warned Vestara that any future transgressions of power would be met with swift justice.

Freed of Abeloth's control, Lady Rhea and Vestara ordered Ship to transport the Sith back to the Eternal Crusader, and they set off for Sinkhole Station, where they had sensed the presence of Luke Skywalker. Vestara was ordered to keep any eye on Lord Xal and Ahri Raas, whose sudden acquiescence worried Lady Rhea. Her fears were realized when they reached Sinkhole Station, and Xal tried to take control for himself. Vestara was forced to throw her shikkar ar Lord Xal when he attacked her, catching him in the abdomen and then breaking the blade off at the hilt. Ahri was then killed by a lightsaber, distracting Vestara long enough for Luke Skywalker to grab her wrists. Although Vestara managed to wrench one wrist free and slash at Skywalker with her parang, Vestara was unprepared for the punch Skywalker threw at her face, which knocked her unconscious. Luke wanted to take her captive, but Ben Skywalker feared that she would be too much trouble. Luke finally agreed to let Vestara go free, so that she could return to Lady Rhea. Luke followed them and engaged them both in combat, while Ben set out in the Jade Shadow to bring down Ship. The firefight between ships distracted Lady Rhea long enough to allow Luke to decapitate her with his lightsaber, and Vestara knew that she would be no match for the Jedi Grand Master. She gave him a co*cky salute with her lightsaber, before making her own escape.

Unknown to Vestara, however, was the fact that Luke had managed to place a blood trail on her, which allowed him to track her movements through the Force.(FJI, FJ2, FJ3)

This plant, native to the planet Rodia, produced a large, round berry that was protected by a thick, purple skin, and had an orange flesh that rotted quickly after picking.(CWTV08)

This Noghri, a member of the Hakh'khar clan, was part of the team which worked for the New Republic at the safehouse it established in New Nystao, on Wayland.(HT)

Khal, Rastus
According to Crev Bombassa, this legendary fictional Corellian was always able to make time to meet with those individuals who intrigued him.(VOF)

Khal, Sinsor
This Hapan scientist was the leader of the team which traveled to Gallinore to explore new biotechnologies, during the early decades of the New Republic. Unknown to many, Khal was a failed Jedi Knight who had returned to the Hapes Cluster in order to pursue his career in medicine. Many years after the Battle of Endor, he was contacted by Jaina Solo - with the assistance of the former Hapan Queen Mother, Ta'a Chume - in the hope that he mind be able to find a way to learn how Yuuzhan Vong communication technology worked. Jaina provided the pirate Crimpler as a subject, and Sinsor Khal went to work from there. He seemed to care little for the well-being of Crimpler, an attitude which stemmed more from his desire to make discoveries at any cost - even human life - than from a deep-seated psychosis. Nevertheless, Sinsor Khal was able to isolate the genetic material of the Yuuzhan Vong coral implant found in Crimpler's neck, and create several other versions of it for Jaina's use.(DJ, GMR8, OWS)

Khalii, Drosh
This Yuuzhan Vong leader rose to power after the Battle of Coruscant, as the alien invaders reformed the former capital world into a simulacrum of Yuuzhan'tar. Khalii gained power and wealth from the war effort, and sequestered himself within a fortress he maintained in the Gileng Sector of the planet. Nom Anor and the priestess Ngaaluh planned to discredit Khalii in the eyes of Supreme Overlord Shimrra by implicating him as one of the followers of The Message, thereby eliminating a rival and weakening Shimrra's base of power. Although the case against Khalii was solid, Shimrra realized that it was too perfect. He then began his own investigation, and discovered that Ngaaluh was the traitor in his midst.(FH3)

This gruff, Corellian man held the rank of General in the Grand Army of the Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. General Khamar was dispatched to the planet Praesitlyn with a modest military force, to serve as the primary defensive force protecting the Intergalactic Communications Center. Many wondered why he as given such a relatively small force, given the importance of the communications center. Khamar himself thought the Republic's defense of Praesitlyn was severely lacking in strength, but he kept it to himself, even though he didn't understand it. These fears were realized with a huge Separatist assault force, led by Pors Tonith, attacked Praestilyn and captured the facility some two and a half years after the Battle of Geonosis. Despite several desparate stands against overwhelming odds, General Khamar and his forces stood their ground as the fighting began. However, because the Separatists had started jamming all communications, Khamar was unable to dispatch a message to Coruscant requesting reinforcement. His troops were quickly overrun, and even the appearance of Zozridor Slayke and his soldiers couldn't save them.(JT)

Khamp, Melvor
This man was a native of Derilyn, and worked at the Imperial shipyards near Sluis Van during the Galactic Civil War. When he learned of the Sixty Hour War and the destruction of the city of Paran, he learned that his family had been killed in the assault. He was granted emergency leave to return to Derilyn, and defected to the underground resistance on Derilyn. He later joined the Friends of Paran, in an effort to inspire the natives of Derilyn to fight back against the Empire.(OE)

see Kahmurra(GQRG)

This was the term used to describe any military leader of a rank that was second only to the commander of the kolkpravis. During the Huk Wars, there were never more than eight khans, all reporting directly to General Grievous. Grievous often referred to his leaders as the Izvoshra, a word which translated to "my elite."(OWS)

Khan, Lo
An old smuggler, Lo Khan ran afoul of a smuggler named Uxbeg while trying to undercut him on the Gamor Run. Lo Khan had stolen Uxbeg's cargo, destined for Spadda the Hutt on Aikhibba. Along the way, he met Luwingo, and the old smuggler decided to take the big Yaka along as a partner. However, at a stopover, Uxbeg tried to ambush Lo Khan. That was when Luwingo took a blaster bolt for Lo Khan, but merely shrugged it off and took out Uxbeg's goons. Lo Khan and Luwingo delivered the cargo, and although they got shortchanged for hijacking it, the settlement set them both up for life. They "retired" to Nar Shaddaa, but still made small runs with Lo Khan's starship, the Hyperspace Marauder.(DE1, DESB)

Khan, Razi
This Man was one of the many Seyugi Dervishes who were put into hibernation beneath the Seyugi fortress on Recopia, as a way to preserve their cult when the Jedi Knights started to hunt them down. During the height of the New Order, Razi Khan and several of his companions was mistakenly revived by one of the monks who lived on Mallif Cove. Overpowering the monk, they tried to reach Scapio in an effort to locate someone who could open the Seyugi vaults beneath the fortress. Razi Khan managed to kidnap a slicer, but the police force in Scapio sent a group of freelance mercenaries after the Seyugi. Razi Khan was eventually caught, and the Seyugi were once again forced into obscurity.(CCW)

Khan, Razi
This being was a Seyugi Dervish.(WOTC)

This male Chiss served as a security officer at one of the Chiss training facilities during the early years of the New Republic.(GMR7)

This was a Cerean term for a one-to-one battle that would decide the leadership of a group or band.(PTR)

This was a Yuuzhan Vong swear word, often used when an individual discovered that they had made a mistake.(FP)

Khar Delba
This huge, rocky world was the site of Naga Sadow's decoy base, during the power struggle which erupted following the death of Marka Ragnos. In the wake of the Great Hyperspace War, the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic stripped the planet of many of its Sith artifacts and documents, in an effort to keep them from being discovered by other followers of the Dark Side of the Force.(GAS, EGF)

Khar Shian
This moon of Khar Delba was tide-locked in its orbit around the planet. Thus, one side was perpetually turned away from the planet. It was on this moon that Naga Sadow had built his primary fortress. In the wake of the Great Hyperspace War, the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic stripped the planet of many of its Sith artifacts and documents, in an effort to keep them from being discovered by other followers of the Dark Side of the Force.(GAS, EGF)

This ancient Cathar wiseman was sought out by Sylvar when she returned to her homeworld, after nearly inciting a Twi'lek clan war following the Exis Convocation. Kharr was not a Jedi, but could see that Sylvar was wrong in placing her aggression on Ulic Qel-Droma. Kharr urged her to go on a blood hunt and find her true enemy.(TOJR)

This Gran was one of the many Senators who represented their homeworlds in the Galactic Senate, during the era of the Clone Wars. Senator Kharrus was to be dispatched to Florrum with Jar Jar Binks of Naboo, to deliver the ransom that was to be turned over to Hondo Ohnaka, the pirate captain who managed to capture Count Dooku. Unknown to Kharrus and Binks, Turk Falso had planned to betray Ohnaka and steal the ransom for himself. Thus, Falso's thugs attempted to shoot down Kharrus' shuttle when it reached Florrum. The clone troopers assigned to the shuttle did their best to land safely, but the shuttle broke up when it impacted the planet's surface, and Senator Kharrus was killed by the impact. Clone Commander Stone and his men buried Kharrus beneath a simple cairn made from rocks and boulders, before working with Binks to complete the mission.(CWTV11, CWTV12)

This imposing, female S'kytri was the Matriarch of her people during the height of the Galactic Civil War. When she was younger, Kharys was discovered to be sensitive to the Force by Anakin Skywalker, who was on Skye during the Clone Wars with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Halagad Ventor. Although Anakin recommended that she be trained as a Jedi, the older Masters refused, citing her age. However, in the wake of the Clone Wars, Skywalker returned to Skye, although by this time he had become Darth Vader. Her connection to the Force gave her the ability to call forth Force Demons, and her fighting skills were melded with her ability to fly, making her a formidable opponent with a lightsaber.

Kharys was later named the Majestrix of Skye by Darth Vader himself, after the Empire took control of the planet Skye. Many years before the Battle of Yavin, Kharys had captured twenty Corellians and hunted them for prey on Skye. The only two survivors were Han Solo and Katya M'Buele. When Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa were nearly captured by Kharys on Tirahnn, Han decided to locate Kharys and make her pay for the cruel hunt many years before. Kharys imprisoned Han, but was unable to stop Luke, who had been identified as the prophesied being who would free the S'kytri. Kharys fought against Luke with a lightsaber she had been given, and used a measure of control over the Force to try and muddle Luke's mind. In the end, however, Luke was able to kill her and end her tyrannical rule.(LTA1, MCA1, OWS)

Kharzet III
This planet was the homeworld of the misnamed long-necked gundark.(EGA)

An Old Corellian greeting used on the planet Socorro.(BSS)

Khash, Neven
This stooped, excitable man served as the supervisor of the Verga Mer Mining Corporation's operations on the moon Tilnes, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. He was in charge of the facility when an electromagnetic pulse shut down operations, shortly after the Believers unleashed a virus that was meant to attack and kill the Caarites of the Metatheran Cartel. When he realized that things were bad, Khash feared for his life until a group of freelance agents approached with assistance. Their ship was damaged by the EMP, and they were forced to land on Tilnes. Although he accepted their help, Khash refused to divulge information on the Cartel's presence on Tilnes until he was pressed for more details. He then revealed that he had known the Cartel was still in the mines, and was ordered to keep his mouth shut by his superiors. When the agents set off to locate any other survivors, Khash made his way to the nearest hangar and was eventually rescued by VMMC agents. Any further information on Khash was eliminated before an investigation could implicate VMMC officers in the Cartel's presence on the moon.(MCT1)

A species of fish native to the planet Calamari, they were considered a delicacy when fried.(WSV)

Khattazz al'Yun
This Yuuzhan Vong phrase was ascribed to Jacen Solo, after his capture and subsequent "conversion" to the True Way. It translated into Basic as "the avatar of the God".(T)

Khaz, O'lif
This Kubaz holovid director once handled the on-screen career of Ema Slake. He got into financial trouble during the height of the New Order, and got deep into debt with a group of loan sharks on Oseon 8920. He was later framed for stealing several silicate trophies from Slake' residence by Sosten Freet.(GMR5)

This was the title given to the leader of the Sluis Van government, during the last decades of the Old Republic.(HNN5)

This minor world, deep in the Outer Rim Territories, was the site of a number of hydrocarbon processing facilities. It was subjugated by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War.(GG9)

see Homunculus-wasp(SWJ14)

Khell, Azuroth
This Kalzerian was a native of the Kost province. He became part of the resistance that grew on Kalzeron shortly after the Empire subjugated the planet. Khell and his comrades fled Kalzeron in order to train and obtain weapons, but the Empire withdrew from the planet shortly after the Battle of Endor. When the members of the resistance returned home, they were branded cowards and traitors to their people. Outcast from his own world, Khell wandered the galaxy as a hired gun and mercenary, until he was picked up by Executive Results. The leaders of this corporation were so impressed with his skills that they brought him to the attention on Saujutta-Ok-Topii herself. Saujutta recognized his potential, and placed Khell in charge of the forces that were neutralizing the enemies of Syndicate One.(SWJ8)

This unit of measurement was used on the planet Socorro to indicate a distance of one kilometer.(BSS)

This planet was a hotbed of Separatist activity, during the height of the Clone Wars.(RC66)

This was the largest of the Kriek tribes, inhabiting the entire continent of Dekok on the plane Kriekaal.(SWJ13)

This was the name of Jabba the Hutt's personal sail barge, a modified Ubrikkian Luxury Sail Barge that had been outfitted to his needs. Like most sail barges, it was driven mainly by repulsorlist thrusters, but could be moved about by the wind was needed. To ensure adequate power and mobility, three Karydee KD57 repulsorlift engines were installed in the vehicle.

A Ubrikkian sail barge by manufacture, the Khetanna was a combination of opulence and minimalism, and was originally designed by Derren Flet. Jabba wanted the ship's systems to cater to his every whim, but didn't want to spent a large amount of credits on accommodations.

Jabba spent most of his credits outfitting the pleasure craft with weapons, including twenty Gi/9 antipersonnel cannons and a Me/7 heavy deck gun. It was always accompanied by a pair of skiffs, carrying guards and secondary weapons. The Khetanna served Jabba for many years, until the crimelord's death at the hands of Leia Organa. As she escaped with Luke Skywalker, they fired the barge's cannons into its decks, setting off a series of explosions that tore through the fuel cells, eliminating the Khetanna in a massive blast.(SWDB, ICS, IWST, CCS)

This the Rodian name for the Merr-Sonn J1 holdout blaster. The weapon was better know by the Basic translation of this phrase, which meant "happy surprise."(AEG)

An ancient race that joined the Old Republic millenia ago, the Khil were humanoids characterized by their unique facial structure. Their large heads were hairless, and seem to lack jaws. Just below their noses was a mass of fleshy tendrils known as hullepi. These strands of flesh were among the most important organs in the Khil body, as they were used for eating, drinking, breathing, and communication. The hullepi were used to breathe the air of their home planet, Belnar. As a by-product of breathing, the hullepi strain microscopic proteins and moisture from the air. This serves as the Khil's food. Any waste products thus ingested were expelled by sneezing. They can also absorb liquids through the hullepi, prefering juices to supplement the airborne proteins they consume. By breathing through hullepi of various sizes, the Khil can also communicate, via a series of musical whistles and songs. A dedicated and driven race, the Khil have been members of the Old Republic for longer than anyone could remember. They spread throughout several colony worlds and systems after discovering the ability to travel through space. When Palpatine instituted the New Order, the Khil were outraged and appalled. They worked to support the Alliance in any way possible, with an eye for subtlety.(GG12)

This was the melodic language of the Khil race. Because the Khil use their hullepi to produce the tones, spoken Khilese was virtually unreproduceable to other races. The written form of Khilese used ornate symbols and resembled poetic verse.(UANT)

This was the term used to describe any being who studied khipulogy, or the use of knotted threads and tassels to record words and thoughts.(LF5)

This was one of the handful of sciences that studied the use of knotted tassels and other forms of tactile writing that were used by ancient civilizations to record their histories.(LF5)

This species of leaf-eating creature was native to the deep valleys of the planet Rishi. Khi'rs were rumored to be the favored prey of the maungurs, although no evidence of a maungur actually hunting khi'rs was ever recorded.(SWJ4, OWS)

This man served as Sebulba's agent, placing bets for the Dug on a wide variety of legitimate and illegal events throughout the Outer Rim Territories, in the years following the Battle of Naboo.(ETM)

This Dug worked for Sebulba, helping to traffick the slaves that the podracer bought and sold on the side. Khiss was known among the less-reputable of the galaxy's wealthy for his ability to obtain rare or unusual slave species, such as Ghostlings. Khiss was killed when he was eaten by a deneba bush in Gardulla the Hutt's hidden underground oasis. Khiss had been working with Sebulba to recapture the Ghostlings, as well as Pala Kwi'teksa and Anakin Skywalker. Pala lured Khiss close to the bush, which struck with blinding speed and cpatured Khiss before he could scream out a warning.(E1A5, E1A7)

Khiss, S'oelle
This Sluissi was a nephew of Secles Uslopos, and served Abdi-Badawzi as a lieutenant. S'oelle was in charge of running the day-to-day activities of the Twi'lek's court, as well as maintaining a working relationship with the Alliance. S'oelle also made sure that he was ready to step in for his uncle, should Uslopos ever disappointed Abdi-Badawzi. S'oelle kept up a list of contacts within the Society of the Black Bha'lir, as a kind of public relations officer between Abdi-Badawzi and the Black Bha'lir.(BSS)

This bounty hunter operated from a base in Velusia's Mount Hollow, during the height of the New Order. He often wore a heavy black cape to conceal his identity, and specialized in bringing back his quarry alive. He traveled the Core Worlds with his pet fursnake, Sting, aboard a modified scout ship he named the Predator.(CCW)

Kho Nai
This was the homeworld of the Khotta.(BTS)

An alien race noticeable by their size, the average Khoan was shorter than a human but weighs twice as much as a Wookiee. Their yellow skin covered rolls of blubber, and they had a spiked dorsal fin along their back. A ring of bony spikes ringed their necks like a collar.(JH)

This Old Corellian word means "king."(SWJ8)

Khoehng Heights
Located some five kilometers outside the settlement of Kovit, on the planet Trulalis, Khoehng Heights was named for the first play ever performed in its outdoor theater, Uhl Eharl Khoehng. The theater had been constructed in the side of a mountain. By the end of the Old Republic, the Heights had become overgrown from abandonment and neglect, although the theater itself remained largely intact.(SWJ8)

Kholemi Elaru
This book, written by Patijak Sonn, was one of the five most popular pieces of literature during the year leading up to the Clone Wars.(HNN4)

This world was a strong supporter of the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. However, it was razed by the Imperial starfleet for its sympathies.(CSWEA)

This was the only plant that managed to survive on Honoghr, after a battle between two starships that left the planet a virtual wasteland. Kholm was never edible to the Noghri, which made the fact that it alone survived something of a bittersweet irony. Unknown to the Noghri, however, was the fact that modern kholm had been altered from its original form by the Empire to prohibit the growth of other plant species. This allowed Emperor Palpatine, through Darth Vader and Grand Admiral Thrawn, to keep the Noghri indebted and enslaved to the Empire.(DFR)

This creature, native to the plains of Ansion, dug burrows into the ground for shelter and safety. The average kholot was covered with olive-green fur that helped it blend into the grasslands that dominated the surface of Ansion, and they fed primarily in grasses and roots. The teeth of the kholot were wide and sharp, designed to cut through the clumps of grass.(APS)

The homeworld of Khommite race, Khomm was located in a star system near the galactic Core. The planet's inhabitants and their society remained unchanged for thousands of years, since they felt that they had achieved perfection. This led to the cloning of "perfect" individuals, and the society evolved into a stagnant group of repetitive clones. They lead uneventful lives, which was often fine with them. Any members of the society who want to do something unusual were shunned, much as Dorsk 81 was. The planet was a technological world, crisscrossed with grid-like cities laid out according to pattern.

During the early stages of the Clone Wars, Khomm was hard-hit by the enactment of decree E49D139.41, which prohibited all non-military cloning activities. The planet experienced economic and social hardships as a result of the law. This prompted the Galactic Senate to issue exemptions to planets like Lur, which could acquire a license to perform therapeutic medical cloning.

Admiral Daala chose Khomm as one of her first points of attack following her unification of the Imperial warlords' fleets, primarily because her plans for attacking Yavin 4 were overheard by Kyp Durron on Dorsk 81, who fled to Khomm because it was the only location plotted in their navicomputer. Cronus' fleet of Victory-class Star Destroyers laid waste to the planet in no time, due to the lack of planetary defense.(DA, DS, EGP, RCTC)

This was the native language of the Khommite people.(EGP)

Khomm Central Population Planning
This branch of the Khommite government was concerned with the proper planning and management of the population of the planet Khomm. Genetic records of all families were maintained by this group, so that any interminglings could be assessed for potential problems or benefits. During the final years of the Old Republic, Khomm Central Population Planning was censured by the Office of the Chancellor, preventing them from furthering their research into cloning.(RC66)

Khomm Slider
This was one of the many sliders that were on the menu at Dex's Diner, during the final years of the Old Republic. The Khomm Slider was made from a patty of ground Mongo Beefhead meat, which was cooked to perfection and topped with a precise amount of cheese sauce made from the milk of a Khomm strider. The simple yet delicious sandwich was served on medium-density food-board.(OWS)

This race of humanoids was native to the planet Khomm. The Khommites valued total conformity to their own version of society, which shunned innovation and uniqueness. To this end, the Khommite people ensured that their society would remain unchanged by continually cloning themselves. About 1,000 years before the Battle of Endor, the Khommites believed that they had reached a lvel of genetic perfection, and had achieved a level of cloning technology that surpassed that of the rest of the galaxy. Because there were no restrictions on cloning at the time, the Khommites were able to identify those individuals whose genetics were deemed to be the epitome of Khommite society and clone them. The Khommites believed that the cloned individuals of future generations would be immune to genetic mutation, and therefore remain fathful to the original Khommites. These individuals became the templates for all future generations of Khommites, who marked their subsequent generations with a simple numbering scheme. Thus, the eight-first generation of the individual known as Dorsk was simply called Dorsk 81. Additionally, the Khommites cloned their wildlife, to ensure that nothing ever changed on the surface of Khomm. In appearance, Khommites were tall, thin, hairless beings with large skulls. Their greenish skin was sometimes mottled with yellow.(DA, DS, EGP)

Khomri Tapestry
This was a type of intricately-woven, highly-detailed tapestry that was considered a valuable work of art.(CWNOP)

This Sedrian warrior was one of Karak's followers.(BGS)

Khonin Range
This was one of the many smaller mountain ranges found near the settlement of Anchorhead, on the planet Tatooine.(T20)

Khonji Seven
This remote planet was located just beyond the Brunet System. The Imperial Biological Weapons Division had planned to test the contagion that was the focus of Imperial Bioweapons Project I71A at a facility on Khonji Seven, but the Star Destroyer that was transporting the contagion never arrived. The contagion had been spread to the ship's crew when a container seal leaked, and the crew was quickly infected and killed.(SWDT)
This was the only moon in orbit around the planet Lok.(JSF)

Khoonda Administration Center
This was the primary governmental building on the planet Dantooine, during the years following the Jedi Civil War. Much of the population had settled onto the Khoonda Plains, after Darth Malak destroyed the Jedi Enclave on the planet and razed much of the surrounding countryside.(KOTOR2)

Khoonda Plains
This grassland, located on the planet Dantooine, was one of the few viable areas of land that remained after Darth Malak destroyed the Jedi enclave on the planet, nearly 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. The survivors of the attack gathered on the Khoonda Plains to eke out a living, after the Old Republic abandoned Dantooine.(KOTOR2, LAWS)

This Imperial General served with Commander Shad on the planet Elerion, during the height of the New Order.(T15)

Khorda, Ashaar
This Annoo-Dat Prime radical started a small rebellion on his homeworld of Annoo, shortly after the Old Republic thwarted his attempt to take power for himself. General Khorda, a strong-willed being who didn't take well to failure, tried to take control of Annoo using military forces he had usurped from the government, but the Republic managed to install its own leader. General Khorda then went underground, fomenting rebellion while searching for the Infant of Shaa. He proclaimed to be a freedom fighter, combatting the injustice and tyranny of the Old Republic, and managed to gather a large following. General Khorda nearly succeeded in destroying the Infant near Coruscant's central power core, but was killed in a struggle with Jango Fett and the Jedi Master, Yarael Poof.(ZW)

Khorya System
This star system was located in the Si'Klaata Cluster, along the border with Hutt Space.(HMK)

This young member of the Knylenn family from the planet Kuat was highly ambitious, and longed to take control of Kuat Drive Yards. He went so far as to kill his family's elder and preserve the body in an elaborate life-support system. This allowed Khoss to effectively control the family's business without having to prove his abilities. His plans came to a head shortly before the Battle of Endor, after his network of spies had gathered information on Kuat of Kuat and his dealings. He claimed that Kuat's behind-the-scenes actions were treacherous and self-centered, and that the leader of KDY was only working his own best interests. Kodir of Kuhlvult supported Kuat in the debate, and helped expose Fenald as a traitor as well as Khoss' deception with his elder's body. However, this entire episode fell into Kodir's plans to wrest control of KDY from Kuat, but her plans were also exposed and defeated.(SLS)

An alien race native to the planet Kho Nai. The Khotta were similar to the Donadi in that they could alter their preception of the world around them to see within pictures and images.(BTS)

Khotta Mind-print
This form of art was created by the alien Khotta. The Khotta could alter their perception of the art and see beyond the surface to an image hidden within it.(BTS)

This ancient Gree device was discovered by Corellia Antilles and her survey crew in the jungles of Asation. It was part of a cache maintained by a tribe of feral Gree, and Antilles managed to take it. She was forced to hide it in some ruins after being pursued by the Gree, and she then hired a small team to retrieve it. They were intercepted by a delegation of Gree from Te Hasa, who negotiated the return of the device for a large sum of credits and a lesser Gree device. The exact nature of the Kho'zhak's abilities was never discovered.(SWJ8)

Khra Shuttle
This small personnel transport was used by the Noghri, in the years after they were liberated from Imperial slavery by Leia Organa-Solo.(VOF)

This was the name of a noted Kian'thar individual.(UANT)

This region of the planet Escabar was known as a trade center.(COG)

This Trandoshan blacksmith lived and worked in Bartyn's Landing, on the planet Lamaredd, during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. Khreenk had been a native of Bartyn's Landing for over a century, and was a source of local legends and information as well as harpoons and other hardware.(GMR7)

Khreenk's Smithy
This blacksmith shop, located in Bartyn's Landing on the planet Lamaredd, was owned and operated by the Trandoshan named Khreenk during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo.(GMR7)

This planet was the primary world in the Khuiumin system, and the home to the Eyttyrmin Batiiv pirates during the height of the New Order.(SWSB, OWS)

Khuiumin 4
see Courkrus.(IJ)

Khuiumin Survivors
This pirate group was formed form the remains of the Eyttyrmin Batiiv pirates who survived the attack of the Bombard and the Crusader. Their de facto leader was Jacob Nive. They eventually left Khuiumin System and took up residence on Nal Hutta, and later joined the Invid pirate fleet assembled under Leonia Tavira. They then moved back to Khuiumin, establishing a base on Courkrus. They vowed to get revenge on the two captains of the Imperial Star Destroyers.(IJ)

Khuiumin System
This star system contained the planet Khuiumin, which served as the base for the Eyttyrmin Batiiv pirates during the early days of the New Order. They were wiped out by an attack initiated by the Empire.(SWSB, OWS)

This Imperial Captain served on the Thunderflare. He was honored for rescuing five fellow officers from the wreckage of a shuttle crash on the Star Destroyer. He was promoted, and assigned to docking bay security officer duty on the first Death Star. He was on duty when the Millennium Falcon was captured in the Alderaan System.(CCG2)

This Twilek served as Urias Xhaxin's navigator and first mate aboard the Free Lance.(DTO, PP)

Khzam, Gorak
This Rodian was once a member of the Sabriador Slavers, and later served as the First Officer aboard the FarStar, serving under Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum. He joined the crew of the FarStar after a call went out for volunteers, in the wake of the New Republic's liberation of Kal'Shebbol. Khzam then claimed to have been plying the spacelanes of the Kathol Sector for a decade. Gorak was distinguished by his fear of contact with other beings, a phobia which prohibited him from engaging even in hand-to-hand combat. When Uta T'cha revealed Khzam's past, much of the crew threatened to kill him, having once been slaves themselves. Captain Adrimetum relieved Kham of his duties until she could sort it all out for herself. Meanwhile, Khzam began plotting a defection with Nizzal. When the FarStar landed on Uukaablis, Nizzal managed to smuggle Khzam aboard the Muvon while claiming she was along to collect supplies. Khzam suddenly reappeared after the crew had exited the freighter, and delayed their pursuit by throwing a thermal detonator at them. Nizzal then flew the ship into Kathol Sector and they disappeared. Khzam and the Sabriador reappeared during the Battle of Kathol, in Khzam's last effort to subvert the activities of the FarStar and eliminate the Qektoth Confederacy. To improve his chances, Khzam enlisted the help of the Skandrei Bandits. Unfortunately for the slavers, the Aing Tii had been tracking their movements, and six Sanhedrim ships arrived at Kathol and destroyed them. Khzam was lost in the battle.(DARK, KO, KR, E)

Once one of the most respected of Xi'Dec families, the Khzrry family was nearly wiped out while vacationing aboard the Savage Pleasure. They were killed when Imperial forces assassinated Mael Sidras. The only survivors were Diskio and K'lial Khzrry.(CRO)

Khzrry, Diskio
This Xi'Dec and its sibling, K'lial, were the only surviving members of their family, which was well-respected in the Xi'Dec community. The rest of the family was killed while vacationing on the Savage Pleasure, during an Imperial assassination attempt. Following the death of the family, both K'lial and Diskio threw in their support for the Alliance. Using their species as a cover, they scoured Grohl Sector looking for other Xi'Dec to recruit into their family. While searching for Xi'Dec, they also appropriate rebel agents and whisk them to safehouses before Imperial officers can capture them. Diskio was the more insectile of the pair, using this dextrous limbs to deactivate locks and security measures.(CRO)

Khzrry, K'lial
This Xi'Dec and its sibling, Diskio, were the only surviving members of their family, which was well-respected in the Xi'Dec community. The rest of the family was killed while vacationing on the Savage Pleasure, during an Imperial assassination attempt. Following the death of the family, both K'lial and Diskio threw in their support for the Alliance. Using their species as a cover, they scoured Grohl Sector looking for other Xi'Dec to recruit into their family. While searching for Xi'Dec, they also appropriate rebel agents and whisk them to safehouses before Imperial officers can capture them. K'lial was the more humanoid of the pair, using his unusual vocal capabilities to produce one of the more comforting Basic accents in the galaxy. K'lial could also use its arms to produce hypnotic patterns of movement, while occasionally lifting a wallet or two.(CRO)

This was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'ki added to an individual's family name.(GCG, WOTC)

This was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male Cereans given an individual name, which was added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete male names were arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings were arranged to ensure proper descriptions. The name Ki indicated an individual's spirituality or piety, or it could refer to one's spirit.(GCG)

This Cerean male was one of the greatest Jedi Knights of the final decades of the Old REpublic. Ki-Adi-Mundi was first discovered by the Dark Woman, he spent twenty-one years learning the way of the Jedi from other Masters, including Master Yoda. After being given the title of Jedi Knight, Ki returned home on his first mission, to free his people from the grip of Bin-Garda-Zon and his rogues. He managed to accomplish this task without bloodshed, as the old and weak Bin-Garda was unable to maintain his control of the rogues in the face of Ki's ability to best their leader. Several more years of working as a Jedi Knight brought Ki a good deal of influence within the ranks of the Jedi, and he was given a seat on the Jedi Council while still a Jedi Knight in rank. He also found himself in the unique position of being one of the very few Jedis who were allowed to marry and have children, the result of a special dispensation allowed for Cerean Jedi, due to their race's low birth rate and the low number of males. However, he found he had little influence on his homeworld. Like most of the older generation, Ki-Adi-Mundi wanted to do away with unnecessary technology, while the younger generation wanted speeder bikes and starships.

As a generation war erupted on Cerea, Ki-Adi-Mundi was caught in the middle when his daughter, Sylvn, was found to be a friend of Maj. He pursued the techrats at the behest of the Cerean council of elders, and eventually traced the imports of technology to Ephant Mon, Jabba the Hutt, and the Trade Federation. He was forced to abandon his search on Tatooine, after rescuing Sylvn and Twin from an ion storm which masked the escape of Mon and Jabba. Upon returning to Cerea, he was met with two welcome revelations: first, that his bond-wife Shea was pregnant; and second, that he had been nominated for a seat on the Jedi Council. His inclusion in the Jedi Council was unique in that, at the time, he was the only Jedi Knight on the council, while all other members were Jedi Masters. Nevertheless, his wisdom and calm demeanor were welcomed on the Council, and it was believed that he was chosen over Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn for these properties. His first mission for the Council was to travel to Tatooine and locate Sharad Hett, although he later wrote in his journals that he sensed nothing of the presence of young Anakin Skywalker on the planet at the time. He later was influential in the decisions made regarding the testing and training of Anakin Skywalker.

In the years following the Battle of Naboo, Ki-Adi-Mundi attained the rank of Jedi Master. He used a purple-bladed lightsaber whenever discussion failed, a fact that made him one of the primary Jedi Masters dispatched to Geonosis to free Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Separatists. Unfortunately for the Jedi, the Separatists wanted no part of any discussions, and the Battle of Geonosis broke out. Ki-Adi-Mundi was among the handful of Jedi to survive the battle, and later commanded clone troopers in the rest of the Battle of Geonosis. Ki-Adi-Mundi agreed to serve as one of the Generals in the Army of the Republic, and was part of the task force sent to Hypori to destroy the droid foundries on the planet. The mission proved to be a disaster for the Jedi, and Ki-Adi-Mundi was among the handful of Jedi to survive their first battle with General Grievous.

It was during the Clone Wars, with the Battle of Cerea, that Master Adi-Mundi learned that his family had been killed in the fighting. Rather than dwell on this event, Ki used it to steel his resolve to fight harder to preserve the Republic. When Obi-Wan disappeared on Jabiim, Ki-Adi-Mundi agreed to take over the training of Anakin Skywalker, a decision that gave the Cerean no small amount of frustration. When Anakin suddenly left his side to rescue Obi-Wan, Ki-Adi-Mundi was glad to have his fellow Jedi Master back, and gladly turned over the continuation of Anakin's training to Obi-Wan. In the wake of the First Battle of Coruscant, Ki-Adi-Mundi was dispatched to Mygeeto to put a stop to the fighting there. However, when Darth Sidious revealed his true nature and killed Mace Windu, he sent out communications to the various clone commanders to execute Order 66.

Upon hearing the order, Commander Bacara ordered his troops to open fire on Ki-Adi-Mundi, utterly destroying the defenseless Jedi Master. Imperial HoloVision later reported that Ki-Adi-Mundi had been killed by Bacara and his troops while trying to plant explosive devices on the bridges of Mygeeto.(PTR, E1, IG1, SWO, JAF, E2, SWDB, RNML, IS3, NECH, SWI87, EGF)

Kiallquis Mountains
Found on the planet Cularin, this range was known for its sheer face. The Tarasin used to hang suspected criminals over the edge of the drop, as a way to test the truth of their claims. In modern times, the Kiallquis were considered ideal for rock climbers and speeder racers.(LFC)

Kiam I
This Imperial freighter was part of a group that was assigned to deliver hyperdrive repair supplies to the disabled starship Intrepid, during the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin.(XW, XWP)

Kiam II
This Imperial freighter was part of a group that was assigned to deliver hyperdrive repair parts and supplies to the disabled starship Intrepid, during the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin.(XW, XWP)

Kiam III
This Imperial freighter was part of a group that was assigned to deliver hyperdrive repair parts and other supplies to the disabled starship Intrepid, during the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin. The Kiam III was destroyed in a raid by Alliance X-Wings, led by Keyan Farlander.(XW, XWP)

Kiam IV
This Imperial freighter was part of a group that was assigned to deliver hyperdrive repair parts and supplies to the disabled starship Intrepid, during the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin.(XW, XWP)

Kiam V
This Imperial freighter was part of a group that was assigned to deliver hyperdrive repair part and other supplies to the disabled starship Intrepid, during the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin. The Kiam V was destroyed in a raid by Alliance X-Wings, led by Keyan Farlander.(XW, XWP)

Kian, Kin
This man was an Alliance starfighter pilot who was a veteran of Aggressor Wing squadron before being recruited into Rogue Squadron. During the Battle of Endor, he served as Colonel Salm's gunner.(CCG11)

Kian, Kin
This Sullustan served as a Y-Wing gunner in Colonel Salm's Agressor Wing. Kin Kian flew with Telsij Cayr during the initial strike by the New Republic against Brentaal, but was killed when their fighter was shot down near Oradin.(XWES)

This secret Tasari order was known as the "warriors of light," and they fought to eliminate the various blood cults that still existed during the height of the New Order.(SWJ15)

This was the native language of the Kian'thar race. The spoken form of this language consisted of croaks, honks, and bubbling sounds created by the Kian'thar's olfactory tendrils. The written form used a simple alphabet.(UANT)

A large, well-muscled humanoid race native to the planet Shaum Hii. The head of a Kian'thar was studded with a pair of large breather tubes and several small, tentacular appendages above its eyes and below its mouth. They were aquatic reptiles, evolved from land-based creatures to live in the oceans. Their skin was formed from a number of tough, scale-like plates that protect it like armor. They were a highly perceptive race, able to detect the emotions of others around them. The Kian'thar travels the oceans of Shaum Hii on bentails, herding the native derlacs as a source of food. Their technology level was therefore below the galactic norm, but this had not bothered the Kian'thar. The location of Shaum Hii had kept the Kian'thar separated from much of the galaxy until about 300 years before the Galactic Civil War, when a Shistavenan exploration group discovered them while charting the sector. The Kian'thar have been divided over how strongly to embrace galactic culture, but the feud had been minor as the Kian'thar were - as a race - content with their lots in life. The Kian'thar have a complex series of familial and leige relationships that were nearly impossible for offworlders to decipher. Among the more unusual aspects was the social requirement which forces fertilized eggs to be passed down through three generations of unrelated, affiliated clans before birth.(GG12, SLS)

Kian'tharian Insectoid
This was a misnomer that was used to describe a species of ape-like insects that were native to the planet Shaum Hii.(DF2P)

This young girl was the daugther of Faskus. She often accompanied her father on his courier runs aboard the Blacktooth. On one such mission, to carry the Amulet of Kalara to Ziost, the Blacktooth was destroyed, and Faskus suffered a fatal wound to the stomach. Kiara did what she could to comfort her father, but she lacked any way to help him survive the injury. Not even the appearance of Jedi trainee Ben Skywalker could save Faskus.

With his dying breath, Faskus told Kiara that Ben would protect her, although the young Jedi trainee initially refused to accept Faskus's dying request. In her grief, Kiara set out to bury her father, using an eating utensil to dig a hole and keep his body from being eaten by the local wildlife. She later revealed to Ben that the Blacktooth had been destroyed while it sat on the ground, and while Faskus was outside the ship.

Unknown to Kiara, Ben was struggling with voices that contacted him through the Force, and demanded that he eat Kiara in order to maintain his own strength. Skywalker managed to overcome these nagging voices, and located a Force-commanded starship in which they could escape from Ziost. Ben directed the ship, which was later discovered to be a Sith Meditations Sphere, to travel to Drewwa. There, he turned Kiara over to the authorities before returning to Coruscant.(LF4; LF5)

This Sullustan female served as Captain Naren Bluuis' assistant aboard the Nova, during the early years of the New Republic. It was later revealed, during the search for the truth about a Kashi Mer artifact, that Kiara had betrayed Bluuis and the Nova to the Imperial warlord who was in control of Corva Sector at the time. She tried to transfer off Bluuis' ship, in order to avoid being implicated, but was later arrested and imprisoned.(SWJ6)

This one-eyed spacer was a regular at the Triton Besh Port cantina, during the early years of the New Order. He had been trying to stop drinking alcohol, and found the dry cantina was a cheaper cure than going through a hospital rehabilitation program.(OWS)

This was one of the trickster gods of the ancient Corellians.(WOA33)

Kiax Nebula
Found in the Yarith Sector of the galaxy, the Kiax Nebula was the spinward part of the formation known as the Twin Nebulae. The Kiax Nebula, named for an ancient Corellian trickster god, was actually part of a single, irregular nebula.(WOA33)

This was the name of a Rodian settlement on Tatooine.(GPB)

This young Hutt was a member of the Besadii clan, and was the nephew of Zavval and Aruk. When Zavval was killed during Han Solo's escape from Ylesia, Aruk installed Kibbick in his place as manager of the spice processing centers on Ylesia. At the time, Kibbick was still able to move under his own power. For all intents and purposes, Kibbick was a figurehead, barely capable of understanding the business of spice and slaves. When Aruk was killed by Teroenza and clan Desilijic, Kibbick remained in charge of the Ylesian enterprise, although he was despised by his cousin, Durga. Teroenza, bolstered by his dealings with clan Desilijic, killed Kibbick himself by ramming the Hutt with his horn, then shooting Kibbick with a blaster to disguise the wounds. Teroenza then blamed Kibbick's death on Red Hand Squadron, even though they were across the galaxy at the time. Durga used this piece of information to begin his plans for retribution against Desilijic.(THG, RD)

Kibbs, Savor
This Force-sensitive man was a native of the planet Naboo. He returned to Naboo shortly before the Battle of Naboo, having been rejected by the Jedi Knights as a candidate for training because he was too old. He returned to Naboo and hid in the swamps, locating a nexus of the Dark Side of the Force to bolster his own powers. He later chose to channel his anger and frustration into helping the Trade Federation defeat the Naboo. When the Trade Federation's forces were defeated by the combined forces of the Naboo and the Gungans, Kibbs came out of hiding and rallied his friends, and planned to launch a suicide mission to destroy Queen Amidala in Theed. Kibbs went so far as to protect his camp during his preparation with a Force-enhanced illusion of Darth Maul. However, a group of agents from the Naboo Underground managed to get to Kibbs before he could launch the mission, with the help of Lialla Tane, and he was defeated in combat.(IOT)

This meat, favored by the people of Vorzyd 4, was often served cold with patot panak.(TTW)

Kibilini Sector
This was an area of the Outer Rim.(GG11)

Kibilini Smugglers' Guild
This small smuggler's alliance was formed by the independent shippers of the Kibilini Sector during the end of the New Order. It faltered and nearly went out of business when Parmella Trillidor vacated the Guild's leadership position to start the Anavill Smuggler's Guild.(GG11)

This leafy vegetable was hated by most young children.(CSA)

An insectile alien race of green-shelled, mantis-like creatures who were related to the Verpine. The average Kibnon grows to be three meters in height.(GG7, TME)

Kibo Flower
The kibo was a species of rare, purple flower that was collected by Baji on Yavin Four. Its seeds were rumored to restore sight to the blind. It had a strong, sweet fragrance. During the early years of the New Republic, Baji was working to preserve the kibo for future generations.(LCJ, LF5)

Kibo Lake
This was one of the few bodies of surface water found on the planet Ord Cestus. Surrounded by the Kibo Sands and the Zantay Hills, the lake was the site of a geothermal power facility that was controlled by the Five Families during the last decades of the Old Republic. The fourth-largest body of water on Ord Cestus, Kibo Lake was formed within the fifty-kilometer-wide crater of an extinct volcano. A series of active vents at the bottom of the lake injected chemicals and heat into the water, creating a unique aquatic environment as well as an incredible source of thermal energy.(TCD)

Kibo Plateau
This tableland was located on the planet Ord Cestus. The city of Clandes was situated on the plateau. Also hidden beneath the plateau was the secret bunker of the Five Families, which was destroyed by the warship Nexu during the height of the Clone Wars.(TCD)

Kibo Sands
This was one of the more fertile desert areas found on the planet Ord Cestus. The Kibo Sands, along with the Zantay Hills, encircled Kibo Lake.(TCD)

Kibshae brandale
An interstellar spirit. '48 was a good vintage.(DFR)

This large planet was the second world in the Rannon System. It was too close to the star Rannon to support life.(WBC)

This species of harmless, herbivorous primates was discovered by the Imperial Zoological Agency during its survey of the planet Najarka. They have thick, long fur which was primarily white with black markings around the eyes. They have prehensile fingers and toes, and their long tail was covered with long white fur. They communicate in a series of loud, trilling squawks. Emperor Palpatine had a number of the kichicolia exported for display in his own gardens on Coruscant and Kailor V.(TA)

This Wookiee was a member of the underground resistance in Rwookrrorro, serving under Katarra. Kichiir later joined the Alliance, and proved to be a valuable field agent as a member of the Lightning technical squadron. It was Kichiir's team which rescued Xenon Nnaksta from the bounty hunter Ssach'thirix on Pii 3, shortly after the Battle of Yavin.(RD, AIR, SWJ10)

Kick the Ranat
This song was made popular by the Palpatones during the early years of the New Republic.(SWI67)

This clone trooper pilot served aboard the warship Resolute, flying as Blue Four alongside Ahsoka Tano during the Galactic Republic's mission to free the planet Ryloth from Separatist control, during the Clone Wars.(CWTV19)

Kickeeyuna mo Wooky doo tee puna puna
This Huttese exclamation was used by many independent spacers, in many tight situations, for many years. It translated into Basic as "Nobody move, or the Wookiee here will tie your legs into a taut-line hitch!"(GPB)

Kicking the Rancor
This was an Imperial phrase used to describe any foolish stunt in which the risks vastly outweighed the gains.(VOF)

This was a form of knife that was not often found in the galaxy, due to the skill and technique that was required to use it properly. A kick-knife was carried in a special sheath on the ankle or calf, and could be flung at an opponent with a well-targeted kick of the leg. Many bounty hunters used kick-knives, as they gave the hunter an element of surprise to use against a target.(LF3)

Kid DXo'ln
This balding smuggler lived in the Smuggler's Run, during the height of the New Republic, and claimed to be a friend of Han Solo. In fact, it was Kid who first took Han through the Kessel Run. However, after Solo became a vital part of the Alliance, Kid became involved with Nandreeson, and eventually went to work for the Glottalphib crimelord. When Solo suddenly reappeared on the Run, Kid and his companions Zeen Afit, Wynni, and Sinewy Ana Blue attempted to lure Solo into their confidences. Their machinations were revealed to Solo during a series of encounters. Kid was killed in the firefight on Skip 6, during which Han Solo attempted to rescue Lando Calrissian.(TNR, SWI89)

Kiddie Cruiser
This was a type of child's plaything. The kiddie cruiser was essentially a miniature version of a starship, which could be moved about by pedal power. Versions for older children often ran on batteries.(CN1)

Kidiet Olgo
This planet, located in the Core Worlds, was a hotbed of slavery during the last decades of the Old Republic.(GMR7)

Kidir System
This largely uninhabited star system, located near Kuat, served as a staging area for passenger starships outbound from the Kuat Passenger Port.(PSPG)

Kidriff 5
This planet, the fifth of twelve worlds in the Kidriff System was occupied by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. It was strategic for two reasons: first, it was a wealthy trade depot world along several hyperspace routes; second, its natural resources included several heavy alloys which were used to improve the strength and durability of TIE Fighter hulls. After the Battle of Endor, the system was usurped by the Warlord Zsinj, and represented the furthest point Coreward that his influence extended. The governing body of the planet chose to build it up in the image of Coruscant, so much of the planet was covered by gleaming cityscapes. However, the planet's cities were relatively new compared to Coruscant's, and so the atmosphere was still clear. The Imperial forces there relaxed much of their security measures in order to increase the trade flowing through Kidriff 5's ports.(SOC)

This was the second, and primary, planet in the Kidron System, located in the Elrood Sector. It was the homeworld of the Orfite race, but had become a sort of haven for criminals and convicts. It was a hot, damp world that was covered with jungles and oceans. Its day lasted 20 standard hours, and its year lasted 276 local days. Kidron had a thin atmosphere and was barely habitable to most races. The atmospheric make-up, along with the orange light from its star, Kidros, gave Kidron a bright orange sky punctuated by intense sunrises and sunsets. The planet was orbited by four moons.(PG3)

Kidron Flowerbed
This was the brand name of one of the scent tablets produced for use in an Orfite Scent Mask.(PG3)

Kidron Jungle Morning After a Rainstorm
This was the brand name of one of the scent tablets produced for use in an Orfite Scent Mask.(PG3)

Kidron Silk
A wondrous fabric produced on the planet Kidron during the height of the New Order.(OE)

Kidron System Defense
This was the defense force created and funded by the High City Council, to maintain the security of the Kidron System. Known as the KSD, this force was made up almost entirely of non-Orfites, since most Orfites were non-aggressive.(PG3)

This orange giant star was located in Elrood Sector, and was the central body in the Kidron System.(PG3)

Kidz ArKade
This was a game arcade set aside for the younger passengers aboard the Reasonable Doubt, during the last years of the Old Republic.(YDR)

This man served the Imperial armed forces as a Lieutenant, nearly a century after the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. Lieutenant Kiefer was stationed on Bastion when Darth Krayt usurped control of the galaxy from Emperor Roan Fel, and he quickly realized that the change in leadership demanded more loyalty than before. Kiefer set about ensuring that Bastion became a model world in Darth Krayt's new Empire, even after the Sith Lord chose to relocate the galactic capital away from Bastion to Coruscant.

Kiefer pledged his loyalty to the new Empire, and was therefore surprised when Roan Fel suddenly appeared on Bastion, some seven years later. Adding to his surprise was the Fel had not returned to surrender, but to retake control of Bastion in the name of the true Empire. Kiefer tried to arrest, then kill, Emperor Fel, but many in the Imperial military were still loyal to the Fels and their dynasty. Before Kiefer could murder Roan Fel, General Oron Jaeger stepped in and shot Kiefer dead, ensuring that no word of Fel's arrival or his take-over of Bastion could reach the ears of Darth Krayt.(SWLB)

This clan maintained leadership of the Austogie settlement, on the planet Rhinnal, for many generations.(CCW)

This Imperial Governor controlled the Veron System during the Galactic Civil War.(PG1)

This female Devaronian was onve mated to Tosha. She died many years before the Battle of Yavin, but not before leaving Tosha with two daughters.(COG, OWS)

Kiela, Harme
A native of the planet Voss, this Imperial pilot led his squadron into hiding on Radix, shortly after the Battle of Endor. There, Kiela and his forces began ambushing New Republic convoys in order to steal food and supplies. When he learned that Air Marshall Von Asch was being held prisoner by the Republic, he hired former Captain Kine to infiltrate the Republic and liberate Von Asch. Kiela hoped the Air Marshall's skills would help the pirates become a formidabel force and begin to restore the Empire. However, Von Asch wanted nothing to do with Kiela's forcesm, labeling them bandits and mercenaries. Kiela's forces were eventually defeated by a ragtag group commanded by Lando Calrissian.(T5, GMR6)

This was a species of blue and yellow-striped fish that was native to the planet Calamari.(DA)

This was a common name among the Zeltron people.(UANT)

This was the name given to the female personality of the ship's computer onboard the Kierra, which was owned by Thaddeus Ross. There were no explanations as to how Kierra was "born," and all Thaddeus knew was that she "awakened" shortly after he activated the computer system. Kierra - the computer system - was designed to control the ship even if Thaddeus was incapable of doing so, but much preferred to have Ross around. Kierra - thye entity - was a loyal companion to Thaddeus, even if he mainly thought of her as just a computer. However, over time, their relationship took on a personal nature. When Saahir Ru'luv died in Thaddeus' arms, she made him promise to take someone special to Isamu to witness the nightly romance of the mu trees. Thaddeus, realizing that Kierra meant just as much to him as any organic being, took the Kierra to Isamu to let Kierra experience the event for herself.(TFE, SWJ4, SWJ15)

This battered YT-1300 light freighter was owned by Thaddeus Ross. He had installed a sophisticated computer system in the ship, which he could operate via vocal commands. The computer's vocabulator adopted a feminine aspect, and became simply known as Kierra. She was a nagging yet loyal companion to Rose, who threatened to unplug her when she became overbearing. The Kierra was armed with a double laser cannon and a turret-mounted single laser cannon.(TFE, SWJ4, SWJ15)

Kieth Cairn
This individual was severely injured after a visit to Dr. Evazans Cutting Edge boutique in Mos Eisley.(GG7)

Kiez, Feyet
This man was an Imperial Navy officer, attaining the rank of Admiral just before the Battle of Yavin. Admiral Kiez was given command of the Empire, the very first of the Imperial-II class Star Destroyers, and missioned to patrol hyperspace lanes in search of Alliance supply convoys and medical ships.(SOG)

This high-energy ore was mined on the planet Gadon 3. Some fifty years before the Clone Wars, a shipment of Kif ore was eventually sold to enemies of the Gadon regime. The Gadons felt that they had been betrayed by their own miners, and appealed to the Old Republic for a ruling. The Republic's investigation revealed that the original sale had been completely legal, and that the miners were not responsible for the "final disposition" of the ores. The ruling angered the Gadons, and set a precedent for several other cases in which the Republic was negotiating for valuable ores.(TCD)

This branch of human stock evolved on the twin planets of Kiffex and Kiffu. Individuals tattooed their faces with the family colors of their clan, allowing each member of society to understand an individual's heritage. Note that The Essential Guide to Characters indicates that these humans were known as Kiffu.(SWDB, DRKN, EGC)

Kiffar Guardians
This was another name for the Guardians of Kiffu.(EGF)

see Kiffar(SWLHT)

This planet was the twin world to the planet Kiffu, the only two habitable planets in the Azurbani System. During the last decades of the Old Republic, Kiffex was an interdicted world, controlled by the Guardians of Kiffu and serving as a prison planet.(MTS, DRKN, SWT)

This was the sister planet to the world of Kiffex, located in the Azurbani System. The human natives of the planet were known as the Kiffar, and maintained their freedom with a stern hand and a protective nature. During the last decades of the Old Republic, Kiffu was a free planet, from which the Guardians of Kiffu kept a watch on the planet Kiffex, which was interdicted as a prison planet.(DRKN, SWT)

This near-human race was native to the planet Kiffex. Individuals tattooed their faces with the family colors of their clan, allowing each member of society to understand an individual's heritage. Note that Star Wars: Darkness and the official Star Wars website indicate that Kiffex itself was a prison planet, and that the beings native to its sister world, Kiffu, were referred to as Kiffar.(EGC, OWS, DRKN)

Kiffu, Senni
This was the name Mara Jade used when she and Luke Skywalker emerged from the forests of the planet Myrkr, Luke tried to escape from Talon Karrde's base on the planet some five years after the Battle of Endor. Imperial forces under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn discovered the escape, and tried to recover them. In order to escape the stormtroopers at Hyllyard City, Luke posed as a man named "Jade", with Senni Kiffu as his prisoner.(HTTE)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "small."(OWS)

This was one of the many Noghri clans native to the planet Honoghr. Clan Kihm'bar was led by Ir'khaim in the years following the Battle of Endor.(DFR)

Kihotay, Don-Wan
This was the alias adopted by Hess Korrin, after he was taken to Aduba-3 by his Ithorian manager, in an effort to escape the Imperial Security Bureau. They were shot down over Aduba-3, and Korrin survived by adopting the Kihotay alias. After the Imperials left, Kihotay claimed to be a Jedi Master who had returned from hiding to fight for peace and justice in the galaxy. The yellow-bladed lightsaber he wielded had, in fact, been taken from the antiquities museum he worked for on Obroa-skai, just before it was destroyed. Just after the Battle of Yavin, he joined Han Solo and Jaxxon in liberating a village on Aduba-3 from the clutches of Serji-X Arrogantus and his Cloud Riders. During the battle, in which Merri's grandfather summoned the Behemoth to fight the Cloud Riders, Kihotay sacrficed himself to save Amaiza. Somehow, though, he survived the killing blow, and set out to destroy the Behemoth. Soon joined by Han Solo and Hedji, they managed to defeat the creature. However, despite having his armor protect him from most of the Behemoth's blast, Kihotay suffered massive internal injuries. He was transported to the medical facilities on Telos-4, where he eventually died at the hands of Valance the Hunter. However, Valance managed to learn of the existence of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker from Kihotay's ramblings, and set out to destroy them as well. When Valance bombed what remained of Telos-4, Kihotay was consumed in the blast.(MC8, MC9, MC16, GMR4)

This was a Mandalorian phrase that translated into Basic as "No problem" or "Don't mention it." The more literal translation was "small victory."(OWS)

Kihraxz Assault Fighter
This was was the smallest of the fighter craft designs developed for the Black Sun organization by TransGalMeg, during the height of the New Order. The Kihraxz was similar to the X-Wing fighter in that its central fuselage was a long, boxy needle. The comparisons ended there, as the nose of the Kihraxz fighter was stabilized by a pair of stout fins. The primary wings of the Kihraxz sloped downward from the hull, and supported the two main sublight engines. The maneuverability of the Kihraxz was provided by a third sublight engine mounted to the rear of the fuselage. This craft was designed primarily for speed, so it lacked the armor plating and weaponry of other TransGalmeg designs such as the Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft and the Rihkxyrk Attack Ship. What it lacked in armament, however, the Kihraxz made up for in maneuverability and performance.(SWGAL)

Kihraxz Light Fighter
This was a smaller version of the Kihraxz Assault Fighter, designed for patrol duty.(SWG2P)

A city on Cilpar.(XWRS)

This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "today."(GPB)

This blonde was one of the two women Chewbacca befriended at a spas located on the campus of the University of Rudrig, several years before the Battle of Yavin. Han and Chewie were in between jobs, just prior to seeking out the Queen of Ranroon with Alexsandr Badure and Hasti Troujow. Both Kiili and her friend, Viurre, were undergraduate students in the field of nonhuman ethnology at the time, and Chewbacca's Wookiee heritage was of extreme interest to them.(HSL)

This planet was supposed to be the site where Rneeki pirates would ransom an Imperial scientist back to the Empire. The scientist, an important link in the development of the TIE Defender, was rescued by the Empire.(TIE)

This Pedducian Warlord was the leader of the Silver Unifir, and was the ruler who agreed to let the Independent Company of Settlers live on Pedducis Chorios.(POT)

This was a reclusive subspecies of gaping spider that was native to the planet Dathomir.(SWG2P)

This very common metal was used in the manufacture of artificial shielding. Kiirium was transported in large ingots for smelting. Xim the Despot, realizing the need to obtain huge amounts of kiirium to protect his forces, had planned to stockpile kiirium in his vaults on Dellalt. Thus, the Queen of Ranroon was loaded with kiirium when it was dispatched to Dellalt. When Han Solo discovered the starship's cargo, several years before the Battle of Yavin, he discovered that the rumored treasure of Xim was really just a vast supply of military supplies and raw materials.(HSL)

This was the name of the settlement established by a group of Wookiees, led by Surracca and Delinna, on the slopes of Cloud Mountain, on Cularin, several years after the Battle of Naboo. The Wookiees decided to relocate to Cularin after hearing Jedi Master Kirlocca speak of the planet's natural beauty and the strength of its inhabitants. Unfortunately for the Wookiees, the plans for establishing the village only gained momentum after Kirlocca's death. Kiirloor was located among a stand of stout trees in a location thathad been agreed upon by the Wookiees and the Tarasin of the Hiironi irstat. This location allowed the Wookiees to build their village in the branches, just like the cities on their homeworld of Kashyyyk. The village of twenty close-knit Wookiees was threatened by earthquakes and a lava flow, shortly after the onset of the Clone Wars, when the evil Tarasin female Xinishia began using an ancient Dark Side artifact to consolidate her power. A group of freelance agents who were friends of the Hiironi irstat agreed to help the Wookiees of Kiirloor fight back against Xinishia. Unfortunately, Xinishia was too strong for the agents to defeat, and they were forced to return to Kiirloor with a message. Xinishia demanded that the Wookiees abandon Kiirloor and relocate to another place on Cularin, and allow the Wyrd to operate on their own terms. The agents arrived just in time to rescue the other Wookiees and help them escape from Kiirloor.(FTT)

This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "cave."(GPB)

This was a semi-legal form of narcotic drug that was dispensed on a plate or platter, often in a spiral pattern, and then licked up by the consumer.(DSTR)

This Toong was the King of the planet Toong'L, during the years just prior to the Clone Wars.(HNN4)

Kikorie City
This was ostensibly the capital city of the planet Ast Kikorie. It was connected to the primary orbital telescopes surrounding the planet by a large skyhook. Surrouding the city was farmland and undisturbed natural areas, although fragments of the original telescopes were littered across the landscape surrounding the city.(GMR9)

This Ithorian wandered the galaxy during the years following the Battle of Naboo, leaving the relative safety of Ithor for a chance to make more credits for himself. After failing to establish a niche for himself on Albecus, Kikow traveled to Ralltiir and set to work creating his own criminal empire. He specialized in the smuggling of various weapons, primarily thermal detonators, through the small group he called The Herd. Much of his criminal work was masked by his legitimate operation, which specialized in the import/export of herbs and spices for cooking. Kikow himself was a noted chef, and could discern the ingredients in a dish with he keen sense of smell. He could recreate virtually any meal after first tasting it, even if he never saw the recipe. Many of his own recipes made their way to his other legitimate business, the Dusky Sky Café in Camrielle.(PH)

This was another Huttese word for "friend", although it was less common than pateesa.(TF)

Kil, Kenix
This was the alias used by Kir Kanos to infiltrate Grappa the Hutt's organization. Kenix Kil was a bounty hunter, easily distinguished by his yellow and black armor. Kil's fingerprints had been removed - more to protect Kanos' identity than Kil's - and his helmet contained special voice filters that inhibited any kind of voice printing or vocal identification. After Zee Ethda failed to recover Tarrant Snil, Grappa hired Kenix to do the job. Kenix quickly dispatched Snil's bodyguards and easily captured the customs officer. Kil expressed a distrust of Mirith Sinn, in keeping with his bounty hunter persona. Inside, Kanos was taking every precaution to avoid her discovering his true identity, so that he could eventually have Kenix Kil eliminate Kir Kanos. In this way, he hoped to finally gain a measure of freedom.(CE2, P2P)

Kil, Kenix
This alias was used by Kir Kanos, after he fled the destruction of the Royal Imperial Guard, following his execution of Carnor Jax. The name Kenix Kil was an anagram of Kanos' name, based on a code used by the Royal Imperial Guards. After landing on Baramorra, Kanos assumed the identity of Kenix Kil in order to hunt down Kir Kanos, while actually working to execute Admiral Banjeer's nephew as a traitor to the Emperor's New Order. After killed Banjeer, Kenix Kil set out to hunt down Luke Skywalker.(BHKK)

Located on the planet Genesia, this city was second only to Brenn in terms of population.(FBS)

Kilandran Royal Forces
see Kinlandrin Royal Forces.(PP)

KiLargo's Cantina
This upscale bar and restaurant was located in Mos Espa, on the planet Tatooine, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars.(BF4)

This reptilian creature was the apex predator of the rainforests of the planet Cularin. However, unlike most predators, the kilassin were omnivorous, and several species consumed prmarily plants. Somewhat intelligent, specimens of kilassin have been captured and domesticated for use as beasts of burden. As more and more logging operations were established on Cularin, the kilassin were driven toward extinction. Most kilassin were quadripedal in stance, but some species could rise up on their hind legs to reach tall leaves or creatures in branches. Other species were more stocky, and remained low to the ground. Each species had teeth that were designed to take advantage of their natural sources of food, with a common element being that all kilassin teeth were designed for grinding more than tearing.(LFC, UA)

This independent spacer was one of a growing faction who doubted that pilot droids, such as the Industrial Automaton V1 and V6, would ever be able to fully replace a living pilot. In fact, Kilburn refused to ever fly with - or allow - a droid pilot.(FTD)

Kildaon, Rossi
This woman was hired by the band Distraction as a stand-in for Tzeel at public appearances. She was implicated in the murder of Tzeel aboard the Hutt yacht Sleemo Poya Jeedai when security cameras captured footage of Tzeel's death, but it was later revealed that Niklas Cories had arranged a clever deception. Cories actually disguised himself as Tzeel in order to kill Rossi Kildaon. Cories then drugged the real Tzeel and allowed her to join the band onstage, where she played so poorly that everyone thought she was Rossi. All of this was part of Cories' plot to murder Aquella Firth.(WOA28)

One of the moons orbiting the planet Zhar, Kile was a world rich in minerals. It was here that Rogue Squadron set up a launchpad for its attack on the moon Gall. Kile orbits wuite close to Zhar, and as a result, Kile's atmosphere was bombarded with magnetic interference. This made the planet somewhat inhospitable as a mining outpost, but it helped hide the Alliance's forces during their staging operation.(SE, SESB)

Kile II
This planet was the site of an Imperial Enclave, which governed the Imperial presence in the sector during the Galactic Civil War. Much of the planet was dominated by canyons and huge pits, evidence of intense seismic activity.(RSG)

This man worked as a security officer at the Palisade starport, on the planet Kabal, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(GMR1)

Kilia IV
This temperate planet, located in the Unknown Regions, was noted as the homeworld of the Kilian Bantha. Kilia IV was the only habitable planet in the Kilia System, and was settled by human colonists many millennia before the Battle of Yavin. Over time, they lost their starship technology, and remained isolated from the galaxy for nearly 1,000 years before their planet was encountered by Imperial scouts.(WOTC)

Kiliad Marble
Jabba the Hutt's throne on Tatooine was carved from this beautiful stone.(MTS)

This man served as an Admiral in the naval forces of the Grand Army of the Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. Admiral Kilian was placed in command of the Venator-class Star Destroyer Endurance, which was at once a working warship and a training facility for groups of young clone cadets. When something caused the ship's reactor core to begin to tear itself apart, Admiral Kilian ordered all hands to evacuate, but remained behind. A student of the oldest naval traditions, Admiral Kilian refused to leave, preferring instead to go down with his ship. Clone Commander Ponds joined Kilian aboard the bridge of the Endurance as it plummeted toward the planet Vanqor.(CWTV42)
This was the name used to describe the human settlers who made their home on Kilia IV many thousands of years before the Galactic Civil War. The Kilians were originally a group of Core Worlds colonists who left their homeworld during one of the Old Republic's earliest expansion periods, and were stranded on Kilia IV. In the intervening centuries, they lost all their starship technology, and became isolated from the rest of the galaxy for more than 1,000 years. Only the chance discovery of Kilia IV by an Imperial scout force brought Kilia IV back into the galactic community. The Kilian society was feudal in nature, with several noble houses controlling communities of farmers and herders.(RESB)

Kilian Bantha
Native to the planet Kilia IV, this species of bantha was adapted to living in mountainous regions. They adapted to feed on virtually any form of plantlife, and could go for weeks without water while foraging for food. Their feet were adapted to moving about on rocky inclines, and their fur was thicked and longer than a normal bantha's. Many of these banthas were domesticated by the natives of the planet, for use as mounts when traveling across the mountains. Like other species of bantha, the Kilian bantha was also raised for its milk, meat, and hide.(WOTC)

Kilian Rangers
This was the term used to describe the small band of elite warriors which was established to protect the noble houses of Kilia IV. All members of the Kilian Rangers were sensitive to the Force, and were chosen for their skills in using it. The development of an individual Ranger was much different than that of a Jedi student, but there was similar emphasis on the development of their attunement to the Force. The Kilian Rangers were also similar to the Jedi Knights in that some of their membership fell prey to the Dark Side of the Force. These fallen Rangers became members of the Renegades.(RESB)

Kiliean Bolt Gun
This was an archaic weapon favored by certain noble families of the Empire.(PG3)

This species of Zelosian raptor can grow to over a meter in length, and have a wingspan of two meters or more. They were covered with short, oily, black hair. They have beady eyes and razor-sharp beaks. The kilits swoop down on their prey, latching on with their beaks and holding on with their talons. The kilit them drains its victim's bodily fluids. The species was named when a Zelosian, under attack by one of the creatures, shouted "kill it!" to his companions.(PG2)

Meaning "shrewd" or "cunning", this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race.(GCG)

This small predator hunted the grasslands of Ansion in search of small insects on which to feed.(APS)

Kill Switch
This was the starship used by Valance the Hunter, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He had captured the ship from Alabar Double Ax, after finally putting a stop to the pirate's marauding reign of terror.(SWMW)

Kill Zone
This was the military term used by navy officers to describe the region of space surrounding a capital ship, in which most of its weaponry could be brought to bear against another warship. Located just beyond the so-called Secondary Zone, the Kill Zone was far enough away that a capital ship could effectively target opponent's ships, with the best chance of scoring hits. However, defending starfighters were unable to target enemy ships in the Kill Zone, since they were too far away for their smaller weapons to hit.(RASB)

This alien race was native to the planet Quas Killam.(SOJ)

Killam 1
This Z-95 Headhunter was part a group of fighters that made up the Dimok naval forces, during the latter stages of the Sepan Civil War.(TIEP)

Killam 2
This Z-95 Headhunter was part a group of fighters that made up the Dimok naval forces, during the latter stages of the Sepan Civil War.(TIEP)

Killam 3
This Z-95 Headhunter was part a group of fighters that made up the Dimok naval forces, during the latter stages of the Sepan Civil War.(TIEP)

Killam 4
This Z-95 Headhunter was part a group of fighters that made up the Dimok naval forces, during the latter stages of the Sepan Civil War.(TIEP)

This gas giant was the primary planet in the Killaniri System, and was the source of the prothium gas refined on Mutanda. Killaniri had fifteen moons, and measured some 154,000 kilometers in diameter. Much of the planet's resources were owned or controlled by BlasTech Corporation or Czerka Weapons, which maintained floating refineries in the planet's atmosphere.(PG1)

This was the term used by biologists to describe the roiling mass of slashrats that attack a single target. The slashrats use their long bodies and surround their prey in a large mass, tearing the prey apart in minutes.(DTO)

This Huttese verb translated into Basic as "to kill."(GMR5)

Killee Wasteland
This desert was located in the arid wilderness of the planet Socorro. The Killee Wasteland was dominated by buttes and mesas, one of which was once the home of a sarlacc. The sarlacc died many centuries before the war against the Yuuzhan Vong, and its nesting pit later served as the final resting place of the starship Crimson Axe.(SWLB)

This Strike-class cruiser was part of the Alliance's fleet, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(XVT)

Killif, Vap
This was a noted individual from Anomid history.(UANT)

This was the ancient language of the Killik race, which was once native to the planet Alderaan.(GMR9)

This race of insectile beings was once native to the planet Alderaan, where they lived in towering cities they built on the plains. The Killiks were human-sized members of the Colony, possessing a hive mind but no apparent technology. They built their castle-like buildings out of the natural elements found on Alderaan, and formed them - mound upon mound - to create a complex series of living, eating, and egg-laying grottoes. They apparently decorated their rooms with brilliant, complex mosaics of stones and pebbles which appeared to be little more than splashes of color, until one stepped back and admired the entire wall from a distance.

The entire settlement on Alderaan was known as Oroboro, which literally meant "Our Home." However, for some unknown reason, the Killiks left their settlement long before humans ever settled the planet. Although it was believed that they had simply gone extinct, UnuThul later explained that the Killiks had been "emptied" from Oroboro by the Celestials some 20,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. Luke Skywalker later learned that the Killiks had been driven into the Unknown Regions when the Celestials discovered that they had stripped Alderaan of all its resources, and were about to set out to ravage other planet.

The Killiks left behind their incredibly beautiful cities, which the human inhabitants of Alderaan left untouched for centuries. Exploration of the Killik ruins revealed that the Killik were four-armed insectoids with wicked, three-clawed hands. They also had two powerful legs that indicated the Killik could jump long distances.

After the discovery of the Colony's existence in the Unknown Regions, it was learned that the Killiks were just one hive of an entire race of insectile beings known as the Kind. The other hives of the Colony considered the Killiks to be part of the fabled Lost Nest.

The many subspecies of Killiks that made up the Colony were able to reproduce at a prodigious rate, which provided them with numerical superiority over the Chiss, during the Swarm War that occurred some five years after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. The various hives took on distinct roles in the society, and many hives became "joined" with non-Killik beings after taking on the characteristics of Raynar Thul and Lomi Plo. This increased ability to join with other races seemed to disappear after the Swarm War, as the Killik population returned to its normal state.(ISU, DN1, DN3, NEGA, EGF)

Killik Colony
This was another name used to describe The Colony, stemming from the fact that the members of The Colony were descendants of the Killik race.(FJ3)
Killik Crisis
This was a term used by Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker to describe the events that led up, and included, the Swarm War.(FJ1)

Killik Region
This was the term used to describe those areas of the planet Alderaan that were once home to the Killik race. The inhabitants of the Killik Region were simple people who lived their lives in a way that did little or no harm to the region, preserving the legacy of the Killiks.(VD3)

Killik Twilight
This moss-painting, created by the renowned artist Ob Khaddar, depicted a group of Killiks with their backs turned to the viewer, watching an evening storm as it approached their settlement. It was considered one of the most valuable pieces of art which were kept by the Royal Family, and served as a reminder of the planet's ancient inhabitants. Many beings described the moss-painting with awe and reverence, even though they had never been to Alderaan nor seen the Killiks. During the early years of the Alliance, Leia Organa suggested that the codes for the Shadowcast network be hidden within the moss-painting, to ensure their secrecy. Killik Twilight was one of the many artworks which were off-planet when Alderaan was destroyed, having been on loan to a Coruscant museum. However, the ship it was traveling on was believed to be lost, and any hopes of recovering the moss-painting were dashed. Then, some four years after the Battle of Endor, the painting reappeared on Tatooine, where it was to be auctioned off. Leia Organa Solo realized that the moss-painting had to return to the New Republic, since a wealth of information about the Shadowcast program were coded into it. Several attempts were made to recover the moss-painting before it could fall into Imperial hands, drawing Leia into a search that revealed much of her past. Leia's husband, Han Solo, believed that he witnessed Threkin Horm as the site of the auction, when the "owner" of the piece requested account verification from all bidders. The moss-painting was stolen from Mawbo's Performance Hall by Kitster Banai, and was eventually captured by a group of Sandpeople. The moss-painting was eventually recovered by the Solos, who destroyed the Shadowcast codes before turning it over to their Squib companions, Grees, Sligh, and Emala, in return for their help in recovering it. The Squibs then sold it to the Empire for a steep profit, pretending not to know that it was no longer valuable as a piece of Alliance technology. The painting ended up in the personal collection of Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn, and many of the Imperials who knew of its existence believed it had been lost when Thrawn was killed. However, the painting was recovered by Gilad Pellaeon, who held onto it for many years until the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy was brought to an end. Then, before returning to the Imperial Remnant, Pellaeon returned the painting to Leia Organa Solo.(TG, UF, EGF)

This lustrous, durable fabric was woven from the secretions of certain members of the Killik species that made up the Colony.(DN2)

Killing House
This was the name given to the most intense training facility created in Tipoca City, on the planet Kamino, for the development of the clone commandos who made up the Grand Army of the Republic. The twisting corridors and countless flights of stairs made it exceptionally difficult to navigate through the Killing House, as well as providing perfect ambush locations for the trainers. Clones were sent into the Killing House after receiving their military training, to put their training into operation as a part of a team. Clones were often killed in the Killing House, either from lack of teamwork or a lapse in concentration, but many considered this simply a weeding-out process. In order to ensure that clone commandos didn't get used to the Killing House and anticipate certain attacks, the interior of the Killing House was reconfigured after every training exercise. The amount of reconfiguration varied each time, to further ensure that each mission was unique.(RCHC)

Killisu System
This star system was located along the Gevarno Loop. During the Clone Wars, the Killisu System was loyal to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.(SHPT)

This form of pheromone-laden sweat was exuded by slashrats whenever they attacked their prey. The scent attracted other slashrats to the prey, and often generated a feeding frenzy known as a killball.(DTO)

This Huttese verb translated loosely into Basic as "to kill".(CWYN)

This was a race of well-muscled, avian beings that inhabited the planet Kilmaulsius, which was located in the Commonality. Throughout the Commonality, Kilmaulsi were employed as laborers, bouncers, and security officers. Individual Kilmaulsi were distinguished by their red eyes and armored thoraxes. The history of the Kilmaulsi race was written in blood, as religious wars among different factions nearly wiped them out millennia before the Galactic Civil War. Only the timely appearance of emissaries from Vorzyd 5, Paigu, and Hraki - who arrived in the Kilmaul system to establish contact - saved the Kilmaulsi from destroying themselves. Once the Kilmaulsi factions realized that much of their religious dogma was now obsolete, they joined together as a people and accepted the invitation to join the races of the Commonality. Many Kilmaulsi left their homeworld to travel to other worlds, following the call of a racial enjoyment in meeting people of other races. After discovering interstellar flight, the Kilmaulsi people began colonizing other worlds in their home system.(GORW)

This was the native language of the Kilmaulsi race.(GORW)

This planet, located in the Commonality of the Outer Rim Territories, was the homeworld of the Kilmaulsi race. It was also the largest of the planets in the Kilmauls System.(GORW)

Kilo Squad
This was one of the first groups of clone troopers that were trained as commandos, during the build-up to the Battle of Geonosis and the Clone Wars. Because they were one of the first two such squads decanted on Kamino, Kilo Squad was the first to experience the intense rush of information provided by the heads-up display inside the helmet of their Katarn armor.(RCHC)

This was a denomination of Imperial currency.(MCA1)

This was the generic term for any 1,000-credit denomination, whether it be a datachip or actual coinage.(LFCW)

This was a form of fast food that was popular on the planet Cularin, during the last years of the Old Republic.(LFCW)

Kilos, Stoer
This man was a native of Restuss, on the moon Rori, during the height of the New Order. He was also something of a history buff, and owned a working lightsaber from the days of the Old Republic. He was outside the city, meditating on his slight connection to the Force, when Restuss was devastated in the explosion that wiped out much of the Empire's Star Core project, and spent several days trying to re-enter the city and locate his family and friends. He eventually joined the local Alliance cell, in an effort to help them find out what happened in Restuss.(SWGAL)

This was a unit of computer storage capacity.(SWJ11)

A smuggler based on Elshandruu Pica, this man kept a modified chidinkalu in his ship's lounge. The instrument was given several hollow cavities in its body, in which Kilowarr smuggled ryll and other forms of spice.(GUN)

This was one of the traditional Tunroth weapons, and resembled a heavy staff.(SSR)

Native to the planet Cathar, this species of insectoid creature was capable of laying waste to entire populations of lesser beasts and destroying entire ecosystems. For this reason, the Cathar hunted them regularly in an effort to maintain their civilization. Resembling large beetles, the Kiltik rested during the heat of the day, and came out a night to feed. These creatures were omnivorous, and were known to consume almost everything in their paths. Despite lacking true sentience, the Kiltik had a rudimentary society, with drones doing the majority of the work to protect a queen. It was believed that the entire kiltik population was wiped out during the Mandalorian Wars, although many xenobiologists believed that kiltiks simply adapted to living underground.(TOJR, PH)

Kiltirin-class Dungeon Ship
This Rendili StarDrive starship was a scaled-down version of the Lictor-class dungeon ship, measuring 150 meters in length. It required a crew of 115, with 50 additional guards, and could carry up to 1,250 prisoners and 275 metric tons of cargo. It was armed with up to five quad turbolaser batteries and a single tractor beam projector.(AIR)

This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "cloud."(GPB)

Kilwallen, Seni
This woman married Trig Kilwallen shortly before the Ssi-ruuk attacked the planet G'rho. Both Seni and Trig were good pilots, and joined the local militia in support of the G'rho Defene Force. They piloted Conjo starfighters in defense of G'rho, during the Ssi-ruuk subjugation of the planet. Seni and Trig fought in the defense of G'rho against the Ssi-ruuk, but the battle went poorly for the humans. Trig agreed to infiltrate the alien's base and cut an opening in its outer defenses, which would allow Seni to fly her Conjo fighter into the base and bombard it. Trig was successful, and Seni was able to get inside the base. However, the destruction she rained down on the base caused it to explode violently, and it was all she could do to fly free of the fireball. Her fighter's life support system could handle the high altitude she reached, and it was all she could do to put the fighter on autopilot before she passed out..(TBSB)

Kilwallen, Trig
This man was the brother of Ydra Kilwallen Sibwarra, and a colonist on the planet G'rho. Like his sister, Trig was sensitive to the Force, and even trained briefly on Chandrila with her, but lacked her control. When Ydra fled to G'rho with her son, Dev, she hoped Trig would help them settle in and avoid Imperial notice. He managed to convince his Ilwizzt boss, Brco, to hire Ydra as the colony historian. Trig and his wife, Seni, were both pilots in the local division of the G'rho Defense Force. When the Ssi-ruuk invaded the planet Trig and Seni fought bravely with the rest of the Defense Force. After the main fleet left the system, Trig agreed to infiltrate the aliens' entechment center, a mission which had failed three times before. However, his sensitivity to the Force allowed him a measure of success. He managed to cut an entrance to the Ssi-ruuvi base, which allowed Seni to fly in and bombard the installation. Trig barely escaped the destruction of the base, but could not relocate his sister after her desparate flight to escape.(TBSB)

Kim, Chankar
This Jedi Master was one of the many who were dispatched to Geonosis, during the mission to locate and rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi. Prior to Geonosis, Master Kim had discovered the latent Force skills of Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy, a young girl who became known simply as Scout. What Master Kim saw in the girl was anyone's guess, since Scout lacked a strong connection to the Force. Nevertheless, Master Kim took Scout as her Padawan. Unfortunately for Scout and the Jedi Order, Master Kim was killed in the Battle of Geonosis just three months after choosing Scout as an apprentice.(YDR)

Kim, Norym
This near-human Myke was once a pirate who conquered an entire sector. He later served on the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. He was a tall, thin man with a gaunt face, and had two small horns descending from either side of his chin. He scoffed at the idea that Kir Kanos was responsible for the assassination of Nolyds. Kim ostensibly took control of the Council, although he schemed to have Xandel Carivus appointed to its leadership position as a figurehead.(CE2, HCE)

Kim, Ronhar
This Jedi Master was one of many who accepted military positions within the Grand Army of the Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. Born on the planet Naboo, Ronhar Kim was the son of Vidar Kim, a man who failed to understand why his son abandoned his family duties to remain with the Jedi Order. It was during the war that Master Kim realized the need to seek out the Sith Lord who was in control of the Senate. He had heard the story of Obi-Wan Kenobi's imprisonment on Geonosis, and approached his old friend - Chancellor Palpatine, whose life Kim had saved some ten years prior - with a plan to test all the Senators for midichlorians. A high reading should indicate the hidden Sith, according to the plan devised by Kim's apprentice, Tap-Nar-Pal. Palpatine spoke of the plan's inherent logistical problems, not to mention the panic it would cause. It was Tap's suggestion that the panic could be abated if Palpatine himself took the test first. Palpatine agreed to think on the idea, but asked them to keep it a secret until he had made up his mind. Just days later, Master Kim was placed in command of the team that was dispatched to Merson, accompanied by Tap-Nar-Pal. However, their mission seemed to have been compromised, and went badly from the start. Things only got worse when Tap was killed, consumed in the explosion that destroyed his starfighter as he tried to rescue Kim. The Separatist battle droids quickly converged on their position, and Master Kim was killed in the fighting that ensued.(RBL)

Kim, Vidar
This man was the father of Jedi Master Ronhar Kim, although he failed to understand his son's belief in the Jedi Order. Vidar railed against Ronhar, who he had turned over to the Jedi in his infancy, claiming that blood ties were stronger than any attachment to the Force. Ronhar later discovered that Vidar's vehemence stemmed from a starship crash that took the lives of Vidar's wife and other children, leaving Kim as his only surviving heir. Vidar himself was Naboo's representative to the Galactic Senate some ten years before the Battle of Naboo, but was killed in an assassination plot while on Coruscant. Ronhar had been with him at the time, and was unable to prevent the attack. It was in the wake of Vidar's murder that Palpatine was named as Naboo's Senator. Palpatine spent a great deal of time talking to Ronhar about Vidar's death, as Ronhar felt that he needed to understand his father's death and his place in the galaxy. Palpatine, however, spoke of Ronhar's contributions to the galaxy as a Jedi, and convinced him to remain in the Jedi Order. He explained that they could work together - as politician and Jedi - to try and make the galaxy a better place.(RBL)

This mammal was native to the planet Talus.(GQRG)

This planet was the homeworld of the marsupial furballs.(HSE)

This was the Huttese term for vegetarian cuisine.(GMR5)

see Kihm'bar(UANT)

Kimbo, Ala
This man was a noted pirate who managed to avoid imprisonment by masquerading as a prison guard at the Oovo IV prison facility, during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. A group of Hutt crimelords wanted Kimbo returned for questioning in relation to several crimes, and issued a bounty for his capture. Jango Fett claimed this bounty shortly after the Battle of Naboo, during his attempt to "rescue" Bendix Fust.(BH)

Kimdyara, Kin
This young zoologist worked for the Old Republic, classifying new creatures found on newly-discovered planets. He had a habit of classifying creatures by visual similarity to creatures he knew of, with the intention of renaming them once he returned to his laboratory. The one time he failed to do so was during the exploration of Kharzet III, when Kin discovered what he termed a "long-necked gundark." He died before returning to Coruscant, and the name "long-necked gundark" stuck.(EGA)

Kimm Systems
A group of planetary systems.(COJ)

This huge, predatory reptile was native to the planet Lok. It resembled a krayt dragon in its appearance, and its ferocious nature led many big-game hunters to try and kill a kimogila for sport. The kimogila developed an exceptionally tough hide in response to the rivers of sulfur near its habitat. Large enough to swallow a Wookiee whole, the kimogila used a toxic venom to immobilize its prey before eating it.(SWI70, ROD)

Kimogila Fanatics
This band of pirates tried to make a name for themselves by starting a war with the Blood Razors in the Karthakk System, during the height of the New Order. Their battles were, for the most part, fought amongst themselves, but the fighting began to take a toll on civilians traffic as the Galactic Civil War reached it height.(SWGAL)

Kimogila Town
This small settlement was established on the planet Lok, in the desert hardpan that ran along a ragged range of mountains.(SWGAL)

see Kimogila(ROD)

This was the Bocce word for the number 50.(GPB)

Kimora City
This was the capital city of the planet Kamori.(SWJ5)

Kimotte, Kiisa
This Selonian female was the den mother of her clan, and was a political activist during the height of the Galactic Civil War. She refused to comment on the possible Selonian involvement in a series of kidnappings that occurred across the Cluster Worlds, which the Corellian Security Force linked to Selonian terrorists.(SWGAL)

This Chadra-Fan was an ocean guide during the New Order, working with Shusk to take visitors out to see the bildogs and proops.(EGA)

Kin chasa du
This partial Huttese phrase was used to describe something. Roughly translated into Basic, it meant "You look like", as in Kin chasa du Jedi meaning "You look like a Jedi."(E2A)

Kinad Baz Nitch
This was a subspecies of baz nitch that was native to the planet Dathomir.(SWG2P)

Kinahay, Eben
A native of the planet Talus, Eben Kinahay was a noted collector of antiques and artifacts. He mvoed to Centerpoint Station during the height of the New Order, where he etsablished a gaurded estate near Hollowtown's Sapphire Lake. Hidden among his treasures was a Sith holocron, which he claimed he found aboard a derelict starship. Eben's own son, Zyne, once tried to steal the holocron for his own evil uses, but Eben's security measures thwarted his attempts.(CCW)

Kinahay, Zyne
This man, distinguished by his pale skin and lanky, muscular frame, was a known Core Worlds criminal. The son of Eben Kinahay, Zyne was also a devotee of the Dark Side of the Force, and carried a Selonian glaive with him as a weapon. Eben had hoped that Zyne would follow in his footsteps and became an antiques dealer, but Zyne wanted no part of his father's career. He traveled the galaxy in search of more information on the Sith, until the Corellian Crisis came to his attention. He returned to Centerpoint Station in an effort to recover his father's Sith holocron, but was unable to obtain it.(WOTC, CCW)

This was a common name among the Noehon race.(UANT)

This Imperial Amry private was among the first soldiers to set foot on the planet Alluuvia. He was repulsed by his first sight of the Anguilla, and was suprised to find himself shooting at them for no apparent reason. The rest of his squadron followed suit. Within minutes, the water around their shuttle was filled with dead Anguilla bodies.(OE)

Kind, The
This was another name used to describe the Colony of insectile beings. It conveyed more about them as an actual species, rather than their collective existence, but was used interchangeably to describe them. Although individual hives seemed to have distinguishing features, the basic anatomy of a member of the Kind consisted of four skinny arms, two thin legs, and feathery antennae that measured almost a meter across. Their thoraxes and abdomens varied in color from deep orange to pale blue, and were combined in what many races considered to be garish displays. The head of a Kind member was dominated by two main eyes and three ocular lenses that provided near-360-degree vision, and a pair of mandibles acted as jaws or forearms, depending on the hive. Many members of the Kind had short, vestigial wings on their backs. It was believed that each generation of the Colony lasted about two standard years. Among the Kind, there were very few males, and they only left their nest or hive when it was time to establish a new one. Because of their hive mentality and the sharing of all minds within the Will of the hive, members of the Kind simply did what they needed to do in order to protect the hive. Thus, while they fought vigorously to protect the hive, they held no animosity toward their enemies. In fact, the Kind lacked any sort of concept of an enemy. Like many insectoid races, the Kind recorded their history using pheromones, and their spoken language consisted of strange clicks and buzzes. Thus, they turned to beings known as Joiners to act as translators and liaisons to other races. Because of their hive minds, members of the Kind had no understanding of private property, and considered everything to be owned by the Colony. Thus, any individual could simply take what they needed without worrying about ownership.(DN1)

Kindar, Pejanes
This man served the Alliance as a Colonel during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. Colonel Kindar was stationed at the ill-fated base on Stenos, but fled when Imperial forces invaded the planet. It was believed that Kindar had asked Rik Duel, Chihdo, and Dani to remain behind, in case someone from the Alliance returned to Stenos to re-establish contact with the base. Their ruse was later uncovered by Luke Skywalker and the Alliance team that arrived on Stenos.(MC70, GMR1)

One of the major continents on the planet Dentaal.(SWJ5)

This was the name used to describe any Gungan bubble building dedicated to the education of young individuals.(GF)

Kindest Kut, The
This was the name of the salon that was owned and operated by Zenn Bien, on the planet New Balosar, during the years following the Alliance-Confederation War. Bien specialized in providing haircuts for the more diminutive races of the galaxy, catering to the specific needs of Chadra-Fans, Squibs, Ugnaughts, and other short-statured beings.(MF)

This planet was known for its criminal organizations, during the early years of the New Republic.(LSSM)

This Venan male was elected Baron of Vena some twenty-five years before the Battle of Naboo. Baron Kindoro and his wife, Omnino, served as ambassadors to Alderaan before representing their homeworld of Vena to Coruscant and the Old Republic. It was these experiences that taught the Baron and his wife to enjoy certain luxuries which were not available on Vena. Kindoro began forming trade agreements with other worlds, in order to purchase the goods and services the royal family desires, despite the isolationism of the Venan people. This angered the Venan populace, which turned to terrorist and sabotage to fight against the extravagances of the royal. Baron Kindoro died twelve years into his rule while traveling off-planet, leaving his wife to lead the planet while serving as regent for their young son, Sando.(WOTC)

This man served the Empire as a Master Sergeant in the armed forces during the last years of the Galactic Civil War. After the Battle of Endor, Kine was assigned to the forces which were garrisoned on Sulon.(RAG)

This intense young man was a small-time criminal, with ties to various pirate organizations. Despite his background, Kine was recruited by Lando Calrissian to locate and defeat a group of pirates who were ambushing New Republic convoys from a base on Radix, in the Abraxas System. In reality, Kine had been hired by Imperial Lieutenant Harme Kiela to help free Air Marshall Von Asch and begin restoring the Empire. Kiela revealed that Kine was a former Imperial Captain. In order to ensure the success of his mission, Kine shot Lando on Radix. Unfortunately, Lando survived the shot and surprised Kine long enough for Isolde to knock the wind out of him. Kine recovered and took Isolde hostage, but his killing shot was blocked by former Air Marshall Von Asch. Isolde was able to fire on Kine and kill him.(T5)

This man was considered one of the last, best counterintelligence officers of the Old Republic. Admiral Kiner's name was later preserved by Imperial Intelligence officers who reversed the letters, calling themselves Renik. Kiner was among the first to promote the infiltration and absorption of enemy spy operations, taking in their data to augment that of the Republic, while maintaining their networks of spies to further enhance the Republic's own Intelligence agency.(ISB)

This was an artform that was constantly in motion.(RM)

Kinesworthy, Nycolai
This man was an Imperial scientist who did a lot of work with cybernetics, during the height of the New Order. Doctor Kinesworthy and his assistant, Treun Lorn, were dispatched to Kashyyyk to discover a way to augment the already-impressive strength of the Wookiee race by using cybernetic replacements. Much of their work was used in another capacity, when they acquired the mechanical exoskeleton of the deceased General Grievous from Utapau. With some intense development, Kinesworthy and Lorn developed the N-K Necrosis droid, which was named for Doctor Kinesworthy. Kinesworthy also acquired several IG-100 MagnaGuards, which were modified for use in training the N-K series. Although Kinesworthy was loyal to the Empire, the necessity of experimenting on Wookiees was never fully explained, and he chose to leak certain information to Wookiee leaders outside of the Imperial compound. He also procrastinated in his work, rarely having any success and never making a major breakthrough. Before long, a group of Wookiees attacked the compound at which Kinesworthy and Lorn were working, and neither was ever seen again.(SWGAL, OWS)

Kinetic Communication
This was the name of the bodily form of communication developed by the Lorrdians, during the Kanz Disorders. Kinetic communication involved a complex series of hand gestures, body postures, and facial tics and expressions to send a message to another Lorrdian. In this way, the Lorrdians could communicate their plans for rebellion. It was believed that the origins of kinetic communication could be traced to the actions of the Sisterhood of the Glorious Radiance, who helped the Lorrdian slaves secretly communicate with each other.(EGA, OWS)

Kinetic Krew
This group of acrobats and entertainers were part of the Molpol Circus, during the year following the Alliance-Confederation War.(MF)

Kinetic Repulsion Generator
This device produced a field of kinetic energy that helped the body ward off fatigue.(SWGAL)

A restrained-energy globe that can be generated through use of the Dark Side of the Force. Darth Vader generated one in an effort to destroy the then-untrained Luke Skywalker on Circarpous V, but Luke was able to deflect it and send it back at Vader.(SME)

Kiney chattu toma tip-yip
This Ewok phrase translated into Basic as "Blessings on your fowl".(GPB)

The leader of the Klagg Gamorrean stormtroopers on the re-activated Eye of Palpatine. He was in charge of the interrogation of Cray Mingla as an Alliance sympathizer.(COJ)

King Adas's Holocron
This ancient Sith holocron was created by King Adas, more than 27,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. King Adas discovered the technology for creating holocrons from the Rakatans, whom he defeated. This holocron was later recovered by the ancient Jedi Knights, who buried it under tons of rock and stone on the planet Kodai. It was eventually located by Jedi Master Arca Jeth, who returned it to Coruscant. It remained there for a short time, before the Jedi Order turned it over to House Pelagia during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. It remained in the holocron library maintained by House Pelagia until it was stolen during the Jedi Purge.(EGF)

King Kikipi Credit
This was the primary monetary unit used by the planet Toong'L, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. The Toongs were one of the first races to embrace the idea of having their own credit system, separate from that of the Old Republic. It was estimated that a single Republic credit was worth about fifteen million King Kikipi credits. The coinage for a King Kikipi credit was simply the tiny ornaments which were thrown to revelers during the Wocket Festival.(HNN4)

King Merek
This was a large species of merek that was native to the Forest Moon of Endor.(SWG2P)

King Moss
This form of moss grew in the wilds of the planet Goroth Prime. King moss produced a seed pod that was protected by a heavy coat, which could only be broken down in the digestive system of the b'karr.(GSE)

King of the Hutts
This was a slang term used to describe any being who tried to be more important than they actually were. The term referred to the fact that the Hutts answered to no being, let alone a single King.(SM1)
King of the Sith
This was a term used to describe the various Sith Lords, especially those who lived during the millennia prior to the fall of the Sith Empire, who were entombed on the planet Korriban.(LSSM)

King of the Tribes
This was the title given to the leader of the Ugnaught people. The King of the Tribes ruled over the Terend Council, but worked with the ufflors to ensure the continual betterment of the Ugnaught people.(NEGA)

King Paranoia
This was the sarcastic nickname used by Ben Skywalker to describe the former Baran Do Sage known as Koro Ziil, who had taken on the role of the Hidden One, during the years that followed the Second Galactic Civil War. Ben used the name because Koro Ziil had chosen to fully and completely isolate the Kel Dors who lived and worked in the Caverns of the Hidden One, and had cut them off from all contact with the outside world. In order to maintain his position, Koro Ziil had maintained an elaborate self-destruct system within the caverns, and refused to let the Kel Dor community have any vote in how their secret society was run.(FJ1)

King Venom Nightspider
This was the largest and most venomous species of nightspider that was native to the planet Naboo.(SWG2P)

Kingal, Bren
This man lived in the settlement of Mos Taike, on the planet Tatooine, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. He kept his loyalties a secret, but his closest friends knew that he was a supporter of the Alliance. He often hired mercenaries and independent agents to locate and eliminate Imperial agents on Tatooine. Outwardly, he was known as a wonderful chef, and often used old family recipes to create his dishes.(SWGAL)

This was a group of Alliance Carrack-class cruisers, destroyed during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(TIE)

Kingdom of Barseg
This was the name given to the planets that were controlled by the Barsegians, during the golden age of the Old Republic. Many worlds were included in the Kingdom of Barseg, including Barseg itself and the planet Lianna.(ML, OWS)

Kingdom of Cron
This ancient kingdom was made up of fourteen planets, and was carved from a portion of Xim the Despot's former empire. Eventually, the Kingdom of Cron became the heart of the Cronese Mandate.(ML, GORW, OWS)

King's Galquek
This planet, located in one of the many Chorios systems, was infected with the Death Seed plague during Dzym's attempt to take control of the galaxy. Investigation into the plague discovered that the Loronar Corporation had been behind the infection, as part of a grand plan to sow unrest throughout the New Republic.(POT, NEGW)

Kings of Archais
This was the ancient line of rulers who controlled the planet Archais, and later, Alsakan. Many of the modern great houses of Alsakan could trace their roots back to the Kings of Archais.(GMR9)

King's Own Guard
This was the name given to the military defense force which protects Alarik X, the King of Devit.(TSK)

This species of massive, tall-growing tree was native to the planet Ossus. Kingwoods grew straight up, with their thick trunks supported a huge canopy of heart-shaped leaves. Most kingwoods were found at the base of the planet's mountain ranges.(LF6)

This was a component used to provide social information to a droid's brain. K-Inhibitors can be added or removed to create a range of desired behaviors.(CFG)

This race of sentient, airborne plants was one of the primary combatants during the Aerial Plankton Uprising. They were defeated in combat by Captain Gordun and Ebenn Q3 Baobab, after refusing to negotiate a settlement.(GPB)

Kinkosa City
This was the capital of the Kinkosa state of Kirtania. An Imperial supply station was built here during the Galactic Civil War, in an effort to control the traffic through the city's major starport. During the height of the New Order, the city experienced a sort of renaissance, and a great deal of rebuilding and restoration made the city appear more run-down than it truly was.(SWJ1)

Kinky Silver Armor
This was a slang term used by the Special Operations units of the Alliance to describe an Imperial radtrooper.(GG9)

Meaning "creative", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to describe an individual.(GCG)

Kinlandrin Royal Forces
One of the most famous Iotran military orders, they never engaged in battle on Iotra. The Kinlandrin force was consolidated into the Iotran Police Force. Note that Pirates and Privateers spells this group Kilandran.(GG12, PP)

Kinn, Shanna
A native of Dorriella, Shanna was the youngest of three children, and the only girl. She learned starship repair from her older brothers, but lost her family when the Empire took control of Dorriella. Her family was killed when Imperial forces raided a supposed Alliance cell, and Shanna was left to steal enough food and credits to survive as an orphan. She left Dorriella by stowing away on a starship, and made some shady contacts who needed a starship mechanic. She ended up on Trevi IV, and was stealing starship parts when she met Fiz Cor'gril. Fizzi recognized her potential, and signed her on to work with the Verpine Garginoolaara keeping his starships in good working order. Her underworld contacts provided her with a ready supply of slightly-used parts, a part of her work she kept secret from Fizzi. She had very few friends, aside from Fizzi and Gargi.(SWJ9)

Kinnet, Deena
This woman grew up on Coruscant, a stone's throw from the Senate chamber. Her wealthy family sent her to the best schools, where she earned a degree in medicine and eventually earned a doctorate in cosmetic surgery. She returned to Coruscant and established a successful office in view of the Imperial Palace, catering to the vain whims of Imperial officers. With the death of Emperor Palpatine at Endor, her business fell off sharply. She was approached by an Imperial agent who offered a position as an Imperial spy, performing surgeries throughout the Core while gathering information on the movements of the New Republic. She gladly accepted the offer, which included a YT-1300 transport modified to serve as her remote office and a Q-3PO droid.(HR)

Kinnik, Lon
This man served as the New Republic's primary liaison to the InterGalactic Banking Clan and the planet Muunilinst, during the initial negotiations with the IBC to serve as guarantor to the New Republic's fledgling government.(GORW)

Kinnison, Jimbo
A failed Jedi Knight.(RPG)

This was the Jiivahar name for the seasonal gathering which involved great feasts. The Kinn-taas was held to redistribute foodstuffs to needy talins of Jiivahar. Every Jiivahar was compelled by social obligation to give up as much of their possessions as they could afford, donating it to the leader of the talin in preparation for the feast. The leaders then distribute the bounty to all Jiivahar based on individual need.(AE)

Luke Skywalker and Lumiya battled on this barren world, sometime after the Battle of Endor. Lumiya had been biding her time until she was strong enough to attack the Alliance again, and chose the outpost on Kinooine as her starting point. Skywalker, along with Kiro and Dani, was dispatched to discover why the base's personnel hadn't reported in on a regular basis. The Alliance had been sent to investigate why nearby scanners registered lifeforms on the otherwise desolate planet, readings which just as suddenly disappeared.(MC95)

This was the name given to several species of spider-like insects that were native to several planets in the galaxy, primarily Dantooine and Kashyyyk. These predatory creatures were prone to attacking anything that moved. It was learned that, by extracting a certain scent gland from the body of a dead kinrath, an individual could move about among others of its kind without being attacked. This was, however, a dangerous method of dealing with the kinrath, since it involved killing one first.(KOTOR, KOTOR2)

Kinrath Spider
This predatory spider was native to the planet Dantooine.(KOTOR)

This toxic, rocky planet was the second world in the Vulpter System. It was orbited by a single moon.(PH)

Kint, Shellery
This man was a professor at the Mrlsst Academy during the height of the New Order. Unbeknownst to his students and fellow teachers, Kint was actually the Jedi Knight Taj Junak.(LOE)

This planet was the only world in the Kintan System, which was located in the heart of the Si'Klaata Cluster. Its turbulent history was evidenced by the existence of five unique races of Nikto, the primary sentient race on the planet. In an effort to survive on a planet with many vicious predators - including the huge strider, which no longer existed there - the various Nikto races destroyed much of the planet's natural environment in a series of civil wars that occurred over a century before the formation of the Old Republic. For many generations, the planet was ruled by the Cult of M'dweshuu, until Churabba the Hutt destroyed their fortress from orbit.(CCG, SWJ6, GG12, GORW)

This star was the central body of the Kintan System, located in the Si'Klaata Cluster in the Outer Rim.(GORW)

Kintan Gunrunners
This band of weapons runners was based on the planet Sarafur during the Galactic Civil War and the early years of the New Republic. Their reputation for cruelty and murderous folly were well-documented and well-earned, especially in the Corporate Sector and Hutt Space. After learning of the rumors and legend surrounding the Tessent, the Gunrunners set out to locate one or both of the idols, hoping to use them to obtain wealth and credits to fund their operations.(GMR9)

Kintan Strider
This species of strider was a huge, lumpy beast native to the planet Kintan. The strider had muscular shoulders, with arms that ended in three fingered hands. The strider had large, powerful legs. It appeared to have no neck, and its head seemed to be part of its chest. The strider, once known for its ferocious nature, was native to the Endless Wastes. Several thousands years before the Galactic Civil War, the Kintan striders died out after being hunted by the Nikto and damaged by pollution. A number of them were bred off-planet by the Hutts, who had hired Kaminoan cloners to create striders for use as bodyguards. By the time of the New Republic, thousands and Kintan striders existed on other worlds throughout the Outer Rim, many as guardbeasts of Hutt crimelords.(CCG, GORW)

Kintan Strider Death Gambit
This was a dejarik strategy in which the strider playing piece was sacrificed in order to achieve a hidden objective. The loss of the strider was often a decisive blow to a player, unless it disguised a more subtle attack that left the opponent without recourse.(SBS)

This Imperial Grand Moff was in charge of the Bajic Sector and the Vergesso Asteroids. When Xizor provided the location of an Ororo Transportation shipyards to Darth Vader, telling the Dark Lord the shipyards were run by the Alliance, Emperor Palpatine had Kintaro executed for failing to secure his sectors against Alliance invasion.(SE, SESB)

Kinto, Hakma
This Weequay pirate was a member of Gardulla the Hutt's crime organization, shortly after the Battle of Naboo. A bounty was offered for his capture, which Jango Fett later claimed on the planet Tatooine, during a mission to locate Gardulla the Hutt.(BH)

Mara Jade hoped to hide from Ysanne Isard on this rainy world, shortly after the Battle of Endor. Most of Kintoni was given over to croplands, and there was but a single city and a few towns scattered across its landmasses.(T1)

see Kintoni(NEGC)

This small blade was a traditional Kian'thar weapon, easily hidden in a boot or belt.(WSV)

Kinun Depot
This refueling station was located in the Outer Rim.(AIR)

This planet, located along the border of the Inner Rim and the Expansion Region, was the homeworld of the three-eyed, humanoid race known as the Gran.(MTS, NEGA)

Kinyenian Potato
This unusual form of root vegetable was native to the planet Kinyen. After generations of selective breeding, most Kinyenian potatoes had exactly three eyes, representing the three eyestalks of the Gran.(OWS)

This was one of the political provinces found on the planet Lorrd. During the centuries leading up to the Great Sith War, the Kinyov province was mostly desert, and largely uninhabited. Thus, during the Kanz Disorders, the province and its capital city of the Qatamer were able to survive the bombings from Argazdan invaders.(OWS)

This play was a famous example of Rodian drama. It followed the exploits of the female Rodian Kinzic, and her struggles against the Towon clan.(SPG)

This character in Rodian drama was the subject of the play Kinzic. The drama documented her struggles against the fictitious Towon clan, which tried to exterminate her own clan. In an effort to stop the hated Towons, Kinzic stepped into the midst of a Towon celebration and sets off a thermal detonator, killing herself but utterly destroying the Towon clan.(SPG)

This was once of the many names given to Duros females. Among the Duros, it meant "fresh air".(GCG)

Kion-Tas, Jol
This was the name of a Krevaaki individul, distinguished in the history of the planet Krevas.(UANT)

Kioti, Don-Wan
see Kihotay, Don-Wan(MC9)

This Jawa was the leader of the Salt Steppes clan during the height of the New Order.(NEGD)

The planet on which Zorba the Hutt was imprisoned for illegally mining ulikuo gemstones, an operation which nearly bankrupted clan Desilijic. It was a damp, mud-ball of a world, riddled with caves and dungeons. It was inhabited by small, pygmy aliens, and was overtaken by a group of pirates. These pirates eventually freed Zorba.(ZHR, RD, HNN4)

This greasy man inhabited the taverns of Gadrin, on the planet Cularin, during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo.(EOS1)

This man was one of the best slicers on his homeworld of Onderon. He lived in the city of Iziz during the years following the Mandalorian Wars.(KOTOR2)

Kiph, Dmaynel
This Devaronian from the planet Coruscant was the leader of the Alien Combine of the Invisible Sector, during the early years of the New Republic.(WG, WOTC)

Kippe h'moo kay ta m'ha?
This Sullustan question, often heard at a barbershop or salon, translated into Basic as "How much for a hair trim and removal?"(GPB)

This was a common name among the Kilmaulsi race.(GORW)

This was one of the most common names given to male Corellians.(GMR9)

A planet deep in the Corporate Sector, known for its vertex crystal mines.(CSA)

Kir, Seenlu
This woman trained in the Jedi arts at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during the Old Republic, and showed a great aptitude in diplomacy and tact. She became a consular, and joined the staff of the Almas Academy in order to teach students of The Force at all levels of mastery.(LFC)

This woman, distinguished by the stripe of bright red hair that ran down the center of her otherwise bald pate, worked as Derrik's smuggling partner, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Her face was tattooed with a series of patterns that were a deep red, matching her hair.(SWGAL)

This was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy.(GCG)

This star was the primary body in the Kira System, which was located between the Lazerian and Ropagi Systems. Its location was discovered by the Haik Expedition, which used it as a hyperspace anchor and connected the Enarc Run and the Harrin Trade Corridor via the Kira Run.(TSK)

Kira, Drokko
Known as Drokko the Elder, he was the father of Modon Kira and grandsire to Oron Kira. He was one of the oldest members of the Beastmaster society on Onderon when Ulic Qel-Droma arrives on the planet. He suffers from a wound he received when he battled against the Dark Side in Iziz and was cast out. The wound had never healed, and Drokko would not talk until Ulic arrived, when Drokko pleaded with Ulic to finally bring the Dark Side down.(TOJ)

Kira, Modon
Some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, this man was the king of the Beastmasters at the time when Ulic Qel-Droma comes to Onderon to mediate the planet's civil war.(TOJ)

Kira, Modon
This descendant of the original Modon Kira greeted Han Solo and Leia Organa when they landed on Onderon to repair the Millennium Falcon, which had been damaged by the reborn Emperor Palpatine's second Eclipse-class Star Destroyer, Eclipse II. Modon Kira followed his ancestors and remained aligned against the Dark Side of the Force.(EE)

Kira, Oron
Son of Modon Kira, and prince of the Beastmasters, Oron was secretly entering the city of Iziz as a kind of spy for many years before Ulic Qel-Droma came to the planet. He once met the Onderonian princess Galia on one of his missions, and they fell in love. Together they arranged a false kidnapping attempt on Galia's life in order to be together. Their plan almost worked flawlessly, except that Ulic - along with his brother Cay and Tott Doneeta - followed them back to the Beastmaster city. There they learned of Oron's love for Galia, and also of the Dark Side influences working on Onderon. Oron and Galia were later married, following Queen Amanoa's death, and the peoples of Onderon were united.(TOJ)

Kira Fortress
This was the naem given to the largest fortress found on the planet Onderon, during the early years of the New Republic. Named for the Kira family, the fortress served as the center of the Ysanna civilization.(EGF)

Kira I
This was the first planet in the Kira System, discovered by an exploratory expedition during the height of the Old Republic. Republic ships returned to the system years later, only to find that the inner three planets, including Kira I, had been destroyed. No explanation was ever given, and the system was forgotten until the Haik Expedition used it to anchor the Kira Run.(TSK)

Kira II
This was the only habitable planet in the Kira System, discovered by an exploratory expedition during the height of the Old Republic. The planet was known as Kira Prime until Republic ships returned to the system years later. They found that the inner three planets, including Kira II, had been destroyed. The asteroid field which orbited Kira inside Kira IV was later renamed Kira Prime. No explanation was ever given, and the system was forgotten until the Haik Expedition used it to anchor the Kira Run.(TSK)

Kira III
This was the third planet in the Kira System, discovered by an exploratory expedition during the height of the Old Republic. Republic ships returned to the system years later, only to find that the inner three planets, including Kira III, had been destroyed. No explanation was ever given, and the system was forgotten until the Haik Expedition used it to anchor the Kira Run.(TSK)

Kira IV
The fourth planet in the Kira System, this was the only world to survive the unusual destruction which ripped through the system several millenia before the Galactic Civil War. The inner three planets were destroyed in an event which had never been explained.(TSK)

Kira Prime
This was originally the name of the second planet in the Kira System, until the inner three planets were mysteriously destroyed. Since then, the asteroid field created from the rubble had been known as Kira Prime.(TSK)

Kira Run
This hyperspace trade route connects the Lazerian and Ropagi Systems via the Kira System. It also links the Enarc Run with the Harrin Trade Corridor. It was discovered by the Haik expedition some 48 years before the onset of the Clone Wars. It was a somewhat uncertain route, due to its remoteness, but it had been maintained by various small shipping companies.(TSK, HNN5)

This tree, distinguished by its long, weeping branches, was a symbol of strength and power among the Tarasin. Often, ritualized images of the kir'ala tree were tattooed on an individual's body. When created using color-changing inks, the tattoo of the kir'ala tree indicated a being of true honor.(LFCW)

This young woman, a native of the Cularin System, was brought up in Hedrett as an orphan, shuttled from foster home to foster home, until she finally snapped and killed the last family to take her in. She wandered for several years before learning of The Wyrd. Although her connection to the Force was minimal, Kirasha nevertheless felt at home among the members of The Wyrd. Her street-wise skills as a tracked were of value to The Wyrd, who sent her out on a number of hunting missions. To prove her devotion to The Wyrd, Kirasha was charged with tracking down and killing Dariana, in an effort to hasten the demise of the Tarasin. She tracked them to a ceremonial ring of stone, but found no evidence of Dariana's presence. Rather than become frustrated, Kirasha entered a deep trance and began to tap into the Force. She was only vaguely aware of the appearance of a Jedi Knight, but did nothing to stop his advance. He drew his lightsaber and held it to her neck, but, for some reason, could not bring himself to kill her. In her trance, Kirasha saw a group of beings huddled beneath the Spirit Tree, beckoning her to join them. It was in this powerful vision that Kirasha realized that her true path did not lie with The Wyrd. She begged the Jedi to kill her, but still he refused. He had seen her reaction to the vision, however, and offered to take her to the Spirit Tree and the others. Kirasha believed that the beings under the Tree would welcome her as a family, and stripped off all vestiges of The Wyrd before taking the Jedi's hand and allowing herself to be taken to a new life.(LFCW)

Kirat, Eelien
This tall, muscled near-human was distinguished by his silver eyes, white hair, and dark gray skin. A stubborn man, Kirat had been abandoned by his parents on Genesia, and he grew up in the streets. Kirat was eventually taken in by Ral Nalmar, and worked har dto learn everything he could about Nalmar's criminal organization. Kirat moved up through the ranks very quickly, and was named as Nalmar's second in command, shortly before the Nalmar estate was attacked and destroyed by the forces of Qual'om Soach. In the wake of Ral's death, Kirat assumed command of the Nalmar organization, a move supported by the majority of its members. This move came as a surprise to Elana Nalmar, Ral's only surviving child, whom Kirat was obliged to name as his own second-in-command. After assuming command, Kirat expanded the Nalmar organization beyond its smuggling roots, branching into extortion and fraud. He also worked to maintain an uneasy truce with Soach, despite their mutual goal of controlling Genesia's criminal underground.(FBS)

This Alliance pilot was a well-liked, although somewhat cynical, Commander in the navy.(RA2)

Kirdo III
The desert planet was the homeworld of the Kitonak race. Kirdo, the third planet in a system located in the Outer Rim, was covered with white sand deserts, red mud plains, and yellow-orange hills. It was wracked by sandstorms created by winds that could reach 400 kilometers an hour. The planet experienced a regular rainy season, but it occurred just once every ten years. Thus, the native Kitonaks had evolved to have a gestation period that lasted nearly tean years, allowing them to become impregnated and later give birth in the rivers that formed during the runoff of waters. Kitonak individuals also matured in about nine years, allowing them to reach adulthood just before the next rainy season.(GG4, SWJ10, NEGA)

Kirgalis Pharmaceutical Exports
This corporation specialized in the export of unique medical technologies, from remote words to the rest of the galactic community, during the height of the New Order.(GFT)

This temperate world was the third planet of the Tirahnn System, located in the Zeemacht Cluster. It was orbited by three moons.(WOA32)

This planet was the farthest world from Coruscant, at least as far as the boundaries of the Imperial Center Oversector were concerned. Because the oversector contained planets whose galactic coordinates were positive and began with a zero, Kiribi - at coordinates 099,099,011 - was the last world which was considered part of it.(CCW)

This small insect was attracted to the heavy scent of the bantha.(TSK)

This was the lone habitable planet in the Kalinda System. It was named for Kirima Kalinda, the mother of the system's discoverer, Jak Kalinda. The planet had abundant natural resources, and was colonized quickly after its discovery. The planet had a single moon. It orbits the star Kalinda once every 210 local days, which last and average of 35 standard hours. Note that Twin Stars of Kira often refers to this world as Karima.(TSK)

Kiris 17
This was one of the larger asteroids found with the Kiris Asteroid Cluster. Kiris 17 was located in what astrocartographers referred to as the "upper" limit of the asteroid field.(LF3)

Kiris 3
This was one of the largest asteroids found within the Kiris Asteroid Cluster. When Thrackan Sal-Solo established the main Kiris Shipyards in the asteroid field, he secretly had Kiris 3 hollowed out. Within the cold, rocky sphere, Sal-Solo ordered a second ship-building facility to be constructed as a failsafe, in case the Galactic Alliance discovered the main shipyards.(LF3)

Kiris 6
This was one of the many large bodies what were found in the Kiris Asteroid Cluster. During the years following the war against the Yuuzhan Vong, Thrackan Sal-Solo and his cronies managed to established a massive shipyard in orbit around Kiris 6, as part of the Kiris Shipyards facilities. The flagship Thrackan Sal-Solo was constructed in orbit around Kiris 6.(LF3)

Kiris Asteroid Cluster
This random field of asteroids and interplanetary debris was located in the Kiris Cluster of the galaxy, near the outer edge of the Corellian System. It was here that Thrackan Sal-Solo and his cronies established the Kiris Shipyards, as a way to secretly begin amassing enough naval power to ensure Corellia's independence from the Galactic Alliance.(LF3)

Kiris Cluster
This dense cluster of gases and proto-stars was located in the Corellian Sector of the galaxy. It was here, within the Kiris Asteroid Cluster, that Thrackan Sal-Solo and his cronies established the Kiris Shipyards, as a way to secretly begin amassing enough naval power to ensure Corellia's independence from the Galactic Alliance.(LF2, LF3)

Kiris Shipyards
This secret shipyards facility was constructed by Thrackan Sal-Solo, during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Sal-Solo and his political allies believed that Corellian independence would only be achieved through a show of force, and secretly began appropriating credits from other governmental agencies to fund the construction of the Kiris shipyards, which were named for the fact that the facilities were hidden in the Kiris Cluster. The funneling of credits to Sal-Solo's construction fund were not discovered for several years, until Five World Prime Minister Aidel Saxan and her accountants found them. She allowed the shipyards to continue, as she had no political grounds on which to stop it.

While word of the existence of the secret fleet eventually reached the Galactic Alliance, Sal-Solo and his cronies had a surprise for any Galactic Alliance forces that might try to capture the shipyards. Instead of a single facility, Sal-Solo had ordered two separate shipyards to be built in the Kirises, with the second facility being built within the core of the Kiris 3 asteroid. In this way, a second fleet of warships could be launched into battle, where the Galactic Alliance believed there was only one fleet of ships.(LF1, LF2, LF3)

Kirises, The
see Kiris Asteroid Cluster(LF3)

This form of participatory music was popular in cantinas and bars of the Moddell Sector of the galaxy, during the early years of the New Republic. Participants got up on stage and sang songs into a microphone, accompanied by the music which went with the lyrics. A speciallzied monitor displayed the lyrics as the song played, in case the participant forgot them.(GMR9)

Found on many Outer Rim worlds, the amphibious kirithin was a predatpory creature protected by heavy scales. Its front fins were studded with claws, which could be used to pull the creature along the ground or to attack its prey. When it grabbed its prey, the kirithin then bit into its prey with its wide mouth, which was filled with dozens of razor-sharp teeth.(ANT)

Kirium Skyway
This was the western artery of the skyway that moved people around the city of Efavan, on the planet Vorzyd 5. It connected westward locations with the Westrex district of the city, where travelers could connect with trains the moved along The Ring.(GORW)

The name of the Ambassador from the Kirl province on Munto Codru, during the early years of the New Republic. He chose to use the name Kirl in place of his given name, after he was appointed to the position.(CS)

A district of the planet Munto Codru.(CS)

A Codru-Ji native to the Kirl province of Munto Codru.(CS)

This Wookiee was a member of the Jedi Knights, during the Old Republic, and was trained at the Jedi center on the planet Almas. Kirlocca was as ferocious as any Wookiee when he first arrived on Almas, and was admitted by Nerra Ziveri when he showed incredible control over the Force. During his training, Kirlocca distinguished himself as a master in the techniques of lightsaber fighting, and remained on Almas after being named a Jedi Knight to teach lightsaber techniques to other students. Over time, Kirlocca stopped using Wookiee war cries in combat, instead fighting in an eerie silence that tended to disarm his opponents. Kirlocca also achieved the level of Jedi Master, and taught lightsaber combat at the Almas Academy for many years before his death aboard the Luxury, just after the Battle of Geonosis. He and a group of Padawans had boarded the cruise ship at the request of the organization known as Sentient Beings Opposing Violence, in an effort to discuss peaceful relations between the SBOV and the Almas Academy. However, the Dark Jedi known as Raik Muun had planned to unleash a group of t'salaks aboard the starship, in an effort to cause chaos and discredit the Almas Academy. Although Kirlocca and the Padawans fought bravely against the t'salaks, they were ultimately overwhelmed. Just as a team of rescuers arrived, Kirlocca was stabbed in the chest by the surviving Padawan, who had become enraged while trying to kill one of the t'salak. The Wookiee was already badly injured from the fight against the t'salaks, and died almost immediately from the wound.(LFC, LFCW, FOC2)

This was a Mandalorian verb that translated into Basic as "to adopt someone," although a more literal translation was "to give a soul to someone."(OWS)

This family owned a farm and homestead on the planet Qiilura during the last years of the Old Republic, until Ghez Hokan arrived and took control of the planet. He sold the entire sixty-person Kirmay clan into slavery to a group of Trandoshans, then stole their land for use as his base of operations.(RCHC)

Kirn, Vad
This man, a native of the planet Cularin, was one of several hundred natives who disappeared from public view during the years following the onset of the Clone Wars. Many people secretly attributed these disappearances to the Thaereian Military, which spent the nighttime hours removing an vocal opponents to its control of the Cularin System.(LFCW)

This young Chuhkyvi Iskalonian male overheard Kendle sending a message to Imperial Admiral Tower, alerting the Imperials to the presence of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa on Iskalon, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He then helped Luke and Leia survive the destruction of Pavillion and a swarm of chiaki before they were confronted by a mob of Iskalonians led by Kendle herself. In the midst of the struggle, a stormtrooper shot Kiro, but his breathing helmet absorbed much of the blaster. Kiro survived, and agreed to help Mone rebuild the Iskalonian society. Several months later, following the Battle of Endor, Kiro and the Iskalonians were visited by Rik Duel and his band of scavengers. The Iskalonians began plotting ways to rid themselves of the air-breathers, until Luke Skywalker returned to Iskalon on a diplomatic mission. Mone demanded that Luke and the scavengers leave, but Kiro decided that he had had enough of Iskalon. Donning an ancient rebreather suit, he joined Luke on his diplomatic mission across the galaxy. It was Kiro's bravery on Shawken which helped deactivate an ancient device meant to destroy every planet in the galaxy, but it also left him badly injured. He was rushed to Endor as soon as the mission on Shawken was over, so that he could receive medical care. Kiro also showed some sensitivity to the Force on Shawken, an occurrence that left Luke bewildered. Kiro wanted to be trained, but Luke was unsure how to proceed. Thus, Kiro simply traveled with Luke for many months, learing what he could from the Jedi Knight. Kiro eventually fell in love with the Zeltron Dani, and nearly lost heron Kinooine. His own bravery led to her rescue, but they were intercepted by Den Siva. Kiro and the Nagai warrior fought on a cliff overlooking a river, until Kiro tried to foce the issue by dropping them both into the water. Unfortunately, Kiro died in combat with Den Siva and was not seen for many months, until he suddenly reappeared on Iskalon. Kiro explained to Luke and Lando that he had realized that his true calling was back on Iskalon. Rather than disappoint Dani, Kiro simply slipped back to his homeworld to help his people fight back against the Nagai. He was regarded by the Iskalonians as a hero, a belief that was only multiplied when he, Luke, and Lando drove the Nagai off.(MC75, NEGC, MC76, MC82, MC87, MC90, MC97, MC102, GMR1)

This was a common name among Iskalonian males.(GMR1)

This planet, the primary world of the Kiros System, was colonized by a group of Togruta explorers, several centuries before the onset of the Clone Wars. These Togruta wanted to live a peaceful life, and created a community that was free of wars and weapons, and in which each individual had a chance to experience the joy of being with loved ones. This dream was shattered when Count Dooku and a Separatist task force arrived in the system, shortly after the onset of the Clone Wars. Despite Dooku's assertion that the Separatists were there for defensive purposes only, and that the Togruta would not be affected, the planet became a battleground on which forces of the Grand Army of the Republic tried to force the Separatists to abandon the planet. By the time the Republic's forces were able to defeat the Separatists, however, they found that the Togruta were no longer on the planet. Count Dooku tried to gain favor by claiming that the Togruta had all been killed by the GAR, when in reality the entire population of eight million beings had been taken captive and were to be sold into slavery at the Royal Slave Auction on Zygerrian. Only a handful of the Togruta were kept on Zygeria, however, serving as evidence while the rest were sent to the processing center on Kadavo. The Togruta, as well as the rest of the slaves, were later rescued by Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. They returned to Kiros, but decided to give up part of their pacifist nature and learn how to defend themselves against outside invaders.(TCW1)

Kiros 65
This Khommite, the 65th clone of Krios, was distinguished in the history of the planet Khomm.(UANT)

Kiros System
This star system was colonized by a group of Togruta explorers, several centuries before the onset of the Clone Wars.(TCW1)

This red-haired woman was one of the many ship builders who were enslaved by Overseer Juhm and forced to work at the InterGalactic Banking Clan's shipyards on the planet Gwori, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. Like Mirax, Kirraa was surprised when a group of Jedi Knights and clone troopers managed to breach the security of the shipyards, although Kirraa was a bit surprised when Mirax turned them over to their Separatist masters in order to avoid any trouble for the rest of the slaves. When the Jedi escaped and offered the slaves a chance for freedom, Kirraa and the others readily agreed. Kirraa herself took on the role of adoring slave, approaching Overseer Juhm and currying his favor while stealing the Jedis' lightsabers. She then stole away and rejoined her fellow slaves. With the Jedi re-armed, they were able to steal a frigate and help the slaves escape from the planet before Republic forces bombarded the shipyards. The Jedi took Kirraa, Mirax, and the others back to Coruscant, where the slaves were given new jobs and a chance to rebuild their lives.(CWSOD)

This was one of the seven primary planets in the ancient Koros System, which was later known as the Empress Teta system. When Empress Teta attempted to join the seven worlds of the Koros System into a single alliance united by commerce and aid, Kirrek was the world which resisted the hardest. Pirates and rebels on the planet ignored or attacked any contingent sent to discuss the alliance, and a civil war broke out that marked the final battles of the First Unification Wars. Teta petitioned the Old Republic to send help in quelling the battle, and the Jedi Knight Odan-Urr was dispatched to assist Memit Nadill in mediating the battle. Odan-Urr brought with him the concept of Jedi battle meditation, and together they were able to convince the rebels on Kirrek to surrender their arms long enough to negotiate a peace treaty. A thousand years later, Kirrek's three main cities were destroyed just before the Great Sith War, when they refused to submit to Satal Keto and Aleema.(DLS)

This was the name of a noted Vuvrian individual.(UANT)

This was the name of a noted Ssi-ruuk individual.(UANT)

This young woman was a spacer whose regular run took her to Horn Station. She befriended a scared rock miner who was challenged to a duel by the hulking alien Kerlo, who turned out to be a Jedi Knight. The anonymous Jedi later eliminated the crimelord Shoto Eyefire, freeing the natives of Horn Station from his control.(T2)

This was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy.(GCG)

Kirs, Brass
This Gungan served as Boss Nass' personal chef.(E1A12)

Kirsch, Rya
This starfighter pilot was a member of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, flying an N-1 fighter on reconnaissance missions before joining Bravo Squadron during the Battle of Naboo. He became a pilot after embarrasing himself in front of Queen Amidala as a member of her personal guard. He later became an expert in starfighter defensive aviation tactics.(CCG15)

Kirske, Osika
This Rattatak warlord was known for his vicious lust for power. Sometime before the Clone Wars, Kirske murdered the parents of Asajj Ventress, an act that would come to haunt him later in life. After Ventress was taken in by Jedi Master Ky Narec, Kirske recognized that the pair were a threat to his power. He banded together with the other warlords to murder Narec, but Ventress managed to escape. With her training incomplete, Ventress gave into the anger and hate she felt at Kirske and the Jedi, and succombed to the Dark Side of the Force. In her anger, she hunted down and eventually captured Kirske and his supporters, locking them away in a dungeon to secure her own position as the leader of Rattatak. After the Battle of Jabiim, Kirkse was freed from prison by Obi-Wan Kenobi, who himself had managed to escape the dungeon. Despite their differences, Obi-Wan and Kirske agreed to work together to complete their escape, although Kirske ultimately wanted to make Ventress pay for her actions. He was unprepared for her skill, however, and attacked her without recognizing it. Ventress drew her lightsaber and beheaded Kirske before he could strike a single blow.(SWDB, RHF)

This woman was an X-Wing pilot in Rogue Squadron, during the Battle of Endor. She served as Wedge Antilles' wingman, using the callsign of Rogue Three during the subsequent clean-up operations. Kirst was deeply saddened when her other wingmate, Wister, was killed by Imperial forces which had tried to hide in a canyon on the Forest Moon of Endor. Kirst and Wister had come to love on another, and his lost hurt her deeply.(T12)

This fourth planet in the Yyrtan System was a green-blue world of jungles and deserts broken by mountains. It was the homeworld of the Araquia race of arachnids. Originally colonized by humans, the planet was been severely depleted of its natural resources by the mining and deforestation performed by various groups. The average day on Kirtania lasted 23 standard hours, while its year encompassed 369 local days.(SWJ1, AE)

This planet was located in the Anoat Sector of the galaxy, along the Corellian Trade Spine near Mexeluine. For many decades, it was the primary customs world for the Greater Javin. However, much of the planet's surface had been polluted by overbuilding and excessive manufacturing. Bodies of water often were covered with oil slicks, and machines and factories filled the skies with smoke and debris. During the height of the New Order, Kirtarkin was also the Empire's primary staging area for the Navy fleet patrolling the Greater Javin.(WOA33)

This young man was a member of the theater troupe which was led by Roons Sewell during the height of the New Order.(SWERS)

Kisen Asteroid Belt
This was the innermost of the three asteroid belts which surrounded the star Isen.(PG1)

This was the Jawaese word for the number 10.(GPB)

Kisfrel, Mar'holt
This Em'liy was the last General of Chinshassa, on his homeworld of Shalyvane, before the Empire bombarded the city in an effort to "cleanse" it of rebellious activity among the human population. Because the city and the Circle of Kavaan were destroyed during his watch, Kisfrel was remembered among the Em'liy as a failure and a traitor.(GMR1)

Kisheb, G.L.
This man served as a physician on the planet Londori, during the height of the New Order.(COG)

Kishh District
This Bakuran providence, located on the continent of Braad, was the native home of the Kurtzen.(TB, TBSB)

Kishh'tih Speeder
This civilian model airspeeder was produced by the Bakur RepulsorCorp on the planet Bakura, during the height of the New Order.(GORW)

This race of beings established a second home on Coruscant, during the final decades of the Old Republic. They settled in an area of the city-world that became known simply as Kishi, located near the Westport spaceport. The Kishi were nearly wiped out during the Clone Wars, when the Spinner crashlanded in the Kishi district and set loose a colony of stone mites. Only the timely intervention of Jedi healers who could use the Morichro technique defeated the ravenous insects.(NECH)

This was one of the larger subdivisions of Galactic City, located near Westport on the planet Coruscant, during the final decades of the Old Republic. Named for the Kishi who inhabited it, the Kishi district was destroyed when the freighter Spinner crashedlanded within its borders. The Spinner had been infested with stone mites, which were set loose when the ship cracked open upon impact. The Kishi were nearly destroyed, as was much of the Pillar Zone, before Jedi healers used the Morichro technique to kill the stone mites.(NECH)

This was the Tibranese word for the Ishi Tib Coral Scepter.(UANT)

Kishpaugh Spaceport
This rough-and-tumble spaceport was located deep within the Nelvana Gas Cluster. Its location made it a haven for smugglers and other criminals who were trying to avoid the Empire.(PLRR)

Kiskar Repulsorlifts
This corporation maintained its corporate headquarters on the planet Coruscant, during the early years of the New Order. It headquarters building was unique in that the entire structure hovered five meters off thde ground, kept aloft by the corporation's most powerful repulsors. Visitors could walk beneath the building and marvel at the power and efficiency of Kiskar's repulsor technology.(CN2)

A planet or city known for its small, crowded tenements.(COJ)

Kislov's Gambling Palace
This seedy gambling hall was located on the planet Tythe, during the height of the New Order. The establishment was cramped, smelly, and dirty, but it was one of the few places where the locals could find cheap drinks and sabacc matches.(RF3)

This planet was known for the ancient dwellings which were carved into the sides of its wondrous cliffs.(UF)

Kismet Biscuit
This was a form of bread that was produced by the Mon Calamari race. Each biscuit was essentially a shell, and inside each biscuit was a pre-written statement that provide the eater with a random fortune or words of wisdom.(CN2)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "few."(OWS)

This Mrissi worked for the Nalroni crimelord Sprax as a an overseer to Sprax's various smuggling and salvage operations. A red-and-black plumed male, Kisquar was once a hijacker and smuggler himself, and his reputation eventually led to his employment with Sprax. Kisquar's reputation among smugglers allowed Sprax to hire some of the best pirates and spacers in the galaxy, since they all knew that Kisquar was not a flunky but "one of them."(SSR)

This was the name given to the priest caste of the ancient Sith race.(OWS)

This gas giant was the sixth planet of the Beshqek System, located in the Deep Core of the galaxy, before the world of Byss was destroyed. It was orbited by nine moons.(PH)

This was the largest of the three continents found on the planet Bakura. It was set aside by the Empire as living space for the native Kurtzen.(TBSB)

Kissh'tih Airspeeder
Produced by Bakur RepulsorCorp, this six-meter-long speeder was designed to be cheap and reliable, and was marketed as a civilian transport. It was a basic transport, lacking sophisticated safety and personal comfort systems. The Kissh'tih could carry a pilot and up to three passengers, as well as 100 kilograms of cargo. It could attain speeds of 360 kilometers an hour, and had a flight ceiling of 100 meters.(TBSB)

This man, a Captain in the Imperial Army, developed the original designs for the Class 1 Defense Unit. The Empire's own manufacturers rejected the idea, and Kist eventually sold it to Ulban Arms.(SWJ14)

Kist, Dresk
This Slith shaman was the first of her kind to make contact with the Alliance, when a team of Alliance agents assisted Pippa Rosheen in fighting the disease which was inadvertently brought to Yavin 13 by the Fernandin Scouting Expedition team looking for a new location for Wetyin's Colony.(GG2)

This was the Cestian name for cheese-like substance that was exuded by the mammary organs of a chitlik. It was often used to make a tasty stew, but contained a number of chemicals that helped Cestians and offworlders cope with the mild toxins and microorganisms that were found on the planet's soil.(TCD)

This Tin-Tin Dwarf was originally obtained as a pet by Shug Ninx, until he discovered that it was a Tin-Tin Dwarf. After learning of Kit's intelligence, Shug considered him a partner.(EGA)

This word became part of the Basic language during the years that followed the Sith-Imperial War, and referred to any young or immature being.(SWLL)

This Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "nimble" or "swift", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name.(GMR10, GCG)

This Clone Commander served under Jedi General Ares Nune during the height of the Clone Wars. Commander Kite was killed when the Laudable, on a patrol near the planet Phu, was blasted apart by General Grievous' secret weapon. No survivors were recovered from the explosion.(CWOC1)

Kite Creature
This was another name given to the thrantas what were native to Alderaan. They often were used to ferry Alderaanians from one of their cities to another.(JS)

Kite Plant
Native to Yavin 4, these unusual plants were often seen floating airborne above the treetop canopy. They were brightly colored, which makes them an easy target for avain herbivores. When kite plants were attacked, or when they bump into the tall Massassi trees, they release a storm of jewel-like spores which land in the canopy and eventually grow into new plants.(CCR)

This species of purple-winged raptor was native to Yavin 4.(BTS)

Kitel Phard
This world was the primary planet in the Atrisi System, and the seat of the famed Kitel Phard Dynasty.(ISB)

Kitel Phard Dynasty
This was the term used to describe a period of galactic peace and prosperity, before the birth of the Old Republic. It occurred on the planet Kitel Phard, the primary planet in the Atrisi System, when an emperor arose and unified the entire planet.(XW, ISB)

Kitex co kopad nikozax, bleeze
This phrase from the Bocce language was often heard on cruise ships. It translated into Basic as "May I have another hot towel, please?"(GPB)

This was one of the many names given to female Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "cherished."(GCG, WOTC)

This famous Klatooinian assassin worked for Jabba the Hutt, although he had come to despise the killing and bloodshed. Shortly before the Hutt's death, Kithaba had planned to escape from his servitude and become a musician. Unfortunately, Kithaba perished when Jabba's sail barge exploded near the Pit of Carkoon, when Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa rescued Han Solo, shortly before the Battle of Endor. Note that The New Essential Guide to Alien Species indicates that it was Kithaba, not Barada, who was the first of Jabba the Hutt's minions to fall into the Sarlacc pit.(CCG7, NEGA, SWI98)

This was the Rishii name for one of the legs of the maungur. The name literally meant "limb-tail." A maungur's complete set of limbs was known as the kithaji.(SWJ4, OWS)

This was the Rishii name for the four legs of the maungur. The name literally meant "limb-tails." A single limb was known as a kithaj.(SWJ4, OWS)

Kith'Araquia, T'jaleq
This noted Araquia Doctor and epidemiolgist was credited with identifying the disease known as the Direllian Plague. Kith'Araquia also discovered that Shiarha roots were effective in treating the disease. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Doctor Kith'Araquia was wanted by the Empire for supposed terrorist activity. He was known to be a dedicated to and passionate about preserving the rainforests of his homeworld of Kirtania, and he also had a wicked sense of humor. He was also a pacifist, but realized that his people needed to something in order to throw off the Imperial yoke. When a group of Alliance agents arrived on Kirtania to obtain a cure for the Direllian Plague, Kith'Araquia enlisted their help in planning as assault on the local Imperial base. In the aftermath of the battle, Kith'Araquia and his forces collected a huge number of Shiarha roots for use in combatting the Plague.(SWJ1)

Kithe, Joram
This man was a civilian accountant with the Old Republic, during the onset of the Clone Wars. His parents died in an airspeeder accident, and he was shuffled from relative to relative for many years. Much of his upbringing was handled by his aunt, Tagdel, who made sure he had the best education possible. She also tried to motivate Jorma by getting him an accounting job with the Old Republic's Department of Cost Accouting. In this position, he was part of the team which was dispatched to various battle scenes, in an effort to justify the expense of creating the Army of the Republic, and to decide whether or not to continue to invest in the creation of clone troopers. He and his assigned platoon were sent to Pengalan IV, where they were cut off from their main unit and stranded after the Separatists sprang their trap. Joram was reluctant to take charge of the survivors, despite the fact that his position within the Republic made him a nominal Lieutenant within the Intelligence branch, but he rallied the troopers enough to make a brief rescue of their comrades. Unable to distinguish individual clones, Joram gave them nicknames based on individual traits, and provided enough help to see them through their struggles. As the team was eventually rescued, Joram decided to wholeheartedly endorse the clone trooper program, even though he discovered that they had been specially developed to perform better than "average" clone troopers. His work on Pengalan IV earned him the notice of the Republic's Intelligence agency, which recruited him shortly after his rescue. His first assignment was the recovery of Edbit Teeks on Tarhassan, an assignment that matched him with a group of first-time Intelligence agents.(SWI65, SWI73)

A predatory creature.(SL)

This female Mistryl guard was working for Mara Jade, as part of the Smugglers' Alliance, during the years following the deaths of Grand Admiral Thrawn and the resurrected Emperor Palpatine. Kithra and her companion, Shana, assisted Mara during the defense of Kessel from an attack by the prototype Death Star that emerged from the Maw Installation, some seven years after the Battle of Endor. It was Kithra who intercepted Luke Skywalker and Kyp Durron, when they arrived at the Maw on a mission to destroy the Sun Crusher.(COTF)

A race of pudgy, white humanoids from the planet Kirdo III, the Kitonaks had tough, leathery skin and could draw themslves into their folds of skin and seal vulnerable body openings. This trait allowed them to protect themselves from Kirdo's harsh desert environment. Having evolved in the desert, the normal body temperature of a Kitonak was 106 degrees. A second pair of lungs allowed the Kitonaks to hold their breath for up to four hours during sandstorms. Their heads were mushroom-shaped, and their eyes, nose, and ears, and mouth were hidden from view by folds of skin. The four stout fingers on each hand were extremely dexterous.

Kitonaks were easy-going, patient creatures who rarely rushed anything, often to the irritation of other beings. This was a trait that wasn't developed as part of societal change, but instead from hunting choobas on their homeworld. A Kitonak would stand motionless in the desert, pretending to be a sulfaro plant, until the choobas congregated near them. When a chooba crawled onto the Kitonak and into their mouth, which resembleed the cavities of the sulfaro, the Kitonak simply consumed the chooba. A single chooba could sustain a Kitonak for a standard month.

Kitonaks did not walk in the normal sense of the word, because their feet were actually muscled pads that were studded with olfactory organs. To move, a Kitonak alternately expanded and contracted the muscles in their feet, moving forward much like a snake. The feet also provided the Kitonak's sense of smell.

Groups of Kitonaks existed on Kirdo III in nomadic, tribal groups that moved across the planet's surface with the chooba herds. In this fashion, the Kitonaks only had two natural fears: quicksand, which wasn't very dangerous, but required a great deal of time to extricate one's body from; and caves, where were believed to be gateways to the underworld Realm of the Dead. Within each tribal unit, Kitonaks reveled in the retelling of educational and historical stories and songs, and Kitonak musicians were noted across the galaxy for their ability to develop cutting-edge or influential compostions.

The average Kitonak matured to adulthood in just nine years, allowing them to take place in the Great Celebration of Life that occurred every ten years, during Kirdo III's drenching rains.(E6, GG4, COJ, EGA, NEGA)

This was the native language of the Kitonaks.(ANT)

This was a race of four-armed humanoids known for their grace and speed.(IWE2)

This surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "baker" in the Sullustan language.(GCG)

This planet was home to a race of beings known only as the Kivans. Borborygmus Gog and Mammon Hoole set up the first laboratory dedicated to Project Starscream on the planet, after receiving funding from Emperor Palpatine and the Imperial Science Division, where they experimented with the power of life and death. Although Hoole advised the Emperor that the project would utterly destroy all life on Kiva, it made little difference. The Kivans were wiped out when Borborygmus Gog ordered the continuation of Project Starscream, and the experiment itself was horribly wrong, killed everything on Kiva, including the Kivans. The planet itself was left a barren, rocky wasteland, and was haunted by the wraiths of the Kivans until Gog was killed by them shortly after the Battle of Yavin.(GOF6)

This was the race of beings native to the planet Kiva. They were a peaceful people, known in the surrounding systems as artists and architects. When Project Starscream was allowed to continue its experiments with the power of life, the project nearly destroyed the planet. It killed off all the Kivans, but they survived as disembodied wraiths. They believed that Mammon Hoole had been responsible for their deaths, but were later informed that it was Borborygmus Gog who ordered the project's continuation, in spite of the consequences for the Kivans. The wraiths killed Gog, and were able to finally die in peace.(GOF6)

This Poss'Nomin was an explorer, who made a living as a scout for Rim Commercial Mining.(SWJ14)

This was an ancient Core Worlds language, which was relatively obscure during the early years of the New Republic.(GMR9)

This Imperial surveyor was second in command of Survey Team IX 3244-B, which scouted the Forest Moon of Endor as a possible location for the building of the second Death Star. He reported that the Ewoks were not as tame as they appeared, but his observations were wiped from the record by his commanding officer, Toss. Kiviett was reprimanded and sent down.(MTS)

Kiwik-clusjo Swirl
This unusual mixture of fruits was served at Gart's Frozen Fruit Snacks, on Cloud City.(GMR3, SWG2P)

A grass which can be prepared as food.(TJP)

This clone troopers served under Captain Rex, during the height of the Clone Wars. Kix was known for the unusual tattoos that covered his head, one of which was a sentence in Aurebesh that read "A good droid is a dead one." Kix was part of the small team that was dispatched to the planet Saleucami, during an early hunt for General Grievous. Kix served as the squad's field medic, and his training came in handy when Rex was shot in the chest by a battle droid. The squad brought Rex to a farm that was owned by the Twi'lek female known as Suu, who reluctantly let them tend to Rex in her barn. This allowed Kix to administer bacta to the Captain, but only after discovering that the blast that hit Rex very nearly pierced his heart.(CWT32)
Kiz fiz dolomitex nuriz
This phrase from the Bocce language translated into Basic as "I am approaching the landing zone now", and was most often used when communicating with spaceport control officers.(GPB)

Kiz kiz fee dolomitex
This exclamation from the Bocce language translated into Basic as "Clear the landing zone!", and was most often used when communicating with spaceport control officers.(GPB)

Kizbon's Box
This modified Interceptor-class Helix freighter was once atatcked by Larken and his pirate fleet. The pirates were unaware of the Helix's incredible firepower, and were no match for the weaponry of the Kizbon's Box. Larken later discovered that his new partner, Sahr, ws behind the ambush.(SWJ5)

Kizzee mit rentaz hu
This phrase from the Bocce language translated into Basic as "I'd like to rent a (starship)," with the name of the vessel added to the end of the sentence.(GPB)

This was the clearance code provided to the Alliance starfighters that arrived on Jabiim, some seven months after the Battle of Yavin.(SWESF)

This man was rumored to have served as an Imperial stormtrooper, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. According to urban legend, his friend Bob once stole Darth Vader's personal journal. Although he urged Bob to return it, Kjazhed-Uhl was just as eager to read it.(T16)

This Imperial cargo transport ship made regular runs between the planet Despayre and the construction site of the first Death Star, during the early years of the New Order.(DSTR)

This was a Gorothite tradition, known in the Basic language as the Beholding. When one Gorothite helps another, to his own detriment, the individual who benefitted from the assistance could declare their K'Ji'Kur beholding. The K'Ji"Kur was a one-time debt, requiring that the original act of kindness be returned in kind at the first oppportunity. It could, like the life-debt of the Wookiees, involve a lifelong commitment to another individual.(GSE)

This alien race was known for its ancient form of martial arts, which required intense mental and physical dedication.(WSV)

This was a model of blaster pistol produced by Imperial Munitions during the height of the New Order. The KK-5 was developed from plans provided to the Empire by BlasTech, as a gesture of loyalty to the Imperial regime. Despite BlasTech's plans, the KK-5 was produced with inferior focusing crystals, which reduced the effectiveness of the energy bolts it fired.(TBSB, AEG)

Kkak, Hrar
The Jawa trader who sold a DL-44 blaster to Het Nkik.(TME)

Kkak, Tteel
This Jawa was the leader of the Kkak clan when they discovered the crashed starship containing Jabba's rancor. They expected to find a great salvage from the ship, but the rancor had devoured the crew and damaged much of the ship. Many of his clan were killed discovering the rancor.(TJP)

This Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "child" or "scoundrel". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name.(GMR10, GCG)

K'kayeh Dragon
Believed to live on the planet Almas, this legendary reptile was supposedly able to blend into the sand dunes and completely camouflage itself. Many xenobiologists held that the legend of the k'kayeh began with the first visitors to Forard, who noticed that the sand dunes between the open desert and the kaluthin plans seemed to move like snakes. Over the years, the legend of the k'kayeh dragon evolved to the point where many stories claimed that it was a pet kep tby Darth Rivan. After the Battle of Naboo, investigators discovered that the k'kayeh dragon was, indeed, a living creature. Its scales were more like armor plating that skin, protecting the creature quite well. Its mouth was filled with teeth of all sizes, many as tall as a Wookiee. The k'kayeh dragon measured more than 200 meters in length, and spent much of its time buried beneath the hot sands. It used its powerful claws to dig through the sand to locate subterranean water sources. While it will eat almost anything it can get its huge mouth around, the k'kayeh dragon subsisted mainly on forfra moss and coboko fish. Further investigation revealed that the k'kayeh dragon was very sensitive to the Force, which lent credence to the rumors of it being part of Darth Rivan's designs. How and why he created the dragon remains a mystery. What was known was that the k'kayeh dragon was immune to many Force-based attacks, and could evade life-form sensors. It could also shoot out Force Lightning from its nostrils when cornered or attacked by Jedi Knights. Many believed that the k'kayeh dragon was not actually "alive," but existed in two universes at once.(WOTC)

This was one of the many Jawa clans that scavenged the deserts of Tatooine, during the height of the New Order.(SOT)

Kkek, Empideera
This Jawa considered himself an "exalted master scavenger" during the height of the New Order. He was one of the first Jawas to offer an exchange or refund for defective merchandise, a tactic which angered his clanmates until it proved to be an effective way to make a profit.(SOT)

Kkekkrrg Rro
This was the Wookiee name for the Shadow Keepers, a species of dangerous predators that lived in the fourth level of Kashyyyk's biosphere. They were known for their ability to strike quickly and then retreat into their lairs.(TT, RD, AFA)

K'Kela Mey
This was the name given to the female members of the V'Sook j'ber, on the planet Goroth Prime. Every K'Kela Mey was considered a mother of the True Faith, the M'Nes.(GSE)

K'Kerren, Kerd
This vapid man was a noted podracer during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis and the onset of the Clone Wars. In more than 700 races, he never finished lower than second in any race where he didn't experience some form of technical difficulty, and claimed to have had engine trouble that kept him out of the Boonta Eve Classic race that was won by Anakin Skywalker. Of course, careful investigation of this claim revealed that he had only won fifty races, and finished just 132 races safely. As the Clone Wars tore apart the galaxy, K'Kerren traveled to Cularin to avoid the war and yet continue to race. A veteran of many teams, including the Hutt Racing Program, K'Kerren had won races on nearly four dozen worlds before arriving on Cularin, where he was pestered for an interview by Yara Grugara. K'Kerren was distinguished from this fellow racers by his rancor-hide clothing and his full-body tattoos, most of which were green or gold in color. On the left side his bald head, an Iktotchi horn had apparently been grafted to his temple, while the right side of skull was studded with a grass-like representation of hair. K'Kerren was as self-possessed as an individual could be, and often went around calling himself the "Kerd-man". He even tried to hit on Yara during the interview, an event that was exceptionally stressful to the normally unflappable reporter.(LFCW)

This city, found on the planet Kashyyyk, was located along the Rryatt Trail. It forms one endpoint of the trail, at the opposite end from Rwookrrorro.(TT)

This intelligent but reclusive predator was native to the planet Kashyyyk, where it inhabited the area known as the Hracca Glade. Many beings, including the native Wookiees and the off-worlders who participated in Rodian-sponsored big-game hunts, try to slay the Kkorrwrot, but it remained elusive and hidden despite its rumored size. Those few beings who survived an encounter with the Kkorrwrot described it as a large, insectile creature that moved about on long, jointed legs. Its lobed skull was protected by a mouthful of heavy tusks and sharp teeth, and its body was protected by large dorsal spines.(SWGAL)

Kkowir Forest
This dense forest, located near the city of Kachirho on the planet Kashyyyk, was inhabited by a colony of webweavers. Kkowir Forest became known as the Dead Forest for two reasons. First, it was a desolate area that had been once been lush, but was infected with some plant disease that rendered the jungle a sickly gray in color. Much of the jungle died out, and any new growth was quickly consumed by the disease. Secondly, the Kkowir Forest was home to a number of webweavers and other creatures that usually killed and ate any being who dared to travel through it. A group of Wookiees, known as the Dead Guard, protected the access points to the forest from the city of Kachiro, in an effort to ensure the safety of their people.(SWGAL)

This Kian'thar was a noted Alliance operative.(GG12)

This Whiphid was a student of the Force, training under Master Micah Giiett in the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. He was distraught after Lilit Twoseas gave her life to save him from a Yinchorri warrior on Yinchorr, and vowed to honor her sacrifice with his own actions. However, K'kruhk became disillusioned with the Jedi Council's growing military direction, as well as the growing corruption in the Senate.

K'kruhk was believed to have died on Teyr, early in the Clone Wars, when the charge he was leading met with heavy resistance. The clone troopers under his command chose to press the attack despite the obvious losses it would incur on their force, but Master K'kruhk could not agree to such a sacrifice. He went into hiding, and it was soon discovered that he had decided to join the dissident Jedi Sora Bulq on Ruul in protest of the Jedi involvement in the war. When Asajj Ventress came to Ruul, ostensibly on the orders of Jedi Master Mace Windu to kill the dissidents, K'kruhk was the only member of the small band to support Windu's side of the story. He refused to believe that the Jedi Master had sent the assassin, and he was proven correct when Master Bulq revealed that he had turned to the Dark Side of the Force. Unfortunately, Master K'kruhk was badly injured in a lightsaber duel with Ventress shortly afterward. Only the timely intervention of Master Windu allowed K'kruhk to escape.

When it was revealed that Bulq and Ventress were in league with each other, K'kruhk and Jeisel decided to rejoin Master Windu, at least in order to eliminate the threat they posed. He agreed to return to Coruscant, in the hopes of teaching his fellow Jedi about the different faces of evil they were facing in the galaxy. It was on Coruscant that Master K'kruhk was assigned to protect Senator Viento, an assignment which he ultimately failed when Quinlan Voss took the Senator's life. K'kruhk suffered many injuries in a fall, but eventually regained his health. However, as the Clone Wars ground on, K'kruhk was forced to return to the battlefield.

During the mission to destroy the droid foundries on Hypori, K'kruhk was gravely wounded in the fighting by General Grievous. He managed to escape, and later served with Master Jeisel during the siege of Saleucami. Masters K'Kruhk and Jeisel were placed in charge of the ground forces that attacked the Separatist stronghold on the planet, ultimately destroying the primary shield generator that protected the cloning facilities for the Shadow Army.

In the waning days of the Clone Wars, Master K'Kruhk and Jeisel traveled to Bogden Three, where they found Master Du Mahn and Chase Piru, who were training a group of Padawans. When the command was given to execute Order 66, the clone troopers who had accompanied K'Kruhk turned on the Jedi, and Jeisel was forced to sacrifice her own life to ensure that K'Kruhk escaped with the younglings. They landed their ship on a remote world, hoping to avoid being discovered. As luck would have it, however, Lumbra and his thugs crashed onto the planet after their starship suffered damage. The criminals tried to take the younglings prisoner, and Master K'Kruhk went into a killing rage when Lumbra tried to use Master Piru as a living shield. Scared and concerned by his vicious reaction, K'Kruhk turned custody of the younglings back to Master Piru, and set out to meditate about his actions.

Very little was known of K'kruhk's whereabouts for nearly 100 years, aside from the persistent rumors of his death, until he began teaching new students at the Jedi Temple on Ossus during the decades leading up to the Sith-Imperial War. He was again believed to have died, this time at the Massacre on Ossus, but reappeared to Cade Skywalker on Ossus seven years later. Skywalker had been one of K'Kruhk's students, and his drug-addled mind intruded on Master K'kruhk while was meditating on his homeworld of Toola. The Whiphid Master traveled to Ossus in order to cure Cade of the sickness that was in his soul. They were joined by Wolf Sazen and Shado Vao, who had sensed their presence on Ossus.

While on Ossus, Cade restarted his training as a Jedi, which brought he and Shado Vao into contact with Nei Rin and her Yuuzhan Vong guards. Master K'kruhk understood her desire to restore the Jedi to prominence in the galaxy, but was unsure why she believed that Cade was the one being who could bring about the restoration. Cade did not want the onus of carrying on the Jedi tradition, and asked that Master K'kruhk take his place. K'kruhk agreed when Cade set off to rescue Hosk Trey'lis, and provided Cade with the astromech droid R2-D2, which had been in the Skywalker family for decades. Master K'Kruhk then provided Masters Sazen and Vao with information on the location of the Hidden Temple on Taivas, and the group set off to recover from their injuries and begin planning for the future of the Jedi Order. Although the Jedi were glad to learn that Cade and his uncle, Nat Skywalker, were returning to the Hidden Temple, they were concerned when a group of Imperial Knights followed them down to the Temple's location. These Imperial Knights claimed to have been dispatched by Emperor Roan Fel to discuss an alliance with the surviving Jedi, forcing Master Sazen to accept their presence until their story could be verified.

While the Jedi Masters contemplated the situation, Cade Skywalker boldly called for a direct assassination of Darth Krayt. He explained that the Sith were forming themselves into factions, and that Darth Krayt's failing health would make it easier for the Jedi to destroy him. With Krayt gone, the Sith Order would splinter, making it easier for the Jedi to eliminate their threat and restore peace to the galaxy. Ultimately, the gathered Jedi Masters agreed to pursue an alliance with Emperor Roan Fel, but they refused to support any form of direct attack on Darth Krayt. Master Tili Qua advocated a wait-and-see approach, hoping that the New Sith Order would tear itself apart, as Cade hinted it might.(AOW, OWS, J1, SWDB, RSS, E3N, RSOS, SWI95, SWLG, SWLHT, DT2)

A planet in the Koornacht Cluster.(SOL)

This was the model number of a hydraulic valve manufactured for use in cooling systems by SoroSuub.(IA)

This model of engraving laser was produced by Opirus Personal Lasers. Its use of three fine laser beams made it useful whenever fine detail was required, and the KL-543 found widespread use among counterfeiters.(GG11)

This was the full designation of the Alliance intelligence droid 6T-L.(TA)

This ancient Sith alchemist served as the Gatekeeper for a noted Sith Holocron. An exotic humanoid, Kla was once a Jedi consular who turned his back on the Jedi Order. It was Kla who maintained an extensive knowledge of the Sith Empire under Naga Sadow, but much of his knowledge was believed to have some from another Sith holocron. Kla added a wealth of information on the fall of the Sith Empire to the holocron's storage banks, in the hope that future generations would learn from this history. As a gatekeeper, however, Kla lied to any being who activated the Holocron, claiming that the only way they could gain access to information was to attach the Holocron to other Sith devices that were located in the burial grounds on Korriban. Kla hoped to return his spirit to Korriban, where he could gain strength and take possession of the user.(DSSB, EGF)

When translated into Basic, this Ewok word meant "from."(GPB)

This was one of several Caamasi maternal clans.(IJ)

This was one of the fastest-swimming fish found in the waters of the planet Naboo.(GMR4)

This Defel served aboard the FarStar as one of the ship's primary technicians. Kl'aal was also valuable for his scouting and reconnaissance skills, and got anxious when he didn't get a chance to roam in the wilds. Kl'aal was forced to flee his homeworld of Af'El when he was mistakenly accused of a murder he didn't commit. Rather than face execution, Kl'aal fled and was captured by Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne. Sarne offeredh Kl'aal a deal: serve as the Moff's personal bodyguard in exchange for feeding rights over Sarne's prisoners. Despite his own misgivings, Kl'aal agreed. When the New Republic planned to assault Moff Sarne's stronghold on Kal'Shebbo, Kl'aal became Lilla Dade's primary contact within Sarne's organization. When the assault began, Kl'aal turned himself in to Page's Commandos so that he could lead them to Lilla's position. When the call went out for crewmen to join the FarStar's crew, Kl'aal eagerly joined up. During the FarStar's stop on Binaros during its search for Moff Sarne, Kl'aal picked up the spores of a feeder plant and brought them aboard the FarStar inadvertently. When Gorak Khzam defected from the crew, Kl'aal was promoted to the secruity team to backfill the Rodian's position. Despite the new role, Kl'aal grew more and more restless with the relentless - and sometimes boring - pursuit of Moff Sarne.(DARK, KO, KR)

This alien worked from a base on StarForge Station, during the height of the New Order.(FTD)

This Kadas'sa'Nikto was known as a gambler and one of Jabba the Hutt's main assistants. He was in charge of the repulsor-pool, and was responsible for making sure that all the skiffs and barges were in good working order. He made sure that his schedule always allowed him to see Jabba's rancor get fed each day. Unfortunately, Klaatu perished when Jabba's sail barge exploded near the Pit of Carkoon, when Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa rescued Han Solo, shortly before the Battle of Endor. Note that Star Wars Chronicles indicates that Klaatu was actually known as Wooof.(CCG7, CHRN, SWI98)

This humanoid, alien race was distinguished by its green skin and small facial horns. Their origins were not known, but they were often found working for Hutt crime bosses. Note that this was actually another name for the Kadas'sa'Nikto race.(E6, TOJ)

This was a common name among members of the Ugnaught race.(UANT)

This name was common among the members of the Squalris race.(GORW)

This short-statured, blue-skinned humanoid served as the navigator of Desric Fol's crew aboard the Blind Luck during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(PG3)

A tribe of Gamorreans living on Pzob, they were enemies of the Gakfedd tribe. When the Eye of Palpatine began collecting aliens for its stormtrooper ranks, it collected both tribes from Pzob during a battle between them. As indoctrinated stormtroopers, the battles continued.(COJ)

This was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry.(GCG)

This creature was native to the planet Kashyyyk. The meat of the klak was often served fried. Is the klak a vegetable or an animal?(RD)

Klang Dynasty
The rulers of this ancient dynasty were often embalmed and mummified after death, in hopes that they might live longer lives in the afterworld.(TJT)

This man held the rank of Lieutenant within the Imperial Navy, and was considered one of the best TIE Fighter pilots assigned to the Admonitor during its tour through the Unknown Regions.(SWJ11)

This was the term used by the Krieks to describe the patriarch who rules each tribe. The k'lar also led the ken'karro.(SWJ13)

This S'kytri Patriarch was the leader of his people during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Klarymere believed deeply that the tenets of the Jedi Knights were right and just, and he clung to them loyally, even when the rest of the galaxy began to doubt the abilities of the Jedi. In the aftermath of the Clone Wars, Klarymere's unswerving loyalty to the Jedi earned the S'kytri the notice of the Empire, which soon subjugated the planet Skye and all its inhabitants. He was eventually unseated, and replaced by the pro-Imperial matriarch Kharys.(UANT)

Klasse A
This was the primary star in the Klasse Ephemora System, located in the Unknown Regions.(FH2)

Klasse Ephemora System
This star system, named for the ancient explorer who first discovered it, was located on the Chiss side of the Unknown Regions opposite the Core Worlds. It was here that the sentient world of Zonama Sekot settled, many years after the Battle of Naboo, to essentially hide from the rest of the galaxy. A unique form of hyperspace bubble surrounded the system, containing a wealth of hyperspacial anomalies located around the system to prevent starships from entering and stumbling upon Zonama Sekot. Luke Skywalker and a band of Jedi Knights, operating with the permission of the Chiss, eventually found a way to penetrate the bubble and reach Zonama Sekot, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Doctor Soron Hegerty proposed that the hyperspace anomalies were actually globs of the dark matter which surrounded the galaxy and prevented hyperspace travel outside the galaxy.(FH2, FH3)

This was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the Trandoshan language, the name meant "kills with his teeth".(GCG)

This was a suburb of the city of Tal'cara, on the planet Kothlis. It was surrounded by the unirail train system known as The Loop. Note that this may also be a misprint in the Shadows of the Empire Planets Guide, as the map was clearly meant to represent Tal'cara.(SPG)

This Jawa found that a bounty had been placed on his head, shortly after the Battle of Naboo, after a disgruntled ronto owner accused him of mishandling the beast. The ronto went on a rampage, causing excessive damage to property. Jango Fett managed to claim the bounty when he encountered Klatha in Gardulla the Hutt's fortress, during his search for clues about the Bando Gora.(BH)

An alien race native to Klatooine, the Klatooinans were indentured to the Hutts many years before the rise of the Old Republic. Along with the Vodran and Nikto races, the Klatooinans had served the Hutts since the battles against Xim the Despot, when they signed the Treaty of Vontor.

The average Klatooinan was a tall, humanoid being that had a flat, canine face and coarse skin. The Klatooinan culture was strongly tied to traditional values, and were regarded as being as patient and tenacious as the Fountain of Ancients. They also, like the Fountain, strove to grow stronger with age. The Klatooinans have often referred to themselves as the Children of the Fountain, since they came to develop many of the characteristics associated with the Fountain of Ancients.

The Klatooinans developed sentience well before the formation of the Old Republic, and their cultural records also predate the Republic's formation. Nevertheless, the Klatooinans have remained a fairly primitive people, embracing the technology that was brought to their homeworld but never developing their own. They were known for their loyalty and tenacity, traits that first attracted the Hutts.

There were only a few subtle, visual distinctions between male and female Klatooinans, the primary being that the males were slightly heavier in stature. At the age of ten, nearly every Klatooinan was sold into servitude, usually to local governments. Especially troublesome youths were sold into slavery. This helped the young Klatooinans learn to respect and admire their elders and the traditions of their people. However, because of the Treaty of Vontor, the Klatooinans were forever under the oppression of the Hutts. Like the Fountain of the Ancients, many Klatooinans hoped that they could endure long enough to grow strong with age and shed the Hutt yolk. During the era of the New Order, many Klatooinans of the younger generation grew tired of their elders' cowardly subservience, and set out to join the Rebellion as a show of defiance. When the Hutts tried to exert more control over the Klatooinans, more rebellious activity took place. It was believed that the Klatooinans were finally ready to break out of their millennia-old enslavement.(MTS, TJP, GG12, NEGA)

Klatooinan Council of Elders
This was the term used to describe the rulers of the planet Klatooine. Its members were the wisest and oldest members of each generation of Klatooinans, and they worked from a palace that had been erected near the Fountain of the Ancients. Many members of the younger generations of Klatooinans, especially those who were involved with the Galactic Civil War, regarded the Council of Elders as cowards for not standing up to their Hutt oppressions and demanding freedom for all Klatooinans. The Hutts began to exert more and more control over the Klatooinans, which only served to incite more unrest.(NEGA)

Klatooinan Trade Guild
This famed commerical organization was actually just a front for several Hutt endeavors. Originally established several millennia before the New Order, the Guild was formed to provide Klatooinans a chance to work on planets far from their homeworld. Unfortunately for most Klatooinans, this meant they were sold into indentured servitude to the Hutts, working as shippers and smugglers. There were no official Guild halls, although it owned a number of warehouses and docking bays that were used as bases for the Guild's operations.(GG12, SWJ11)

This desert planet, located within the Si'Klaata Cluster, was the homeworld of the Klatooinan race. Klatooine, like the rest of the Si'Klaata Cluster, was found deep in Hutt space.(MTS, GG12)

This was another name for the Klatooinan race.(OWS)

This was the ancient language of the Klatooinan race. After the enslavement of the Klatooinan race by the Hutts, the Klatooinian language was dropped in favor of Huttese. Only a handful of individuals in each generation remembered the Klatooinian language.(UANT)

A planet.(CRO)

Klauskin, Edela
This woman was married to Admiral Matric Klauskin, until her untimely death some six years after the war with the Yuuzhan Vong. Her death deeply affected Matric, who kept a full-body hologram of her in his quarters aboard the battle carrier Dodonna. The fact that he was still grieving her death allowed Klauskin to become a victim of the Dark Lady of the Sith, Lumiya, who entered his mind and assumed the guise of Edela. In this way, Lumiya drove Klauskin to a breakdown, forcing him to be relieved of his duties and sent to the Veterans' Mental Care Hospital on Coruscant.

There, Klauskin continued to receive visions of his dead wife, as Lumiya continued to manipulate him.(LF1, LF4)

Klauskin, Matric
This man, a native of the planet Commenor, served the naval forces of the Galactic Alliance as an Admiral in the Galactic Alliance Second Fleet, during the years following the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. His loyal service was rewarded when he was given command of the Dodonna, the first completed Galactic-class battle carrier, during the Corellian secession conflict. Despite being the leader of the Corellian Task Force, Klauskin asked for little more in return, maintaining a spartan set of room aboard the ship, using them more as conference rooms than living quarters. While Klauskin was known for his competence and composure during battle, he knew that the margin between victory and defeat was often razor-thin.

The Corellian situation was one that he knew could be stopped without bloodshed, and he strove to end the conflict without having to destroy anyone's life. However, the Corellian military had been alerted to the possibility of a GA blockade by Five World Prime Minister Aidel Saxan, who had learned of the possibility in a conversation with Han Solo. Thus, when Admiral Klauskin had arrayed his forces in the Corellian System, he was dismayed to find himself facing a fleet of similar size and firepower.

When the fighting began, the Admiral was forced to ignore the status of the Jedi ground teams, while he tried to manage the combat raging around him. The stress of the battle eventually got to him, at which time memories of his dead wife, Edela, came flooding back to him. He retreated to his private quarters and activated a hologram of Edela, whose programmed words served to bolster his confidence.

Once the Galactic Alliance forces had taken control of Tralus as part of Operation Roundabout, Klauskin's condition only worsened, and he was discovered by Fiav Fenn while wandering the halls of the Dodonna in search of Edela. He was relieved of command until he could be examined by medical personnel, and was sent to the Veterans' Mental Care Hospital on Coruscant for treatment. The exact details of Klauskin's breakdown were kept secret, in the hope that he would be able to recover. Although his doctors believed that Klauskin had simply suffered a breakdown, it was later discovered that he had been under the influence of the Dark Lady of the Sith, Lumiya. In the guise of Edela, Lumiya offered Klauskin a chance to escape from the hospital and return to Commenor.

Under Lumiya's control, Klauskin traveled to the Bothawui System and murdered the crew of the Shamunaar, allowing Tathak K'roylan and his Bothan warships a chance to set off on their own missions before being detected by the Galactic Alliance. As a result, the GA's forces at Corellia were routed by the Bothan fleet and a fleet from his homeworld of Commenor. He returned to Commenor in the wake of the fighting, where he resigned his commission in the Galactic Alliance and retired as a hero of Commenor.(LF1, LF4)

Klaymor 4-2
A planet which hid an Alliance spy probe during the Galactic Civil War. The probe was destroyed by a TIE Fighter dispatched from the Astin.(TIE)

This short, heavy-set man served as Ghecharo's adjutant. He barely escaped the clutches of a wounded ice modrol which had just killed Ghecharo, while on safari on the planet Neftali. The pair had entered the modrol's lair against the wishes of their guide, Kaori Batta, and Ghecharo suffered the consequences of his rash actions.(WSV)

Klee, Aujante
This woman was a member of the Singing Mountain Clan of Dathomirian witches, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWG2P)

This was a common name among the Ranat race.(UANT)

This expletive was used by the inhabitants of Ranklinge to describe another being, especially when the other being was irritating or annoying.(A)

Kleej, Aubin
This young Gotal was the son of Goethar Kleej. Like his father, Aubin was under the control of The Franchise, during the final years of the Mandalorian Wars. When Goethar tried to expose the secrets of The Franchise after winning the Solo Aerials, he was taken into custody and beaten by Bardron. Bardron then revealed that, in part because of Goethar's actions, The Franchise had forced Aubin to participate in the Tandem Open, despite the fact that Aubin himself had little training as a swoopduelist. When Zayne Carrick later tried to introduce himself to Aubin, Goether intervened, explaining that Aubin had been raised within The Franchise, and had never learned to attune himself to the electromagnetic energy that he received through his head cones. Unable to filter out all the emanations of those around him, Aubin was constantly bombarded by random energy, and his brain was unable to cope with it. He slowly went mad from the electromagnetic "noise", although he managed to survive. This meant that Aubin was unable to concentrate on any one thing for any amount of time, which made him a mediocre swoop pilot at best. Thus, Aubin became known on the swoopdueling circuit as Goethar's Shame. However, Zayne agreed to do what he could to help Aubin get to the finals of the Tandem Open, in the hopes of earning freedom for the Gotals. They managed to reach the finals, only to find themselves facing Goethar and Rohlan Dyre, who was fighting under the nickname of Spikes. After learning the truth about The Franchise from Goethar, Zayne tried to help Aubin by explaining how he handled his connection to the Force. He explained that the electromagnetic noise Aubin was experiencing was no different that the shadow that followed him around. If Aubin could ignore his shadow, even though it was always with him, then he could also learn to ignore the noise.(KOR13)

Kleej, Goethar
This hulking Gotal was one of the combatants who participated in the swoopduels that were staged by the Krish, during the final stages of the Mandalorian Wars. He was a four-time champion of the Solo Aerials, but he had grown tired of the swoopdueling circuit, and tried to expose the Krish who were running the circuit. Despite his success on the swoopdueling circuit, Kleej wanted something more, and chose to retire from the sport after winning his fourth Solo Aerials title. However, despite his intentions, Kleej was still an employee of The Franchise, and his retirement speech was carefully replaced with a pre-recorded message. Goethar was then taken into custody and beaten by Bardron, who revealed that Goethar's original message had been carefully erased. Bardron then threatened to send Goethar back to the slave pits where new racers were trained, but this suited Goethar just fine, because it would bring him back into contact with his son, Aubin. Having suspected that Goethar's actions had been driven by his devotion to his son, Bardrin had taken the liberty of bringing Aubin out of the slave pits and entering him in the Tandem Open, well before the youth could receive any formal training. This forced Goethar to accede to the demands of The Franchise, but he pleaded to be allowed to enter the Tandem Open and save his son. Bardron reluctantly agreed, but only if Goethar agreed to abide by certain condition. If both Gotals won the event, they would be allowed to go free. If either of them lost, however, they would both be trapped in The Franchise for the rest of their lives. In order to ensure a measure of success, Goethar confronted Zayne Carrick and demanded that the former Jedi do everything in his power to make sure that Aubin reached the finals. Zayne and Aubin were paired in one semifinal, and managed to survive. Goethar found himself facing the Mandalorian known as Spikes on another semifinal, and they were also able to survive and move on to the finals. While the races were proceeding, Jarael discovered a recording of Goethar's actual retirement speech. Zayne revealed that the recording existed, and Goethar confirmed the details of The Franchise's dealings with slavers. Goethar then explained that the female being who ran The Franchise had cut off his head cones and then killed Goethar's wife, in order to ensure that he continued to serve The Franchise.(KOR13)

This tree produced a nut that was often roasted and eaten. These roasted nuts had a distinct aroma.(MJH)

Kleeque-class Transport
A transport ship used by the Alliance on Hoth, the Kleeque-class transport was designed and manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. It was positioned to be a medium-range cargo ferry, measuring 250 meters in length and capable of carrying up to 5,000 metric tons of cargo and up to 1,000 passengers. A crew of sixteen operated the ship, which was unarmed in its basic outfitting. The Alliance often added a pair of turret-mounted laser cannons to protect the ship, even though its design limited its ability to fly in space combat.(RASB, ROE)

A flea-like parasite that lives on the tails of durkii.(DCAR)

Klein Bottle
This impossibly-twisted flask was shaped like a crazy pretzel.(LCF)

This Yuuzhan Vong measurement of time was roughly equal to two standard months.(BP)

When translated into Basic, this Ewok word meant "spear."(GPB)

Klemp, Ott
This man served under Gennad Rozhdenst in the Alliance's Scavenger Squadron, during the period leading up to the Battle of Endor. Although a relatively inexperienced pilot, Klemp proved to be a valubale sounding board for Rozhdenst's plans.(HM)

This was the ancient name used by the Gorothites to describe their sun, later known as Goroth Alpha. The name K'Len literally meant "The Mother."(GSE)

K'Len J'Bar Kasoon
This militant Gorothite organization formed during the height of the New Order, after its leaders broke with the T'B'Dellyi'Mai in protest over their lack of faith in the religious beliefs of B'Yen Do V'nel. Led by V'nel, the K'Len J'Bar Kasoon - whose name literally meant "The Rightful Vengeance of the Mother" - set out to rid Goroth Prime of all offworlders as quickly as possible. V'nel's "grand task," which formed the basis of the group, had three main parts: making Goroth Prime ungovernable for the Empire, to incite the Gorothite people to revolution, and to rouse the "spiritual forces" of the planet to join the cause. The K'Len J'Bar Kasoon was based in the city of A'Lenba during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(GSE)

Kleng, Leekz
This male Gran was a hitman who worked for Sebolto during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. A bounty was issued for his capture by an anonymous individual, who simply wanted the "murderous thug" off the streets. The bounty was claimed by Jango Fett, when the bounty hunter traveled to Malastare to meet with Sebolto.(BH)

This Alliance operative was one of more than seventy-two individuals who were murdered by the Nikto assassin Ma'w'shiye, after Ma'w'shiye deserted from the Alliance in the wake of the Battle of Endor.(SWJ4, OWS)

Klepthian Rock Otter
This aquatic mammal had a long, muscular body that was supported for four stout legs. These creatures were excellent swimmers, using their paws and their thick tails to move them through the water. Klepthian rock otters fed on shellfish, using their teeth and small stones to crack open their shells.(LSSM)

During its occupation of Deysum III, the Empire established its computer resources base in this city.(GMK)

This four-armed, three-eyed race had the ability to continually monitor its surroundings, as its eyes were evenly spaced around its head.(GCQ)

This was the name given to the unique gland found inside the body of a Stenax individual, giving them the ability to across great distances in low-light conditions, while retaining the ability to discern color and detail.(GMR1)

This Rodian was one of the many shady characters who lived in the city of Tolea Biqua during the height of the Clone Wars. He went into business with a human known only as D and a Duros partner to steal classified documents from Nirama and sell them on the black market. After his Duros partner was killed on a mission, Kletoo demanded double payments for his success. He found himself facing not only the human D, but his Trandoshan thugs, forcing Kletoo to abide by their original agreement. Because of his part in the sensitive operation, D had Kletoo executed shortly after delivering the documents.(LFCW)

Klev, Titus
A native of the planet Alsakan, Klev's father was a highly-placed officer in the Clone Wars. His mother was the heiress to a wealthy merchant company. He wanted for nothing, and eagerly joined his local SAGroup when his time came. He excelled in Wegsphere, and was trained on Ibanjji. His outstanding record made him the 37th Klev to be accepted into the Academy, but the Alliance's victory at Endor nearly ended his career. He stuck with the Empire, though, and seemed ready to be promoted to Moff when he was named an Imperial Navy Captain, commander of the Silencer-7 World Devastator. He died when his World Devastator crashed on the planet Calamari.(DE1, DESB)

This Jiivahar was outcast from his talin on Carest 1, and made a living in the galaxy as a terrorist and gun for hire.(SWJ14)

On elderly Selonian representative of the Overden, Kleyvits was a tall, though somewhat stooped, female. She intercepts Han, Leia, and Dracmus when they make an emergency landing on Selonia.(SC)

Kliap Pirates
This pirate gang executed several flashy raids in the Kliap Sector, during the early years of the New Order.(AIR)

Kliap Sector
This area of the galaxy was infamous, as the home of the Kliap Pirates.(AIR)

Klib, Kim
This young boy worked as a messenger and stockboy for many of the businesses in Gadrin, on the planet Cularin, during the last decades of the Old Republic.(LFC)

This man served as a Captain in the Imperial armed forces that were assigned to Lord Shadowspawn, during the early months of the New Republic. Designated as CC-1000 in Shadowspawn's army, Captain Klick and his squad were responsible for security at the Sorting Center on Mindor. Klick was one of the many clone troopers from the Grand Army of the Republic who had survived the entire duration of the Clone Wars, and had later been able to acquire the necessary treatment to remove the rapid aging that had been coded into his genes. His nickname had been given to him by a Jedi, who said it was short for "kilometer", a reference to his original identification number, TP-1000. Over the years that followed the end of the Galactic Republic, Klick had been injured many times, and his resemblance to Jango Fett had been marred by burns, scars, and the ravages of time. He stayed with the military when it became the Imperial Navy, and was among the many pilots who flew at the Battle of Endor.

In the wake of Emperor Palpatine's death at Endor, Klick had briefly served under Admiral Kraven before joining the growing forces of Lord Shadowspawn. Some six months later, he and his squadron of TIE Defender pilots were assigned the mission to intercept the luxury liner Corellian Queen, after the ship's itinerary had been sold to the highest bidder by a disgruntled employee. Unknown to the Imperials, the ship was actually in drydock, and that the itinerary had been leaked by the New Republic military. Klick and his squad were ambushed when they arrived at the liner, and only a few of his men survived to accompany him back to Mindor. Klick feared that he had betrayed the trust Lord Shadowspawn had placed in him, but he nevertheless returned to Mindor to provide his master with a full report. He was therefore surprised when Shadowspawn welcomed the knowledge of the defeat, and explained that he was already aware of a New Republic task force that was on its way to Mindor. Fearing for his master's life, Klick asked his leave to begin preparations, but Shadowspawn refused, citing the need to keep the Republic's forces unaware of the fact that their arrival was anticipated. Klick's fear turned quickly to confusion when Shadowspawn then stated that his forces had to lose the coming battle, in order to ensure that Luke Skywalker ascended to his rightful place as Emperor.

As the battle raged, Klick tried to maintain order and control in the fortress, and eventually found himself taking orders from Lord Cronal himself. The coronal flare that scoured Mindor's surface during the battle allowed the Republic's force to land on the surface without being attacked, which forced Klick to seal the fortress against an invasion. When the doors he was guarding were broken down, Klick was forced to order his men to hold their fire when we realized that it was Luke Skywalker who was coming through the door. Klick knew that the ultimate goal of the fighting was to ensure Skywalker ascended to the Shadow Throne, and he quickly knelt before the man who would soon become Emperor. Playing on the trooper's beliefs, Luke was able to assume the role of "Emperor Skywalker". In a message received by Lando Calrisssian and the commanders of the New Republic forces at Mindor, Skywalker ordered Klick to assume the role of air marshall, after trooper GC-1000 was given command the Imperial forces and ordered to surrender. Klick later surprised Fenn Shysa and the Mandalorian soliders who were fighting for the Republic when he announced his surrender in the Mandalorian language, before calmly explaining that Emperor Luke Skywalker had assumed command of the Imperial forces on Mindor, and was ordering the evacuation of all military personnel and civilians before the radiation flares spewing from Taspan reached the planet.

With the evacuations underway, Klick returned to Skywalkr's side during the search for Leia Organa. They encountered Kar Vastor, who was was being controlled by Lord Cronal, inside the Cavern of the Shadow Throne. Although Luke was initially able to force Vastor to stop fighting, Cronal was still in control of the meltmassif network he had created. Besides the crystal filaments that were connected to Crowns, Cronal had had the stormtrooper armor worn by Klick and his man made from meltmassif stone. This allowed Cronal to reach out with this power and attack any being who had been implanted with the stone, including Klick. The sensation of Cronal's attack was not unlike being stabbed with needles and knives, and the pain drove Klick to his knees. It also cleared his mind about who Skywalker really was, and compelled Klick and his men to turn on Luke instead of supporting him.(LSSM)

This man was hired by Moff Disra to incite crowds to riot on several New Republic worlds. One of the leaders of the group known as Vengeance, Klif was a genius at demagoguery. He could whip a crowd into a frenzy with ease. He worked with Drend Navett on many such operations. Klif and Drend found steady employment under Moff Disra, who used their services to destabilize the New Republic shortly after it was revealed that the Bothans were involved in the destruction of Caamas. Later, Navett and Klif were placed in charge of taking out the shield generator in Drev'starn, posing as exotic animal dealers. They used their small animals as saboteurs, first getting metalmites into the generator facility, then using baby mawkrens to transport small bombs into the building. Once Navett was in place and ready to take out the shield generator, Kliff accompanied Horvic anfd Pensin on a sabotage mission. Disguised as New Republic technicians, they managed to get aboard the Predominance and make their way to a turbolaser battery. They killed their escort and managed to get eight shots off at the city of Drev'starn before begin discovered and neutralized.(SOP, VOF)

This town was located at one end of the valley which dominates the city of Kliffen, on Commenor.(IR)

This man was a warrior during the Old Republic. He received greivous wounds during battle - some believe during the Clone Wars - and was able to survive only by having cybernetic replacements implanted in his body. After seeing the lasting physical injury organic beings were willing to inflict upon each other, just to settle some petty dispute, Kligson decide to retire from life. He cobbled together a collection of starship parts and scraps, which became known as Kligson's Moon, and set out to spend the rest of his life without outside organic contact. He surrounded himself with droids, and would only allowed automata to board the station. Sometime after the Battle of Hoth, Luke Skywalker and his own droids, C-3PO nd R2-D2, brought a damaged Imperial warbot to Kligson for repairs. The warbot was discarded, but Kligson tried to tke possession of C-3PO and R2-D2, hoping to examine two automatons who actually enjoyed the company of organics. His plans to examine the two droids were smashed when his own chief of security, a former Imperial combat droid known as Z-X3, tried to take control of Kligson's moon for itself. Z-X3 believed it had shot and killed Kligson, but it actually destroyed an android duplicate. Kligson survived, and ordered the destruction of Z-X3 and its companions. Then, fearing Imperial pursuit, Kligson took his space station and fled into the depths of space. He did, however, provide Luke with the full schematics of the warbot before disappearing.(FTD, MC47)

Kligson's Moon
This space station, known as Droid World, was manufactured by Kligson as a refuge for droids and automata during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Considered something of a myth and legend, the station actually did exist, although Kligson moved it around in order to avoid detection. Measuring 800 meters in length, Kligson's Moon was built from starship hulls, drive engines, and space station modules, and was populated entirely by droids. No organic life was allowed onboard, and even Kligons himself was more droid than man. Kligson's Moon was crewed by 1,000 droids, with another twenty droids serving as weapons operators. Kligson's Moon was armed with thirty turbolaser batteries and five tractor beam generators. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Kligson took his space station and fled into space, after his chief of security, a droid known as Z-X3, turned out to be plotting a mutiny. Fearing an Imperial attack, Kligson simply chose to hide again. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Kligons's Moon found itself under attack by the alien invaders. Only the timely intervention of the surviving members of the Iron Knights saved the station from subjugation. Note that Star Wars: The Further Adventures - Droid World indicates that Droid World was an actualy planet.(FTD, MC47, FADW, OWS)

This species of creature was mutated by a rogue Geonosian biogenics lab to create Force-sensitive monstrosities that were provided as minions to the Sith, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. They were first discovered on Yavin 4.(SWGAL)

Kliknik Mantis
This large species of kilknik was native to Yavin 4.(SWG2P)

This ambitious Imperial Army General was known as a ruthless and demanding officer. His efficient conquests were known to many Imperial officers, who recognized that Klime was very good at instilling respect through the use of fear and military prowess. He desired to become a planetary governor, hoping to increase his power and prestige, and he took the position of governor over the Ishanna System during the height of the New Order. He ruled the system, and its neighbors, much like a military outfit, instilling fear and showing his muscle when needed.(SWJ9)

This was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy.(GCG)

This man was a member of Leia Organa Solo's crew dispatched to recover the Katana and the rest of the Dark Force. Kline and Shen were placed in charge of restoring the main computer systems of the Katana itself.(DFR)

Kline, Eujustus
This prospector, working for the Solgg Chemical Company, discovered the planet Monor II and the dense cirrifog that surrounds it. He also realized that the cirrifog could have industrial uses. Because of the demand for cirrifog and the profits it brought in, Solgg named Monor II Kline Colony.(SWJ10)

Kline Colony
This was another name for the planet Monor II. Tinian I'att once saved Chenlambec's life on this world, when an Alliance 'acquisition' took poorly to the Wookiee's style of capture.(SWJ10, TBH)

Kline Security
This was the primary police and security force protecting the planet Monor II, also known as Kline Colony, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWJ10, OWS)

Klinj, Bardo
This man was a native of the planet Naboo, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWG2P)

Klintee, "Deadeye"
This male Clantaani was a known associate of Longo Two-Guns during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Jabba the Hutt issued a bounty for his capture in connection with the killing of three of Jabba's personal slaves, which was eventually claimed by Jango Fett, who was on Tatooine trying to arrange a meeting with Jabba.(BH)

Kli'qiy, Surenit
This Caamasi Jedi Knight was known for his honesty. He was once quoted as saying, "Let there be truth between your heart and the Force. All else was transitory."(PJSB)

This was the traditional Tunroth bow weapon. It was an extremely powerful and accurate weapon, and could fire caros arrows with enough force to pierce stormtrooper armor.(GG12, AIR)

One of Demophon's two continents, Kliss was nearly uninhabitable before the system's star exploded.(SN)

This Imperial hanger deck officer served on the Subjugator under Captain Kolaff.(SF)

This starship was one of Ellor's smuggling ships. It was used in the smugglers' raid on Bilbringi, some five years after the Battle of Endor, in an attempt to steal the Imperial crystal gravfield trap that was located in the shipyards.(TLC)

Klivian, Derek "Hobbie"
A native of the planet Ralltiir, this Alliance pilot was known to his comrades as Hobbie. He served as Biggs Darklighter's executive officer aboard the Rand Ecliptic during the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin and the mass-defection of the officers aboard the ship. Hobbie was known as a skeptic in his early years of service to the Alliance, but that seemed to change when he met Biggs. He was always eager to get into a starfighter and shoot down the enemy, much like a rookie on every flight. His rashness cost him the use of his left arm and leg, both of which had been replaced with cybernetic prostheses. Hobbie served under Captain Heliesk on the Rand Ecliptic, and when Heliesk staged a mock mutiny and stole the Rand Ecliptic from the shipyards of Bestine, Hobbie defected with Biggs and several others. They were taken into the Alliance's military and assigned to the Massassi Base on Yavin 4. Just before the first Death Star threatened the base, Hobbie was stricken by a virulent pathogen he picked up in the jungles outside the main temple. This forced him to remain at the Massassi Base while Darklighter and the other pilots launched into the Battle of Yavin. In the aftermath of the battle, Hobbie learned that Biggs had probably saved his life by finding a certain flower that provided the antidote to his afflcition. Shortly afterward, Hobbie assisted in the defense of Echo Base on Hoth, and was later assigned to Wedge's Rogue Squadron as Rogue Six. Note that in the novelization of Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, Hobbie was killed when he crashed his disabled snowspeeder into General Veers' AT-AT walker. Many of his comrades often said that Hobbie enjoyed bacta baths too much, and that he could crash any starship he touched. After the Battle of Endor, he was given the nickname Bugbite by Iella Wessiri. The nickname served as a reminder of their first meeting on Corellia, after Hobbie had been stung by a local insect. Shortly after the Imperial Remnant agreed to a peace treaty with the New Republic, Hobbie and most of the other veteran Rogues retired from active duty. Hobbie maintained his flying skills, but eventually took a job as Zaltin Corporation's chief spokesman on the planet Coruscant. Some three years after the end of the Second Galactic Civil War, Hobbie took some vacation time and traveled to Kessel, to help Lando Calrissian and a team of pilots destroy the strange caches of explosives that were discovered beneath the planet's surface.(E5, XWN, MTS, EGC, RSG, SOC, SOA, DTO, SWED, LSSM, FJ1)

A native of the planet Culroon III, Kloff assumed leadership among his people by showing them how to use advanced technology, such as energy weapons, to create an armed forces. When the Empire tried to subjugate the planet, Kloff rallied his clansmen against them. The Empire tried to make it look like a peaceful joining of powers, but Kloff had hidden a number of clansmen in the surrounding area. When Imperial General Irrv gave Kloff a ceremonial sword, Kloff ordered his people to attack. The Imperial forces regrouped, and through the quick thinking of then-Lieutenant Maximillian Veers, brought in the huge AT-AT ground assault vehicles to subdue the Culroon.(SWSB)

Kloff, Anderton
This man was a lifetime member of the Imperial Army, starting out as an AT-AT pilot before moving up the ranks to eventually attain the position of General. Unlike most officers, General Kloff never forgot what it was like on the front lines, and his disciplinary style of command was tempered with a sense of fairness. His subordinates inwardly hated him, seeing Kloff as an unyielding automaton, while outwardly they respected him and were extremely loyal. During his posting as the commander of the ground forces on Goroth Prime, General Kloff often clashed with Admiral DeGoort, whom Kloff considered to be a screw-up. Kloff also thought of Governor Marsh Limoth as a data-pusher, and aspired to the Governor's posting himself.(GSE)

This pale, pinkish fungus was native to the planet Qiilura, and formed a mesh-like structure when it formed large colonies. Klol fungus was usually found on tree stumps and other exposed plant material.(RCHC)

Kloo Horn
This musical wind instrument was somewhat larger than a Dorenian Beshniquel, and equipped with a double reed. It had richer, more pastel harmonics than the Beshniquel, although some have described it as having a deep hooting sound.(TME, ROM, SWG2P)

A race of small reptiloids, the Kloodavians have sharp beaks and yellow scales. The have the ability to regenerate any of their limbs, and a new one will grow back in a matter of days. Kloodavians were also immune to mental manipulation.(E1A1)

This dim-witted Gran was Prit Kessek's second in command.(WOA26)

This Huttese word translated into Basic as "clone".(CWYN)

This pirate was based on the planet Corulag during the early years of the New Republic. He and his crew once tried to ambush an Ororo Transport convoy, only to find that the ship's airlocks had been coated with explosives. When Kloon's crew tried to use fusion cutters to gain access, the explosives were detonated, leaving Kloon with no credits and several dead companions.(GUN)

This Nikto offered to provide the Jedi Order with the location of smuggled glitterstim spice, some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War, in order to help them locate the source of the spice.(LAWS)

This was the term used to describe any being who played the kloo horn.(GMR7)

Klop da wanga poo pah
This statement from the Huttese language translated roughly into Basic as "You can tell him that yourself."(E4, GPB)

This planet was the homeworld of the Kloperian race.(TNR)

This short, squat alien race had gray skin and small, tentacle-like appendages running along both sides of its body. Many of these appendages end in tiny hands, which were highly dextrous. Kloperians have large, bulbous eyes which collect large amounts of light and provide them with incredibly detailed vision. Their heads sit atop extendable necks, and were punctuated by wide, fish-like mouths. The Kloperian race was known for its mechanical and engineering skills, but they were also gruff and imperious with other races. The New Republic employed a number of Kloperians on Coruscant, to keep the home fleet in top condition.(TNR)

This was one of the many Wookiee clans that made their home in the city of Kachirho, on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. The history of the Klorri clan went back several millennia, and 2,000-year-old battle shields that were originally created by Klorri warriors were still useful, and saw during during the First Battle of Kashyyyk.(VD3, CVD)

This creature, native to the planet Noe'ha'on, was a six-legged slug which lived in swamps. These large, pinkish creatures multiplied rapidly, as the females lay hundreds of eggs each mating period. K'lor'slugs preferred to live in dark, damp caves and burrows, but could swim quite well and were adaptable to many different environments. They were generally harmless to most beings, but a swarm of k'lor'slugs could bring down a human and consume it in short order. The k'lor'slug used a mild toxic, exuded through its bite, to bring down its prey. Many k'lor'slugs found their way off Noe'ha'on by burrowing into the cargo holds of starships, feeding on the foodstuffs of the cargo or the ship's own stores. Away from their native planet, k'lor'slugs lived in garbage heaps and refuse piles, and were regarded as symbols of gluttony and decay. There was a hologram of a k'lor'slug on Chewie's holotable aboard the Millennium Falcon.(CCG, ANT, UA)

This man served as the Warden of the Imperial Prison Barge Purge, about a year before the Battle of Yavin. In order to make his office aboard the barge appear larger and more important, Kloth filled its walls with holomurals and other video screens, many of which were surplus items that he had acquired over his career. The only window in the office was a huge viewport that showed the expanse of space outside the ship, adding to the sense of grandeur. This interior design mirrored Kloth's own personal demeanor, as many of his peers regarded him has an outwardly bureaucratic man who lacked the initiative and bravery to act on his own. Kloth was known to remain mostly in his offices, especially when it was time to make majro decisions. When the Purge experienced problems with its drives while moving through the Unknown Regions, Warden Kloth and the rest of his crew were surprised to find a Star Destroyer in the immediate vicinity. The Star Destroyer appeared to have been abandoned, although a dozen life-forms were detected by the Purge's scanners. Kloth sent Captain Jareth Sartoris and an engineering crew to the Star Destroyer, hoping that some of its drive components could be salvaged to repair the Purge. Kloth explained that the mission was an opportunity for Sartoris to redeem himself, after he was accused of murdering Von Longo. The engineering crew returned with parts that could be used to repair the barge, but they also carried with them an unusual contagion that swept through the ship, killing most of its passengers in a matter of hours. Kloth himself became infected, and was confronted by Sartoris. Although Kloth tried to fight against the infection, Sartoris simply drew his blasters and shot Kloth in the head, hoping to ensure that the Warden would not spread the infection any further.(SWDT)
This orange star was located at the center of the Gacerian System.(PG2)

Kluggerhorn, Zack
An alias given to Han Solo by Princess Leia on Hologram Fun World.(QE)

This planet aligned itself with the New Republic after the Battle of Endor. It was believed that Rodin Baem stole information from New Republic computers on this planet. It was known for its unspoiled wildernesses, and the government regulated the size and locations of its cities in order to minimize the intrusion into the natural beauty of the planet. Despite this regulation, the government eventually allowed the construction of The Ace of Sabres, in order to bring in more revenue to the planet.(WBC, WSV)

Kluskine, Dewt
This Imperial Commander served as the Warden of the prisoner facility maintained on Kessel during the height of the New Order. His primary residence was on the Garrison Moon, at the Kessel Correctional Facility. While Kluskine was ostensibly in control of the spice being exported from Kessel, he left much of the work to Moruth Doole. Doole kept much of the business to himself, and Kluskine was unaware of the credits and spice that Doole was embezzling. As the spice administrator, Kluskine often met with black marketeers and powerful crimelords. To protect himself, he maintained an "honor guard" of strong-looking aliens to present a secure impression. This honor guard became his undoing, when Doole managed to add the angry Wookiee Gyylghrard to the team. Gyylghrard hated Kluskine with every fiber of his body, and eventually saw a chance to exact his revenge. During a meeting with the Toydarian Fossco, Gyylghrard was able to behead Kluskine with a vibroaxe before being shot to death by stormtroopers.(PH)

This was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language, the clan's name meant "tranquil".(GCG)

Kluub, Spensor
This Twi'leki slicer was one of the best data decryptors found on Cloud City, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. When the Empire garrisoned the outpost and began cracking down on suspected rebel activity, Spensor - known to his friends as "Old Spens" - was captured and interrogated before being rescued by a team of Alliance agents. Unfortunately for Kluub, Kal Vorusk had slit his throat in an effort to kill him. The wound, though greivous, failed to kill him instantly, and Kluub was taken by the Alliance agents to Doctor Drase. The agents hoped that Old Spens would recover and help them decode some data given to them by Silver Fur. Kluub managed to survive, and altered the Alliance agent to the fact that Govin Thane knew they were on Cloud City and was waiting to ambush them.(GMR3)

This sentient species of arboreal mammals was native to the planet Krann. They evolved from a lemur-like race of creatures, and live within the Black Jungle. They have soft, glowing, amber-colored eyes which were suited for seeing in the deep red light of Krann's four stars. These eyes appear alsmot fluorescent under normal lighting. The Empire, which harvested innumerable amounts of nova crystals to fund the first Death Star project, attempted to enslave the Kluuzot. The intelligent mammals simply fled deep into the jungle, where they hid until the New Republic came to liberate the planet. They have not pledged any support to the Republic, but the Kluuzot realize that the Republic was not there to enslave them.(TSK)

This man was one of the handful of Jedi Knights who served at the Draay Estate, on the planet Coruscant, during the era of the Great Sith War.(KOR10)

This was one of the most common names given to male Corellians.(GMR9)

This continent, located on the planet Trascor, was the only area populated by the Hy'tras race of Shatra.(AE)

This imposing, elf-like being represented the owners of the Nova Prince. Klysk claimed that he and his employers had been taken from the Red Nebula and enslaved by forces within the galaxy, and that they were kidnapping smugglers and mercenaries to help them return to the Nebula. To this end, Klysk fitted each captive with a slaving collar, and forced them to plunder and steal from those worlds where the Nova Prince stopped. In the end, Han Solo learned that Klysk and his followers had been exiled for desiring material wealth. When Klysk tried to steal the gemstones, he was forced to flee the planet and the Nebula. However, the controls of the Nova Prince were set to automatic pilot, and the ship plunged into a star. Klysk and all aboard were vaporized.(LTA2, MC50)

Klystron Tube
This was one of the many components that were used in the construction of turbolaser weapons.(DSTR)

This alien race was known for its ability to communicate by altering the vibrations that occurred in the electric fields that covered their bodies. These electric fields were generated an individual's leathery scales.(PM16, OWS)

This Industrial Automaton spaceport control droid was built by the Alliance. They attempted to create a droid which could penetrate the Empire at vital points and remain unobtrusive while gathering information. K-M2 was equipped with backup batteries and memory storage units, which allowed him to completely recover from memory wipes with his hidden programming intact. He was placed in Imperial service in the Minos Cluster, where any inadvertent malfunctions wouldn't jeopardize important missions. K-M2 rose in the Imperial ranks, and eventually became the head controller of the Travnin spaceport. He gathered data on the Chariot and other Imperial vehicles, but secretly longed to sacrifice himself to save an exposed Alliance agent.(GG6)

K'masa nu eyeta
This phrase from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "I am a friend."(GPB)

Kna Naa
This was the Ewok word that described a Spirit Tree.(GPB)

This saurian predator was native to the planet Anobis. They migrate in packs of 100 or more, scouring the landscape for food as they pass. These reptiloids have purplish-blue scales and a dorsal ridge of silver spines. Their tails were barbed, and can be used as a weapon. Most knaars attack at night, when the only thing that can be seen were their yellow eyes. The average knaar was large enough to swallow a man whole.(ROM)

A city located on the planet Fibuli.(CSA, SWJ7)

Knarr, Thasca
This Snivvian merchant set up his own business within one of the guest rooms at Exovar's Emporium, located on the planet Neftali. While this activity was generally overlooked by Exovar, Thasca Knarr was also plotting to take over the Emporium for his own usage. Thasca Knarr developed a network of spies and mercenaries, and hoped to eventually command a team of bounty hunters. All of Thasca Knarr's plans were thwarted, however, when a group of independent operatives uncovered his plans and exposed them to Exovar.(WSV)

This tree grew in the swamps of the planet Dagobah. Its dead wood and roots were surprisingly dry, and could be used to make a small fire.(LSSM)

Knave Squadron
A group of New Republic E-Wings that flew in the Battle of Calamari.(DE1)

Knave Three
This E-Wing, a member of the Knave Squadron which defended Calamari from the Emperor's World Devastators, was damaged in the battle. Rather than plunge into the sea, its pilot managed to fly the ship into the Devastator Silencer-7. The Devastator's systems went into a self-destruct sequence, and the huge ship was destroyed.(DE1)

This creature was considered a culinary delicacy by the Hutts. They resembled large, yellow-furred pigs with blue-black stripes. Their hides were often cured and used to cover suitcases, books, and caskets.(BF, EOE)

This was a large species of avian predator. The female of the species jealously guards her eggs from outsiders.(EOE)

This was a slang term used by many clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic to describe a youngling, referring to the fact that most children stood just about as tall as a trooper's knee.(CWTV39)
According to Ewok legend, this humble seamstress was made the Queen of the Forests by a powerful nature spirit.(GCG)

This was a common name for Ewok females. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in the Ewoks' mythology.(GCG)

This industrial city was located east of Tekar, on Derilyn. The Friends of Paran made their primary base in this city.(OE)

This was the alias of the Nagai who worked with the Wookiee Vargi to capture Chewbacca, shortly after the Battle of Endor. Knife was the name given to him by the Wookiees, who couldn't pronouce his true name, because of his proficiency in throwing a knife at a target. This individual's full name was Ozrei N'takkilomandrife. Knife was a tall near-human, with a flat-topped head crowned by a short crop of dark hair. He came to Kashyyyk in an effort to restart the slave trade in Wookiees. In order to ensure that Chewbacca would not be a threat to his work, Knife captured Mallatobuck and the rest of Chewie's family as hostages. However, the Wookiees rose up against Knife, and the presence of Han Solo and Lando Calrissian forced Knife to flee Kashyyyk. It was later discovered that Knife was a Nagai warrior, when he appeared on Kabray station to capture several delegates who hoped to join the Alliance of Free Planets. He had been part of the advance scouting team that allied itself with the Empire's remnants in order to take control of the galaxy. All his plans appeared to be falling into place, until he tried to assassinate Han Solo on the Forest Moon of Endor. Han had been detained by Bey, himself a half-Nagai, and Knife arrived to finish the job. Han managed to escape and shoot Knife in the chest. It was at this point that Bey revealed that Knife was was own half-brother. Knife continued to lead the Nagai invasion of the galaxy, until his forces encountered a group of Tofs on Zeltros. It was then, as the Nagai realized they couldn't win, that Knife and the Nagai agreed to ally themselves with the Alliance of Free Planets. Note that the Essential Guide to Characters indicates Knife was a N'Gai, which may simply be another spelling of Nagai.(LTA1, LTA6, EGC, MC91, MC95, MC107, GMR1)

see skekfish.(WOA10)

Knife's Edge
This pirate vessel, a Mansk-class escort craft operating under a Letter of Marque from the Alliance, attacked the Bright Seeker during a routine scouting mission in the Tapani Sector, shortly after the Battle of Hoth. It was later discovered that the crew of the Knife's Edge were actually working under contract for House Mecetti, when they arrived to take control of the Regal Destiny as well as the Bright Seeker.(TSIA)

This Alliance MC80a cruiser was captured by Imperial forces during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(TIE)

Knight Errant
This Alliance YT-1300 light freighter was used as a search and rescue vessel. This ship was dispatched to rescue the crew of the Stellar Damsel and recover the stolen information that was hidden in her computer banks, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The Knight Errant was armed with a single laser cannon, in an effort to avoid unwanted Imperial attention.(WOA3)

Knight Hammer
The new name given by Admiral Daala to the Super-class Star Destroyer Night Hammer, originally built by Delvardus. She decided to rename the ship for her attack on the Jedi academy on Yavin 4. The ship arrived shortly after the Jedi Knights had flung Pellaeon's fleet out of the system, but the Knight Hammer was more than a match for the few Jedi on the ground. After the arrival of the Republic fleet, Callista managed to steal a downed TIE Bomber on the surface of Yavin 4. She landed the ship in the fighter bays of the Knight Hammer and set off the bombs stored there. The resulting explosions ripped through the Star Destroyer's engine compartments, leaving the ship dead in space. The gravity of Yavin then grabbed the ship and sucked it into its core. Daala evacuated the crew, and immobilized Callista before escaping in a command-level escape pod.(DS)

Knight Slayer
This was a monicker used to describe General Grievous, during the height of the Clone Wars.(SWI86)

Knights' Billet
This was the primary dormitory facilities of the new Jedi training facility on Ossus, established in the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. It was located on the tenth floor, providing a sweeping view of the grounds surrounding the facility.(DN3)

Knights of the Core
This pro-human terrorist group was active during the last decades of the Old Republic. They planned to destroy a settlement of Elomin and Gran on Stend IV by importing clodhoppers from Naboo, but their efforts were thwarted by a team of freelance mercenaries. This may be another name for the Army of Life.(SON)

Knights, The
This swoop gang, which originated on Stend VI, was formed by Finegan Flint during the height of the New Order. The Knights dedicated themselves to two things: to uphold the ideals of the Jedi Knights, and to stop the Skulls.(GG9, UA)

This sport was one of the Rabaanite warriors training exercises. Fully-contested matches were part of The Games.(SWJ9)

This was the name used by personnel of the Alliance of Free Planets to describe the Nagai race. The name was based on the first contact with the Nagai, which occurred when Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and Chewbacca encountered the Nagai known as Knife on the planet Kashyyyk.(MC91, MC96)

Knob Nose Transfer Facility
This facility was located on the Nickel One asteroid, during the years following the Swarm War. The facility served as a supply and personnel transfer point, allowing Verpine workers to come and go as necessary to keep the munitions factories on the asteroid in full operation.(LF9)

This fruit tree was native to the planet Despayre. It was named for the bumpy skin the covered the fruit it produced, which was marginally nurtitious.(DSTR)

Knobby White Spider
This strange arachnid, native to the planet Dagobah, was actually a stage in the growth of the gnarltree. These spiders were as large as a landspeeder, and were pure white in color. The body of the spider was covered with knobs and lumps that looked like burls of wood, and it was supported by ten gnarled legs. They flesh of the knobby white spider was actually made up of calcified wood. However, this creature was not an insect. In reality, the spider was a mobile root system spawned by a mature gnarltree. After it was severed from the parent tree, the spider moved through the swamps, eating and growing and storing nutrients and energy. Once it was ready to become a full-grown gnarltree, the spider found a clearing and uprooted all surrounding plantlife. It then drove its legs into the ground and began growing a root system that will sustain it for centuries to come. The spider's head hardened and becomed the trunk of the tree. Note that Episode I Adventures: The Ghostling Children claims that these creatures were a species of spydr.(ISU, E1A5, WSW, UVG)

This was the term used by the Reconstruction Authority to describe the small stone outcropping that was located in Monument Park, on the planet Coruscant. The stone was believed to have been part of the summit of Mount Umate, which was one of the few places where Coruscant's original surface was still visible.(LF9)

Knockout Grenade
This was a form of grenade that used an intense blast of sonic pressure to render any beings in the blast radius unconscious.(FJ1)

Knockout Harpoon
This was another name for a boarding harpoon.(UF)

Knock-out Powder
This was a generic term used to describe any powdered drug that could be sprinkled into food or drink, so that an unsuspecting being would consume it and fall into unconsciousness.(CWTV12)

This Corporate Sector world was on the regular route of the luxury liner Lady of Mindor, located between Ammuud and Roonadan.(CSA)

This planet was famous for its red seas.(POC)

The site of an ancient spaceport on the planet Ossus, Knossa was one of the primary cities of Ossus some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. The city was best-known for the two huge, Adegan crystal obelisks that stood in the city's central plaza. Each year, the moons of Mim and Nerit aligned themselves with respect to the obelisks, and the reflected light created an incredible, dazzling display when passing through the crystals. Although much of the city was destroyed during the Great Sith War, the day on which the alignment took place was recognized as Ossus Day during the succeeding millennia.(DLS, GORW)

Knossa Spaceport
This was the primary spaceport facility located on the planet Ossus, more than 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. Located in the city of Knossa, the spaceport was regularly patrolled by Jedi guardians, who ensured that visitors to the planet were both safe during their visit and not a threat to the training facility that was located on the planet.(GORW)

Knot Holes
This was the name given to the tenuous network of narrow hyperspace lanes that was discovered within the Transitory Mists. By traveling along the Knot Holes, a starship could manevuer through the Mists and travel to the interior planets of the Hapes Consortium.(LF3)

A plant with gnarled leaves.(COJ)

Knotted Krevol
This species of krevol, native to the planet Naboo, was named for the rope-like pattern on its scales.(SWG2P)

Knowing Yoda Smile, The
This was the term used by Palleus Chuff to describe one of the many facial expressions used by Jedi Master Yoda. Chuff was a noted actor whose portrayal of Yoda in Jedi! made him famous across the galaxy.(YDR)

Knowledge Cartridge
This device was used by cyborgs to obtain instant information. They allow the cyborg increased flexibility, as information can be exchanged without the need to onboard storage. The cartridges plug into slots on the bio-computer interface module, and provide the cyborg with information on virtually any subject. There were knowledge-based cartridges, which provide information on general subjects, and techncal cartridges, which provide information on the application of knowledge.(CFG)

Known Galaxy
This was the general term used to describe the entire galaxy controlled by the New Republic. It included, from the center outward: the Deep Core, the Core Worlds, the Colonies, the Expansion Region, the Inner Rim, the Mid Rim, and the Outer Rim. Additionally, the areas of Wild Space and the Unknown Regions were considered part of the Known Galaxy, since they were located within the galactic boundary.(OWS)

Knowt's Disease
A debilitating disease that kills slowly. Pter Thanas suffered from this disease on Bakura.(AS)

Knox, Jobath
A Fia councillor from Galantos, Jobath had formerly served as a member of the security force which protected the Net'lseb Toli Park. A disciple of the God of Age known as Gotagei, he traveled to Coruscant and personally waited outside the residence of Leia Organa-Solo to petition her to act against the Yevethan Great Purge. He pleaded for her to admit Galantos into the New Republic. She asked him to wait in the diplomatic hostel until she could recover herself from the events surrounding her talks with Nil Spaar. He continued to petition for membership in the Republic for Galantos, which was eventually granted by Leia. The grant was questioned, because Leia was acting outside the bounds of the defined powers of the Chief of State.(BTS, SOL, CCW)

K'ntarr, Kalieva
The daughter of Rilvvan K'ntarr, Kalieva was a teenage heiress to her planet's throne and Rythani Products corporate empire when Sienn Sconn attempted to steal a Rythani prototype. A pampered and spoiled princess, Kalieva was also a devious schemer in the realms of business and politics. She allowed herself to be drawn into Sconn's attempt to steal the prototype from beneath Moff Caerbellak's nose, and actually felt herself somewhat drawn to him. However, this was all a ruse, with the ultimate goal that Sconn should steal the prototype and deliver it to the New Republic. Kalieva had, in fact, entered into a relationship with Caerbellak, and she assumed the throne and the corporate position he held when Caerbellak assassinated her father. Sconn fled Rydonni Prime with the weapon, furthering Caerbellak's plans.(SWJ9)

K'ntarr, Rilvvan
This monarch ruled the planet Rydonni Prime, and the pro-Imperial Rythani Products, during the reign of Emperor Palpatine and the early years of the New Republic. He cultivated a relationship with Moff Caerbellak, until the Moff realized that a relationship with the king's daughter, Kalieva, would be more profitable. Rilvvan was killed by Caerbellak during the "theft" of the latest Rythani prototype by Sienn Sconn.(SWJ9)

This gambling game involved making wagers on how a pair of bones would land when thrown into a box or circle. Sometimes, the bones are marked with dots to indicate a value, while other times the value of a throw depended on the relation of the bones to each other. Another variant involved painting certain symbols on each side of the bones, with the value of each roll depending on which symbols were displayed when the bones came to a rest.(LF6)

This was a small, hand-held weapon that wrapped around the knuckles of a being's hand, creating a dense surface with which to strike another being. A knuckleduster was often made of metal or other hard material, in order to cause as much damage as possible when the user threw a punch.(RCTC, LF8)

This was the nickname given to one of the clone troopers who served under Captain Lock, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. Knuckles was known to his squad mates for his physical stamina, and he was unbeaten in contests to see which clone could do the most push-ups. When his unit was dispatched to the planet Kynachi, Knuckles spent most of his time in contests of strength, However, this did not prevent him from being thrown across the deck of their cruiser when they arrived at Kynachi and found the planet blockaded by Separatist naval forces. The ship came under heavy fire, and Knuckles was knocked into the door of utility locker while trying to reach an escape pod. A blue-skinned boy fell out of the locker, and Knuckles was forced to protect the youth as they made their escape with Breaker and Chatterbox. The boy turned out to be Nuru Kungurama, the Padawan apprentice of the Jedi who was commanding the mission, Ring-Sol Ambase. Knuckles muscled Nuru into an escape pod, and along with several other clone troopers, they blasted away to the planet's surface. Once there, Knuckles asked Nuru what their next actions should be, looking to the boy for leadership because he was the only Jedi around.(SM1)
This Herglic lord was dispatched by Lady Areilla Nastascha to meet with a group of Alliance agents, shortly before the Battle of Endor, to determine why House Melantha was meeting with Annora Calandra. Knumai proposed that the agents infiltrate House Melantha by posing as House Cadriaan hunters during the Vor-cal, which was to be held on Vilhon.(LOE)

This microscopic insect was bio-engineered by the Yuuzhan Vong to help restore a being's blood supply. Whenever an individual was injured and suffered a large amount of bloodloss, a multitude of knuth bugs could be injected into the bloodstream to augment the body's natural abilities to replace the lost blood.(FH1)

This was one of the ruling families of the planet Kuat. They were the primary rival to the Kuat family, and spend much of their time trying to overturn the Inheritance Exemption. There efforts came to a head when Khoss of Knylenn secretly killed his family's elder and placed him in an elaborate life-support system. This allowed Khoss to effectively rule the family without having to prove his abilities. However, his plans were exposed by Kodir of Kuhlvult and Kuat of Kuat.(SLS)

This species of arachnid was similar in appearance to the Vratix, and was also native to Thyferra. They were smaller and blockier that the Vratix, and were kept as pets and workers by the larger Vratix. Sometimes, they also served as a food source. The Vratix mainly used the knytix for creating the mud which was used to build their villages in the gloan trees. The mud was mixed from the dense soil and the saliva of the knytix.(BW)

Knytix Pox
This was a disease that was communicated by the knytix insect. It was highly contagious, and could be acquired by simply breathing in a concentrated area of knytix.(GCG)

This Alliance YT-1300 was captured by Imperial forces, during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War.(TIE, TIEP)

This Yevethan word was the equivalent of "yes."(SOL)

This was the Jawaese word for the number 2.(GPB)

Ko, Shodon
This representative of the ancient Navigator's Guild sold the rights to the Goluud Corridor to Ssk Kahorr. Following the loss of the Zeta Five near Primus Goluud, Shodon Ko was murdered - and later eaten - by Ssk Kahorr for his part in the loss.(GAS)

K-O Bar
This tavern was located in the settlement of Southview Village, on the planet Edan II.(IAG)

Ko Hentota
This was a subdivision of the huge city that covered the moon of Nar Shaddaa. Ko Hentota was located in the lower levels of the moon's urban sprawl.(HNN5)

Ko lopo
This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "broken."(GPB)

Ko Vari
This was the original name of the planet Boonta, until it was renamed in honor of Boonta the Hutt.(DM111)

This planet was the site of a Galactic Research Academy facility.(GOF4, GOF7)

This collection of floating cities and repulsorlift platforms formed the largest "city" found on the planet Lobaoc, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Koab was also connection by a series of causeways to the only large parcel of flat land, which served as a kind of spaceport for the settlement.(WOA16)

This name was common among the Kobok race.(GORW)

Koat-xi, Daclo
A New Republic Commander who led a field operations team into the galaxy to learn more about the World Devastators.(DESB)

This Nagai General, whose full name was Kruskob Tiltanka, was credited with the design and development of the Kob Sonic Blaster. It was General Kob who led the Nagai invasion of the planet Iskalon. Later, many military leaders shunned the use of the Kob Sonic Blaster, believing that it was not a honorable way to kill an enemy.(NEGW, GMR1)

Kob Sonic Blaster
This was a traditional Nagai weapon that was originally developed by General Kob. It was considered by many weapons experts to have been an elegant weapon, which had multiple power settings to control the affect of its sonic blast.(NEGW)

This droid served as a bodyguard and protector to Toki Tollivar, during the final years of the Mandalorian Wars. The small Bimm seemed to be the only survivor of the strange accident that overtook the passengers and crew of the Chancellor Fillorean, which was discovered weeks after its disappearance by Zayne Carrick and his friends. Upon detecting the presence of Carrick on the ship, K0's security programming was activated, and the droid tried to disarm Carrick. Toki Tollivar stepped in to prevent any harm to Carrick, and explained that they were the only beings left on the ship. Carrick took them to his ship, the Hot Prospect, to get away from any problems on the luxury liner. Kayo discovered the droid T1-LB in the Hot Prospect's hold, and began talking to the droid. The two droids found that they had been produced in the same factory on Rendili, and Elbee agreed to help Kayo move the bodies from the Chancellor Fillorean. When Slyssk was later attacked by an unknown agent, Zayne believed that Kayo had been the attacker, and he was surprised when Elbee rose to Kayo's defense. It was then that Kayo explained how he had come into the possession of Toki Tollivar. Kayo explained that one night, during the weeks that followed Great Sith War, it found Tollivar standing over the dead body of one of his business associates. Tollivar claimed that he had no idea what had happened, and Kayo agreed to help get rid of the body. However, similar deaths continued to happen, and each body appeared to have been strangled. Kayo did not believe that its master was responsible, because Tollivar was much shorter than all of the victims, and could not possibly have strangled them. In order to avoid attention, Tollivar was forced to take on different aliases, including the guise of Kelven Garnatrope, who became known as the Corellian Strangler after being implicated in the stranglings. Zayne then sensed that Jarael was in trouble, and they all rushed to her aid. She was being attacked by Tollivar, prompting Kayo to take matters into its own hands. Stating that it was merely trying to save Tollivar from himself, Kayo grabbed the Bimm and tried to stop him. Tollivar grew angry and tried to destroy the droid with Force Lightning, which was when Rohlan Dyre drew his blaster and fired at them both. Tollivar was killed almost instantly, and Kayo was all but destroyed in the resulting explosion.(KOR12)

This culinary delight was often served stuffed with bread and meat.(SOL)

This planet was conquered by the Advozse warlord Tulak some 200 years before the Battle of Naboo. After defeating Polvin Kut and Yaddle in battle, Tulak retired and eventually passed away. He bequeathed the planet to his son, Kalut, who attempted to reclaim it as his own. Shortly before Kalut's arrival, the planet experienced severe seismic upheavals, and the Jedi student Yaddle was freed from her prison. She helped the natives regain their small society, and helped them defeat Kalut and free themselves from his control. The planet was surrounded by several moons. Note that this planet was named Koda in Jedi Quest: The Shadow Trap.(T5, JQ6)

Koba Prime
This star was the central body in the Koboth System, located in the Tingel Arm of the galaxy.(GORW)

This was a form of spice that was mined on the moon of Rori, during the height of the New Order.(GQRG)

Kobal's World
This planet was subjugated by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War.(CSWDW)

This was the name given to the human inhabitants of the planet Koba. Note that these people were named Kodan in Jedi Quest: The Shadow Trap.(T5, JQ6)

Koban Gorge
This rift valley, located on the planet Koba, was the site of a battle between the forces of the warlord Tulak and the Jedi Knights Polvin Kut and Yaddle, some 200 years before the Battle of Naboo. A generation after Polvin Kut's death, Yaddle defeated Tulak's son, Kalut, and freed the Kobans. In honor of the Jedi Knights, the Kobans erected a wondrous bridge across the Gorge. Each of the main support columns was carved in a likeness of Kut himself.(T5)

Kobarian Swamp Dog
This unusual beast was known for its incredible stamina during a hunt. It was also unquestioningly loyal to its master, making it an ideal hunting companion or guard animal.(MC22)

This planet was the site of a major starport during the height of the New Order.(SWJ7)

Koble, Jyr
This man was a native of the planet Naboo, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWG2P)

This was the Huttese word for the number sixteen (16). Note, however, that the Huttese counting system was based on a base-eight system. So, koboba indicated the number fourteen (14) in the Basic language.(GMR5)

This insectoid alien race was characterized by their deadly stingers and their three eyes. Two of their eyes faced forward, while the third was located on the back of their heads. The Kobok were native to the planet Koboth, and the coloration of their carapace was dependent upon their homeland. Most Kobok were yellowish in color, although those from the Kuurok Peninsula were known to have dark green to black shells. The average Kobok was a bipedal being who stood nearly two meters in height, and their thin limbs were tipped with venomous claws.(DCAR, GORW)

This criminal organization controlled much of the spice production on the moon of Rori, during the Galactic Civil War. During this time, the Kobola miners were engaged in a war with the Rori Spice Mining Collective, with each faction trying to garner a larger share of the profits from the spice industry.(GQRG, SWGAL)

Kobola Miners
This was the term used to describe the spice miners who worked for the Kobola criminal organization, during the Galactic Civil War. The Kobola organization controlled much of the spice production on the moon of Rori, and the Kobola miners were often engaged in a war with the Rori Spice Mining Collective, with each faction trying to garner a larger share of the profits from the spice industry.(SWGAL)

This planet was the homeworld of the Kobok race. It was located in the Koboth System of the Tingel Arm of the galaxy. Because of its proximity to it primary, Koba Prime, Koboth's surface was mostly wind-swept desert. It was orbited by three lifeless moons.(GORW)

Koboth Insurgent Mantle
This short, blue cape was awarded to the members of the Koboth Insurgents, after they helped keep the planet Koboth free from the Corporate Sector Authority.(GORW)

Koboth Insurgents
This was the name adopted by those Kobok who openly rebelled against the Corporate Sector's attempts to subjugate the planet Koboth, some ten years before the Battle of Yavin. They were distinguished by their short, blue capes, which became known as the Koboth Insurgent Mantle.(GORW)

Koboth Union
This was the name of the planetary government of Koboth.(GORW)

This hissing language was the native tongue of the Kobok race. In addition to being virtually unpronounceable by other races, Kobothi was also difficult to translate into Basic.(GORW)

Kobothi S-Corps
This was the most famous of all the Kobok military units that participated in the Mavvan Conflict, some ten years before the Battle of Yavin. The Kobothi S-Corps was specifically created to protect the planet Koboth and its surrounding system from invasion by the Corporate Sector Authority.(GORW)

Kocceille Twi'lek
This phrase was used by the Twi'lek race to indicate an individual who was a "friend of the Twi'leks."(ND)

Koccic sulng
An Old Corellian reprimand, loosley translated as "Be quiet."(SWJ3, TFE)

Koccic sulng il pla
An Old Corellian phrase meaning, "shut up and play."(SWJ7)

Koda, Krin
This legendary scout was the first being to discover what became known as the Eye of Koda, during the early days of the Empire. When he landed on the planet which became known as Koda's World, he found the native Tempestro struggling against a deadly disease. Krin's meager stores included several medpacks, and he was able to administer an antidote and save the Tempestro. They presented him with the Eye of Koda as a reward, as they were unaware of its true power. He disappeared before he could prove the legends behind the Eye, and misfortune seemed to follow those who located the amulet after him.(GG8)

Koda, Mair
This woman was the owner and operator of the Blue Boy. She had been raised by her parents aboard the Blue Boy, until her mother ran off woth a Wroonian smuggler. Her father couldn't work and watch out for her, so Mair was raised by her father's friends, Arn and Emmi Stoneclaw. When she was old enough, Mair rejoined her father as an independent spacer until he passed away, at which time she decided to carry on his business. Mair worked mainly in the Zuni Cluster during the height of the New Order. On a return trip to Vernet, she discovered that her older adopted brother, Kristoff, had been conscripted by the Empire. Mair and her younger adopted brother, Yuri, tried to break Kristoff out of the service, only to learn that he had decided the New Order was the legitimate government. Before Kristoff could shoot Yuri for betraying the Empire, Mair rescued him and took him under her wing. They fled Vernet aboard the Blue Boy.(SWJ15)

Koda Space Station
This run-down spaceport was located in a backwater section of the galaxy. The most common visitors to Koda were farmers looking for excitement and bored smugglers. A moderately busy port, visitors were greeted by a protocol droid stationed at the main entrance from the docking ports.(GOF7)

This Outer Rim planet, covered with a vast ocean, was known as a nexus of Dark Side power, during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. The oceans of the planet followed an unusual, ten-year tide cycle which was caused by the two moons which orbited the planet. Every ten years, the tide receded so far as to leave much of the planet dry. Water from the oceans filled deep chasms and cracks in the honeycombed ocean floor, where it came into contact with the hot core of the planet. In a violent rush, much of the water was shot outward in steaming geysers, marking the end of the low-tide period. Once in a while, the return of the waters was strong enough to cause a massive tidal wave. One such wave occurred about 100 years prior to the Battle of Naboo, nearly wiping out the native Kodaian race. Most Kodaians fled the planet, rather than wait for another tidal wave to occur. Hidden deep below the ocean's surface was believed to be a Sith Holocron created by King Adas some 3,000 years before the formation of the Old Republic, which focused the Dark Side energies of the planet. The Holocron was sought after by the Jedi Knights as well as the Quermian professor, Murk Lundi, and was eventually recovered by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, some six years before the Clone Wars.(JAF, OWS)

This was the race of beings which were native to the planet Kodai. Skittish and reclusive by nature, the Kodaians were nearly wiped out by an immense tidal wave, about 100 years before the Battle of Naboo. Many of the survivors fled off-planet, rather than waiting for the next tidal wave. Those that remained on Kodai were suspicious of strangers, fearing that the appearance of other beings would signal the onset of another tidal wave. They also feared the seas, and built great walls around their cities in order to keep the water out.(JAF)

This Ortolan expression translated into Basic as "hurry" or "waste no time".(3D3)

Koda's World
This planet was supposedly discovered by Krin Koda, during his search for the source of the power of the amulet that became known as the Eye of Koda. A heavily forested world, broken here and there with mountains and oceans, Koda's world was the home planet of the Tempestro race. The trees of the planet were covered with a shaggy, red bark, and the leaves resemble large, five-fingered hands. It was the fourth planet which orbits the star Tarin. The average day on Koda's World lasted fourteen standard hours, and its year lasted 502 local days. Several thousand years before the Galactic Civil War, an asteroid struck the planet, wiping out most of the Tempestro and forcing the survivors to exist by living in the trees.(GG8)

Kodash, Jacen
This man as a reporter for the HoloNet news agency, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. He reported on the various sidings of Old Republic Senators during the months leading up the vote on the Military Creation Act.(HNN5)

This ball of frozen ice and rock was the seventh planet of the Essesia System. It was orbited by a pair of moons.(CCW)

Koden, Aaph
This man lived in Anchorhead, on the planet Tatooine, during the height of the New Order.(GQRG)

This being owned and operated a mercantile on Nar Shaddaa, during the years following the Jedi Civil War.(KOTOR2)

This ambitious young woman was a member of the Kuhlvult family, of the planet Kuat. Like other members of the Kuhlvult family, Kodir was athletic, but not necessarily beautiful. However, she was also quite devious, and developed a plan to oust Kuat of Kuat from the leadership of Kuat Drive Yards and take it for herself. She gathered a small band of young royals and laid out her plans, but was initially rejected by her sister, Kateel. Kateel threatened to expose the group, so Kodir had her kidnapped and then had her memory wiped out. However, she left this job to a third party, which failed to do the job completely. Kodir, however, was unaware of the situation, and continued with her schemes. She drew in Kuat's security chief, Fenald, paying him to betray Kuat so that she could take his place as security chief. After orchestrating an uprising by Khoss of Knylenn from behind the scenes, Kodir achieved the position of security chief and began forcing Kuat into a corner from which he could not escape. She also executed Fenald, when the man tried to blackmail her. She secretly worked a deal with the Alliance to deliver a group of warships, shortly before the Battle of Endor. She insinuated that Kuat of Kuat was loyal only to the Empire, and the Alliance representatives - Commander Rozhdenst and Wonn Uzalg - would need to replace him in order to get the ships. The Alliance agreed, having already discussed the situation with the other Kuati royal families, and ostensibly recognized Kodir as Kuat's successor. However, Kateel - having known herself only as Neelah - recovered her memory and returned to Kuat to face her sister at about the same time Kuat himself began destroying the KDY facilities. It was also at this point in time that the Battle of Endor began. The plots and plans Kodir had worked so hard on were suddenly exposed and smashed to bits. After Kust nearly destroyed the KDY facilities, Kodir was captured and charged with a host of offenses, including murder, kidnapping, and conspiracy.(SLS, HM)

Kodoos Mac-15
This was a model of swoop produced for use on swoopchasing courses.(BSS)

Kodrue, Idalli
This was a noted Baragwin individual.(UANT)

Koenes, Aj
This Talz rangeland manager agreed to assist the New Republic team which tried to restore Duro's natural environment during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. He was continually at odds with Sidris Kolb, the meteorologist of the group, since their projects often required similar resources.(BP)

Koensayr Manufacturing
Manufacturers of a wide range of starships and starship components, Koensayr Manufacturing boasted of having components in nearly a fifth of all starships in production during the height of the New Order. One of their most famous products was the BTL A4 Longprobe Starfighter, also known as the Y-Wing, which was developed during the Clone Wars but didn't see full production until after the fighting was over. Koensayr also manufactured several models of pleasure craft, but the manufacture of starship parts accounted for seventy-two percent of their profits.(SCRE, EGV, SSOG)

Koft, Bronwynn
Bronwynn Koft was the Vice President of Galaxy Tours, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. Koft was hesitant to applaude the fifteen-percent Transit Tax which was levied by the Senate, claiming that many passenger liners would have to cut the regular prices of seats in order to simply break even.(HNN4)

Kogan, Gil
This man was a small-time criminal who worked in Iritsa, on the planet Chazwa, during the Galactic Civil War. He was hired by Hahz Fallone as a stand-in, since Kogan bore a passing resemblance to the crimelord. Kogan bore a grudge against Jorga Sune, and gladly joined Fallone's organization. He was killed shortly after Fallone stole the Black Sphere, in a firefight between Fallone's thugs and Sune's men.(ND)

Kogan 6
This planet was the object of an archaeological expedition under the command of Doctor Bromial.(TT)

Kogler, Hyndis
This man served the Empire as a member of the Imperial Intelligence Infiltration bureau, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Kogler refused to believe Doctor Tobias' statement that specially-programmed 3PO droids could be used as espionage agents.(ISB)

Kogo, Vess
This man served as one of Emperor Palpatine's Hands, during the years following the Battle of Yavin. His extreme hatred of the Alliance made him the perfect weapon, and his rugged good looks and disarming smile allowed him to get close to many female agents. Palpatine used the Dark Side of the Force to prey on Kogo's past, when his mother was killed by rebel forces on Hanofar. Palpatine then molded Kogo into a killing machine. While Kogo loyally carried out the Emperor's orders, he often went out of his way to destroy anything associated with the Alliance.(RESB)

Kogote, Yope
This brown-haired man, distinguished by the fact that he was missing his left eye, worked for the CreedCon Construction company as an engineer, during the final years of the Old Republic. Kogote was among the handful of workers who were hired for the bridge construction project that Thaedius Creed envisioned as part of his racecourse facility, but disappeared after his team discovered the ancient burial cave in which the Tarasin had trapped the t'salak, many generations before. A group of freelance agents hired by Thaedius Creed to locate the construction team discovered Mant Buume's datapad, but little else, because the crew had been captured by the Dark Jedi known as Raik Muun. They were taken to Tilnes, where Muun managed to breed a second t'salak. Although Muun managed to escape, Kogote and his crew were rescued by a team that had been hired by the Almas Academy to locate Nek Lawsirk.(FOC1)

Koh Pa
This name, which meant "small feet", was common among Gungan males.(GCG)

This dark substance was used in makeup and camouflage to darken the skin.(TNR)

This moon, located in the Bogden System, was a burial ground for the peoples of the system. A swamp-covered world, Kohlma also served as the base of operations for the Bando Gora cult, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. It was here that Jango Fett managed to capture Komari Vosa, after following a winding trail of leads that had been set by Count Dooku, who had been operating under the identity of Darth Tyranus. Note that Labyrinth of Evil indicates that the meeting between Tyranus and Fett took place on Bogg Four.(WOTC, OWS, BH, LEV)

This was the nickname of one of the clone troopers who served aboard the warship Resolute, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. When the Resolute was dispatched to Devaron to rescue Jedi Master Bolla Ropal, Koho and Denal were forced to rescue Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano instead. During their escape, both clone troopers were confronted by Cad Bane, although Denal managed to shoot the bounty hunter and ensure their escape.(CWTV24)

This Shak clan Twi'lek was an obese creature, and was the minister of the Kala'uun Starport when Rogue Squadron was sent to Ryloth to bargain for kor ryll during the early years of the New Republic. He was a member of the headclan of Kala'uun, and was a staunch supproter of Ku'amar. Koh'shak had served as the Starport Master for many decades, and was known to cheat newcomers to the facility by overcharging them. He was rarely caught, but quickly repaired any "damages" his "oversight" might have caused. Koh'shak would have sold the ryll to the New Republic, and kept the profits for himself. However, the warrior Tal'dira exposed Koh'shak's personal goals, and gave the kor to the Rogues, as a gift from warrior to warrior.(KT, PSPG)

This was a common greeting used by the Kel Dor race, translating roughly into Basic as "Hello" or "What's up?".(CWTV02, CWTV03, TCW1)

This Noghri accompanied Darth Vader during the search for Luke Skywalker, following the Battle of Hoth. It was Kohvrekhar and his clan-brother, Ghazhak, who discovered Luke's severed hand in the airways of Cloud City, after Vader failed to seduce the young Jedi to the Dark Side of the Force. After learning that Luke survived the encounter, Vader ordered Kohvrekhar to Tatooine, to ensure that Jabba the Hutt and his henchmen didn't capture or kill Skywalker.(SESB, GAL11)

Koiogran Turn
This was a starship escape tactic in which the fleeing ship cut its forward speed and changed course sharply, moved off in a random direction at higher speed to shake its pursuer.(HTTE)

This Koornacht Cluster planet was the site of a Morath mining operation. The operation was a primary target of the Yevethan Purge, and was swiftly exterminated by the Yevetha.(SOL)

This ancient Quarren surname meant "one who battles monsters". Like many Quarren surnames, it could be traced back to the time of the Battle of Ruusan. It referred to an ancient warrior caste that defended their homes against attacks by sea creatures.(GCG)

Kokash Sector
This galactic sector, located in the Outer Rim, was largely unexplored by New Republic standards. It was only briefly scouted by the Outbound Flight project, as one of the final stopover points before Outbound Flight was to have entered the Unknown Regions.(BTS, OF)

This female name was common among the Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded names.(GCG)

Kol, Kalian
This was the name of a noted Sullustan individual.(UANT)

Kol, Kalien
This elderly Sullustan female ran a wonderful restaurant in the Laforn District of Corint City, with the help of her two sons.(SWJ10)

Kol, Vareen
This Kilian man was one of the first Kilian Rangers to make contact with the Alliance, shortly before the Battle of Yavin.(RESB)

Kol Huro I
This was the innermost planet of the Kol Huro System. Like other planets in the system, Kol Huro I was harvested for its natural resources during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, as the tyrant who controlled the system began mass-producing weapons and battle droids for his own protection.(RP)

Kol Huro II
This was the second planet of the Kol Huro System. Like other planets in the system, Kol Huro II was harvested for its natural resources during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, as the tyrant who controlled the system began mass-producing weapons and battle droids for his own protection.(RP)

Kol Huro III
This was the third planet of the Kol Huro System. Like other planets in the system, Kol Huro I was harvested for its natural resources during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, as the tyrant who controlled the system began mass-producing weapons and battle droids for his own protection.(RP)

Kol Huro IV
This was the fourth planet of the Kol Huro System. Like other planets in the system, Kol Huro I was harvested for its natural resources during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, as the tyrant who controlled the system began mass-producing weapons and battle droids for his own protection.(RP)

Kol Huro System
This star system consisted of seven planets, designated Kol Huro I through Kol Huro VII, which were entirely dedicated to the development and manufacture of weapons and starships for the petty tyrant who controlled the system. The tyrant was brought to justice by the Old Republic some twelve years before the Battle of Naboo, during the so-called Kol Huro Unrest.(RP, NECH)

Kol Huro Unrest
This was the name given to the period of time just after the Stark Hyperspace Conflict, when the Old Republic was forced to call upon the Jedi Order to put a stop to the creation of a droid army by the tyrant who controlled the Kol Huro System.(NECH)

Kol Huro V
This was the fifth planet of the Kol Huro System. Like other planets in the system, Kol Huro I was harvested for its natural resources during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, as the tyrant who controlled the system began mass-producing weapons and battle droids for his own protection.(RP)

Kol Huro VI
This was the sixth planet of the Kol Huro System. Like other planets in the system, Kol Huro I was harvested for its natural resources during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, as the tyrant who controlled the system began mass-producing weapons and battle droids for his own protection.(RP)

Kol Huro VII
This was the seventh and outermost planet of the Kol Huro System. Like other planets in the system, Kol Huro I was harvested for its natural resources during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, as the tyrant who controlled the system began mass-producing weapons and battle droids for his own protection.(RP)

This city was located in the center of the continent of Afterthought, on the planet Ropagi II.(TSK)

This Imperial Navy Captain was in command of the Subjugator, which was sent to Kwenn Space Station to pick up Walex Blissex. He felt that mission, devised by Lira and Denn Wessex, was sneaky and beneath him, but he served his duty to the Empire by going along to capture the "Rebel scum." An extremely intelligent man, Kolaff had an obsession with doing battle. He didn't exactly hate the Alliance; in an off-hand sort of way, he admired their courage in the face of great obstacles. Kolaff was defeated on the Subjugator by the team of Alliance agents that accompanied Blissex. They engaged in a battle using AT-STs in a docking bay, which allowed the agents to rescue Blissex and escape. Kolaff later died when the Subjugator self-destructed.(SF)

Kolanda Station
This spaceport, located on the planet Latharra, was the site of a vicious Imperial victory, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Intelligence sold by Krova the Hutt led both the Empire and the Alliance to Latharra, where the Imperial forces routed the Alliance and killed many civilians in the process.(GMR5)

Kolar, Agen
This Zabrak Jedi Knight was one of the handful of Jedi who survived the initial stages of the Battle of Geonosis. Agen Kolar was part of the small group who were surrounded by the droid armies of Count Dooku and his Separatists, just before the Army of the Republic arrived on Geonosis. Unfortunately for Kolar, his apprentice Tan Yuster died at Geonosis. Shortly afterward, Kolar was dispatched as part of the forces which attempted to liberate the planet Brentaal from Separatist control. The mission was based on intelligence which had been leaked to the Republic by the Separatists, in the hope of ambushing the Jedi and their clone trooper forces. The Separatists were, therefore, ready for the Jedi, and Agen Kolar's assault force was quickly captured. Kolar tried to inhibit Shogar Tok and his forces by claiming that Shaak Ti was dead. Despite the assistance provided by Quinlan Vos on Brentaal, when the Jedi Council ordered Agen Kolar to bring him in for questioning, the Zabrak didn't hesitate. He tracked Quinlan, who was operating under the alias of Korto Vos, to Nar Shaddaa, and tried to capture him. Quinlan's underworld acquaintences, especially Khaleen, allowed him to escape, and Agen Kolar had to return to Coruscant empty-handed. This was actually what the Jedi Council had in mind, however, because they had been working for months to infiltrate Quinlan's Korto Vos alias into the Separatist network. They chose Agen Kolar to bring him in because they knew he would never actually kill Quinlan, despite any crimes he had been accused of. As the Clone Wars ground on, Agen Kolar was one of the many Jedi who were promoted to Jedi Master, and he was also appointed a position on the Jedi Council. As the Clone Wars began to wind down after the First Battle of Coruscant, Agen Kolar was among the group of Jedi Masters who accompanied Mace Windu to arrest Chancellor Palpatine, after it was learned that he had finally been revealed as Darth Sidious. However, the Jedi were unprepared for Palpatine's powers, and Agen Kolar was quickly killed during the fighting, leaving Mace Windu to face Palpatine alone.(OWS, J2, RDB, IS3)

This was a Mandalorian command meant "Come here immediately!"(OWS)

This planet, located at one end of the Trition Trade Route, was located in Kathol Sector. The planet's economy was based on the manufacture of repulsorlift drive systems.(DARK)

Kolatill Council
This was the primary governing body of the planet Kolatill, during the early years of the New Republic.(DARK)

Kolatill Defense Force
This was the primary military body which protected the Kolatill System, of Kathol Sector, during the early years of the New Republic.(DARK)

This was the name of a genetically engineered variety of alazhi, first developed by the Seeqov hive-clan and tested by the early members of the Ashern faction. By splicing the DNA of kolto to normal alazhi plants, Seeqov was able to create the kolazhi hybrid. It appeared to human eyes to be simply alazhi, but the Vratix were able to identify it by its smell. With very little refinement, kolazhi could be changed into kolcta, a potent form of bacta. It was believed that all known specimens of kolazhi were either taken or destroyed by the spy known as the Bloodletter, but many believed that the mercenary hired to kill him managed to obtain a few samples. This belief was supported by the claims of many super-wealthy individuals during the height of the New Order. However, because of its intolerance for even the slightest drought, the exported kolazhi eventually died out.(PH)

Kolb, Sidris
This reconstructive meteorologist were part of the team assembled by the New Republic to restore the natural environment of the planet Duro, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Kolb was often at odds with Aj Koenes, since their projects required similar resources, and the work of one often impaired the work of the other.(BP)

Developed by the Vratix of the Ashern faction, this was a derivative of bacta that was so powerful it made normal bacta seem as potent as a glass of lum in healing injuries. Kolcta was created from kolazhi, a plant that was genetical engineered by combining normal alazhi with the ancient medicinal plant called kolto. The kolazhi plant, with little refinement by the Vratix, created the kolcta. Kolcta was distinguished from normal bacta by its pungent smell, and was produced in very small quantities. It was believed that kolcta was powerful enough to repair a blaster wound to the head or to reattach severed limbs, if administered quickly enough. The main drawback to kolcta was that it could not be reused, as bacta could be. A single kolcta treatment dried out in five minutes or so, and had to be discarded. For this reason, and the fact that it was so potent, kolcta was impractical for fully immersing an individual. It was believed that all known specimens of kolazhi were either taken or destroyed by the spy known as the Bloodletter, but many believed that the mercenary hired to kill him managed to obtain a few samples. These samples were used by the very wealthy of the galaxy for many years during the New Order, but eventually kolazhi simply disappeared.(PH)

This Chadra-Fan was a known comrade of the Feeorin smuggler Nym. Kole served as Nym's co-pilot and first mate, and was known as a disguide artist. Nym once bragged that Kole had once impersonated an Old Republic Senator. It was believed that Kole was killed when Vana Sage double-crossed Nym, in an effort to capture the Feeorin for the Trade Federation. However, the Chadra-Fan proved to be an elusive target, and rejoined Nym after breaking him out of prison. Kole remained with Nym for many decades, continuing to serve as a chief lieutenant after Nym assumed the leadership of Lok during the height of the New Order.(T7, CRBN, SWI65, JSF)

Kole, Argent
This Zabrak bounty hunter plied the spacelanes during the height of the Clone Wars. In reality, Argent Kole was an alias used by Jedi Master Agen Kolar to infiltrate The Rig and locate Mika, during the Jedi Order's search for the Crimson Nova bounty hunters. According to Kole's background, he had been a hunter for fifteen years before the Bounty Hunter's Guild listed him as dead, the result of a computer glitch. He had been unable to take on a hunt for many years, since the Guild refused to recognize him as a living, breathing hunter. Argent Kole had hoped to redeem himself in the eyes of the Guild by bringing Kit Fisto in as a prisoner, to claim the bounty offered by Kh'aris Fenn on Jedi Knights. When they were deep in the bowels of The Rig, the two Jedi revealed their true nature, and freed the various prisoners who had been captured by the bounty hunters. In this way, they were able to create a diversion that helped distract Mika's attention.(RSF)

Kole, Moosh
This being was one of the galaxy's most popular entertainers, during the years that followed the Alliance-Confederation War.(MF)

Kole, Phadreas
This Imperial Governor ruled Rhinnal during the Galactic Civil War, a position given to him by Moff Jander Graffe. Kole maintained a hands-off control of the planet, and the locals remained almost oblivious to the Imperial presence on the planet. However, rebel cells began to form in Rhire, and two and a hlaf years after the Battle of Endor, Governor Kole was overthrown as leader.(FOP, SWJ7, CCW)

This ancient Twi'lek was a member of the Lek clan, which had been locked in a feud with the Rha clan for many generations. After becoming lost in a tunnel which his fellow clanmates avoided, legends say that Ko'lek mistakenly ended up in the warrens of the Rha clan, where he was befriended by Oo'rha. Not knowing her true identity, Ko'lek soon fell in love with Oo'rha. To show her the depths of his love, Ko'lek took her to the top of one of the Lonely Five pinnacles. She was breathtaken with the view, but they were caught in a heat storm. Both of them were killed by the searing heat. The tale of their love was been passed down through generations of Twi'leks as a warning about getting lost in a dark tunnel where other Twi'leks feared to tread.(PSPG)

This port city was located on the planet Corellia.(TPS)

This Alliance transport ship was captured by Imperial forces, during the months that followed the Battle of Hoth. The Kolermigon was trying to transport Alliance personnel to meet with Admiral Harkov at space station DS-5, when it was intercepted by Maarek Stele and forced to surrender.(TIE, TIEP)

This species of tree was native to the planet Shedu Maad.(LF9)

This ball of frozen rock was the third and outermost planet in the Duro System. It was orbited by a pair of moons.(CCW)

This dashing, though short-tempered, man was the unofficial leader of Qulok's Fist, during the early years of the New Republic.(DARK)

This was one of the more common names given to males of the Mon Calamari race. To the Mon Calamari, this name meant "victor".(GCG)

This word from the Huttese language translated loosely into Basic as "please", although there was no direct expression of asking for permission in the Huttese tongue. This term was used when asking for something, and was considered to be interchangeable with the word momo.(GPB)

This was the Kaleesh term for the armed forces that defended their homeworld of Kalee. Individual units of the kolkpravis were commanded by khans, who were in turn commanded by the leader of the armed forces.(OWS)

Kollene, Maytoc
This aging tramp freighter captain served aboard the Worthless Fool before it was sold to the Alliance. Kollene spent much of his career in Rayter Sector, and it was believed that he worked with Yearo Seville before becoming involved with the Alliance. He modified the co*ckpit extensively, since he loss his left leg years before. It was unknown how he lost the leg, although rumors have it that the Imperial forces occupying Rayter Sector were the cause of it. The rumors say this explains why Kollene joined the Alliance, in order to exact some form of revenge on the Empire. He was very withdrawn and tacit, only speaking when absolutely necessary. It was Kollene who piloted the Worthless Fool during the Alliance's rescue of the Shashay Crying Dawn Singer from the clutches of Braig and Nak Farool.(TA)

Kollis, Vin
This Imperial Governor was placed in charge of the planet Nishr during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He was originally a Major General in the Imperial Army, and retained this rank as well as his governorship. His forces were constantly harassed by the Alliance's Nishr Taskforce, and Kollis was forced to request additional support from the Empire. He rarely received adequate support, as Nishr was too far from the Core to warrant additional troops. However, when the local Nish began rising against his forces, he used military firepower to decimate the Nish population in what became known as the Nishr Suppression.(ROE)

This man was a noted weapons collector who lived on the planet Corulag.(GUN)

This Sullustan ambassador was targetted for assassination by Tovric, who would have succeeded if not for the timely intervention of Dunan Par'Ell. Tovric and his employers hoped to make Kollrin pay for the imprisonment and execution of prisoners.(WSV)

This city was located on the western continent of the planet Bothawui.(SPG)

This fish was a favorite of sport fisherbeings throughout the galaxy. It puts up a tremendous, entertaining fight.(TT)

Kolocast Consumer Goods
This corporation produced a wide range of goods for the consumer market.(GFT)

Kolomo, Gor
This Twi'leki male served as the proprietor of the Uffel droid manufacturing centers during the Old Republic, when a huge debris storm forced the facilities to completely shut down. Rumors of womp-rats who shot ion beams from their eyes flooded in, especially when Kolomo's news conferences made the halt in production seem "containable." When technicians began working to repair the systems, but were injured when they tripped some of the built-in safety precautions, Kolomo was forced to use his valuable droids to affect the repairs, in an effort to restore the economic balance of the Cularin System.(WOTC)

Kolos Moon
This natural satellite was known for its clear air.(TT)

This was one of the many subspecies of Killiks that made up the Colony. Individual members of the Kolosolok subspecies resembled spider-roaches, although each Kolosolok measured some fifty meters in length. Although they were relatively slow-moving, Kolosolok individuals were protected by some of the thickest chitin plating found among the members of the Colony. A thick chitin plate protected the dorsal surface of the Kolosolok's body, and their large heds were studded spine-like antennae. During the Swarm War, the Kolosoloks were used by UnuThul as living siege engines, capable of overruning Chiss emplacements simply because of their size. Smaller units made up of Rekkers or Jooj could move into position by running underneath the Kolosoloks, taking cover beneath the larger individual's protective carapace. The thorax of a Kolosolok was protected by a thick layer of moss. Even when a Kolosolok took damage during combat, they were able to keep moving for a long period of time, stubbornly marching toward their destination before they died.(DN3)

This Ewok was one of the test subjects for Project Chubar. It had been trained in many disciplines, including melee combat and starship piloting. When Lara Notsil tried to escape from the Iron Fist near Selaggis, she freed the test subjects but couldn't find enough escape pods for them all. Kolot volunteered to pilot a shuttle for her rescue effort.(SOC)

Kolow, Bannish
This Imperial Security agent was placed aboard Santhe Passenger and Freight transport SPF 14897 during the hunt for the Far Orbit. His mission was to oversee the capture and initial interrogation of the crew of the Far Orbit.(FOP)

This planet was located along the Jahilid Drift. The planet was subjugated by Imperial forces, led by General Sk'ar, during the height of the New Order.(OWS)

This ancient Thyferran plant was famous among Vratix doctors for its healing power. It was grown wild on Thyferra for many generations during the Old Republic, although Vratix history does not tell if it was native to Thyferra or not. Understanding the powers of kolto forced the Vratix to eliminate any wild kolto from the fields when humans began to take control of the planet. However, specimens were kept by the Vratix in special gardens, to be used if the Vratix ever regained control of Thyferra. Kolto required large amounts of water to survive, and died rapidly if watering was cut back.(PH)

This healing agent was harvested from the oceans of the planet Manaan more than 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Because Manaan was the only known source of kolto, it was highly desired during the Great Sith War, making Manaan one of the most influential planets in the galaxy despite its relative insignificance. The native Selkath who produced the kolto maintained strict control over its production, realizing its worth to the galaxy and working to ensure neutrality in making it available. When production mysteriously halted, the Selkath appealed to the Old Republic for help. Since Manaan was not officially a member of the Republic, help was neved dispatched to the remote world. Since that time, kolto production had steadily recovered, but the Selkath vowed never to allow outside influences to control their planet or the production of kolto.(KOTOR, PH)

This blossoming plant was native to the uppermost levels of Kashyyyk's biosphere.(RD)

This was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language, the clan's name meant "chivalry" or "chivalrous".(GCG)

Komad, Koyi
This Twi'leki waitress worked at the Soundmound, on Mrlsst, during the early years of the New Republic. She was serving drinks to Rogue Squadron when they began to ask about the band Ghost Jedi. She agreed to take them on a tour of the Mrlsst Academy and show them the spot where Taj Junak was murdered, resulting in the birth of the legend of the Ghost Jedi. She later put the Rogues in contact with Nasta, and eventually left Mrlsst to join the Republic. She then served Rogue Squadron as a friend, confidante, and chief mechanic. Like the other Twi'leks of the New Republic, she was very upset when the Republic's High Council ordered all Twi'leks off-duty until further notice, in the wake of the treacherous actions of Jart Eyan. However, she came to understand the reasons behind the order, and dealt with them in her own way. After retiring from active duty, Koyi married Nrin Vakil. Some three years after the end of the Second Galactic Civil War, they both agreed to help Lando Calrissian in his attempt to save the planet Kessel from destruction. Nrin flew his personal A-Wing during the mission, while Koyi served as the mission controller.(XWPA, HXW, SOC, DTO, FJ1)

Komain, Alet
This man served as Daimar's representative to the Galactic Senate, during the era of the Clone Wars. A veteran of the Trade Conflicts, Alet Komain was known as a skilled tactician who preferred straight-forward action rather than political haggling. Thus, when he was appointed to serve as Daimar's representative to the Galactic Senate, Komain was forced to bite his tongue during Finis Valorum's term as Supreme Chancellor. Komain was more than happy to have Senator Palpatine succeed Valorum, but the sudden establishment of the Galactic Empire caught him off-guard. When King Mitar refused to bow to Imperial rule after the formation of the Galactic Empire, Daimar was blockaded by Imperial forces and bombarded from orbit. Komain returned to his homeworld in attempt to help, but King Mitar knew that his knowledge of the Senate and the military were too valuable to risk losing to the Empire. Mitar called upon a group of freelance operatives to help Senator Komain break the blockade and flee to the nearby world of Byrsym, where the King's son, Prince Torrin, was leading a small rebel cell. Senator Komain knew a great many military secrets that were invaluable to King Mitar and other leaders who might be planning to defy the Empire, and Mitar wanted this information kept safe in case he was forced to finally kneel to the Emperor. Among the freelance operatives was Shen-Ji Collun and Grouaggerl, who lent his shim Wasaka to the mission. The group tracked Torrin to his base on Dantooine, where Komain was able to provide Torrin and his rebels with a wealth of information about the Empire.(FR)

This was an affectionate nickname used by Kal Skirata to describe the ARC Trooper N-6, who was known as Kom'rk.(RC66)

This creature was raised for its meat. Kommerkan flank steak was a popular main dish, and was often served with steamed ootoowergs.(SME, OWS)

Komnor System
A planetary system that once had a number of Hutt inhabitants. A vicious warlord came in and evicted all the Hutts, invoking the wrath of Jabba the Hutt. He hired Dyyz Nataz to assassinate the warlord.(TME)

This ancient Sith warrior served as the master of knowledge on arms and armor within the Sith Holocron which was controlled by Kla. Komok-Da seemed to care little for which beings obtained his encyclopedic knowledge of Sith weaponry, but in truth he simply liked to see his knowledge put to use in killing living beings.(DSSB, EGF)

This elderly gentleman lived within the Imperial complex on Mrlsst, a few years after the Battle of Endor.(XWPA)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "gauntlet."(OWS)

This was the nickname used by Kal Skirata to describe the Null-class ARC Trooper designated N-6. Kom'rk's existence was known only to certain highly-placed officials, chiefly Chancellor Palpatine himself. Shortly before the First Battle of Coruscant, Skirata invoked the gai bal manda and formally adopted Kom'rk and his fellow ARC Troopers as his sons. Kom'rk and Jaing were part of the Clone Intelligence Unit that discovered that General Grievous was on Utapau, shortly after the First Battle of Coruscant. In the wake of the Clone Wars, Kom'rk joined Skirata when he abandoned the Republic and escaped to Mandalore. He shortly discovered that, with the institution of the new Galactic Empire, all computer access that the clone commandos had once enjoyed were no longer available. Their ability to tap into the government's data cores and extract information was crippled, at least until they found a way to safely bypass or crack the new Imperial firewalls.(SWI84, RC66)

Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu
This was a traditional Mandalorian war chant that became the anthem of the various clones produced for the Grand Army of the Republic. It meant something along the lines of "We were the wrath of the warrior's shadow, and the gauntlet of the Republic," and was sung to boost a team's morale.(RCHC)

This was a common name given to male Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded names.(GCG)

Kon Ray, Shon
This man served the Jedi Knights during the height of the Clone Wars. Shon Kon Ray was dispatched to lead the first wave of clone troopers to the planet Brentaal, only to find that the intelligence on the strength of the Separatist forces there was incorrect. Not only were the rebels fully armed, but they seemed to be ready for the Republic's attempt to liberate the planet. Just after relaying a message about the strength of the forces arrayed against him, Kon Ray was killed when his assault ship was shot from the skies. His loss, and that of the clone troopers supporting him, left Jedi Master Shaak Ti and her contingent alone on the planet's surface.(J2)

This was a ritualistic form of dance which originated on low-gravity worlds. It was characterized by incredible leaps and bounds.(GG4)

This was the Huttese word for "where."(GMR5)

Kondrus Sea
This shallow sea was located on the planet Drongar, and formed the western border of the Jasserak Lowlands of Tanlassa. Like many other bodies of water found on the planet, the Kondrus Sea was covered with a greenish layer of algae.(MBS)

KonGar Ship Works
This small starship manufacturer produced the ATR Assault Transport ship, and several models of starship drive systems, for the Empire.(TSC, EGV)

Konkeel Pie
This dish was favored by the Hewett race, but it was toxic to most humanoid species.(E1A4)

This race of thick-bodied reptiloids was native to the planet Bal'demnic. During the height of the Clone Wars, the Kon'me found themselves initially subjugated by the Separatists, who wanted to mine the planet's islands for cortosis ore. The Kon'me fought back, until they discovered that the Old Republic had dispatched a group of Jedi Knights and clone troopers to oust the Separatists. The Kon'me decided that they wanted no help in defending their homeworld, and opened fire on both sides of the conflict. They eventually repelled both the Separatists and the Grand Army of the Republic, although the Republic left a token protective force in orbit around Bal'demnic.(SWDB)

Konnair, Dorset
This woman, a native of the planet Coruscant, served in the New Republic military as an A-Wing pilot in Blue Squadron. Based on Folor, Dorset had the callsign Blue Nine. During the hunt for Warlord Zsinj, she joined Polearm Squadron, and was designated Polearm Seven. She was distinguished by her dark hair and pale skin, which was ornately tattooed with blue symbols. A starflare burst around her right eye, but most other tattoos were hidden by her clothing.(WS, SOC)

This was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy.(GCG)

Konnik, Kai
This being was a noted novelist, who wrote Beach of Stars while living in Poloda Place, on the planet Coruscant, some seventeen years before the onset of the Clone Wars.(CN2)

Konnik, Kia
This being was the noted author whose novel, Beach of Stars, won the Galaxis Award shortly after the Battle of Geonosis.(MBS)

This Selkath was one of the many scientists who worked at the Hrakert Station facility, beneath the waters of the planet Manaan, during the era of the Great Sith War.(KOTOR)

Konpost, Lin
This female Bith held an advanced degree in tectonic and geological sciences. Although she's never told anyone how it happened (it had something to do with a computer malfunction), she ended up on the planet Narg, working for TransGalMeg Industries as a stress analysis engineer. This made her the only alien working for TGM, which was a great rarity. She was despondent about her situation, and spent most of her time spending the few credits she earned at the Free Access Grill. When her money ran out, she returned to work. She cared little for her appearance, and a layer of coal soot usually covered her hairless cranium. She befriended the Whiphid Daf Spearmaster, a fellow parton of the Grill.(TA)

During the last century of the Old Republic, the Kontag corporation was among the leaders in the outfitting of personal starships with augmented security features. During the years leading up to the Clone Wars, Kontag was a part of the Techno Union. Kontag's corporate headquarters, along with many of its factories, were located on the planet Pirin. As the years wore on, however, Kontag fell on hard times, and would have gone bankrupt if Lorian Nod hadn't come along to offer them a deal. He gave them a considerable sum to allow his people to sabotage the very ships they had been contracted to make secure, so that Nod could capture several key Old Republic Senators and hold them for ransom. Kontag's executives reluctantly agreed to the deal, knowing that any incoming credits would help them stay in business.(LOJ)

Konur, Dal
This man served as a trooper with the Alliance's Special Forces division during the Galactic Civil War. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, it was discovered that Lieutenant Konur's skills at infiltration were due, in part, to a his sensitivty to the Force. He was counseled by Borsk Fey'lya himself to seek training at the Jedi praxeum that had been established on Yavin 4, and Luke Skywalker gladly took him in. His skills at clouding the minds of other beings were quite strong, although he lacked training in many other areas. However, Konur was also a staunch anti-Imperial, and chafed at the lack of commitment the new Jedi Knights were giving to the fledgling New Republic. He chose to take matters into his own hands, after Master Skywalker refused to support his plan to eliminate the Imperial Moff Council on Bastion by using the Force. Konur stowed away aboard the Lightning Rod and set out to eliminate the Moffs himself, leaving a trail of misdirection and confused minds behind. He managed to unearth an ancient lightsaber while exploring the Mount Tantiss facility on Wayland, then set out to steal a ship at Bilbringi. After he was nearly caught at Bilbringi, Konur raced to Bastion to carry out his plan. His stolen ship developed hyperdrive problems on the way, and he was forced to put down on Dathomir. On Dathomir, he was seduced by the offer of General Vit, who planned to give Konur a lightsaber to use against his pursuers. Vit hoped that Konur would become the focal point of his Project Nightsaber. Dal become obsessed with trying to prove himself to General Vit, since he believed that his success could earn him an audience with the Moff Council on Bastion. Unfortunately, the Jedi agents who had been following him managed to catch up with him on Dathomir. In a brief struggle, the Jedi agents captured Dal as well as General Vit, ending Konur's plans as well as smashing Project Nightsaber.(WOA29, WOA30)

This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "who."(GPB)

Kooba's Pride
This Wroonian luxury liner was lost in Keller's Void, during the height of the New Order. It was believed that the ship fell victim to the pirates who were operating in the area.(WOTC)

Koobi System
This Outer Rim star system contained the planet Nelvaan. Note that Labyrinth of Evil indicates that this was the Nelvaan System.(SWDB)

This Rodian smuggler was one of a small group that worked for Janvar Jan, during the final years of the Old Republic. Koobis worked with Teeku and Nawara Blen, flying the fourth Star Yacht Jan had purchased when he set up Cularin Star Tours. The smugglers worked with pirates in the Cularin System to acquire illegal goods, then sent out a "distress call" from one of three false transponder codes that were installed in their ship. In this way, the transfer of goods from the pirates to the search and rescue vessel Starchaser IV would be interpreted as a rescue operation, and therefore not subject to most customs searches.

The group found themselves temporarily out of work when Jan was exposed by the freelance crew he hired to fill in for the normal crew of the Starchaser IV.(REPL)

Meaning "mighty", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to describe an individual.(GCG)

This was another variant on the Huttese term koochoo.(SWLC)

This Huttese word translated into Basic as "idiot", and was used as an insult to other beings.(GMR5, MBS)

This slang word for fool or idiot was used during the decades following the development of the Fel dynasty and the formation of the new Empire as the ruling power in the galaxy, nearly a century after the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. The origins of the word were traced back to the era of the Galactic Civil War, and it was believed that the term came from the language of the Chistori people.(SWLB, RF4)
Kood b'vy
This Neimoidian phrase translated into Basic as "good-bye."(GPB)

This Cerean male was ostensibly the leader of the Crystal Wasters, who spent their days surfing the waters of Dorumaa during the final years of the Old Republic. When a group of freelance agents showed up on Dorumaa looking for the missing leviathan known as Jessel, Ko-oda forced them to prove their skills on a surfboard before he would provide any information to them.(DC)

This race of hulking humanoids was charatcerized by their huge, hard-shelled heads and armored skin. Their mouths were filled with pointed, conical teeth which surround a thick, round tongue. Their stubby arms were well-muscled, and end in three-fingered hands. They have few natural enemies.(BF)

Koof, Ruku
This female Rodian was part of a triumverate of Rodians who controlled a small corporation at the height of the New Order. Ruku was not xenophobic, and was friendly in the company of humans and other aliens. She disliked Mannee Swaano, and did her best to outdo him in the presence of their boss, Teeko Soonca.(SPG)

Koolach Silk
This beautiful fabric was used by Winter to bribe the starport master at Kala'uun Starport, when Rogue Squadron tried to capture Firith Olan during the search for the Eidolon.(XWBT)

Kooladi, Eloun
This was a distinguished Miraluka individual in the history of Alpheridies.(UANT)

Koolb, Nojin
The planetary governor of Xartun, he negotiated with Warlord Zsinj while applying for admission to the New Republic. He claimed to be outwardly loyal to the Republic, while privately supporting Zsinj.(WS)

This Givin, the leader of the Shipbuilders and Astromechs Guild, served on the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. His position on the Council ensured the cooperation of the Guild, and little else.(CE2, HCE)

This salutation from the Bocce language meant "good day" or "goodbye", depending on the context, when translated into Basic.(GPB)

Koom, Shal
This was one of the many Neti individuals who hailed from the planet Myrkr.(UANT)

This was one of the more common Kel Dor surnames. Its meaning translated into Basic as "explorer".(GCG)

This noted Kel Dor family was known for its strong connection to the Force. Many members of the Koon family became members of the Baran Do Sages, and Plo Koon was known as one of the greatest Jedi Masters of the final years of the Old Republic.(FJ1)

Koon, Plo
This Jedi Master was one of the last members of the Jedi Council. Plo Koon was from a family that was noted for its connection to the Force, and many of his ancestors had been members of the Baran Do Sages. As a Padawan, Plo Koon was trained by the Wookiee Tyvokka, until his death during the Stark Hyperspace Wars. A Kel Dor descended from a long line of Jedi Knights, Plo Koon was a close friend of Qui-Gon Jinn. He hoped that the human Jedi Master would someday sit on the Council, but recognized that his friend was much too headstrong to adjust to the Council's rigors. Being a Kel Dor, with enlarged external sensory organs, Plo Koon's grasp and control of the Force was incredible, and he was known among the Council for his warrior skills. Plo Koon was noted for his efforts in rallying the forces of the Old Republic after Master Tyvokka was killed during the Fifth Battle of Qotile. It was Tyvokka's dying wish that Plo Koon join the Jedi Council.

Shortly after Master Tyvokka's death, Plo Koon was sent to Metellos to apprehend Dreed Pommel. When Pommel took a young girl hostage, Master Koon used a low-powered version of Force Lighting, something he called Electric Judgment, to render Pommel unconscious and rescue the the girl. The Jedi Council frowned upon his use of Force Lightning, but realized that he had done so without malice or evil intent. Master Koon was also distinguished by his distinctive technique when fighting against an opponent with his lightsaber. This technique became known as the Way of the Krayt.

Years later, he was present when Anakin Skywalker was first presented to the Council, and was one of the Jedi Masters who were dispatched to Geonosis to combat the Separatists during the opening stages of the Clone Wars. Master Koon participated in many battles, and was nearly killed near the end of the Clone Wars when he was taken hostage aboard the Mersel Kebir, during Rendili's attempt to secede from the Republic. Master Koon had traveled to Rendili with Saesee Tiin, Captain Jan Dodonna, and Anakin Skywalker, in order to ensure that the planet's fleet of Dreadnaughts was not turned over to the Separatists. If an agreement could not be reached, Master Koon was ordered to destroy the fleet. A bold move by Anakin Skywalker saved the Jedi from having to eliminate the ships, and ensured that Rendili would remain free to join the Republic.

In the wake of the First Battle of Coruscant, Master Koon was dispatched to Cato Neimoidia, where he assumed control of the planet's forces after Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were recalled to Coruscant. However, when Darth Sidious revealed his true nature and killed Mace Windu, he sent out communications to the various clone commanders to execute Order 66. Upon hearing the order, the troops that had been supporting Master Koon turned to open fire on him, shooting his starfighter from the sky and utterly destroying the Jedi Master. Official reports on Imperial HoloVision claimed that Master Koon was shot down while trying to execute a suicide run against the grub-hatchery on Cato Neimoidia.(E1, E1N, IG1, OWS, SHW, WOTC, RDR, E3, IS3, SWI87, EGF, TFUN, FJ1)

Koon, Sha
This female Kel Dor, the neice of Plo Koon, apprenticed under the Jedi Master Saldith during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. During the Stark Hyperspace War, Sha Koon received a telepathic message from Plo Koon, asking for assistance in fighting back against the forces of the Stark Commercial Combine on Troiken. During the height of the Clone Wars, Sha Koon was dispatched to the planet Bal'demnic with Halagad Ventor, to assess the Separatist occupation of the planet. The Jedi and their clone troops found themselves being fired upon by both the Separatists and the native Kon'me, who wanted all offworlders removed from their planet. The Jedi eventually retreated, leaving the Kon'me to themselves.(SHW, SWDB)

Koona t'chuta?
This Huttese question translated into Basic as "Are you going somewhere?"(GMR5)

An unkempt, middle-aged man, Koong was a megalomaniac who led a group of criminals from Tawntoom Province, in the Roon System, during the era of the New Order. They ran any number of illegal activities, from theft to hijacking. Koong himself was an expert in political intrigue, and maintained his position of power through any means possible. Koong amassed a small fortune after he took control of one of the lightstations in the Cloak of the Sith, by purposely crashing ships that tried to travel through the dust cloud and recovering the debris for parts.

In order to maintain his position during the early years of the New Order, Koong made a deal with Admiral Screed to supply the Empire with parts in return for the freedom to operate. He mistakenly believed Mungo Baobab was one of Screed's lieutenants, until Screed himself arrived on Tawntoom to see Koong's operation. They managed to capture Baobab and his droids, but Screed reneged on the deal. In order to regain his power, Koong used the Rooz germ to try and poison the Umboo Province, but accidentally infected himself as well. Koong then ordered Nilz Yomm to begin development of a cure for the germ, but went into a rage when he learned that Baobab had stolen the cure.

Koong tried to bring the entire Tawntoom Citadel down on Screed's head, but the Imperials - as well as Baobab - managed to escape. Koong himself later died from the Rooz germ, a broken man without a fortress or a kingdom.(DCAR, WOTC, SWDB)

Koong Wars
This was the name used by historians to describe the string of battles that were fought between the forces of the Hutts and the megalomaniac Koong, during the height of the New Order.(GPB)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "deal" or "contract."(OWS)

This obese woman was a member of the Five. She was killed by Wuzzek after Chewbacca freed the creatures contained in the Menagerie.(CSWDW)

This Inner Rim planet was the original homeworld of the Koorivar race, until the Old Republic ceded it to another species as part of a settlement. The Koorivars were forced to roam the galaxy for some 1,300 years before they successfully petitioned to have Kooriva returned to them.(WOTC, NEGA)

see Koorivar(VD2)

Native to the planet Kooriva, this humanoid, alien race was characterized by the twisted horn which grew from the top of their skulls. The horn of the male Koorivar, distinguished by their green skintone, was robust and thick. The female, with purplish skin, had a more graceful horn. Any damage or loss of the horn was often devastating to an individual's reputation, and it was not uncommon for hornless Koorivar to be isolated from their society.

As a race, the Koorivar were known to be shrewd businessbeings who shied away from uncomfortable or dangerous situations. Many individuals or families often worked together to increase their financial and material wealth, and most Koorivar saw infighting and undercutting as detrimental to their ability to maximize profits. Marriage among the Koorivar was not so much a spiritual union as it was a financial one, with two families arranging for marriages that would provide the most benefit to both families. Love was considered an unproductive emotion, and was virtually non-existent in the Koorivar culture.

Although Kooriva was considered their homeworld, it was believed that the Koorivar were driven from their true homeworld some 2,000 years before the Battle of Geonosis, when the Old Republic ceded the planet to another race as part of the resolution of a political situation. Note that The New Essential Guide to Alien Species indicates that the Kooriva left their original homeworld when it became unstable, and leased Kooriva from the Old Republic. The Republic later refused to cede control of Kooriva, even when the Koorivar formally petitioned for their rights. For more than a millennia, the Koorivar formed themselves into merchant clans, traveling the galaxy and earning enough credits to mount a legal action to repeal the Republic's decision. During this time, many Koorivar became involved with illegal or underworld dealings, since there was more profit to be made in these arenas. When the Old Republic learned of this, the Galactic Senate imposed sanctions against Kooriva and blockaded the planet, nearly bringing the Koorivar economy to ruin. In order to finally gain entrance to the Republic, the Korrivar were forced agree with the Senate's requirement for free trade on their homeworld. Note that the Wizards of the Coast website indicates that the Koorivars'appeal to control their homeworld eventually succeeded, but the Koorivar never forgave the Republic.

The Koorivar eventually sided with the Separatists during the Clone Wars, as much out of spite for the Old Republic as for the potential gains. Unfortunately, with the institution of the New Order, the Koorivar were forced into another recession, as the Empire's pro-human stance left the Koorivar out of many business dealings.(VD2, WOTC, NEGA)

This was the native language of the Koorivar people, consisting of whispered sounds and sibilants combined with subtle hand gestures.(GMR10, UANT)

This was another name for the planet Kooriva.(VD2)

Koorivar Fusiliers
Originally based on the planet Kooriva, this was one of the many organic military forces that supported the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the height of the Clone Wars. The Fusiliers were originally formed as an army that could protect the interests of the planet Kooriva, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. While the Koorivar were noted for their business acumen, they were also quite militaristic, and fought with great fervor to protect what they had earned over the centuries.

The Koorivar Fusiliers were distinguished by their red armor and black metal gloves and boots. The helmets of the Fusiliers were forged with a hole at the top that allowed the horn of an individual Koorivar to be displayed during battle. For many years, the Koorivar Fusiliers were little more than a guardian force for the Corporate Alliance. That changed when the Clone Wars broke out, and the Fusiliers were added to the droid armies of the Separatists. They were dispatched to the planet Moorja to protect the agricultural facilities there, after the frequent ion storms rendered droid armies unusable.(SWI76, NEGA)

This was the term used to describe two or more members of the Koorivar race.(RDV)

Koornacht, Aitro
A native of the planet Tamban, Aitro Koornacht was an Old Republic astronomer. He was the first to see the collection of star systems now known as the Koornacht Cluster, on a night when he discovered Emperor Preedu III's First Observer and a young woman in a groundcoach. The Observer named the new star cluster after Koornacht, in returned for keeping the incident a secret.(BTS)

Koornacht Cluster
This collection of some 2,000 star systems, first noticed by Aitro Koornacht, went by many names throughout the Core Worlds and the inner sectors of the galaxy. It was known as The Multitude by the Fia, God's Temple by the Wehttem, and no'aat padu'll - The Little Nursery - by the Ka'aa. The Koornacht Cluster was located at the outer edges of the Deep Core, bordering on the Core Worlds themselves. The Cluster was controlled by the Yevetha from their homeworld of N'zoth, until the Empire invaded the Koornacht Cluster and established a number of shipyards there.

During the era of the New Order, the Black Sword Command was stationed there, out of the way of prying eyes. The Yevethan government, formally known as the Duskhan League, later assumed control of the Koornacht Cluster, after staging a tremendous coup in the wake of the Galactic Civil War.

The Koornacht Cluster was located in the Farlax Sector of the Rim, between Coruscant and the Core. Despite the number of systems the Cluster contained, only about 100 planets were known to support native forms of life, and just six allowed for the evolution of sentient lifeforms.(BTS, EGP, CTD)

This spiritual leader commanded the legions known as the Fellowship of Kooroo, a semi-religious sect which strove to reach true enlightenment through the attainment of telepathic powers. Shrines of Kooroo were found on many Outer Rim worlds, including Boztrok, Sufezz, and Brantees. In the modern age of the galaxy, Kooroo was a figurehead around which the Fellowship rallied, despite the reporting of Andor Javin. Javin claimed the Kooroo's shrines were nothing more than ancient communication devices.(SWJ13)

This ancient race of beings was believed to have been the founders of the Kooroo religion. They were never contacted by the Old Republic, and their homeworld was never located.(SWJ14)

The name given to one of the four continents of Yavin 4 by Lile Gorsek and the Fernandin Survey Operation.(GG2)

Koose cheekta nai
This Huttese command literally meant "Bring her to me!"(GMR5)

This Squib adjective was used to describe any item which was slightly unusual or striking in appearance.(SWJ11, SWI69)

Koozar, Fendrilon
This man was one of Emperor Palpatine's advisors. A connoussier of fine foods, he was secretly poisoned by Prince Xizor during a meal at the Manarai Restaurant on Coruscant, in an effort to eliminate his needless prying into Black Sun's operations.(SESB)

When translated into Basic, this Bocce term meant "towel".(GPB)

Kopatha, Jib
This Bothan crimelord and information broker was one of many minor underworld figures who were active during the height of the New Order. He ran his small operation from Void Station, a wondrous fortress built on the surface of a remote asteroid. The forces of the Empire made frequent use of Jib's services, until his information began to grow unreliable. Darth Vader was dispatched to ensure Jib's continued cooperation and loyalty to the Empire, which could be demonstrated if Jib could obtain viable information on the Alliance forces that destroyed the first Death Star. Jib feared for his own life, given that he had only a short period of time to obtain the information Vader wanted. Luckily, Sheel Odala came to him with an offer to repay the debt show owed him: she would provide Han Solo as a means of erasing the debt. Jib's Trandoshan thugs captured Solo, and brought him to Kopatha for interrogation. Solo proved to be much stronger than Kopatha's interrogation expert, Choba, had anticipated, and Kopatha decided that he would be better off just turning Solo over to Vader for further interrogation. It was then that Sheel and Chewbacca rescued Solo, leaving Kopatha to face Vader's wrath. He tried to talk his way out the situation, claiming that he had Solo under interrogation but managed to lose him. Vader was not pleased, and beheaded Kopatha with a single arc of his lightsaber.(SWEV, SWEIA)

This immense Twi'lek was one of the many Sith Lords who were part of the Brotherhood of Darkness, serving as one of Lord Kaan's chief advisors some 1,000 years before the onset of the Galactic Civil War. It was Kopecz who discovered the man named Dessel in a Sith prison, and recognized the strength of his connection to the Dark Side of the Force. Kopecz arranged for Dessel to be transferred to Korriban, where he trained to become the Sith Lord known as Darth Bane. Unlike his counterpart, Lord Qordis, Lord Kopecz believed that Kaan's tactics were ineffectual, especially after the war against the Old Republic and the Jedi Knights continued to drag on. Kopecz continued to fight for the Brotherhood, and was among the many leaders who participated in the Battle of Ruusan, where Kaan hoped to finally eliminate the Jedi Order. It was Kopecz who turned the opening battle for the Sith, after he single-handedly flew a starfighter into the hangar of the Republic flagship and slew the Jedi Master who was controlling the Republic's battle meditation. However, when the Sith massed together to destroy the Jedi's main camp, Kopecz and many others began to worry that events were conspiring against them. Kopecz's fears were only heightened by the disappearance of Darth Bane, who was manipulating events behind the scenes. Kopecz decided to remain with Lord Kaan, even after Kaan chose to use the thought bomb against the Jedi. When he finally realized that the combined strength of the Sith Lords would not prevent their annihilation, Kopecz decided that he didn't want to die without a fight. He sought out the Jedi forces and encountered Master Valenthyne Farfalla. After delivering a warning about the impending detonation, Kopecz challenged Farfalla to a duel, despite having been injured while trying to reach the Jedi. Ever honorable, Farfalla agreed to the duel, and ultimately dispatched Kopecz with his lightsaber.(JVS, DBPD)

A common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "philosopher".(GCG)

Kopedon, Bray
This young man was one of the first Coruscant youths to joined COMPNOR, following the Jedi Rebellion and the end of the Clone Wars. He aroused suspicion in Inquisitor Tremayne's eyes, however, when his background check revealed certain inconsistencies.(EAR)

Meaning "cherished", this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race.(GCG)

Kopi Tea
This steeped tea was brewed on the planet Frego. When properly brewed, Kopi tea was a deep orange color.(TOW)

Koqus Design Syndic
This starship manufacturing operation flourished in the last years of the Old Republic by taking discarded Republic Seinar Systems designs and revamping them.(SOL)

Koqus Starliner
This old, Koqus Design Syndic starship was manufactured some twenty years before the rise of the New Order. It was based on an old Republic Seinar Systems design, created as a short-route liner capable of carrying 58 passengers. The Starliner measured 44 meters in length and 28 meters in width, and was spade-like in shape. A pair of SoroSuub Viper 40 ion engines provided more than enough sublight propulsion, but the ship's hyperdrive systems were limited in jump calculation and speed. The ship had two main decks, one used for passengers and one for cargo.(SOL)

This was the rarest, and purest, form of ryll spice produced on Ryloth. It makes up only three percent of the total ryll production, and virtually none of it leaves the planet. It was discovered that kor ryll had certain medicinal properties. This was found by Qlaern Hirf and his Vratix verachan, who were working to counteract the effects of the Krytos virus. The New Republic sent Rogue Squadron, with Nawara Ven, to Ryloth, in hopes that they could negotiate a supply of kor for use in augmenting bacta. Kor ryll absorbs light in the ultraviolet range, and appears black under normal lighting. It can be distinguished from colored, less pure ryll under ultraviolet lighting. Petrified forms of kor, useless as a source of spice, were often carved into various shapes and sold as works of art.(KT, KB)

Kor Chokk Grand Cruiser
This was the name used to describe the "grand cruisers" of the Yuuzhan Vong. These ships, like other Yuuzhan Vong starships, were literally grown from yorik coral, and had a form of sentience which allowed them to survive. Measuring an average of 8,180 meters in length, the Kor Chokk was first formed as a small cruiser, which was then placed into service by the Yuuzhan Vong. As an individual Kor Chokk gained more experience in battle, more and more smaller ships were grafted to it, allowed the Kor Chokk to grow into a huge monstrosity which was more space station that actual cruiser. Each Kor Chokk could transport up to 216 coralskippers, as well as 30 yorik-trema landing craft. Armed with 120 plasma projectors and huge dovin basal, a Kor Chokk cruiser could also generate a huge interdiction field, similar to the Interdictor-class cruisers developed by the Empire. Each of these ships required a crew of 2,140 Yuuzhan Vong warriors, and could transport up to 4,640 passengers and 26,880 metric tons of cargo.(WOTC)

Kor Vella
This city was located on the planet Corellia. During the Galactic Civil War, Kor Vella was garrisoned by Imperial forces, in an effort to crack down on rebellious activity on Naboo.(SWGAL)

This was the name of Imperial Customs Agent Hewat's daughter, who lived on Yityl during the height of the New Order.(FTD)

This planet was the dumping grounds for the Elrood Sector. Located in the Korad System, Korad was an arid, rocky world covered with junkyards and ringed by an artificial belt of scrap. It was also the base of operations for Slythor the Squib, during the height of the New Order. The planet was controlled by groupd of Squibs in the north and Ugors in the east.(PG3, OE)

Koradin Sector
This area of the Outer Rim was a hotbed of rebellious activity shortly after the Battle of Yavin.(GG11)

Korah Mahtah
This was an ancient war cry of the Zhell race.(CCW)

This one-eyed Aquala Aqualish was a former Alliance operative who retired after his partner was promoted over himself. He returned to Ando and became a commercial fisherman, but was forced to rejoin the Alliance when the Empire took control of the planet and put a halt ot all commercial fishing. He made contact with Captain Amarith at Chiron Base, and did his best to help the Alliance unseat the Empire and break its hold on Ando. He was known to wear a pair of specialized gloves that made his finned hands appear to be the furred fingers of a Quara.(SWJ11)

This was the smallest of Kamino's three moons, and the only one that was ever explored. A frozen world covered with dunes of snow, Korasa was once the site of a small outpost, but it was abandoned several hundred years before the onset of the Clone Wars.(GORW)

This was the fourth moon of the planet Dathomir. The Imperials under the command of Warlord Zsinj discovered that the moon was abundant with neutronium, lommite, and zersium - the key components in the creation of durasteel.(CTD)

This clone trooper commander was stationed on the planet Coruscant, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. Captain Korbel was placed in command of the squad clone troopers who accompanied Senator Padme' Amidala to the planet Zigoola, on a mission to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi and Bail Organa. Kornel was surprised to learn that Padme' was unaware that the two men were badly injured, but quickly explained that he and his men were well-trained as field medics. Korbel also learned of Padme's experiences on Geonosis and Naboo, but was under orders to ensure that no harm came to her on Zigoola. He asked her kindly to let his men perform their reconnaissance before she disembarked, if only to humor him. They soon found Senator Organa, who had been guarding Kenobi's fallen body. Korbel and his men swiftly carried the injured Jedi Master to Padme's ship and began to tend to his wounds.(CWWS)

This planet, the fifth world in the Atrig System, was a world of temperate plains. It had a single moon. Korbin was also completely lawless. This was belied by the names of its primary cities: Pleasant City, Hope, Peace, and Joy. It was a hot, dry world which rotates about its axis once every 28 standard hours. Its year lasted 380 local days. It had almost no axial tilt, and thus had very minimal seasonal changes. It was once a thriving mining world until the mines ran dry. The miners left, but the planet was later repopulated by the outcasts from an overcrowded nearby system. The planet was girded by equatorial mountains, which were surrounded by arid plains.(PG2)

Korbinari, Draya
This woman was living in the settlement of Restuss, on the moon Rori, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWG2P)

Korda 6
It was on this planet that Jango Fett led his first mission as a Mandalorian Shocktrooper. It was later discovered that the mission - to rescue a rookie security squad pinned down by rebellious Kordans - had been a ruse, set up by Vizsla and the Death Watch to lure the Mandalorians into a trap.(JFOS)

Korda Defense Force
This was the police force which protected the citizens of the planet Korda 6, during the last decades of the Old Republic.(JFOS)

This was the race of simian beings native to the planet Korda 6.(JFOS)

Korde, Damalia
This woman was a native of the planet Naboo, during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War.(SWG2P)

Korden, Arani
This young woman was the daugther of a Theed noble, and was a student at the Royal House of Learning at the time of the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo. Arani was known for her ability to insinuate herself into the midst of the most troublesome situations, but more often than not she escaped them. When the Trade Federation finally invaded Naboo, Arani and her friends at the school joined the Naboo Underground in order to help free her planet from the Federation's control. Many years later, Arani served as Naboo's Senator to the New Republic, after Naboo agreed to rejoin the galactic community.(IOT, GCG)

This was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male Cereans given an individual name, which was added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete male names were arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings were arranged to ensure proper descriptions. The name Kordren referred to an oafish giant in Cerean mythology.(GCG)

This chubby Cerean youth was part of the band of techrats which hung out with Skeel and Maj-Odo-Nomor. In order to hide his identity while riding swoops out on the plains, Kordren often painted his face white with two red bars around his eyes. Like many Cerean youths, Kordren loved the thrill of swoops and the prestige of having high-technology equipment, but was unskilled in their use. When he and Skeel tried to race their swoops through the Outsider Citadels, they took a wrong turn and ended up running into a dead-end passage. Skeel was unable to stop his swoop and was killed when it struck the wall and exploded. Kordren managed to leap from his swoop before the impact, and was hospitalized for several broken bones and bruises.(PTR)

This oafish giant was a common figure in Cerean mythology.(GCG)

This planet was the homeworld of the Kordulian kriss, often called a ratter thist.(VOF)

Kordulian Kriss
This was another name for a ratter thist.(VOF)

Kore, Ulaha
This female Bith was studying the Jedi way on Yavin 4, during the early stages of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. A musician of exquisite skill, Ulaha was also a gifted tactical analyst who aided in the Jedi's attempts to understand the tactics of the alien invaders. Ulaha was named to the strike team which was sent to Myrkr to locate and destroy the queen voxyn, but was badly injured during their "capture" when a Yuuzhan Vong warrior stabbed her in the back with a coufee. Her injury wasn't severe, but the blade punctured her lung and there was little medical attention her fellow Jedi could provide during their transport to Myrkr. Upon reaching Myrkr, Ulaha took the Exquisite Death and tried to escape the Yuuzhan Vong warships in orbit around the planet. Her escape was assisted by YVH 2-1S, which detonated a huge explosive in space, destroying itself in order to distract the alien warships. Unfortunately, the Exquisite Death was captured by Yuuzhan Vong picket ships. Ulaha Kore caused the ship to self-destruct, in an effort to take out as many Yuuzhan Vong ships as possible. She died in the explosion.(JE, BP, SBS)

One of Crix Madine's commandos, Korenn served on the Galactic Voyager while Madine was tracking Durga the Hutt. He was killed when he accompanied Madine and Trandia into the Hoth asteroid belt to survey the construction of the Darksaber project. The shields of his modified A-Wing were breached by a small piece of space debris, resulting in a loss of engine power and attitude control. His ship was destroyed when it collided with an asteroid. Korenn was killed in the explosion.(DS)

Korev VII
This planet was under Imperial control during the Galactic Civil War, and served as the governmental seat of power for Zaric Sector.(GG10)

Koreyy, Televan
This man was the leader of the Tatooine Street Performers and Panhandlers Guild, during the era of the Battle of Naboo. He ran a tightly-controlled operation, ensuring that every member paid their dues and received fair treatment. Televan himself was an information broker and survivalist, and could survive on almost nothing.(CCG13)

A lighter-than-air gas that was used as a hyperdrive coolant, korfaise was also highly poisonous.(HTTE)

An alien race.(SESB)

This small, barren planet was the innermost world of the Feriae System.(SWMW)

A Hutt unit of measure, it defines a specific volume of material.(JTH)

This was one of the many tribes of Duloks that lived on the Forest Moon of Endor.(GQRG)

This Taloron man was a formed member of the Taloron Hunters before joining the Alliance. He served as an Infiltrator within the Alliance's Scandium Team, and was one of six members to survive the Wellte-ir Massacre. He was considered the luckiest member of Scandium Team, having survived a great number of tense situations.(SWJ11)

Korinth Archipelago
This collection of islands was located in the Sesseranda Ocean, on the planet Kothlis.(SPG)

This was a swear word that was commonly used by members of the Chev race.(LF7)

Korkaill, Deth
This man was a mercantile warlord who ventured into the Koornacht Cluster during the height of Nil Spaar's Great Purge. Korakill and executed by Nil Spaar upon being captured, and the Yevetha stole his most precious holdings. Among them was a large green gemstone which became known as the Eye of Deth.(CCW)

This was a common name among the Talz race.(UANT)

Korl, Niira
This was a famous Iktotchi individual, distinguished in the histories of the moon of Iktotch.(UANT)

Korl, Trivyakna
This man was the Imperial representative to the Nessem Shipyards, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. He served as the administrator of the Nessem orbital facility, overseeing the facility's security and customs operations.(WOA12)

Korlier Combine
This starship manufacturer was known for the small Flashships it builds. Korlier doesn't provide its ships with serial numbers, which makes them the perfect ships for beings who don't want to be traced or identified. It also makes their ships somewhat expensive.(VOF)

Korlin, Xarot
This dark-skinned man was a member of the Imperial staff who were working at the prison facility on the planet Dathomir, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Korlin was particularly interested in the ability of certain Nightsister clans to imbue crystals with the Drak Side of the Force.(SWG2P)

A planet.(WBC)

Kormar, Ap
This alien played center for the Quent Assassins during the years leading up to the Battle of Hoth. After the Assassins defeated the Shad Furies 21-20 in overtime in a match in Imperial City, Ap was attacked and beaten to death by seven humans who claimed to be Furies fans. In reality, the seven were Imperial supporters, working for a distant Moff, who killed Ap as an example to other Alliance sympathizers . His death was nearly prevented by Ytavarg Aleema, but Aleema arrived too late to save Kormar. In anger, Aleema used his shockball equipment to kill the seven attackers.(CRO)

The natives of this planet were viciously subjugated by the Empire, in what became known as the Blitz of Kormoran. According to Imperial propaganda, the planet was cleansed of rebellious agents. In reality, a squadron of TIE Fighters swept in and eliminated more than 90,000 refugees who had been fleeing the main battle.(T10)

A group of Alliance modified CR90 Corvettes destroyed during the Galactic Civil War.(TIE)

This slang term was used by the Balawai on Haruun Kal to indicate an Korun individual.(SHPT)

This Imperial Captain graduated from the Academy with honors, learning his lessons quickly and well. He made a name for himself commanding a strike cruiser that participated in the first defeat of an Alliance attack on an Imperial installation. He was then assigned to Admiral Motti, and served on the first Death Star. He was a loyal and hard-working assistant.(DSTC)

Kornova Corporation
This corporation was established to further the discovery and understanding of ancient civilizations. Kornova sent out numerous scouting expeditions in search of new evidence, and retained a number of archaeologists and xeno-archaeologists to assist in the collection of information.(GMS)

This exodrive airspeeder was the forerunner of the Koro-2.(BF5)

Koro-1 Deluxe
This was an upgraded version of the basic Koro-1 airspeeder, appointed with more luxury and power than its predecessor.(JQ10)

This all-environment exodrive airspeeder was produced by Desler Gizh Outworld Mobility during the last decades of the Old Republic. The exodrive system used a combination of inboard repulsors and interior field generators to propel the 6.6-meter craft, allowing to be completely sealed from the outside environment. This made the Koro-2 invaluable on planets where the atmosphere was laden with heavy amounts of dust, chemicals, or both. The Koro-2 was capable of speeds approaching 800 kilometers an hour, and had storage space for just eighty kilograms of cargo. This speeder required a pilot to operate, and had space for one passenger.(X2)

Koro-2 Exodrive
see Koro-2(SWI64)

This Alliance Corvette was part of the small fleet that was assigned to evacuate the planet Briggia when it was attacked as part of Operation Strike Fear, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. It was used to transport the wounded to the medical frigate Redemption.(XW, XWP)

Koromondain PDS, Incorporated
This corporation produced a variety of personal defense tools, including stun cloaks and wrist lasers.(GG10)

This star was the central body of the Empress Teta System, which was also known as the Koros System before Empress Teta took control.(PH)

see Koros Major(PH)

Koros Interceptor
see Tetan Interceptor(PH)

Koros Major
This planet, located in the Empress Teta System, later became known simply as Empress Teta. Some 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, Empress Teta made her stand against the advancing Sith forces during the Great Hyperspace War. A millennium later, Koros Major was the last planet in the system to hold out against the Krath oppression. It was the sight of a major battle between the combined forces of the Jedi Knights and the Old Republic and the Krath, during the early stages of the Great Sith War.(DLS, PH, EGF)

Koros Minor
This planet was located in what used to be the Koros System.(GAS)

Koros System
This planetary system was one of seven brought under the control of Empress Teta during the Unifications Wars. It became the center of Teta's empire, and was later renamed the Empress Teta System.(GAS, NECH)

Koros Trunk Line
This ancient hyperspace travel route linked the planet Koros Major and its neighbors to Coruscant and the Core Worlds. It became better known as the Carbonite Pipeline, especially after the planet Koros Major was renamed Empress Teta. It connected the planet with Kuar, Foerost, and Kaikielius before reaching out to Coruscant, allowing a steady supply of carbonite to move to the galaxy at large.(NEGC, PH)

Korosson, Isriner
This man was a noted actor and holo-film star of the Old Republic. His final film, Easy Spacer, was incredibly popular during the year leading up to the Clone Wars.(HNN4)

This was the Yuuzhan Vong name for one of their worldships.(NEGV)

Korownosek, Ahric
This man considered himself a great actor during the height of the New Order, but he had few believers, especially among the critics. Nevertheless, he led the NovaCluster Players across the galaxy in his modified freighter, the Command Performance, hoping to get a big break. In the meantime, Ahric amused himself by stealing trinkets and artifacts from the museums and halls they played in. He then fenced the stolen merchandise to earn an extra credit or two.(SS, OWS)

A Verpine colony, one of the builders of the B-Wing starfighter.(RASB, SWSB)

This was one of the more common Kel Dor surnames. Its meaning translated into Basic as "male ruler" or "king".(GCG)

Korr, Drama
This wealthy Corellian woman was a noted arms dealers during the final years of the Old Republic. Unknown to her security detail, Korr had been targeted for execution by Count Dooku and the Separatists. According to information gathered from Xist on Trigalis, Obi-Wan Kenobi learned that Dooku had sent his "best assassin" after Korr. Obi-Wan believed that Dooku sent Asajj Ventress, despite the fact that she had been killed on Coruscant several weeks earlier by Anakin Skywalker. Upon locating Korr's starship near Maramere, Obi-Wan and Anakin discovered her ship already under attack by Separatist super battle droids. After defeating the droids, the Jedi discovered Korr's lifeless body aboard the bridge. Hidden in her hand was a bomb that exploded when Anakin tried to pry it free. In the resulting chaos, Obi-Wan learned that it was Durge who had killed Korr, and that he had been set up to die aboard her ship as part of an elaborate plan developed by Dooku.(O)

Korr, Jaden
This young man was one of the many students who trained at Luke Skywalker's Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4, during the early years of the New Republic. A native of Coruscant, Jaden was invited to train with Master Skywalker after building his own lightsaber without any previous training. Once on Yavin 4, Jaden trained under Kyle Katarn, along with another student by the name of Rosh Penin. Like Rosh, Jaden was given several small missions across the galaxy to seek out information on the Disciples of Ragnos. Jaden himself was dispatched to Hoth, where he encountered a group of Imperial forces working with Alora to gather data on Skywalker's travels to Dagobah. In a heated battle, Jaden was forced to defeat Alora in order to escape Hoth and report on his mission.

After Rosh was captured by Tavion near Nar Kreeta, Jaden tried to bring him back, but Tavion was able to stop him. Upon returning to Yavin 4, Jaden was promoted from apprentice to Jedi Knight. His heart remained heavy, however, since Rosh had been lost, and he dedicated his career to investigatng the Disciples of Ragnos. After receiving a distress call from Rosh, Jaden believed that the call was part of a larger plot to capture the Jedi. Katarn decided that they would make the journey anyway, and they managed to find Rosh in the control of Alora. Alora presented Jaden with a choice: drop his lightsaber and allow Rosh to go free, or kill him for being a liar. Although he had initially thought the message a trap, Jaden could see that Rosh's distress call had been real. His friend was scared of what he had become, and wanted to return to Yavin 4. Jaden chose not to fight, which angered Alora. She cut down Rosh before attacking Jaden, but was no match for his skills. As Jaden finally slew Alora, Rosh slumped in the arms of Master Katarn.

Jaden knew that he needed to put a stop to the Disciples of Ragnos, and set out for Korriban. There, he confronted Tavion, and was able to defeat her in combat just as she reawakened the spirit of Marka Ragnos. Jaden was then forced to defeat Ragnos as well, destroying the Scepter of Ragnos and cutting off any pathway from the spirit world. Jaden returned to the Jedi and spent many years contemplating his actions, and was not seen until the years following the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. He was assigned to the assault team that was led by Jedi Master Kyp Durron, and dispatched to disable Centerpoint Station, some three years after the Swarm War. Jaden and Valin Horn posed as Galactic Alliance Guard soldiers during the mission, but although the mission was a success, Jaden was haunted by the fact that he had to kill a group of civilians who were intermingled with enemy forces in order to defend the main group of Jedi.

In the wake of the Second Galactic Civil War, Jaden returned to Coruscant and spent a great deal of time at the Jedi Temple, meditating and re-centering himself. He was assigned to guard the Situation Room inside the Temple, and was on duty when Han and Leia Solo arrived to discuss some important news with Kenth Hamner. Jaden refused to let them in, and when he referred to Hamner as the Grand Master, the Solos became furious, since that title had been officially turned over to Hamner when Luke Skywalker was exiled from the Order by Chief of State Natasi Daala for ten years.(JKA, LF7, FJ3)

Korr, Vani
This Corellian woman was a reported for Corellia Times, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Her datapad was stolen by a member of the Meatlumps gang, leading her to investigate the gang's existence and history.(SWGAL)

This large, heavily scarred t'landa Til male was the leader of a band of pirates which was based on the planet Thonner during the early years of the New Republic. Many of his injuries were received during the Tertiary Ingo Riots, including wound to his throat that prevented him from being able to induce the euphoric feelings of his peers. Despite his own confidence, Korraj was actually a minor crimelord in the Moddell Sector. Korraj and a group of his closest lieutenants set out to locate one or both of the Tessents at about the same time as Follnor Callat and the Kintan Gunrunners, hoping to obtain wealth and credits from the sale of the artifact.(GMR9)

Korral, Baz
This man was imprisoned on Kessel during the same time Booster Terrik was incarcerated there. Booster saved his life at least once during their stay, a favor which Korral returned when he kept an eye on Mirax Terrik and Iella Wessiri during their investigation of Wooter, Rimki, and Vass on the planet Commenor. Korral employed a group of Verpines in his information operation, realizing that they can communicate via radio waves without making obtrusive movements.(IR)

A thin, scrawny-looking Hutt who served as Durga's assistant. He met Leia Organa on Nal Hutta when she tried to surprise Durga by showing up more or less unexpectedly. Korrda was left trying to appease Leia and show her some diplomatic courtesy. He had a wasting disease that keeps him thin no matter how much he eats. Durga and the other Hutts despise him for his thinness, and so Durga gives him menial, downgrading tasks to perform.(DS)

An Alderaanian in Page's Commandos, Korren was one of the team's technical specialists.(HTSB)

Korriba Scar
This was the innermost of the two debris fields orbiting the remore star of Horuset. The planet Korriban was located between the Korriba Scar belt and the Ashes of Korr.(PH)

This remote planet was believed by many to be the ancestral homeworld of the ancient Sith race, which may have rose to prominence on the planet nearly 100,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Korriban was the sole planet in the Horuset System, located across the galaxy from Cinnagar and Koros Minor. It was orbited by seven moons, and was unknown to the Old Republic before the rise of Naga Sadow. It was to Korriban that the ancient Dark Jedi fled, after they were exiled by the Jedi Knights. Korriban was a desolate world which, under the pall of Sith magic, became more hellish and dangerous. Some 27,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, in the wake of King Adas' defeat of the Rakatans, Korriban was abandoned as a base for the Sith. They designated is as their tombworld, and transferred their operations to Ziost.The native life there was twisted by the Dark Side, and the ghosts of Sith Dark Lords buried in the Valley of the Dark Lords roamed everywhere. Seviss Vaa believed that the planet's deep connection to the Dark Side of the Force affected not only the biology of the planet, but it twisted the "spatial fluctuations of existence." This is what allowed the spirits of the Sith Lords to continue to exist on the planet. The Sith Lords erected huge palaces and burial complexes, which honored not only the dead Lords but the current magicians as well. These ancient Sith enslaved the local population and put them to work building a huge monastery and excavating the Valley of the Dark Lords, then killed the planet's inhabitants once the jobs were done.

Exar Kun was led here by Freedon Nadd's spirit, in an effort to recover certain Sith manuscripts. In the wake of the Great Sith War, the planet was virtually abandoned, although a few settlers managed to eke out a meager living. The Jedi Order determined that Korriban was too dangerous a world, and the Sith Academy was destroyed in an attempt to prevent any further development of Sith acolytes. The planet's location was removed from most planetary database, and those Jedi Knights who remembered Korriban, either through research or direct experience, referred to the planet as the 'cradle of darkness.' However, knowledge of Korriban remained with the Sith, and the followers of the True Sith eventually returned to the planet. The Dark Council rebuilt the Sith Academy, and re-established the Sith as the true rulers of Korriban. About a millennia before the onset of the Galactic Civil War, Korriban was once again taken over by the Sith, this time under the leadership of Lord Kaan and his Brotherhood of Darkness. A Sith training academy was re-established near Dreshdae, but Kaan's followers virtually abandoned the history and lore that was stored in the Valley of the Dark Lords.

With the elimination of the Brotherhood of Darkness at the Battle of Ruusan, Korriban was once again abandoned. After the Battle of Naboo, the Commerce Guild established a base of operations on Korriban, ostensibly to attract corporations to a tax-free environment. The true nature of the Guild's presence was the accumulation of a droid army, in anticipation of supporting the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Jedi Master Eeth Koth led a mission to Korriban in which the natives were freed from Separatist control, although victory came with a high price in the loss of many clone troopers. Years later, Emperor Palpatine often visited Korriban, to help him center himself in the Dark Side of the Force.(DLS, EE, PH, JQ10, DBPD, EGF, CWWS, SWORW)

Korriban Zombie
This was the term used to describe those beings who were reanimated after their deaths by the ancient magic of Dathka Graush. After Graush's murder, the spirits of these zombies were captured in the Heart of Graush, which was later buried with Graush in the Valley of Golg. The spirits which possessed the dead bodies were released whenever a being touched the Heart of Graush. They then set off, searching for their old bodies and then going in search of living flesh to eat, infecting their victims with their own magical disease and creating more zombies. The only way to kill one of thee zombies was to cut off its head. There was no other way to stop the zombies, and there was no cure for the disease, which seemed to affect only sentient beings.(PH)

Korrin, Hess
This was the true name of the man known as Don-Wan Kihotay. In truth, Korrin was simply a librarian who worked on Obroa-skai as a cataloguer of antiquities during the last years of the Old Republic. Unknown to most beings, including himself, Korrin had a limited sensitivty to the Force. He spent most of his free time reading about the Jedi Knights, a habit that became more intense after the institution of the New Order. When the Imperial Security Bureau shut down his section and destroyed the entire collection of antiquities - on the basis of "a public security issue" - Korrin snapped. He became obsessed with the need to champion the causes of peace and justice in the galaxy, and his Ithorian manager tried to get him off Obroa-skai out of fear of more Imperial reprisals. However, the ISB tracked their ship and shot them down over Aduba-3, and the Ithorian died in the crash. Korrin, however, survived the attack, in part because he had adopted the alias Don-Wan Kihotay.(GMR4)

Korrin, Marcus
This con artist made a living on the planet Sacorria, during the early years of the New Order. He claimed, at various times, to be a Corellian, an Alderaanian, and a Belgarian. After arriving on Sacorria, he was arrested and thrown into the Dorthus Tal Prison. He managed to get a message out of the prison, counting on the sympathy of the Alliance to get him freed. However, his message was intercepted by the prison warden, Kedar Blackgate, who arranged to have his "rescuers" imprisoned as well.(CCW)

This vicious, lupine creature was native to the Forest Moon of Endor. The Ewok warrior Asha was known to have the ability to control the korrinas. Korrinas naturally traveled in packs, and were particularly active during the winter months.(ECAR, OWS)

This was a planet which was part of the ancient Sith Empire.(DSSB)

Korrokrrayyo Mountain
This was the largest, most massive mountain found on the planet Kashyyyk.(AFA)

This was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male Cereans given an individual name, which was added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete male names were arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings were arranged to ensure proper descriptions. The name Korrot referred to a woodworker, crafter, or smith.(GCG)

Korrot, Del
This Cerean emerged from the Clone Wars and presented himself to Emperor Palpatine as a Jedi hunter. Palpatine was amused by Del Korrot's audacity, and agreed to support Korrot's efforts within the Empire. Palpatine allowed Korrot to freelance outside the Empire's borders, so long as his Imperial duties were completed. Using the starship Shadow I, Del Korrot traveled the galaxy looking for any Jedi Knights who might have survived the Jedi Purge. He wore a suit of cortosis-impregnated armor, and often killed innocent beings simply because they were in the way. He claimed these innocents were latent Force-sensitives, but Emperor Palpatine began to tire of his unnecessary killings. The Emperor sent Darth Vader to eliminate Del Korrot, and the Cerean was unable to overcome all the methods of attack the Dark Lord could bring at him. Eventually, Vader was able to strike down Del Korrot and kill him.(DSSB)

Korseg IV
This remote, mountainous planet was the site of the Alliance's Flare Base during the Galactic Civil War.(RPG)

This immense Barabel served as the representative of his clan during the last decades of the Old Republic. Although he gradually became lazy and obese, Korshnak was once a gifted warrior, as evidenced by the scars that criss-crossed his body. He maintained his position by drawing on clan superstitions and his own history, while sending younger and more powerful rivals off as his "champions" on dangerous missions. He was a staunch supporter of Barabel freedom, and used a combination of strong-arm tactics to keep offworlders from gaining a foothold on his clan's lands.(GORW)

Korsin, Devore
This man was Yaru Korsin's half-brother, and he served under Yaru aboard the Sith transport vessel Omen, during the era of the Great Hyperspace War. Where Yaru had their father's short stature, Devore was a thin and lanky man, but he was endowed with his father's burning, passionate eyes. Devore was known for his fiery temper, and was always quick to point out blame, regardless of whether or not it was necessary. The Korsin family was shocked when they learned that their father had sired another son with a woman on a distant planet, but Yaru was devastated when his father welcomed Devore into the family with open arms. Relationships were strained, and Yaru eventually chose to leave his father's side. Devore was trained among the Sith as a crystal hunter, and he was assigned to the Omen after the ship took on a cargo of Lignan crystals. This meant that he was forced to accept his half-brother's command, but he chafed at every decision Yaru made. When the Omen was discovered by a Jedi starfighter near Phaegon III, and his brother ordered a blind jump into hyperspace to escape, Devore blamed the navigator with failing to ensure their safe escape. He demanded that Yaru execute Boyle Marcom for his failure, despite the fact that Yaru himself had ordered the blind jump.

When the ship emerged from hyperspace and began to plunge toward the surface of Kesh, Devore tried to usurp control of the ship in an attempt to save them from a hard landing. Yaru, however, put another plan into action, opening the ship's missile tubes to create enough drag to slow the ship down. Devore reluctantly agreed to help when his mate, Seelah, rushed to implement Yaru's plan. The scheme worked well enough to get the ship to the ground, but without much control the Omen smashed into a mountainside. Devore and the others managed to survive by cramming themselves into the protected holds, but they found no solace in having survived the crash. Devore took his anger out on Boyle Marcom, questioning the navigator's choice to leave orbit. When Marcom angrily stated that the Omen was never actually in orbit, Devore's anger grew so strong that he drew his lightsaber and killed Marcom on the spot. He then gathered his supports around him and began to make his own plans to get off the planet. Unfortunately, the situation in which the survivors found themselves was quite bleak, and Devore found himself escaping from it all by taking up an old vice. He returned to the Omen and located a stash of spice, and began consuming it. When Yaru tried to explore the ruins of the ship in order to find a way to salvage working technology, Devore's despair only worsened, until he realized that the survivors were stranded on the planet. When Yaru refused to stop searching for anything to make contact with the Sith Empire, Devore drew his lightsaber and attacked his half-brother. Their struggle caused the hulk of the Omen to shift, and Devore was pushed to the edge of a cliff by its bulk. Yaru grabbed his brother and stopped him from falling off, but only long enough to declare that he would complete their mission. Yaru then let go of Devore, who fell to his death.(LTS1)

Korsin, Yaru
This man served as the Commander of the starship Omen when the ship was forced to crash-land on the planet Kesh, some 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. A twenty-year veteran in the Sith military, Commander Korsin was himself the son of a former military officer who had served in the Tapani Empire. He had idolized his father, and had been driven to match his example while serving under him on a starship, until his family learned that his father had had a child with another woman. When his father took the illegitimate son in, Yaru asked for another assignment and never looked back. A short-statured man, Yaru Korsin was among the few Sith who truly valued his crew and their abilities. His crew knew that he valued their input, and they were as loyal to him as their Sith upbringing would allow them. During a stopover at Phaegon III to take on a load of Lignan crystals that were to be delivered to the front lines of the war, the Omen and her sister ship, the Harbinger, were discovered by a Jedi starfighter. Korsin was barely able to rally his crew to jump into hyperspace as the Harbinger careened out of control, but the crew had no idea where they were headed. In addition, the Omen had been damaged just prior to entering hyperpsace, and the ship began to tear itself apart.

Upon reverting to realspace, the Omen's systems began to fail, and it was all Korsin could do to remain in the Captain's chair, let alone make decisions as the ship failed around him. As the ship plummeted to the ground, Korsin was forced to reflect on the nature of the Sith, recognizing that the belief in advancing one's self was what kept the crew of the Omen from working together to survive what might befall them. This introspection came to a head when his half-brother, Devore, demanded that Yaru execute the Omen's navigator for failing to ensure a safe transition through hyperspace. Yaru refused to acknowledge his half-brother's anger, since he himself had requested that Boyle Marcom serve as the navigator aboard the ship. When Devore's mate, Seelah, reached the command deck and told them that they were over land, Yaru decided to open the ship's missile tubes to slow the ship down. The ship tumbled as it fell, giving Yaru and the crew a glimpsed of the mountain range into which they soon crashed. When he regained consciousness, Yaru learned that 355 beings had survived the crash, and he struggled to get them to band together and find shelter. He was happy to know that the cargo of Lignan crystals had survived the crash, and hoped that he would not be executed for losing the Omen if he were to deliver them to his Sith masters. However, the Massassi warriors were unable to adapt to the new planet, and they died within days.

Adding to Yaru's problems was the fact that Devore was becoming more beligerent about their situation. Devore's actions were fueled by the spice he was ingesting and the fact that he was secretly planning to kill his half-brother. When Yaru tried to salvage technology from the Omen in order to make contact with the Sith, Devore would have none of it, and drew his lightsaber. Yaru was forced to defend himself, and their struggle inside the ruined ship caused it to shift position. The two men were flung outside, with Devore landing at the edge of sheer cliff. Yaru grabbed his brother's arm and held onto him, but only long enough to declare that he was going to finish their mission. He then let go, and Devore plummeted to his death. Yaru returned to the wreckage with word of Devore's death, then set out to get the survivors off the mountain. He was therefore surprised to see a great, avian creature soaring through the sky, with what appeared to be a rider on its back. The rider turned out to be a Keshiri woman named Adari Vaal, and Yaru began to hope that the Keshiri and their uvak mounts might be able to help get them off the mountain. Adari stayed with the survivors, learning their language, while the Sith gently probed her mind for answers. She then agreed to help them get off the mountain and brought them to Tahv, where the Keshiri determined that the Sith were actually the Skyborn from their legends.

Yaru himself was named Grand Lord of the Skyborn, a status that only increased in power when he used the Force to make himself fly to the top of the spire in the Circle Eternal. Realizing that the Sith had discovered a primitive culture in the Keshiri, Yaru immediately accepted their adoration, and declared that he and his followers were actually the Skyborn. He then took advantage of his new-found status to coerce the Keshiri into helping the Sith build a temple near the site of the Omen, where the Sith could work to return to the stars. As work progressed at the crash site, Adari Vaal revealed that she had seen Yaru throw Devore off the mountainside. Korsin then made a deal with Adari: if she kept quiet about Devore's death, Korsin would do everything he could to provide Adari with knowledge beyond anything she could imagine.(LTS1, LTS2)

This was a creature developed by the Yuuzhan Vong for scrubbing dishes and cookware. They were known for their voracious appetites, and were kept under strict control so that they didn't gain access to food stores.(FP)

Korteen Asteroid Belt
This ring of planetary wreckage was ruled by Quarg's father during the last years of the Old Republic. He held sway in the belt by using a sonic jammer to disable passing ships. He would then board the ships and take control of them, sending the survivors off in lifepods while salvaging anything and everything he could to make a profit.(MC13)

Korthos, Kars
This stocky, compact man was one of the original members of the Whiplash rebel group. Native to the undercity of the planet Coruscant, Korthos was known for his nervous energy and his uncanny ability to accurately read another being or a given situation. Korthos and Nick Rostu discovered a band of stormtroopers who were apparently tracking a rogue Jedi, and set out to follow them with a small group of Whiplash soldiers. They were unable to stop the stormtroopers from fatally wounding the Jedi, who turned out to be Jedi Master Even Piell, and Korthos was shot in the arm during the firefight that ensued.(CN1)

Koru Act
This was one of the many laws created by the Old Republic to ensure the safety of the members of the Galactic Senate. In circ*mstances of grave need, the Koru Law could be invoked to requisition funds from a Senator's account to cover the expenses of ensuring their security. A law officer invoking the act could use the funds to immediately acquire additional security measures to protect the Senator.(LFCW)

Koru Neimoidia
This was one of the primary Neimoidian purse-worlds, during the height of the Clone Wars. Like Cato Neimoidia, Koru Neimoidia was captured by the Old Republic's military forces, during the search for Nute Gunray.(SWI71, LEV)

This was a province of the planet Ansion.(APS)

This was the name given to an individual member of the Korunnai, the human race native to the planet Haruun Kal.(SHPT)

This dialect was used by the Korunnai of the planet Haruun Kal. Its use was primarily to maintain a level of secrecy among Korunnai when speaking in the presence of the Balawai.(WOTC)

This was the name of the native human population of the planet Haruun Kal. This people was semi-nomadic, shunning permanent settlements for nomadic tribes known as ghosh, in an effort to avoid being caught in one of the planet's many storms. In this way, they helped ensure their continued survival despite the planet's toxic, gaseous oceans. It was later discovered that every Korunnai had some connection to the Force, albeit a small one. The Jedi Council believed that a starship transporting Jedi Knights during the Great Sith War crashed on Haruun Kal, and that the survivors were, in fact, the ancestors of the Korunnai. This theory was the primary proposal for the reason behind the fact that all Korunnai could touch the Force. A simpler theory was that the Korunnai evolved over time to use the Force to predict Downstorms; only those with an advantage could survive the waves of toxic gas that accompanied the storms.

During the years leading up to the Clone Wars, the Korunnai and their low-country neighbors, the Balawai, were locked in a vicious civil war which became known as the Summertime War. The native Korunnai had been displaced by the offworlders, and fought to maintain their independence. Both sides of the conflict were brutal to their opponents, with a certain amount of "recreational torture" occurring to prisoners before they were executed. In the wake of the Clone Wars, Imperial naval forces bombarded Haruun Kal from orbit, causing massive devastation to the planet's surface and wiping out thye Korunnai.(SHPT, EGF, CN1)

Korunnal Highland
Located on the planet Haruun Kal, this was one of the largest landmasses which rose above the planet's toxic seas. Much of the plateau was covered with jungles and grasslands, with several small mountain ranges crossing the plateau. Within these ranges were a number of active volcanoes, including Grandfather's Shoulder, from which spewed many of the toxic gases that made up the planet's deadly oceans.(SHPT)

This Tetan was the tutor of Aleema, Satal Keto, and other royal youths about 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. When the youths formed the Krath, they rebelled against their parents and their teachers. Aleema's magic was used to twist Korus to their bidding. In a display of her power for the Lord Keto, Aleema changed Korus' tongue into an Adegan Eel. Satal and Aleema kept the old man as a servant, until he accidentally spilled wine on Aleema. She killed him with Sith magic in her anger.(DLS)

This furred humanoid was a member of the smuggler gang led by Lemo and Sanda. He was killed when he challenged Captain Drebble to a duel. Drebble threw a knife into Koruu's head before Koruu could even draw his weapon.(LTA4, MC79)

This was the native language of the Korunnai natives of Haruun Kal.(SHPT)

This man served the Cularin Militia as a Sergeant during the height of the Clone Wars. According to documents leaked to the Cularin HoloNet node, Sergeant Korvalis was working with Sergeant Drover on the establishment of the so-called Cloud Force.(LFCW)

Korvata, Marael
This was a noted member of the Arkanian race.(UANT)

This Imperial Captain was responsible for the assault on Sarko VI, where it was believed that the Alliance had a rebel cell working against the Imperial presence there. Unfortunately for the natives of Sarko VI, there was never an Alliance presence on the planet. Korvellen's troops, unaware of this fact, levels much of the planet's settlements. Korvellen later justified the slaughter of innocent beings by claiming that the natives were "...poor and without hope, potential rebel scum waiting to turn against the Empire."(RESB)

Koryunt, Adair
This rough-looking man once planted a bomb in the Elrooden headquarters of Radell Mining Corporation, and left the employees and the police a message claiming his part in the planting of the bomb. He also placed emphasis on certain words in the message, words which pointed a group of Alliance agents to the bomb's location. Koryunt was mentally unstable, a fact which was overlooked when he was hired by Imperial Mining, Limited, to plant the bomb in Radell's headquarters.(OE)

This man served as the Vice Chairman of Galactic Accounts for the InterGalactic Banking Clan, during the years surrounding the Battle of Geonosis. He worked on the planet Aargau during this time, and spent a great deal of time and money trying to track down the Clawdite criminal known as Nuri. In this role, Kos captured young Boba Fett and held him for investigation, claiming that Fett was actually Nuri in another guise. Boba used the only thing he could to effect an escape from Kos and the IBC: he provided information on the true identity of Count Dooku in exchange for his own freedom. Unfortunately, neither Kos nor the information reached San Hill. Kos was intercepted by Aurra Sing within Aargau's city-pyramid, when the bounty hunter was trying to locate Boba Fett for herself. In a speeder chase through the lower levels, Aurra Sing managed to shoot and kill Kos before he could do the same to her.(BF3)

Kosciusko, Kassar
This Tarro was a friend of Meysen Kayson, and an operative and assassin working for the Alliance. He saved Kayson's life on Pernam Minor. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Kosciusko was known as the owner and operator of the Royal K Hotel and Casino, located on Kwenn Station. He was known to his associated as "Mr. K," and was rumored to be the assassin behind the death of Moff Chorkun. Kosciusko had a long scar on his face, the result of an attack by the Loag on Novor 23. He and the five Loag had been chasing the same target, and only Kosciusko survived the skirmish.(GG12, SWJ6, CRO)

This was one of the finest varieties of tea leaves that were produced in the galaxy, during the early years of the New Order.(DSTR)

This Imperial stormtrooper Captain was among the handful of soldiers who were stationed on the planet Tatooine, during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin.(E4VG)

Kosh, Jiprin
This man was a Captain within the Corporate Sector Authority's security forces, and was one of the officers dispatched to "deal with" the Trianii. His entire fleet was quickly captured by Trianii forces, and Kosh himself was taken as a prisoner. He was later released with a message for the CSA: leave the Trianii and their planets alone.(EGA)

Kosk, Reynol
This Imperial Lieutenant was in charge of the Trogan Imperial garrison when Grand Admiral Thrawn rose to power, during the early years of the New Republic. An expert in the use of the PLX-2 missile-launching system, Kosk was persuaded by Niles Ferrier to attack the smugglers' meeting, against the orders of Thrawn himself. His rash decision proved fatal when Kosk was killed in the attack.(ISB, TLC)

This was one of the many names given to female Bothans. While the exact meaning had been lost, it was used to mean "brought back."(GCG, WOTC)

This gas giant was the fourth planet in the Faarlsun System, and had eight moons.(WBC)

This container group, which was filled with technical equipment, was captured by the Imperial frigate Lightning, during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War.(TIE, TIEP)

Koss, Marhu
This was a noted member of Muun society.(UANT)

Koss, Stephannis
A native of the planet Bonadan, this man was wanted by the Corporate Sector Authority for several crimes. Foremost among the charges was conspiracy to deprive the CSA of revenue. Koss had been bribed by a rival agri-corporation to slander the CSA by revealing that the development of agricultural enzymes was actually a well-disguised series of bio-weapons experiments.(ND)

An infamous Hutt warrior and conquerer, Kossak used Vodran, Nikto, and Klatooinan forces to defeat Xim the Despot during the Third Battle of Vontor.(ZHR, GG12)

Kossan Asteroid Belt
This was the middle asteroid belt ringing the star Isen. The gas giant Isen orbited just outside the Kossan Belt.(PG1)

This Jedi Master was part of the contigent dispatched to protect the clone factories of Kamino from a Separatist attack, during the early years of the Clone Wars. A Weequay, Kossex was an excellent fighter pilot who helped knock out the first wave of Separatist transport ships to enter Kamino's airspace. Unfortunately, during an attempt to eliminate a droid starfighter which tried to attack Anakin Skywalker, Master Kossex failed to see an incoming squadron of droid fighters. He was shot down from behind, and died when his fighter exploded.(OWS, RDK, NEGA)

Kossh Street
A thoroughfare located in Capital City, on Omman.(SWJ12)

One of the three major continents on Pantolomin.(DFRSB)

Kossim Asteroid Belt
This was the outermost asteroid belt ringing the star Isen. The gas giant Isen orbited inside the Kossim Belt.(PG1)

This province, located on the planet Kalzeron, was found in the northern hemisphere. It was a harsh, frigid place to live.(SWJ8)

This X'Ting was the oldest member of the leadership council that governed X'Ting society, during the height of the Clone Wars. At the time, Kosta was in her female stage, and her egg sac was exceptionally large despite the fact that old age prevented her from producing offspring. Kosta was one of the many X'Ting who didn't support the scheming machinations of Caiza Quill, although Kosta began to doubt Duris' ability to lead when she suggested that the X'Ting allow Obi-Wan Kenobi to seek out the hidden eggs of their royal line. It was then that Kosta was forced to reveal to Duris the hidden pieces of X'Ting history, including the reasons for the X'Tings' underground existence.(HIV)

This planet was located in the Kriz Sector.(CRO)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "strength."(OWS)

This ancient Selkath served as a judge in Ahto City, on his homeworld of Manaan, during the decades leading up to the Great Sith War. Kota was one of the judges who presided over the trial of Sunry. Kota believed in Sunry's heroic past, and couldn't believe that he was capable of killing Elassa.(KOTOR)

Kota, Rahm
This Jedi Knight was one of the many who adopted military rank when the Clone Wars broke out across the galaxy. General Kota was a disciplined and distinguished warrior, and carried he carried his blue lightsaber in a specially-made sheath that was slung across his back. As a youth, Kota grew up in the militia of his homeworld, fighting for his freedom for eight years before the Jedi Order stepped in to end the conflict. It was then, at the age of eighteen, that Kota was discovered by Jedi Master Mace Windu. Despite his age, Kota was taken into the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and trained as a Jedi by Windu and Master Yoda. Although few other students befriended Kota, this suited him just fine.

During the Clone Wars, General Kota was one of the few Jedi who claimed that the clone troopers produced on Kamino were not ready for combat. In order to ensure the success of his missions, and to prevent any unnecessary loss of life, Kota hand-picked his own troops and trained them himself. When the command was given to carry out Order 66, Kota was able to escaped being captured and killed because his non-clone troops were completely loyal to him. This allowed him to flee into the Outer Rim Territories and disappear.

Kota remained hidden for many years, until Darth Vader discovered that he was attacking an Imperial TIE Fighter shipyard in orbit around Nar Shaddaa. Vader sent his secret apprentice, who was known only by the codename Starkiller, to locate and destroy Kota. Although the two combatants were evenly matched, General Kota could not match the younger man's fury in battle. The Starkiller managed to lock Kota in a Force choke, and although Kota was able to deflect some of his power, the Starkiller had anticipated the move. The Starkiller then grabbed Kota's lightsaber and used it to blind the general before forcing the General out of an open window. Kota fell into the depths of Nar Shaddaa, but the Starkiller was unsure if he had actually died. Despite this, the Starkiller returned to Darth Vader with Kota's lightsaber, hoping it would be proof enough that he had completed his mission.

Unknown to the rest of the galaxy, however, was the fact that General Kota managed to survive the Starkiller's attack. He fled into the underworld of Cloud City, where he recovered from his wounds and kept himself secluded in the Vapor Room cantina. Despite his best efforts, though, Kota was easily recognized by the wounds his eyes had suffered on Nar Shaddaa. These wounds helped the Starkiller track him down many months later, with an offer to help him gather rebel leaders in an effort to rise up against the Empire. After the Starkiller killed or destroyed a group of Imperial soldiers that had been sent by the Emperor to kill them both, Kota agreed to join him on his mission. Using his hidden contacts, Kota arranged for them to travel to Kashyyyk, where the Starkiller was able to rescue Princess Leia Organa. After later rescuing Bail Organa on Felucia, Kota urged the Starkiller to travel to Corellia, were Senator Organa was meeting with Mon Mothma and Garm Bel Iblis to discuss open rebellion against the Empire.

Unfortunately for the group, Darth Vader had been tracking their movements, and intercepted them on Corellia. The Starkiller was as surprised as any of them, forcing Kota to take action. He confronted Vader with the Starkiller's lightsaber, but Vader simply flung a table at him with the Force. The blow knocked Kota unconscious, and he was taken prisoner with the Senators.(LAWS, TFUN)

Kotchmin, Chlar
This biologist was noted for the cause of his death. During a mission to the planet Arzid with Mammon Hoole, Kotchmin became ensnared in the web of an arachnor. Hoole tried to save him, but could not get Kotchmin out of the webbing before he suffocated.(EGA)

This was the Mandalorian word for "glory."(RCHC)

Kote lo'shebs'ul narit
This was an impolite Mandalorian phrase that meant "You can keep your glory." It was often used in a contemptuous manner.(OWS)

This was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "philosophical."(GCG, WOTC)

This archaic, yet common, Zabrak surname meant "fire guardian".(GCG)

Koth, Alaris
This was a note Dashade individual from the ancient histories of the planet Urkupp.(UANT)

Koth, Eeth
This Zabrak Jedi Master was a member of the Jedi Council when Qui-Gon Jinn recommended that young Anakin Skywalker be tested for training as a Jedi Knight. Born in squalor on the Smugglers' Moon of Nar Shaddaa, Eeth Koth wasn't discovered until he was four years old. However, his determination and clarity of mind convinced the Jedi Council to accept him as a trainee. As a Jedi Master, Eeth Koth was known for his ability to use the talent of Crucitorn, which gave a Jedi the ability to withstand pain. Master Eeth Koth was one of the contingent of Jedi Knights and Masters dispatched to the Battle of Geonosis, and he was believed to have died when the LAAT/i that was transporting him to the planet was shot down and crashed on the surface of Geonosis. Reports of his death were premature, however, and Master Koth returned to the Jedi Temple to recover from his injuries. He was later given command of a small task force, but was intercepted by General Grievous and taken prisoner. Grievous gloated over this capture, since Master Koth had been a member of the Jedi Council, and he sent a transmission to the Jedi Order showing that he had captured Master Koth. Koth, however, outsmarted Grievous, using secret hand signals to alert the other Jedi that he was being taken to Saleucami. A rescue effort was launched, led by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Adi Gallia, and Anakin Skywalker, and although he was eventually rescued, Master Koth scolded Skywalker and the others for saving him while allowing Grievous to escape.(E1, IG1, SWI62, IWE2, CWTV31)
Koth Ice Cap
This was the name of the northern polar ice cap located on the planet Kothlis.(SPG)

Kotha, Kol
This Gran was a noted pirate and smuggler who specialized in running illegal weapons during the last decades of the Old Republic. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, Kol Kotha was hired as a mercenary by Borvo the Hutt.(BFN)

This dim, red star was the central body in the Kothlis System, which included the planet Kothlis.(SPG)

This Bothan colony world was the birthplace of Borsk Fey'lya. It was the fourth planet in the Kothlis System, had three small moons, and its gravity maintained a thin asteroid ring around it. Kothlis was originally purchased by Raynor Mining Enterprises during the Old Republic, outbidding the Bothans based on reports that surveys had shown large deposits of valuable ores. However, the original surveys proved overly optimistic, and the mines ran dry quickly. In order to cut their losses, Raynor Mining Enterprises sold the planet to the Bothans. Only three clans were allowed to colonize Kothlis originally: the Alya, the Balya, and Ilya. The Bothan spy network maintained an impressive information slicing operation on the planet, and the existence of this operation led to a confrontation between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, during the Clone Wars. Years later, the plans for the second Imperial Death Star were taken to Kothlis after being recovered from the Suprosa, and were almost lost during an Imperial raid. Kothlis was a semi-tropical world, with an average day of 22 standard hours and a year which lasted 408 local days.(HTTE, SE, SESB, SPG, CWWRT)

Kothlis II
This space station was located near the planet Kothlis. It was here that the Bothan spies who obtained the plans to the second Death Star took on supplies to complete their delivery. The Empire seized control of the station, but not before the Bothans could escape. It was here that Talon Karrde provided information on the whereabouts of Wurth Skidder to Kyp Durron.(TIE, JE)

Kothlis Shadowport
This was the name given to the spaceport located on the second moon of the planet Kothlis. The planet was originally used as a training ground and ordnance test site by the Bothan military, until the New Order made such practices illegal. The moon was abandoned, but found new use to smugglers and pirates who worked in the nearby space. The spaceport was maintained by the former pirate Rithgar, who charged no credits for use of the spaceport but expected his customers to leave behind a portion of their supplies and spare parts for other users.(SESB)

Kothlis Starport
This hub-shaped starport was the primary facility for starship traffic to and from the planet Kothlis. It was located in the western part of the city of Tal'cara, and was sometimes referred to as the Tal'cara Starport. During the height of the New Order and the rule of Gilad Halsek, eleven berths in the starport were dedicated to the Y-Wings of Beldonna's Legion and Halsek's personal Lambda-class shuttle.(SPG)

Kothlis Systems
This Bothan starshipwright was based on the planet Kothlis, and produced a variety of luxury starship designs during the early decades of the New Republic.(SBS)

This was a noted Ishi Tib individual in the history of the planet Tibrin.(UANT)

Kothos, Dasariah
This burly man was a member of the Disciples of Ragnos during the early years of the New Republic, and was rarely seen in public without his brother Vil at his side. Dasariah and Vil were dispatched to Vjun with Rosh Penin to destroy Jaden Korr, but Korr managed to kill both brothers in combat before defeating Penin in a duel.(JKA)

Kothos, Vil
This arrogant man was a member of the Disciples of Ragnos during the early years of the New Republic, and was rarely seen in public without his brother Dasariah at his side. Dasariah and Vil were dispatched to Vjun with Rosh Penin to destroy Jaden Korr, but Korr managed to kill both brothers in combat before defeating Penin in a duel.(JKA)

This was one of the many names given to female Bothans. In the Bothan language, it referred to a spiced fruit drink favored on Bothawui.(GCG, WOTC)

This spiced fruit juice was a favorite among the Bothan natives of the planet Bothawui.(GCG, WOTC)

This was a term used by the Krieks to describe immature members of their species.(AE)

An Imperial-I class Star Destroyer, the Kotiate was the last of the Imperial-I class ships built with moderate shielding. It was destroyed by a group of Alliance starfighters at a supply stop. The ease with which the Kotiate was destroyed prompted the Empire to upgrade the Imperial-I class's shielding.(XW)

This was a Mandalorian verb that translated into Basic as "to overpower" or "to defeat."(OWS)

This Mandalorian adjective meant "strong" when translated into Basic.(LF2)

This Mandalorian adjective meant "stronger" when translated into Basic.(LF2)

This was one of the largest cities found on the planet Neimoidia.(SWI68)

This was an alternate spelling of the Kel Dor greeting Koh-to-ya.(TCW1)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "strong."(OWS)

This was a species of long, thick, centipede-like insect known to deliver a fatally-poisonous venom when it stung its prey. These whitish creatures were often used by assassins to kill their targets, for the kouhun was simply a living thing, and could not be traced like a weapon. Additionally, kouhuns could operate in areas where a blaster could not, getting into locked rooms through cracks and crevices and reaching their target through their ability to locate heat sources.

A kouhun attacked by grabbing onto its prey with its stout mandibles, then whipping its tail stinger into the victim's flesh. A toxic poison was then injected into the bloodstream, causing nearly instantaneous death. Should the kouhun be unable to lash out with its tail, a barbed tongue could also inject venom.

Kouhuns were native to the planet Indoumodo, where two distinct subspecies evolved over time. The larger species was distinguished by its enlarged body segments, while the smaller species had a less-pronounced tail stinger.(E2N, SWDB, SWI63, NEGA, CHRN2)

This species of predator was native to Kashyyyk. Distinguished by it bright red fur, the kououra had a set of hollow fangs in both jaws, which it used to inject a powerful toxin into the body of its prey. These creatures averaged about a meter in length.(TBSB)

This was the Shyriiwook word for Coruscant.(GPB)

This man was a stortmtrooper, serving the Empire during the years following the Battle of Yavin. Kovacs was part of the first detachment of troops dispatched to the Forest Moon of Endor, in order to secure the moon for use as an Imperial garrison. Unfortunately, Kovacs was also the first stormtrooper killed by the Ewoks, who subvertively objected to the Imperial presence in their forests. Kovacs taken at night, and his fellow troopers could only find his helmet the next morning.(T14)

Koved City
Located on Siluria III, it was located about a half-hour's drive from the planet's main spaceport.(GG9)

This IPV systems patrol craft was used to protect the area surrounding Harlequin Station during the Galactic Civil War.(XWA)

This was a Mandalorian word that translated into Basic as "head."(OWS)

Kovid lo'shebs' ul narit
This crude Mandalorian phrase directed another being to place their head in an inconvenient location. It was often used in the presense of non-Mandalorians, who failed to understand that they were being told that they had no clue what was actually happening.(RC66)

Kovings, Bendlar
This man served the Alliance as a deck officer and a communications officers, working for Colonel Stijhl at the Gelgelar Free Port drop point during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWJ14)

A farming community nestled among the huge, limestone mountains on the planet Trulalis, Kovit was protected from the windswept regions of the central plains and the harsh weapon of the northern regions. The settlers there used imported banthas as beasts of burden, although subsequent generations of the beasts were much smaller than other strains. It was the hometown of Adalric Brandl.(SWJ4, TFE)

This Mandalorian noun stemmed from the verb kov'nynir, and referred to a head-butt in which one being used their forehead to strike the head of another being. This action was sometimes referred to as a Keldabe Kiss.(RC66)

This was a Mandalorian verb that translated into Basic as "to head-butt." In a more common form, this action was known as a Keldabe Kiss.(OWS)

This Outer Rim planet was the homeworld of the Kowakian monkey-lizard.(EGA, NEGA)

Kowakian Crumb Cake
This spiced cake was created by chefs on the planet Kowak. The original recipe for Kowakian crumb cake was quite old, and had been handed down for generations. Modern interpretations of this dessert often featured a cribblycrunch topping.(OWS)

Kowakian Monkey-lizard
Native to the planet Kowak, this race of strange, long-limbed, reptilian creatures showed minimal sentience while hiding a cunning intellect behind a mean-spirited demeanor. These creatures had long, floppy ears, a wide mouth capped by a horned beak, and a ruff of fur around their necks. Their hands and feet ended with three-fingered paws, and were used with the creature's prehensile tail to move through the trees of their homeworld. The rough, tan-colored skin of the Kowakian monkey-lizard allowed them to blend into their natural surroundings and avoid been spotted by larger predators. In the wild, these creatures were primarily scavengers, but would eat worms and insects if nothing else was available.

Scientists have long argued over the possible sentience of Kowakian monkey-lizards, with the many detractors pointing to their cruel, spiteful nature and a mean sense of humor as signs of a lack of intelligence. Individual Kowakian monkey-lizards were known to laugh uncontrollably at the slightest thing, although they usually found humor in the pain and suffering of others.

While some xenobiologists pointed to their ability to speak as a sign of possible sentience, many other scientists claimed that monkey-lizards simply mimicked the speech of sentient races. This trait made them popular as pets among the Hutts, who discovered that they could about their enemies' plans from the incessant repetition of their pet monkey-lizards. These domesticated monkey-lizards were exceptionally lazy, and many died of starvation when returned to the wild.

There were a few xenobiologists who agreed that these creatures were not yet sentient, but firmly believed that Kowakian monkey-lizards were on the brink of becoming fully sentient. These scientists pointed to the fact that, in the wild, monkey-lizards formed into groups that were led by the oldest females, and that worked together for the protection of their group.(E6, MTS, EGA, UA, NEGA)

This Thaereian man was part of the small gang of spies that assisted Jaris Vollrath on his mission to assassinate Gavid Lermyn, on Cularin, shortly after the onset of the Clone Wars. Kowen and his comrades Jax, Garee, and Yurge, were discussing their plans when they were overheard by Naja Delan, and they set out to capture the Duros snoop. Unfortunately, Delan and his friends were intercepted by a group of freelance agents, who ensured that the youths survived the encounter. For their part, Kowen and his friends claimed that they merely thought the youths had stolen something from their speeder. However, the freelance agents determined that something was going on, and turned the spies over to the Bayonard Peace and Security agency.(JCT1)

A decidedly stupid animal.(VOF)

This was a Mandalorian oath that translated into Basic as "Cheers!" It could also be used in conversation as a way to say, "Hang in there" or "Stay safe", especially during combat.(OWS, PM, RC66)

Koyan, Sadras
This belligerent-looking man served as the Prime Minister of the planet Tralus, some ten years after the end of the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. He was also a member of the Centerpoint Party, and a supporter of Dur Gejjen's leadership of the Corellian System. In the wake of Gejjen's assassination, Koyan was voted by the other Chiefs of State to serve as the Five Worlds Prime Minister. His election was not fully supported by the politicos in the Corellian System, but he was viewed as the lesser evil among the various candidates.

As the war between The Confederation and the Galactic Alliance ground on, Koyan sent a message to Jacen Solo, asking for a private meeting at which he wanted to discuss Corellia's return to the Galactic Alliance. They agreed to meet at a point that was equidistant from Coruscant and Corellia, with equal military strength, so that neither side could take advantage of the situation. In this way, Koyan convinced Jacen to actually show up at the rendezvous point, while Koyan himself remained in the Corellian System. Koyan, for his part, never planned to actually meet with Solo, nor did he actually plan to return to the Galactic Alliance. Instead, he traveled to Centerpoint Station, where he planned to fire the massive repulsor at Solo's fleet.

This plan was not discussed with the rest of the Prime Ministers of the Corellian System, so there was no chance that information might leak out to Solo's forces. While Koyan and Denjax Teppler remained on Centerpoint Station with Admiral Genna Delpin, they sent Captain Hoclaw and the Valorum to the rendezvous point. The ships under Hoclaw's command were crewed by skeleton crews, in order to minimize possible loss of Corellian lives during the attack. When the Corellians were sure that Jacen Solo was present at the rendezvous, and when Centerpoint's weapon was operational, Admiral Delpin launched Force Yimi and Force Zexx to pin the Galactic Alliance ships at the rendezvous point. Then, with the battle engaged, Koyan ordered Centerpoint to be fired. The blast knocked out several systems aboard the station, momentarily blinding the Corellians from what had actually happened.

In the aftermath of the attack, Koyan was forced to confront the Supreme Commander of The Confederation's military forces, Turr Phennir. Koyan claimed that he had every right to use Centerpoint Station, since it was a Corellian resource. Phennir countered that, because Corellia was part of The Confederation, Centerpoint was therefore a Confederation asset, and its use should have been cleared with The Confederation's military leaders. Koyan refused to be lectured, and threatened to remove Corellia from The Confederation, stating that he would use the Centerpoint Station repulsor to gain Corellia's full independence. Phennir countered by stating that The Confederation would allow Corellia to seek its own independence, but would therefore cut off all military, medical, and economic aid to Corellia. Koyan angrily warning Phennir not to threaten him, forcing Phennir to implement a blockade of the Corellian System.

This forced Koyan to act in an even more precipitous manner. He traveled back to Centerpoint Station, and urged the technicians to effect their repairs as quickly as possible. They managed to get the station operative just as the Anakin Solo and a Galactic Alliance task force arrived in the system. Koyan hoped that the threat of Centerpoint's repulsor would forestall an attack, and planned to demand that Cha Niathal bring the task force back to Coruscant or risk a firing of the weapon. Koyan traveled once again to Centerpoint Station, where he oversaw efforts to get the station operational again, in preparation for firing it at Coruscant, if necessary. When he hesitated in his actions, the chief technician known as Vibro urged him to fire the repulsor at Coruscant, regardless of Naithal's answer.

When he was alerted to the presence of intruders inside the station by Denjax Teppler, Koyan struggled to make a decision whether to flee the station or remain onboard to fire the weapon. He decided to flee, leaving the decision to fire the repulsor to Admiral Delpin. Unknown to Koyan, however, was the fact that he had been betrayed by Teppler and Delpin. Teppler sent him a message saying that a shuttle would be waiting for himat airlock Epsilon 34 G, but failed to explain that the shuttle was actually a Galactic Alliance Guard vessel from the Anakin Solo. The pilot, startled by Koyan's sudden appearance, shot him in the chest with her blaster. Koyan died as the pilot calmly discovered that she had mistakenly set her blaster to full-power, instead of stun.(LF4, LF7)

This area of the planet Mustafar was the site of a major mining operation during the height of the New Order.(SWGAL)

This was a type of beautiful necklace that was given to female Quarren by their male suitors.(GCG)

This was a common name among Quarren females. It referred to a beautiful necklace that was given to a female Quarren by a male suitor.(GCG)

This was a common name given to Twi'lek females, and meant "serpent" in the Twi'leki language.(GCG)

This Imperial Corporal served in the ranks of Ghost Squadron, in the year leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Corporal Koyo was part of the platoon dispatched to subjugate Sulon and capture Morgan Katarn, and served under Lieutenant Brazack during the attack.(SFE)

Kozak lo neetska
This Rodian phrase translated into Basic as, "keep your hands to yourself."(DARK)

This Imperial Amry General discovered a stolen shipment of Nebula Consumables supplies at an Alliance base on Movris, and relayed information on the stash to Governor Trophan Thanis on Noonar. The existence of this shipment indicated that pirates had been ambushing Nebula Consumables convoys in the Noonian Sector.(SWJ2, OWS)

This was a trans-species condition that affected Wookiees and other races.(DSTR)

This specialized communications and data exchange service was used by the security force aboard the Kuari Princess.(RM)

KPR Droid
A series of security droids manufactured by Lerrimore Droids, KPR droids were first produced during the final years of the Old Republic. These small droids were distinguished by the clear dome that covered the upper section of the droid, and by the small treads on which it moved. These droids were relatively inexpensive, and were popular among farmers and settlers on frontier worlds in the Outer Rim Territories.(CCG, LJ1, SWI93, LLOW)

This was one of the many mining settlements, or o'bekis, established on Goroth Prime.(GSE)

This small ball of ethmane ice was one of the many moons of the planet Qoribu. Its surface was covered with a veritable jungle of ethmane crystals, which formed a more varied topography than simply frozen ice. The first full battle between the Colony and the Chiss took place in orbit around Kr, as the Chiss forces rose to defend themselves against a Colony fleet comprised of ships from the Hapan Royal Navy and the Bornaryn Trading Company. It was later discovered that the Gorog hive's nest was located deep beneath the surface of Kr.(DN1)

This Imperial by-law allowed any military officer to take control of a criminal organization and order its members into custody.(MJEH)

A city on Coyn, Kra was the site of the Kra'Tais starport.(PG3)

When translated into Basic, this Ewok word meant "ready."(GPB)

Kra, Xeshen
This Vratix was in charge of the bacta production on Thyferra during the years of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the New Republic. He greeted Uldir Lochett and Klin-Fa Gi when they arrived at Thyferra to warn of the Yuuzhan Vong plan to destroy bacta production by infecting alazhi trees with a virus.(SWI64)

This humanoid alien had long, pointed ears and wore a reflectinve pair of eyeshades, and was Silver Fyre's second-in-command until he turned traitor. When he learned that Luke Skywalker was carrying a data disk with the plans to the Executor, Kraaken tried to kill Like and steal the plans. He nearly succeeded, but Silver Fyre helped rescue Luke. Kraaken fled, but was later arrested by Han Solo and brought to trial before the Aquaris Freeholders. The Freeholders disowned him, and his pleas to Silver Fyre fell on deaf ears. He was exiled from the planet.(CSW)

Kraal, Charat
This Yuuzhan Vong pilot was distinguished by his very human-like appearance. His facial structure was not at all normal for a Yuuzhan Vong, and Kraal spent a great deal of his career overcoming this perceived deficiency. He pulled out all of his hair, and tattooed the skin of his pate with scars and patterns that drew a person's eye up and away from his forehead. He was forced to kill two fellow pilots, when they openly questioned his appearance. However, Kraal was one of the pilots dispatched to protect the Yuuzhan Vong base on Borleias, in the wake of the Battle of Coruscant. He and his partner, Penzak Kraal, met the initial wave of Republic ships, but Penzak was killed when the forces of Wedge Antilles fled Coruscant and took back Borleias as their base of operations. Kraal returned to the fleet, and began causing unrest aomng the pilots of Domain Cha, which took over the fight for Borleias. Charat was eventually brought before Czulkang Lah, who explained himself with no fear of death. He brought news of the Republic's base on Borleias, and earned the favor of Czulkang Lah with his forthrightness. Czulkang Lah promoted Charat Kraal to wing commander, serving the Warmaster's father as a special forces leader. Charat Kraal was assigned to lead the effort to capture Jaina Solo, after it was discovered that she might be the goddess Yun-Harla made incarnate. He nearly succeeded in capturing Jaina, or so he was led to believe. During the New Republic's evacuation of Borleias, Kraal and his wingmates chased Jaina's gravitiv signature into the surrounding asteroids, only to discover that they were chasing the Goddess missile. Charat Kraal perished when the missile struck his coralskipper and exploded.(EL1, EL2)

Kraal, Penzak
This Yuuzhan Vong pilot and his clanmate, Charat Kraal, were on patrol over Borleias during the alien's invasion of the planet Coruscant. Unfortunately, Penzal Kraal was killed when Wedge Antilles and his small fleet arrived on Borleias and retook the planet as their base of operations.(EL1)

Kraas, Jord
This man served as a Lieutenant in the Imperial Navy, during the Galactic Civil War. Kraas helped his Captain, Mordaph Clafdatha, write "Technical Specifications: Spacecraft of the Imperium and the Rebel Alliance", for Darth Vader.(XW, XWP)

Kraay, Langstyn
This Doctor of Planetology was in charge of the Q'Maere Research Facility, some four years after the Battle of Endor. Because of the isolation of the outpost, Kraay was unaware of the state of the galaxy when the FarStar put into Q'Maere to restock its supplies. Kraay had interned with COMPNOR at a psychiatric ward during his early career, and discovered that he had a knack for dealing with the "personality reconstruction" of mentally unstable patients. He was handpicked by Sarne to lead the Q'Maere Research Facility, which had recently been converted to a penal colony. When Sarne was ousted from Kal'Shebbol, he stranded Kraay and the doctors on Q'Maere. This angered Kraay and his fellow doctors, who were more than happy to help the FarStar as long as it helped get them off the planet. However, when he learned that the FarStar was a New Republic ship, he ordered the crew taken prisoner. However, an uprising by the prisoners of the facility forced Kraay into submission.(KR)

This large, shelled creature was once native to the planet Calamari. It had ten legs and two pairs of mouth mandibles. Its body was covered in two rows of spines, and four of its eighteen eyes were located on front grasping claws. By the time of the New Republic, the krabbex was believed to be extinct. The only way an individual could see one was to visit the Holographic Zoo of Extinct Animals on Coruscant.(JS, DA, CCW)

Krabbis Inn
This hostel was located on the planet Coruscant, during the years that followed the Swarm War. Much of the Krabbis Inn was located below the main levels of Galactic City, allowing the owners and staff to provide tourist accommodations at cut-rate prices. In order to ensure that the inn's occupants were able to enjoy their stays, the owners of the Krabbis Inn obtained governmental approval to limit parking on its roof to only those vehicles that were owned by the occupants.(FJ3)
This was the designation of a Nebulon-B2 frigate that was part of the Alliance's fleet.(TIE)

This was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry.(GCG)

Krade, Jalia
This woman was married to Jasta Krade, and was a noble lady of a Tapani Sector family.(PGT)

Krade, Jasta
This nobleman was a member of a prominent Tapani Sector family, and was married to Jalia Krade. Note that in the Gamemaster Guide from Lords of the Expanse, this character was named Jastis Krade.(PGT, LOE)

This term from the Bocce langauge translated into Basic as "crater".(GPB)

This man was a minor starship mechanic who was hired to repair the Starchaser IV, during the final years of the Old Republic. Kraeger's team, which included Jace, Kaelon, and Kaelon's R2 unit, were hired by a group of freelance agents who were working for Cularin Star Tours.(REPL)

This man, a native of the planet Cularin, was known for his two-pack-a-day habit of smoking cigarillos. His porcine face gave him the appearance of a Caarite, although his associates felt that he could have passed for an Ugnaught with a little makeup. During the final years of the Old Republic, Krael was hired by the minor crimelord Lib Toranda. Krael's slipshod methods of work often caused problems for his co-workers, and Vreego ended up killing him after Krael misread a map and led them down a dead-end sewer while trying to find a meeting location. Krael's decayed body was later found in the sewers by Caranna, when she was on the run from an unknown pursuer.(LFCW)

This smuggler's partner was killed by a G-2RD droid, during their attempt to break the ship out of an impound.(SWJ14)

Kraeth Squadron
This Imperial ground assault team was part of the first wave of troopers which attacked the Alliance's base on the planet Taul. The attack was completed when the Dominator bombarded the base from orbit, securing the planet for the Imperials.(SWJ2)

This young Squib was the son of Emala, and worked for The Directors to schedule shipments of goods during the height of the Swarm War, some five years after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Krafte was later killed when The Flakax known as Tito returned from his mission to eliminate Han Solo and his wife, Leia Organa Solo. Tito had watched his partner Yugi died in the fight, and became psychotic.(DN3)

This immense herd beast was native to the planet Frithia. When the Zabrak first colonized the planet, many colonists were killed when they were trampled by herds of krag. Eventually, the Zabrak were able to domesticate the krag for their own uses.(GCG)

This was a common name given to Zabrak males. It referred to a gigantic herd animal from the Zabrak colony world of Frithia.(GCG)

Krag, Urzan
This Aqualish bounty hunter was one of many who answered Asajj Ventress' call to hunt down members of the Jedi Order during the height of the Clone Wars. Like many experienced hunters, Krag was not happy with the fact that the bounties issues by Ventress skirted the normal rules of the Old Republic, opening the hunt to any being who wished to call him- or herself a bounty hunter. As the war ground on, Urzan Krag decided to stick with more mainstream criminal activities, and went to work for Jabba the Hutt. Urzan Krag became quite angry when Jabba refused to allow his rank-and-file bounty hunters to take on the more lucartive jobs, especially when Jabba ended up giving them to a thirteen-year-old Boba Fett. He tried to eliminate Boba Fett by chasing him down with his modified airspeeder, which had a limited form of cloaking device. Boba, however, managed to outwit the Aqualish and shot his speeder from the sky. Urzan Krag died in the explosion.(SWI73, BF5)

Krag Fanodo
This was the title given to the Krag family of Aqualish.(BF5)

Kragg, Hez
This ancient pirate was known as the Dread Buccaneer, and terrified the spacelanes of the Old Republic. Many believed that the story of the Dread Buccaneer was just that: a story meant to scare young children into behaving. Jonas Durns later discovered evidence that Kragg was, in fact, a real individual. The stories said Kragg was finally killed aboard his starship, the Krag's Fury, by a Jedi Knight.(SWJ7)

Kragg, Ona
This male Kadas'sa'Nikto was a known associate of Longo Two-Guns during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Jabba the Hutt issued a bounty for his capture in connection with the killing of four members of Jabba's personal staff, which was eventually claimed by Jango Fett, who was on Tatooine trying to arrange a meeting with Jabba.(BH)

This all-day diner was considered to have some of the best greasy food in the lower levels of Galactic City, on Coruscant, during the final years of the Clone Wars. Although most of the serving staff was made up of droid waiters, a number of organic servers remained on the staff to handle the needs of the Kragget's regular customers. Because the neighborhood in which the Kragget was located was known for its criminal element, many of the restaurant's regular customers were the police and law enforcement officers who worked in the area.(RCTZ, RCTC, RC66)

Kragget Rat
This was a more common name for the ratidillo of Coruscant.(JASB, RCTC)

Kragg's Fury
This was the name of Hez Kragg's pirate ship. The Kragg's Fury was comparable in size to a Victory-class Star Destroyer or a Dreadnaught. It was rumored to have held the riches of the Nijune Treasure Fleet when Kragg was killed by a Jedi Knight. Emblazoned across the front of the ship was Kragg's personal mark, a clenched fist within a circle of red. Sig Coven and Jonas Craig discovered the ship in the VV-99-7JE-2N71 star system, and hoped to recover the treasures she held. However, when they were unable to break the coded entry system - based on the fact that Hez Kragg had spelled the word "Fury" with an I instead of a Y, in accordance with his homeworld's native language - they set off a series of automated defenses. The Kragg's Fury plunged itself into the orange-yellow star of the system, but not before the explorers escaped with a huge gemstone as proof of their finding.(SWJ7)

This herding mammal was native to the planet Corellia, and was almost completely domesticated by the natives of the planet.(GQRG)

This was a common name among the Nagai race.(GMR1)

This was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy.(GCG)

Krail, Davish "Pops"
Krail was an aged Alliance fighter pilot, known as Pops to his peers within the ranks of pilots. Krail was among the manyY-Wing pilots who participated in the Battle of Yavin, flying as Gold Five during the assault on the first Death Star. Like the rest of his wing, Krail was killed during Gold Squadron's attack run on the space station's unshielded thermal exhaust port. He watched Tiree and Dutch Vander die, then tried to escape himself, but was shot down by Darth Vader.(CCG, E4Y)

Krail Armory
Manufacturers of the 210 and 1010 personal armor suits.(GG9, KO)

Kraimer, Alden
This man served as the Chief of Security at the Elrood Starport, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Kraimer's teams were responsible for the capture of Earnst Kamiel.(SWJ6)

This race of immense, insectile beings was created by DarkStryder many centuries before the Battle of Endor. DarkStryder designed the Krakai to serve as the maintainers of its fortress, with the skills and intelligence to tackle any problem. The Krakai were one of DarkStryder's real successes, as they could repair and improve virtually any technology they encountered. They were blindly loyal to DarkStryder, and even chose not to use the Ta-Ree powers they developed in order to not offend DarkStryder. These six-legged beings had an series of pods which grew along their sides. When the pods burst open, a set of tiny tentacles emerged which helped the Krakai manipulate objects and tools. If a pod was not used, it simply burst forth a slimy ball of genetic material in order to make room for the next set of pods. In this way, the Krakai continually regenerated their "arms."(E)

This large, bullet-shaped ocean creature was native to the planet Calamari. The krakana had spined fins, sharp pointed teeth, and tentacles near its mouth. The average krakana lived deep in the waters of the planet, and only rose to the surface levels of the ocean when hunger forced it to hunt there. The digestive system of the krakana was filled with various acids, which it used to digest its prey.(DA, ANT)

Krakana Current
This was the name of Quarren Senator Tikkes' personal starship. He fled his homeworld of Calamari aboard the ship, after having been arrested for slavery along with several other Old Republic Senators. The police officials on Calamari neglected to deactivate the diplomatic tags of the Krakana Current's transponder signal, allowing the ship to leave on "diplomatic business."(HNN5)

Krakana's Claw
This modified Skipray Blastboat served as Irackant's primary mode of transportation. In addition to a variety of environmental modifications designed to make the ship's interior more comfortable for a Mon Calamari, the Krakana's Claw was given enhanced automation to assist Irackant in flying the ship alone. Holding cells were added to the cargo area, along with stores to handle up to four beings. In order to make the ship faster, Irackant installed a Class 1 hyperdrive, but was forced to downgrade the weapons and shields in order to accommodate the power drain needed to keep the hyperdrive operative. The Krakana's Claw was armed with a pair of assault lasers, three medium ion cannons, and a proton torpedo launcher.(SOG)

Krakana's Maw
This range of volcanic mountains was located on the planet Lamaredd.(GMR7)

Krake Data Vault
This was the name of the strange, crystalline cocoon extruded by the slugs which lived beneath the surface of Krake's Planet, which was used by the Empire as a primary repository for data and information on the incredible number of personnel working for the Empire. The structure itself was immense, and clung to the side of a steep cliff like a bloated insect, making its location virtually impenetrable. Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca managed to infiltrate the facility by sneaking into the kitchens, during their mission to discover the truth behind Shira Brie's history. After obtaining the data, they blasted free of the facility and used their deflector shields to severely damage the crystalline cocoon by smashing through it.(MC63)

Kraken XI Superprocessor
see Kraren XI Superprocessor(TBSB)

Krake's Planet
This planet was the site of an Imperial databank, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Before the Empire took control of the planet, it was known as a haven for smugglers, who used the myriad of tunnels and caverns as hiding placeds. Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca traveled to the planet some months after the Battle of Hoth, in an effort to gather information on what really happened to Shira Brie. Much of the planet's crust was inhabited by strange slugs, and it was believed that these slugs built the crystalline cocoon which housed the Imperial databank.(MC63)

This being - some said he was a Sullustan, but other scoffed at this notion - established Krakin's Alehouse in the atmosphere of Genarius, many years before the Battle of Naboo.(LFCW)

Krakin's Alehouse
This tavern was located in the atmosphere of the planet Genarius, during the final years of the Old Republic. The Alehouse was known as much for its brews as the dust and grime that covered the floor. Although it was established by a being named Krakin, the Alehouse had been run by Sossk during the fifteen years leading up to the Clone Wars.(LFCW)

This sleek, muscular feline predator was native to the plains of the planet Bothawui. The Bothans named this creature after the loud, deadening growl it makes while hunting. The average krak'jya measured over two meters in length, and stood nearly two meters in height when walking on all-fours. The thick fur of the krak'jya grew to match its surroundings, and could range from green with grey stripes for forest-dwelling individuals to red with white spots for those that lived near deserts. A species of krak'jya even lived in the snowy mountains, and had a stark white pelt dappled with grey spots. These creatures were extremely intelligent and quite territorial, and often hunted in pairs. Their fur was prized by Bothan hunters as a status symbol, and the krak'jya were nearly hunted to extinction for their pelts. Only the work of ecologists helped curb the slaughter of these predators.(SPG)

This man served the Alliance as a soldier during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. Much to the dismay of his fiancee, who was a field medic, Kral was mortally wounded in a firefight with Imperial troops. Rather than allow her to remain at his side when the Imperials overran the field hospital, Kral forced her to abandon her post and retreat. He then hid a grenade under his stretcher, and waited for the Imperial to discover him before pulling the pin.(RASB)

This name was commonly given to Quarren males, and meant "spear".(GCG)

This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "village."(GPB)

This species of serpent was once native to the planet Duro. It died out when the surface of the planet was destroyed.(GCG)

This was a common name given to male Duros children. The name Krallet referred to a serpent that was once native to the planet Duro.(GCG)

Kram, Stiv
This man was the leader of the rebellious miners who worked on Katanos VII during the last years of the Old Republic. He had seen his people grow poorer as their mines dried up, then witnessed the problems that the Republic had in supplying aid to remote worlds while trying to keep the Grand Army of the Republic ready for battle. In a desparate attempt to generate revenues, Kram and his most senior technicians tried to develop cloning activity, but their work only ended in failure. Word of their clandestine cloning activities reach the Jedi Order, which dispatched Master Lunis and his apprentice, Obs Kaj, to investigate. Although Kram initially denied the cloning, Obs discovered the hidden lab and its failures. Kram was forced to protect his people, and severed all communications with the rest of the galaxy. He then forced the Jedi to surrender, in order to turn them in to Count Dooku for the bounty on their heads. Although Lunis was killed, Obs managed to escape to her ship, which was shot down by Dooku's forces in orbit. Because only Lunis' body was recovered, Dooku only paid half the bounty he had promised, leaving Kram and the mining operation without enough credits to survive. Kram ordered the miners to flee Katanos VII and hide out, in order to save their lives.(T19)

This tough Alliance Commander was known for his ability to think like an Imperial pilot. He demanded only the best from his pilots, and gave them little leeway in their performance reviews. Krane believed that the only way the Alliance would prevail was if it acted as a precision fighting force. He specialized in training Alliance pilots to fly captured TIE Fighters, for special missions as well as to give Alliance pilots a sense of the Imperial pilot's perspective. His team worked hard to capture intact TIE Fighters for their own use.(RA2)

This planet was located in the four-star Opiteihr System, and was a humid, densely-jungled world. Because the four stars that dominate the system were all red giants, Krann was continually bathed in an eerie, blood-red light. This had led to the evolution of plants which have deep black leaves which soak up all available light, an ebon carpet known as the Black Jungle. The planet was ost famous for its nova crystals, which were harvested for the Empire by the native Kluuzot in order to fund the first Death Star project. The average day on Krann lasted 31 standard hours, though its year lasted only 162 local days.(TSK)

Krann System
Located near the Merren Sector, this star system was the next stop on the Harrin Trade Corridor after the Brevost System.(TSK)

This planet, located at the heart of the Both System, was the homeworld of the Krantian people. During the early stages of the Clone Wars, Krant was the site of a Separatist manufacturing facility that produced the Decimator weapon, until the facility was destroyed by the Grand Army of the Republic. Because there were few natural predators on the planet, Krant was colonized by the Empire shortly before the Battle of Yavin. The trees of Krant were beautiful to behold, having multicolored bark that literally glowed in the sunset. These trees dropped their leaves twice a year, making for wondrous displays of foliage coloration. During the Galactic Civil War, the Bothans used outposts on Krant as nodes along their spy network until Moff Yittreas took command of the planet.(GB, GBC)

This alien race, native to the planet Krant, was caught in the cross-fire of the Clone Wars. The planetary government of Krant had decided to remain neutral, but the planet became a battleground after Separatist forces tried to establish a foothold on the planet. Decades later, the Krantians were subjugated by the Empire during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. They were freed from Imperial control by the combined efforts of Leia Organa and Echuu Shen-Jon.(GB, RCTC)

Krantian Civil War
This was the name given to the struggle in which the Krantians overthrew Moff Yittreas and the Empire, winning back the freedom of Krant during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War.(GB)

Kraren XI Superprocessor
This droid control unit was developed by Industrial Automaton for use in the AG9 series of data storage and retrieval droids. The superprocessor allowed the A9G series to perform incredibly fast data collection and collation. Note that this was referred to as a Kraken XI Superprocessor in the Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.(TBSB, SWJ14, FTD)

This Trandoshan was one of the few members of his race to exhibit a sensitivity to the Force. He was taken as an infant to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant more than 100 years before the onset of the Clone Wars, and was trained as a Jedi Knight. Kras'dohk eventually attained the rank of Jedi Master, but chose to break with the Jedi Order because of what he believed was the stagnation of the Order. While traveling the Outer Rim, Master Kras'dohk discovered the talents of the Kaminoan female Kina Ha, and took her as an apprentice. They traveled the Outer Rim and trained with each other for several decades, until Kras'dohk died of old age. Kina Ha continued his work, and traveled the Outer Rim for nearly 100 years before returning to Kamino.(GORW)

Krasho Salt Rifts
This rocky canyon, denoted by the slat pans and encrustations that cover much of its surface, was located on the planet Sarafur. Although the area appeared flat from orbit, the Krasho Salt Rifts were actually littered with crystalline formations and skeletal fossils that could tear a starship's hull apart. It was believed that the fossils in the Rifts were those of huge sea creatures that died when the planet suddenly became tidelocked to its star, an event that dried out the seas in a matter of months or yeears. It was rumored that a Killik member of the ancient Sith traveled to Sarafur and eventually died there, leaving a tomb behind which was strongly imbued with the Dark Side of the Force. Jilst Bindalin later traveled to Sarafur to locate the tomb, bringing with him the Alsakan Tessent. Both were supposedly lost in the Krasho Salt Rifts. During the early years of the New Republic, the Kintan Gunrunners established their base of operations in the canyons, which were located just on the sun side of the planet's tidelocked surface.(GMR9)

This Trandoshan bounty hunter was sent by the Hutts to capture Elwis Bontraar, during the last years of the Old Republic. While his primary objective was the capture of the "kidnappers" and the recovery of Jennalyn Bontraar, his Hutt employers implanted a device which would allow Krass to alert them to set a back-up plan in motion in case of failure. Krass attended the Galactic Costume Extravaganza aboard the Bontraar yacht Masquerade, dressed as an Ithorian. He was contacted by the freelance agents who were trying to rescue Jennalyn Bontraar from Zascha, and, having been told that the agents were really the kidnappers, set up an ambush to capture them. His plans failed, however, as the agents were able to locate Jennalyn before they fell into his trap.(WOA22)

Krass, Harper
This former terrorist worked for Black Sun on the planet Coruscant during the final years of the Old Republic, until he was forced to go underground to avoid arrest. He decided to hide out in one of the abandoned cities on Vulpter, hoping to eventually extend Black Sun's influence into the Deep Core. However, Krass was pursued to Vulpter by agents of the Republic Judicial Department who had been alerted to his presence by the Trade Federation. The Federation revealed his location out of fear that he might try to damage their operations on Vulpter. He was eventually brought to justice, but told stories of ghosts and other evil powers lurking in the city.(PH)

Krast, Noren
This Corellian man was a native of the city of Tyrena, and was sympathetic to the Alliance during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWG2P)

Krasten Shipyards
This starship manufacturer produced the Crescent-X9 transport during the height of the Old Republic.(PJSB)

This starport, located in the Coynite city of Kra, was one of five major starports on the planet Coyn. Its name literally meany "Craftersland."(PG3)

This Yuuzhan Vong warship became the flagship of the alien invasion fleet, following the loss of the Sunulok.(SBS)

Born on Derilyn, Kratas was accepted into the SAGEducation group at the Calamar University on a full scholarship during the final years of the Old Republic. He excelled in history and politics, and was chosen for further training on Carida during the early years of the New Order. He eventually was promoted to Navy Commander under the command of Admiral Daala, and named the captain of the Gorgon. Like the rest of the officers stationed at the Maw Installation, Kratas had no contact with the outside galaxy, and was unaware of Emperor' Palpatine's death at the Battle of Endor. Some seven years after the Empire's defeat, Kratas was as surprised as Daala was when Han Solo and Chewbacca suddenly appeared near the Maw Installation, after their escape from the Spice Mines of Kessel. Solo's interrogation produced a wealth of startling information on the state of the galaxy, which prompted Daala to abandon the Maw Installation and set out to cause harm to the New Republic. She placed Kratas in charge of the ground forces Daala dispatched to destroy the Eol Sha colonists who had settled to Dantooine. Kratas was one of the few members of Daala's team to survive the series of defeats that the Imperial fleet suffered under Daala, and after the destruction of the Maw Installation, he accompanied her into the Core to search for the feuding warlords. They tried to get the warlords to unify and create a huge force against the New Republic, but each of the warlords was too wrapped up in their own power schemes to agree. Kratas was eventually killed while inspecting Harrsk's flagship Star Destroyer, the Shockwave, when the warship was destroyed in an attack from another Imperial warlord, Teradoc.(JS, DA, COTF, DS, JASB)

This barren, rocky world was the first planet in the Outlier System based on the star, Sacor.(CTD)

This society was formed by Satal Keto and his cousin, Aleema, in the wake of the Freedon Nadd Uprisings, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. The Krath were made up of those members of the Tetan Elite who were drawn to the Sith lore that Aleema and Satal were studying. The name of the group came from an ancient Tetan legend that was retold to scare young children into proper behavior. The Krath obtained a powerful benefactor when the spirit of Freedon Nadd put his power behind Satal and Aleema, providing the Krath with the power and the desire to launch several military campaigns in the Empress Teta System and its surroundings. However, in the wake of the Great Sith War, the Krath were all but eliminated.(FNU, DLS, NECH)

Krath Death Witch
This was a term used to describe a Force-wielding woman who followed the Sith teachings of the ancient Krath.(SBS)

Krath Enchanter
Satal Keto's luxurious Tetan yacht, the Krath Enchanter was destroyed when Keto and Aleema tried to land on Onderon during the Old Republic's seige there against the Naddists, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin.(FNU)

Krath Holy Battle Suit
This form of body armor was popular among the members of the Krath, during the height of the Great Sith War. The Holy Battle Suit provided protection against temperature extremes as well as sonic blasts, in addition to its ability to absorb or deflect blaster bolts. However, many members of the Krath regarded the wearers of these armor suits as weaklings who needed extra protection for guard duty, which was much less dangerous that actual combat.(KOTOR)

Krath War Blade
This huge sword was twisted by the Dark Side of the Force, and was one of the most deadly weapons used by the Krath during the Great Sith War.(KOTOR)

Krath War Droid
This fearsome battle droid was developed by the Krath, and used in combat against the Old Republic and the Jedi Knights during the Great Sith War. Humanoid in stature, the Krath war droid carried a huge, curved blade into battle. The most devastating use of Krath war droids occurred on the planet Deneba, just prior to the war, in which swarms of droids attacked the Jedi Assembly on the planet. Although the Jedi were ultimately able to defeat the Krath war droids, the droids succeeded in killing Jedi Master Arca Jeth.(LEV, NECH, OWS)

This Imperial Admiral tried to carve out his own small empire in the Mid Rim, in the wake of the Battle of Endor.(LSSM)

This elder Troob was the leader of his people, and represented them at the peace and trade negotiations held by the Tion Hegemony. When his son Ket was murdered, apparently by Larka Nimondro, General Krax broke off the negotiations and declared war on the Hobors. Just as he was planning to launch his attack, C-3PO and R2-D2 managed to use Mount Yeroc to communicate to all parties. They exposed Jake Harthan as the killer, and managed to avert a full-scale war. Krax deferred to reason, and agreed to meet with Nimondro on their own terms, to discuss a true peace for Tahlboor before further negotiations with the Tion Hegemony began.(DRPC)

Krax, Ket
This Troob was the son the General Krax and his wife, Stigrit Krax. In secret, he was in love with the Hobor, Larka Nimondro, despite generations of hostility between their two peoples. When Jake Harthan attempted to disrupt the peace talks between the two races in order to gain control of Mount Yeroc, he murdered Ket and framed Larka for the crime.(DRPC)

Krax, Stigrit
This Troob was the wife of the Troob leader, General Krax, and accompanied him to the negotiations with Counselor Harthan. She served as a somewhat-impartial translator for Harthan, since Chief Nimondro refused to speak Basic. When C-3PO intervened to translate, Stigrit managed to win the droid away from Harthan in a sabacc match. She hoped to keep the droid from undermining her own plans for the negotiations, chiefly gaining a position of power for the Troobs. In the confusion that followed, Jake Harthan tried to gain control of Mount Yeroc for himself, and held Stigrit Krax as a hostage. The Hobors managed to kill Jake, but not before he injured Stigrit with a blaster bolt. She survived, and agreed to work with her husband to hammer out a true peace for the Troobs and Hobors.(DRPC)

Governor of Trebela, and an Imperial supporter. He was responsible for exposing a rag-tag group of Alliance supporters in his capital city.(SWSB)

Krayiss II
see Krayiss Two(EGF)

Krayiss Two
This planet was believed to have been the site of an ancient Sith library, during the centuries that followed the rule of King Adas. The library temple supposedly contained many Sith holocrons and other historical documents, but there was no evidence of these artifacts when the temple was discovered during the era of the New Sith Wars. Krayiss Two was the site of a Sith gathering that occurred a thousand years after the fall of the Sith Empire. Jev Sunrider and three other Jedi Masters were dispatched to investigate, and never returned. Krayiss Two was orbited two moons.(TOJC, EGF)

Krayle, Rakzen
This man served as a Lieutenant in the Thaereian Military, serving under Colonel Rast'Tul during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Like many of his peers, Krayle maintained control of his troops through intimidation and fear. Unknown to most beings, however, was the fact that Krayle himself was a paranoid coward who was not afraid to place his own men between himself and a blaster.

Lieutenant Krayle was assigned as part of Task Force Vermin, and was given orders to return any Force-sensitive children discovered on Cularin to Thaere Privo. Although he was largely successful, Krayle was nearly apprehended by a group of freelance agents who were working for Osten Dal'Nay. He managed to escape them during a wild speeder chase through the streets of Gadrin, reaching a starship he had hidden in a warehouse only minutes ahead of the agents. He escaped with a hold full of Force-sensitive childern, hoping that they would be enough to satisfy his superiors.(NET2)

Kraym, Thorne
This man was one of the military leaders who supported the Jabiimi Nationalists, during the Imperial occupation of Jabiim. Years earlier, he was among the military officers who were supporting the Separatist forces during the Clone Wars, and nearly died when Orliss Gillmunn and his guerrillas boxed his detachment into High Rock Canyon. However, Thorne and his forces used a specially-designed virus to wipe out the Loyalists and escape, with Thorne taking Gillmunn's life himself during their escape. Thorne confronted Gillmunn's son, Nolan, some twenty years later, when the Imperial forces on Jabiim raided the Loyalist headquarters. He claimed to have finally ousted the Empire and reclaimed complete mining rights to the planet without firing a single shot, by giving in to two conditions: a large portion of the Jabiimite population was to be shipped off-planet as indentured workers, and Gillmunn had to turn over Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa as prisoners. Gillmunn refused on both counts, and although Leia was allowed to escape, Thorne was more than pleased to learn that Luke was the son of Anakin Skywalker. His pleasure at confronting the son of the man who doomed Jabiim's Loyalists to subjugation by the Empire was short-lived, however, when it was learned that Darth Vader himself was on his way to Jabiim to take Luke into custody. In a final attempt to break the will of the rebels, Thorne tried to execute Nolan and his Loyalist leaders. The exeuction was cut short when Vader ordered the bombardment of Jabiim from space, sending the stormtroopers scurrying for cover. In the ensuing chaos, Thorne tried to kill Luke, but was instead fatally shot by Nolan Gillmunn. With his dying breath, he railed against the Loyalists, but ultimately died from his wounds.(SWESF)

Kraymunder, Zeelius
This man was one of the many Alliance supporters who were living in the city of Narmle, on the moon Rori, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWG2P)

This huge T'surr was one of the most despicable slave traders of the Old Republic's last decades. He regularly raided the slave hovels of places like Mos Espa, on Tatooine, taking what he wanted without fear of being stopped. Krayn was a near-human, appearing more like an immense creature with his rough clothing and unkempt hair. He wore a number of trinkets and items dangling from his belt, reminders of beings he had killed in the course of his life. Four years after the Battle of Naboo, Krayn was discovered to be raiding Colicoid shipping convoys, and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine asked the Jedi Knights to intervene. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were dispatched to protect the Colicoids. Obi-Wan later discovered that Krayn had managed to obtain control of the spice processing facilities on Nar Shaddaa, and had been the target of Colicoid negotiations for the rights to the facilities. In return for access to the facilities, Krayn demanded that he be made the sole provider of slaves to the Spice Mines of Kessel. Unfortunately, Krayn never lived to see his plans reach fruition. Shortly after he captured Anakin Skywalker, Krayn found himself facing a slave revolt at the spice facility on Nar Shaddaa. Led by Anakin, the slaves quickly took over, especially since the Nar Shaddaa guards had been ordered to ignore the raid by Aga Culpa. Anakin chased down Krayn and fought him, eventually disarming the larger man. Despite Obi-Wan's cries to keep Krayn alive, Anakin drove his lightsaber through Krayn's chest and killed him.(SWDB, JQ, JQC)

This Imperial shuttle was assigned to escort duty, during the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin, protecting a supply convoy that made a regular run near Bonadan. The Krayt and the freighters it was protecting were attacked and destroyed during an Alliance raid.(XW, XWP)

Krayt, Darth
This Sith Lord rose to power about 130 years after the Battle of Yavin, when he founded a new version of the Sith Order and began a quest to control the galaxy. Born many years before the Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion of the galaxy, Darth Krayt was among the multitudes who felt that the New Republic and, later, the Galactic Alliance, failed to protect and preserve the galaxy.

Despite his hatred of the alien invaders, Krayt was among the first beings who openly accepted the bio-engineering of the Yuuzhan Vong, using implants and grafts to augment his already formidable body. Over time, Krayt felt that the Galactic Alliance became inherently weaker, having barely survived the struggle against the Yuuzhan Vong and unable to manage the splintering of factions that occurred. He slowly rediscovered the ancient ways of the Dark Side of the Force, gaining knowledge from a holocron he discovered on Korriban. He abolished the Rule of Two and defined a more simple Rule of One: the Sith Order was all the mattered. He then set his plans for galactic conquest in motion.

He forged an alliance with certain Moffs of the New Empire, and set about to sabotage the Ossus Project. With the galaxy horrified at the failure of Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology to rebuild planets, the Galactic Alliance and the Empire declared war against each other. Darth Krayt later pledged some of his Sith warriors to the Imperial cause, and helped to ensure that Coruscant was recaptured by the Empire. He then overran the Jedi Temples on Coruscant and Ossus, before confronting Emperor Fel and killing the entire Imperial leadership. Darth Krayt then took control of the galaxy, naming himself Emperor and declaring that the Sith were the ruling power in the galaxy.

However, the effort of bringing down Fel's Empire left him badly fatigued, and he was forced to reveal to his second-in-command, Darth Wyyrlok, that his Yuuzhan Vong-enhanced body was failing. He began making pilgrimages to Korriban, where he hoped to consult with the spirits of the ancient Sith Lords who were buried in the Valley of the Jedi. Unfortunately, most of the spirits entombed on Korriban refused to recognize his right to claim the title of Sith Lord. Among the many spirits who refused was that of Darth Bane, whose Rule of Two had set the tone for the Sith's rise to power more than a century before. Rather than admit that they were wrong, Darth Krayt turned his anger into power, casting off their spirits and setting off to find other Sith lore.

Darth Krayt and Darth Wyyrlok continued to delve into the ancient Sith lores, hoping to find a cure for his condition. However, even the efforts of the Jedi healer, Hosk Trey'lis, could not stop the steady deterioration of his body. In a desperate act, the two Sith Lords considered bringing Cade Skywalker to Coruscant. The former Jedi had tapped the Dark Side of the Force twice in order to heal his friends, and they believed that he might be able to bring Darth Krayt back from the abyss. To ensure Skywalker's compliance, Darth Krayt ordered the capture and interrogation of Deliah Blue and Jariah Syn.

Although there were plans to hunt Skywalker down, the Sith were pleased when he tried to infiltrate the Sith Temple on Coruscant and rescue Hosk Trey'lis. Skywalker was captured and brought before Darth Krayt, who demanded that Skywalker agree to help the Sith. When he refused, Skywalker was forced to watch as his friends were nearly consumed by mutated Yuuzhan Vong coral seeds that had been implanted in their bodies by Darth Maladi. Unable to bear this torture, Skywalker drew heavily on the Dark Side of the Force to heal them. Darth Krayt goaded the young man on, allowing Skywalker to draw even deeper on the Dark Side to eliminate the coral seeds. With his friends safe, Skywalker agreed to help the Sith, in exchange for their freedom. Darth Krayt agreed to this bargain, and then had Skywalker cleaned up and fed.

During the meal, Darth Krayt revealed that he had encased Kol Skywalker's lightsaber in a transparisteel shell. In this way, Darth Krayt could look upon the Jedi weapon as the weapon of an honorable man who died defending the very things he believed in the most. When Cade refused to accept this, Darth Krayt then revealed that he had once been a Jedi, and that even the Jedi had once been honorable. However, the death of his father had forced Darth Krayt to confront his emotions, and his hatred of the Jedi helped him become a Sith Lord. It was then that he revealed he had once been A'Sharad Hett, and as Darth Krayt told Cade more about his history, he hoped to forge a bond between them that would draw Cade over to the Dark Side of the Force. Darth Wyyrlok questioned this approach, having heard rumors in the Sith Temple that Darth Krayt was planning to name Skywalker as his heir. Darth Krayt's belief that Skywalker would become a Sith remained steadfast, as was his commitment to bringing about Skywalker's downfall.

In his discussions with Skywalker, Darth Krayt explained that the yorik coral growths were slowly consuming his body, and that he needed healing in order to achieve the vision he had foreseen during his imprisonment with the Yuuzhan Vong many years earlier. Skywalker explained that he couldn't see how to separate the coral from his body, prompting Darth Krayt to demand that he spend more time in the Embrace of Pain to help clear his mind. This only served to strengthen Skywalker's resolve to escape, and he broke out of his cell that night. Darth Krayt then ordered Skywalker to kill Hosk Trey'lis, but the young man refused. In a battle of wills, he confronted the Sith Lords, cutting down Darth Talon and nearly defeating Darth Nihl before Darth Krayt stepped into the fray. With help from his friends, Cade Skywalker escaped from the Sith Temple, leaving Darth Krayt without a way to control his health.

Compounding his own troubles, Darth Krayt was forced to deal with the theft of the Star Destroyer Imperious and the destruction of a large portion of the Mon Calamari shipyards. He personally traveled to the planet Dac to confront the Quarren government, then ordered his Sith Lords to immediately destroy one tenth of the Mon Calamari population in response to Gial Gahan's role in the theft. Any survivors, either on the planet or in the galaxy at large, were to be rounded and imprisoned or killed if they resisted. As both the Mon Calamari and Quarren feared for their lives, Darth Krayt drew upon their fear through the Dark Side of the Force to augment his own strength.(OWS, SWI88, SWLB, SWLN, SWLC, SWLW)

Krayt Dragon
A large, fearsome beast native to Tatooine, the krayt dragon was notable because it continued to grow larger throughout its lifespan. Distinguished by their high-pitched hunting cries, there were two distinct subspecies of krayt dragon, depending on the size of the creature. The smaller species was known as the canyon krayt, and was distinguished by its yellowish-brown color, which served as a camouflage to blend in with the desert's rocky caves and fissures. The head of the canyon krayt dragon was heavily armored, and four or more large horns grew from its crown. The dragon walked low to the ground on four heavy legs, and its tail was studded with long spikes. The larger of the two subspecies was known as the greater krayt dragon, and was an incredibly huge monster. Measuring 100 meters or more in length, the greater krayt moved about on ten stout legs, and could literally swim through the sand as it moved. Many believed that the canyon krayt was an offspring of the greater krayt, but this was never proven. The Tusken Raiders on Tatooine had a maturity ritual in which young males were left in the desert to confront and kill a krayt dragon in order to prove their adulthood. The only sure way to kill the krayt was to penetrate the central sinus cavity and puncture the brain which lay behind it. The exact point where the sinus cavity could be penetrated was located at the place where the creature's crest of horns met the armor plating that covered its face.

The krayt, like many reptiles, had fearsome teeth which were excellent when used to capture its prey, but were ineffective for grinding and chewing. So, like many reptiles, the kray dragon ingested stones and boulders and held them in a series of gizzards, and gulped its prey down in large mouthfuls. The muscles of the gizzard chambers rolled the chunks of food around among the stones, crushing it into digestible pulp. The last gizzard chamber contained the smoothest stones, which were sometimes expelled in favor of newer, rougher stones. These smooth stones were known throughout the galaxy as dragon pearls, and were extremely valuable. Many rumors and legends surrounded the krayt dragon. An urban legend during the height of the New Order claimed that an individual had been domesticated, and was being raised for its milk and eggs. The Sandpeople and Jawas both had legends that claimed the bones of the krayt dragon held mystical powers. There were some scholars who believe that the krayt dragon was really the descendant of the wild offspring of a Duinuogwuin, although this, too, was never proven.(E4, DE2, TJP, ISU, GG7, CCG, GG4, WSW, LLOW, RF3)

Krayt Dragon Lounge
A bar located in Mos Eisley. Han Solo tried to win some credits there, after dumping a load of Jabba the Hutt's spice. He ran into Dash Rendar, but was unable to win any additional funds.(RD)

Krayt Graveyard
This was the simple name given to the large stretch of desert on the planet Tatooine where it was believed that the krayt dragons went to die. It was thought that individual krayt dragons knew when they were going to die, and returned to the graveyard to expire. The area was littered with immense skeletons, and newly-dead bodies of krayt dragons were sometimes found by brave explorers.(SWGAL)

Krayt Pearl
This was one name gien to the gizzard stones that were used by the krayt dragon to help it digest its food. The stones, when taken from the dragon's gut, were polished to a mirror-like shine, and were noted for their lustrous, milky color. Obtaining krayt pearls, which were also known as dragon pearls, was a ritual of manhood for the Tusken Raiders.(DS, UVG)

Krayt's Fist
This was the title given to the Sith Lord who served as the head of the military, under the rule of Darth Krayt, more than 130 years after the Battle of Yavin.(SWLH)

Krayt's Honor
This heavily-modified Gozanti cruiser was owned and operated by Siqo Vass, during the final decades of the Old Republic. The crew of the vessel was led by Vass and Layn Wynest, who served as the public face of the ship, and was made up of several humans and Ithorians, as well as a Feeorin couple. Building on the Gozanti's heritage of being a well-armed vessel, the Krayt's Honor was armed with eight laser turrets along the flanks, a quad laser turret on both the dorsal and ventral hulls, and three turbolasers mounted on the bow. These bow-mounted turbolasers were hidden behind retractable panels, as were two proton torpedo launchers, giving the ship incredible firepower for its size. This firepower was deemed necessary by the crew, who made their living protecting independent vessels from raids by the Trade Federation.

The Krayt's Honor was operated by a crew of six, and could accommodate up to twelve passengers and sixty-five metric tons of cargo. A portion of its cargo space was used to house the power generator for the ship's turbolasers, reducing its total capacity by a fraction. The cruiser was often hired out as a Q-ship by merchants and other legitimate spacers to escort them past Trade Federation blockades, most of which were made up of privateer or mercenary vessels, so as not to directly implicate the Federation in any misdealings.

The Krayt's Honor called Tatooine one of its many home ports, after the crew managed to rescue Jabba the Hutt's personal yacht from an ambush. The crimelord allowed them to use one of his starports as a base, further adding to the ship's unique history. In the wake of the Clone Wars, the ship and her crew disappeared, and it was unknown whether they simply stopped working or were eliminated by Imperial forces.(SWDB, SSOG)

Krazhmir, Sho
This Yuuzhan Vong served as the Supreme Commander of his species, during the early exploration of the galaxy. Zho Krazhmir ordered the initial forays to Zonama Sekot and Bimmiel, and assented to the "acquisition" of Vergere by the priestess Falung. An ancient warrior, Zho Krazhmir received a new leg for his work in discovering Zonama Sekot, but the implant failed to heal completely. He later died in his sleep several years later.(DW)

This was a swear word used by the Riileb people.(SWJ6)

This was one of the many family names used by the Bothan people. It translated loosely to "driver" or "pilot".(GCG, WOTC)

This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "sandcrawler."(GPB)

This legendary beast was believed to have lived on the Forest Moon of Endor, preying on Ewoks and other creatures. The Kreegon was a large, four-legged reptile with red scales and a single eye. Atop its head was a heavy spike, which it drove into its victims. It was eventually defeated by the Ewoks who worked with Chief Chirpa's father, and its remains were buried deep beneath the moon's surface. Only its mystical eyeball, known as the Crystal Eye, was kept by the Ewoks, as a way to prevent the Kreegon from being resurrected. Morag later stole the Crystal Eye, during the early years of the New Order, and restored the Kreegon to life, but Chirpa tricked her into using her magic to destroy the Eye. The Kreegon was killed, once and for all.(MECAR)

This was a creature that was often kept as a pet, but its cage usually had to be locked in order to prevent escape.(MBS)

Hal Horn had once tracked Moranda Savich to this world, but was unable to capture her before she was able to flee.(TFNR)

This man served the Grand Army of the Republic as a Lieutenant Colonel during the height of the Clone Wars. He was in command of the engineering battalion that was dispatched to Praesitlyn, to support the defense plans of General Khamar. After surviving the initial Separatist attack, Kreen was his squads were looking for natural formations to use as defensive positions, and Odie Subu was assigned to lead him to a specific rock formation.(JT)

Kreen, Prengahl
This Twi'leki male was a well-known weapons expediter during the Galactic Civil War. He was a third-generation arms dealer, following in his father's footsteps in the family business in the Empartheca System. He worked from a huge, hidden base known only as Breshkall, which was located beyond the end of the Enarc Run, although its exact location was never discovered. Prengahl was stubbornly opposed to selling arms to the Alliance, although rumors abounded of rebels obtaining weapons from him.(HR)

Kreen, Shaina
This strikingly beautiful woman was a former model who worked as a waitress at the Ace of Sabres. Her naive and slightly dim-witted approach to life hid the fact that she was, in reality, an Alliance undercover agent. Dunan Par'Ell was overly protective of Shaina, although she never figured out why.(WSV)

This was the largest continent on Algara II, and the location of the cities of Algarine, Benis, and Tivin.(PG2)

This Kian'thar was one of Prince Xizor's vigo's, or one of his closest lieutenants. He had learned the criminal trade from his biological mother, who was herself one of Xizor's vigos during her own lifetime. Kreet'ah's professional assets impressed the Falleen prince, who rewarded Kreet'ah by allowing him to inherit his mother's position. Among his assets, Kreet'ah had developed a wide-ranging information network, and developed a wealth on corporate contacts and spies. Given Xizor's desire to control information, this made Kreet'ah quite valuable to the Falleen prince.(SE, SLS)

Kreetch Eel
This large eel was native to the planet Naboo. It was known for its ability to conduct electricity, which it used for both defense and for obtaining its prey. Kreeth eels often fed on the electrical devices of the Gungans.(GMR4)

When translated into Basic, this Ewok word meant "cave."(GPB)

This large, parasitic insect was found on several planets, including Tatooine and Naboo. Kreetles were omnivorous, feeding on many varieties of plants and small animals. They had large, mandibular jaws which could be used to capture and crush its prey. Trained kreetles found on the planet Naboo were used by the Gungans to open containers and clams, and farm-raised kreetles were considered a crunchy snack. Wild kreetles fed on a variety of foods, and those that lived in urban areas could be found feeding in garbage piles.(GF, WSW)

This was a war cry that was shouted by the Wind Raiders of the planet Taloraan.(CWWRT)

This man served as an Alliance recruiter, bringing in starfighter pilots from a base on Corellian, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Captain Kreezo was in command of the Arkon's Havoc Squadron during this time.(SWGAL)

Kre'fey, Karka
This creamy-white-furred Bothan was the grandson of Laryn Kre'fey, and was a friend of Liska Dan'kre. He physically assaulted Gavin Darklighter at a gathering at Liska's home on Coruscant, claiming that Laryn's death besmirched the family honor. Gavin refused to be goaded by the large Bothan, and declined the challenge Kre'fey issued.(KT)

Kre'fey, Laryn
This Bothan male, a native of Bothawui, was a General in the New Republic Navy. He had dazzling white fur and golden eyes. It was Kre'fey who in charge of the first New Republic attempt to reclaim Coruscant, about two and a half years after the Battle of Endor. He began planning the military exercises needed to retake the planet, which included capturing certain worlds near the Coruscant System. The first of them was Borleias, which was retaken after two attempts and the loss of certain members of Rogue Squadron. Kre'fey himself was killed on Borleias in the battle. It was rumored that he was a distant relative of New Republic Council Borsk Fey'lya.(XWN, WG)

Kre'fey, Traest
This Bothan was a member of the New Republic military, and served as an Admiral at the time of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Traest came from a long line of Bothan leaders, including his grandfather Laryn and his brother, Karka. Like his relatives, Traest had creamy-white fur. However, he had violet eyes which were flecked with gold, an indication of that fact that he was also related to Borsk Fey'lya through a complex tangle of relationships.

He was one of the few members of the New Republic command structure who took the Yuuzhan Vong invasion seriously, and worked with Gavin Darklighter and Rogue Squadron to develop tactics that would overcome the Yuuzhan Vong's organic defenses. Traest commanded the Assault Cruiser Ralroost during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. He was disdainful of his cousin's political maneuverings, wishing only to defeat the alien invaders and rid the New Republic of the threat. Thus, when Fey'lya opted to remain aboard the Ralroost during the defense of Ithor, Traest took steps to ensure that Fey'lya had little chance to cause trouble.

However, Traest was one of the minority of Naval officers who felt that the Senate and the New Republic were not acting in the galaxy's best interests in the war against the Yuuzhan Vong, and gladly agreed to help Gavin Darklighter and Rogue Squadron attack the shipwomb being grown in the Sernpidal system. He even went so far as threatening to take the entire naval force of the New Republic into the Unknown Regions, should the Senate continue to try and run the military.

Admiral Kre'fey remained at the forefront of the Republic's battle against the Yuuzhan Vong, and was placed in command of the task force which massed near Kashyyyk to launch hit-and-run missions against the aliens. In the wake of the death of Borsk Fey'lya, Admiral Kre'fey redoubled his efforts to defeat the Yuuzhan Vong. He daily asked his crew two questions during the conflict: "Howcan I hurt the Yuuzhan Vong today?" and "If I can't hurt the enemy, what can I do to help my side grow stronger?" He had these questions painted above the bulkheads leading to the Ralroost's command center, as a constant reminder of his crew's duties.

As the war ground on, Admiral Kre'fey continued to work with his fellow commanders to find a weakness in the Yuuzhan Vong. It was obvious that the aliens were spread too thin to support a massive campaign against the Republic, yet the Republic could not spare a large portion of its own fleet to make focused attacks. With the formation of the Galactic Alliance, Kre'fey was able to pool his resources with those of Grand Admiral Pellaeon and Garm Bel Iblis, forming a total of four distinct battle groups which could be brought to bear against the alien invaders. His plans to defend Calamari from attack proved almost unnecessary when Zonama Sekot suddenly reappeared near Coruscant, forcing nearly every Yuuzhan Vong fleet back to Coruscant to defend Supreme Overlord Shimrra.

Kre'fey reasoned that this was the time to finally strike a decisive blow against the Yuuzhan Vong, a plan that met with mixed emotions but was ultimately approved. The final battle was launched some five years after the initial Yuuzhan Vong attacked on Belkadan and Helska, and saw the Galactic Alliance's forces matched ship for ship by the Yuuzhan Vong. The presence of Zonama Sekot was of great assistance, since it drew a large portion of the defense fleet away from the main fighting. After the Alliance's ground forces and the Jedi Knights managed to defeat both Shimrra and Onimi, and when Zonama Sekot managed to repel Shimrra's attempt to use the Alpha Red virus against it, Kre'fey discovered that the war had been won.

Although many Yuuzhan Vong chose to flee or commit suicide, a healthy number surrendered. Because of his leadership and the ultimate outcome of the war, Kre'fey found himself being called the "liberator of Coruscant" on the newsfeed. With Sien Sovv's sudden resignation, Kre'fey also found himself promoted to the position of Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance's armed forces. His tenure with the Galactic Alliance was short-lived, as Kre'fey decided to retire and return to his homeworld. However, when the Bothans joined The Confederation, he agreed to come out of retirement and command a fleet of Bothan warships. He was able to retain his position as Admiral, although he served under Admiral Babo during the confrontation between The Confederation and the Alliance's Fifth Fleet over Kashyyyk.(DTO, DTR, EVR, DW, FP, UF, NJOSB, LF6)

This woman was a Jedi Master during the years following the Great Sith War. She had an uncanny knack for tapping into the Force, and could teach students new ways to communicate with the Force. Although she was loyal to the Jedi Order, Kreia wielded a double-bladed lightsaber, which employed green crystals. About five years after the defeat of Darth Malak, Kreia discovered The Exile onboard the damaged starship Ebon Hawk and brought it to Peragus II. After making sure that The Exile was able to escape, Kreia found herself confronting Darth Sion, in order to ensure The Exile's escape. She barely managed to survive the encounter, in which she lost the use of one hand, and made her way back to the Ebon Hawk just as The Exile and Atton Rand were blasting off. She kept to herself during the initial part of their flight, nursing the stump where her hand used to be, until The Exile questioned her about a blinding pain in his hand. Kreia realized that a Force Chain had formed between them, although the reason for the link was unclear. Kreia was also surprised to find that The Exile's connection to the Force had begun to return, and vowed to train him in order to help restore the Jedi Order. It was during this training that Kreia revealed she was one of the many Jedi who abandoned the Order to confront the growing power of the Sith, in the wake of the destruction of the Star Forge. She also revealed that she had been Revan's teacher, both during his early training and again after he returned to the Light Side of the Force. However, after The Exile managed to regroup the surviving Jedi Masters on Dantooine, Kreia revealed that she had fallen to the Dark Side of the Force. Having re-taken the title of Darth Traya, she fled to Telos with Atris and set out to destroy the planet. In the wake of her death on Malachor V, the surviving Jedi were able to piece together enough of Kreia's history to realize that she had been behind a large number of defections - among them, Revan and The Exile - during the years following the Great Sith War. Because of this, she was exiled by the Jedi Order. In her guilt, Kreia chose to abandon the Jedi and seek out Revan on Malachor V. It was there that she began her training at the Trayus Academy, and led to her ultimate fall to the Dark Side and her transformation to Darth Traya.(KOTOR2, LAWS)

Kreia, Darth
see Darth Traya(NECH)

This man was a loyal Imperial officer, and served as a tactical advisor aboard the first Death Star. Kreigg had earlier gained the favor of Grand Moff Tarkin by coming to Tarkin's aid during the Alliance's attempt to capture him.(JKG)

This Bartokk was ostracized from his family because of a birth defect. Barely sentient without a connection to his species, Krekk took a personal name in order to show his defiance at being exiled.(UANT)

Krekk, Hooley
This was a fictional Yuuzhan Vong, a name created by Nom Anor following the battle of Coruscant. Hooley Krekk was ostensibly a member of the Intendant caste. When he tried to learn the truth about the Eighth Cortex, Nom Anor adopted the guise of a Shamed One and claimed to be working for Hooley Krekk in order to gain access to the Shapers damutek on the newly-reformed Coruscant. He then used the alias to infiltrate the gathering of Shamed Ones who began worshipping the Jedi Knights.(DW)

This was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'krel added to an individual's family name.(GCG, WOTC)

Krel nag sh'n rrush fek
This Yuuzhan Vong phrase was used whenever an individual wanted to appear defiant in the face of a possible loss.(FH2)

Krel os'a, hmi va ta
This was a Yuuzhan Vong oath, used to indicate one's defiance in the face of insurmountable odds.(FH3)

This man worked as a gunner for Captain Twolz, and was one of Dannen Lifehold's oldest friends. When Twolz and the rest of his crew were killed on Niian, Krell and Dannen Lifehold went into business for themselves. Krell ended up on Alderaan, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. Lifehold believed it was Krell who set the homing beacon on the Lifeline, shortly before it traveled to the planet Rafft, but could find no real evidence linking Krell to the beacon.(SWJ1, SWJ3)

Krell, Damon
This Imperial Admiral devised several modifications to the standard Viper probe droid, making his own droids larger and better armed than their originals. Admiral Krell was a hulking, well-muscled man who was distinguished by a ragged scar across his left cheek. He launched his probe droids shortly after the Battle of Hoth, in an effort to locate possible Alliance fleets. Whenever the droids encountered Alliance starships, they were programmed to attack and kill all beings aboard, then assume control of the ship. Using information stored in the ship's navigational computers, the probe droid would then head toward the nearest Alliance fleet, intent on infiltrating the fleet and turning their own weapons against them. If firepower wasn;t sufficient, the probe droids were also programmed to overload the ships' main reactor cores, causing massive explosions. One particular probe droid, designated 13-K, captured an Alliance corvette, but the ship was infiltrated by Luke Skywalker. Its programming caused it to break off its pursuit of the Alliance fleet and return to Krell with Skywalker as its prisoner. 13-K reached Admiral Krell's vessel just as the main reactor in the corvette reached critical levels and exploded, destroying 13-K, the corvette, Krell's ship and all hands aboard.(MC45)

This was a pseudonym used by a smuggler who had a great deal of experience with droids. Krella was based on Byblos.(SWJ13)

This was the Chiss term for a person of Corellian birth.(SWJ7)

This was the Cheunh pronunciation of the word "Corellian."(OF)

Kremmos, Staven
This man, a native of the planet Naboo, was regarded as one of the most creative and innovative starships designers of his time. It was Kremmos who was appointed by King Veruna to travel to Nubia to work on the designs for a new royal starship, which eventually became the Naboo Royal Starship.(WOTC)

A city on the continent of Tronis, on the planet Algara II.(PG2)

This name was common among the Feeorin race.(UANT)

This Alliance Commander was in charge of Nomad Squad, at Taul, shortly before the base was destroyed by the Victory-class Star Destroyer Dominator.(SWJ1)

Native to the planet Recopia, this creature resembled a large lizard. Its yellow skin was marked by vibrant blue and green spots, and its eyes were jet black. Krendels lived in the acid seas of Recopia, using the sticky pads on their toes to crawl out of the ocean to breath. The preferred to hunt for prey on land, hunting in mated pairs because their eyesight was poor. The krendel used its toothy maw to catch its prey, using their needle-like teeth to shred it into smaller chunks.(CCW)

This planet was capital world of the Krenhner Sector.(SOL)

Krenhner Sector Station
This space station was the closest New Republic outpost to Gmir Askilon. Pakkpekatt sent the Marauder to the station after the Teljkon vagabond fled into hyperspace.(SOL)

Krenimec, Brayg
This was a noted member of the Rybet civilization.(UANT)

Krenin, Saras
This female Rodian was a bounty hunter with a burning desire to capture Han Solo. A member of House Benelex, Saras was known as an individual who would turn in her best friend, if the bounty was high enough. Once on a case, she made every effort to make her target aware of the fact that she was coming to get him, a practice which helped her spook many a bounty into a stupid move. However, she was known to have broken off several hunts on word that Solo was in the vicinity.(GG10)

This New Republic Intelligence operative was working with the expedition that was sent to capture the Teljkon vagabond.(SOL)

Krenn, Josala
This explorer worked with Kroddok Stopa, and was affiliated with the Obroan Institute. She was stationed on Babali with Stopa when the call came to investigate the planet Brath Qella, during the New Republic's chase of the Teljkon vagabond. Both she and Stopa were killed in an avalanche while searching for information on the planet Brath Qella.(SOL)

This was a name that was common among the Sanyassan race.(UANT)

Krennel, Delak
This man, a native of the planet Corulag, graduated from the Imperial Academy on Prefsbelt IV, where he was the intramural unarmed-combat champion. Upon graduation, Krennel served the Empire until the Battle of Endor. He was dispatched to the Unknown Regions to serve under Admiral Thrawn, though he detested the fact that he was serving an alien. After Krennel bombarded a world instead of following Thrawn's more "passifistic" orders, Krennel was sent back to Imperial Center for punishment from the Emperor himself. Luckily for Krennel, Emperor Palpatine was killed at Endor before he could pass judgement on Krennel. Krennel then fled Imperial service, striking out on his own and establishing himself at the same time as other renegade Imperial warlords like Zsinj and Teradoc. In a battle, he lost the use of his right forearm from the elbow down, and the limb had to be replaced with a cybernetic implant. The mechanical device glowed red whenever he exerted force with it, evoking fear in his subordinates and enemies. During the initial struggle for control of the Empire, Krennel aligned himself with General Paltr Carvin and, on orders from Ysanne Isard, set out to capture Leia Organa at Axxila. He was thrown off his plan by an AT3 directive from Soontir Fel, a directive reinforced by Sate Pestage. Krennel backed off, but later learned of Pestage's deception in moving him away from Axxila. When Isard approached him about working directly for her instead of Carvin, he was initially suspicious. However, she helped augment his forces in an attempt to retrieve Pestage from Ciutric, and his allegiance changed. After the New Republic thought they had recovered Pestage, Pestage slipped away and presented himself to Krennel for asylum. Krennel, however, cared nothing for Pestage but desired the control of Pestage's holding. Krennel personally executed Sate Pestage by strangling him with his cybernetic hand, then usurped control of the Ciutric Hegemony for himself and paid lip-service to Thrawn's call for support during his rise to power. After Thrawn's death at Bilbringi, the Republic targeted Krennel and the Ciutric Hegemony for removal. They began raiding Ciutric space, unaware that Krennel had allied himself with the activated clone of Ysanne Isard. Together, they began a disinformation campaign aimed at opening a rift between the human and non-human races of the New Republic. Krennel claimed the Hegemony to be a haven for Alderaanian refugees who were tired of the Republic's pro-alien politics. However, they efforts were undermined by the real Ysanne Isard, who managed to capture Rogue Squadron and convince them to help her defeat Krennel. As soon as Krennel learned that the Rogues were destroyed at Corvis Minor, he and the clone began plotting their conquest of Coruscant. They waylayed Republic supply convoys to Liinade III, hoping to draw off much of the starship security around Coruscant. Just as they were about to launch their attack, the Republic - on a tip from Wedge Antilles, who was working with the real Isard - attacked Ciutric. Before his forces could leave the system, Krennel found himself on the brink of disaster. His fleet was decimated by the effectiveness of the Thrawn Pincer, Ciutric had been infiltrated and her planetary shields dropped, and he had no firepower to bring to bear on the Republic ships. The combined fire of the Selonian Fire and the Corusca Fire destroyed Krennel's flagship, the Reckoning, and Krennel was killed in the explosion.(XWMR, IR)

This was the fourth combination symbol in the Aurebesh script, and represents the Basic combination "kh".(SWM)

This Wookiee was a noted scout and guide who led expeditions along the Rryatt Trail during the height of the New Order.(SWGAL)

This quasi-sentient mollusk was native to the swamps of Naboo. The Gungans use them to store information in their underwater libraries. The kresch had a single eye, which it can extend on a short stalk for viewing its environment. The blood of the kresch was unusual in that, when the mollusk was poked or manipulated, the inky blood rearranges itself to display images and words.(GF)

Kresh, Jorrn
This alien was a minor crimelord during the early years of the New Republic. Jorrn took over the Kressar gang when Kressar himself was assassinated. He soon found himself the target of the Desilijic Hutt clan, and took Kressar's advice: start planning for a successor.(GG10)

This was a name that was common among the Sanyassan race.(UANT)

This was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, Kresim was used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros. This name literally meant "researcher".(GCG)

Kress, Maxig
A native of the planet Tibro, this woman was wanted by the corporate leaders of Gandalom Paramedicinals for the theft of several experimental compounds. She was rumored to have destroyed security droids and injured security personnel during the theft. She went underground, using the alias Levesh Tolik in order to escape capture. A 25,000 credit bounty was placed on her head.(GG10)

This crime boss found himself under attack from the Hutts. As he planned to have his gang passed into good hands, he put two envelopes in his safe. After he was assassinated, his successor, Jorrn Kresh, found the envelopes. One envelope was labeled "Open after you survive your first assassination attempt." The second was labeled "Open after you find out the Hutts were involved." Inside the first envelope was a note with the advice, "Blame it all on me and my cronies." In the second envelope was another note saying, "Make up two more envelopes..."(GG11)

Kressh, Ludo
This ancient Sith magician was Naga Sadow's contemporary rival for the position of Dark Lord of the Sith. It was Kressh, a Sith half-breed, who was chosen to lead Marka Ragnos' funeral procession. Kressh's faction believed in maintaining the status quo within the Sith Empire, rather than attempting to expand it, as Naga Sadow thought. Their opposing viewpoints led to a skirmish at Ragnos' funeral. The ghost of Markos Ragnos foretold of the impending downfall of the Sith Empire, should the two continue to struggle. Neither heeded the former Dark Lord's words, and a civil war erupted within the Sith Empire.

Ludo Kressh believed that Jori and Gav Daragon were advanced scouts for an Old Republic war force coming to eradicate the Sith, a position which gathers some support among the Sith lords. As Sadow took control of the Empire, Kressh rallied his supporters in an attempt to overthrow Sadow. They fled to Ziost to plan their attack. A timely discovery of the treachery with which Sadow took control of the Empire led to further support, until Kressh was ready to launch an attack on Sadow's base on Khar Delba. However, Naga Sadow's real base of power was on Khar Shian, and Ludo Kressh's forces were drawn into a battle against an undefeatable foe.

Kressh was believed to have been killed over Khar Delba, where Naga Sadow's fleet destroyed Kressh's forces. However, he managed to survive, and returned to the Sith Empire to take over as Dark Lord. Sadow would have none of this, and began his own assault on Coruscant. The inner strife between the rivals grew until it erupted into the Great Hyperspace War. Kressh and Sadow drew their starfleets into the Sith Empire and fought valiantly against each other. In the end, though, Sadow was able to use the Dark Side of the Force to coerece one of his own starship captains to ram Kressh's flagship, destroying the ship and killing Kressh in the explosion.(GAS, FOSE, EGF)

Kressh Gauntlet
This was another name for the Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger.(KOR10)

Kressh the Younger
This ancient Sith Lord created a gauntlet that, when worn, allowed a being to avoid be touched by any other being without their consent. In this way, the wearer was all but immune from attacks against their person.(KOR10)

This was the full name of the Chiss Commander known as Stent.(SQ)

This bounty hunter paired up with Raxine in an effort to hunt down Philo Taal, although neither realized that there was no official bounty posted. They disagreed over how to split the bounty, so they agreed to each take one of Philo's legs and pull until he split like a wishbone. In the end, though, Raxine simply shot Philo dead. Raxine and Krestock never received payment, except for the fact that Philo's brother, Reglis Taal, hunted them down adn executed them for their parts in Philo's death.(GG10)

A creature which was found in the caverns of Belsavis, the kretch measures about a foot in length. It was a worm-like creature, a couple of inches in diameter, with six spindly legs and two sets of jaws filled with serrated teeth. Its tail was barbed, and was used to catch and hold its prey. The creature's scary appearance was used as a deterrent by Belsavian parents. They often told their children that the kretch would catch them and eat them if they did something bad. Nichos Marr's caretaker Margolis used to warn Nichos and his friends that the kretch would catch them if they found Plett's Well. Note that Boba Fett: Maze of Deception indicates that the kretch measures more than a half-meter in length, with a jointed body and many jointed legs.(COJ, EGP, BF3)

Kretch, Dalmeidan
This minor planetary official maintained a second occupation as a bounty hunter. He used his position within the Imperial bureaucracy to learn of new bounties, then took "business trips" to acquire his targets. He hoped to make enough credits from hunting to leave politics forever.(GG10)

Krev, Raquid
This cargo hauler and part-time smuggler owned an operated the freigther Lexus Primal during the early years of the New Republic. He once had a cargo of spice stolen from him by a group of spice-jackers. One of their members disguised himself as Raquin, and overrode the programming of his security droid, D-Mot. He was a family man, and allowed them to steal the cargo in order to ensure the safety of his wife and children.(GG11)

This was the native language of the Krevaaki race.(PJSB)

Native to the planet Krevas, this was a race of hulking, red-skinned humanoids evolved from a race of tentacled crustaceans. As infants, Krevaaki use all eight of their tentacles in a variety of ways, including locomotion and manipulation. As adults, however, Krevaaki move about on six tentacles, using the other two for manipulation. The chitinous plates that protect the head of the Krevaaki could be moved about by facial muscles to display a wide range of expression, although much of it was meaningless to non-Krevaaki.(WOTC, PJSB, UANT)

This swamp-covered world, located in the Outer Rim Territories, was the homeworld of the Krevaaki race.(UANT)

This Bothan term referred to a vow of allegiance that could not be broken, despite political or social changes that arose. Many Bothans made vows of krevi to the Galactic Alliance, despite the growing frustration of Bothawui's government with the Alliance's actions, during the era of the Corellia-GA war. Some political advisors feared that the idea of krevi might be a convenient fabrication, useful to the Bothans in times of strife.(LF3, LF6)

Krevk Settlement
This was the name of the Sullustan colony established on the planet Gelgelar.(SWJ14)

Krevol Clicker
This was a mutated form of the horned Krevol, and one considered one of Corellia's most dangerous species of insect.(GQRG)

K'Reye, Cohden
This Corellian man was known to his associates as something of an expert on the various cantinas and bars of the galaxy. He even compiled a computer datafile which documented the good and bad things about certain locales.(WSV)

In a popular, though unsettling, Corellian fable, Kribben and his brother Zibben disobeyed their parents and set out to investigate a forbidden area. They were attacked and eaten by a group of wrix.(COG)

Kribben's Folly
This was the name given to a section of the Agrilat Swamp Circuit, one of the most popular swoop racing courses of the New Order. It was named for the Corellian brother, Kribben.(SWGAL)

One of Talon Karrde's smugglers, Krickle served under Shirlee Faughn on the Starry Ice.(SOP)

Krieg, Ganner
This man was one of the Imperial Knights who served the new Empire that rose to power during the decades following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Noted for his calm demeanor and serious nature, Ganner was one of Antares Draco's closest friends and advisors. Thus, when former Emperor Roan Fel began consolidating any forces still loyal to the true Empire on Bastion, Ganner followed Draco to Bastion in order to help with the build-up of military forces.

When Emperor Fel refused to send a rescue mission to recover his own daughter, Marasiah, from Vendaxa, Krieg agreed to accompany Draco on their own rescue mission. Slipping away in two borrowed Imperial fighters, they set out to find Marasiah and bring her home before Darth Krayt could learn of her location. They were not fast enough, however, and had to battle Darth Nihl and Darth Talon in order to get free.

The Imperials managed to safely return to Bastion, where Draco and Krieg were surprised to receive a vehement reprimand from Emperor Fel. The Emperor explained that their selfish mission had given Darth Krayt information on their location, alerting the Sith Lord to the Imperial presence on Bastion. Thus, they were even more surprised when the Emperor decided to publicly reward them for their bravery in rescuing Marasiah, although they were told that the medals they were to receive were for public appearances only, since word of such high-level officers purposely disobeying the Emperor would surely undermine Fel's authority.

The pair were then assigned to escort Mingo Bovark to The Wheel, where the Imperial ambassador was to meet with Galactic Alliance Admiral Gar Stazi. A Sith attack pitted both sides against each other, as it appeared that warships on both sides opened fire without warning. The negotiations were called off when Pol Temm banished the Imperials, after Krieg and Draco revealed that they had smuggled their lightsabers aboard the station. They returned to Bastion without an alliance, which did not please Emperor Fel. Ganner, along with Marasiah Fel and Antares Draco, was later dispatched to track the movements of Azlyn Rae, who was posing as a bounty hunter in an effort to locate Cade Skywalker. Azlyn Rae was able to relay the location of the Jedi Order's Hidden Temple, and the three Imperial Knights were then ordered to meet with the surviving Jedi and discuss an alliance. They found themselves forging an alliance with Cade Skywalker, who advocated a direct attack on the life of Darth Krayt.(SWLB, SWLT, SWLL, SWLHT)

This Imperial Star Destroyer was under the command of Captain Dor Reder, during the early years of the New Republic. It was part of the fleet controlled by Admiral Drommel, and was last encountered in the Hanod System.(WBC)

This Star Destroyer was under the command of Captain Dor Reder.(WBC)

This species of reptilian beings was native to the planet Kriekaal. The Krieks resembled large turtles, with long necks and pointed snouts. Like all shelled creatures, they could pull their extremities inside their shells whenever they were in danger. Krieks could walk on their hind legs like humanoids, but preferred to walk on all-fours. In general, the Krieks were a quiet, gentle race. There were 43 distinct selio, or tribes, of Krieks, each led by a k'lar and guarded by a cadre of ken'kali.(SWJ13)

This planet, the outermost of the two worlds in the Kriekaal System, was covered with relatively shallow oceans of molten duranium. The planet was far enough from its aging orange star to cool periodically, and small continents of hardened duranium often formed. It was on these "landmasses" that the native Krieks eked out their existence. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, twelve continents were in existence when Korren Starchaser and his scouting team investigated the planet.(SWJ13)

This was a swear word that had its roots in the time of the Clone Wars, and found widespread use in the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. It could be used in a variety of forms, including the adjective "kriffing" and the verb "to be kriffed."(VOF, DN1, DN2, CWWS)

This was the adjective form of the swear word kriff.(DN2)

This tree, once native to the planet Alderaan, produced a tightly-grained wood that was often used in the creation of horns.(E3N)

An alien race native to the planet Baralou, the Krikthasi have been enemies of the Multopos for their entire existence. They were descended from large, marine mollusks, and had long, flexible bodies studded with tentacles. Krikthasi have four well-developed eyes, with a set of four tentacles emerging just behind their heads. They have two mouths, one for eating and another for breathing. They used the water to help propel themselves through the water, expelling it through a group of vents at the rear of their bodies. Four more tentacles surround their hindquarters. Their coloration helped them communicate, as each Krikthasi could manipulate the pattern of their coloration to express complex concepts as well as emotions. The Krikthasi, in their seemingly endless war with the Multopos, have discovered that the eggs of the Multopos were quite delicious, and eat them as a way of proving to themselves that the Multopos were not sentient.(PG1, AE)

This creature, native to the planet Kidron, was raised by the Orfites as a source of meat. These climbing herbivores were slightly humanoid in form, and had wide eyes and a single horn on their foreheads. They lacked any form of intelligence, and were easy prey for Kidron's predators.(AE, PG3)

This was one of the twenty orbital cities erected in orbit above the planet Duro, after the surface of Duro was destroyed by toxic waste.(GMR2)

This gas giant was the site of a Imperial tibanna gas mine during the early years of the New Republic. The facility was eliminated by Wedge Antilles and Rogue squadron some ten years after the Battle of Endor, with the help of the Jedi Knights who were training under Luke Skywalker on Yavin 4.(WOTC, JKA)

This term was used in the Elrood Sector to describe a stupid or unintelligent person, referring to the lowly kril.(PG3)

This was the eleventh symbol in the Aurebesh script, and represents the Basic letter "k".(SWM)

A creature native to the planet Kidron, the krill were harvested for their meat.(PG)

Krim, Oolan
This Th'iruckai was the teruk of the Gallzar clan, and was the chief rival of Hurn Jak. He tried to talk a group of offworld scouts into giving him weapons and technology with which he could destroy Hurn Jak, but the rival teruk poisoned the scouts before any negotiations could take place. The scouts managed to discover that the Th'iruckai were fighting a thousand-year war because of an ancient misunderstanding, and talked the two teruks into listening to them.(GMS)

Krimsan, Asli
This humanoid female was a noted Jedi Master, during the ancient times of the Old Republic, and her teachings were encrypted into a Jedi holocron which was later discovered within Bast Castle. A plump being, Master Krimsan had black hair and often wore a deep, burgundy-colored cloak. She was known to have trained Jedi Knights for more than 200 years, spending much of her time with the youngest students. When the holocron was activated by Tionne, Krimsan's image was called on to teach Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, and Uldir Lochett about the basics of tapping into the Force. Thus, this holocron became known as the Asli Krimsan Holocron.(VF, KB, EGF)

This man was an Imperial Captain, and commanded the Star Destroyer Adjudicator during the height of the New Order. He took Vimron Trell under his wing, after Trell produced a wondrous feast that impressed Moff Renquet enough to have Renquet request that the Adjudicator be reassigned as his personal fleet flagship.(CRO)

Krin, Agamor
This was the name of a famous Houk individual.(UANT)

Krin, Angela
This woman was one of the Corporate Sector Authority's most dedicated officers, during the early years of the New Order. Many of her peers - and most of her enemies - considered her a frustrating, officious bureaucrat who did everything by the book. To her friends, she was a dedicated and hard-working woman who was completely loyal to the CSA and its ideals. She was placed in command of the CSA's blockade of the planet Endregaad, when a plague decimated the surface and threatened to spread beyond its borders. From the bridge of the Dreadnaught Resolute, Krin ensured that only approved ships made the journey to and from Endregaad's surface. In the wake of the Endregaad Plague, Krin was promoted to Captain and assigned to locating the source of the tempest spice and eliminating it. To this end, she began secretly working with Mika the Hutt and his aide, Vago, using her race to enter places that most Hutts could never reach. Unknown to Krin, however, was the fact that Mika himself was the source of the tempest. In the wake of Popara's death, Krin found herself stranded on Nar Shaddaa, and hoped that Mika could get her offworld before he cover was blown. However, Krin and Mika were both captured by Zonnos, who was going insane because of an addiction to tempest spice. After getting free, Krin continued her search for the source of tempest, and managed to discover that the Endregaad Plague was actually a mutated form of a virus that was native to Varl, the former Hutt homeworld. Furthermore, this virus could actually alter the chemical composition of normal spice, turning it into a crude form of tempest. With this knowledge, she surmised that it was a Hutt who was producing tempest. With the help of a group of freelance agents who had been working for Popara the Hutt, Krin managed to track down the Tempest production facility on Varl. When the agents defeated Mika and destroyed the Tempest, she was able to return to her superiors with good news. She worked to ensure that everything known about tempest spice was destroyed, so that the addictive and dangerou substance was never a threat again.(TF, WOTC)

Krinemonen III
This planet was set aside as a site where the Empire could exile political and institutional dissidents. Note that Star Wars Gamer, issue 8, indicates that Krinemonen III was a colony world located in the Mon Calamari Shipyards.(GMR8, GMR10)

This Vor served as his planet's chief council, in the years surrounding the destruction of the Cathedral of the Winds.(EGA)

This was a mild expletive that was often used by Imperial stormtroopers, as in "What the krink are you doing?"(A)

This man worked at the refueling depot in the port town of Janusar, on the planet Ranklinge, during the height of the New Order. It was Krinkins who greeted Joak Quiller and his fellow stormtroopers when they landed on Ranklinge, and tipped them off as to the misdealings of Patroller Chief Cav'Saran and his cronies.(A)

Krinkle Machine
This type of machine was often found in shopping centers and spaceports, where it was placed in public spaces and near doorways. The machine itself was essentially a display case, in which a quantity of inexpensive toys and gimmicks was placed. More expensive prizes were arranged at the window, and were often found in smaller quantities that the rest of the merchandise. By placing a credit coin into the machine and turning a knob, a child or other patron could obtain a random prize from the machine.(A)

This planet was noted for its art galleries. The planet was a hotbed of rebellious activity, during the height of the New Order, until Imperial forces forced the population into subjugation, some five years before the Battle of Yavin. It was believed that several of the artworks owned by Moff Glovstoak - artworks that were purchased with embezzled Imperial credits - were stolen from a Krintrino gallery during the subjugation of the planet.(A)

This man was a mercenary who was based on Eriadu during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(GUN)

This urban world was struck by several waves of Imperial bombardment, after it openly defied the Empire and its control. An Alliance Special Forces team infiltrated the planet and was able to unseat the Imperial forces which controlled it, and hoped that the population would be able to rebuilt itself. Unfortunately, a minor warlord moved into the power void left by the Imperial ouster, and the Alliance was forced to return to Kriselist remove the warlord as well.(RESB)

An alien race native to the planet Sanza, the Krish were smooth-skinned humanoids with large, wide heads. Their faces were dominated by bony ridges above the eyes and along the nose, and their mouths were filled with rows of tiny, pointed teeth. They also have short, wiry hair, and love playing games of any sort. In general, however, they were highly unreliable when it came to business matters. Note that The Essential Guide to Alien Species claims that the Krish were from a planet also known as Krish.(EGC, CRO, DTO, AE, SWJ1)

This was another name for the planet Sanza, which was the homeworld of the Krish race.(EGA)

This was the native language of the Krish race. Its spoken form consisted of grunts, bellows, and rough sounds. The written form borrowed characters from a number of different alphabets, creating a curious collection of symbols which were formed into short words.(UANT)

Kristi's Klub
This bar was located in the CoCo District of Coruscant, during the years of the Old Republic. The bar's motto was "We put the Dive in Diversions", and was known for its "full bar, good food, mood lighting, secure front, hidden exits, and pretty staff." Kristi's Klub did not allow droids onto the premises, and advertisem*nts for the Klub claimed "If you have to ask directions, don't bother coming."(HNN5)

Kristovv, Llarn
This New Republic Intelligence agency Major compiled information on the history of the planet Dathomir, in the wake of the kidnapping of Leia Organa by Han Solo. Llarn later served as the NRI's diplomatic attache to Dathomir.(CTD)

Kritkeen, Sinick
This Imperial COMPNOR General served as the planetary supervisor on Aruza, during the New Order. He bore a striking resemblance to Han Solo, which was why the bounty hunter Dengar agreed to assassinate Kritkeen for the Aruzans. Kritkeen was working to enslave the Aruzans, and they simply wanted their freedom. Dengar tracked Kritkeen and caught him, giving the Imperial a three-minute lead before chasing him down. Dengar's mind began believing that Kritkeen was Solo, and he relished the actions of placing an armed concussion grenade in Kritkeen's mouth and throwing the man off a cliff.(TBH)

Fola's mate, they lived at North 5 26 Up in the city of Griann, on Teyr.(SOL)

This crimelord was one of Black Sun's primary operatives, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Krix served as the liaison between Black Sun and Imperial Captain Andal Sait, when Sait agreed to sell his Star Destroyer to Black Sun for a huge sum of credits.(SWGAL)

One of Chewbacca's many relatives, Kriyystak worked to replenish the Millennium Falcon's food stores while Chewie was on Kashyyyk for Lumpawarump's Test of Ascension.(RD, TT)

Kriz Sector
This area of the galaxy was infamously known for its seedy bars.(CRO)

These vicious creatures were often used by crimelords to patrol their compounds. Krizar begin life as a shell-encased pupa, which must exist in a nutrient slime until it can break through its shell. If a shelled pupa was removed from the slime, it dies quickly. Once it chews free of the shell, the krizar must be incubated while they grow. Each krizar had a set of mouth palps that it uses like scissors, latching onto the nearest heat source and chewing its way inward.(TFNR)

This pink-skinned, reptilian race was native to the planet Munlali Mafir. These creatures were distinguished by their rancor-like heads and their piercing, high-pitched baying. This vocalization was a hunting technique which stunned the nerve centers of lower forms of life, and could disorient the senses and cause muscular spasms at the right frequencies. The eyes of a Krizlaw glowed with a reddish light, and their thin arms ended with three poisoned claws. They moved about on their muscular hind legs, and their lower jaws could detach and allow the Krizlaw to swallow and entire human being whole. Krizlaws often hunted in packs, and preferred to eat their prey shortly after catching it. The still-beating heart of its prey was regarded as essential for good digestion. The databanks of the New Republic originally listed the Krizlaws as feral herd beasts, but investigation by Luke Skywalker discovered their true nature. The once-dominant race, known as the Jostrans, were no longer present, and it was as if something - or someone - had elevated the Krizlaws to sentient status. Luke also found that Krizlaws had two distinct presences within the Force: a bright and alert thought center, and a dull center of diffuse consciousness. It was Jacen Solo and Soron hegerty who realized that the krizlaws were actually two distinct creatures living together in a symbiotic relationship. It seemed that the rogue planet Zonama Sekot had fused a group of eleven Jostrans together with a group of eleven Krizlaws, creating a new species of intelligent predators with a hive-mind mentality. Outwardly, they looked like Krizlaws, and the Krizlaw mind remained intact, albeit dull and subjugated. However, the body was controlled by the Jostran mind, which was the alert thought center discovered by Luke. Eventually, these new Krizlaws destroyed their normal brethren, as well as the Jostrans, and became the dominant form of Krizlaw. They always worked in groups of eleven, a sort of genetic requirement imposed by the original mutation. They bred in an unusual way, with the dominant Jostran birthing an offspring that was force-fed into a docile Krizlaw body. The Jostran fused itself to the Krizlaw's spinal cord, insinuating itself into the nervous system and taking control of the new body.(FH2)

This barren, arid world was the fourth planet in the Algaran System. Orbital scans have revealed that it was riddled with caves and vast mineral deposits. It had no natural satellites.(PG2)

This H'drachi noble believed Ch'no was a fool, and couldn't correctly read the time-streams, even though Ch'no was quite often right. He was one of the first to openly denounced Ch'no's adoption of the infant Mora.(ROC)

A planet.(EGA)

This small, rodent-like reptile was native to the planet Zelos II. It had a toothy, scoop-shaped mouth and glowing red eyes. Kro also have prehensile tails, which support and balance the creature in the absense of forearms. The kro hang from trees, waiting for prey to pass by. They then dop down onto their prey, holding it with their tails while they eat it alive.(PG2)

A deity worshipped by Cabrool Nuum.(JTH)

This planet was the merchant center and capital world of Shataum Sector in the decades following the Battle of Endor. Moff Disra, along with Grodin Tierce and the con-man Flim - posing as the resurrected Thrawn - managed to bully the leaders of this world into a brief alliance with the Imperial faction they represented. It was the homeworld of the Kroctari race.(VOF)

This race was native to the planet Kroctar. They were somewhat loyal to the Empire and its ideals, and felt that the Caamas Incident was an indication of the lack of order maintained by the New Republic. They were willing to welcome Thrawn back to their planet, but were unaware that Thrawn was actually the conman Flim, acting under the command of Moff Disra.(VOF)

Kroeskin Fabrications
Manufacturers of ceramisteel vehicle hulls, Kroeskin was one of the original Contributing Sponsors of the Corporate Sector Authority.(CSA)

Kro'eval System
This star system, which included the planet Kromus, saw heavy fighting during the height of the Clone Wars.(LFCW)

This ancient Twi'lek was remembered for his greed. Kroh'dalla was the assistant to the Ryll Master of Kala'din, but desired more power and prestige than his position offered. He sold the location of Kala'din's ryll mines to a spice merchant named Brophys, who promptly enslaved Kroh'dalla, his family, and all of Kala'din in an effort to extract the ryll. In the end, the entire city of Kala'din was destroyed, and Kroh'dalla was killed in the destruction.(PSPG)

This Ferroan man was one of the many individuals who bonded with a kybo. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, he was bonded to the kybo known as Elegance Enshrined. After Zonama Sekot fled into hyperspace to avoid being destroyed by the treachery of Nom Anor, Kroj'b and Elegance Enshrined worked tirelessly on rescue missions, searching the wilderness of the planet for survivors of the unplanned jumps.(FH3, UF)

A male Gamorrean in the Gakfedd tribe, Krok was junior husband to Bullyak.(COJ)

This name, which meant "funny" or "happy", was common among Gungan males.(GCG)

An indecent Huttese reference to excrement.(JTH)

K'rom Wars
A period of Xi'Dec history in which several warrior sexes evolved forelimbs which could be used as spears or swords.(GG4)

This planet, the sister world of Kromus, was the fifth world in the Kro'eval System. During the final years of the Old Republic, Kromol supported a meager population of pre-sentient lifeforms. Jedi Master Darrus Jeht wiped out the entire population of the planet, on orders that came directly from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself, although he hadn't meant to do it. His orders to shoot down a fleeing Separatist ship led to a concentration of fire that caused the ship to fall back into the atmosphere and explode. The conflagration wiped out a huge portion of the habitable landmass, then burned off much of Kromol's atmosphere.(LFCW)

This planet, the fourth and primary world in the Kro'eval System, was one of many worlds that were subjugated by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the early stages of the Clone Wars. The Separatists established a research facility on its surface, and the Old Republic dispatched Jedi Master Darrus Jeht and the Maelstrom's task force to destroy it, for it was believed that Kromus was the construction site of the so-called Starkiller project. Complete destruction of the facility was ordered, but Master Jeht discovered that it had been built around a city of more than two million beings. When Jeht's officers found that a clerical error had transposed the survey data of Kromus with its sister world, Kromol, Master Jeht was forced to launch a ground-based assault in order to minimize the loss of civilian life. However, the activation of the Starkiller weapon forced an immediate response, and Master Jeht had to fire on the facility from orbit, destroying the weapon and killing more than two million civilians. Unfortunately for the survivors, the destruction of Starkiller's hyper-point destabilizer caused intense seismic and atmospheric damage to Kromus, and the planet was abandoned as dead by both sides of the fighting. The loss of Kromus was a blow to the Republic, as word of the virtual extermination of its population caused many other star systems to secede from the Republic and join the Separatists.(LFCW)

This man was one of Alderaan's planetary ambassadors, during the last years of the Old Republic.(WOTC)

This hot, rocky world was the first planet in the Kattellyn System. It had no natural satellites.(PG2)

Kronex Spaceport
This immense space station provided berthing and repair facilities for all manner of starships, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Its location - just beyond the Coreward boundary of the Llon Nebula, made certain approaches to Kronex hazardous. Located within the spaceport were a wealth of cantinas and flophouses, providing spacers with facilities in which to exist while their ships were being repaired or refueled.(SS1)

This was an expletive that was common among pirate gangs in the Outer Rim Territories, during the height of the New Order. It was often used to as a verb, to describe the action of messing up one's plans, as in "Don't krong up and get yourself killed."(A)

Krongbing Interstellar Fashions
This Old Republic corporation merged with Ayelixe Fabrico, forming Ayelixe/Krongbing Textiles. Krongbing had been struggling at the time, and viewed the merger as a positive thing.(WOTC)

This renegade combat droid was one of several IG-86 droids hired by Ziro the Hutt, to serve as one of the crimelord's assassins, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. After failing to eliminate one of Ziro's rivals on Yout 12, KRONOS-327 discovered that the Hutt had installed special programming in its memory banks. When activated, this programming shut down all of the droid's weapons systems, rendering it unable to defend itself.(CWVG)

Krooger, Eryk
This young Corellian decided to follow in the footsteps of Han Solo, during the early years of the New Republic. Known as Talonscar because of the ragged scar across his throat, Eryk was once attacked by a Corellian sand panther. The venom from the slash proved more of a problem that the cut itself, which was little more than a scratch. However, it took every ounce of effort for Eryk to fight off the poison and reach a medical facility. Since then, he had dedicated his life to becoming a smuggler worth of being compared to Solo. He refused to give into corruption or crime, always choosing the "right path", just as Solo did when he joined the Alliance.(CCW)

This was one of the many small communities that were created by the Wookiees of the planet Kashyyyk. Its economy was focused on the harvesting and sale of agricultural goods on Kashyyyk itself.(GMR4)

This was a Gotal expletive.(SWLB)

This form of architecture was developed by the Gkrur clan of Wookiees on the planet Kashyyyk, and was later reused by the Wookiees on the Alaris colony. The Krorral architecture emphasized an integration of the building with its environment, especially in rainy environments where a flat-roofed structure would encounter problems with excessive water. The Krorral form used domes and sweeping cones for the roofs of buildings, which forced the rainwater downward and off the roof without any standing pools.(GORW)

Krothburt, Kaelldin
This author wrote several books on the Galactic Civil War and the role of pirates in it. Among Krothburt's works was >Study of the Galactic Balance of Power: The New Order's Greatest Challenges.(GG9)

This Wookiee was one of many who served the New Republic as representative of the planet Kashyyyk. Along with his partner, Lamorrack, Krotorra was captured and sold into slavery by Slar-dan ti Gardi and Borun Call.(SWJ8)

This female Hutt was a minor crimelord who worked from a base on the planet Alvorine. Krova had been wanted in connection with the deaths of a multitude of Alliance personnel, and the bounty was established shortly after the Battle of Endor by the fledgling New Republic. She was captured by Langro Dis in the Pluthan Asteroid Field and returned to Alvorine, although rumor held that Krova allowed herself to be captured in order to "clear her name" while cutting a deal to keep herself free. Krova was known to have possessed a Sith Holocron. For safekeeping, Krova had swallowed the Holocron, and refused to reveal its location until her freedom could be guaranteed. Unknown to Krova, the Holocron emitted a form of distress signal upon being swallowed, which attracted Noth and and a group of Dark Side followers. When the Dark Siders attacked, Krova was forced to turn over the Holocron to them, and was later captured again and imprisoned. The Holocron itself was damaged when Noth tried to steal it, but nevertheless was retained by the Dark Siders.(GMR5)

This woman served as a communications officer in the Galactic Alliance military, and held the rank of Lieutenant when she was assigned to the Star Destroyer Anakin Solo during the Alliance's conflict with The Confederation. It was Lieutenant Krova who was forced to interrupt Jacen Solo, during the Second Battle of Balmorra, when the younger man arrived with news that he had discovered the identity of Mara Jade Skywalker's killer. Jacen had planned to demote Krova for the interruption, but chose not to when he learned of her message. Instead, Solo chose to take Krova on as his personal communications officer, ensuring that any communications he received came through a single source.(LF6)

This Nimbanese clan tried to apply for a data holding position under the Bureau of Ships and Services, shortly after the Bovark clan debacle. They also applied for a position of power under the Hutt Clan of Ancients. After the Hutts accepted their petition, the Krovalis Nimbanese asked them to allow the Krovalis clan to remain free, in return for access to Nimbanese data holdings under the BoSS. The Hutts, led by Zochaeb the Hutt and seeing a easy source of information from a non-aggressive party, agreed to this. They pushed hard on the BoSS to allow the Nimbanese to be re-instated as data holders. Thus, the Krovalis clan was the first of a new era of Nimbanese holders.(GG12)

This man was Jorkatt the Render's second-in-comnmand, until he was found drowned in a swimming accident. The presence of plasticrete bricks in the pockets of his clothing was never explained. Later, Vohrkrewel Yahrkar assumed Krovas' persona whenever he spent time on Celanon.(POC)

This was a team sport, in which two teams fought against each other with long poles.(JQ3)

This verb was common in the dialect of many criminals, and meant "tell" or "explain" in Basic.(DSTR)

Krow, Erg
This was one of the ancient Jedi Masters who trained their students on Mustafar, during the early millennia of the Old Republic. Along with Chu-Gon Dor, Master Erg Krow established the defenses for the Jedi outpost, which included a strange kind of shield generated by a "Force shard." It was believed that Erg Krow later died in the massive Sith attack that laid waste to the Jedi facility on Mustafar.(SWGAL)

A species of birds native to Kashyyyk, kroyies were once considered a food source only for rich Wookiees. This was primarily due to the skills needed to hunt and kill them as they moved through Kashyyk's dense and dangerous jungles. Over time, kroyies became a food source for all Wookiees.(HTTE)

K'roylan, Tathak
This black-furred, male Bothan served as the deputy intelligence minister of his homeworld of Bothawui, during the years following the Swarm War. He was easily distinguished by the mask-like patch of tan fur that surrounded his eyes. K'roylan was one of the many Bothans who supported the efforts of the Corellians during their bid for independence, and quietly supported the efforts of the Heritage Council of the Hapes Consortium.

Thus, he was surprised when he received an encrypted transmission from a well-disguised Lumiya, who provided him with supposedly confidential information on the Bothans' plans to attack the Galactic Alliance. The attacks had been planned as a retaliation for the murders of several members of the True Victory Party. His surprise only grew when she offered the Bothans a wealth of information on the Galactic Alliance's fleet movements, as well as an offer to provide the Bothans with a window of ooportunity to launch their attack. He agreed to take her information to his superiors and verify it, before accepting the rest of her offer.

K'roylan and the Bothans realized that the information was correct, and that their chance had come. He was later contacted by Admiral Matric Klauskin, who murdered the crew of the Shamunaar and ensured that the Bothan fleet could launch undetected.(LF4)

This was the class of elite Coynite warriors whose exceptional honor and status made them virtually incorruptible. Fifty-eight Kroyn were assigned to guard each of the Ag'Tra, and each Ag'Tra sent one Kroyn to serve as a bodyguard to the En'Tra every year. This meant that the En'Tra had thirty Kroyn bodyguards at all times: twenty-nine from each Ag'Tra and one from the En'Tra's home family.(PG3)

This was one of five major starports located on the planet Coyn. Situated in the city of Kroyn'Tal, its name literally meant "Warriorland."(PG3)

A city on Coyn, Kroyn'Tal was the site of the Kroyn'Tais starport.(PG3)

This was the basic army unit defined by Coynite military officers, representing between 25,000 and 30,000 troops. A large Kroyn'Tra of some 75,000 was leased to the New Republic military, during the years that followed the Battle of Endor.(SWJ15, OWS)

This was a Nikto swear word.(ROP)

This alien race was at war with itself for 200 years. A brutish, green-skinned retpiloid people, the Krozurbian civil war would have raged longer if Master Zorneth hadn't slipped the leaders some savorium-laden thookah steaks. It was part of an experiment to verify to himself the potency of the herb. The Krozurbian leaders dropped their arms and immediately ceased their hostilities.(DRO)

This Old High Squibbian term was not translateable to Basic, but refers to the novelty value of an item under negotiation.(SH)

This was a simple greeting used by the Kubaz people.(CN2)

This was a model of Kurtob podracer. The co*ckpit of the KRT410C measured a scant 2.03 meters in length, while its engines were just 3.81 meters long. This made it one of the smallest racers of its day. However, this did not translate into more speed, as the KRT410C's top speed was around 775 kilometers per hour.(IG1)

This was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language, the clan's name meant "mountainous".(GCG)

Kru, Glie'oleg
This Bothan earned a field promotion to Brevet Admiral during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Kru was in command of the Bothan Assault Cruiser Champion during the defense of Kalarba and Hosk Station, but was killed when the Champion was destroyed near Hosk.(BP)

This Kitonak male lived and worked in the city of Gadrin, on the planet Cularin, during the final decadess of the Old Republic. Kruc was driving home one day when a group of freelance agents asked to borrow his landspeeder for a high-speed chase. Kruc reluctantly agreed, and was more than happy when his speeder was returned relatively unharmed.(JST2)

This surly Duros was one of the many gunners serving aboard the FarStar during its search for Moff Sarne in Kathol Sector. Originally a turbolaser gunner aboard an Alliance Nebulon-B frigate, Krudar was more concerned about getting kill marks on his blast vest that with actually winning the battle. His blast armor was taken from an Imperial gunner he killed during battle. Krudar kept the remainder of his past a secret, and claimed to have joined the crew of the FarStar to travel Kathol Sector.(DARK, KO)

This avian creature was raised for its savory meat.(LF4)

Kruffy Pot Pie
This hearty dish was a meat pie that was baked inside a thick, flaky crust. Kruffy pot pies could be baked for main dishes, or created in small tarts that could be held in the hand. The main ingredient was kruffy meat, but the dish also included savory vegetables and a rich gravy.(LF4)

Kruger, Moira
This woman, who fashioned herself as a Lady, owned and operated the Grinder Dance Hall in the boomtown of Corestrike, on Chrona, during the early years of the New Republic. Along with Mortris and Arno Gallorr, Moira worked as one of the town's governmental Adjuncts, although it was later revealed that Moira had been bought out by the crimelor Themog. Her origins were unknown, but she was a prominent bantha-owner until the discovery of chronamite poisoned her herds. She nearly lost everything, until she won the Grinder Dance Hall in a game of sabacc. Her detractors claim she cheated her way to the Grinder, having been a con artist and gambler since her youth. Shortly before Mortris Gallorr began hiring mercenaries to try and protect Corestrike from criminals, Moira began a relationship with Themog, and the two were inseparable. She allowed Themog to use the Grinder as a hideout.(SWJ12)

This species of deer was native to the jungles of Lamaredd. Krugga deer were a common target for hunters of all species, as they were known for their tasty venison.(GMR7)

Kruhl, Darth
This man was one of the many Sith Lords who supported the empire created by Darth Krayt, more than 130 years after the Battle of Yavin. Distinguished by his red and black Sith tattoos and the thin stripe of hair that ran down the center of his bald skull, Darth Kruhl was dispatched to Munto Codru, seven years after the Massacre at Ossus, to force the Codru-Ji to allow an outpost to be constructed on the their homeworld. Rather than deal with a single individual, Darth Kruhl made contact with both Rikkar-Du and Kassek-Ka, hoping that one of them would accede to the wishes of the Sith. Where Rikkar-Du was initially apprehensive about forming an alliance, Kassek-Ka agreed almost immediately.

When Rikkar-Du tried to unite the clan leaders against the Sith, Darth Kruhl set out to kill him, while Kassek-Ka was charged with killing Tassa and Jassar, Rikkar-Du's wife and child. Although Jassar tried to intervene, Darth Kruhl swiftly dispatched the wyrwulf before killing his father. Kassek-Ka then reported that Tassa had also been eliminated, clearing the way for the Sith to take control of Munto Codru.

With the completion of the Munto Codru mission, Darth Kruhl was dispatched by Darth Maladi to hunt down and destroy Roan Fel on Bastion. When Governor Vikar Dorn traveled to Bastion to pledge his support to Emperor Fel, Darth Kruhl hid aboard the Governor's shuttle, then slipped away after they had landed on the planet. The attack on Fel took place in the Pellaeon Gardens, where he was supposedly meditating. However, when Darth Kruhl tried to kill the Emperor, Fel rolled aside and revealed that he had been waiting for the attack. When Darth Kruhl found that Fel was wearing armor made from cortosis ore, he broke off his lightsaber attack and sent Force Lightning at the Emperor. Fel deflected this, but the effort left both men without their lightsabers. Darth Kruhl believed that he now had the upper hand, and so was unprepared when Fel shot him through the chest with a holdout blaster. Darth Kruhl died knowing that he had failed his masters.(SWLR)

Kruk Battle-wagon
This warship was developed shortly after the Clone Wars.(SOP)

Kruke Kruke
This was a common name among the Swokes Swokes race.(GORW)

This man was Jai Raventhorn's fiance, before he was killed by Imperial forces.(TFNR)

Krul, Kaox
This immense man was one of the Dark Jedi who supported Lord Kaan, during the years leading up to the Battle of Ruusan. Known as The Madman, or The Marauder, or even The Dark Killer, Kaox Krul was one of the Brotherhood of Darkness' most vicious warriors. He never built his own lightsaber, instead obtaining his first weapon from the Jedi Knight he killed with his Dark Side powers. As Lord Kaan readied his forces to attack Ruusan, Kaox Krul found himself unable to return to his Master's side because he was being pursued by Crian Maru. He tried to kill her and her apprentice, Dree Vandap, in the Balowa System, but the attack left both of their starships disabled. Once he made planetfall, Kaox Krul set out to kill the Jedi. Crian lured Krul to a lake, hoping to meet him on her own terms. He used The Force to throw Crian from the battle, killed Dree Vandap during this lull in the battle, then turned his full attention to Crian. Crian, angered at the untimely death of her Padawan, attacked with fury as much as focus. The battle went on for hours, until Crian finally gave in to the Dark Side. In the incredible concentration of Dark Side energy, both Crian and Kaox Krul were completely consumed, blasting the life from the immediate area and causing widespread ecological damage to the planet. Neither was ever found again.(GMR5, NECH)

A talkative, good-natured Quarren, Kruluk runs The Long Drink bar and eatery in Morjanssik, on Calamari. He believes that the Quarren should join the Alliance and rid themselves of the Empire, but he keeps this mostly to himself. He doesn't want any trouble, with his fellow Quarren or the authorities of Morjanssik.(DU)

This was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry.(GCG)

This Wookiee worked as Bolabo Hujaan's chief mechanic at Bolabo's Garage on Byblos. They met while serving together on a smuggler's starship, and Krunch accompanied Bolabo when she set out on her own. According to Bolabo, the name Krunch was chosen because that's what the Wookiee did to patrons who didn't pay for their repairs at the Garage. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, Krunch rarely left the confines of the Garage, fearing that Imperial forces would enslave him. The patrons of Bolabo's Garage always left happy, because Krunch was a highly skilled mechanic who could work wonders with almost any starship.(CRO)

Krung Dynasty
The rulers of this ancient dynasty were often embalmed and mummified after death, in hopes that they might live longer lives in the afterworld. The Mendacian funeral urns of the young Krungs were considered priceless by the time of the Battle of Hoth.(TJT)

Krupx Munitions
This small corporation manufactured a variety of starship-based detonation devices, such as proton torpedoes.(SCRE, EGW)

This scrawny-looking man worked for Booster Terrik as a guard and soldier aboard the Errant Venture.(IJ)

This was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it described to a violent herbivore found on Bothawui.(GCG, WOTC)

This planet, the homeworld of a near-human race, was located on the farthest edge of the Outer Rim Territories. The natives of Kruskan had no representation in the Galactic Senate, having been long forgotten by the Old Republic, and they preferred their isolation to the hubbub of the galactic community. Some 3,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, a group of Sith devotees hid a holocron in the mountains near the planetary capital, where it remained hidden for many years.(WOTC)

A Huttese term for stick or pole.(JTH)

This Trandoshan bounty hunter was active during the last decades of the Old Republic. When the Bounty Hunters Guild was smashed, Krussk met up with Roweedu while the two were tracking the same target. Krussk agreed to work with Roweedu to hunt down Alliance operatives who were wanted by the Empire.(SWRPG, RESB)

This was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the Trandoshan language, the name meant "strangles his prey".(GCG)

This spider-like being was one of the many gladiators who tried to win their freedom from the arenas of Rattatak, during the final years of the Old Republic.(CWSB)

Kruun, Chenik
This Muun enjoyed the sport of podracing, and sponsored Gilag Pitaaani and team during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Like many of his fellow Muuns, Chenik Kruun cared little for the busines dealings of Nal Kenuun, and was he was happy to learn of the death of Grunta, the Dug who flew the podracer that was sponsored by Kenuun.(RF1)

One of the many pilots who worked for Lando Calrissian in the asteroid belt known as Lando's Folly, Kruuny was one of the pilots who agreed to help Lando's forces try and hold off the first wave of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.(VP)

This was a common name among the Sauvax race.(UANT)

This term from the Bocce langauge translated into Basic as "cruiser".(GPB)

Krykas V
This was a totally uncivilized planet, located in a remote corner of the Mid Rim. Krykas V was surrounded by an intense electromagnetic field, which was strong enough to knock out most starship and ground-based sensors and communication. Compounding the approach to Krykas V was the fact that the planet was located in the midst of a dense asteroid belt. This location resulted in a number of asteroid hits to the surface of the planet each year. The atmosphere of Krykas V was continually clogged with rainstorms, and much of its flat surface was covered with mud lakes and damp earth. While the air on the planet's surface was safe for most humanoids to breathe, it had a heavy moisture content and was thick with a muddy smell.(WOA18)

Krykis IV
It was on this planet that Doctor Corellia Antilles discovered the Voorlach Temple.(SWJ14)

This Alliance General was in charge of the Outer Rim Communications Center during the Galactic Civil War. Kryll was a former Imperial officer who defected to the Alliance after the destruction of Alderaan. He often told his troops that he defected, not because of Alderaan, but because the Empire didn't appreciate his wonderful tenor voice. He later served the New Republic on Generis, and was able to evacuate Travia Chan when the Imperial forces under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn managed to retake the planet.(RASB, TLC)

This was a common name used by the Geonosian race.(UANT)

This planet was located in the Gordian Reach.(MC25)

This city was the capital of the planet Zelos II. Like all Zelosian cities, it was ringed with a 10-meter tall wall, and had a standing garrison. The garrison of Kryndyn numbers 50,000 troops. It had a thriving commodities maket, and provides ample supplies for Zelosian and off-worlder needs.(PG2)

This Corellian youth was rescued by Han Solo and Chewbacca from Ylesia.(RD)

This man was believed to have been the planetary Senator from Malastare, during the early years of the New Order.(TBAD)

Krysusten, Alyk
This man served as the Imperial Governor of the planet Rimma, during the height of the New Order. His job was complicated by the many shantytowns that sprang up in Rimma's major cities, which proved to be hotbeds of Alliance activity.(GCG)

An alien race which worshipped the Emperor Palpatine during the reign of the New Order, the Krytollaks were a warm-blooded, insectile species. They have hard, dense outer shells surrounding tough skeletal structures. Most Krytollaks have brown or black shells. A green shell appears every so often, and was reverred as a sign of greatness. Nobles and ranking officials paint elaborate designs on the shells. They have small eyes hidden within their facial plates, and beak-like mouths. Their ears were really a series of membranes arranged around the facial plates, and they lack a nose as well as a sense of smell. They subsist on plant material and certain rocks and minerals. They were technologically primitive and aloof when they were discovered during the latter years of the Old Republic. When Palpatine rose to power, the Krytollaks - who believe in a single ruler of their own homeworld of Thandruss - deferred to his awesome power. Many Krytollaks infiltrated the Alliance in an effort to provide information to the Empire. It was unknown how the Krytollaks have adapted to life under the auspices of the New Republic.(GG12)

This was the codename for Evir Derricote's alien bioweapon. The Krytos virus was developed to affect only aliens, not humans. This was part of Ysanne Isard's master plan to expose the New Republic as unsympathetic to non-humans. The goal of the Krytos virus was to infect all of the aliens on Coruscant just before the Republic could take control of the planet. Then, just as it was trying to position itself as the dominant government in the galaxy, the aliens would suddenly become ill. Originally developed on Borleias, the Krytos virus initially caused a stupor or listlessness in aliens, followed by a dark discoloration of the skin. The skin would later crack and blister, then seem to melt away. The Krytos virus was designed to infect a cell and multiply within the cell until the cell burst from the pressure. The suddenly-release viruses would infect neighboring cells, continuing to multiply and explode cells. The virus affected all cells in an alien's body, including skin, organs, and bones. One unique side effect of the Krytos virus was that it seemed to ignore nerve cells and pain receptors. Thus, the victim was acutely aware of the pain the virus was causing. Derricote developed the Krytos virus with an antidote: it could be counteracted by immersing the victim in large amounts of bacta. The more widespread the virus is, the more bacta was required to eliminate it. This was the second part of Isard's plan. The Republic could save all of the aliens by providing them with bacta, but it would have to bankrupt itself in order to do it.(WG, KT, EL1)

Kryze, Satine
This noble woman was a duch*ess who hailed from the planet Kalevala. As a young woman, Satince was forced to flee from Kalevala during a period of civil war, and she was escorted to Mandalore by Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Satine and Kenobi developed a deep friendship that might have turned into something more romantic, following an adventure on Draboon, if Kenobi's vows to the Jedi Order had not been so deep. They parted ways on amicable terms, and didn't see each other for many years. During the era of the Clone Wars, duch*ess Satine was named the leader of the Council of Neutral Systems, giving her the power to influence a number of star systems. However, despite the Council's stated intention of staying out of the war, rumors surfaced that duch*ess Satine was amassing a huge army on the planet Mandalore. When an old acquaintence in the form of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived on Mandalore to investigate these rumors, duch*ess Satine was outwardly surprised when he produced a recording of a Mandalorian terrorist who killed himself rather than be captured by Republic forces. She explained that she had been working toward a new vision of a peaceful Mandalore, but the members of the Death Watch - who had been exiled to the moon Concordia - were causing the trouble that was leading to the rumors. As if to underscore her concerns, a terrorist bombed the Peace Park that was established in Sundari, at the same moment that duch*ess Satine was escorting Kenobi on a tour of the city. She then agreed to accompany Kenobi to Concordia, to return the body of the terrorist to its home and to investigate the presence of the Death Watch.

She covered for Kenobi during a dinner with Governor Pre Vizsla, claiming that Kenobi was absent because he was meditating, and not actually carrying on his own secret investigation. After Vizsla revealed that he was the leader of the Death Watch, he was defeated in combat by Kenobi, and forced to flee. Although she refused to believe that the Separatists were involved in Mandalorian politics, duch*ess Satine returned to Mandalore with Kenobi and several Senators who represented the Council of Neutral Systems, and agreed to travel to Coruscant to ask for independence in dealing with the Death Watch threat. However, duch*ess Satine resented the presence of Kenobi, his clones, and his former Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, aboard her transport vessel Coronet. She argued with Kenobi about this during the trip to Coruscant, and their arguments soon reached the ears of the other Senators. Unknown to most of the others aboard the ship, Senator Tal Merrik had secretly brought a group of assassin probes aboard the ship, hoping to capture Satine and silence her. When Kenobi discovered that Merrik was behind the appearance of the killing droids, Merrik grabbed Satine and used her as a hostage to make his way to the bridge. There, he killed the crew and rigged the ship's engines to explode if he wasn't allowed to escape. Merrik continued to use duch*ess Satine as a living shield as he made his way to an escape pod, bt he was distracted when Kenobi arrived. Satine appeared to openly declare her love for Kenobi, and Kenobi admitted that he still loved her. With Merrik griping about their show of affection, Satine stepped on his foot and twisted in his grip, freeing herself and taking possession of Merrik's blaster.

Once safely on Coruscant, duch*ess Satine addressed the Galactic Senate, explaining that the Death Watch was not a galactic concern, and that Mandalore would deal with it. Unfortunately, Chancellor Palpatine produced a recording in which Deputy Minister Jerec explained the Death Watch was much stronger than the Mandalorian government let on. Without proof of her own, Satine was forced to watch helplessly as Chancellor Palpatine called for a vote to send Republic troops to Mandalore. Storming out of the Senate Rotunda, duch*ess Satine was attacked by a Mandalorian warrior, and only barely managed to leap to safety before her speeder crashed into a building. Palpatine refused to investigate the crash, since there appeared to be no evidence to support her claim of an assassination attempt. duch*ess Satine's faith in the Republic was shaken, but came into serious question when the Senate voted to send Republic troops to Mandalore, without her being present. Davu Golec later provided the duch*ess with intelligence that proved Deputy Minister Jerec's statements had been forged, but Satine knew that turning this data over to the Republic had to be done properly. She gave the recordings to Senator Padme' Amidala, then turned herself in after she was wanted in connection with the assassination of Davu Golec. Satine's interrogation was interrupted by Senator Amidala, who presented the actual recordings of Jerec's statements to the authorities. Although Chancellor Palpatine offered his apologies, Satine knew that there was still trouble ahead on Mandalore.(CWTV34, CWTV35, CWTV36)

This was an abbreviation used by the Special Operations units of the Alliance to describe a Kinky Silver Armor, or an Imperial radiation trooper.(GG9)

A red drink favored by the Ssi-ruuvi, its contents were not known.(TB)

This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "mirage."(GPB)

K'sar, Thal
This Bith artisan created the unusual hyperwave transceiver created for the mechno-chair of Nute Gunray, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Thal had spent the last fifteen years hiding on Escarte, hoping to escape notice. Just before Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi located Thal on Escarte, the Bith was arrested on a series of trumped-up charges, although it was clear to everyone that the Bith was going to be executed to keep his secrets safe. Thal was despondent, and was reluctant to assist the Jedi in any way that might hasten his demise. However, with the help of Travale, they were able to escape the prison facility and flee Escarte. Once they were free, Thal revealed that he had actually built two of the transceivers, and both were delivered about a year before the Battle of Naboo. One of them he provided to the Xi Charrians who built the mechno-chair. The other he transported to Raith Sienar. Thal then provided the Jedi with the name Fa'ale Leh, the Twi'lek who transported Sienar's prototype Infiltrator to Darth Sidious.(LEV)

K-Series Droid
This Industrial Automaton series of droids was designed as spaceport control drones. They were tall, awkward-looking automata with clamshell-shaped craniums, long arms, and protruding mid-sections. They were often painted red or yellow to set them apart from normal droids.(GG6)

K-series Transport
This was a nondescript model of transport vessel, produced during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.(DN3)

This was the name of a Tusken Raider individual.(UANT)

This creature, once native to the ancient world of Yuuzhan'tar, was a poisonous beast that was known for its tendency to invade another kshirrup's den and kill it, taking the new den for its own.(FH3)

This species of strong vine was native to the fifth biological level of the jungles found on the planet Kashyyyk. The Wookiees of Kashyyyk discovered that kshyy vines had an incredibly high tensile strength, and were more durable than many composite cables. Thus, kshyy vines were used by Wookiees to operate liftcars and to climb trees.(HTTE, RD, NEGA)

Ksiczzic III
This planet was located in the Mid Rim.(SWJ6)

This was the Nikto name for the Basin of Torturous Flame.(GORW)

This creature, bred by the Yuuzhan Vong, had a shell that could be used for a variety of applications. The shell of the k'snell was hard and durable, and could be grown into vases or other containers.(FH2)

This Yuuzhan Vong frigate was dispatched to transport Nom Anor and Vergere to the Baanu Rass, in orbit near Myrkr, to ensure that the Jedi Knights aboard the Exquisite Death were captured. Unfortunately for the Yuuzhan Vong, Jaina Solo and the surviving Jedi were able to capture the shuttle and use it as their escape ship. They managed to reach Coruscant, but discovered that the planet had already fallen to the Yuuzhan Vong. After assisting in the escape of the Millennium Falcon and her parents, Jaina took the Ksstarr on a short, blind jump into hyperspace. Unfortunately for the fleeing Jedi, the frigate was dying, and needed to be maintained. They chose to take the ship to Hapes in order to recover. After receiving a villip-based communication from the priest Harrar, Jaina Solo chose to rename the frigate as the Trickster.(SBS, DJ)

This pink R2 unit had been given a female personality during the early years of the New Order. She fell in love with R2-D2 when they were imprisoned in the Great Heep's droid harem on Biitu.(TGH, SWDB)

Known as Kate for short, this housekeeping droid was purchased by Luke Skywalker and Ken as a gift to Han Solo. Purchased from the Jawas on Tatooine, Kate was given to Han as a housewarming present. She had a pearlescent outer shell, and was built to resemble a human female was size and shape.(ZHR)

This model of Taim & Bak laser cannon was used on the Dx-9 Delta-class transport.(XW, TSC)

This model of Taim & Bak heavy blaster cannon was used on the Telgorn Gamma-class assault shuttle.(ISB)

This was a Chiss swear word. Because the Chiss rarely showed any sort of emotion, the use of such words was reserved for intense or unusual situations.(FH2)

This gas giant was located in the Expansion region. The Alliance sent operatives to this planet to scout out reserves of tibanna gas, following the Battle of Hoth.(SWJ5)

This was a style of hand-to-hand martial arts studied by the Alliance's Special Forces division. The emphasis of the K'tara style was the maximization of damage to the opponent while minimizing the amount of noise created by the attack. Thus, much of the K'tara martial art was focused on short, quick motions. Alliance agents trained in the use of the K'tara arts could disarm an opponent and render them unconscious in a few swift motions, therby attracting as little attention as possible.(ROE, HG)

Kt'Aya, Zal Afreg
This male Coynite was the junior Zal'Tra of the Kt'Aya clan at the height of the Galactic Civil War. He was the favored son of the oldest Var'Sairk on Coyn, and his father favored remaining neutral in the Galactic Civil War. Zal Afreg was a strict adherent to the En'Tra'Sol, which he also manipulated to his own advantage. However, Zal Afreg had yet to prove his own personal honor, and many believed he didn't have any. His chief rival at the time was Zal Tuag Th'Trar.(PG3)

K'thri Arts
This ancient style of martial arts emphasized unarmed combat. Those beings who understood and practiced the K'thri Arts marked themselves with specialized facial tattoos. Practitioners of the K'trhi Arts focused their movements on speed and fluidity, with sweeping motions that counterpointed quick jabs and fancy footwork. For many decades during the height of the Old Republic, the K'thri style of combat was relegated to a form of sport, because its flowing, fast-paced motions lent themselves as well to entertainment as to combat.(TTSB, LFCW, HG)

This vine grew in the jungles of the planet Kashyyyk. Its strands were incredibly strong and durable, and were used by Wookiees to form the bowstrings for their bowcasters.(EGW)

Ktilac Regions
This area of Imperial space was sparsely populated by humankind during the height of the Galactic Civil War. It was believed that the Old Republic Dreadnaught Noble was lost in this region of space.(AIR)

This was the name given by Mlatar Thon Gra to his personal mosgoth.(AIR)

This was the New Republic bureaucratic operating number of an Ishori traffic controller on Corsucant who refused to let Talon Karrde land, during the Senate deliberations over the Caamas Document.(SOP)

Bogga the Hutt's Dark Side familiar, Ktriss was a large, green Hssiss mutated by the Dark Side power of Lake Natth on Ambria.(TOJ)

This was a unit of measure that described the ability of a starship's sublight engines to produce thrust.(TSC)

Ku, Denua
This Yuuzhan Vong warrior served as one of Warmaster Tsavong Lah's personal guards, during the invasion of the galaxy. Shortly after the Battle of Coruscant, Denua Ku was ordered to watch over Viqi Shesh. It was easy to distinguish Denua Ku from other Yuuzhan Vong, by the simple fact that his skin was dominated by a long and puckering scar. This scar originated atop his skull, then ran down his face and neck, criss-crossing his chest, and then running down his right leg. This was one of the first scars he had caused in his flesh, as many tattooes and scars ran across it. When the Warmaster began suspecting that his failing radank claw implant was the result of the meddling of priests, Denua Ku was placed in charge of rooting out the possible suspects and bringing them before the Warmaster. When it was learned that a Force-wielding being was loose on Coruscant, Denua Ku was ordered to take Viqi Shesh to the planet's surface and locate the being. They were unknowingly searching for the being known as Lord Nyax, and several times their party got separated and Shesh escaped. Denua Ku managed to survive an attack by the Dark Jedi and hunted the former Kuat Senator down using a nisbat. He nearly died during an attack on the Jedi infiltration team lead by Luke Skywalker, falling from a destroyed catwalk and impaling himself on a length of rebar. Mortally wounded, Denua Ku refused to allow the Kuati to escape. He used every last ounce of strength to track her down in the Tersons' apartment. However, rather than die at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong, Shesh threw herself out a window and fell to her death. Denua Ku, too exhausted to continue, died in the apartment.(EL1, EL2)

Ku channa ma flu-atta
This statement from the Ewokese language translated roughly into Basic as "You must be wondering what all the trouble is about."(E6, GPB)

This female Tarasin was a member of The Wyrd during the Clone Wars. Kua was distinguished by her proficiency with all manner of weapons, from primitive cudgels to modern blasters.(LFCW)

This Twi'lek was the leader of the headclan which ruled Kala'uun during the height of the New Order. He gained the position through guile and trickery, despite the accusations of his cousin, Tur'eb Cholakk.(SWJ2, PSPG)

This Twi'lek clan owned a large ryll mine on their homeworld of Ryloth, during the height of the New Order. The clan decided to announce that it would sell off portions of its operations, which spread from Ryloth to Roon, although it never intended to go through with the sale. Instead, the leaders of the Ku'amar clan hoped to eliminate their rivals in one act of violence. They agreed to hold the negotiations in a neutral location, and sent a "suicide emissary" to the meeting. Once there, the emissary set off the bombs he was carrying, killing himself and the other leaders.(GORW)

This was the name of Blik's modified Z-95 Headhunter. The Ku'Amo was armed with a pair of triple blaster cannons and a concussion missile launcher.(MCT3)

One of two habitable planets in the Taroon System, Kuan was invaded by the Empire just before the Battle of Hoth. Kuan and its sister planet, Bordal, had been locked in a bitter, twenty-year war, although no one remembered the exact cause. The Kuan economy was in ruins, and the planetary government had declared martial law. The Empire, seeing an opportunity, entered the system to bring news of Palpatine's removal of the supposed dead wood of the Old Republic. The Empire blamed the planet's economic crisis on the Old Republic, and swayed the Kuani to join the Empire. Kuan was orbited by many moons.(TSC)

This gas giant was the third world in the Kidron System, located in the Elrood Sector. It was surrounded by a spectacular ring system, and had 22 natural satellites.(PG3)

This was the fifth planet, and the primary world, in the Kuar System, which was located near the Empress Teta System. This world was conquered by the ancient Mandalorian warriors when they attacked the Tetan worlds prior to the Great Sith War, and the Mandalorians established a gladiatorial combat training center on the planet. It was here, millenia later, that Fonterrat provided Bornan Thul with a datadisk containing the location of the Emperor's plague storehouse. By the time Thul arrived, Kuar was little more than a dustball covered with the ruins of Mandalorian architecture. Reptiles had taken over as the dominant form of life on the planet, in the centuries since any sentients beings had walked on its surface. Beneath the surface, swarms of combat arachnids evolved from the individuals that had been left behind when Kuar was abandoned. In his wake, Thul left behind a message that explained he had knowledge of a plot to destroy all human life in the galaxy.(TSW, DIV, TEP, SWI80)

This alien race was once native to the planet Kuar, until they were exterminated by the ancient Mandalorian Crusaders.(SWI80)

Kuari Princess
This Mon Calamari MC80 luxury spaceliner was known for its slafcourses, which were famous throughout the galaxy. The Kuari Princess was the flagship of Galaxy Tours, and had accommodations for up to 3,500 passengers of 27 unique species. It measured 500 meters in length, and was manned by 840 crewers, 500 droids, and 60 security officers. It was lightly armed, with 10 turbolaser batteries. The Kuari Princess had a long and storied history, including one trip through the Maelstrom in which it was hijacked by the Riders of the Maelstrom as part of a plot to destroy Rodin Higron's base on the planet Oasis. It was even believed that the droid bounty hunter 4-LOM was once a valet and human-relations droid who served aboard the ship.(RPG, RM, GG3)

Kuari Princess II
This was the sister ship to the original Kuari Princess.(GUN)

Kuari Suites
One of the most luxurious accommodations on the Kuari Princess, the Kuari Suites can be reserved for about a 1,000 credits a night.(RM)

This was the term used to describe the six dialects that were spoken by the human natives of the planet Kuat.(RF3)

This planet was of prime importance to the New Order, for the Kuat Drive Yards shipyards there were among the first to mass-produce warships for the Empire. It was originally settled around the same time as the formation of the Old Republic, some 25,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, by a group of merchant families who hoped to form the most influential ship-building operation in the galaxy. They terraformed the planet and developed it into a temperate world which was devoid of predators, then began creating vast orbital shipyards. In spite of opposition from the trade consortiums of the age, the family managed to create the Kuat Drive Yards. The relationship between Kuat and the Empire was formed during the early days of the New Order, and blossomed when the Kuat Drive Yards were made into the primary facility for the construction of Star Destroyers. A forested world of pastoral beauty, Kuat was one of four planets located in the Kuat Sector, located in the most densely-populated area of the galaxy. The planet was orbited by three immense space stations, built by the Empire to manage traffic in and out of the system. The Kuat Passenger Port was dedicated to civilian and tourist traffic. The Kuat Freight Port was dedicated to the transport of goods to and from Kuat. The third station was strictly for use by the Imperial military,and controlled all access to the surface of Kuat. During the Clone Wars, the proximity of Kuat to Neimoidia - separated by less than six parsecs - put the two worlds into direct competition. Kuati officials tried to infiltrate Neimoidian facilities by sending in modified worker droids with concealed spyware, but Neimoidian paranoia had placed safeguards around their all their technologies.(SWSB, XWN, MA, PSPG, EGP, SWI68, CCW)

This was the name of the strongest of the many family clans which ruled the planet Kuat. The Kuat family could trace its origins back to the Core Founders, a fact that made them of uptmost importance to Kuati society. Like all Kuati families, they continued to enhance their bloodlines by using telbuns to birth their children. However, the Kuat family maintained a strong genetic structure, and proved themselves more than able to manage the huge Kuat Drive Yards. Several generations prior to the Battle of Yavin, all the great families agreed on the Inheritance Exemption, which allowed the Kuat family to pass control of KDY down through successive generations. This was challenged by several families just prior to the Battle of Endor, a coup attempt which was successfully averted by Kuat of Kuat only by nearly destroying the KDY facilities.(MA, SLS, HM, SWDB)

This star was the central body of the Kuat System.(CCW)

Kuat, Onara
This woman was the matriarch of the Kuat family during the final years of the Old Republic. Like other members of her family, Onara was keenly aware that the individual who represented Kuat in the Galactic Senate needed to consider not only the good of the Kuati people, but that fortunes of Kuat Drive Yards. This sometimes conflicting pair of objectives meant that the Kuat family almost always chose its Senatorial representative, and Onara was no different than her ancestors in this responibility. Her first choice was Risi Lenoan, but questionable bookkeeping practices implicated her in a loss of credits at KDY. Onara replaced Lenoan with Giddean Danu, believing that he would prove to be easier to control. When she learned that Danu had joined the Delegation of Two Thousand, she tried to remove him from office, but Kuat of Kuat blocked her attempt. When Danu then decided to reform Kuati politics, and set out to investigate the activities of several powerful families, Onara knew that something had to be done. There were too many secrets in the history of the Kuat family that might be borne out in such an investigation. She discovered an ally in Tannon Praji, who agreed to put Onara in contact with Ottegru Grey, in return for her unfailing loyalty to the newly-named Emperor Palpatine.(SWDB)

Kuat Central Authority
This was the security force which controlled the movement of starships to and from the Kuat Drive Yards facilities in orbit near the planet Kuat. It also controlled the traffic destined to the planet itself.(IF)

Kuat City
This was one of the largest cities on the planet Kuat, and it served as the primary debarkation point for any being - Kuati or otherwise - who landed on the planet's surface. Offworlders were forced to wade through piles of regulations and costly permits in order to leave the city.(HT, CCW)

Kuat Commerce Council
This governmental agency was responsible for establishing, maintaining, and growing all forms of business which took place on Kuat or within the Kuat System.(PSPG)

Kuat Drive Systems
see Kuat Systems Engineering(SWG2P)

Kuat Drive Yards
KDY was one of the top three starship manufacturers in the galaxy, along with the Corellian Engineering Corporation and Sienar Fleet Systems. KDY was controlled by the ruling families of the planet Kuat, with each new ruler being chosen from among the most competent in a vote. However, it was determined that the Kuat family had the most aptitude for running the huge corporation, and the ruling families established the Inheritance Exemption. This allowed control of KDY to pass from one generation of the Kuat family to the next, thereby ensuring that the most able of the Kuat minds was continually in control of the corporation. This meant that KDY was always generating vast amounts of wealth for all the ruling families. Kuat Drive Yards remained independent from any governmental body, from the time of its inception during the Old Republic throughout the New Order of Emperor Palpatine. It was perhaps most famous for its production of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer. It also produced many shipboard components, as well as the Nebulon-B frigate. KDY had once been part of the Techno Union, and began experimenting with the development of massive starships shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. However, KDY's management decided to split from the Techno Union and built its ships for the Old Republic. The corporation aligned itself with the Empire in the wake of the Clone Wars, and remained pro-Imperial after the Battle of Endor. During the last decades of the Old Republic, KDY was part of the Trade Federation. However, during the Eriadu Conference, the Neimoidians staged their bloody takeover of the Federation, killing several top Kuati officials. It was then than KDY severed all ties with the Federation and provided its knowledge and facilities to the Old Republic. KDY was also one of the original Signatory Sponsors of the Corporate Sector Authority. Unknown to most buyers, every ship which left Kuat Drive Yards was given a regulator subcode in its computer system. This trapdoor allowed Kuat Drive Yards engineers to obtain control of a ship for diagnostics and repairs. These codes could also be used to break into a ship and take control from its user. This fact was never revealed, in part to save KDY from the wrath of Emperor Palpatine. During the last days of the New Order, shortly before the Battle of Endor, much of Kuat Drive Yards was destroyed by Kuat of Kuat. He hoped to ensure that no one - not the Empire, the Alliance, or Kodir of Kuhlvult - would take control of the operation. He acted nobly, but was unaware of the forces around him. In fact, the bounty hunter Boba Fett was his greatest ally, and helped expose Kodir's treacherous plans. The future leaders of KDY maintained Kuat of Kuat's series of explosives, which could be detonated if the facilities ever were in danger of being captured.(JS, SCRE, EGV, CSA, MA, SLS, HM, IF, NEGW, NECH)

Kuat Engineering Systems
see Kuat Systems Engineering(SWG2P)

Kuat Escort Frigate
see Nebulon-B Frigate(DFR)

Kuat Explorer
This ancient colony ship predated the Old Republic, and brought the first colonists to the planet Alsakan.(CSA)

Kuat Fleet Systems
see Kuat Systems Engineering(SWG2P)

Kuat Freight Port
A division of Kuat Drive Yards, the Freight Port handled all incoming shipments of raw materials as well as movement of materials within the Drive Yards. Despite its name, the port was actually located some distance from Kuat, on the edge of the Inner Kuat Transfer Zone, in order to protect the planet itself from being deluged with traffic.(SWJ9, PSPG)

Kuat Leisure
A subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards, Kuat Leisure produced a number of pleasure starships during the last decades of the Old Republic.(SWI66)

Kuat of Kuat
This descendant of the ancient Kuat family controlled the vast Kuat Drive Yards during the last years of the Old Republic and throughout the New Order. Although never truly appreciated, Kuat of Kuat worked diligently to maintain the independence of KDY in the face of Emperor Palpatine's growing power. He fiercely refused to be part of the first Death Star project, an action denounced by the ruling families of Kuat until the station was destroyed near Yavin. Unknown to most of the Kuati clans until the end of the New Order, Kuat even tried to eliminate Prince Xizor of Black Sun, when the Falleen began trying to take control of the shipyards. The plot involved implicating Xizor in the deaths of Owen and Beru Lars on Tatooine, an event which Kuat recorded and later added traces of Falleen pheromones to an olfactory sensor. If the plan worked, Luke Skywalker would break off his involvement with the Alliance long enough to eliminate Xizor, thereby removing one of Kuat's chief enemies. The plot never got a chance to succeed, because the droid containing the falsified evidence was lost by its courier, Ree Duptom, when his ship's engines failed. The droid fell into the hands of Boba Fett, and Kuat found himself trying to kill the bounty hunter in order to recover the droid. Several attempts were made, including a bombing run in the Tatooine desert near the Sarlacc pit, to ensure Fett's death. These efforts didn't go unnoticed, though, as several of the other Kuati families took them as personal vendettas and signs that Kuat was no longer working in KDY's best interests. The family's plotting eventually took in Kuat's security chief, Fenald, and his replacement, Kodir of Kuhlvult. Through it all, however, Kuat maintained the upper hand. In the end, he was forced to destroy the KDY facilities, rather than let them fall into the hands of anyone else. In this, too, Kuat was thwarted by the efforts of the Alliance and Boba Fett himself. The bounty hunter managed to flee the destruction in a slaved Star Destroyer, taking with him most of the explosives Kuat had hoped to use. In the end, Kuat returned to the main facilities and was killed in the explosions he himself had set off.(MA, SLS, HM)

Kuat Passenger Port
This was the Kuat orbital spaceport which handled passenger traffic. Like the Kuat Freight Port, the Passenger Port was located some distance from Kuat itself on the edge of the Inner Kuat Transfer Zone. The Port was made up of five domes, with four of the domes designed for docking and the central dome for a hub. One outer dome served those passengers traveling to or from worlds outside the Core. Another served those travelers heading to or from Core worlds. Another dome served Imperial installations, while the fourth dome was for passengers heading to ro from Kuat itself.(PSPG)

Kuat Photonics
This privately-held corporation was based on the planet Kuat during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Several ships being used to ferry supplies to the Peace Brigade were traced by Talon Karrde back to Kuat Photonics, but there was no way to implicate anyone specifically in the supplying of the ships. Han Solo had hoped to find Viqi Shesh among the corporate owners, but there was no evidence to that effect.(EVR)

Kuat Sector
This area of the galaxy's Core contained the planet Kuat.(CCW)

Kuat Systems Engineering
KSE was a short-lived subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards created in the waning days of the Old Republic. It produced a few well-designed but poorly marketed starships, including the CloakShape fighter and the Firespray-class attack ship. The lack of sales eventually led to KSE being re-integrated under the KDY banner as an after-market upgrade kit manufacturer. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, KSE was sold off to a group of Imperial loyalists. It was later revealed that the loyalists were really Vaathkree merchants with strong ties to the New Republic. The Dark Empire Sourcebook says that KSE was the forerunner of KDY was charged with developing new starfighters for the Empire. One of their first starships was the CloakShape Fighter.(MTS, DESB, EGV)

Kuat Vehicles
This small branch of Kuat Drive Yards manufactured terrestrial transportation, such as swoops.(GG9)

Kuat Vonak
This small corporation produced several versions of laser cannons for light to medium duty.(OE)

This was the term used to describe the human inhabitants of the planet Kuat. True Kuati could trace their family roots back to the ten merchant families who first terraformed the planet, more than 25,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Note that The Cestus Deception indicates that Kuati had emerald eyes and were covered with scales.(CCW, TCD)

Kuati First Holo-News
This sensationalist tabloid had an office on Coruscant, from which was reported on the trial of Tycho Celchu.(KT)

Kuati Security Forces
This was the primary police and security force that protected the planet Kuat and its surrounding system.(CCW)

This was a basic unit of measurement used by the Jawas for Tatooine. Traditionally, one kuba was the distance between the first and last Jawa in a line that was formed by a single clan that was moving through the desert. Thus, depending on the size of the clan, the value of a single kuba varied greatly, and was usually different from tribe to tribe.(GPB, E4VG)

This blue giant star was the primary sun in the Ku'Bakai System, which contained the planet Kubindi and three other, life-supporting worlds. The Kubaz, which were native to Kubindi, colonized the sixth, eighth, and eleventh worlds as insect farms, raising all manner of insects to cater to their every taste. The first four planets in the system were sterile worlds, having been scoured by the intense solar flares given off by the star in a brief series of pulses millennia ago. These flares were well-known to astronomers for their beauty.(SCRE, MTS, GG4, SWJ10, MIS6)

This man was one of the first Jedi Knights to encounter a Yuuzhan Vong warrior in combat, some three months after the aliens began their invasion of the known galaxy. An operative with the New Republic Intelligence agency, Kubariet was on New Holgha when the attack came, an attack that the Mandalorians had warned the New Republic about weeks earlier. When Kubariet was cornered in an alleyway, the Yuuzhan Vong sent Boba Fett and his Mandalorians to kill the Jedi. Fett and his team were not about to kill the Jedi, however, and planned to provide him with all the information they had gained on the Yuuzhan Vong. They figured that, even if the New Republic had ignored their warning about New Holgha, the government couldn't ignore the truth from a Jedi Knight.

Once the Mandalorians were sure that Kubariet was safe, Tiroc Vohn accompanied him out of the city and secured his escape. Kubariet contacted Fett again a few weeks later, to confirm the information that the Mandalorians provided was real, and to seal their deal. Kubariet tried to offer Fett more, but the Mandalore refused, claiming that he needed Nom Anor and the Yuuzhan Vong to continue to believe that the Mandalorians were their allies. Kubariet then asked Fett if any of his Mandalorians would agree to help train New Republic soldiers, in the style of the Cuy'val Dar, a request that Fett agreed to take back to his soldiers.

In the years following the Yuuzhan Vong War, Fett and many other Mandalorians had little or no trust for the Jedi, given their experiences during the final years of the Old Republic and the evolution of the Galactic Alliance. That said, Fett agreed to train Jaina Solo in the Mandalorian way of fighting, hinting that maybe it was time to start trusting the Jedi again.(PM, LF8)

An alien race hailing from the planet Kubindi, the Kubaz were distinguished by their dark green skin, a prehensile trunk, and large eyes. Within the trunk were two rows of teeth and a special gland that helped heighten their sense of smell. The eyes of the Kubaz were sensitive to the red spectrum of light, and many individuals wore protective goggles when they were away from their homeworld. As a race, the Kubaz tended to be clan-oriented, with each clan protecting its property from other rival clans.

The intense solar flares from their planet's sun nearly destroyed the majority of food sources on the planet, and the Kubaz were forced to hunt insects as a staple diet. This led to the rival clans raiding each others' insect farms. These so-called Hive Wars were resolved when the Kubaz found a way to alter the genetics of their insects to not only improve their reproduction, but to identify an insect by its colorings as the property of a certain clan. This newly-formed science of Insecticulture helped keep the rival clans from feuding, and also allowed the Kubaz to expand their horizons.

Over time, the Kubaz eventually discovered space travel, and soon populated three of the eleven worlds orbiting the sun Ku'Bakai. This ability to move off-planet then introduced the Kubaz to their neighbors, the Verpine. Because the Verpine were an insectile race by nature, the space-faring Kubaz decided that the Verpine would be very tasty, and began to hunt them as an additional food source. This activity was deemed illegal by the Galactic Senate, although poachers still operated on the fringes of the Old Republic.

During the era of the New Order, the Kubaz were known to have started work on their own hyperdrive systems, but were thwarted by Imperial sabotage. When the Kubaz discovered the Empire's treachery, many individuals chose to leave their homeworld and join the Alliance.

When the Yuuzhan Vong took control of Kubindi, some twenty-seven years after the Battle of Yavin, they exterminated virtually every insect species which had been cultivated by the Kubaz. This left the surviving population with little or no food, and many Kubaz starved to death because they were unable to consume other types of food. After the end of the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, the surviving Kubaz began to return to their homeworld, in an effort to restore its former glory.

Whiloe most beings saw the Kubaz as spies and espionage agents, the Kubaz were also noted for their love of the arts and literature, as well as a love for learning that bordered on obsessiveness. When meeting new beings or when in new situations, a Kubaz will ask question after question, almost to the point of annoying their companions. Most of their economy, technology, and government were based on their insecticulture.(E4, TLC, SCRE, MTS, GG4, NJOSB, NEGA)

This was another name for the Kubazi language.(MIS6)

Kubaz Insect
This small sculpture was carved from a single diamond-fusion crystal about a third of a meter in height. As a gemstone, its value was incalculable. As a work of art, it was priceless. The statue was stolen by the small-time theived Lauren and Sam from the collection of Rock'co on Narigus III, although it was later discovered that Rock'co's statue was a fake.(GMS)

Kubaz Xirconia
This abundant, clear stone was often used as a substitute for real diamonds.(MJEH)

This species of beetle was common on the surface of Mustafar. A species of hive-minded insects, kubaza fed on the minerals and ores that were deposited by the continual flow of lava on the planet's surface. What distinguished the kubaza beetle from other such insects was its ability to explode when killed, a sort of defense mechanism that served to protect future generations from devastation.(SWGAL)

Kubaza Carbine
This custom-crafted model of blaster carbine was develped during the height of the New Order. It was unusual in that it was equipped with a bio-link module that allowed the user to interface directly with the weapon during combat.(SWGAL)

This was the native language of the Kubaz race. While much of the verbal portion of the language consisted of squeaks and squeals, a large portion of the communication between Kubaz was non-verbal. Subtle movements of the hands and the trunk of an individual provided a wealth of information and provided subtle contexts to a conversation. The trunk was also used to indicate emotions, such a curling of the trunk to indicate a smile.(ANT, NEGA)

This was another name for the native language of the Kubaz race.(FH3)

This planet was the homeworld of the Kubaz, and was the fifth planet orbiting the sun Ku'Bakai. Because Kubindi orbited very close to Ku'Bakai, the frequent solar flares razed the planet's surface, destroying much of the plant and animal life. The primary survivors of the flares were insects, of which there were millions of species on the planet by the time of the Galactic Civil War. Other creatures that managed to survive evolved into insect-eaters, like the Kubaz, which also inhabited the 6th, 8th, and 11th worlds in the Ku'Bakai system. However, it was only the poor or disgraced Kubaz that still clung to existence on Kubindi. Note that Star Wars Missions #6 - The Search for Grubba the Hutt indicates that Kubindi was a thriving world, with green farmland being intermixed with lush, purple jungles and wide rivers. It also explains that Kubindi was only "newly discovered" at the time of the Battle of Yavin. Kubindi was located in the Calaron Sector. The day on Kubindi lasted 48 standard hours, and it year encompassed 420 local days. The planet was overtaken by the Yuuzhan Vong some twenty-seven years after the Battle of Yavin, following the subjugation of Falleen and Rodia. Kyp Durron and his group of vigilantes, Kyp's Dozen, held off the alien invaders long enough for every spaceworthy ship to flee the planet. It was believed that the Kubaz were attractive targets to the Yuuzhan Vong because of their history of genetic manuipulation of insects. However, the Yuuzhan Vong exterminated virtually every insect species cultivated by the Kubaz, and reformed Kubindi for their own needs. Note that this planet was named Kubindin in Secrets of Tatooine.(TLC, SCRE, MTS, REB, SWJ10, BP, SOT, NJOSB, MIS6)

Kubindian Royal Jelly Roll
This unusual dessert was made popular by Kubaz chefs who used all sorts of insects in their cuisines. The Kubindian Royal Jelly Roll was created by spreading a unique royal jelly in between layers of moist cake, which was then rolled into a log and served in round slices. Definitely not for every palate, the royal jelly was created by blending together worker zingbees, arthopinians, and pectin-flies. The roll and each individual slice were then coated with powered sun beetle chitin.(OWS)

see Kubindi(SOT)

This hulking Devaronian, distinguished by the concave, curving horns that crowned his head, was part of the gang that was led by Grintlok. About a year before the Battle of Hoth, the gang kidnapped Princess Mi of Orocco and held her for ransom, only to learn that the planet Orocco had been subjugated by the Empire, and King Arturo was unable to pay the ransom. Grintlok decided to move the Princess to their base on Raltac III, hiring Han Solo to carry out the job so that Grintlok and his gang could avoid any complications. However, Raze then hired them to rescue the Princess, and gave orders to the gang and other bounty hunters that the kidnappers were to be severely punished. The gang was forced to rush to Raltac III, in an attempt to beat Solo there and claim to have rescued the Princess when Solo arrived. However, Solo landed on Cataalda instead, forcing the gang to follow him to the planet's surface. There, Kubla and the others tried to recover Princess Mi, but were thwarted by Solo's actions and the sudden appearance of Tookra, his droid K1L-R, and the bounty hunter Dust. In the midst of their scuffles, King Arturo and Raze also arrived on Cataalda, giving Leia Organa an opportunity to return Princess Mi to her father. When Mi explained that it had been Grintlok and his gang who had originally kidnapped her, Raze threatened Kubla and the entire gang with physical harm.(PLRR)

Kubrai-class Transport
This was a Mandalorian transport design, produced in small numbers during the early years of the New Republic. This ship measured twenty meters in length, and could be operated by a single pilot. It could accommodate up to four passengers and thirty-two metric tons of cargo, and could be outfitted with a variety of defensive weapons.(GMR9)

This Gallofree medium transport was used by the Alliance to transport bacta during the Galactic Civil War.(XWA)

This was a form of Expansionist Era Hutt artwork.(SSR)

This man was a planetary governor during the last decades of the Old Republic. Kucheel was known as a stern leader and a vengeful man. This latter trait was made evident in the way that he placed a bounty on the head of Keezo Stoolie, even after Stoolie had been arrested and sent to the Oovo IV prison facility.(BH)

This herding beast was native to the planet Rutan. They were known throughout the galaxy for their bronze, metallic hides, and were hunted by the Rutanians. Individual kudanas were beautiful animals, standing two meters or more at the shoulder, with muscular bodies and strong presences. The head of the kudana seemed small for its body, but its heavy jaws were filled with teeth that could crush wood into pulp as a foodsource. Kudana's used their sharp hooves to dig for vegetation and roots, which made up the rest of their diet. The hide of a kudana was exceptionally tough, and required a great deal of labor to tan properly. Despite their size, kudanas were skittish creatures that were easily spooked. Because of the popularity of their hides, kudanas were once exported from Rutan, in an attempt to establish other viable populations. However, they seemed to survive only on their homeworld, which suited the Rutanians just fine, as they were able to keep all the profits and control the market for kudana hides.(SP, UA)

Kuda's Compound
This building adjoins The Pits, and was owned by the Herglic Kaylo NaKuda. It was a large garage and vehicle dealership, and could handle just about any repair or modification to a swoop or speederbike.(WSV)

A rural province found on the planet Vodran.(SWJ6)

This Rodian was a noted pazaak player who lived on the planet Tatooine, some four millennia before the Battle of Yavin.(KOTOR)

This was a common, though archaic, female name given to Sullustan females. It referred to a kind of jewelry worn by wealthy Sullustan ladies.(GCG)

This form of Sullustan jewelry was worn by only the wealthiest of Sullustan ladies.(GCG)

The pseudonym adopted by the failed Jedi student Dolph, during his attempt to wrest power from Leia Organa-Solo and take control of the New Republic. Dolph assumed the name Kuellar after defeating the Je'Har, and he began using a Hendanyn death mask to cover his face. The mask hung on a silver chain when he wasn't wearing it.(TNR)

This ancient Almania military leader served as an army general several centuries before the Galactic Civil War. A human, Kuellar conquered the planet and the Je'Har before taking control of the entire Almanian System and the surrounding sector. Although he was generally regarded as ruthless and deadly, Kuellar was also known as a beloved and respected leader to the Almanian peoples.(TNR)

This man was a tibanna gas miner who later joined the Cloud City Wing Guard. When not on active duty, Kuep maintained a small mining operation to supplement his income.(JKG)

This was a common name given to male Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded names.(GCG)

This Gamorrean sow was a member of the Bolgoink clan, and was married to Vrokk. After Vrokk was murdered, Kufbrug brought out a series of parchments which she claimed were love letters from Guth. She produced them as corroborating evidence of Guth's signature on a document which challenged Vrokk to a duel. Vrokk died shortly after reading the document, killed by a poison hidden in the seal used to close it. Callista Ming, however, knew that Guth couldn't sign his own name, let alone write love letters. Despite Callista's obvious friendship with Guth, Kufbrug allowed the human time to seek out Vrokk's killer. Kufbrug later admitted that she liked Guth more than Vrokk, and thought that the two might run away together.(SWJ14)

Kugel, Aldrich
An Imperial officer on Cilpar, following the Battle of Endor.(XWRS)

This short-statured, vile Gamorrean served as the planetary Governor of Dodz, during the decade leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Governor Kugg employed a huge assassin droid, known as the Destroyer, as his right-hand man, preferring to keep his own hands clean of the dirty businesses he operated on the side. To keep himself rich and in power, Kugg levied heavy taxes on the citizens of Dodz, destroying their homes and imprisoning them if they couldn't pay. However, when the Destroyer was defeated by an old Ranger X-1 defense droid owned by Jost Ellon, Kugg found himself powerless to maintain his grip on the Citizen's Council. Kugg was quickly arrested and imprisoned for his actions.(MDCAR)

This was a kind of moderately valuable gemstone.(FOP)

Kuh, Zilaash
This dark-haired woman was one of the bounty hunters who were hired by Chief of State Natasi Daala to serve as a kind of protective defense force, during the years following the end of the Second Galactic Civil War. Kuh and her partner, a Rodian named Kaddit, were part of the team that was assigned to track down Valin Horn, when the young Jedi went on a destructive rampage that disrupted the opening of the Unification Summit on Coruscant. The Jedi Order was intrigued by the fact that Zilaash Kuh carried a lightsaber attached to her belt, and discovered that it was a well-made replica of the weapon once wielded by Obi-Wan Kenobi. It was believed that she used the lightsaber as a way to deter any potential targets who might think of trying to escape from her. Zilaash Kuh and Dhidal Nyz were later assigned to a mission to capture Seff Hellin, after the former Jedi Knight was found sneaking around the Armand Isard Correctional Facility, were Valin Horn was being held prisoner. However, before they could reach Hellin, Kuh and Nyz were forced out of the chase by Jagged Fel and Tahiri Veila.(FJ1)

Kuh kiminay po luza?
This question from the Jawaese language translated into Basic as "Do you offer road service?", and was often heard when renting a landspeeder from Jawas.(GPB)

This was one of the ruling families of the planet Kuat.(SLS)

This former Yuuzhan Vong Shaper was among the many Shamed Ones who were forced to live beneath the surface of the planet Coruscant, after it was reshaped into a simulacrum of Yuuzhan'tar. Kuhqo believed the words of the Prophet, Yu'shaa, and set out to prove that Supreme Overlord Shimrra was a fraud. Kuhqo managed to steal an executor's qahsa and opened it, discovering a wealth of information about the Jedi Knights. His investigation also revealed a connection between the Yuuzhan Vong, the Jedi Knights, and a "living planet." Because the Shamed Ones knew nothing of Zonama Sekot, they used Kuhqo's discoveries to begin a search for the living planet.(FP)

This man served the Empire as a Major in the Army, and was a noted AT-AT commander. Upon returning from a mission in which he failed to capture Luke Skywalker, Major Kuhru was compelled to walk out of an airlock - without an environment suit - by Darth Vader.(LTA3, MC51)

This hot, seared ball of rock was the second planet in the Kothlis System, and was orbited by a single moon. Barely large enough to be called a planet, Kuk'tar was being torn asunder by the proximity of Koth-lar's intense gravity.(SPG)

This Hutt was in charge of the Guarja Shipyards on Nal Hutta, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo.(BH)

This was the Kriek term used to describe a shaman or priest. They accepted a life outside a clan, hoping to become closer to the gods Br'lai and T'kor.(SWJ13)

Meaning "bitter", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to describe an individual.(GCG)

Kuldi, Ai-Ari
This Jedi Master was one of many who assumed military positions of power within the Grand Army of the Republic when the Clone Wars broke out. Master Kuldi was assigned as the Commander of the Republic's Fifth Fleet, was later placed in charge of defending the Cularin System and the Jedi academy on Almas. However, when it was announced that the Cularin System had seceded from the Republic - although it was pointed out that it had not joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems - Master Kuldi was forced to withdraw his forces and return to Republic-controlled space. In his final transmission to Cularin, Kuldi said, "I am sorry, Cularin. You were on your own. Good luck."(LFCW)

Kulka, Iwo
This Ho'Din Jedi Knight was among the small group of Jedi that was rescued by Roan Shryne and the crew of the Drunk Dancer, in the wake of the Clone Wars. Kulka's Padawan was killed in the firefight that erupted when their clone troopers received the command to execute Order 66, and Kulka escaped with many bruised and a leg injury. After escaping the attack, Kulka heard the 913 call that was issued by Siadem Forte, and joined the Jedi Knight on Dellalt before fleeing and being rescued by Shryne. The group managed to survive a brief stopover on Jaguada's moon, before Olee Starstone set off on her own, and Shryne remained with the crew of the Drunk Dancer. Although Kulka had deferred to Shryne's leadership, he chose to follow Starstone's lead and set off with her to locate any other surviving Jedi. On Kashyyyk, the group of Jedi hoped to learn more about the fates of Yoda, Quinlan Vos, and Luminara Unduli, but were instead confronted by Darth Vader himself. After Vader injured Forte and Kulka, Klossi Anno tried to attack on her own. Vader slashed her across the back before decapitating both Forte and Kulka.(RDV)

This Huttese term was used to describe perfect weather conditions for a given event.(E1A14)

This heavy-handed Nikto served the Thaereian Navy during the final decades of the Old Republic. When the Clone Wars broke out, Kulkis had attained the rank of Commander, but never forgot that he was only as good as the soldiers who served under him. He commanded the Bravedawn, and was known among his peers as "Cruel Kiss", because his seemingly genuine concern could turn to severe and unwarranted punishment in a heartbeat. However, as the war against Cularin and the conflict in the greater galaxy continued to take its toll in lives, Kulkis began to question the need for further military activity. During a surprise inspection of the barracks, he discovered Nightwing cleaning his weapon. Nightwing was unable to find the source of a problem, as was Kulkis, and the Nikto decided to use the situation to explain his beliefs. He drew a knife on Nightwing and tried to attack him, but the younger man was able to twist the knife away from himself. When they fell to the floor, the knife pierced Kulkis' chest, puncturing his lungs. As Kulkis died, he tried to explain to Nightwing that the weapon - not the soldier - was the problem all along, and that sometimes, the weapon needed to simply be discarded.(LFCW)

This was a common name given to male Duros children. The origin of the name Kulpors was unknown.(GCG)

This planet, the third world in the same star system as Belderone, was targeted for subjugation by the Empire during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The native of Kulthis had grown restless after the Empire established it laboratory on Belderone, and had begun to rebel. The Allliance caught word of their activities and agreed to help keep the system free.(LTA1, MCA3)

This was one of the more common names given to males of the Mon Calamari race. To the Mon Calamari, this name meant "remembered" - or, more literally, "within memory".(GCG)

A Calamarian company which produced passenger bathyspheres for use in the Calamari seas.(DU)

Kum, Sirta
This Ho'Din physician was once an assistant to Doctor T'jaleq Kith'Araquia.(SWJ1)

A group of Alliance Nebulon-B frigates destroyed during the Galactic Civil War.(TIE)

This Hutt was one of Jabba's most efficient underlings, during his reign as the top Hutt crimelord. She was loyal and also quick-witted, and wasted no time in carving out her own piece of Jabba's empire following his death on Tatooine. Shortly afterward, Kumac engineered an escape plan that freed Brahle Logris from prison on Tamazall. She hoped to use Logris' talents to her own advantage, but Logris was eventually captured by the Sector Rangers.(GG11)

Kumas, Mif
This Calibop served as the sergeant-at-arms for the new Republic Senate during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.(HT)

This starshipwright developed several warship designs during the Old Republic, including the Cal-class warship. They operated under the control of Vall Kumauri, and based many of their designs on the original Kumauri Battleship.(CRO)

Kumauri, Vall
Some 10,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, this upstart young warlord seized control of several remote star systems in an effort to establish his own little empire outside the control of the Old Republic. He had a great deal of knowledge about starships, and was instrumental in the design and manufacture of the Kumauri Battleship, named for himself. His shiny star collapsed and imploded after only a few years, but the designs of the Kumauri Battleship was maintained and modified by Kumauri starshipwrights.(CRO)

Kumauri Battleship
This ancient ship was designed and manfuactured by Vall Kumauri, and served as the flagship of his personal fleet. Its design was considered highly-advanced for its age - some 10,000 years before the Battle of Yavin - and was best-known for the huge mass drive weapon slung over its main hull. It was also armed with several tractor beams, which were used to capture asteroids for use as projectile weapons. Once collected, the asteroids were shot out of the mass drive weapon's bore at a target. These natural weapons were capable of leveling entire cities, and made the Kumauri Battleship a terror to confront. Many of its design aspects, including the mass drive weapon, were later incorporated into the Cal-class warship.(CRO)

Kuminee bok cuza?
This question from the Jawaese language translated into Basic as "How far?."(GPB)

This Tarasin was the only surviving member of an exploration team which discovered Cave City, on the moon of Rennokk. All the other members of the team were killed by a great lava worm, and Kum'Jushkin himself claimed that the worm attacked his starship as he lifted off to flee. He spent the rest of his life in a drunken stupor, ranting about the remnants of an ancient civlization on Rennokk and the lava worm that protected it.(LFC)

This was the Kaleesh word for Incubus, a religious reference to one who would burden the dreams of an individual.(OWS)

Kummar, Ronderu lij
A native of the Grendaju area of Kalee, this female Kaleesh was something of a legend among her people, because of her strange role in the Huk Wars. As her name suggested, Ronderu was known in Kaleesh histories as the Incubus, a monicker that arose from her mysterious appearance in a dream experienced by the Kaleesh General, Qymaen jai Sheelal. In his dream, Qymaen believed that he was on a mumuu hunt, and was destined to kill one of the beasts in order to fulfill his destiny. Instead of finding the mumuu, however, Qymaen discovered Ronderu, and they immediately forged an intense bond. Little was know of Ronderu's own history, save that her family and clan had been killed years earlier. Because Kaleesh religious beliefs held that the dead ascended to godhood, many Kaleesh believed that they had died by Ronderu's own hand, as she claimed to have been descended directly from the ancient gods. Ronderu remained by Qymaen's side throughout the remainder of the Huk Wars, prompting the Kaleesh people to consider them the living manifestation of the Sheelal. Ronderu later died in the fighting, when she was impaled by a group of Huk warriors on the shore of the Jenuwaa Sea. Her body was washed away by the waves, leaving Qymaen with a devastating sense of loss.(OWS, SWI86)

This planet was located in the Javin Sector of the galaxy, along the Corellian Trade Spine between Aztubek and High Chunah.(WOA33)

Many xenoarchaeologists believed that this extinct race was once native to the planet Tatooine. Although the Kumumgah died out many millennia before the onset of the Galactic Civil War, it was believed by many experts that their race actually evolved into two distinct groups, the Jawas and the Tusken Raiders. The Baobab Research Council claimed to have discovered skulls of ancient beings on the desert planet that led them to this conclusion, as well as the belief that the ancient Kumumgah language was fractured into two dialects as well.(NEGA, GPB)

This man was one of the many Mandalorians who were stranded on the moon Dxun, in the wake of the Great Sith War.(KOTOR2)

Kun, Exar
A Jedi student of Vodo-Siosk Baas on Dantooine, Exar Kun used Vodo's holocron to learn about the ancient Sith. Exar Kun didn't like the fact that Vodo, not to mention his fellow students Crado and Sylvar, were not human, and he continually goaded them. He nearly killed Sylvar during a lightsaber training exercise, and she clawed him on the right cheek. Vodo stopped the duel before someone was killed, and challenged Kun to a duel between Kun's skill with a lightsaber and Vodo's skill with a walking stick. Vodo nearly defeated Kun, but Kun snatched another lightsaber and attacked his Master. Vodo's stick was broken, and Kun's rage passed as he felt he was victorious. Exar Kun then left Dantooine to try and obtain the Sith artifacts that had been found on Onderon.

He entered the tomb of Freedon Nadd and was controlled by Nadd's evil spirit. Nadd led Kun to Korriban, where Kun discovered a pair of Sith scrolls that tantalizingly led him further down the path to the Dark Side. Kun tried to resist, but Nadd nearly killed him before offering assistance. However, the assistance required Kun to give himself to the Dark Side. Kun chose to live, and was drawn into the Dark Side's power. Then, Nadd directed Kun to go to Yavin 4, where he should complete the work of Naga Sadow. On Yavin 4, Kun again tried to renounce Nadd's teachings, and was captured by the Massassi. They tried to sacrifice Kun in a blood ceremony, during which Nadd's spirit goaded him down the Dark path. Exar Kun called out to the Dark Side in anger, and a Sith amulet was drawn to his power. It fused to his arm, and he was suddenly endowed with the power of the Sith. He took control of the Massassi, and exterminated Nadd's spirit.

As the months went by, Exar Kun found Naga Sadow's works and began to gain more and more Sith power. Once he felt that he was powerful enough, he went to the Empress Teta System to defeat Aleema and Satal Keto and claim his position as Dark Lord of the Sith. When he arrived, Keto had already been killed by Ulic Qel-Droma, so Kun tried to defeat him in battle. The spirits of the ancient Sith masters were drawn to the pair's incredible Dark Side power, and halted the battle. They named Kun the Dark Lord of the Sith, and Qel-Droma his Apprentice. They went into hiding, and continued to gain power. Kun was able to lure several young Jedi Knights to his cause, including Oss Wilum and Crado.

On Yavin 4, Kun showed them the Sith holocron, which he destroyed in a display of power. The shards exploded outward, piercing the young Jedi and possessing them with Sith demons. When the time was right, they exploded into the galaxy as Sith warriors. Kun ordered his young disciples to exterminate their Jedi Masters in a fiendish pogrom. Thus, the Great Sith War was started. Kun and Qel-Droma's forces killed millions in their rampages. When Qel-Droma was captured and put to trial on Coruscant, Kun and Mandalore arrived to retrieve him. In a show of power, Kun put the entire court into suspended animation, killing the Old Republic's highest official and eventually murdering Master Vodo. Kun later raided Ossus, in an attempt to steal the ancient Jedi and Sith lore stored there. This effort was cut short when Aleema destroyed the Cron System, and Kun was forced to flee back to Yavin 4 to regain his strength. Note that Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force indicates that it was Exar Kun who destroyed the Cron Cluster, using Naga Sadow's ancient flagship.

The war would have continued, but the end of the war was quickened when Qel-Droma was captured on Ossus by Master Thon. He was cut off from the Force by Nomi Sunrider, and betrayed Kun by providing the location of Kun's power - the so-called Dark Temple on Yavin 4 - to the Jedi. The Jedi then met Exar Kun on the jungle moon, where Kun drew on the Massassi spirits in an effort to gain strength and make a last stand against the Jedi. Exar Kun was defeated by the Jedi, but only his body was destroyed. Kun consumed the Massassi in an effort to lock his spirit away in the Dark Temple on Yavin 4, where it remained until Luke Skywalker started training his new Jedi Knights there more than 4,000 years later.

Kun spirit tried to control the emerging Jedi Knights, but his hold was tenuous. His first attempt at controlling one of them led to the death of Gantoris. Kyp Durron was his second attempt, but Kyp used Kun's power in an attempt to destroy the Empire. In a final battle with Luke's Jedi students, Kun was defeated by the combined strength of all the students. At his final death, Kun's former teacher Vodo Siosk-Baas appeared to claim him. Several months later, after escaping from Leonia Tavira and the Jensaarai, Luke Skywalker allowed Corran Horn to destroy Kun's statue and temple with a series of proton torpedoes, utterly wiping out the primary source of dark side energy on the moon.(DA, DLS, TSW, COTF, IJ, GORW, EGF)

The Ayrou race created this constellation, based on the placement of several Moddell Sector stars in the nighttime skies of Maya Kovel. There were eight distinct stars in the constellation, which were related only because of their apparent positions relative to May Kovel. The stars were named for the various parts of Kuna's body: Kuna's Eye, Kuna's Fist, Kuna's Horn, Kuna's Tail, and Kuna's Tooth were actually located in the Moddell Sector; Kuna's Gullet, Kuna's Heart, and Kuna's Scale were located in neighboring sectors and Wild Space.(GMR9)

Kuna, Fo
This Anx served as Zo Howler's chief aide, during the last years of the Old Republic.(SWDB)

Kuna kee wabdah nenoleeya
This phrase from the Huttese language was used in hotels and other similar establishments, and translated into Basic as "I'd like to check out."(GPB)

Kuna kee wabdah noleeya
This phrase from the Huttese language was used in hotels and other similar establishments, and translated into Basic as "I'd like to check in."(GPB)

Kuna's Eye
This blue giant star was located in the Moddell Sector of the galaxy. This star was part of the vast constellation identified by the Ayrou as Kuna, although the only thing it had in common with the other stars in the constellation was their proximity to one another. Kuna's Eye was a realtively young star, and its surrounding space was filled with gases and debris, rather than planets and moons. However, the debris was exceptionally rich in ores and metals, which prompted the construction of the space station known as The Mote.(GMR9)

Kuna's Eye
This was another name for the space station known as The Mote, which was cobbled together on the fringes of the system surrounding the star known as Kuna's Eye.(GMR9)

Kuna's Fist
This red giant star was located in the Moddell Sector of the galaxy. This star was part of the vast constellation identified by the Ayrou as Kuna, although the only thing it had in common with the other stars in the constellation was their proximity to one another. Legend claimed that the Ayrou hid a number of treasure troves in and among the the stars of the Kuna constellation, and many explorers believed that they were located near either Kuna's Fist or Kuna's Horn. No such troves have ever found, however.(GMR9)

Kuna's Fist
This planet orbited a star by the same name, and was located in the Moddell Sector of the galaxy.(GMR9)

Kuna's Gullet
This supergiant star was part of the vast constellation identified by the Ayrou as Kuna. Unlike many other stars in the constellation, Kuna's Gullet was not located in Moddell Sector, and was known by another name in its sector. It was only considered part of the Kuna constellation from the vantage point of Maya Kovel.(GMR9)

Kuna's Heart
This supergiant star was part of the vast constellation identified by the Ayrou as Kuna. Unlike many other stars in the constellation, Kuna's Heart was not located in Moddell Sector, and was known by another name in its sector. It was only considered part of the Kuna constellation from the vantage point of Maya Kovel.(GMR9)

Kuna's Horn
This red giant star was located in the Moddell Sector of the galaxy. This star was part of the vast constellation identified by the Ayrou as Kuna, although the only thing it had in common with the other stars in the constellation was their proximity to one another. Legend claimed that the Ayrou hid a number of treasure troves in and among the the stars of the Kuna constellation, and many explorers believed that they were located near either Kuna's Fist or Kuna's Horn. No such troves have ever found, however.(GMR9)

Kuna's Horn
This planet orbited a star by the same name, and was located in the Moddell Sector of the galaxy.(GMR9)

Kuna's Scale
This supergiant star was part of the vast constellation identified by the Ayrou as Kuna. Unlike many other stars in the constellation, Kuna's Scale was not located in Moddell Sector, and was known by another name in its sector. It was only considered part of the Kuna constellation from the vantage point of Maya Kovel.(GMR9)

Kuna's Tail
This star was located in the Moddell Sector of the galaxy. This star was part of the vast constellation identified by the Ayrou as Kuna, although the only thing it had in common with the other stars in the constellation was their proximity to one another.(GMR9)

Kuna's Tail III
This was another name for the planet Sarafur.(GMR9)

Kuna's Tooth
This star was located in the Moddell Sector of the galaxy. This star was part of the vast constellation identified by the Ayrou as Kuna, although the only thing it had in common with the other stars in the constellation was their proximity to one another.(GMR9)

Kuna's Tooth
This planet orbited a star by the same name, and was located in the Moddell Sector of the galaxy. It was originally known as a mining world during the Imperial occupation of the sector. During the early years of the New Republic, Kuna's Tooth was known as one of the primary sources of Rokna Blue. Raw rokna from the Forest Moon of Endor was transported to Kuna's Tooth and the Doestes High Port, where it was processed into small, blue, pebble-shaped nuggets, which were then shipped to Annaj for sale to the rest of the galaxy.(GMR9)

This jungle-covered region of the planet Kalee was known as the prime hunting grounds of the mumuu.(OWS)

Kunda Stone
This unusual form of crystalline mineral was found on the planet Kadril. It was collected and used in a variety of communications, power, and medical technologies. The ancient Jedi Knights sometimes used kunda stones as the material for the emitter lenses in their lightsabers. One of its unique properties was its ability to absorb and filter out the gas known as pacifog. For this reason, Darth Vader ordered huge quantities of kunda stones from Dal Quirz, for use in manufacturing filter masks for troops which would deploy pacifog. It was then that Lon Prador revealed that Kadril itself was made up of natural kunda stone(LAT3, KOTOR2)

This Huttese word translated roughly into Basic as "challenge."(E1A14)

This segmented, flying insect was one of the few indigenous creatures which survived the reformation of the planet Brentaal. Many species died out when colonists brought new plants and animals tot he planet, in the hopes of making it more hospitable. The kundril, with its long, flat body and menacing mandibles, survived by taking to the seas, flying across the water to locate remote islands where the colonists did not reach. Several seagoing subspecies evolved over time, while the land-based species virtually died out. Kundrils usually hunted in swarms, using their mandibles to slice and bludgeon their prey. They remained airborne for long periods of time, thanks to their four wings and gas-filled body sections. Most kundrils were blue or green in color, although the Imperial kundril was easily distinguished by its red and gold coloration.(CCW)

This was a tribe of Dantari, native to the planet Dantooine.(SWG2P)

Kungurama, Nuru
This young Chiss male was one of the few members of his race to ever be trained as a Jedi Knight. Nuru was apprenticed to Master Skaa during the months leading up to the Battle of Geonosis, but was reassigned to Master Ring-Sol Ambase after Master Skaa's death on Geonosis. Nuru continued to train on the planet Coruscant as the Clone Wars engulfed the galaxy, doing his best to control his emotions whiel trying to please his new Master. About a year after Geonosis, Master Ambase was asked to investigate the appearance of a KynachTech Industries circuit board found among the wreckage of the Separatist warship Malevolence, but he demanded that Nuru remain on Coruscant. This did not feel right to Nuru, because Master Skaa had also left him behind when the fighting started on Geonosis. The difference was that Master Skaa never explained that he was leaving, so Nuru appreciated Master Ambase's consideration of his feelings. Even with this gesture, however, Nuru had a distinct feeling that Master Ambase would not return from the mission, and so Nuru decided to stow away aboard Ambase's ship.

Nuru took with him the lightsaber that he had secretly constructed, hoping that his instruction with low-powered training lightsabers would be enough to keep him alive, if he were forced to use the weapon. As he boarded the ship, Nuru had to use the Force to influence a clone trooper who happened to spy him, rubbing out the clone's memory. The trip passed quickly, but when they arrived at Kynachi, they found the planet being blockaded by Separatist forces. The Separatists attacked them almost immediately, and their ship took heavy fire. Nuru, who was hidden in a utility locker, wasn't aware of what was happening until a blast rocked the ship, and a clone trooper named Knuckles that thrown into the door of the locker. The door popped open, and Knuckles was forced to drag Nuru to the nearest escape pod, where they managed to flee the ship with Chatterbox and Breaker, who had been the clone Nuru first encountered aboard their ship. Upon reaching the surface of Kynachi, the clones turned to Nuru for advice on what to do next, and Knuckles became frustrated when he didn't have an immediate answer. Nuru realized that the clones were looking at him as a Jedi, not just a student, and he quickly established a simple plan.

They made their way toward the nearest settlement, and were taken in by Lalo Gunn. Unfortunately, their presence on the planet was discovered by Trade Federation agents, and a group of battle droids were sent to eliminate them. Although Nuru felt he was up to the challenge of facing the droids, Breaker shoved him out of the way to make sure Nuru survived the attack. Nuru was glad for the effort when the group discovered that the Separatist droids who were searching for himself and the clones. Lalo Gunn then explained that the Separatists had taken over the KynachTech Industries factory, and were using it as a prison facility. With help from Cad Bane, who claimed to be simply looking for someone in the factory, Nuru and the clones devised a plan to infiltrate the factory and rescue the captives, hoping that they would be able to locate Master Ambase and any surviving clones. The mission proved successful, although Breaker was killed in the attempt when Overseer Umbrag set off the factory's self-destruction mechanism. Knuckles jokingly referred to their unit as Breakout Squad, since they were able to break the prisoners out of the factory. However, Master Ambase was not among the captives who were freed, although Cad Bane did return his lightsaber to Nuru.

Upon returning to Gunn's Diner, Nuru made contact with the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and was surprised to meet with Jedi Master Yoda and Chancellor Palpatine, who petitioned Master Yoda to allow Nuru to serve as the Jedi representative on a diplomatic mission to meet with the Chiss. Breakout Squad was charged with protecting Nuru during the mission.(SM1)

This was one of the small group of Shamed Ones who lived with Vuurok I'pan beneath the surface of Coruscant, after the planet had been transformed into a likeness of Yuuzhan'tar. Like the rest of their cadre, Kunra believed that the Jedi Knights were not abominations, but saviors of the Shamed Ones and symbols of the new ideology which should be embraced by the Yuuzhan Vong. For this reason, their band remained small, in case they were captured by the Yuuzhan Vong warriors. This ensured that their small cult of Jedi followers would never be fully discovered. He was a former warrior, and was more than confused when I'pan returned one day with Nom Anor at his side. Like Niiriit Esh, Kunra had heard of Nom Anor's duplicitous ways, and did not trust the former Executor to remain loyal to their band. Kunra argued against telling Nom Anor of the legend of Vua Rapuung, but was outvoted. This did nothing to ease his suspicion, however. Nom Anor also woke an angry sentiment from Kunra when Niiriit Esh began spending more time with the outsider, rather than with Kunra. When their small band was discovered by Yuuzhan Vong warriors, Kunra fled in terror, fearing for his own life. He located Nom Anor, who blamed Kunra's shaming on his deep-seated cowardice. Kunra did nothing to change Nom Anor's mind, and reluctantly agreed to accompany Shoon-mi and the former Executor on a mission of survival. Nom Anor, having adopted the name Yu'shaa, began to spread The Message to the rest of the Shamed Ones on Coruscant. As the only being who knew of the Prophet's true identity, Kunra held some measure of power over Nom Anor, but remained subordinate. When Shoon-Mi attempted to assassinate the Prophet, Kunra intervened and saved him from death, gaining another measure of control over the former Executor. When Nom Anor returned from his mission to locate Zonama Sekot, bringing warnings of Shimrra's plans to eradicate the Shamed Ones, Kunra refused to let him renege on his promise to lead the Shamed Ones to power. As Nom Anor wore the guise of Yu'shaa and pleaded with the masses to avoid the Supreme Overlord, Kunra simply twisted the words into fanatical demands for more pressure on the Yuuzhan Vong elite.(FH1, FH2, FH3, FP, UF)

This shuttle was used by the Alliance to transport flight staff to the Liberty, shortly before the Battle of Endor.(XWA)

This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "near."(GPB)

This airless, rocky planet was the second world in the Bakura System.(TBSB)

This Twi'lek politician served as a Senator in the New Republic Senate, during the years following the Battle of Endor. As a political leader, Kur also maintained his position on his local head clan, until Nolaa Tarkona rose to power. When Tarkona assumed control of Ryloth and formed the Diversity Alliance, she exiled the other four members of Kur's head clan to the Bright Lands. Kur, however, she sent into the frigid wilderness of the dark side of Ryloth. He managed to locate a cave beneath a power generator and find shelter from the cold, but only barely eked out an existence. In this way, Tarkona had another measure of revenge against Kur, who was denied the ability to simply die.

Kur was located in his cave by Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka, who had been captured by the Diversity Alliance and forced to work in the ryll mines. They escaped captivity, but their exit turned out to be a pathway into the frozen wilderness, and led them to Kur's cave. Kur was skeptical about their plan for rescue and escape, and he initially refused to leave when Lowbacca and Sirrakuk arrived in the Rock Dragon. However, Kur eventually agreed when Jacen Solo explained that he could regain his strength and return to Ryloth to help overthrow Nolaa Tarkona. Following the death of Nolaa Tarkona and the break-up of the Alliance, Kur was named Ryloth's leader.(JB, TEP)

This forested planet was infamous for the poisonous, thorny vines that grew among the world's trees.(AIR, OWS)

This was a common name among Cerean females. Unlike their male counterparts, Cerean females use a single name unless they became a bond-wife. In this case, a female will take on their husband's grandfather's name for official matters. The name Kura referred to a gift, reward, or prize.(GCG)

This lkarge Trandoshan smuggler served as the leader of the Jon-Tow Economic Development Group on Pinett, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. As a young male, Kurakk was known for his wanton brutality. Over the years, he mellowed just a bit, and was known to most beings on Pinett as simply brutally honest.(WOA25)

This white dwarf star, located in the Elrood Sector of the galaxy, was the primary body in the Kuras System. It was given the name Kuras by the ancient Coynites, who placed it in the constellation Kezz'Sreik'Kuras.(PG3)

Kuras Asteroid Belt
This field of planetary debris orbited the star Kuras between the planets Kuras III and Kuras IV. Like most asteroid fields, it made travel through the Kuras System difficult. It was believed that the first probe sent by the Old Republic to the system was destroyed in the field, keeping the system out of most star charts and hidden from general view.(PG3)

Kuras I
The first planet in the Kuras System, Kuras I was a hot, rocky wasteland that exists in "the Drift."(PG3)

Kuras II
This dry, desert world was the second planet in the Kuras System. It was orbited by a pair of moons.(PG3)

Kuras III
This planet was located on the edge of the Elrood Sector, in the Kuras System. It was a dry, volcanic world which was lethal for humans and most other races. An abundance of heavy metals, harmful bacteria, and airborne poisons made it virtually impossible for most humanoid races to survive without some form of breathing apparatus. It existed in "the Drift," the system-wide dust cloud that made travel through the system difficult at best. Despite the lethal environment, Kuras III supported two native life forms: the Aganof and the Pulra. Its day lasted an average of 18 standard hours, and its year encompassed 400 local days. Because of its location, it had not been fully explored.(PG3, AE)

Kuras IV
This planet was the fourth world in the Kuras System. It was a frigid, rocky wasteland.(PG3)

This was the main Hiromi starship in the invasion fleet dispatched to capture the planet Zeltros, during the period immediately following the Battle of Endor. The Kuratcha was Hookyr the First's flagship at the time.(PH)

Kurax, Jor Ul
This alien being worked as a delivery agent for several minor crimelords on the planet Tatooine, during the era of the Great Sith War.(KOTOR)

Kurdan Desert
The hot, white sands which cover the planet Kirdo III. Once every ten years or so, rain comes to the desert and allows dormant seeds to sprout and grow. This period was known as the Celebration of Life to the Kitonaks.(GG4)

Kurdavvian Sunrise
A breath-taking daybreak.(SWJ9)

This small, bronze-colored insect was native to the planet Kubindi. Alone, these one-centimeter insects were not much problem, despite their sharp pincers. In a swarm, they exhibit a sort of hive mentality, communicating via pheromones and attacking they prey with swift, deadly abandon. They were prized among Kubaz gourmets, although they have never been tamed. This makes them very expensive.(SWJ10)

This Yuuzhan Vong destroyer was one of the ships dispatched to destroy the New Republic communications base on Esfandia, after the Battle of Ebaq. It was under the command of B'sh*th Vorrik at the time, and would have had more than enough firepower to destroy the communications base had the Imperial Remnant's 78th Fleet followed it to Esfandia. There, the Kur-hashan was pitted against the Right to Rule, and Vorrik and Grand Admiral Pellaeon soon fought to a stalemate. When Tahiri Veila used the captured picket ship Collaborator to trick some of Vorrik's forces to the surface of Esfandia, she left the Kur-hashan undefended. When Vorrik realized that he had been tricked, he tried to bring the ship's weapons to bear on the Right to Rule. However, the old Star Destroyer was ready, and pounded the Kur-hashan with everything it could. Realizing he was beaten, Vorrik tried to turn the dying ship onto a collision course with the Imperials, but the Kur-hashan exploded well short of the point where it could have done any damage.(FH3)

Kurin, Peate
This man was one of the crewmen aboard the Rand Ecliptic who decided to join Biggs Darklighter in defecting from Imperial service and joining the Alliance. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, their group managed to escape from the frigate, only to realize that they didn't have enough fuel to reach their destination. They hatched a plan to return to the Rand Ecliptic and steal more fuel, only to find that Derek "Hobbie" Klivian had also launched a mutiny and taken control of the ship. They joined forces, and brought the frigate to Yavin 4. Kurin was then chosen as one of the former TIE Fighter pilots who would travel to Incom Industries and help steal the X-Wing starfighter. The plan called for the TIE pilots to eject in space, allowing droids to fly the ships and draw off any defenders. Although the plan started off well, Klivian lost a foot in the ejection, and Kurin was decapitated. His body was recovered and given a proper burial when the group returned to Yavin 4.(SWED)

This hulking Drovian served as a security guard at Mos Espa's Arena Citadel, working for Jabba the Hutt during the last decades of the Old Republic.(BF4)

Sometimes referred to as the bastard offspring of a mynock and a spider, the kurkuothj was a silicon-based form of insect that fed off the energy sources found in spaceports and landing bays. The body of a kurkuoth - called a "kwath" by those beings who have experienced them multiple times - was square in shape, with a segmented leg sprouting from each corner of the body. Clusters of eyes were located on the top and bottom of their though shells, while the mouth was located on its underside. This allowed the kurkuoth to keep watch while it fed. In general, kurkuoths were quite skittish, and would rather flee than fight. However, once a kurkuoth established a territory and a family, it would defend its food sources quite readily. Kurkuoths reproduce asexually, using cues from their environment to decide when to lay their eggs, and how many to lay at once.(WOTC)

This Quarren was the leader of the Sailors' Union chapter in Bartyn's Landing, on the planet Lamaredd, during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. He wasn't above taking a bribe or two, but was known to his union members and fellow chapter leaders as a being who fought hard for the rights and privileges of his people.(GMR7)

This name was commonly given to Quarren males, and represents a gemstone found in the deepest parts of Mon Calamari's oceans.(GCG)

This gemstone was found in the deeper parts of the oceans that covered the planet Mon Calamari.(GCG)

This was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy.(GCG)

Kurn, Vor'en
This mercenary-for-hire was distinguished by the modified Kubaz facemask he wore to hide his true identity. He later joined a group of freedom fighters led by the Wookiee Rorworr, and helped clean up after the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo was broken. Vor'en was hit by a blast from a destroyer droid which was scheduled for decommission, but was rescued by Rorworr.(SWRPG)

A large creature native to the Forest Moon of Endor.(MTS)

Kuro, An'ya
This was the name given to the Jedi Master known as the Dark Woman, at her birth. She chose to rid herself of all worldy possessions, including her name, when she became a Jedi Knight.(J3)

Kurp, Kosh
This tall, muscular, blue-skinned alien was employed by the Empire as a detonations expert. He was red body armor and a red helmet set with two blunt horns. He was sent to Gaar Suppoon's hideout on a warning that Jabba the Hutt had planted a bomb there. In reality, Jabba had played Kosh Kurp for the bomb. Jabba knew that Gaar Suppoon had gone by the name of Sonopo Bomoor, a crazed villian who had invaded Kurp's homeworld and killed his family in front of his eyes. Suppoon left Kurp alive, as a living testimony of Bomoor's deeds. He spent the rest of his life searching for Bomoor, whom Jabba knew was really Suppoon. When Suppoon tried to kill Kurp, the laser bolt ricocheted off his red armor and blasted Suppoon's head off. Kosh Kurp became the de facto leader of Suppoon's criminal empire.(JTH)

This verb from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "to repair."(GPB)

This Mando'a word meant "tree."(OWS)

Stemming from the word kurshi, this Mandalorian word translated into Basic as "a plank of wood."(OWS)

This well-muscled Barabel was a star on the shockboxing circuit during the height of the New Order. What made this unusual, in addition to the fact that she wasn't human, was the fact that Kursma was a female. On the side, Kursma took one-time jobs for various crimelords who need a rival or traitor hurt indiscreetly.(GORW)

A Selonian word meaning "good" or "well."(AS)

Manufacturers of podracers and replacement parts.(IG1)

This was a specialized weapons manufacturer, active during the early years of the New Republic.(SWJ3)

This Selonian den lived beneath the surface of the planet Talus, below the rocky spires of Kystes' Spine.(CCW)

Kurtuln Den
This was the name of the warren of caves and tunnels which were controlled by the Kurtuln clan of Selonians, on the planet Talus. The Den was located beneath Kystes' Spine.(CCW)

A race native to the Kishh district of the Braad continent of Bakura, the Kurtzen had pale, white skin and ridges instead of hair on their heads. Although native to Bakura, by the time of the Battle of Endor, the Kurtzen population was just five percent of the entire population of the planet. Humanoid in stature, the Kurtzen were suffering from a number of diseases and malnutrition when human colonists first landed on Bakura. They gladly traded land for medical supplies and access to newer treatments, and the population steadied for many years. The appearance of the Empire actually helped the Kurtzen further, since new medicines and technologies arrived that could help them, although many were displaced to the Kishh'daar continent. After the Empire took control of the planet, a generation gap formed among the Kurtzen society, as the younger members began using more technology and began ignoring the traditions of their families, while the older Kurtzen struggled to maintain their heritage. Eventually, the Kurtzen people found a way to survive by simply believing in the power of life itself, and brought their race back from the brink of extinction.(TB, TBSB, RESB, FH2)

Kurual'grast Mountains
This chain of mountains was located near the city of Drev'starn, on the planet Bothawui.(SPG)

This was a common name among the Temolak race.(UANT)

This Twi'lek clan established the small city of Joreikna on their homeworld of Ryloth. Many other Twi'lek clans considered the Ku'rys clan to be lazy, and wondered how the clan survived on the minimal ryll they were able to extract from the ground.(GORW)

Ku'rys, Ged
This indecisive Twi'lek male was a member of the Ku'rys clan, and served in the head-clan that ruled Joreikna during the last years of the Old Republic. The rest of his head-clan decided to take matters into their own hands, and began inciting their slaves to cause problems with the Lohema mines. Meanwhile, Emen Rooshan tried to have Ged Ku'rys assassinated, in an effort to destroy the Ku'rys clan.(GORW)

This species of vicious, predatory canine was native to the planet Lok. Despite their fearsome nature, kusaks could be tamed by dedicated owners, and proved to be among the most loyal of all beasts. The Feeorin pirate Nym had a pet kusak during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(ROD)

When translated into Basic, this Ewok word meant "what" or "who", depending on the context.(GPB)

Kush drojh?
This Ewok interrogative phrase translated into Basic as "What's going on?"(BTRKS26)

Kush jeeks?
This Ewok interrogative phrase translated into Basic as "What's that?"(BTRKS26)

Kushal Vogh
This city was considered the gambling capital of the planet Elerion.(T15)

This was one of the many luxury foodstuffs grown on the planet Qiilura, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Like barq, kushayan was primarily exported to Coruscant and the Core Worlds, where it commanded a huge price. This price meant that kushayan was unaffordable by the very farmers who grew it. During the years following the Battle of Naboo, much of the kushayan exported from Qiilura was controlled by the Trade Federation, which used its profits to fund the Confederacy of Independent Systems.(RCHC)

This temperate, Outer Rim world was the home of the Kushiban race.(AQ, PJSB)

This language was used by the Kushiban race.(PJSB)

This race of lagomorphs was native to the planet Kushibah. They can move about on all fours, or walk semi-upright on their hind legs. Measuring no more than a meter in length, the average Kushiban was often mistaken as a pet or as vermin, despite the fact that the Kushiban were an intelligent and complex race of beings who existed in harmony with their environment. On their homeworld, the Kushiban had no need for technology or tools, living as farmers and weavers and existing in peace with their surroundings. Kushiban tapestries were known throughout the galaxy for their craftsmanship and beuaty. On Kushibah, they were often preyed upon by the predatory xinkras. A trait which was unique to the Kushiban was their ability to change the color of their fur, used to express their emotions or to camouflage their body in case of danger. The fur of a peaceful Kushiban was white, but could change to black in a deeply disturbed individual.(TEP, WOTC, PJSB, AQ)

Kushoe, Arsitta
This Alliance X-Wing pilot befriended Evram Darkmere, and helped convince him that his loyalties belonged with the Alliance. Her compelling personality and her descriptions of the Empire's evil swayed Darkmere to throw his support to the Alliance. However, she was shot down and reported missing in action. Her loss shook Darkmere's emotions, and convinced him even more that he needed to help the Alliance.(CRO)

A New Republic Colonel who assisted Colin Darkmere by leading a field operation to learn more about the World Devastators.(DESB)

This man was one of the many loyal members of the Thul household who accompanied Lady Aryn Dro Thul aboard the Tradewyn, during the years that followed the Battle of Endor, when Bornan Thul went missing. Kusk served as a navigator aboard the flagship vessel, and helped to coordinate the random hyperspace jumps that the Bornaryn Trading Company fleet executed in order to avoid the bounty hunters who were looking for Bornan. Unknown to Lady Thul, however, was the fact that Kusk was actually a bounty hunter, and had been working with his brother to capture the Thuls and use them as bait to lure Bornan Thul out of hiding. The brothers hoped to claim the bounty offered by the Diversity Alliance for Bornan's capture.

During one random hyperspace jump, Kusk sent the rest of the fleet one set of coordinates, while programming a course for the Tradewyn that took the ship to a pre-arranged location where his brother's ship, the High Roller, waited. Upon exiting hyperspace, the Tradewyn was attacked by the High Roller. This momentary diversion allowed Kusk to make his move to capture the Thuls, but he was unprepared for the tenacity of Raynar Thul's young friends from the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4. Kusk was forced to try and escape, but was unable to reach an escape vessel before the High Roller exploded under a barrage of fire from the Tradewyn. With his brother dead, Kusk had no choice but to surrender to the Bornaryn security forces.(DIV)

Kusp, Ung
This ruthless being was one of the many Mandalorian Mercs who served as the descendants of the Neo-Crusaders, several thousand years before the Battle of Yavin. Ung Kusp, however, lacked any of the honor and loyalty of the previous Mandalorians, and his villainous actions were generally regarded as precipitating the era known as the New Sith Wars. Kusp and his gang were believed to have attacked the doctor who performed the cybernetic surgeries for Durge and Master Jaing, after they discovered that the doctor had stolen a valuable Sith artifact from them. The Mandalorian Mercs tracked the doctor to his Outer Rim laboratory and attacked with a vengeance, but were unable to recover the artifact before Durge forced them to retreat.(SWI80, VIS)

Kussoh Incident
This was the most serious of the skirmishes between the Quenno and Des'mar factions of the Saurton race. It flared up when a miner was called a "lazy coward" by a manager. In the end, fifteen Saurton were killed before security forces could intervene.(PG1)

This Yuuzhan Vong warship was part of the Battle Group of Yun-Yuuzhan, during the Battle of Ebaq.(DW)

Kut, Polvin
This well-muscled man was a Jedi Knight, some 200 years before the Battle of Naboo. He took as his apprentice the alien Yaddle, and together they traveled to the planet Koba in order to defeat the warlord Tulak. Unfortunately for Yaddle, Polvin Kut was prone to stirrings of the Dark Side, and desired to exact revenge on Tulak for his killing of Kut's parents years before. His judgement lapsed during the struggle, and Tulak beheaded him in Koban Gorge. Yaddle herself was buried alive.(T5)

This planet, located in the Koornacht Cluster, was the site of an Imperial factory farm during the last years of the Galactic Civil War. When Nil Spaar rallied the Yevethan people to rise up against Imperial control, they wiped out the farm's personnel and took control of the facility.(SOL)

This Mando'a word meant "underwear." The more literal translation was "something worn underneath one's armor."(OWS)

This elderly, male Falleen was one of the first instructors at the College of the Inquisition. Master Kuthara trained the Inquisitor known as Probus Tesla, although their relationship was often quite difficult. Tesla continually probed his Master for information and knowledge of the Force, especially the reasons for claiming that there were light and dark sides of the Force. Kuthara often punished Tesla with exercise and lightsaber training, rather than physical or verbal abuse, which served to strengthen the young man's skills instead of squashing them.(CN3)

Seventh planet from the sun in the Honoghr system, Kuthul was a huge, frozen, lifeless world.(DFRSB)

This was the diminutive form of the Mandalorian word kute, and referred to the short briefs worn as underwear by Mandalorian warriors.(PM)

Kut-Rate Kruises
This cruise line was operative during the last decades of the Old Republic, offering inexpesnive transport to many planets in the galaxy. The company was known for its poorly-maintained starships and its cheap prices, but it regularly got beings to their destination without mishap. Many Jedi Knights traveling in disguise during the Clone Wars used Kut-Rate's cruise ships to reach their destination undetected.(YDR)

Meaning "dark-colored ear flaps", this name was common among Gungan females. Dark-colored ear flaps were considered to be more of a male trait among the Gungans.(GCG)

Kutta, Kulltu
This brown-skinned being was one of the many gladiators who tried to win their freedom from the arenas of Rattatak, during the final years of the Old Republic. He often rode a sowsquatch into battle.(CWSB)

This adventurous Ho'Din traveled to Kirtania to learn more about the plantlife on the planet. She hoped to meet Doctor T'jaleq Kith'Araquia, to learn and exchange information about the samples she had obtained.(SWJ1)

This Hutt crimelord controlled his own small empire around Meirm City, during the height of the New Order. Kutuab sold arms to both the Weequay and the Houk in the city, helping to further the growing tensions between the two species while maintaining a steady income. Limna Yith offered to seel Kutuab information on Black Sun's various connections and operations along the Sisar Run, but Kutuan refused to pay the price in order to avoid trouble with Prince Xizor. This started a gang war between Kutuab's supporters and Lina Yith's mercenaries.(SSR)

Kuuga, Regg
This male Draag was a known pirate and starship thief, living in the industrial district of Coruscant during the years following the Battle of Naboo. It was believed that Regg was working for Groff Haug at the time. He was wanted by the Coruscant police for the theft of several medical frigates, which he scrapped for parts that were used to build his pirate fleet. The fleet, consisting of heavily-modified cruisers, was used to attack tourists on their way to Coruscant. Regg was eventually captured by Jango Fett.(BH)

Kuu'la, Dren
This female Lethan Twi'lek was known more for her physical prowess than for her dancing, which many considered to be mediocre. Although she found work as a companion during the early years of the New Order, Dren Kuu'la was most often employed as a bodyguard, accompanying her escort while scanning his acquaintences for weapons or ambushes. Whenever she found a possible suspect, Dren didn't hesitate to ensure that any possible threat to her employer was met with stern resistance.(GORW)

Kuur, Nuuk
This Duros, an early supporter of the Alliance, was captured on Kwevron by Falto Dragen, shortl before the Battle of Yavin. Nuuk Kuur had been staying in the safehouse maintained by Idu Taanfaar, and was being transported to the spaceport in Mal Ethon City when Dragen intercepted them. Taanfaar was killed, and Nuuk Kuur was taken into custody.(RESB)

This Mando'a command meant "Hush!" or "Silence!"(OWS, RCTZ)

Kuurok Peninsula
This spit of land was found on the planet Koboth, and was home to a race of dark-shelled Koboks.(GORW)

This was a common Ayrou name.(UANT)

Kuuta velomin
This Bruvian phrase translated into Basic as "seize the moment."(MBS)

This was the Sauvax term for a village, or tribe.(GMR10)

This Klatooinan enforcer was assigned by the Klatooinan Trade Guild to protect Pok Nar-Ten.(SWJ11)

This man was an Imperial Navy Captain, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(TIE)

This species of tree was native to the planet Qiilura. Kuvara trees produced a sweet fruit that was often dried for long-term storage. The wood of the kuvara tree was exceptionally durable, and was often harvested for use in making hardwood flooring.(RCHC)

This Wookiee was Rakikta's eldest sibling, and server Pret Swain as a bodyguard during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Swain had rescued them, along with four other Wookiees, from a slaving ship in the Ottega Sector. Known as Kuyk, this Wookiee was arrogant and abrupt with strangers and indifferent to most other beings.(BSS)

Kuzbar's Cantina
This cantina was located on level 42 of the cityscape that covered Nar Shaddaa. During the early years of the New Order, Kuzbar's Cantina was known as a steady source of tempest spice. Despite its reputation and location, Kuzbar's Cantina was actually a well-maintained establishment, and live music was a common event.(TF)

KV Swoop
Produced by Kuat Vehicles, this tough and fast swoop was common throughout the Outer Rim. It had a maximum speed of over 600 kilometers per hour, and a flight ceiling of 50 meters.(PP)

This was the original designation of the huge, prototype space station which was purchased by Urbo and Teebo Zirtran, and later formed the heart of the space station known as Zirtran's Anchor.(SWJ5)

KV9T9-B Wasp
This podracer was manufactured by Keizar-Volvec, and was distinguishable by its dumbbell-shaped engines. However, despite their size and appearance, these 10.36-meter-long engines could attain speeds of 800 kilometers per hour. The co*ckpit of the Wasp measured 4.42 meters in length.(IG1)

KV9T-B Wasp
see KV9t9-B Wasp(NEGC)

This planet was controlled by the Mrahash during the early years of the New Republic.(TFNR)

This was an Ewok expletive, which roughly translated into Basic as "phooey".(BTRKS26)

K'vath 5
This was the fifth planet of the K'vath System. It had several moons, including the resort world of Alakatha.(IJ)

This was the Sebiri word for a gift.(DARK)

This entity was little more than a huge, disembodied brain that was kept alive by advanced technology on the planet Tatooine, during the height of the New Order. K'vin believed that it was the center of a devoted religion, the Most Perfect Order of K'vin, of which the B'omarr monks were merely a splinter sect. Like the B'omarr monks, K'vin and his followers believed that severing the brain from the rest of the body allowed the brain to contemplate the universe well beyond the lifespan of the flesh. K'vin, however, demanded more. When Eron Stonefield entered his fortress during her search for Han Solo, K'vin demanded that she shoot his vat, thereby freeing him to expand his knowledge of the universe. The other monks, many of them attached to spider droid bodies, tried to stop Stonefield. She ended up shooting K'vin's vat before she fled into the desert, and his brain soon died, although this was the enlightenment that K'vin had been seeking all along.(MIS5)

This was the Snivvian word for "what."(HNN5)

This elder race of sentient reptiles was known to have developed the Infinite Gates. In ages past, the Kwa discovered the very secrets of the cosmos, and used them to create the Gates and the Star Chambers which powered and protected them. However, their civilization declined rapidly after the formation of the Gates, and they began sealing them up in an effort to ensure that the Gates woudn't fall into the wrong hands. It was later discovered that the Kwa bred the great whuffa worms to protect the Star Chambers and the Gates. The Kwa were also believed to be the ancestors of the Blue Desert People.(SWIE)

Kwaad, Kae
This Yuuzhan Vong Shaper was a thin, deformed being whose exhibited the signs of old age despite his relatively youthful appearance. The old thing that belied this image was the fact that the Shaper's implants which replaced his natural hands had both died, leaving Kae Kwaad with only minimal ability to actual create new lifeforms. Kae Kwaad was dispatched by Tjulan Kwaad to assist Nen Yim in maintaining the worldship Baanu Miir. It was later revealed that Kae Kwaad was actually the deformed jester Onimi, who served Supreme Overlord Shimrra himself. Kae Kwaad had been sent to observe Nen Yim's heretical methods, to determine whether they fit within Overlord Shimrra's plans.(EVR)

Kwaad, Mezhan
This female Yuuzhan Vong was the Master Shaper who was chosen by Master Yal Phaath to investigate the source of The Force within a Jedi Knight's body. Like many Masters, Mezhan had undergone a great deal of unique bodily alteration, including the placement of eight tool-like fingers on one hand, in order to help her in her role as a Shaper. What her superiors were unaware of was that Mezhan was one of a growing minority of Yuuzhan Vong which did not necessarily believe the Yuuzhan Vong were the preordained rulers of the known universe. She did not believe in the existence of the Yuuzhan Vong gods, and took the position to investigate the Jedi because she believed she could prove her beliefs by mapping out the systems of a human. She got her chance when Tahiri Veila was captured on Yavin 4, and Mezhan worked with her apprentice, Nen Yim, to accurately map out the human nervous system. Despite their success, the Shapers were unable to isolate the source of the Force. When Anakin Solo and Vua Rapuung rescued Tahiri, it was revealed that Mezhan had once been Vua's lover. Their love was forbidden under Yuuzhan Vong law, and Vua had broken off their relationship in order to further his own career as a warrior. Mezhan, in a jealous rage and fearful that he would slander her, infected Vua with a disease that left him a member of the Shamed Ones. She admitted this after being discovered as a heretic, and was vilified when it was revealed that she had not discovered the basis for the Force. Before she could escape Yavin 4, though, Mezhan Kwaad was decapitated in a battle with Anakin Solo and Tahiri. Among those Shapers who were relegated to the ranks of the Shamed Ones, Mezhad Kwaad's actions proved that the Jedi Knights were not the evil creatures they were made out to be. Stories of how Tahiri survived her torture began to circulate among the Shamed Ones, starting an underground cult that worshipped the Jedi Knights, not the old Yuuzhan Vong gods.(EVC, FH1)

Kwaad, Qelah
This young Yuuzhan Vong Shaper served under Nen Yim during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong conquest of the planet Coruscant. She was a member of Domain Kwaad, and was forced to continually make up for the shortcomings of Mezhan Kwaad. She suddenly found herself elevated to Master Shaper, however, when Nen Yim was captured and taken away from the planet Coruscant. She was elevated by Supreme Overlord Shimrra himself, who was unaware that Nen Yim had fled Coruscant of her own volition, hoping to locate the living planet Zonama Sekot. Her work on the magubat kan had brought her to the Overlord's attention, and her plans to develop biological weapons for use against the Jedi Knights gave her more power. She questioned Shimrra's decision to assign Ahsi Yim to serve as her assistant, in light of Nen Yim's disappearance, hoping to learn more about the Sekotan starship hidden in the Yim damutek. Her time for questioning these decisions was cut short when the Galactic Alliance launched its final assault on Coruscant, hoping to retake the planet and ultimately defeat the Yuuzhan Vong. When the ground forces of the Alliance reached the Citadel and began moving on the Well of the World Brain, Shimrra dispatched Qelah Kwaad - along with High Prefect Drathul and High Priest Jakan - to the Citadel. From there, they traveled to the Well to anoint the Jedi who had been captured there. Among those captured were Harrar, Han Solo and his wife, Leia Organa Solo. Drathul's plans to sacrifice them were cut short when Nom Anor, leading Mara Jade Skywalker and a band of Shamed Ones, flooded the chamber and confronted the warriors arrayed before them. Drathul demanded that the captives be executed, but his commander instead turned his forces against Drathul's guards. In a flash, Qelah Kwaad ran from the chamber, but was caught by Han Solo and forced to lead them to the dhuryam. After the deaths of Shimrra and Onimi - who proved to be the true Supreme Overlord - Qelah Kwaad and the rest of the Yuuzhan Vong agreed to surrender to the Galactic Alliance. In accordance with the advice of Jedi master Luke Skywalker, the Galactic Alliance allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to travel to Zonama Sekot to re-establish their civilization. The planetary consciousness Sekot welcomed them with open arms, then fled into the Unknown Regions to allow its new inhabitants to evolve in peace.(FP, UF)

Kwaad, Tjulan
This Yuuzhan Vong, a member of Domain Kwaad, served as a Master Shaper during the invasion of the known galaxy. Tjulan Kwaad did not approve of Nen Yim's heretical methods for regenerating the bio-technology of the Yuuzhan Vong, but was forced to accede to the wishes of Supreme Overlord Shimrra in allowing Nen Yim to continue her work. To this end, Tjulan Kwaad agreed to allow Kae Kwaad - who was actually the Supreme Overlord's jester Onimi - to travel to the Baanu Miir to act as Nen Yim's Master.(EVR)

Kwaad, Yakun
This Yuuzhan Vong male was a Shaper who was accused of practicing heretical activities aboard the worldship Baanu Kor, during the travel period between galaxies. Yakun and Nen Yim had tended the mernip breeding pools aboard the ship, until Yakun was captured and taken away.(EVC)

Kwaad Double Punch
This fighting technique was created by Domain Kwaad, of the Yuuzhan Vong.(FH3)

This was a Tulgah swear word.(MECAR)

Kwan, Ah
This stocky human male was a guest of Jabba the Hutt, during the months leading up to Jabba's death. Ah Kwan and his companion, Quella, were known to be thieves.(TJP)

This was the Huttese word for the number five (5). The Hutts used a base-eight numbering system, since their hands had just four fingers each.(GMR5, TF)

It was on this remote planet that Aurra Sing killed Jedi Master Mana Veridi, and nearly took the lives of Qui-Gon Jin and Obi-Wan Kenobi, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo..(T12, UVG)

This word from the Jawan language translated into Basic as "now."(GPB)

This was the slang term used to describe a kurkuoth.(WOTC)

Kway Teow
This was one of the largest cities found on the planet Felucia. During the last years of the Old Republic, Shu Mai maintained a fortified compound just outside the city borders.(ROF)

Kwazel Maw
This predatory creature was native to the seas of the planet Rodia. Growing up to eighty-five meters in length and living for a century or more, a Kwazel Maw resembled a larger version of the swamp slugs that were found on Dagobah. These creatures had wide eyes that allowed them to see in the depths of Rodia's oceans. A pair of antennae on the top of their heads allowed the Kwazel Maw to sense the approach of prey. When something came close, the male Kwazel Maw could use bioluminescent markings along the length of their bodies to stun their prey, flashing a bright light that blinded other creatures and gave the Kwazel Maw a chance to eat them. The Kwazel Maw preferred warm, deep waters, and clung to underwater canyon walls with their many small legs. These creatures were not good swimmers, which led to their ambush style of predation.(CWVG, CWTV08)

This was the Huttese word for "queen", describing a member of female royalty.(GPB, SWLC)

This was the Snivvian word for "when."(HNN5)

Kwenn Station
A space station located in the Inner Rim Territories, Kwenn Station was considered the last fueling stop before entering the Outer Rim. It resembled a huge city built atop a vast starship docking platform. Its underside was also punctuated by a great, modular drydock that could be reconfigured to handle repairs on ships as large as an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. It was here that Jabba the Hutt obtained his Kowackian Monkey-Lizard, Salacious Crumb. Kwenn was also the stop-over point at which Alliance agent Dana tried to warn the Alliance that Captain Parlan knew of Adar Tallon's whereabouts.(MTS, TM)

Kwenn System
This star system was located in the Outer Rim Territories.(SF)

Kwenn-class Hyperdrive
These hyperdrives were used on Mon Calamari luxury liners.(RM)

Kwerve, Bidlo
Bidlo Kwerve was a Corellian whose life was a series of harsh misadventures. He was noticeable by the vicious scar on his face and the stark white streak running through his thick, black hair. He was at one time a member of Jabba the Hutt's court, where he was in charge of inventorying incoming smuggled cargo. He was in line to be promoted, and was vying with Bib Fortuna for the position if Jabba's major domo. Bidlo was responsible for locating the Rancor beast that Jabba kept for a pet. He haggled for the location of a wrecked spaceship in Tatooine's wastes with some Jawas, and snuck out of Jabba's palace with some guards to recover it. One of the Gamorreans that went with him, Orrtug, was brutally attacked by the Rancor when they first located it. Bidlo was able to knock the Rancor senseless by detonation a stun grenade near it. Then, he and Bib Fortuna presented the Rancor to Jabba as a birthday present. Jabba was pleased and astounded by the gift, but having learned that Bidlo took his prized Gamorreans on an unauthorized mission into the desert, served Bidlo up as the Rancor's first meal in captivity. When Luke Skywalker was fed to the Rancor, it was rumored that he used Bidlo Kwerve's skull to activate the door which crushed the Rancor and killed it.(SWSB, TJP, CCG7)

This temperate world was inhabited by settlers who created large farms, and who later supplied the Empire with grains and foodstuffs. The Imperial agents on Kwevron kept the local population badly underpaid, in order to maintain their dependency on the Empire.(RESB)

Kwevron Lettuce
Grown on the planet Kwevron, this species of lettuce was very hardy, and rapidly produced dense heads of leaves for harvesting.(RESB)

This species of large, blue-skinned lizard was native to the planet Dathomir. The Kwi were believed to have descended from the Kwa, and elder species of sentient lives which developed the unusual technology known as Infinite Gates. During the last decades of the Old Republic, the Witches of Dathomir discovered the link between the Infinite Gate on the planet and the Kwa. They kept a small population of Kwi captive, and cut off their forelimbs for use in operating the Star Chamber which protected the gate. In order to the reptiles, the Witches implanted electrodes in their brains as a kind of fail-safe, in case the Kwi ever revolted. Decades later, it was learned that a rogue group of Geonosian bio-engineers were mutating Kwis to create Force-sensitive monsters, then providing them as minions to the Sith.(SWIE, SWGAL)

Kwilaan Spaceport
Located in the city of Keren, this was the largest civilian spaceport found on the planet Naboo during the last decades of the Old Republic.(WOA2)

This Squib artist was known for his skills in scultping and jury-rigging pieces of junk into unusual contraptions he called art. He spent much of his career moving from planet to planet, searching for better pieces of junk to add to his latest creation.(HR)

Officially designated by Koensyar Manufacturing as the BTL-S8, this sixteen-meter-long bomber was developed for the New Republic about twelve years after the Battle of Endor. From the front, the K-Wing resembled the letter K lying on its long side. The central fuselage was studded with four wings: two larger wings extended outward, while the shorter wings at the bottom acted as landing skids. The four wings had eighteen unique positions, and could be adjusted based on the installed weaponry and payload. It was equipped with three primary thrust engines, two at the junction of the wings and one at the rear of the fuselage.

The ship's armament could be adjusted before a mission, depending on the conditions the ship was likely to face. Eighteen modular weapon emplacements studded the wings, allowing for a wide range of projectile weaponry to be attached to the ship. A turret-mounted twin laser cannon sat atop the co*ckpit, and a quad-laser cannon was mounted on the chin. Other weaponry could include concussion missile launchers, proton torpedo launchers, or shieldbuster torpedo launchers, depending on the mission profile.

The two-seated fighter was flown by a pilot, a gunner and a bomber, and was designed to fly in gravity-dense arenas. The K-Wing lacked a hyperdrive, since it primary mission was that of an atmospheric bomber. As such, it was the equal of the TIE Bomber in armament. It could also be armed to the teeth as a starfighter, but the ship suffered in maneuverability when more weapons were added. Maximum speed for the K-Wing appraoched 1,000 kilometers per hour on bombing runs. Thus, it was not used as a dogfight ship.

It was first tested by the crew of the Monitor, and was first assigned to active duty with Task Force Quickfire. It first saw combat with the Fifth Battle Group near Bessimir. Unfortunately for the New Republic's engineers, a design flaw revealed itself only during combat. Because the ship's mission profile was that of a bomber, the K-Wing's primary armament was based on projectile weapons. Thus, when the ship's last bomb or missile was launched in combat, it was barely able to defend itself as it returned to the main fleet to rearm.(BTS, NEGV, SSOG)

Kwinn, Charza
This male Priapulin was the starship captain of the Star Sea Flower, and was often employed by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic whenver they needed to be transported in relative anonymity. The Jedi considered him one of the best pilots in the galaxy, praise he never failed to earn, especially after his exploits during the Montitian Extraction. Charza was entrusted by Thracia Cho Leem to carry Vergere to Zonama Sekot. A year later, Charza carried Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to the same planet, in an effort to discover her whereabouts. Charza flew his ship against the force dispatched by Wilhuff Tarkin, who wanted to take control of Zonama Sekot and present it to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Charza and his food-kin and helpers barely escaped, and managed to return to Coruscant. However, as Palpatine grew in power and the New Order was established as the galactic government, Charza found himself getting less and less work from the Jedi. Following the Jedi Purge, Charza was forced into working as a smuggler in order to make ends meet.(RP, GMR8)

Kwis, Vortia
This man was the Captain of the modified corvette Pure Sabacc during the early stages of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Kwis and his crew were at Dubrillion when the Yuuzhan Vong launched their invasion, and agreed to help the New Republic transport refugees to Dantooine. However, after arriving in the middle of a Yuuzhan Vong sneak attack and barely fighting his way free, Captian Kwis began to reconsider his support for the New Republic. Eventually, he decided to join the Peace Brigade, and agreed to use the Pure Sabacc as a sort of mobile recruiting office.(NJOSB)

Kwi'teksa, Pala
This young Twi'lek girl was a slave in Mos Espa, and was a friend of young Anakin Skywalker. Before arriving on Tatooine, Pala was first enslaved by the Toydarian baron Begubb. Begubb had demanded an annual payment of ryll spice to "protect" her village, and when the natives couldn't pay, Begubb took the smartest and brightest children instead. She was educated at Madame Vansitt's Charm Academy to be an assassin, and was sold to Lord Tantos shortly before Anakin defeated Sebulba in the Boonta Eve Classic podrace. However, she and Anakin discovered a group of Ghostling children captured by Sebulba, and they tried their best to rescue them from Gradulla the Hutt. Gardulla was able to identify Pala from a flake of skin found in Gardulla's dungeons, and Madame Vansitt had no choice but to destroy Pala. Luckily for Pala, Anakin had given her a signal jammer to wear, which blocked the destruction transmission. After helping the Ghostlings reach Bantha Rock and the ship of Rakir Banai, Pala escaped Tatooine with Dorn.(E1A5, E1A7, E1A8)

This planet was believed to be a neighbor to Kashyyyk, and the site of a manufacturing facility that used stoln Wookiee children as laborers.(GMR4)

KW-series Droid
This series of traffic control droid was produced by Cybot Galactica. These droids were distinguished by their tall, clamshell heads, which contained a pair of glowing, red photoreceptors.(EGD)

This was the Snivvian word for "where."(HNN5)

Kwuennox Smugglers
This group of smugglers joined the Alliance after they were decimated by the Empire. Under the command of their leader, Ozik Poyiu, they were reformed into the freighter unit known as Gale Team.(SWJ11)

This was the Snivvian word for "why."(HNN5)

Kwymar Sector
This area of the galaxy was hotly-contested during the Galactic Civil War. A series of Imperial attacks known as the Kwymar Suppressions subjugated worlds such as Picutorion, Kestos Minor, and Telos.(MB, SWMW)

Kwymar Six
This was one of the Alliance troop units which participated in the battles to control Kwymar Sector during the Galactic Civil War.(MB)

Kwymar Suppressions
This was the name given to the series of Imperial attacks that subjugated many of the planets in the Kwymar Sector of the galaxy, during the early years of the New Order.(SWMW)

This was one of the many hunting droids owned by Tanis Venns, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. His wife, tired of their existence on Tatooine, reprogrammed the droid to explode if Tanis ever tried to leave their homestead. Only the timely appearance of a Jedi Knight allowed Tanis to evade the trap and get back to his life.(KOTOR)

This was one of the many hunting droids owned by Tanis Venns, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. His wife, tired of their existence on Tatooine, reprogrammed the droid to explode if Tanis ever tried to leave their homestead. Only the timely appearance of a Jedi Knight allowed Tanis to evade the trap and get back to his life.(KOTOR)

This was one of the many hunting droids owned by Tanis Venns, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. His wife, tired of their existence on Tatooine, reprogrammed the droid to explode if Tanis ever tried to leave their homestead. Only the timely appearance of a Jedi Knight allowed Tanis to evade the trap and get back to his life.(KOTOR)

This was one of the many hunting droids owned by Tanis Venns, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. His wife, tired of their existence on Tatooine, reprogrammed the droid to explode if Tanis ever tried to leave their homestead. Only the timely appearance of a Jedi Knight allowed Tanis to evade the trap and get back to his life.(KOTOR)

Developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, the Taim & Bak KX-4 was a ball turret which could be mounted to a groundship or starship. Each turret was armed with a dual laser cannon, capable of firing in virtually any direction.(SHPT)

This small Taim & Bak laser cannon was made famous as the weaponry mounted on the nose of the Y-Wing starfighter. The KX5 was also used on early models of the Z-95 Headhunter.(SCRE, CCG6, SWG2P)

This was one of the more powerful starship laser cannons produced by Taim & Bak, during the height of the New Order.(SWG2P)

This was the designation of the Taim & Bak laser cannon used in the manufacture of the X-Wing starfighter.(EGW)

This surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "shipwright" in the Sullustan language.(GCG)

Kyak, Aril
The female Sullustan was married to Syub Kyak, and lived with Syub and their family in the Cularin System, during the final years of the Old Republic. The family booked a cruise aboard the luxury liner Crest of Dawn, and found themselves in an incredible adventure when their two children rewired the ship's helm controls.(REPL)

Kyak, Fiev
This Sullustan youth was the child of Syub and Aril Kyak. During a family vacation aboard the luxury vessel Crest of Dawn, several years after the Battle of Naboo, Fiev and his sibling Sien snuck into the helm control room and began to rewire the system. They thought that they would have some fun, but their modifications left the ship without proper helm control, plunging it into the radiation-filled atmosphere of Genarius. Syub was able to send out a distress call, and the family was rescued by the freelance crew of the Starchaser IV.(REPL)

Kyak, Sien
This Sullustan youth was the child of Syub and Aril Kyak. During a family vacation aboard the luxury vessel Crest of Dawn, several years after the Battle of Naboo, Sien and his sibling Fiev snuck into the helm control room and began to rewire the system. They thought that they would have some fun, but their modifications left the ship without proper helm control, plunging it into the radiation-filled atmosphere of Genarius. Syub was able to send out a distress call, and the family was rescued by the freelance crew of the Starchaser IV.(REPL)

Kyak, Syub
This Sullustan starship engineer worked at SoroSuub's operations in the Cularin System, during the final years of the Old Republic. Syub and his engineering team were behind the development of the G-95 Cannibalizer starfighter. He and his family rented the Cularin Star Tours vessel Crest of Dawn to visit the various planets in the Cularin System. During a cruise through the atmosphere of Genarius, Kyak's two children snuck into the ship's engineering station and tried to take control of its helm controls. The ship plummeted into the atmosphere, and had to be rescued by the freelance crew of the rescue vessel Starchaser IV.(REPL)

This Alwari Ansionian was outcast from Tasbir clan because of an accident which left him without an arm and mentally damaged. While the arm was replaced with a cybernetic prosthesis, Kyakhta's mind was rendered almost useless. He was employed by Soergg the Hutt for his lack of a mind, in the hopes that the Ansionian could approach the Jedi Knights who were on Ansion to mediate a settlement between the Alwari and the city dwellers. Soergg wanted to kidnap either Anakin Skywalker or Barriss Offee, in an effort to force the Jedi to abandon their efforts in search of the Padawan. Working with Bulgan, the two feeble Ansionians managed to capture Barriss Offee, but were unprepared when she offered to fix their mental deficiencies. Barriss was able to use the Force to repair the mental damage done to both Kyakhta and Bulgan, and the two Ansionians suddenly found themselves able to think and communicate with incredible dexterity. Both also pledged their support to help the Jedi. They were able to guide the Jedi Knights to the Borokii overclan, where Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luminara Unduli convinced the Alwari join the city dwellers in agreeing to remain with the Old Republic instead of seceding.(APS)

This was the name of the ruling family of the planet Troska, during the height of the New Order. As the leaders of the planet, the Kyber family was in charge of the fuel refineries that dotted its landscape. When the Empire arrived in the system, the Kyber family was allowed to maintain the refineries for a short period of time, although they were eventually deposed and forced to turn over control to the Empire.(BFOK)

Kyber, Natas
This aging man was the King of the planet Troska, during the height of the New Order. When Imperial forces arrived on Troska and established a base there, Natas and the Kyber family found themselves forced to bow to the wishes of Commander Buzk, who became increasingly demanding. When Lieutenant Manech called in Boba Fett, as part of a larger plan to expose Buzk's dirty dealings, Natas was captured and held prisoner by the bounty hunter. Not wanting to lose his position of power, Natas offered Boba Fett double when he was paid to launch an attack on the Imperial garrison. Fett agreed to the plan, which Manech had anticipated. Fett caused enough havoc to expose Buzk's treachery, and left troska behind. Natas was later interrogated by the Imperials, in order to determine how much he knew about Buzk's plans.(BFOK)

Kyber, Torino
This man was the crown prince of the Kyber family, and was placed in charge of the refineries on the planet Troska during the height of the New Order. Torino Kyber was more than a little disgruntled at the oppression and corruption of Commander Buzk, and threatened to shut down the refineries if Buzk didn't back off and leave operations to the Kybers. When Imperial leaders learned that Commander Buzk was taking liberties with his command of the garrison on Troska, the Kyber family was unaware that Lieutenant Manech had hatched a plot that involved the notorious bounty hunter, Boba Fett. Fett arrived on Troska and immediately set to work destroying Torino's refineries. It was unknown if he survived Fett's attacks.(BFOK)

Kyber Crystal
This Jedi artifact was created as a storage device. During the final decades, it was used to store information on every Force-sensitive child known in the galaxy. Because of the sensitive nature of this information, the Kyber crystal was entrusted to Jedi Master Bolla Ropal, although he was unable to actually read any of the information it carried. The Kyber crystal was designed so that only a certain Jedi holocron could access its information, and this holocron was stored deep inside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. This did not stop Cad Bane from taking on a mission from Darth Sidious to steal the holocron, and after the successful theft, Cad Bane set out to locate Master Ropal.(CWTV23)

Kyber Dart
This small dart was developed by the Kaminoans during the era of the Great Sith War. Each of these cone-shaped darts was laced with potent biotoxins that had been genetically developed by the Kaminoans.(LAWS)

This immense, floating creature was native to the tampasi of the living planet, Zonama Sekot. Although they were large enough to move beings and cargo, the native Ferroans refused to use the kybos as transports. Instead, they allowed the kybos to simply do what they did naturally: harvest the produce from the tops of the boras trees. Each manta-shaped kybo measured more than 60 meters in length, with a body composed of a collection of gas-filled bladders. Individual Ferroans bonded with a specific kybo in a sort of symbiotic relationship, with the Ferroan becoming a caretaker and "pilot."(FH3)

Kybo, Flynn
This young Jedi Padawan was apprenticed to T'chooka D'oon during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Some two years after the Battle of Geonosis, they were dispatched to Vandos to rescue Ambassador Quiyyen, unaware that the Ambassador had been held captive as part of a plot devised by General Grievous to lure the Jedi to Vandos. Although the two Jedi managed to rescue the Ambassador, they were unable to escape before Grievous confronted them. Master D'oon charged into battle, giving Kybo a chance to flee Vandos. Upon his return to Coruscant, Kybo demanded that the Jedi Council sanction a mission to hunt down and destroy Grievous. He claimed that his actions were not motivated by revenge or anger, but by a desire to prevent the deaths of any more beings by the General's hand. After being dismissed by the Council, Kybo met his new Master, Z'meer Bothu, who allowed Kybo to carry out his plans. However, Master Bothu made it clear to Kybo that, if he should leave Coruscant to chase down Grievous, he would never be able to return to the Jedi Order. Kybo accepted this fate, claiming that he was sacrificing his place as a Jedi for the greater good of the galaxy. He accompanied B'dard Tone to Belsus, were they had tracked Grievous after the cyborg captured the younglings of the Bergruutfa Clan. After landing on the moon in the stolen transport craft XXX-567-2B, Flynn and Tone confronted Grievous while Codi Ty rescued the younglings. After Tone was killed while trying to delay Grievous, Flynn gave his own life in an effort to destroy Grievous. He allowed volatile fuels to contact the molten rock and magma that spewed from Belsus' surface, setting off a massive explosion that nearly tore the planet apart. Flynn died in the explosion, but his sacrifice allowed Codi Ty to escape. Unfortunately, Grievous managed to survive the explosion.(SWGG)

This swift-running mammal was native to the Woolwarricca prairies of Kashyyyk. There were several different breeds of kybuck, each distinguishable by the short horns atop the heads of the males. The herbivorous kybucks moved across the plains in large herds, and were always on the lookout for predators. At the slightest sign of danger, the entire herd would burst into motion, often attaining speeds near ninety kilometers per hour in their attempt to escape. Individuals could also turn abruptly, confronting their attacker or getting behind them in an effort to escape in the opposite direction. The intense familial relationships of the kybucks - a given pair mated for life - earned them a measure of respect from the Wookiees of Kashyyyk, who held similar loyalty as a social and familial obligation. Thus, Wookiees never hunted kybucks, and some Wookiee leaders often rode a domesticated kybuck as a symbol of their status. During the years that followed the Yuuzhan Vong War, kybucks were exported from Kashyyyk and bred for sale as pets and mounts.(SWDB, CWC3, FJ2)
This hadrium-plated blaster was popular among bounty hunters during the last years of the Old Republic. It was favored for many reasons, including its guardless trigger and its relatively small size, which allowed the KYD-21 to be hidden within one's clothing without attracting attention.(VD2, CVD, SWGAL)

This Jedi Knight was one of many who served as military leaders in the Grand Army of the Republic, during the era of the Clone Wars. Kydra was among the many Jedi who were dispatched to defend the planet Falleen from Separatist attack. Unfortunately, word of their mission was leaked to General Grievous, who staged a violent ambush that wiped out the Falleen battle group. All hands, including Kydra, were killed in the attack.(CWWS)

This was the name of an obscure language, spoken in a remote corner of the galaxy.(JQ1)

K'ying goh k'wang see
This Sullustan request, often heard at barbershops and salons, translated into Basic as "Don't cut (my hair) too short."(GPB)

This female Twi'lek was a known assassin who was accused of murdering Ead Vionor, and was suspected in the murders of fourteen other prominent businessbeings, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.(SWGAL)

This woman was a native of Corellia, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. She understood the political and military ideals of both the Empire and the Alliance, but failed to see how either side truly affected her daily life, which was full of cooking and cleaning for her family.(SWGAL)

A model of SoroSuub blaster pistol, the Kylan-3 was produced was one of the "superheavy" weapons during the blaster wars between SoroSuub, BlasTech, and Merr-Sonn. Known for its heavy punch, the Kylan-3 was often referred to as the Sullustan Blast Rifle.(GG9, AEG)

This woman was the Queen of Naboo during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Although she was outwardly loyal to the Empire, she refused to dissolve the Naboo Royal Advisory Council. She also failed to implement any of the sweeping changes to Naboo's democratic government often associated with Imperial doctrine, which led many - including Inquisitor Loam Redge - to believe she harbored some support for the Alliance. During the war, Queen Kylantha invited the Ewoks Chief Chirpa and Logray to Naboo, during the Festival of Love celebration, in order to foster an understanding between the Naboo and the Ewoks.(SWI69, ROD, SWGAL)

Kylantha's Whim
This mostly deserted area of space, located in the Naboo System, was originally purchased by a private investor who was infatuated with Queen Kylantha. He offered it to her as a token of his love, and asked her to marry him. She politely refused the offer, preferring instead to "marry" the people of Naboo, and the man renamed the area Kylantha's Whim.(SWGAL)

Kylanu, Dav
This Jedi Master was the mentor of the man who would eventually become High Inquisitor Tremayne, during the last years of the Old Republic. Unfortunately for Tremayne, Master Kylanu was killed by Separatist forces during the Clone Wars, and Tremayne himself was taken prisoner.(GAL6, EAP)

This was one of the most common names given to male Corellians.(GMR9)

Kyle, Crazy Van
This being was the leader of the Hurt Vectors swoop gang.(ND)

Kyle Odoon
This suitor of Ido Glayyd was a member of the Odoon clan. He seemed embarrassed by the political plotting that his family was doing, in trying to marry him off to Ido.(CSA)

This was a popular soft drink among the youth of the galaxy, during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.(DN1)

Kyler, Solla
This starship mechanic made a living working in various starports throughout the Outer Rim, and worked hard to hide the fact that she was actually a procurement agent for the Alliance. Despite her cheerful appearance, Solla was deeply troubled by the loss of her arm in a crash on the planet Wroona. She chose not to have it replaced with a cybernetic prosthesis, and learned how to continue working with just one arm.(PSG)

A race of lisping reptiloids.(RPG)

This planet was the primary world in the KyLessia System.(TBSB)

KyLessian Feather Mite
This miniscule insect made its home on the shafts of the feathers of the KyLessian fruit bat.(TBSB)

KyLessian Fruit Bat
Native to KyLessia, this small, flying predator was misnamed. It only lived in the wulfruit trees, and never actually ate the fruit itself. Instead, the fruit bats hunted in large swarms, all landing on a targetted prey and burrowing into the prey's skin. After feeding and departing, the corpse of their prey appeared to have been ravaged by a much larger predator.(TBSB)

KyLessian Fruit Distillate
This fine spirit was produced on KyLessian, although it was enjoyed throughout the Outer Rim.(GG9, OWS)

Kyll, Garris
Han Solo obtained this false identity from a Tsyklen on Nar Hekka, shortly after delivering a shipment to Tagta the Hutt.(THG)

This Corellian thug was a student of an ancient Force-sensitive who tended to twist the Jedi Code to his own designs. Like his fellow students Renthor and Ulbert, Kym had no connection to the Force, but adhered loyally to his teacher's twisted version of the Code. His favorite tenet was "Peace through pieces," which was supported by the law "There was not motion, there was only pieces." Kym and his buddies lived aboard the Mynock 7 Space Station, and often harrassed the patrons of the Farrimmer Café.(SWJ11)

This was one of the most common names given to female Corellians.(GMR9)

This being was promoted to replace the treacherous Torvon as Nien Nunb's Second Administrator at the spices mines of Kessel. However, Kymm proved no less devious, and worked to enable Czethros to take control of the mines. After Torvon's death, Kymm rallied the Black Sun agents on Kessel, getting them in position to assist in the takeover. Their plans were eventually thwarted by the young Jedi Knights from Luke Skywalker's academy on Yavin 4.(CCR)

This race of humans, distinguished by their golden hair, was native to the planet Kynachi. The golden color of their hair was caused by the regular diet of the Kynachi, and those individuals who spent time away from their homeworld often had hair that paled in color.(SM1)
This planet was the homeworld of the Kynachi people. The majority of the planet's native inhabitants made their living in farming and agriculture, although a few gifted individuals were hired by the planet's sole technology corporation, KynachTech Industries. During the years following the Battle of Naboo, much of the planet's commerce was usurped by the Trade Federation, although the Federation made every effort to keep its presence a secret from the Galactic Republic. The leadership of Kynachi chose to sever its ties to the Galactic Republic, and the planet adopted an isolationist government. Although Kynachi was outwardly neutral during the Clone Wars, pieces of KynachTech circuitry was found in the wreckage of the Separatist warship Malevolence by a squad of clone troopers from the Grand Army of the Republic. While the Republic went about launching an investigation, Separatist naval forces blockaded the planet, led by the bounty hunter Cad Bane.(SM1)
KynachTech Industries
This technology manufacturer was based on the planet Kynachi, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Although KynachTech had traditionally produced technology that applied only to peaceful uses, several circuit boards produced by the corporation were discovered in the wreckage of the Separatist warship Malevolence. Jedi Master Ring-Sol Ambase, himself a native of Kynachi, investigated this link at the request of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The mission was launched shortly afterward, although Master Ambase and his troops found that Kynachi had been blockade by the Separatists. Ambase's Padawan, Nuru Kungurama, learned that the Trade Federation had established a foothold on the planet sometime after the Battle of Naboo, and had taken over the KynachTech factory headquarters for its own use. A transmission-jamming tower was constructed atop the main factory building, preventing any outsiders from learning that the factory had been retooled to produce combat droids and weaponry. Nuru and his clones also learned that the Federation had also constructed a prison beneath the factory.(SM1)
Kyneugh, Myn
This member of the Imperial Royal Guard served Emperor Palpatine aboard the second Death Star. He knew little of his youth, and most of his memories begin after he began serving the Empire. Kyneugh was also an early instructor of Carnor Jax and Kir Kanos.(CCG11)

see Knytix(MF)

This was the Jawaese word for the number 3.(GPB)

Kyolorian Snake-God
This deity humanoid in shape, but was covered with irridescent scales.(TA)

This given name was common human males across the galaxy.(GCG)

Kyp's Dozen
Formed after the destruction of the Dozen-and-Two Avengers at Helska, this band of vigilantes was led by Kyp Durron. They were classified by the New Republic military as a support unit, provided that drop the "Avengers" from their name. The group was made up of Durron and eleven combat veterans who had come out of retirement to fight back against the Yuuzhan Vong. They traveled to Kalarba, hoping to intercept the Yuuzhan Vong ship carrying Wurth Skidder. They managed to overtake the Creche', but were unable to cripple it. The Creche' jumped into hyperspace, bound for Fondor to meet with the rest of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. Kyp's Dozen followed the ship to Fondor, but were too late to rescue Skidder. Kyp and his squadron vowed to avenge Skidder's death, further dividing themselves from the rest of the Jedi Knights. However, as Kyp's own personal agenda began to take less precedence over the needs of the galaxy, Kyp's Dozen began to work more closely with the New Republic Navy, until they were an accepted part of the armed forces. It was Admiral Traest Kre'fey who requested that Kyp's Dozen be fully reinstated to the military, in the wake of the Second Battle of Coruscant.(JE, DW)

This Mando'a word meant "end."(OWS)

Kyr ge'kaan
This Mando'a word referred to the end of a military exercise.(OWS)

This Mando'a word meant "corpse."(OWS)

This Mandalorian word meant "death", when translated into Basic.(SWI86)

This Mando'a word meant "death."(OWS)

This Mando'a word meant "deadly" or "fatal."(OWS)

This Mando'a word meant "assassin" or "killer."(OWS)

This Mando'a verb meant "to kill."(OWS)

This Mando'a word meant "battlefield."(OWS)

This Mando'a word meant "skull," although it was originally used to describe the skull of a mythosaur. It was also used colloquially to refer to a crown, or a position of leadership. Many Mandalorians referred to the kyr'bes of the Mandalore, indicating that whoever was the current Mandalore wore a symbolic crown as the leader of the Mandalorian people.(OWS, LF2)

This small avian was native to the planet Ansion, where it swept across the grasslands in huge flocks numbering in the hundreds of millions. The kyren was herbivorous by nature, and the flocks migrated in time to the growing seasons of various grains. Once filled with copious amounts of food, the kyren flock settled back to the ground to rest and mate, before taking to the air once again. Because the timing of the flock had to be perfect in order to find ripe grains, the kyrens moved with incredible speed, and could rarely move off their current path. Because of this, if the flock encountered obstacles such as the stony pillars of the jijites or a stand of trees, many members of the flock were killed when they collided with the obstacle. This was not a matter of ritual suicide, but the kyren which hit an obstacle had nowhere else to go in the large flock. As the flock sped past, the dead bodies eventually formed a cushion for those behind. If the kyren flock encountered a living obstacle, such as a herd of suubatars, they often ate their way through the herd. In this way, a feeding flock of kyren could devastate a wide swath of grasslands in no time. The kyren was feared and respected by the Alwari nomads, which sometimes watched shanhs flee in terror from the small birds. The average kyren was no more than nine inches across, and had two pairs of wings sprouting from its black body. The upper pair was smaller, and was used for maneuvering and speed, while the lower pair was wider, and was used for gliding on the breeze. A yellow dot marked each wing. The kyren lacked true legs, instead having a pair of fuzzy tufts lining its belly, which were used to skid along the ground when landing.(APS)

This fruit, grown on a single plantation on the planet Korbin, was often fermented to create an alcoholic beverage also called kyrf. The kyrf fruit was quite flavorful, and the alcohol was quite powerful. Cross-Galactic handles all the exportation of kyrf liquor, which was produced by Drelmar Bin.(PG2)

This was the name of the small assault fighter that was used as the design basis for the Xxx fighter, developed by MandalMotors to be built almost entirely from the new beskar deposits found near Enceri, during the height of the Corellia-GA War. The ship was upgraded to have a Class 0.4 hyperdrive and a deflective stealth hull, along with all manner of improved weaponry and sensor systems. The ship later became the design basis for the Be'suliik-class fighter.(LF5)

This remote settlement was found deep in the forest of the northern hemisphere of the planet Mandalore. It was here that Kal Skirata purchased a small farm, to serve as his retirement home when his service to the Grand Army of the Republic was completed. Kyrimorut itself started out as little more than a trading post, with individuals creating their own homesteads in the surrounding wilderness. As the battle for galactic control ground on, Skirata began making plans to use the settlement and its surrounding land as a home for any clone troopers who wanted to leave military service and live out their lives in relative peace. In the wake of the Clone Wars, the farmland was ceded to two Mandalorians, Gotab and Kad'ika, who were actually Bardan Jusik and Venku Skirata. They began the Kadikla movement from the farm, earning them the nickname of the Kyrimorut Wild Men.(RCTC, LF8, RC66)

Kyrimorut Wild Men
This was the term used by many Mandalorians to describe Kad'ika, Gotab, and the followers of the Kadikla movement, during the years following the Swarm War. The nickname came from the fact that Kad'ika and Gotab lived on a farm in the Kyrimorut region of Mandalore, where they had taken over the farm from their mentor, Kal Skirata.(LF8)

This was an entry-level starship drive engine produced by Qualdex, during the early years of the New Order.(SWG2P)

Kyromaster A-10
This was an upgraded version of the Kyromaster engine system, produced by Qualdex during the height of the New Order.(SWG2P)

This was one of the more common names given to Colicoid individuals.(UANT)

Kyrullus, Dorbus
This young man was the boyfriend of Devidia Vennsiol, until he was captured and charged with the theft of prototype weapons from Safidine Industries. Devidia herself avoiding capture.(GMR6)

This Mando'a noun meant "harvest."(OWS)

This Mando'a word meant "last."(OWS)

Kyryll's World
The planet which was home to the Pui-Ui race.(CSA)

Kyss, Leda
This Rabaanite was Mika Streev's closest friend and lover, and was a member of the warrior caste. She had earned the red bandoleer, but had not yet achieved the sunburst sigil of combat artist like Streev. The primary reason behind this was her open mind to other opportunities, outside the scope of combat. She was an accomplished pilot, and traveled off-world a number of times while transporting Rabaanite dignitaries to other planets. It was during these trips that she saw the Empire for what it was: a ruthless machine concerned with its own goals, including the destruction of the Alliance. After helping a group of Alliance agents flee an Imperial starport, she intermittently assisted the Alliance, primarily in the Circarpous System. When the Empire threatened the Ishanna System, she tried to turn Streev toward the Alliance. She was met by a group of Alliance agents who were attempting to halt Imperial progress in the system, and they went to the Combat Moon to rescue Streev. In a firefight on Rabaan's Combat Moon, Leda was shot in the head by Commander Glave. She died almost instantly, and was buried on the moon by Streev and the Alliance agents who knew Leda.(SWJ9)

Kystallio Detection Plus
This small corporation produced a line of repulsor-equipped, long-range surveillance devices.(EGW, GFT)

Kystes' Spine
Located on the Aximia continent of the planet Talus, the formation known as Kystes' Spine was a range of spires and spikes that rose from the rocky ground. The ground beneath the Spine was riddled with caves and tunnels, which served as the warren of a clan of xenophobic Selonians.(CCW)

Kyte, Jaron
This Imperial General was one of the leaders of the defense setup on the planet Muunilinst, some ten years after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. He questioned Admiral Pellaeon and his proposal for a peace treaty with the New Republic. Pellaeon later implicated Kyte in the supplying of Imperial equipment and personnel to the Cavrilhu Pirates, part of Moff Disra's plans to obtain Preybird-class starfighters outside proper Imperial channels.(SOP)

This name was common among Sullustan males, and meant "alert" or "watchful".(GCG)

This hulking, alien race was distinguished by its hairless body and glowling eyes.(CWTV39)
This gas was developed during the last decades of the Old Republic as a starship coolant. Although it was harmless to humans and most humanoid races, it caused Ithorians to launch into homicidal rages.(GMR1)

K'zagg Colony
This was one of the many Ruurian communities found on their homeworld of Ruuria.(HSL)

This Coynite curse translated into Basic as "poison."(PG3)

This searing ball of rock was the innermost world of the N'zoth System.(CCW)

This was the Elomin term used to describe the leader of a pack of ranphyx.(COG)

This Qwohog convinced Diergu-Rea Duhnes'rd and his beloved, Solum'ke, into financing a treasure hunt to the Zelosian Chine during Zelos II's Day of the Sepulchral Night. He then double-crossed them, having his Corellian partners pretend to be shipwrecked. The pirates then took the treasure the Weequay had recovered and left them to drown when the tides rose.(TFNR)

KZZ Riot Armor
This upper-body protection was produced for the Empire and the Corporate Sector Authority by Merr-Sonn.(EGW)

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.