Traditional Kimchi Recipe (2024)

Kimchi is popular worldwide. It is a traditional ethnic Korean staple that is made of salted and fermented vegetables. The commonly used ingredients are cabbage and radish with a variety of seasonings including chili, scallions, garlic, ginger, and fermented salted seafood. It is widely eaten as a side dish but kimchi is also used as an ingredient in a wide variety of Korean dishes. Although the most globally recognized kimchi is made from cabbage, there are actually more than 200 variations of this fermented dish and countless ways to enjoy it. Today we are demonstrating how to make the traditional kimchi. You can eat this freshly made or fermented. It can be a perfect side dish to your grilled or fried meats or seafood or, used to make your kimchi fried rice or, added to your soup to give it a kick of spice and a depth of flavor.


• 6 lb Napa cabbage
• ½ cup of kosher salt
• 2 cups of radish, cut into thin strips
• 1 cup of carrot, cut into thin strips
• 7 to 8 scallions, chopped
• 1 cup of chives, chopped
• 1 cup water dropwort (minori), chopped (optional)


• 2 cups of water
• 2 tbsp glutinous rice flour
• 2 tbsp brown sugar

Kimchi Paste:

• 24 cloves of garlic, minced or pureed
• 2 tsp ginger, minced
• 1 medium onion, minced
• ½ cup fish sauce
• ¼ cup of fermented salted shrimp (saeujeot), chopped
• 2 cups of hot pepper flakes (gochugaru)


This recipe takes about 30 minutes to make. The salting process takes about 2 hours. Kimchi needs to ferment for at least a day. Makes about 8 lb of Kimchi.

To prepare the Napa cabbage for salting, slice off the tough part of the core.
Carefully split the cabbage in half, lengthwise.
Cut a small slit through the center of the core of each cabbage. This way the leaves are loose but still attached to the core.
Wash the cabbage thoroughly and place them in a basin.
Sprinkle salt on each leaf. Lift every layer as you go along but be careful not to tear off the leaves from the core.
Set the cabbage aside for 2 hours but turn the cabbage over every 30 minutes to ensure even salting. You will notice more water at the bottom of the basin every time you turn the cabbage.
After 2 hours, split the cabbage halves into 2 and wash them several times under cold running water to remove any salt particles or dirt.
Put the cabbage in a strainer to drain excess water.
To make the porridge or rice paste, continuously stir water, glutinous rice flour, and sugar in a pot over medium heat for 9 minutes.
Let this cool completely.
To make the kimchi paste, put porridge in a large mixing bowl. Add garlic, ginger, onion, fish sauce, fermented salted shrimp, and hot pepper flakes. Mix well with the wooden spoon.
Add the radish, carrots, scallions, chives, and water dropwort. Mix well.
Take your cabbage and rub kimchi paste on each cabbage leaf.
Fold or roll the cabbage into a packet and put them in a leak-proof plastic container or jar. Make sure you press to pack the kimchi well before putting the lid on.
You may eat kimchi right away or let it sit for a few days to ferment.

Ideas And Tips:

• The kimchi will start fermenting in a day or two at room temperature. Warmer temperatures hasten fermentation. Fermentation starts when the kimchi smells and tastes sour. It is recommended that you store kimchi in the refrigerator after a day or two to slow down the fermentation process. It is also recommended that you press the kimchi down with a spoon to release the bubbles at the bottom of the container and to make sure that the cabbage stays submerged in the liquid.

• If you can’t find water dropwort or minori in your area, you may skip this ingredient, but definitely not the scallions.

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Traditional Kimchi Recipe (1)

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Traditional Kimchi Recipe (2)

Traditional Kimchi Recipe (2024)


How is kimchi made traditionally? ›

The process of making kimchi involves brining (salting) the vegetables to draw out the water, which helps in preservation and allows the seasonings to penetrate the food over time; the final salt concentration ranges from 2-5%. Kimchi is typically fermented by 'wild cultures' naturally present on the vegetables.

What is the difference between old kimchi and new kimchi? ›

Taste. The biggest difference between fresh and fermented Kimchi is the taste. Fresh Kimchi is more like a salad, so it taste more raw, fresh and crunchy. Fermented Kimchi is softer and tangy.

Does Korean eat kimchi everyday? ›

Traditional Korean meals comprise a large variety of side dishes known as banchan, and kimchi is the most ubiquitous side dish consumed in two meals on a daily basis by a large proportion of Koreans [18].

What is the difference between Japanese and Korean kimchi? ›

Korean kimchi is made with Chinese cabbage, red pepper, garlic, salted fish and ginger, and then stored in clay containers to ferment for at least four weeks. (Korea Food Research Institute) However, Japanese kimchi is made with Chinese cabbage and artificial flavor, skipping the fermentation process.

How long should kimchi ferment? ›

Allow 1 hour to prepare the kimchi and get it in the fermentation jar. Plus 4 hours waiting while the vegetables salt. It takes 5-10 days to ferment depending on room temperature.

Can regular cabbage be used for kimchi? ›

Kimchi is traditionally made with napa cabbage, but there's nothing to stop you from using another cabbage! Napa cabbage, Chinese cabbage, green cabbage, savoy cabbage, white cabbage, red cabbage, and bok choy (we could go on and on) are all part of the very large cruciferous family (Brassicaceae).

Does kimchi go bad? ›

Opened, store-bought kimchi lasts 3-4 days at room temperature and up to 6 months in the refrigerator. As soon as you break the seal and expose your kimchi to oxygen, the fermentation process starts to speed up, meaning that your kimchi will near its expiration date a lot faster.

Can fermenting kimchi go wrong? ›

As your JIN Kimchi ferments like any other Kimchi, it starts smelling slightly sour and vinegary, this aroma gets stronger over time and is perfectly normal! However, if your Kimchi starts to smell rotten, it has most likely gone bad.

Can kimchi go bad in the fridge? ›

For long-term storage of kimchi, just keep the vegetables submerged in the brine, and watch out for visible fuzzy mold on top. So long as the surface of the kimchi isn't allowed to dry out and grow mold, kimchi does not go bad.

What is the number 1 Korean kimchi? ›


Jongga, Koreans' favorite Kimchi brand of all time, has been elevating the legacy and culture of Kimchi since 1987.

What is the Korean No 1 kimchi? ›

A LEGACY OF TRADITION: With a cherished history deeply rooted in Korean culture, Jongga Kimchi, the No. 1 Kimchi Brand, brings the authentic essence of the iconic Korean menu to your table.

Is kimchi better than sauerkraut? ›

Conclusion. Whether you prefer the simplicity of sauerkraut or the boldness of kimchi, both dishes offer a range of flavors and health benefits. Incorporating fermented cabbage into your diet can be a delightful way to explore new tastes and improve your gut health.

Is kimchi good or bad for you? ›

Because it's a fermented food, it boasts numerous probiotics. These healthy microorganisms may give kimchi several health benefits. It may help regulate your immune system, promote weight loss, fight inflammation, and even slow the aging process. If you enjoy cooking, you can even make kimchi at home.

Is traditional kimchi fermented? ›

Kimchi is a traditional Korean food manufactured by fermenting vegetables with probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Many bacteria are involved in the fermentation of kimchi, but LAB become dominant while the putrefactive bacteria are suppressed during salting of baechu cabbage and the fermentation.

How long does it take kimchi to ferment? ›

How long does it take to make Kimchi? Allow 1 hour to prepare the kimchi and get it in the fermentation jar. Plus 4 hours waiting while the vegetables salt. It takes 5-10 days to ferment depending on room temperature.

How is kimchi manufactured step by step? ›

How to Make Kimchi
  1. Ingredients.
  2. Step 1: Prep the Cabbage.
  3. Step 2: Ferment the Cabbage.
  4. Step 3: Add More Vegetables.
  5. Step 4: Make the Flavorful Chile Paste.
  6. Step 5: Mix It All Together.
  7. Step 5: Let It Ferment a Second Time.
Feb 6, 2020

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