Vegan Milk: Guide to the Best Dairy-Free Brands (2024)

Why not make the switch to vegan milk? It’s tastier, cruelty-free, and better for the planet.

Vegan milks are made from a wide assortment of beans, nuts, seeds, and grains. The most popular varieties are soy milk, almond milk, and oat milk. Other popular brands are made from coconuts, peas, cashews, hazelnuts, or rice.

Not so long ago, demand for vegan milks was tiny and only a few such products existed. But sales of non-dairy milks have exploded in recent years. As we’re about to see, dairy production causes a great many problems. So it’s exciting to see vegan milks gaining ground at the dairy industry’s expense.

Why Choose Vegan Milk?

What terrifies the dairy industry is that they’ve got no way to fairly compete, since vegan milks are a better choice on every front. They consistently taste better than cows’ milk. Production costs are much lower since there’s no need to breed and house animals nor dispose of their waste. And unlike dairy milk, most vegan milks are low in saturated fat yet still contain plenty of calcium and protein.

As a result, dairy industry lobbyists in both the USA and the European Union have sought to ban words like “milk,” “yogurt,” and “cheese,” from appearing on vegan dairy alternatives. Lawmakers in the EU have gone so far as to attempt to attempt to ban the use of milk cartons or yogurt-style containers for vegan dairy alternatives.

Try a few vegan brands of vegan milk and you’ll likely be impressed by the flavor. You can find these milks in chocolate, vanilla, plain, and unsweetened varieties.

There are a number of excellent reasons to choose vegan milk over cows’ milk:

With all these factors taken into consideration, it’s no wonder that vegan milk sales continue to rapidly increase while cows’ milk sales are in steady decline.

The Rise of Vegan Milk in Paper Cartons

In the 1990s, vegan milks were such a tiny niche market that they were sold only in shelf-stable aseptic juice boxes. But over time, increasing sales made switching to conventional paper milk cartons commercially viable. With this packaging change, vegan milks for the first time appeared side-by-side with cows’ milk in the refrigerated dairy case. Predictably, this positioning drove already surging sales even higher. Most supermarkets now carry several brands of vegan milk, and a good natural foods store will carry a dozen or more varieties.

Brands sold in aseptic packaging remain available, and it’s sensible to keep a few boxes in your pantry for camping trips, power outages, and disaster preparedness. Aseptically packaged vegan milk typically keeps for more than a year, but once opened it should be refrigerated and finished within about a week.

For everyday use, it makes sense to purchase brands sold in the refrigerated milk cartons since the packaging is less wasteful and the cost is lower.


Countless varieties of vegan milk exist, and nutrition varies drastically from one product to the next. Some brands are incredibly nutritious, while others are hardly better for you than sugar water. The three most important nutrients to consider are protein, sugar, and calcium. Additionally, Vitamin D and iodine deserve a mention. Let’s take a look at each of these nutrients.


Soy milks contain more protein than most other vegan milks—many soy milk brands offer nearly a gram of protein per ounce. Other vegan milks can contain shockingly little protein. Even though almonds are protein-rich nut, most almond milk brands provide only tiny amounts of protein. For instance, soy milks typically contain around seven grams of proteinper serving, compared to aroundone gram provided by most almond milks. Coconut milks usually have even less protein than almond milk—so little that you might as well consider them protein-free.

While soy milk offers an impressive nutrition profile, a product called Ripple, which is made from organically grown peas, is even better. In fact, Ripple’s unsweetened variety is probably the most nutritious choice of any widely-distributed vegan milk. The product has a bit more protein than does soy milk and 50 percent more calcium than cows’ milk. Ripple is also vitamin D fortified, and each serving contains omega 3s along with 32 milligrams of DHA.

Many vegans fall short of consuming optimal amounts of protein. So if you wish to boost your protein intake, purchase a brand that delivers at least five grams per serving. Just check the product’s nutrition label for this information.


Thanks to the processed foods industry adding sugar to practically everything, most people’s taste preference skews to the sweet side. And since the sugar in vegan milk is invisible, you’ll have no idea how much sugar you’re actually consuming unless you check the nutrition label. It turns out that a half gallon of Silk’s vanilla-flavored soy milk has almost as much sugar as three full-sized Snickers bars (72 grams vs 84 grams.) By contrast, Silk’s unsweetened variety has only eight grams of sugar per half gallon.

Choosing unsweetened vegan milks will also save you a lot of calories. For instance, Silk’s “Original” soy milkcontains 110 calories per serving, whereas the company’s unsweetened organic varietyhas just 80 calories.

It’s worth cultivating a taste for unsweetened vegan milk. You may be surprised by how quickly your preferences change once you start drinking it. Most vegan milks are made from ingredients that naturally have pleasing flavors, andadded sugars don’t really improve the taste. Try switching to unsweetened for a few weeks and you’ll likely never go back.

Calcium, Vitamin D, and Iodine

Most brands of vegan milk contain at least as much calcium as cow’s milk. This calcium usually comes from ground-up limestone,which is chemically pure and well-absorbed. It’s wise to choose a brand that contains at least 300 milligrams of calcium per serving. U.S. nutrition labels usually don’t list milligrams of calcium per serving. But if your vegan milk contains 300 milligrams of calcium per serving, the label will indicate 30% of the calcium RDA.

If you drink milk often, it’s probably supplying much of your Vitamin D and iodine. Raw unprocessed milk contains neither of these nutrients. So it’s certainly not cheating to cover your needs through supplements if you ditch dairy.

In the United States, regulations require that cow’s milk receive heavier Vitamin D fortification than what’s permitted for vegan milk. So, if you’re cutting milk from your diet, consider taking a Vitamin D supplement. Iodine is likewise an essential nutrient. Ignoring iodine intake is risky since deficiency causes goiters. If you regularly use iodized salt or if you take a daily multivitamin, your iodine needs shouldbe covered. Eating seaweed regularly is also a good idea, since it’s one of the few foods that is naturally rich iniodine.

Homemade Vegan Milk Possibilities

If you like nut milks, try making your own. All you need is a good blender and a fine-mesh strainer or some cheesecloth.

Nothing could be easier to make. Try five partswater to one partcashews, blanched almonds, or hemp seeds. Add a few drops of vanilla or some cocoa powder, and then perhaps somesweetener. With a little experimentation, you’ll come up with a recipe that’s tastier (and much cheaper) than commercial brands.

The great thing about homemade nut milks is that you can use virtually any kind of nut. This lets you easily create a variety of delicious concoctions unlike anything produced commercially. Hazelnuts and Brazil nuts both impart terrific flavors to nut milk. Add some cocoa if you want to make something chocolaty.

If you own a Blendtec or a Vitamix blender, this is your golden opportunity to put it to use since these industrial strength blenders can liquefy anything and everything. Also consider purchasing a nut milk bag (here’s one on Amazon), so you can squeeze out the pulp. Never throw this pulp away, as it’s nutrient-rich and can be cultured into a fantastic vegan cheese. To explore vegan cheese making, pick up a copy of This Cheese is Nuts by Julie Piatt or One Hour Dairy-Free Cheese by Claudia Lucero.

Making Soy Milk from Scratch

What about homemade soy milk? It’s cheap and fairly easy to make, but you might not like the results. For an explanation of why you should probably stick to making nut milk, see my soy milk page.

Dairy-Free Foods

Discovering a vegan milk you enjoy may inspire you to try out other dairy-free foods. There are excellent vegan alternatives to every popular dairy product you can think of, including: cheese,butter, cream cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and even coffee creamer. For more information, check out my page on vegan alternatives to popular non-vegan foods.

And if you’re looking for advice on shifting toward a totally dairy-free diet, I’ve written an extensive Dairy-Free Diet Guide to help you on your way.

Vegan Milk Brands

Here are some of the world’s top dairy-free milk brands.


Australia/New Zealand


Here’s a terrific page listing all major brands of soy milk sold in Japan, including package photos for each. And here are four top brands that you can find in nearly every grocery:

  • Sujahta
  • f*ckuren
  • Midori
  • Kikkoman
For further reading: please see our dairy-free guide , our coverage of the best vegan cheeses, and our vegan alternatives page.
Vegan Milk: Guide to the Best Dairy-Free Brands (2024)


Vegan Milk: Guide to the Best Dairy-Free Brands? ›

The test made a few things clear: soy milk, at its best, tastes closest to cow's milk. Oat tastes like a sweetly nutty cereal milk while almond tastes like the water left in your sink after washing the breakfast dishes.

Which vegan milk tastes most like dairy milk? ›

The test made a few things clear: soy milk, at its best, tastes closest to cow's milk. Oat tastes like a sweetly nutty cereal milk while almond tastes like the water left in your sink after washing the breakfast dishes.

What is the best non dairy alternative milk? ›

Almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk, cashew milk, they are all super, super similar. Even oat milk is pretty similar as far as what you're getting nutritionally,” Nadeau says.

What is the best vegan milk to buy? ›

Check out our list of the 5 Best Vegan Milks in North America in 2021.
  1. #1 Oat Drink. Oatly.
  2. #2 Organic Unsweet Soymilk. Silk.
  3. #3 Dark Chocolate Almond Milk. Silk.
  4. #4 Bebida de Almendra sabor Chocolate. Silk.
  5. #5 Holiday Nog Coconutmilk. So Delicious Dairy Free.

What milk is best for dairy free? ›

There are a number of alternative foods and drinks available in supermarkets to replace milk and dairy products, such as: soya milks, yoghurts and some cheeses. rice, oat, almond, hazelnut, coconut, quinoa and potato milks.

What is the creamiest plant-based milk? ›

Oat Milk. Oat milk is perhaps the creamiest of all the plant milks. Its thick creamy texture means it's one of the closest plant-based milks to resemble dairy milk. Oat milk is quickly becoming a favorite non-dairy alternative to milk with popular brands like Oatly disrupting the traditional milk industry.

Which plant milk is healthiest? ›

Nutritionally speaking, soy milk is best plant-based milk
  • Soy milk – the most balanced nutritional profile. ...
  • Rice milk – sweet taste and little nutrition. ...
  • Coconut milk – no protein and few calories, but most of them from fat. ...
  • Almond milk – need for complementary sources of food to provide essential nutrients.
Feb 7, 2018

Which non-dairy milk is easiest on stomach? ›

According to this guide, almond, hemp, and coconut milks may work for people with IBS. Just pay attention to your serving size. You may also want to try kefir. The fermentation process lowers lactose to a better level for those with IBS and lactose intolerance.

Does oat milk spike blood sugar? ›

To summarise, if you're consuming a large quantity of oat milk without any fibre, fat or protein to combat it, then it will likely raise blood sugar. “People are too obsessed with spiking blood sugar levels,” says Shah. “Food is meant to spike blood sugar levels,” she continues.

What is the healthiest non-dairy milk for weight loss? ›

Soy milk has more balanced nutritional content. It usually has less sugar and fewer calories. It leaves out extra saturated fats and cholesterol, and it often has the fatty acids and vitamins you need. With its higher protein content, it also helps suppress your appetite and promotes a healthy metabolism.

Is Fairlife milk dairy free? ›

Their main products—1 percent, 2 percent, chocolate milk—are all lactose-free, so while they are technically real dairy milk, it shouldn't bother those who are lactose-intolerant. Fairlife's 2 percent milk contains reduced fat ultra-filtered milk, lactase enzyme, vitamin A Palmitate, and vitamin D3.

What cheese is dairy free? ›

  • Miyoko's Smoked English Farmhouse. This cashew-based cheese was made for the cheese plate. ...
  • House Party Cheesy Dip. ...
  • Treeline Cream Cheese. ...
  • Parmela Shreds. ...
  • Miyoko's Mozzarella. ...
  • Violife cheeeeeese. ...
  • Follow Your Heart Slices. ...
  • Kite Hill Ricotta.
Feb 21, 2024

What is the closest dairy-free milk to real milk? ›

Soy Milk. Soy milk has been the most popular non-dairy substitute for decades because its nutrition profile closely resembles that of cow's milk. It's the best high-protein milk alternative. Soy milk offers about 7 grams of protein per cup, compared to cow milk's 8 grams per cup.

What plant-based milk tastes most like milk? ›

The demand for soy milk comes from its creamy texture and slightly nutty flavor, making it an excellent cooking and baking ingredient. It's the closest drink that resembles cow's milk, per a taste test and online public sentiment.

What to avoid if you are dairy-free? ›

A dairy-free diet includes avoiding all or most dairy products including milk, butter, yoghurt, cheese, cream and ice cream. Unlike a vegan or plant-based diet, a dairy-free still includes other animal products, such as meat, fish and eggs.

Which plant-based milk is similar to milk? ›

Oat Milk

Oat milk is naturally sweet and mild in flavor. It can be used in cooking in the same way as cow's milk, and tastes great with cereal or in smoothies. One cup (240 ml) contains 140–170 calories, 4.5–5 grams of fat, 2.5–5 grams of protein and 19–29 grams of carbohydrates (27, 28).

Which almond milk taste like cow milk? ›

Silk's Dairy-Free Milk

Vegan milk that tastes exactly like traditional cow's milk.

Does oat milk taste like milk? ›

Oat milk is not milk but a water extract of oats, which has a smooth, milk-like taste and is not only a simple plant-based nutritional drink but also contributes to a healthy lifestyle (Bocchi et al., 2021).

What tastes better, almond milk or oat milk? ›

Oat milk tends to offer a sweeter taste and is naturally more thick and creamy—perfect for warm beverages in the morning and sweet treats. While almond milk is less creamy, it offers a subtle, nutty flavor that pairs nicely in savory dishes and cereals.

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