WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2024)


Alterac Mountains

Alterac Valley

Advisor Willington (H)
Alterac Ram
Athramanis (HA)
Captain Dirgehammer (A)
Champion Coldmine Guard (HA)
Champion Defender (HA)
Champion Irondeep Guard (HA)
Champion Reaver
Coldmine Invader (HA)

Commander Dardosh

Commander Malgor (HA)
Corporal Noreg Stormpike (HA)
Doomguard (HA)
Dun Baldar North Marshal (HA)
Duros (HA)
Frostwolf Guardian (HA)
Frostwolf Shaman (HA)
Gaelden Hammersmith (HA)
Grunnda Wolfheart (HA)
Guard Quine (A)
Horde Spirit Guide (HA)
Icewing Warmaster (HA)
Irondeep Guard (HA)
Irondeep Shaman (HA)
Ivus the Forest Lord (HA)
Keetar (HA)
Legionnaire Teena (H)
Lieutenant Lewis (HA)
Lieutenant Rachel VaccarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (29) (A)
Lieutenant Stronghoof (HA)
Morloch (HA)
Najak Hexxen (HA)
Ravak Grimtotem (HA)
Seasoned Coldmine Surveyor (HA)
Seasoned Guardsman (HA)
Seasoned Irondeep Surveyor (HA)
Sergeant Thunderhorn (H)
Smith RegzarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (30) (HA)
Stabled Alterac Ram (HA)
Stormpike Bowman (HA)
Stormpike Herald (A)
Stormpike Ram Rider Commander (HA)
Tower Point Marshal (HA)
Veteran Coldmine Explorer (HA)
Veteran Commando
Veteran Irondeep Explorer (HA)
Veteran Legionnaire (HA)
Warmaster Garrick
Whitewhisker Geomancer (HA)
Wildpaw Brute (H)
Wing Commander Guse (HA)
Wing Commander Slidore (HA)

Aerie Gryphon (HA)
Alterac Yeti (HA)
Blood Guard Hini'wana (H)
Captain Galvangar (HA)
Champion Coldmine Invader (HA)
Champion Guardian (HA)
Champion Irondeep Raider (HA)
Chieftain Earthbind (H)
Coldmine Miner (HA)
Commander DuffyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (31) (HA)
Commander Mortimer (HA)
Councilor Arial D'Anastasis (H)
Drakan (HA)
Dun Baldar North Warmaster (HA)
East Frostwolf Marshal (HA)
Frostwolf Battleguard (HA)
Frostwolf Herald (H)
Frostwolf Stable MasterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (32) (HA)
Greater Water Elemental (H)
Grunt Bek'rah (H)
Guse's War Rider (HA)
Iceblood Marshal (HA)
Ichman's Gryphon (HA)
Irondeep Miner (HA)
Irondeep Skullthumper (HA)
Jeztor's War Rider (HA)
Kurdrum Barleybeard (HA)
Lieutenant Greywand (HA)
Lieutenant Lonadin (HA)
Lieutenant Rugba (HA)
Lieutenant Vol'talar (HA)
Mountaineer BoombellowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (33) (HA)
Nipsy (HA)
Seasoned Coldmine Explorer (HA)
Seasoned Commando
Seasoned Irondeep Explorer (HA)
Seasoned Legionnaire (HA)
Sergeant Yazra Bloodsnarl (HA)
Snowblind Ambusher (HA)
Stonehearth Marshal (HA)
Stormpike Commando
Stormpike Owl (HA)
Stormpike Stable MasterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (34) (HA)
Tower Point Warmaster (HA)
Veteran Coldmine Guard (HA)
Veteran Defender (HA)
Veteran Irondeep Guard (HA)
Veteran Reaver
West Frostwolf Marshal (HA)
Whitewhisker Overseer (HA)
Wildpaw Gnoll (HA)
Wing Commander Ichman (HA)
Wing Commander Vipore (HA)

Aggi Rumblestomp (HA)
Arch Druid Renferal (HA)
Brogus Thunderbrew (HA)
Captain O'Neal (A)
Champion Coldmine Surveyor (HA)
Champion Guardsman (H)
Champion Irondeep Surveyor (HA)
Coldmine Explorer (HA)
Coldmine Peon (HA)
Commander Karl PhilipsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (35) (HA)
Commander MulfortWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (36) (HA)
Deeprun Rat
Drek'Thar (HA)
Dun Baldar South Marshal (HA)
East Frostwolf Warmaster (HA)
Frostwolf Bloodhound (HA)
Frostwolf Legionnaire (HA)
Frostwolf Wolf Rider (HA)
Grelkor (HA)
Grunt Korf (H)
Haggle (HA)
Iceblood Warmaster (HA)
Infernal (HA)
Irondeep Peon (HA)
Irondeep Surveyor (HA)
Jonivera Farmountain (HA)
Lady Palanseer (H)
Lieutenant Grummus (HA)
Lieutenant Mancuso (HA)
Lieutenant Spencer (HA)
Lokholar the Ice Lord (HA)
Mulverick's War Rider (HA)
Primalist Thurloga (HA)
Seasoned Coldmine Guard (HA)
Seasoned Defender (HA)
Seasoned Irondeep Guard (HA)
Seasoned Reaver
Shrye Ragefist (HA)
Snowblind Harpy (HA)
Stonehearth Warmaster (HA)
Stormpike Defender (HA)
Stormpike QuartermasterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (37) (HA)
Svalbrad Farmountain (HA)
Umi Thorson (HA)
Veteran Coldmine Invader (HA)
Veteran Guardian (HA)
Veteran Irondeep Raider (HA)
Vipore's Gryphon (HA)
West Frostwolf Warmaster (HA)
Whitewhisker Vermin (HA)
Wildpaw Mystic (H)
Wing Commander Jeztor (HA)
Yaelika Farclaw (HA)

Alliance Spirit Guide (HA)
Archmage Gaiman (A)
Captain Balinda Stonehearth (HA)
Champion Coldmine Explorer (HA)
Champion Commando
Champion Irondeep Explorer (HA)
Champion Legionnaire (A)
Coldmine Guard (HA)
Coldmine Surveyor (HA)
Commander Louis PhilipsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (38) (HA)
Commander Randolph (HA)
Dirk Swindle (HA)
Druid of the Grove (HA)
Dun Baldar South Warmaster (HA)
Field Marshal Teravaine
Frostwolf Bowman (HA)
Frostwolf QuartermasterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (39) (HA)
Frostwolf Wolf Rider Commander (HA)
Grimtooth (H)
Guard Hammon (A)
Harbinger Ennarth (A)
Icewing Marshal (HA)
Irondeep Explorer (HA)
Irondeep Raider (HA)
Irondeep Trogg (HA)
JotekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (40) (HA)
Lana Thunderbrew (HA)
Lieutenant Largent (HA)

Lieutenant Murp

Lieutenant Stouthandle (HA)
Masha Swiftcut (HA)
Murgot DeepforgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (41) (HA)
Rarck (HA)
Seasoned Coldmine Invader (HA)
Seasoned Guardian (HA)
Seasoned Irondeep Raider (HA)
Sergeant Major Skyshadow (A)
Slidore's Gryphon (HA)
Snowblind Windcaller (HA)
Stormpike Battleguard (HA)
Stormpike Guardsman (HA)
Stormpike Ram Rider (HA)
Taskmaster Snivvle (HA)
Vanndar Stormpike (HA)
Veteran Coldmine Surveyor (HA)
Veteran Guardsman (H)
Veteran Irondeep Surveyor (HA)
War Rider (HA)
Whitewhisker Digger (HA)
Wildpaw Alpha (H)
Wildpaw Shaman (HA)
Wing Commander Mulverick (HA)
Zora Guthrek (HA)

Arathi Basin

Arathi Highlands


Aayndia FloralwindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (87) (A)
Aleanna Edune
AniliaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (88) (HA)
Artificer (A)
Ashenvale Outrunner (HA)
Becanna Edune
Bleakheart Hellcaller (HA)
Blink Dragon
BurkrumWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (89) (H)
Chief Murgut (HA)
Cyriden Farseeker
DalriaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (90) (HA)
Dark Strand Cultist (HA)
Delgren the PurifierWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (91) (HA)
Duriel Moonfire (H)
Elder Riversong (HA)
Emeraldon Oracle (HA)
Fahrak (H)
Felmusk Felsworn (HA)
Felslayer (HA)
Forsaken Dark Stalker (HA)
Forsaken Scout (A)
Foulweald Pathfinder (HA)
Foulweald Warrior (HA)
Geltharis (HA)
Giant Ashenvale Bear (HA)
Gurda RagescarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (92) (HA)
Harlown DarkweaveWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (93) (A)
Horde Deforester (HA)
Ilkrud Magthrull (A)
Innkeeper KayliskWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (94) (H)
Karang AmakkarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (95) (H)
Korra (A)
Lady Vespia (HA)
Lesser Felguard (HA)
Locke OkarrWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (96) (HA)
Mannoroc Lasher (HA)
Mist Howler (HA)
Mystlash Flayer (HA)
Orendil BroadleafWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (97) (HA)
Phantim (HA)
Raene WolfrunnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (98) (HA)
Roaming Felguard (HA)
Ruuzel (HA)
Saltspittle Warrior (HA)
Sentinel Farsong (A)
Sentinel ThenysilWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (99) (A)
Severed Keeper (HA)
Shadethicket Oracle (HA)
Shadowhorn Stag
Sharptalon (HA)
Silverwing Warrior (HA)
Stabled Boar
TalenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (100) (HA)
Terrowulf Fleshripper (HA)
Thistlefur Avenger (HA)
Thistlefur Totemic (HA)
Twilight Firesworn (HA)
Ursangous (HA)
Vera Nightshade (H)
Voidwalker (A)
Warsong Outrider (HA)
Warsong Shaman (HA)
Wildthorn Lurker (HA)
Wisp of Ragnaros (A)
Wrathtail Razortail (HA)
Xai'anderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (101) (A)
Xavian Rogue (HA)

Advisor Sunsworn (H)
Alenndaar LapidaarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (102) (A)
Apothecary Falthis (A)
Ashenvale Bear (HA)
Ashenvale Sentinel (HA)
Befouled Water Elemental (HA)
Bleakheart Satyr (HA)
Bloodtooth Guard (HA)
CaelybWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (103) (A)
Clattering Crawler
DaelyshiaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (104) (HA)
Danlaar NightstrideWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (105) (HA)
Dark Strand Enforcer (HA)
Diathorus the Seeker (HA)
Earthen Ring GuideWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (106) (HA)
Elder Shadowhorn Stag
Emeraldon Tree Warder (HA)
Fahran SilentbladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (107) (A)
Felmusk Rogue (HA)
Feran Strongwind (HA)
Forsaken Herbalist (HA)
Forsaken Seeker (HA)
Foulweald Shaman (HA)
Framnali (H)
Ghostpaw Alpha (HA)
GnarlWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (108) (HA)
Haljan OakheartWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (109) (A)
Healing Ward IV (HA)
Horde Scout (HA)
IlliyanaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (110) (A)
Innkeeper KimlyaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (111) (A)
Kayneth StillwindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (112) (HA)
KrolgWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (113) (HA)
LardanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (114) (A)
Liladris Moonriver (HA)
Loruk Foreststrider (H)
MarukaiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (115) (H)
MitsuwaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (116) (H)
Mystlash Hydra (HA)
Overseer Gorthak (A)
PixelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (117) (H)
Ran Bloodtooth (HA)
Rorgish Jowl (HA)
Saltspittle Muckdweller (HA)
Sargath (HA)
Sentinel Luciel StarwhisperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (118) (A)
Sentinel Velene StarstrikeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (119) (A)
Severed Sleeper (HA)
Shadethicket Raincaller (HA)
Shadumbra (HA)
Shindrell SwiftfireWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (120) (HA)
Spined Crawler
Su'ura Swiftarrow (A)
Tandaan LightmaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (121) (A)
Terrowulf Packlord (A)
Thistlefur Den Watcher (HA)
Thistlefur Ursa (HA)
Twilight Flameguard (HA)
Ursol'lok (HA)
VhulgraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (122) (H)
Vorsha the Lasher (HA)
Warsong Peon (HA)
Warsong Shredder (HA)
Wildthorn Stalker (HA)
Withered Ancient (HA)
Wrathtail Sea Witch (HA)
Xavian Betrayer (HA)
Yama Snowhoof (H)

AeolynnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (123) (A)
Alliance Brigadier GeneralWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (124) (HA)
Apprentice Boulian (A)
Ashenvale Flame Keeper (H)
Astranaar Sentinel (HA)
Benjari Edune
Bleakheart Shadowstalker (HA)
BolyunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (125) (A)
Cenarion Protector (HA)
Crazed Ancient (HA)
Dagri (A)
Dark Strand Adept (HA)
Dark Strand Excavator (HA)
Draenei Quartermaster (A)
Eck'alom (HA)
Elenna Edune
Enraged Foulweald (HA)
Faldreas Goeth'ShaelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (126) (HA)
Felmusk Satyr (HA)
Force of Nature (H)
Forsaken Infiltrator (HA)
Forsaken Thug (HA)
Foulweald Totemic (HA)
Frostwave Lieutenant
Ghostpaw Howler (HA)
Har'alen (H)
Heretic Bodyguard (HA)
Illiyana MoonblazeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (127) (A)
JaylaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (128) (A)
Keeper Ordanus (HA)
Kuray'binWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (129) (HA)
Laughing Sister (HA)
Lilyn Darkriver (HA)
MaliynnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (130) (A)
Mastok WrilehissWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (131) (H)
Mugglefin (A)
NantarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (132) (A)
Pelturas WhitemoonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (133) (A)
Prince Raze (HA)
Relara Whitemoon (A)
Rotting Slime (HA)
Saltspittle Oracle (HA)
Searing Infernal (HA)
Sentinel Melyria FrostshadowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (134) (A)
Severed Dreamer (HA)
Shadethicket Bark Ripper (HA)
Shadethicket Stone Mover (HA)
Shael'drynWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (135) (HA)
Silverwing Elite (HA)
Splintertree Guard (HA)
Sulan Dunadaire
Taneel Darkwood
Terrowulf Shadow Weaver (HA)
Thistlefur Pathfinder (HA)
Tideress (HA)
Twilight Speaker Viktor (HA)
Uthil Mooncall
Vindicator PalanaarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (136) (A)
Wandering Protector (HA)
Warsong Runner (HA)
Wik'TarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (137) (HA)
Wildthorn Venomspitter (HA)
Wrathtail Myrmidon (HA)
Wrathtail Sorceress (HA)
Xavian Felsworn (HA)

Akkrilus (A)
AndrukWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (138) (HA)
Architect NemosWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (139) (A)
Ashenvale Flame Warden (A)
Auhula (A)
Bhaldaran RavenshadeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (140) (HA)
Bleakheart Trickster (HA)
Branch Snapper (A)
Cenarion Vindicator (HA)
Cylania RootstalkerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (141) (A)
Dal Bloodclaw (HA)
Dark Strand Assassin (A)
Darkslayer Mordenthal (HA)
Dreamstalker (HA)
Elder Ashenvale Bear (HA)
Emeraldon Boughguard (HA)
Ertog Ragetusk (H)
Feero IronhandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (142) (HA)
Felmusk Shadowstalker (HA)
Forsaken Assassin (HA)
Forsaken Intruder (HA)
Foulweald Den Watcher (HA)
Foulweald Ursa (HA)
Gapp JinglepocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (143) (A)
Ghostpaw Runner (HA)
Gorgannon (HA)
Harklan MoongroveWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (144) (A)
Heretic Emissary (HA)
Ice Caller Briatha (HA)
Illusionary Nightmare (HA)
Je'neu SancreaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (145) (H)
Kil'HiwanaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (146) (HA)
KylannaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (147) (HA)
Legion Hound (HA)
LlanaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (148) (A)
MaluressianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (149) (A)
Mavoris Cloudsbreak
MuglashWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (150) (HA)
Oakpaw (HA)
PhaedraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (151) (A)
QeejuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (152) (H)
Relathor Moonsong
Ruul SnowhoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (153) (HA)
Saltspittle Puddlejumper (HA)
Senani Thunderheart (H)
Sentinel Onaeya (HA)
Severed Druid (HA)
Shadethicket Moss Eater (HA)
Shadethicket Wood Shaper (HA)
ShandrinaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (154) (A)
Silverwing Sentinel (HA)
Splintertree Raider (HA)
Suralais FarwindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (155) (A)
Teronis' CorpseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (156) (HA)
Therysil (HA)
Thistlefur Shaman (HA)
TorekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (157) (HA)
UlthaanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (158) (HA)
ValushaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (159) (H)
Vindicator VedaarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (160) (A)
Warsong Grunt (HA)
Warsong Scout (HA)
Wild Buck
William Dunadaire
Wrathtail Priestess (HA)
Wrathtail Wave Rider (HA)
Xavian Hellcaller (HA)


Azuremyst Isle


Blackfathom Deeps

Blackrock Depths

Blackrock Spire

Blackwing Lair

Blade's Edge Mountains

"Lefty" Puddemup (HA)
Aether-tech Apprentice (HA)
Amerun LeafshadeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (288) (HA)
Apexis Flayer (HA)
Baelmon the Hound-Master (HA)
Bash'ir Arcanist (HA)
Bash'ir Raider (HA)
Bash'ir Surveyor (HA)
Bladespire Agent (HA)
Bladespire Chef (HA)
Bladespire Evil Spirit (HA)
Bladespire Shaman (HA)
Bloodmaul Agent (HA)
Bloodmaul Dire Wolf (HA)
Bloodmaul Goon (HA)
Bloodmaul Skirmisher (HA)
Bloodmaul Warlock (HA)
Boulder'mok Chieftain (HA)
Bronco (HA)
Cansis (H)
Chu'a'lorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (289) (HA)
Crystalfused Miner (HA)
Daggermaw Blackhide (HA)
Death's Might (HA)
DertrokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (290) (H)
Doomforge Attendant (HA)
Draaca Longtail (HA)
Dubu (H)
Ethereum Prisoner (Group Energy Ball) (HA)
Expedition Druid (HA)
Fear Fiend (HA)
Felguard Degrader (HA)
Fera PalerunnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (291) (H)
Fingrom (HA)
Furnace Guard (HA)
Gan'arg Underling (HA)
Gnome Defender - 209 (A)
Gor Grimgut (HA)
Gorr'Dim (HA)
Grishna Arakkoa (HA)
Grishna Raven (HA)
Grulloc (HA)
Hemathion (HA)
Innkeeper ShaunessyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (292) (A)
Kialon Nightblade (A)
KronkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (293) (HA)
Lashh'an Talonite (HA)
Legion CommunicatorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (294)
Lesser Nether Drake (HA)
Lobo (H)
Marmot (H)
Maxnar the Ashmaw (HA)
Mo'arg Extractor (HA)
Mok'Nathal Hunter (HA)
Mosswood the AncientWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (295) (HA)
Nether Whelp (HA)
O'Mally ZapnabberWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (296) (HA)
Ogri'la MerchantWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (297) (HA)
Ogri'la TraderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (298) (HA)
Outraged Raven's Wood Sapling
Portable Fel Cannon (HA)
RaizaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (299) (H)
Raven's Wood Leafbeard (HA)
Razaani Spell-Thief (HA)
Ridgespine Horror (HA)
Rip-Blade Ravager (HA)
Ruuan Weald Basilisk (HA)
Ruuan'ok Ravenguard (HA)
Sassa WeldwellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (300) (A)
Searing Elemental (HA)
Shivan Assassin (HA)
Simon Unit (HA)
Sky Sergeant VanderlipWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (301) (HA)
Skyguard KhatieWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (302) (HA)
Skyguard Scout (HA)
Smiles O'Byron (HA)
Spiritcaller Grakosh (H)
Station Guard (HA)
Strider Jock (A)
Sundered Spirit (HA)
TaerekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (303) (H)
Tethik (H)
Thunderlord Dire Wolf
Tork (HA)
ToshleyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (304) (A)
Trogma (HA)
Unsuspecting Leafbeard (HA)
Vekh'nir Matriarch (HA)
Vindicator VuuleenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (305) (HA)
Watcher MoonshadeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (306) (HA)
Wrath Corruptor (HA)
Wyrmcult Acolyte (HA)
Wyrmcult Hewer (HA)
Wyrmcult Scout (HA)
Zakk (H)

Abyssal Flamebringer (HA)
Aether-tech AssistantWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (307) (HA)
Ancient Raven-Priest
Apexis Guardian (HA)
Baron Sablemane (HA)
Bash'ir Controller (H)
Bash'ir Reckoner (H)
Bash'ir's Harbinger
Bladespire Battlemage (HA)
Bladespire Cook (HA)
Bladespire Mystic (HA)
Bladespire Sober Defender (HA)
Bloodmaul Battle Worg (HA)
Bloodmaul Drudger (HA)
Bloodmaul Lookout (HA)
Bloodmaul Soothsayer (HA)
Borgrim StouthammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (308) (A)
Boulder'mok Shaman (HA)
Bronwyn StouthammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (309) (A)
CaoileannWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (310) (A)
Commander Haephus StonewallWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (311) (HA)
Cursed Spirit (HA)
Daggermaw Lashtail (HA)
Death's Watch (HA)
Disruptor Tower (H)
Doomforge Engineer (HA)
Dreadmaw (HA)
Dullgrom Dredger (HA)
Evergrove Ancient (HA)
Expedition Outrider (HA)
Fel Corrupter (HA)
Felhound Defender (HA)
Fey Drake
Fiskal ShadowsongWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (312) (A)
Furywing (HA)
Garm WolfbrotherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (313) (H)
Gnome Spirit (A)
Gor'drekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (314) (H)
Greater Crust Burster (HA)
Grishna Falconwing (HA)
Grishna Scorncrow (HA)
Grunt GrahkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (315) (HA)
Huffer (HA)
Insidion (HA)
Koi-Koi Spirit (HA)
KrugashWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (316) (H)
Lashh'an Windwalker (HA)
Legion Flak Cannon (HA)
Lesser Wrath Hound (HA)
LorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (317) (H)
Matron VarahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (318) (H)
MeminnieWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (319) (HA)
Mo'arg Incinerator (HA)
Mok'Nathal Spirit (H)
Mugdorg (HA)
Nexus-Prince Razaan (HA)
Obsidia (HA)
Ogri'la Peacekeeper (HA)
OgrinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (320) (H)
Overseer Nuaar
Quilbeast (H)
Rally Zapnabber (A)
Raven's Wood Stonebark (HA)
Razak IronsidesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (321) (HA)
Ridgespine Stalker (HA)
Rivendark (HA)
Ruuan Weald Sister (HA)
Ruuan'ok Skyfury (HA)
Scalded Basilisk (HA)
Sentinel MoonwhisperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (322) (A)
Silkwing (H)
Skittering Cavern Crawler
Sky-Master MaxxorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (323) (H)
Skyguard Lieutenant (HA)
Skyguard Stable MasterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (324) (HA)
Speaker Mar'grom (HA)
Spiritcaller Roxnak (H)
Station Sharpshooter (A)
Stronglimb Deeproot (HA)
Sylvanaar Ancient Protector (HA)
Tally ZapnabberWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (325) (A)
The Grand Collector
Thunderlord Grunt (HA)
Torki (HA)
Toshley Flying Machine (HA)
Unbound Ethereal (HA)
Vekh (HA)
Vekh'nir Stormcaller (HA)
Void Hound (HA)
Wildlord AntelarionWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (326) (HA)
Wrath Hound (HA)
Wyrmcult Blackwhelp (HA)
Wyrmcult Hunter (HA)
Wyrmcult Zealot (HA)
Zarcsin (HA)

Aether Ray
Aether-tech MasterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (327) (H)
Anger Guard (HA)
Arakkoa Egg (HA)
Baron Sablemane's Blackwhelp
Bash'ir Flesh Fiend (HA)
Bash'ir Spell-Thief (HA)
Bembil KnockhammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (328) (A)
Blade's Edge Flame Keeper (H)
Bladespire Brute (HA)
Bladespire Crusher (HA)
Bladespire Raptor (HA)
Bladespire SupplicantWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (329)
Bloodmaul Brewmaster (HA)
Bloodmaul Evil Spirit (HA)
Bloodmaul Mauler (HA)
Bloodmaul Supplicant
Bossi PentapistonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (330) (A)
BraagorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (331) (H)
Brown Marmot
Cavern Crawler (HA)
Commander SkyshadowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (332) (A)
Cymbre StarsongWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (333) (HA)
DaranelleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (334) (A)
Deathforge Over-Smith (HA)
Dizzy DinaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (335) (A)
Doomguard Punisher (HA)
Dreadwing (HA)
Electromental (HA)
Evergrove DruidWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (336) (HA)
Eye of Shartuul (HA)
Fel Eye Stalk (HA)
Felsworn Daggermaw (HA)
Fhyn LeafshadowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (337) (HA)
Fizit "Doc" ClocktockWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (338) (A)
GahkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (339) (HA)
GholahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (340) (H)
Gnosh Brognat (HA)
Gore-Scythe Ravager (HA)
GrikkaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (341) (H)
Grishna Harbinger (HA)
Grishnath Basilisk (HA)
Gurn Grubnosh (HA)
Image of Commander AmeerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (342) (HA)
Jho'nassWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (343) (HA)
Kolphis Darkscale (HA)
Lashh'an Kaliri (HA)
Lashh'an Wing Guard (HA)
Leokk (HA)
Lieutenant FairweatherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (344) (HA)
Maggoc (HA)
Mature Cavern Crawler (HA)
MingoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (345) (HA)
Mo'arg Tormenter (HA)
Morcrush (HA)
Natasha (HA)
Nickwinkle the Metro-GnomeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (346) (A)
Ogri'la GrubgiverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (347) (HA)
Ogri'la SteelshaperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (348) (HA)
Old OrokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (349) (H)
Phase Wyrm (HA)
R-3D0WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (350) (HA)
Rashere PridehoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (351) (HA)
Razaani Nexus Stalker (HA)
Rema (HA)
Rina MoonspringWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (352) (A)
Rokgah BloodgripWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (353) (H)
Ruuan'ok Cloudgazer (HA)
Sai'kkal the Elder
Scalewing Serpent (HA)
Shard-Hide Boar (HA)
Silkwing Larva
Skulloc Soulgrinder (HA)
Skyguard Aether-Tech (HA)
Skyguard PyrotechnicianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (354) (HA)
Skyguard Windcharger (HA)
Spirit (H)
Spiritcaller Skrash (H)
Station Technician (HA)
Summoned Wrath Hound (HA)
Sylvanaar Sentinel (HA)
Tame Clefthoof (HA)
ThrelcWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (355) (H)
TimeonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (356) (HA)
TorkusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (357) (HA)
Tree Warden ChawnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (358) (HA)
Unoke TenderhoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (359) (HA)
Vekh'nir Dreadhawk (HA)
Vile Fire-Soul (HA)
Void Terror (HA)
Witness of Doom (HA)
Wrath Speaker (HA)
Wyrmcult Blessed (HA)
Wyrmcult Poacher (HA)
Xerintha RavenoakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (360) (HA)
Zinyen SwiftstriderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (361) (HA)

Aether-tech AdeptWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (362) (HA)
AgadaiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (363) (H)
Angered Arakkoa Protector (HA)
Arthorn WindsongWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (364) (HA)
Bash'ir Inquisitor (H)
Bash'ir Subprimal (HA)
Black Dragon Whelpling (HA)
Blade's Edge Flame Warden (A)
Bladespire Champion (HA)
Bladespire Enforcer (HA)
Bladespire Ravager (HA)
Bladewing Bloodletter (HA)
Bloodmaul Brute (HA)
Bloodmaul Geomancer (HA)
Bloodmaul Shaman (HA)
Bloodmaul Taskmaster (HA)
Boulder'mok Brute (HA)
Braxxus (HA)
CahillWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (365) (A)
ChortWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (366) (HA)
Crystal Flayer (HA)
Daga RambaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (367) (H)
Death's Door Fel Cannon
Deathforge Technician (HA)
Doomcryer (HA)
Dorgok (HA)
Droggam (HA)
EroolWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (368) (H)
Evil Koi-Koi (HA)
FaradrellaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (369) (HA)
Fel Imp Defender (HA)
Felsworn Scalewing (HA)
Fiendling Flesh Beast (HA)
Frixee BrasstumblerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (370) (HA)
Galvanoth (HA)
Glumdor (HA)
Goc (HA)
Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater (HA)
Grimnok Battleborn (HA)
Grishna Matriarch (HA)
Grovestalker Lynx (HA)
Harbinger of the Raven (HA)
Innkeeper AeleryaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (371) (HA)
KarnazeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (372) (H)
Korgaah (HA)
Lashh'an Matriarch (A)
Lashh\'an Tome
LeoroxxWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (373) (HA)
Living Grove Defender
Mana-debt Slave (HA)
Mature Silkwing (HA)
Misha (HA)
Mog'dorg the WizenedWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (374) (HA)
Morcrush Shardling (HA)
Nekthar (H)
Noko MoonwhisperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (375) (HA)
Ogri'la Keg KingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (376) (HA)
Ogri'la Storyteller (HA)
OrgathaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (377) (H)
Pol SnowhoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (378) (H)
RagarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (379) (H)
Raven's Wood Ent (HA)
Razaani Raider (HA)
Rexxar (HA)
Rip PedalslamWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (380) (A)
RukaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (381) (H)
Ruuan'ok Matriarch (HA)
Samia InklingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (382) (HA)
Scorch Imp (HA)
Shartuul (HA)
SilmaraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (383) (H)
Sky Commander KellerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (384) (HA)
Skyguard Handler Irena (HA)
Skyguard Ranger (HA)
Slavering Slave (HA)
Spiritcaller DohgarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (385) (H)
Station Bot-Jock (HA)
Steamwheedle Sam (HA)
Sundered Ghost (HA)
T'chali the Witch DoctorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (386) (HA)
TanaideWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (387) (A)
Thunderlord Clan Sub-Chief (H)
Tor'chunk TwoclawsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (388) (H)
Torkus Jr. (HA)
TreeboleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (389) (HA)
Unstable Fel-Imp (HA)
Vekh'nir Keeneye (HA)
Vim'gol the Vile (HA)
Wanted Poster
Wrangled Aether Ray (HA)
Wyrm from Beyond (A)
Wyrmcult Broodling (HA)
Wyrmcult ProvisionerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (390) (HA)
Young Crust Burster (HA)

Blasted Lands

Bloodmyst Isle

Borean Tundra

"Charlie" NorthtopWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (445)
Abner FizzletorqueWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (446)
Alexis MarloweWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (447)
Annihilator Grek'lorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (448)
Arcane Serpent (A)
Arctic Hare
Armorer OrkurukWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (449)
AtaikaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (450)
Beryl Hound
Beryl Treasure Hunter
Bloodmage Alkor
Bloodspore Moth
Bone Warrior
BrglmurglWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (451)
Brunna IronaxeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (452)
Captured Tuskarr PrisonerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (453)
Chief Engineer Galpen RolltieWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (454)
Chieftain WintergaleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (455)
Clandestine Cultist
Coldarra Scalesworn
Converted Harvest Collector
Counselor TalbotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (456)
Crypt Crawler (A)
Curator Insivius
Darkfallen Deathblade
Defendo-tank 66D
Draenei Delegate
Durgan ThunderbeakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (457)
Elder Sagani
En'kilah Gargoyle
EndorahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (458)
Falorn NightwhisperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (459)
Fendrig RedbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (460)
Fizzcrank Airman
Fizzcrank FullthrottleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (461) (A)
Fizzcrank Recon Pilot
Frozen Elemental
Gammoth Tender
Gearmaster Mechazod
Gerald GreenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (462) (A)
Gorloc Gibberer
Gorloc Waddler
Grunt RagefistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (463)
Harbinger VurennWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (464) (A)
Hierophant CeniusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (465)
High Priest Andorath
Horde Siege Tank
ImpereanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (466)
Injured Warsong Engineer
Inquisitor Caleras
James DeaconWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (467) (A)
Kaskala Craftsman
Killinger the Den WatcherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (468)
Kvaldir Crewman
Landing Crawler
Librarian DonathanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (469)
Librarian IngramWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (470)
Librarian Tiare
Longrunner BristlehornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (471)
Loot Crazed Poacher
Luthion the Vile
Magistrix KaelanaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (472)
Mark HanesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (473)
Mate of Magmothregar
MidgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (474)
MobuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (475)
Mother Tauranook
Naxxanar Skeletal Mage
Nerub'ar Invader (H)
Nerub'ar Tunneler
Nerub'ar Web Lord (H)
Northsea Thug
Oil-soaked Caribou
Old Man RobertWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (476)
Ore Cart
Overlord RazgorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (477) (H)
Plagued Magnataur
Private BrauWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (478)
RaenahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (479)
Recruitment Officer BlytheWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (480) (A)
Risen Longrunner
Sand Turtle
Scalesworn Elite
Scourged Flamespitter (A)
Sentry-bot 57-K
Shadowstalker GetryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (481)
Skadir Longboatsman (A)
Skadir Runecaster
Sock BrightboltWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (482)
Steeljaw's Corpse
Supply Master Taz'ishiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (483)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (484)
Taunka'le Evacuee
ThassarianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (485)
Tinky WickwhistleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (486)
TonraqWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (487)
Tundra Crawler
Turida ColdwindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (488) (HA)
Unliving Swine (H)
Valiance Keep Defender
Vanthryn the Merciless
Vindicator YaalaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (489)
Warden Nork BloodfrenzyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (490)
Warsong Aberration
Warsong Hold Peon
Warsong Recruitment OfficerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (491) (H)
WilliamsonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (492) (H)
Wind Tamer BarahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (493)
Winterfin Tadpole
Wooly Rhino Bull
ZazaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (494)

Adelene SunlanceWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (495)
AhlurglgrWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (496)
Alliance Deserter
Apprentice FraserWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (497)
Arch Druid LathoriusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (498)
Arthur HensloweWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (499)
Awan Iceborn
Beryl Mage Hunter
Bilko Driftspark
Bloodmage LaurithWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (500)
Bloodspore Roaster
Bonker TogglevoltWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (501)
Brittle Skeleton
Brynna WilsonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (502)
Caregiver Poallu
Chief Engineer LevenyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (503)
Coldarra Spellbinder
Crafty WobblesprocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (504)
Cult Plaguebringer
D.E.H.T.A. Enforcer
Darkmoon Fortune Teller
Den Vermin
DrigothWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (505)
Durkot Wolfbrother
Elder Atkanok
En'kilah Abomination
En'kilah Ghoul
Enraged Tempest
Farmer TorpWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (506) (H)
Festering Ghoul
Fizzcrank Airstrip Survivor
Fizzcrank Mechagnome
Fleeing Cultist
Frozen Sphere
Gammothra the Tormentor
Geba'liWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (507)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (508)
Ghostly Sage
GlrglrglrWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (509)
Gorloc Hunter
Greatfather MahanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (510)
Guard Mitchells
Harold Lane
Hierophant LiandraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (511)
High Priest Naferset
HotawaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (512)
Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer
Injured Warsong Mage
Inquisitor Salrand
Jeremiah HawningWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (513)
Kara Thricestar
Kaskala Defender
Kvaldir Mist Lord
LeryssaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (514) (A)
Librarian Erickson
Librarian JeffersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (515)
Librarian WhitleyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (516)
Longrunner ProudhoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (517)
Lord Kryxix
Maethor SkyshadowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (518)
Magmoth Crusher
Magnataur Huntress
Marsh Caribou
Matron Magah
Mindless Aberration
Mootoo the YoungerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (519)
MrmrglmrWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (520)
Nerub'ar Skitterer (H)
Nerub'ar Venomspitter
Nesingwary Trapper
Nurse ApplewoodWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (521)
Oil-stained Wolf
Omu Spiritbreeze
Orn TenderhoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (522) (H)
Pahu Frosthoof
Plagued Scavenger (A)
Private CaseyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (523)
Raging Boiler
Riplash Myrmidon
Sage AeireWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (524)
Scavenge-bot 004-A8
Scourged Footman
Sergeant HammerhillWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (525) (A)
Shadowstalker IckorisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (526) (H)
Skadir Mariner
Slain Cultist
Spirit Talker SnarlfangWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (527)
Stitched Warsong Horror
SurristraszWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (528) (H)
Tansy WildmaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (529)
Taunka'le Longrunner
The Grinder
Tohfo SkyhoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (530)
Trader Alorn
Tundra Penguin
Unu'pe Villager
Valiance Keep Footman
Varidus the Flenser
VrokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (531)
Warmage AdamiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (532) (A)
Warsong Battleguard (H)
Warsong Honor Guard
Warsong Scout
Willis WobblewheelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (533)
Winterfin Gatherer
Winterfin Warrior
Wooly Rhino Calf
Zend'li VenomtuskWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (534)

"Salty" John ThorpeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (535)
Admiral CantlebreeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (536) (A)
Airman SkyhopperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (537)
Apprentice Rosen
Archmage BerinandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (538) (A)
Argo StrongstoutWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (539)
Ascended Mage Hunter
Beryl Reclaimer
Bixie WrenchshankerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (540)
Bloodspore Firestarter
Blue Drakonid Supplicant
Borean Frog
Broff BombastWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (541)
Captain "Lefty" Lugsail (A)
Carrion Condor
Chieftain Burblegobble
Civilian Recruit
Cleaver BmurglbrmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (542)
Coldarra Spellweaver
Corporal VennWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (543)
Crashed Recon PilotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (544)
Cultist Necrolyte (A)
Danook Stormwhisper
Dead Caravan Guard
Doctor Razorgrin
DrikkaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (545)
Durm IcehideWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (546)
Elder Mootoo
En'kilah Blood Globe
En'kilah Necrolord
Eorain DawnstrikeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (547)
Farseer Grimwalker's SpiritWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (548)
Fezzix GeartwistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (549)
Fizzcrank Bomber
Fizzcrank Paratrooper
Force-Commander Steeljaw
Gamel the Cruel
Gara SkullcrushWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (550)
General ArlosWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (551) (A)
Glacial Ancient
Goblin Siege Engineer
Gorloc Mud Splasher
Greatmother TaigaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (552)
Halona Stormwhisper
Harvest Collector
High Deathpriest Isidorus
High Priest Talet-Kha
Infected Kodo Beast
Injured Warsong Shaman
Iron EyesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (553)
Jimmy the Stable Boy
Karen "I Don't Caribou" the Culler
Kaskala Shaman
Keymaster Urmgrgl
King Mrgl-MrglWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (554)
Kvaldir Mistweaver
Librarian GarrenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (555)
Librarian NormantisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (556)
Lich-Lord Chillwinter
Loot Crazed Diver
LurgglbrWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (557)
Magic-bound Ancient
Magmoth Forager
Maigra KeenfeatherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (558)
Marsh Fawn
Max Blasto
Minion of Kaw
Mordle CogspinnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (559)
Mystical Webbing
Nelno Copperbeam
Nerub'ar Sky Darkener
Nerub'ar Victim
Nexus Drake Hatchling
Off-duty Battleguard
Old Crystalbark
OogrooqWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (560)
OrtroshWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (561)
Phylactery Guardian
Primal MighthornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (562)
Quartermaster HolgothWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (563) (H)
Ragnar Drakkarlund
Riplash Sorceress
Rollick MacKreelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (564)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (565)
Sage Earth and SkyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (566)
Sauranok the MysticWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (567) (H)
Scavenge-bot 005-B6
Scourged Mammoth
Shadowstalker BarthusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (568) (H)
Shadowstalker LutherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (569)
Skadir Mistweaver
Snow Tracker GrummWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (570)
Steam Frog
Storm Tempest
Swift Purple Wind Rider
TarralikitakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (571)
Taunka'le Pack Kodo
Tom Hegger
Trapped Mammoth Calf
Tundra Wolf
Ug'thor Bloodfrenzy
UtaikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (572)
Valiance Keep Officer
VeehjaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (573)
Waltor of Pal'eaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (574)
Warmage AnzimWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (575)
Warsong Blacksmith
Warsong Marksman
Wendy DarrenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (576)
Wind Master To'borWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (577)
Winterfin Oracle
Wooly Mammoth
Wooly Rhino Matriarch
Ziggurat Defender

55-D Collect-a-tron
Aged Magnataur
AlestosWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (578)
Ambassador TalongaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (579) (H)
Arcane Prisoner
Archmage EvanorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (580)
Aspatha the Broodmother
Beem GoldsprocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (581)
Beryl Sorcerer
Bloodspore Harvester
Boiling Spirit
Brave Storming Sky
Brokkan Bear-ArmsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (582)
Captain Jacobs
Celidh Aletracker
Chieftain Gurgleboggle
Clam Master K
Coldarra Mage Slayer
Coldarra Wyrmkin
Corpse of Saragosa
Crog SteelspineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (583)
Cultist Shrine
Darkfallen Bloodbearer
Dead Caravan Worker
Dorain FrosthoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (584)
Drowned Guardian
Elder MuahitWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (585)
En'kilah Crypt Fiend
En'kilah Necromancer
EtarukWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (586)
Farshire Militia
Fishy Ser'jiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (587)
Fizzcrank Engineering Crew
Fizzcrank Pilot
Foreman MortuusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (588) (H)
Garrosh HellscreamWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (589) (H)
General Cerulean
Glimmer Bay Orca
Gorloc Dredger
Gorloc Steam Belcher
GrollWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (590)
Heigarr the Horrible
High Overlord SaurfangWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (591) (H)
Hilda StoneforgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (592)
Iggy "Tailspin" CogtoggleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (593)
Initiate Mehrtens
Injured Warsong Warrior
Jinky WingnutWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (594)
KarukWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (595)
Kaw the Mammoth Destroyer
Khu'nok the BehemothWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (596)
Kirea MoondancerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (597)
Kvaldir Raider
Librarian AndersenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (598)
Librarian HamiltonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (599)
Librarian SerrahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (600) (A)
Logistics Officer SilverstoneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (601)
Loot Crazed Hunter
Magister Dath'omere
Magmoth Shaman
Mammoth Calf
Massive Glowing Egg
Medic HawthornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (602) (A)
Mistie FlitterdawnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (603)
Nargo Screwbore
Nerub'ar Corpse Harvester (H)
Nerub'ar Swarmer
Nerub'ar Warrior
Northsea Mercenary
Offspring of Magmothregar
Old Man ColburnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (604)
Orabus the Helmsman
Overlord Bor'gorokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (605)
Plagued GrainWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (606)
Prince Valanar
RaeloraszWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (607) (A)
Reckless Scavenger
Risen Crypt Lord
Rosemary BovardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (608)
Sage HighmesaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (609)
Scourge Prisoner
Scout TungokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (610)
Shadowstalker CanariusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (611)
Skadir Raider
Snow Tracker Junek
Steam Rager
Stormfleet Deckhand
Talramas Abomination
Taunka'le Brave
Tewah ChillmaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (612)
Tink BrightboltWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (613)
Tomas RiverwellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (614) (HA)
Trapper Jack
TupitWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (615)
Undying Aggressor
Valiance Keep Cannoneer
Valiance Keep Worker
Vengeful Taunka Spirit
Warbringer Goredrak
Warmage Archus
Warsong Caravan Guard
Warsong Peon
William AllertonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (616)
Wind Rider SabambaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (617)
Winterfin Shorestriker
Wooly Mammoth Bull

Burning Steppes

Crystalsong Forest


"Baroness" Llana
AemaraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (641)
Ainderu SummerleafWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (642)
Alchemist CinesraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (643)
Amera Sky
Angelique ButlerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (644)
AppleboughWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (645) (HA)
Arcanist Alec
Arcanist Tybalin
Archmage CelindraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (646)
Archmage PentarusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (647) (HA)
Arille AzuregazeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (648)
Awilo Lon'gombaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (649) (H)
Baroness Zildjia
Blazik FireclawWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (650)
Brassbolt Mechawrench
Chameli BanaphashWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (651)
Coira Longrifle
Dak'hal the Black
Dalaran Visitor
Darthalia Ebonscorch
Diane CanningsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (652)
Donavan Bale
Drog Skullbreaker
Elder Clearwater
Enchanter ErodinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (653) (H)
Eye of the Storm Portal
Galkara the Assassin
Goldlilly Gleamingfell
Grindgear Toy Gorilla
Halga Steelbarrow
High Arcanist Savor
Hunaka Greenhoof
Inzi CharmlightWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (654)
Jean Pierre Poulain (HA)
Jessica SellersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (655)
Katherine LeeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (656) (A)
KyungheeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (657)
Linda Ann Kastinglow
Lofwyr Le'Fleur
Magister Surdiel
Marcella BloomWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (658)
Mei FrancisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (659) (HA)
Minzi the Minx
Namha MoonwaterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (660)
Narisa RedgoldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (661)
Norvin AldermanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (662)
Orton BennetWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (663)
Pazik "The Pick" Prylock
Ranid GlowergoldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (664)
Rin DuoctaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (665)
Sarah BradyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (666)
Sebastian Bower
Sheddle GlossgleamWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (667)
Silver Covenant Agent
Sorn Proudmane
Strand of the Ancients Portal
Teller Althiellis (H)
Teller Rames (H)
Theresa Wolf
Tomas Riogain
UmbiwaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (668)
Valerie LangromWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (669)
Walther WhitefordWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (670)
Warsong Gulch Portal
Windle Sparkshine
Wounded Dalaran Shield Guard
Zippy Copper Racer

"Dapper" Danik Blackshaft
Abra CadabraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (671)
Aerith PrimroseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (672) (H)
Ajay GreenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (673)
Alfred CopperworthWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (674)
Amisi AzuregazeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (675)
Angelo PescatoreWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (676)
Arcanist Braedin
Archivist Betha
Archmage John Nicholas
Archmage Rheaume
Armored Blue Wind Rider
Babagahnoosh the Grumpy
Bartram HallerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (677)
Braeg StoutbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (678)
BreanniWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (679)
Charles WorthWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (680) (H)
Dalaran Citizen
Danric the Bold
Debbi MooreWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (681)
Didi the WrenchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (682)
Dorfus Alphamage
Elizabeth RossWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (683)
Enchanter IsianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (684) (A)
Fabioso the Fabulous
Garl Grimgrizzle
Grand Marauder Sai
Grindle Firespark
HamakaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (685)
High Warlord Uro
Ildine SorrowspearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (686)
Isirami FairwindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (687) (A)
Jedidiah HandersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (688)
Joboba Mezbreaker
Kanika Goldwell
Kerta the BoldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (689)
Laire Brewgold
Linna BruderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (690)
Lucian TriasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (691)
Magistrix LambriesseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (692) (H)
Marcia ChaseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (693) (H)
Mendez Nightshadow
MisensiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (694)
Narestel Palestar
Natalie Tootiblare
Officer Van RossemWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (695) (A)
PaldesseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (696) (H)
Professor PallinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (697)
Reginald Arcfire (H)
Rueben LaurenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (698) (H)
Schembari "Uncle Sal" Shearbolt
Shen Kang ChengWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (699)
Silver Covenant Guardian Mage
Sunreaver Agent
Teller Gee (A)
The Amazing Zanzo
Tiffany CartierWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (700) (H)
Trusty Copper Racer
Underbelly Rat
Vanessa SellersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (701)
Washed-Up Mage
Wooly Mammoth
Wounded Dalaran Watcher
Zom BocomWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (702)

"Red" Jack FindleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (703)
Adamman the Trader
Afsaneh Asrar
Alard SchmiedWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (704)
Alterac Valley Portal
Anthony DurainWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (705)
Arathi Basin Portal
Arcanist Ginsberg
Archmage Aethas Sunreaver
Archmage Lan'dalockWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (706) (HA)
Archmage Tenaj
Armored Brown Bear
Binzik Goldbook
Bragund BrightlinkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (707)
Bryan LandersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (708)
Christi StocktonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (709)
Conjurer Weinhaus
Dalaran Sewer Rat
DarahirWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (710)
Derek OddsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (711) (A)
Disidra Stormglory
Dorian FinesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (712)
Dubin ClayWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (713) (A)
Emeline Fizzlefry
Enchanter NalthanisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (714)
Fialla SweetberryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (715)
Geffon the Unruly
Great Hexer Ohodo
Griselda HunderlandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (716) (HA)
Harold WinstonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (717) (HA)
Hira SnowdawnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (718) (HA)
Illusionist Karina
Isle of Conquest Portal
Jepetto JoybuzzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (719)
KarandonnaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (720)
Kitz Proudbreeze
Lalla BrightweaveWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (721)
Linzi Redgrin
Magister BrasaelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (722) (H)
Magus Fansy Goodbringer
Matilda BrightlinkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (723)
Metopious Loreseeker
Mona Everspring
Nargle LashcordWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (724)
NinsiannaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (725)
Olisarra the KindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (726)
Palja AmbossWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (727)
Rafael LangromWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (728)
RhoninWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (729) (HA)
Sabriana Sorrowgaze
Scout Nisstina
Sewer Frog
Shifty VickersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (730)
Sky-Reaver KlumWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (731) (H)
Stabled Hunter Pet
Sunreaver Guardian Mage (H)
Tassia Whisperglen
Teller Hanners (H)
The Chooch
Timofey OshenkoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (732)
Tuff Gorehoof
Usuri Brightcoin
Vereesa Windrunner
Warcaster FanoraitheWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (733)
Whirt the All-Knowing
Wounded Dalaran Protector
Xazi SmolderpipeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (734)

"Techs" Rickard Rustbolt
Adorean Lew
AimeeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (735) (H)
Alchemist Burroughs
Aludane WhitecloudWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (736) (HA)
Andrew Matthews
Arcanist AdurinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (737) (A)
Arcanist IvrenneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (738) (A)
Archmage AlvareauxWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (739) (HA)
Archmage Modera
Archmage TimearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (740)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (741) (HA)
Armored Snowy Gryphon
Bitty Frostflinger
Brammold DeepmineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (742)
Caliel Brightwillow
Clockwork AssistantWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (743)
Dagna FlintlockWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (744)
Dalaran Sewer Turtle
Daros Moonlance
Derik MarksWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (745)
Dominique StefanoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (746)
Dorothy EganWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (747)
Edward EganWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (748)
Endora MooreheadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (749) (H)
Findle WhistlesteamWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (750)
Gnome Diver
Grezla the Hag
Hagatha MooreheadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (751)
Hexil GarrotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (752)
Horace HunderlandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (753)
Imindril SpearsongWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (754)
Jarold PullerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (755)
Jessa WeaverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (756)
Josie Birch
Kat Sunflower
Kizi Copperclip
Larana DromeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (757)
Linzy BlackboltWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (758)
Magister Hathorel
Manfred StallerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (759)
MatoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (760)
MimbihiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (761)
Moon Priestess Nici
Nixi FireclawWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (762)
Orland SchaefferWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (763)
Patricia EganWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (764)
Ramik Slamwrench
Sandra BartanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (765)
Scribe Whitman
Shandy Glossgleam
Skybreaker Marine
Stefen CotterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (766)
Susana AveroyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (767)
Teller Almeida
Teller Plushner (A)
The Magnificent Merleaux (H)
Timothy JonesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (768) (H)
Uda the BeastWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (769) (H)
Valaden SilverbladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (770)
Violet Hold Guard
Warden AlturasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (771)
Willard Blauvelt
Wounded Dalaran Serpent



Deadwind Pass


AbodaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (915) (H)
Ambereye Reaver (HA)
Azore AldamortWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (916) (HA)
Brother AntonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (917) (A)
Burning Blade Invoker (HA)
Burning Blade Shadowmage (HA)
Carrion Horror (HA)
Corporal MelkinsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (918) (A)
Deepstrider Giant (HA)
Desolace Flame Keeper (H)
Dread Flyer (HA)
Drysnap Crawler (HA)
Enraged Reef Crawler
Gelkis Mauler (HA)
Gelkis Stamper (HA)
Ghostly Orc Celebrant
Gritjaw Basilisk (HA)
HarnorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (919) (H)
Hatefury Rogue (HA)
Hissperak (HA)
Innkeeper SikewaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (920) (H)
Kaskk (HA)
Khan Jehn (HA)
Kodo Spirit (HA)
Kolkar Destroyer (HA)
Kolkar Windchaser (HA)
Ley Hunter (HA)
Mage Hunter (HA)
Magram Outrunner (HA)
Magram Windchaser (HA)
Malem Chest
Maraudine Bonepaw (HA)
Maraudine Mauler (HA)
Maraudine Windchaser (HA)
Melizza BrimbuzzleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (921) (HA)
Nether Maiden (HA)
Outcast Necromancer (HA)
Raging Thunder Lizard (HA)
Roon WildmaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (922) (H)
SelendraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (923) (HA)
ShelgraynWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (924) (A)
Slitherblade Razortail (HA)
Slitherblade Warrior (HA)
Starving Bonepaw (HA)
TalendriaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (925) (A)
Tyranis Malem (HA)
Vark BattlescarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (926) (H)
Warug's Target Dummy (HA)
WillowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (927) (HA)

Accursed Slitherblade (HA)
Ambershard Crusher (HA)
Baritanas SkyriverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (928) (A)
Burning Blade Adept (HA)
Burning Blade Nightmare
Burning Blade Summoner (HA)
Centaur PariahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (929) (HA)
Deepstrider Searcher (HA)
Desolace Flame Warden (A)
Dread Ripper (HA)
Drysnap Pincer (HA)
Felgur TwocutsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (930) (H)
Gelkis Outrunner (HA)
Gelkis Windchaser (HA)
Ghostly Raider (HA)
Gurda WildmaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (931) (H)
Hatefury Betrayer (HA)
Hatefury Shadowstalker (HA)
Hornizz BrimbuzzleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (932) (HA)
Janet HommersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (933) (A)
Keeper MarandisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (934) (A)
Khan Shaka (HA)
Kolkar Ambusher (HA)
Kolkar Mauler (HA)
Kreldig UngorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (935) (A)
Lord Azrethoc (HA)
Magram Bonepaw (HA)
Magram Pack Runner (HA)
Magram Wrangler (HA)
MaluxWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (936) (H)
Maraudine Khan Advisor (HA)
Maraudine Priest (HA)
Maraudine Wrangler (HA)
MuuranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (937) (H)
Nether Sister (HA)
Prince Kellen (HA)
Rigger GizeltonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (938) (HA)
Scorpashi Lasher (HA)
Shadowprey Guardian (HA)
Slitherblade Myrmidon (HA)
Slitherblade Sea Witch (HA)
Smeed ScrabblescrewWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (939) (HA)
Super-Seller 680WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (940) (HA)
ThalonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (941) (HA)
Undead Ravager (HA)
Vendor-Tron 1000WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (942) (HA)
Whirlwind Ripper (HA)
WulanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (943) (H)

Aged Kodo
Ambershard Destroyer (HA)
Bibbly F'utzbuckleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (944) (HA)
Burning Blade Augur (HA)
Burning Blade Reaver (HA)
Captain PentigastWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (945) (A)
Christi GalvanisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (946) (A)
Cursed Centaur (HA)
Demon Portal Guardian (HA)
Doomwarder (HA)
Dread Swoop (HA)
Dying Kodo
Gelkis Earthcaller (HA)
Gelkis Rumbler (HA)
Ghost Walker Brave (HA)
Giggler (HA)
Hae'WilaniWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (947) (H)
Hatefury Felsworn (HA)
Hatefury Trickster (HA)
Hulking Gritjaw Basilisk (HA)
Jinar'Zillen (HA)
Khan Dez'hepah (HA)
KireenaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (948) (H)
Kolkar Battle Lord (HA)
Kolkar Scout (HA)
Lah'MawhaniWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (949) (H)
Lord Kragaru (HA)
Magram Marauder (HA)
Magram Scout (HA)
Magrami Spectre
Mana Eater (HA)
Maraudine Khan Guard (HA)
Maraudine Scout (HA)
Maurin BonesplitterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (950) (H)
Narv HidecrafterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (951) (H)
Nether Sorceress (HA)
Rabid Bonepaw (HA)
Rock Borer (HA)
Scorpashi Snapper (HA)
Shadowshard Rumbler (HA)
Slitherblade Naga (HA)
Slitherblade Sorceress (HA)
Spirit of Gelk (HA)
Taiga WisemaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (952) (H)
The Nameless Prophet (HA)
Uthek the WiseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (953) (HA)
WarugWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (954) (HA)
Whirlwind Shredder (HA)

Ambereye Basilisk (HA)
Ancient Kodo
Bonepaw Hyena (HA)
Burning Blade Felsworn (HA)
Burning Blade Seer (HA)
Captured Stallion
Cork GizeltonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (955) (HA)
Dalinda MalemWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (956) (HA)
Demon Spirit (HA)
Doomwarder Captain (HA)
Drulzegar SkraghookWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (957) (HA)
Elder Thunder Lizard (HA)
Gelkis Marauder (HA)
Gelkis Scout (HA)
Ghostly Marauder (HA)
Gizelton Caravan Kodo (HA)
Hailstone Lieutenant (HA)
Hatefury Hellcaller (HA)
Heretic Crystal Guard (HA)
Innkeeper LyshaeryaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (958) (A)
Jugkar Grim'rod (HA)
Khan Hratha (HA)
Kodo Apparition (HA)
Kolkar Centaur (HA)
Kolkar Waylayer (HA)
Lesser Infernal (HA)
Lui'MalaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (959) (HA)
Magram Mauler (HA)
Magram Stormer (HA)
Mai'LahiiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (960) (H)
Marandis' Sister (HA)
Maraudine Marauder (HA)
Maraudine Stormer (HA)
Maxton StrangWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (961) (A)
Nataka LonghornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (962) (H)
Nijel's Point Guard (HA)
Rackmore\'s Log
Rock Worm (HA)
Scorpashi Venomlash (HA)
Shadowshard Smasher (HA)
Slitherblade Oracle (HA)
Slitherblade Tidehunter (HA)
Spirit of Kolk (HA)
Takata SteelbladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (963) (H)
TukkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (964) (H)
Vahlarriel DemonslayerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (965) (A)
Warug's Bodyguard (HA)
Whirlwind Stormwalker (HA)

Dire Maul


7th Legion Cleric
AegalasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (971)
Alliance Conscript
Alystros the Verdant Keeper
Anub'ar Blightbeast
Anub'ar Slayer
Apothecary Vicky LevineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (972)
Arctic Grizzly (H)
AurastraszaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (973)
Banthok IcemistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (974)
Blacksmith Goodman
Blood Maggot
Bloodpaw Warrior
Burning Depths Necrolyte
Captain Iskandar
CeristraszWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (975)
ChromieWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (976) (H)
Coldwind Witch
Commander Saia Azuresteel
Crusader ValusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (977)
DalormiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (978)
Deathguard MolderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (979)
Deranged Indu'le Villager
Dragonblight Mage Hunter
Dreadbone Construct
DuaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (980)
Elder Ko'naniWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (981)
Emaciated Mammoth Calf
Emissary SkyhavenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (982)
Ethenial MoonshadowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (983)
Focus Wizard
Forgotten Knight
Forsaken Chemist
Frigid Geist
Frigid Necromancer
Grand Necrolord Antiok
Hansel BauerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (984)
High Abbot Landgren
High General Abbendis
Horde Conscript
Hungering Dead
Illusia Lune
Image of Kel'Thuzad
ImnekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (985)
Infinite Assailant
Injured Mammoth
Junior Apothecary Lawrence
Koltira DeathweaverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (986)
Lanus LongleafWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (987)
Legion Commander YorikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (988)
Lieutenant Ta'zinni
Lothalor Ancient
Magister Keldonus
Magnataur Youngling
Mindless Ghoul
Moa'ki Bottom Thresher
ModoruWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (989)
Mrs. Winterby
NaohainWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (990)
Naxxramas Shade
NethestraszWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (991) (HA)
Onslaught Bloodhound
Onslaught Executioner
Onslaught Mason
Onslaught Warhorse
Overlord AgmarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (992) (H)
Plague Wagon
Quartermaster BartlettWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (993) (H)
Reanimated Drakkari Tribesman
Reincarnated Skytalon
Risen Wintergarde Mage
Rodney WellsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (994) (HA)
Ruby Guardian
Saramer WhitewillowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (995)
Scarlet Onslaught Prisoner
Senior Sergeant JuktokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (996)
Siege Engineer QuarterflashWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (997)
Smoldering Construct
Snowfall Glade Den Mother
Snowfall Glade Wolvar
Soar HawkfuryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (998)
Stormwind Captain
TariolstraszWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (999) (HA)
Thel'zan the Duskbringer
Toalu'u the MysticWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1000)
Tradesman Kontor
TrizormuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1001)
Valnok Windrager
Venomspite Deathguard
Warden Jodi Moonsong WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1002) (A)
Wastes Taskmaster
Woodlands Walker
Wyrmrest Guardian
XinkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1003)
Zelig the VisionaryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1004) (A)

7th Legion Battle Mage
7th Legion Elite
Agent SkullyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1005)
Alliance Emissary
Ambo CashWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1006)
Anub'ar Cultist
Anub'ar Underlord (HA)
Arcane Wyrm
Arctic Grizzly Cub
Azjol-anak Battleguard
Barracks Master Harga
Blighted Elk
Burning Depths Necromancer
Captain Shely
Chancellor Amai
Cid FlounderfixWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1007)
Commander Eligor DawnbringerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1008)
Corrupted Lothalor Ancient
Crystalline Ice Elemental
Dead Mage Hunter
Deathguard Schneider
Derek Rammel
Dragonbone Condor
Dreadbone Invader
Duke August FoehammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1009)
Elder Mana\'loa
Emerald Lasher
Engineer Burke
Fenrick Barlowe
Foreman Kaleiki
Forgotten Peasant
Forsaken Prisoner
Frigid Geist Attacker
Frigid Necromancer Attacker
GnimoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1010) (A)
Greatmother IcemistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1011)
Hansen's Warhorse
High Commander Halford WyrmbaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1012) (A)
High Shaman Bloodpaw
Hourglass of Eternity
Ice Heart Jormungar Feeder
Icemist Warrior
Image of Anub'rekhan
Image of Noth
Indu'le Fisherman
Infinite Chrono-Magus
Inquisitor HallardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1013)
Junior Apothecary Schlemiel
KontokanisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1014)
Kreug Oathbreaker
Lauriel TruebladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1015)
Leprous Servant
Lovely Liddia
Magister Tyr'ganal
Master Smith Devin BrevigWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1016)
Mindless Wight
Moa'ki Fisherman
MojodishuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1017) (H)
NarfWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1018)
Necrolord Amarion
Nishera the Garden KeeperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1019)
Onslaught Commander Iustus
Onslaught Footman
Onslaught Raven Archon
Onslaught Workman
Overseer Deathgaze
PlunderbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1020)
Rabid Grizzly
Reanimated Frost Wyrm
Retired Onslaught Warhorse
Risen Wintergarde Miner
Rohesia WernerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1021)
Ruby Keeper
Scourge Siegesmith
Sentinel AmberlineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1022)
Siegesmith GuldaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1023)
Smoldering Geist
Snowfall Glade Pup
Snowplain Disciple
Spy Mistress RepineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1024)
Surge Needle Sorcerer
Tattered Abomination
Thiassi the Lightning Bringer
TorastraszaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1025) (HA)
Trapped Wintergarde Villager
TrozWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1026)
Tundra Scavenger
VargastraszWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1027)
Wailing Soul
Warden of the Chamber
Wind Trader Mu'fah
Worn Bloodworm
Wyrmrest Protector
Xink's Shredder
ZivlixWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1028)

7th Legion Cavalier
7th Legion Infantryman
Agmar's Siegesmith
Alliance Steam Tank
Anok'ra the Manipulator
Anub'ar Dreadweaver
Apothecary Bressa
Arctic Ram
Azure Dragon
Battered Drakkari Berserker
Blood Guard Roh'killWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1029)
Bloodpaw Marauder
Borus IronbenderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1030)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1031)
Captain Emmy Malin
Caregiver MumikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1032)
Chief Plaguebringer MiddletonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1033)
CielstraszaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1034) (HA)
Commander Jordan
Corrupted Rager
Crystalline Ice Giant
Death Knight Champion
Decrepit Necromancer
Doctor Sintar MalefiousWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1035)
Drained Moonrest Highborne
Duke Vallenhal
Emaciated Mammoth
Emerald Skytalon
Enraged Apparition
FerithosWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1036)
Forgotten Captain
Forgotten Rifleman
Frigid Abomination
Frigid Ghoul
Future You
Golluck RockfistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1037)
Grom'thar the Thunderbringer
Harold HagglerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1038)
High Cultist Zangus
Highlord Bolvar FordragonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1039)
Hulking Atrocity
Ice Heart Jormungar Spawn
Image of Archmage Aethas SunreaverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1040) (H)
Image of Patchwerk
Indu'le Mystic
Infinite Destroyer
Jormungar Tunneler
Junter WeissWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1041) (HA)
Kilix the UnravelerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1042)
Kor'kron War Rider
Kuk'uqWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1043)
Lead Cannoneer Zierhut
LethecusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1044)
Lord DevrestraszWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1045)
Lucid Test Subject
Magnataur Alpha
Mayor Godfrey
Minion of Thel'zan
Moa'ki Turtle Rider
Moonrest Highborne
Mystic Makittuq
Narzun SkybreakerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1046) (HA)
Necrolord Horus
Nozzlerust Supply RunnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1047)
Onslaught Death Knight
Onslaught Infantry
Onslaught Raven Priest
Orik TrueheartWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1048)
Palena SilvercloudWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1049) (A)
Prince Arthas
Reanimated Noble
Risen Villager
RokhanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1050)
Ruby Watcher
SarendryanaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1051)
Scourge Technician
SerinarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1052)
Sinok the Shadowrager
Smoldering Skeleton
Snowfall Glade Reaver
Snowplain Shaman
Stable Master Mercer
Surveyor HansenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1053)
Taunka Soldier
Tilda DarathanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1054)
Tormented Drakkari
Trapper Mau'iWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1055)
Turgid the Vile
Vas the UnstableWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1056)
Wanted Poster
Wastes Digger
Winter's Sister
Wrecked Crab Trap
Wyrmrest Temple Drake
Yord "Calamity" IcebeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1057)
Zivlix's Destruction Machine

7th Legion Chain Gun
7th Legion Siege Engineer
Alexstrasza the Life-BinderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1058) (H)
Alys Vol'tyr
Anub'ar Ambusher
Anub'ar Invader
Apothecary RoseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1059)
Arctic Cloud
Argent Horseman
Azure Drake
Bishop Street
Blood Guard Tor'zin
Bloodpaw Shaman
Bradley TownsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1060)
Captain GortWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1061) (H)
Cavalier DurkonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1062)
Coldwind Waste Huntress
Commander Lynore WindstrykeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1063) (A)
Courier LansonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1064)
Dahlia Suntouch
Deathbringer Revenant
DemestraszWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1065)
DoldaenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1066)
Dregmar Runebrand
Earthwarden GrifeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1067)
Emaciated Mammoth Bull
Emissary BrighthoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1068)
Envoy RipfangWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1069)
Flesh-bound Tome
Forgotten Footman
Forsaken Blight Spreader
Frigid Abomination Attacker
Frigid Ghoul Attacker
Garmin Herzog
Gryphon Commander UrikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1070)
Helpless Wintergarde Villager
High Executor WrothWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1071)
Highlord Leoric Von ZeldigWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1072) (A)
Hulking Jormungar
Ice Revenant
Image of Archmage ModeraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1073) (A)
Image of Razuvious
Indu'le Warrior
Infinite Timerender
Josric FameWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1074)
Ko'char the UnbreakableWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1075)
Legion Commander TyralionWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1076)
Lexey BrevigWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1077)
Lord IthariusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1078) (A)
Mage-Commander EvenstarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1079)
Magnataur Patriarch
Messenger TorvusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1080)
Mistress of the Coldwind
Moa'ki Warrior
Moonrest Stalker
NaliceWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1081) (H)
Naxxramas Dreadguard
Necrolord X'avius
Numo Spiritbreeze
Onslaught Deckhand
Onslaught Knight
Onslaught Scout
Orphan Matron Twinbreeze
Past You
QannikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1082)
Ravaged Crystalline Ice Giant
Reconstructed Frost Wyrm
Risen Wintergarde Defender
Roanauk Icemist
Rothin the Decaying
SairukWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1083)
Saurfang the YoungerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1084)
Senior Scrivener Kinnedius
Shadowy Tormentor
Slinkin the Demo-gnomeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1085)
Snowfall Elk
Snowfall Glade Shaman
Snowplain Zealot
Stars' Rest Sentinel
TakubvikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1086)
Taunka'le Refugee
Tivax the Breaker
Torturer Alphonse
Trapper Tikaani
Tua'keaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1087)
Under-King Anub'et'kan
Vengeful Geist (A)
Wanted!WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1088)
Wastes Scavenger
Wintergarde Gryphon
Wyrmrest Defender
Wyrmrest Vanquisher
Zebu'tanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1089)
ZortWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1090)

Dun Morogh

A Dwarven Corpse
Angus (A)
Avarus Kharag (A)
Becan BarleybrewWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1091) (A)
Bjarn (A)
Boxey BoltspinnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1092) (A)
Brother CartwrightWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1093) (A)
Captain Beld (A)
Crag Boar
Dark Iron Guzzler
Drunken Brewfest Reveler (HA)
Edan the Howler (A)
Felix WhindleboltWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1094) (A)
Frast DoknerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1095) (A)
Frostmane Seer (HA)
Frostmane Troll Whelp (A)
Gnome Engineer (A)
Gordok Brew Barker (HA)
Grawn ThromwynWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1096) (A)
Grelin WhitebeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1097) (A)
Grik'nir the Cold (A)
Hegnar RumbleshotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1098) (A)
Innkeeper BelmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1099) (A)
Jarven Thunderbrew (A)
Keeg GibnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1100) (A)
Large Crag Boar
Maeve Barleybrew (A)
Marryk NurribitWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1101) (A)
Miner Grumnal (A)
Mountaineer Dolf (A)
Neill RamsteinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1102) (A)
Ozzie TogglevoltWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1103) (A)
Pilot HammerfootWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1104) (A)
Quarrymaster Thesten (A)
Ragnar ThunderbrewWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1105) (A)
Rifleman Middlecamp (A)
Rockjaw Bonesnapper (HA)
Rudra AmberstillWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1106) (A)
Senator Mehr StonehallowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1107) (A)
Small Crag Boar
Spotter Klemmy (A)
Swift Brown Ram (A)
Swift White Ram (A)
Thamner PolWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1108) (A)
Thrawn BoltarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1109) (A)
Tognus FlintfireWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1110) (A)
Ultham IronhornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1111) (HA)
Veron AmberstillWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1112) (A)
Winter Wolf (HA)
Yori Crackhelm (A)

Addled Leper (HA)
Anne SummersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1113) (A)
Azar StronghammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1114) (A)
Belbi QuikswitchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1115) (A)
Black Bear (A)
Branstock KhalderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1116) (A)
Brown Ram (A)
Captured Leper Gnome (A)
Dank DrizzlecutWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1117) (A)
Dark Iron Mole Machine WreckageWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1118)
Dun Morogh Flame Warden (A)
Elder Crag Boar
Fluffy (A)
Frostmane Headhunter (A)
Frostmane Shadowcaster (A)
Gamili FrosthideWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1119) (A)
Gnomeregan Evacuee (HA)
Gordok Brew Chief (HA)
Gray Ram (A)
Gremlock PilsnorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1120) (A)
Grundel HarkinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1121) (A)
Hogral BakkanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1122) (A)
Ipfelkofer Ironkeg (A)
Jordan StilwellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1123) (HA)
Keiran DonoghueWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1124) (A)
Leper Gnome (HA)
Magis SparkmantleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1125) (A)
Maxan AnvolWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1126) (A)
Mortar Team Advanced Target Dummy (A)
Mountaineer ThalosWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1127) (A)
Nori PridedriftWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1128) (A)
Paxton GanterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1129) (A)
Pilot StonegearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1130) (A)
Racing Ram (HA)
Razzle SprysprocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1131) (A)
Rifleman Wheeler (A)
Rockjaw Raider (HA)
Rybrad ColdbankWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1132) (A)
Senir WhitebeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1133) (A)
Snow Leopard (HA)
Starving Winter Wolf (A)
Swift Gray Ram (A)
Swift Yellow Mechanostrider (A)
Tharek BlackstoneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1134) (A)
Thunderbrew Festive Keg
Tristane ShadowstoneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1135) (A)
Unpainted Mechanostrider X (A)
Wagner HammerstrikeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1136) (A)
Wren DarkspringWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1137) (A)
Young Black Bear (HA)

Adlin PridedriftWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1138) (A)
Apprentice Soren (A)
Balir FrosthammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1139) (A)
Beldin Steelgrill (A)
Blue Mechanostrider (A)
Bromos GrummnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1140) (A)
Burdrak HarglhelmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1141) (A)
Coldridge Mountaineer (HA)
Dannie FizzwizzleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1142) (A)
Dark Iron Spy (A)
Dun Morogh Mountaineer (HA)
Elder Goldwell (HA)
Flynn Firebrew (A)
Frostmane Hideskinner (A)
Frostmane Snowstrider (A)
Gibblewilt (A)
Goldark Snipehunter (A)
Gordok Festive Keg
Great Father Arctikus (A)
Gretta GanterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1143) (A)
Hammerspine (A)
Honored Hero (A)
Ironforge Mountaineer (HA)
Juvenile Snow Leopard (A)
Kogan Forgestone (A)
Lieutenant NevellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1144) (A)
Mangeclaw (A)
Milli FeatherwhistleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1145) (A)
Mortar Team Target Dummy (A)
Mounted Ironforge Mountaineer (A)
Old Icebeard (A)
Peria LamenurWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1146) (A)
Pol AmberstillWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1147) (A)
Ragged Timber Wolf
Red Mechanostrider (A)
Rockjaw Ambusher (HA)
Rockjaw Skullthumper (A)
Scarred Crag Boar
Shelby StoneflintWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1148) (A)
Snow Tracker Wolf (HA)
Sten StoutarmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1149) (A)
Swift Green Mechanostrider (A)
Talin KeeneyeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1150) (A)
Thorgas GrimsonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1151) (A)
Timber (A)
Tundra MacGrannWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1152) (A)
Vagash (A)
Wendigo (A)
Yarlyn AmberstillWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1153) (A)
Young Wendigo (A)

Alamar GrimmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1154)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1155) (A)
Arlen LochlanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1156) (A)
Barleybrew Festive Keg
Binjy FeatherwhistleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1157) (A)
Boran IronclinkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1158) (A)
Bronk GuzzlegearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1159) (A)
Burly Rockjaw Trogg
Cook GhilmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1160) (A)
Daran ThunderbrewWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1161) (A)
Darna HoneybockWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1162) (A)
Durnan FurcutterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1163) (A)
Father Gavin (A)
Foreman StonebrowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1164) (A)
Frostmane Novice (A)
Frostmane Troll (A)
Gimrizz ShadowcogWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1165) (A)
Golorn FrostbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1166) (A)
Granis SwiftaxeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1167) (A)
Green Mechanostrider (A)
Grif WildheartWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1168) (A)
Hands SpringsprocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1169) (A)
Ice Claw Bear (HA)
Ita Thunderbrew (A)
Kazan MogoshWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1170) (A)
Kreg BilmnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1171) (A)
Loslor RudgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1172) (A)
Marleth BarleybrewWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1173) (A)
Miner Grothor (A)
Mountaineer BarleybrewWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1174) (A)
Narm FaulkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1175) (A)
Onin MacHammarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1176) (A)
Pilot BellowfizWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1177) (A)
Prospector Gehn (A)
Ragged Young Wolf
Rejold BarleybrewWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1178) (A)
Rockjaw Backbreaker (A)
Rockjaw Trogg
Self-Turning and Oscillating Utility Target (HA)
Shorty (A)
Solm HargrinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1179) (A)
Stormpike Mountaineer (A)
Swift White Mechanostrider (A)
Tannok Frosthammer (A)
Thran KhormanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1180) (A)
Tog Rustsprocket (A)
Turuk AmberstillWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1181) (A)
Vejrek (A)
White Riding Ram Mount (A)
Yarr HammerstoneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1182) (A)


Agnes FarwithersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1183) (H)
Bloodtalon Scythemaw (HA)
Brazier of the Dormant Flame
Burning Blade Cultist (H)
Canaga EarthcallerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1184) (H)
Corrupted Bloodtalon Scythemaw (HA)
Corrupted Surf Crawler (H)
Death Flayer (HA)
Dreadmaw Crocolisk (HA)
Drohn's Distillery Festive Keg
Dustwind Harpy (HA)
DwukkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1185) (H)
Encrusted Surf Crawler
FlakkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1186) (H)
Furl ScornbrowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1187) (H)
Geolord Mottle (H)
GornekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1188) (H)
Grunt Kor'ja (H)
Harroc (H)
Honored Ancestor (H)
Ja'ronWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1189) (H)
K'waiiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1190) (H)
Ken'jaiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1191) (H)
KrunnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1192) (H)
Lar ProwltuskWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1193) (H)
Lieutenant Benedict (H)
Makasgar (H)
Makrura Snapclaw (H)
Master VornalWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1194) (H)
Misha Tor'krenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1195) (H)
NartokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1196) (H)
Pygmy Surf Crawler
RarcWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1197) (H)
Razormane Dustrunner (HA)
RhinagWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1198) (HA)
Sand Shark (H)
Sen'jin Guardian
Skeletal Trooper
Spirit of Minshina (H)
Swift Blue Raptor (H)
Tai'jinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1199) (H)
Tarshaw JaggedscarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1200) (H)
Traveling Orphan (H)
UkorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1201) (H)
Vel'rin FangWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1202) (H)
Voidwalker Minion (HA)
Wild Wolpertinger
Yelnagi Blackarm (H)
ZjolnirWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1203) (H)

Armored Scorpid (HA)
Bloodtalon Taillasher (HA)
Brewfest Setup Crew (H)
Burning Blade Fanatic (HA)
Captain Flat Tusk (H)
Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (H)
Cort GoresteinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1204) (H)
Den Grunt (HA)
Driz TumblequickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1205) (H)
DuoknaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1206) (H)
Dustwind Pillager (HA)
Elder Mottled Boar
Felstalker (H)
Foreman Thazz'rilWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1207) (H)
GalgarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1208) (H)
GhrawtWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1209) (H)
Great Brewfest Kodo (H)
Hai'zanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1210) (H)
HarrukWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1211) (H)
HraugWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1212) (H)
JarkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1213) (H)
Kali RemikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1214) (H)
KithaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1215) (H)
Kul Tiras Marine (HA)
Large Jack-o\'-LanternWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1216)
Lightning Hide (H)
Makrura Clacker (H)
MargozWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1217) (H)
Miao'zanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1218) (H)
MishikiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1219) (H)
OphekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1220) (H)
Raider Jhash (HA)
RawrkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1221) (H)
Razormane Quilboar (HA)
Rokar Bladeshadow (H)
Sarkoth (H)
Sen'jin Watcher (HA)
Slurpo FizzykegWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1222) (H)
Suntouched ApprenticeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1223) (H)
Swift Olive Raptor (H)
T'chali's Voodoo Brew Festive Keg
Tai'tasiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1224) (H)
Telf JoolamWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1225) (H)
TrayexirWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1226) (H)
Ula'elekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1227) (H)
Venomtail Scorpid (HA)
Voodoo Troll (H)
WuarkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1228) (H)
Zalazane (H)
ZlagkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1229) (H)

Bizzle QuickliftWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1230) (H)
Bok Dropcertain (H)
BronWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1231) (H)
Burning Blade Neophyte (H)
Clattering Scorpid (HA)
Corrupted Mottled Boar (HA)
CutacWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1232) (H)
Dhugru GorelustWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1233) (H)
Drohn's Distillery ApprenticeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1234) (HA)
Durotar Flame Keeper (H)
Dustwind Savage (HA)
Elder Runetotem (HA)
Felweaver Scornn (H)
FrangWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1235) (H)
Gar'ThokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1236) (H)
Glodrak Huntsniper (H)
Greeb Ramrocket
Hana'zuaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1237) (H)
Hexed Troll (H)
HuklahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1238) (H)
Javnir NashakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1239) (H)
KaltunkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1240) (H)
Kolkar Drudge (HA)
Kul Tiras Sailor (HA)
Lau'TikiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1241) (H)
Magga (H)
Makrura Elder (H)
Masked Orphan MatronWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1242) (H)
Minor Manifestation of EarthWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1243) (H)
Mottled Boar
Orgnil SoulscarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1244) (H)
Raider Kerr (HA)
Razor Hill Grunt (HA)
Razormane Scout (HA)
RuzanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1245) (H)
School of Fish
ShikrikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1246) (H)
Snurk Bucksquick (HA)
Surf Crawler
Swift Orange Raptor (H)
T'chali's Voodoo Brewery ApprenticeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1247) (H)
Takrin PathseekerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1248) (HA)
ThotarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1249) (H)
Turquoise Riding Raptor (H)
Un'ThuwaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1250) (H)
Vile Familiar (H)
Warlord Kolkanis (H)
Xar'TiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1251) (H)
ZansoaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1252) (H)
Zureetha FargazeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1253) (H)

Blix FixwidgetWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1254) (H)
Bom'bay (H)
Burning Blade Apprentice (H)
Burning Blade Thug (H)
Cook TorkaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1255) (H)
Corrupted Scorpid (HA)
Dark Iron Mole Machine Wreckage
Dire Mottled Boar
Drohn's Distillery Barker (H)
Durotar Tiger (H)
Dustwind Storm Witch (HA)
Emerald Riding Raptor (H)
Fizzle Darkstorm (H)
Frezza (HA)
Gazz'uz (H)
Gordok Brew ApprenticeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1256) (HA)
GrimtakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1257) (H)
Holgar Stormaxe (HA)
Innkeeper GroskWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1258) (H)
Jen'shanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1259) (H)
KaplakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1260) (H)
Kolkar Outrunner (H)
Kzan ThornslashWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1261) (H)
Lazy Peon (H)
Mai'ahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1262) (H)
Makrura Shellhide (H)
Master GadrinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1263) (H)
Minor Manifestation of Fire
MukdrakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1264) (H)
Orgrimmar Reveler (HA)
Ram Master RayWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1265) (H)
Razormane Battleguard (HA)
RezlakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1266) (HA)
RwagWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1267) (H)
Scorpid Worker
Shoja'myWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1268) (H)
Spectral Spirit
SwartWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1269) (H)
Swift Racing Ram (HA)
T'chali's Voodoo Brewery Barker (H)
Tapper Swindlekeg (H)
Thunder Lizard (HA)
UhgarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1270) (H)
Uta RoughdoughWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1271) (H)
Violet Riding Raptor (H)
Watch Commander Zalaphil (H)
Yarrog Baneshadow (H)
Zelli Hotnozzle


Dustwallow Marsh

"Dirty" Michael CroweWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1317) (A)
Acidic Swamp Ooze (HA)
Andello Porter (HA)
Archmage TervoshWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1318) (HA)
Balai Lok'WeinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1319) (H)
Bartender LillianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1320) (A)
Bloodfen Razormaw (HA)
Brant JasperbloomWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1321) (A)
Brown Horse (A)
Captain Andrews (A)
Captain Saeed
Cassa Crimsonwing (A)
Combat Master Criton (A)
Corrosive Swamp Ooze (HA)
Dahne Pierce (A)
Darkfang Venomspitter (HA)
Darkmist Spider (HA)
Decedra Willham (HA)
Demon of the Orb (HA)
Do'golWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1322) (H)
Draz'ZilbWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1323) (H)
Drywallow Daggermaw (HA)
Dustwallow Marsh Flame Warden (A)
Emberstrife (HA)
Firemane Flamecaller (HA)
Garn Mathers (A)
Giant Marsh Frog
Grimtotem Breaker (HA)
Grimtotem Spirit Wolf (HA)
Guard Jarad (A)
Guard Narrisha (A)
Helenia OldenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1324) (A)
Innkeeper JaneneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1325) (A)
Jimmy Hyal
KrogWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1326) (H)
Lieutenant Khand
Lynn Hyal (A)
Medic Helaina (A)
Mill Courier (A)
Mirefin Coastrunner (HA)
Mirefin Puddlejumper (HA)
Mottled Drywallow Crocolisk (HA)
Muckshell Razorclaw (HA)
Mudrock Borer
Mudrock Tortoise
Nazeer BloodpikeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1327) (H)
Ogg'marrWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1328) (H)
Overlord Mok'MorokkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1329) (H)
Piter VeranceWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1330) (A)
Privateer Groy (HA)
Restless Apparition (HA)
Sara Pierce (A)
Sentry Point Guard (HA)
Smiling Jim (A)
Strashaz Hydra (HA)
Strashaz Sorceress (HA)
Swift Brown Steed (A)
ThargWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1331) (H)
Theramore Guard (HA)
Theramore Practicing Guard (HA)
Tidelord Rrurgaz (HA)
Wanted Poster
Withervine Mire Beast (HA)
ZanaraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1332) (H)

"Little" LogokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1333) (H)
Adjutant TesoranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1334) (A)
Apothecary Cylla (HA)
AxleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1335) (HA)
Balandar BrightstarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1336) (H)
Black Shield
Bloodfen Screecher (HA)
Brimgore (HA)
Bubbling Swamp Ooze (HA)
Captain DarillWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1337) (HA)
Captain Thomas (A)
Caz TwosprocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1338) (A)
Combat Master Szigeti (A)
Craig NollwardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1339) (A)
Darkfang Creeper (HA)
Darkmist Hatchling (HA)
Darkmist Widow (HA)
Defias Conjuror (A)
Deserter Agitator (A)
Doctor Gustaf VanHowzenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1340) (A)
Drazzit Dripvalve (HA)
Drywallow Snapper (HA)
Dwane WertleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1341) (A)
Falgran Hastil (A)
Firemane Scalebane (HA)
Gavis Greyshield (A)
Gizzix GrimegurgleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1342) (HA)
Grimtotem Destroyer (HA)
Grimtotem Spirit-Shifter (HA)
Guard Kahil (A)
Guard Tark (A)
Horace AlderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1343) (A)
Inspector Tarem (HA)
Kagoro (H)
Lady Jaina ProudmooreWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1344) (HA)
Lieutenant Nath (A)
Major MillsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1345) (A)
Medic Tamberlyn (A)
Mill Worker
Mirefin Muckdweller (HA)
Mirefin Warrior (HA)
Moxie SteelgrilleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1346) (HA)
Muckshell Scrabbler (HA)
Mudrock Burrower
Mudsprocket Bruiser (HA)
Noxious Flayer (HA)
OgronWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1347) (HA)
Pained (HA)
Private Hallan (H)
Razbo RustgearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1348) (HA)
Ripscale (HA)
Scorchscale Drake (HA)
Sergeant AmelynWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1349) (A)
Smolderwing (HA)
Strashaz Myrmidon (HA)
Strashaz Warrior (HA)
Swift White Steed (A)
The Rot (HA)
Theramore Infiltrator (HA)
Theramore Prisoner (HA)
Timothy WorthingtonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1350) (A)
Witherbark Witch Doctor
Withervine Rager (HA)
Zelfrax (HA)

"Stinky" IgnatzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1351) (HA)
Alchemist NarettWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1352) (A)
Apprentice GarionWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1353) (HA)
Babs FizzletorqueWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1354) (A)
BaldrucWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1355) (HA)
Bloodfen Lashtail (HA)
Bloodfen Scytheclaw (HA)
BroggWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1356) (HA)
Burgle Eye (HA)
Captain EvencaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1357) (A)
Captain WymorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1358) (A)
Charity MipsyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1359) (HA)
Commander SamaulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1360) (A)
Critically Injured Alliance Soldier (A)
Darkfang Lurker (HA)
Darkmist Recluse (HA)
Dart (HA)
Defias Diver (A)
Deserter Lieutenant (A)
Doctor Weavil (HA)
Drogoth the Roamer (HA)
Drywallow Vicejaw (HA)
Dyslix SilvergrubWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1361) (HA)
Firemane Ash Tail (HA)
Firemane Scout (HA)
Ghok'kahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1362) (H)
Goreclaw the Ravenous (HA)
Grimtotem Earthbinder (HA)
Guard ByronWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1363) (A)
Guard Lana (A)
Hans WestonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1364) (A)
Ingo Woolybush (A)
Ithania (HA)
KrakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1365) (H)
Lieutenant AdenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1366) (A)
Lord Angler (HA)
Mana Surge (HA)
MichaelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1367) (A)
Minion of Weavil (HA)
Mirefin Murloc (HA)
Mordant GrimsbyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1368) (HA)
Muckshell Clacker (HA)
Muckshell Snapclaw (HA)
Mudrock Snapjaw
Murk Thresher (HA)
Noxious Reaver (HA)
Oozeworm (HA)
Paval Reethe (HA)
Private HendelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1369) (HA)
Razorspine (HA)
Risen Husk (HA)
Searing Hatchling (HA)
Sergeant LukasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1370) (HA)
Spot (A)
Strashaz Serpent Guard (HA)
Suspicious Hoofprint
TabethaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1371) (HA)
Theramore Combat Dummy
Theramore LieutenantWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1372) (HA)
Theramore Sentry (HA)
Torq IronblastWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1373) (A)
Withervine Bark Ripper (HA)
Young Murk Thresher (HA)
ZulrgWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1374) (H)

"Swamp Eye" JarlWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1375) (HA)
Amie Pierce (A)
Apprentice MorlannWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1376) (HA)
Badly Injured Alliance Soldier (A)
Balos Jacken (HA)
Bloodfen Raptor (HA)
Brackenwall Enforcer (HA)
Brother KarmanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1377) (A)
Calia HastingsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1378) (A)
Captain Garran VimesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1379) (A)
Captured Raptor
Clerk Lendry (A)
Coral Shark (HA)
Dagun the Ravenous (HA)
Darkfang Spider (HA)
Darkmist Silkspinner (HA)
Deadmire (HA)
Defias Rummager (HA)
Dire Raven
Doctor Weavil's Flying Machine (HA)
Drywallow Crocolisk (HA)
Dustwallow Marsh Flame Keeper (H)
Elder Murk Thresher (HA)
Firemane Drake (HA)
Foreman Tionn
Giant Darkfang Spider (HA)
Gregor MacVinceWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1380) (A)
Grimtotem Elder (HA)
Guard Edward (A)
Guard Lasiter (A)
Hayoc (HA)
Injured Alliance Soldier (A)
Jensen FarranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1381) (A)
Krixil SlogswitchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1382) (HA)
Lieutenant Caldwell (H)
Lurking Shark (A)
Marie HoldstonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1383) (A)
Mikal Pierce (A)
Mirefin Ambusher (A)
Mirefin Oracle (HA)
Morgan SternWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1384) (A)
Muckshell Pincer (HA)
Mudcrush DurtfeetWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1385) (HA)
Mudrock Spikeshell
Nat PagleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1386) (HA)
Noxious Shredder (HA)
Outland Warp Stalker Black
Pinto (A)
Privateer (A)
Renn McGillWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1387) (A)
Risen Spirit (HA)
Searing Whelp (HA)
ShardiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1388) (HA)
Stonemaul Spirit (HA)
Strashaz Siren (HA)
Swamp Ooze (HA)
Theramore Deserter (HA)
Theramore Marksman (A)
Theramore Skirmisher (HA)
Uma BartulmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1389) (A)
Withervine Creeper (HA)
YsuriaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1390) (A)

Eastern Plaguelands

Adon (HA)
Argent Dawn Champion (HA)
Argent EmissaryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1391) (HA)
Argent Rider (HA)
Betina BigglezinkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1392) (HA)
Bloodletter (HA)
Caravan Mule (HA)
Carrion Grub
Commander Thomas HelleranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1393) (HA)
Crimson Bodyguard (HA)
Crypt Robber (HA)
Cursed Mage (HA)
Darrowshire Betrayer (HA)
Davil Lightfire (HA)
Demetria (HA)
Dispatch Commander MetzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1394) (HA)
Duke Nicholas ZverenhoffWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1395) (HA)
Elder Windrun (HA)
Enraged Gryphon (HA)
Father Inigo MontoyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1396) (HA)
Gangled Golem (HA)
Gibbering Ghoul (HA)
Hate Shrieker (HA)
Highlord's Nemesis Trainer
Infiltrator Hameya (HA)
Jessica ChambersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1397) (HA)
Knight of the Ebon Blade
Lady AlistraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1398)
Lord Maxwell TyrosusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1399) (HA)
Lordaeron Soldier (HA)
Marduk the Black (HA)
Mirador (HA)
Mossflayer Shadowhunter (HA)
Nerubian Overseer (HA)
Pamela RedpathWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1400) (HA)
Plague Ravager (HA)
Plaguehound (HA)
Quartermaster Miranda BreechlockWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1401) (HA)
RayneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1402) (HA)
Risen Drudge
Scarlet Cleric (HA)
Scarlet Inquisitor (HA)
Scourge Archer (HA)
Scourge Necromancer
Servant of Horgus (HA)
Smokey LaRueWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1403) (HA)
Spectral Marauder (HA)
Summoned Zombie (HA)
The Cleaner (HA)
Unliving Mossflayer (HA)
Warlord Thresh'jin (HA)
Ziggurat Protector (HA)

Alchemist KarloffWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1404)
Argent Dawn Crusader (HA)
Argent Guard (HA)
Argent Sentry (HA)
Blighted Horror (HA)
Borelgore (HA)
Caretaker AlenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1405) (HA)
Carrion Scarab (HA)
Conquered Soul of the Blightcaller (HA)
Crimson Courier (HA)
Crypt Slayer (HA)
Dark Adept (HA)
Darrowshire Defender (HA)
Death Cultist (HA)
Disciple of Blood
Dread Commander ThalanorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1406)
Duskwing (HA)
Emissary GormokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1407) (HA)
Eris HavenfireWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1408) (HA)
FesterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1409)
GangrenusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1410)
Gish the Unmoving (HA)
Hed'mush the Rotting (HA)
Horgus the Ravager (HA)
Injured Argent Dawn Infantry (HA)
Joseph Redpath (HA)
Koltira Deathweaver
Leonid Barthalomew the ReveredWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1411) (HA)
Lord ThorvalWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1412)
Lordaeron Veteran (HA)
Master Siegesmith CorvusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1413)
Monstrous Plaguebat (HA)
Mossflayer Zombie (HA)
Noxious Plaguebat (HA)
Plaguebat (HA)
Plaguehound Runt (HA)
Quel'Lithien Protector (HA)
Redpath Militia (HA)
Rohan the AssassinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1414) (HA)
Scarlet Commander Marjhan (HA)
Scarlet Praetorian (HA)
Scourge Champion (HA)
Scourge Siege Engineer (HA)
Shadowmage (HA)
Spectral Betrayer (HA)
Squire Edwards
Terrifying Abomination
Tirion FordringWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1415) (HA)
Unseen Servant (HA)
William Kielar (HA)
Zul'Brin Warpbranch (HA)

Amal'thazadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1416)
Argent Dawn Infantry (HA)
Argent Medic (HA)
Augustus the TouchedWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1417) (HA)
Blighted Surge (HA)
Cannibal Ghoul (HA)
Carlin RedpathWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1418) (HA)
Cenarion Scout
CorpulousWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1419)
Crusader Lord ValdelmarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1420) (HA)
Crypt Stalker (HA)
Dark Caster (HA)
Darrowshire Spirit (HA)
Death Singer (HA)
Disciple of Frost
Dread Weaver (HA)
EganWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1421) (HA)
Emissary WhitebeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1422) (HA)
Eyeless Watcher (HA)
Field Marshal Chambers
GeorgiaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1423) (HA)
GrimwingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1424)
High General Abbendis (HA)
Huntsman LeopoldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1425) (HA)
Injured Peasant (HA)
Keeper of the Rolls (HA)
KorfaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1426) (HA)
Living Decay (HA)
Lordaeron Commander (HA)
Marauding Corpse (HA)
Mataus the WrathcasterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1427) (HA)
Mossflayer Cannibal (HA)
Nathanos BlightcallerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1428) (HA)
Pack Mule (HA)
Pathstrider (HA)
Plagued Peasant (HA)
Putrid Gargoyle (HA)
Ranger (HA)
Redpath the Corrupted (HA)
Rotting Sludge (HA)
Scarlet Curate (HA)
Scarlet Trooper (HA)
Scourge Footsoldier (HA)
Scourge Soldier (HA)
Silver Hand Disciple (HA)
Spectral Corpse
Stitched Golem (HA)
Terrordale Spirit (HA)
Torn Screamer (HA)
Val'kyr Battle-maiden
Woodsman (HA)

Archmage Angela DosantosWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1429) (HA)
Argent Dawn Paladin (HA)
Argent Outfitter (HA)
Aurora SkycallerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1430) (HA)
Blighthound (HA)
Captain Redpath (HA)
Carrion Devourer
Commander Eligor DawnbringerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1431) (HA)
Craftsman WilhelmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1432) (HA)
Crypt Horror (HA)
Crypt Walker (HA)
Dark Summoner (HA)
Davil Crokford (HA)
Deathspeaker Selendre (HA)
Diseased Flayer (HA)
Duggan Wildhammer (HA)
Elder Snowcrown (HA)
Enraged Felbat (HA)
Fallen Hero (HA)
Frenzied Plaguehound (HA)
Ghost of the Past (HA)
Guard DidierWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1433) (HA)
Highlord Darion MograineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1434)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1435)
Infected Mossflayer (HA)
Jase FarlaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1436) (HA)
Khaelyn SteelwingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1437) (HA)
Kriss Goldenlight (HA)
Lord Darkscythe (HA)
Lordaeron Fighter (HA)
Marauding Skeleton (HA)
Mercutio Filthgorger (HA)
Mossflayer Scout (HA)
Necromancer (HA)
Packmaster Stonebruiser (HA)
Plague Monstrosity (HA)
Plagued Swine
Putrid Shrieker (HA)
Ranger Lord Hawkspear (HA)
Rimblat EarthshatterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1438) (HA)
Scarlet Archmage (HA)
Scarlet Enchanter (HA)
Scarlet Warder (HA)
Scourge Guard (HA)
Scourge Warder (HA)
Slaughterhouse Protector (HA)
Spectral Defender (HA)
Stitched Horror (HA)
Torn ScrollWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1439)
Vile Tutor (HA)
Zaeldarr the Outcast (HA)

Elwynn Forest

"Auntie" Bernice StonefieldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1440) (A)
Andrew KrightonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1441) (A)
Billy MaclureWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1442) (HA)
Brog HamfistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1443) (A)
Brother SammuelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1444) (A)
Chronos (HA)
Dawn BrightstarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1445) (A)
Defias Bandit (HA)
Defias Dockworker (HA)
Deputy WillemWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1446) (A)
Donni AnthaniaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1447) (A)
Eagan PeltskinnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1448) (A)
EldrinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1449) (A)
ErmaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1450) (HA)
Felinni (HA)
Garrick Padfoot (A)
Goldtooth (A)
Guard Roberts (HA)
Hogger (HA)
James Clark
John (A)
Joshua MaclureWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1451) (HA)
Keryn SylviusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1452) (A)
Kim Bridenbecker (A)
Kobold Laborer (A)
Kurran SteeleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1453) (A)
Llane BeshereWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1454) (A)
Mangy Wolf (HA)
Marshal HaggardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1455) (HA)
Maybell MaclureWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1456) (A)
Michelle BelleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1457) (A)
Morgan the Collector (A)
Murloc (HA)
Narg the Taskmaster (A)
Pa Maclure (A)
Priestess JosettaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1458) (A)
Quartermaster HicksWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1459) (A)
Randal HunterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1460) (A)
Rinling (HA)
Rockhide Boar
Sergeant De VriesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1461) (A)
Silver Tabby Cat
Spectral Apparition
Summer Scorchling
Terry PalinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1462) (A)
ToddrickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1463) (A)
Veldan LightfootWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1464) (A)

Aaron (A)
Ashley Bridenbecker (A)
Bo (A)
Brother DanilWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1465) (A)
Brother WilhelmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1466) (HA)
Clara Charles (HA)
Cylina DarkheartWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1467) (A)
Dead-Tooth Jack (A)
Defias Bodyguard (A)
Defias Rogue Wizard (HA)
Dermot JohnsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1468) (A)
Drake LindgrenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1469) (A)
Eastvale Lumberjack (A)
Elwynn Forest Flame Warden (A)
Falkhaan IsenstriderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1470) (A)
Flik's Frog (HA)
Gelvas Grimegate (HA)
Gramma StonefieldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1471) (A)
Helene PeltskinnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1472) (A)
Homer StonefieldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1473) (A)
Janos HammerknuckleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1474) (A)
Jorik KerridanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1475) (A)
Jubjub (HA)
Kevin (A)
Kira SongshineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1476) (HA)
Kobold Miner (HA)
Kyle (A)
Mark (HA)
Marshal McBrideWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1477) (A)
Mean Ed the Blacksmith
Milly OsworthWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1478) (A)
Morja (HA)
Murloc Forager (HA)
Northshire Guard (HA)
Palomino (HA)
Quartermaster HudsonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1479) (A)
Remen MarcotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1480) (A)
Riverpaw Outrunner (HA)
Rolf\'s corpse
Servant of Azora (A)
Skeletal Soldier
Stonetusk Boar
Supervisor RaelenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1481) (A)
Tharynn BoudenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1482) (HA)
TomasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1483) (A)
William PestleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1484) (A)

Alchemist MalloryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1501) (A)
Barleybrew ApprenticeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1502) (A)
Bradford Bridenbecker
Brother PaxtonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1503) (A)
Chestnut Mare (A)
Cornish Rex Cat
Dane WinslowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1504) (A)
Defias Ambusher (A)
Defias Dockmaster (A)
Deputy RainerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1505) (A)
Diseased Young Wolf
Elder Stormbrow (HA)
Erlan Drudgemoor (A)
Fedfennel (A)
Forlorn Spirit (A)
Godric RothgarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1506) (A)
Gruff Swiftbite (A)
Herbalist PomeroyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1507) (A)
Innkeeper FarleyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1508) (A)
Jay (A)
Joshua (HA)
Kerri Hicks (HA)
Khelden BremenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1509) (A)
Kobold Geomancer (A)
Kobold Vermin (A)
Lisa (A)
Ma StonefieldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1510) (A)
Marshal DughanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1511) (HA)
Maximillian CroweWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1512) (A)
Merissa Stilwell (A)
Morgaine the Sly (A)
Mother Fang (A)
Murloc Streamrunner (HA)
Orange Tabby Cat
Priestess AnettaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1513) (A)
Pygmy co*ckatrice (HA)
Rallic FinnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1514) (A)
Riding White Stallion (HA)
Rob Bridenbecker (A)
Sayge (HA)
Solomon (A)
Stormwind Guard (HA)
Swift Palomino (A)
Thunderbrew ApprenticeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1515) (A)
Touring Orphan (A)
Zaldimar WefhelltWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1516) (A)

Eversong Woods

Aeldon SunbrandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1517) (H)
Amani Berserker (H)
Apothecary ThedraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1518) (HA)
Apprentice RalenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1519) (HA)
Arcane Wraith (H)
Ardeyn RiverwindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1520) (H)
Blood Elf Reveler
Champion Sunstriker
Crazed Dragonhawk
Duelist LarenisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1521) (H)
Elisara Sunstriker (H)
Eversong Green Keeper (H)
Eversong Woods Flame Keeper (H)
Felendren the Banished (H)
GarridelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1522) (H)
Grimscale Forager (H)
Groundskeeper WyllithenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1523) (H)
Infused Crystal (H)
Jane (H)
JilanneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1524) (H)
Larianna RiverwindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1525) (H)
Lord SaltherilWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1526) (H)
Magistrix EredaniaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1527) (H)
Mana Stalker (H)
Marniel AmberlightWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1528) (H)
Matron ArenaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1529) (H)
Novice Ranger (H)
Pathstalker AvokorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1530) (H)
Prospector Anvilward (H)
RaheinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1531) (H)
Ranger SareynWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1532) (H)
Rotlimb Cannibal (HA)
SatheinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1533) (H)
Shara SunwingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1534) (H)
Silvermoon Apprentice (H)
Slain OutrunnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1535) (H)
Springpaw Cub
Sunstrider Guardian (HA)
Tainted Arcane Wraith (H)
Thaelis the Hungerer (H)
Velendris WhitemornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1536) (H)
Whitebark's Spirit (H)
Wretched Hooligan (H)
Zalene FirstlightWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1537) (H)

AleiniaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1560) (H)
AnathosWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1561) (H)
Apprentice MeledorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1562) (HA)
Arathel SunforgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1563) (H)
Arcanist IthanasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1564) (H)
Black Hawkstrider (H)
Botanist TyniarrelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1565) (H)
Champion Bloodwrath
Chieftain Zul'Marosh (H)
Darkwraith (HA)
Elder Springpaw (H)
EriliaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1566) (H)
Eversong Ranger (HA)
FarsilWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1567) (H)
Feral Tender (H)
Gharsul the Remorseless (H)
Grimscale Oracle (H)
HannoviaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1568) (H)
Instructor AntheolWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1569) (H)
Jessel (H)
KanariaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1570) (H)
LandraelanisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1571) (H)
Ley-Keeper VelaniaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1572) (H)
Magister Duskwither\'s Journal
Magistrix Landra DawnstriderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1573) (H)
Manawraith (H)
Master Kelerun BloodmournWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1574) (H)
NoelleneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1575) (H)
Outrunner AlarionWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1576) (H)
Plaguebone Pillager (HA)
QuarelestraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1577) (H)
Ranger JaelaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1578) (HA)
Red Dragonhawk Hatchling
Runewarden DeryanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1579) (H)
Sempstress AmbershineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1580) (H)
Silanna (H)
Silvermoon Guardian (HA)
SolaninWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1581) (H)
Springpaw Stalker (HA)
Swift Pink Hawkstrider (H)
TelenusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1582) (H)
VaraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1583) (H)
Wanted: Thaelis the Hungerer
Withered Green Keeper (H)
Wretched Urchin (HA)

Amani Axe Thrower (H)
Angershade (HA)
Apprentice MirvedaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1584) (H)
Arcane Patroller (HA)
Arcanist SheynathrenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1585) (H)
Blood Elf CommonerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1586) (H)
Captain KelisendraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1587) (H)
Champion Lightrend
Courier DawnstriderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1588) (H)
Darnassian Scout (H)
Eldinarcus (H)
Ether Fiend (H)
Eversong Tender (H)
FeledisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1589)
Festival Scorchling
Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling
Grimscale Seer (H)
Hathvelion SungazeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1590) (H)
Jainthess ThelrynWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1591) (H)
Jesthenis SunstrikerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1592) (H)
KinamisaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1593) (H)
Lanthan PerilonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1594) (H)
Lieutenant DawnrunnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1595) (H)
Magister JaronisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1596) (H)
Mana Serpent (H)
MathreynWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1597) (H)
PaelarinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1598) (H)
PonarisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1599) (H)
Raelis DawnstarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1600) (H)
Ranger SallinaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1601) (H)
Red Hawkstrider (H)
Sailor MelinanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1602) (H)
Sergeant Kan'ren (H)
Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling
Skymistress GloamingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1603) (H)
Spearcrafter Otembe (H)
Summoner Teli'LarienWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1604) (H)
Swift Purple Hawkstrider (H)
Tender (H)
Velan BrightoakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1605) (H)
Well Watcher SolanianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1606) (H)
Wretched Captive (H)
Yasmine Teli'LarienWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1607) (H)



Angelas MoonbreezeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1641) (A)
Arcane Chimaerok (HA)
Bloodroar the Stalker (HA)
Camp Mojache Brave (HA)
Chimaerok (HA)
Coast Crawl Snapclaw (HA)
Dreamroarer (HA)
Elder Rage Scar (HA)
Falfindel WaywarderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1642) (HA)
Feralas Flame Keeper (H)
Frayfeather Patriarch (HA)
Ginro HearthkindleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1643) (A)
Gordok Ogre-Mage (HA)
Gordunni Mauler (HA)
Gordunni Warlock (HA)
Grimtotem Naturalist (HA)
Groddoc Ape (HA)
HarklaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1644) (A)
Hatecrest Siren (HA)
Homing Robot OOX-22/FEWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1645) (HA)
Ironfur Bear (HA)
Jademir Oracle (HA)
Jannos LighthoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1646) (H)
Kindal MoonweaverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1647) (HA)
Kylanna WindwhisperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1648) (A)
Latronicus MoonspearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1649) (A)
Longtooth Runner (HA)
Lurking Feral Scar (HA)
Northspring Harpy (HA)
Old Grizzlegut (HA)
Pratt McGrubbenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1650) (HA)
Rage Scar Yeti (HA)
Rogue Vale Screecher (HA)
Sage Palerunner (H)
Sea Elemental (HA)
Sheendra TallgrassWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1651) (H)
Snarler (HA)
Stinglasher (HA)
Troyas MoonbreezeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1652) (A)
Wandering Forest Walker
Woodpaw Battle Map
Woodpaw Reaver (HA)
Xylinnia StarshineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1653) (A)
Zukk'ash Wasp (HA)

AntariusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1654) (HA)
Azj'TordinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1655) (HA)
BrannockWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1656) (HA)
Captured Sprite Darter (HA)
Chimaerok Devourer (HA)
Cursed Sycamore
Dulciea FrostmoonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1657) (A)
Enraged Feral Scar (HA)
FaralornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1658) (HA)
Feralas Flame Warden (A)
Frayfeather Skystormer (HA)
Gnarl Leafbrother
Gordunni Battlemaster (HA)
Gordunni Ogre (HA)
Gordunni Warlord (HA)
Grimtotem Raider (HA)
Groddoc Thunderer (HA)
Hatecrest Myrmidon (HA)
Hatecrest Sorceress (HA)
Hulking Feral Scar (HA)
Ironfur Patriarch (HA)
Jademir Tree Warder (HA)
Jer'kai MoonweaverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1659) (HA)
Kristy Grant (HA)
Lady Szallah (HA)
Lethlas (HA)
LooranaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1660) (HA)
Mardrack GreenwellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1661) (HA)
Northspring Roguefeather (HA)
Orik'ando (H)
Qirot (HA)
Raschal the Courier (A)
Rok OrhanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1662) (HA)
SavanneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1663) (A)
Sea Spray (HA)
Shore Strider (HA)
Solarsal Gazebo
Talo ThornhoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1664) (H)
Vale Screecher (HA)
Wave Strider (HA)
Woodpaw Brute (HA)
Woodpaw Trapper (HA)
Zorbin FandazzleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1665) (HA)
Zukk'ash Worker (HA)

Antilus the Soarer (HA)
Bethan Bluewater (A)
Brienna StarglowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1666) (HA)
Caryssia MoonhunterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1667) (HA)
Cliff Giant (HA)
Deep Strider (HA)
Edana Hatetalon (HA)
Equinex Monolith
Feathermoon Sentinel (HA)
Ferocious Rage Scar (HA)
Frayfeather Stagwing (HA)
Gordok Enforcer (HA)
Gordunni Brute (HA)
Gordunni Ogre Mage (HA)
Great Shark (HA)
Grimtotem Shaman (HA)
Hadoken SwiftstriderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1668) (HA)
Hatecrest Screamer (HA)
Hatecrest Warrior (HA)
Innkeeper GreulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1669) (H)
Jacob (A)
Jadenvis SeawatcherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1670) (HA)
Jewel (A)
Krueg SkullsplitterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1671) (H)
Land Walker (HA)
LogannasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1672) (A)
Lord Lakmaeran (HA)
Marli Wishrunner (HA)
Northspring Slayer (HA)
Orwin GizzmickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1673) (HA)
Quintis JonespyreWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1674) (A)
RendowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1675) (HA)
RuwWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1676) (HA)
Scholar RunethornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1677) (A)
Shandris FeathermoonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1678) (A)
ShynWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1679) (HA)
Sprite Darter (HA)
TarhusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1680) (H)
Vestia Moonspear (A)
Witch Doctor Uzer'iWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1681) (HA)
Woodpaw Mongrel (HA)
Worb StrongstitchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1682) (H)
Zukk'ash Stinger (HA)
Zukk\'ash PodWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1683)

Arash-ethis (HA)
Blaise Montgomery (HA)
BronkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1684) (HA)
Cawind TrueaimWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1685) (H)
Coast Crawl Deepseer (HA)
Diamond Head
Elder Grimtotem (HA)
Erik Felixe (HA)
Feral Scar Yeti (HA)
Frayfeather Hippogryph (HA)
Fyldren MoonfeatherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1686) (HA)
Gordok Hyena (HA)
Gordunni Mage-Lord (HA)
Gordunni Shaman (HA)
Gregan BrewspewerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1687) (HA)
Grizzled Ironfur Bear (HA)
Hahrana IronhideWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1688) (H)
Hatecrest Serpent Guard (HA)
Hatecrest Wave Rider (HA)
Innkeeper ShyriaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1689) (A)
Jademir Boughguard (HA)
Jangdor SwiftstriderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1690) (H)
Kalin WindflightWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1691) (HA)
Kulleg StonehornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1692) (H)
Large Leather Backpacks
Longtooth Howler (HA)
Lord Shalzaru (HA)
Miblon Snarltooth (HA)
Northspring Windcaller (HA)
Paige Felixe (HA)
Rabid Longtooth (HA)
RockbiterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1693) (HA)
Sage KoroluskWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1694) (HA)
Screecher Spirit (HA)
Shay LeafrunnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1695) (HA)
Shyrka WolfrunnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1696) (H)
Sprite Dragon
ThyssianaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1697) (HA)
ViviannaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1698) (HA)
Woodpaw Alpha (HA)
Woodpaw Mystic (HA)
Wrecked Row Boat
Zukk'ash Tunneler (HA)



Grizzly Hills

Ancient Drakkari Soothsayer
Ashwood Trapper
Benjamin JacobsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1745)
Bloodmoon Worgen
Brugar StoneshearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1746)
Camp Oneqwah Brave
Centurion KaggrumWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1747)
Conqueror Krenna
Conquest Hold Legionnaire
Datalore SmallsphereWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1748)
Drakkari Plaguebringer
Drakkari Warrior Corpse
Duskhowl Prowler
Fallen Earthen WarriorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1749)
Forgemaster Damrath
Frostpaw Warrior
General KhazgarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1750)
Graymist Hunter
Grizzly Hills Giant
Guardian Serpent
Heart of the Ancients
Horgrenn Hellcleave
Hungry Worg
Infected Grizzly Bear
Iron Rune-Shaper
Iron Thane Furyhammer
Jesse Masters
Lightning Sentry
Mack FearsenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1751)
Master Woodsman AnderholWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1752)
Overseer Lochli
Prospector Gann
Raegar BreakbrowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1753)
Redfang Elder
Rune Reaver
Runic Battle Golem
Ruuna the BlindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1754)
Sani'iWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1755)
Scourge Corpserender
Seer YagnarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1756)
Sergeant ThurkinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1757)
Shade of Arugal
Silverbrook Villager
Slaughtered Drakkari
Squire PercyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1758)
Tallhorn Stag
Tiernan AnvilheartWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1759)
Tur Ragepaw
Vana GreyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1760) (A)
Westfall Brigade Marine
Wounded Skirmisher

Aiyan Coldwind
AmeenahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1761)
Ancient Drakkari Warmonger
Aspen Grove Supplier
Blood of the Old God
Bookie Vel'jen
Bubb Lazarr
Captain Brightwater
Chaska FrosthoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1762)
Conquest Hold Berserker
Conquest Hold Marauder
Diseased Drakkari
Drakkari Defender
Drakkari Protector
Drakkari Witch Doctor
EmilyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1763)
Famished Scourge Troll
Freed Alliance Scout
Gan'joWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1764)
Grizzly Squirrel
GurtorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1765)
Hidetrader Jun'ikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1766)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1767)
Horrified Drakkari Shaman
Ice Serpent
Injured Drakkari Refugee
Iron Rune-Smith
KatjaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1768)
KrazWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1769)
Litoko Icetotem
Magistrix Haelenai
Mountain Skunk
Overseer Brunon
PetrovWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1770)
Prospector RokarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1771)
Raider Captain KronnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1772)
Redfang Hunter
Rune-Smith Durar
Runic Lightning Gunner
Sage PalunaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1773)
Sanut SwiftspearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1774)
Scourge Deathspeaker
SergeiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1775)
Silverbrook Defender
Silverbrook Worgen
Smith PrigkaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1776)
Stone Guard RagetotemWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1777)
Thane Torvald Eriksson
Torgg Thundertotem
Undead Miner
Warlord Zim'bo
Windseer GrayhornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1778)
Wounded Westfall Infantry

Amberpine Scout
Aspen Grove Trader
Barracks Master RhekkuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1779)
Bloodmoon Cultist
Broken-down Shredder
Captain Gryan StoutmantleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1780)
Commander Bargok
Conquest Hold Defender
Conquest Hold Raider
Dragonflayer Flamebinder
Drakkari Oracle
Drakkari Shaman
DrakuruWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1781)
Entropic Ooze
Fern Feeder Moth
Frostpaw Shaman
GavrockWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1782)
Grennix ShivwiggleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1783)
HarkorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1784)
Hierophant ThayreenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1785)
Horrified Drakkari Warrior
Image of DrakuruWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1786)
Iron Rune Avenger
Iron Rune-Weaver
IvanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1787)
KurunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1788)
Longhoof Grazer
Magistrix Phaelista
Mountaineer KilianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1789)
Overseer Durval
PrigmonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1790)
Provisioner LorkranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1791)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1792)
Rainbow Trout
River Thresher
Rune-Smith Kathorn
Runic War Golem
SamirWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1793)
Saronite Horror
Scout Captain Carter
Sergeant Bonesnap
Serpent Defender
Silverbrook Hunter
Silvercoat Stag
Solstice Hunter
Subterranean Thresher
Tatjana's Horse
The Anvil
Tormak the ScarredWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1794)
Venture Co. Evacuee
Westfall Brigade Defender
Wolfcult Initiate

Amberpine Woodsman
Ancient Drakkari King
Aspen Grove Trapper
Battered Journal
Bloodmoon Servant
Brom ArmstrongWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1795)
Caged Prisoner
Captured TrapperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1796)
Commander Howser
Conquest Hold Grunt
Conquest Hold Skirmisher
Dragonflayer Huscarl
Drakkari Plague Spreader
Drakkari Warrior
Ducal's Horse
Envoy Ducal
Frostpaw Trapper
General GorlokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1797)
GorgonnaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1798)
Grizzly Bear
Grumbald One-Eye
Harrison JonesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1799)
Highland Mustang
Hugh GlassWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1800)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1801)
Imperial Eagle
Iron Rune Overseer
Iron Thane Argrum
Jennifer Bell
Koro the Wanderer
Lieutenant DumontWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1802)
Makki Wintergale
Mr. Floppy
Overseer Korgan
Private ArunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1803)
PurkomWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1804)
Ravenous Worg
Rocket Propelled Warhead
Runed Giant
Samuel Clearbook
SashaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1805)
Scout Vor'takhWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1806)
Sergeant NazgrimWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1807)
Silverbrook Trapper
Slain Trapper
Soulok StormfuryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1808)
Surveyor OrlondWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1809)
Taunka Pack Kodo
Torthen DeepdigWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1810)
Ursus Mauler
Venture Co. Straggler
Westfall Brigade Footman
Woodsman DrakeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1811)

Hellfire Peninsula

"Screaming" Screed LuckheedWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1812) (HA)
Alchemist GribbleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1813) (A)
Amish WildhammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1814) (A)
Anchorite ObadeiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1815) (A)
Apothecary AzethenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1816) (H)
Arcanist Calesthris DawnstarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1817) (H)
Armored Gryphon Destroyer (HA)
Avruu (HA)
BarleyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1818) (HA)
Bleeding Hollow Necrolyte (HA)
Bleeding Hollow Soul
Blistering Rot (HA)
Bonechewer Mutant (HA)
Bonestripper Buzzard (HA)
BurkoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1819) (A)
Caretaker Dilandrus (A)
Commander DuronWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1820) (HA)
Crust Burster (HA)
Dark Cleric MalodWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1821) (H)
Deathwhisperer (HA)
Doom Lord Kazzak (HA)
Draenei Vindicator (HA)
Dreghood Geomancer (HA)
Earthcaller RygaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1822) (HA)
Explorers' League Archaeologist (A)
Falcon Watch Sentinel (H)
Father Malgor DevidicusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1823) (A)
Fel Guard Hound (HA)
Fel Reaver Sentry (HA)
FelanniaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1824) (H)
Feng (HA)
Flamewaker Imp (HA)
Force Commander Danath TrollbaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1825) (A)
Forge Camp Legionnaire (HA)
Fulgorge (HA)
GastonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1826) (A)
Goliathon (HA)
Gremni LongbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1827) (HA)
Gryphoneer Leafbeard (HA)
Haal'eshi Talonguard (HA)
Hand of Kargath (HA)
Hellfire Peninsula Flame Warden (A)
Honor Hold Archer (HA)
Honor Hold Gryphon Rider (A)
HumphryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1828) (A)
Illidari Taskmaster (HA)
Infernal Siegebreaker (HA)
Injured Stormwind Infantry (A)
Ironforge Paladin (A)
Kaliri Matriarch (HA)
Kul InkspillerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1829)
LegassiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1830) (HA)
Lieutenant General OrionWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1831) (HA)
Lursa SunfallowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1832) (H)
Mag'har Watcher (HA)
Magistrix SeylaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1833)
Maiden of Pain (HA)
Marauding Crust Burster (HA)
Master Sergeant Lorin ThalmerokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1834) (A)
Mirren LongbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1835) (HA)
Mo'arg Overseer (HA)
Morod the WindstirrerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1836) (HA)
Netherhound (HA)
Orgrimmar Grunt (HA)
Pathaleon the Calculator's Image (HA)
Pilgrim Gal'ressa (H)
Provisioner Braknar (H)
Quartermaster UrgronnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1837) (H)
Raging Shardling (HA)
Razorsaw (HA)
Rogue Voidwalker (HA)
Rumatu (A)
Sedai's CorpseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1838) (HA)
Shadow Hunter Ty'jinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1839) (H)
Shattered Hand Grenadier (HA)
Shattered Hand Neophyte (HA)
Sister of Grief (HA)
Stone Guard Stok'tonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1840) (H)
Stormwind Infantry (HA)
Subjugator Yalqiz (HA)
Supply Officer ShandriaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1841) (HA)
Taleris DawngazerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1842) (H)
Terrorfiend (HA)
Thrallmar Grunt (HA)
Thrallmar Wolf Rider (HA)
Twilight Frostblade (HA)
Unstable Voidwalker (HA)
Urga'zz (HA)
Vengeful Unyielding Captain
Vindicator Sedai
Void Servant (HA)
War Horse (A)
Warp-Scryer KryvWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1843) (A)
Wind Rider JahuboWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1844)
Worg Master Kruush (HA)
Wrath Herald (HA)
Z'kral (A)

Aeranas (HA)
Althen the HistorianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1845) (H)
Amythiel MistwalkerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1846) (HA)
Angela "The Claw" Kestrel (H)
Apothecary ZelanaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1847) (HA)
Arcanist Torseldori (HA)
Armored Wyvern Destroyer (HA)
Aylaan the WaterwakerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1848) (HA)
Bat Rider Guard (HA)
Blacktalon the Savage (HA)
Bleeding Hollow Peon (HA)
Bleeding Hollow Tormentor (HA)
Blood Elf Pilgrim (H)
Bonechewer Raider (HA)
Bonestripper Vulture (HA)
Captain DarkhowlWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1849) (H)
Caza'rezWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1850) (H)
Commander Hogarth (HA)
Cursed Scarab
Darkness Released (A)
Debilitated Mag'har Grunt (HA)
Doomwhisperer (HA)
Dread Tactician (HA)
Drillmaster Zurok (HA)
ElsaanaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1851) (A)
Eye of Grillok (HA)
Falconer Drenna RiverwindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1852) (H)
Fei Fei (A)
Fel Handler (HA)
Fel Soldier (HA)
Felblood Initiate (HA)
Field Commander RomusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1853) (A)
Flightmaster Krill BitterhueWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1854) (HA)
Force-Commander Gorax (HA)
Forward Commander KingstonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1855) (A)
Gan'arg Peon (HA)
General KrakorkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1856) (H)
Goliathon Shardling (HA)
Grillok "Darkeye" (HA)
Gryphoneer WindbellowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1857) (A)
Haal'eshi Windwalker (HA)
Hargen BronzewingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1858)
Hellfire Wardling (HA)
Honor Hold Cavalryman (HA)
Honor Hold Miner (HA)
Huntsman Torf AngerhoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1859) (H)
Incandescent Fel Spark (HA)
Infernal Warbringer (HA)
Injured Thrallmar Grunt (H)
Jakk (HA)
Jir'see (H)
Kaliri Swooper (HA)
KumaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1860) (HA)
Lieutenant AmadiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1861) (A)
Logistics Officer UlrikeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1862) (A)
Mag'har Escort
Magister AledisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1863) (HA)
Magus Filinthus (A)
MakuruWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1864) (A)
Markus ScylanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1865) (A)
Megzeg NukklebustWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1866) (H)
Mistress of Doom (HA)
Moh (HA)
NaladuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1867) (HA)
Nurse Judith
Orgrimmar Peon (H)
Peasant Worker (A)
Pit Commander (HA)
Provisioner ValineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1868) (H)
Quillfang Ravager (HA)
Ranger Captain Venn'renWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1869) (H)
Reagan MancusoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1870) (H)
RohokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1871) (H)
Runetog WildhammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1872) (A)
Sergeant AltumusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1873) (HA)
Shattered Hand Acolyte (HA)
Shattered Hand Grunt (HA)
Shattered Hand Warlock (HA)
Slime-Covered Corpse (HA)
Stonescythe Alpha (HA)
Stormwind Mage (A)
Supply Master BroogWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1874) (H)
Suspended Terrorguard
Tamed Ravager (HA)
Thiah RedmaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1875) (HA)
Thrallmar Marksman (HA)
Tola'thionWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1876) (HA)
Unyielding Footman (HA)
Vengeful Unyielding Footman (H)
Vlagga FreyfeatherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1877) (H)
Vorakem Doomspeaker (HA)
Warboss Nekrogg (HA)
Warrant Officer Tracy ProudwellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1878) (A)
Wing Commander BrackWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1879) (H)
Wounded Blood Elf PilgrimWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1880) (HA)
Wrath Master (HA)
ZebigWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1881) (H)

Aggonis (HA)
Amaan the WiseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1882) (A)
Anchorite Alendar (A)
Apothecary AlbreckWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1883) (H)
Arator the Redeemer (A)
Arch Mage Xintor (HA)
Arzeth the Merciless (HA)
Bana WildmaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1884)
Battlecryer BlackeyeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1885) (H)
Bleeding Hollow Dark Shaman (HA)
Bleeding Hollow Riding Worg (HA)
Bleeding Hollow Worg (HA)
Bloodmage (HA)
Bonechewer Riding Wolf (HA)
Brother Daniels
Captive Female Kaliri
Collapsing Voidwalker (HA)
Cookie One-EyeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1886) (H)
Dagz (HA)
Darkspear Axe Thrower (HA)
Demoniac Scryer (HA)
Draenei Anchorite (HA)
Dreadcaller (HA)
DumphryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1887) (A)
Emissary MordibaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1888) (H)
Eye of the Citadel (HA)
Fallesh SunfallowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1889) (H)
Fel Cannon (HA)
Fel Orc CorpseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1890) (HA)
Fel Spirit (HA)
Felguard Destroyer (HA)
Field Marshal BrockWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1891) (A)
Floating Skull (HA)
Foreman BiggumsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1892) (A)
Forward Commander To'archWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1893) (H)
Gan'arg Sapper (HA)
Glacial Templar (HA)
Gorkan BloodfistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1894) (HA)
Ground Flower
Guard Captain Cragtar (H)
Hagash the BlindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1895) (H)
Heckling Fel Sprite (HA)
Honor Guard Greyn (A)
Honor Hold Defender (HA)
Honor Hold Scout (HA)
Hurnak GrimmordWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1896) (A)
Infernal Defender (HA)
Injured Grunt (H)
InnaliaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1897) (H)
Jelena NightskyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1898) (A)
Johan BarnesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1899) (A)
KrugoshWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1900) (H)
Laughing Skull Ambusher
Lieutenant ChadwickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1901) (A)
LukraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1902) (H)
Mag'har Grunt (HA)
Magister BloodhawkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1903) (H)
Magus ZabraxisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1904) (A)
Male Kaliri Hatchling (HA)
Marshal IsildorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1905) (A)
Mekthorg the Wild (HA)
Mixie FarshotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1906) (H)
MondulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1907) (H)
NeferattiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1908)
Ogath the MadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1909) (H)
Orgrimmar Shaman (H)
Peon BolgarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1910) (H)
Prospector Murantus (A)
Quartermaster DrakeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1911) (A)
Quillfang Skitterer (HA)
Razorfang Hatchling (HA)
Recovering Pilgrim (H)
RorelienWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1912) (A)
Ryathen the SomberWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1913) (H)
Sergeant Dalton (A)
Shattered Hand Berserker (HA)
Shattered Hand Guard (HA)
Sid LimbardiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1914) (A)
Starving Helboar (HA)
Stonescythe Ambusher (HA)
Stormwind Soldier (HA)
Supply Officer IsabelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1915) (H)
Tagar Spinebreaker (HA)
TatianaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1916) (A)
Thornfang Ravager (HA)
Thrallmar Peon (HA)
Tunneler (HA)
Uncontrolled Voidwalker (HA)
Unyielding Knight (HA)
Vacillating Voidcaller (HA)
Vengeful Unyielding Knight (H)
VodesiinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1917) (A)
Vurtok AxebreakerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1918) (H)
Warbringer Arix'Amal (HA)
Watch Commander Krunk (H)
Wing Commander Dabir'eeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1919) (HA)
Wounded Soldier (A)
Wrathguard (HA)
ZezzakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1920) (H)

Akoru the FirecallerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1921) (HA)
Amilya AirheartWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1922) (H)
Anchorite Barada (A)
Apothecary AntonivichWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1923) (H)
Arazzius the Cruel (HA)
AresellaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1924) (H)
Assistant KlatuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1925) (A)
Barim SpilthoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1926) (H)
BaxterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1927) (H)
Bleeding Hollow Grunt (HA)
Bleeding Hollow Skeleton (HA)
Blistering Oozeling (HA)
Bonechewer Evoker (HA)
Bonechewer Scavenger (HA)
BrummanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1928) (A)
Caregiver Ophera WindfuryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1929) (A)
Colonel Jules (A)
Corporal IronridgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1930) (HA)
DalinnaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1931) (H)
Darnassian Archer (HA)
Deranged Helboar (HA)
Draenei Prisoner (H)
Dreghood Brute (HA)
Earthbinder Galandria NightbreezeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1932) (HA)
Escaped Dreghood (HA)
Falcon Watch Ranger (HA)
Far Seer RegulkutWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1933) (H)
Fel Cannon MKI (HA)
Fel Reaver (HA)
Fel Warden (H)
Female Kaliri Hatchling (HA)
Field Marshal Rohamus (HA)
Floyd PinkusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1934) (H)
Foreman RazelcrazWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1935) (HA)
Foul Purge (A)
Gan'arg Servant (HA)
Gnomeregan Conjuror (HA)
GrelagWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1936) (H)
Grunda Bronzewing
GunnyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1937) (A)
HamaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1938) (A)
Hellfire Peninsula Flame Keeper (H)
Honor Guard WesilowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1939) (A)
Honor Hold Gryphon Brigadie (H)
Hulking Helboar (HA)
IkanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1940) (A)
Infernal Invader (HA)
Injured Nethergarde Infantry
Innkeeper Bazil Olof'tazunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1941) (H)
Jezebel Bican
KalaenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1942) (H)
Krun Spinebreaker
LebowskiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1943) (A)
Lieutenant Commander Thalvos (HA)
Lured Colossus (HA)
Mag'har Hunter (HA)
Magistrix CarindaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1944) (H)
Mahuram StouthoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1945) (HA)
Manni (HA)
Martik Tor'seldoriWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1946) (H)
Michael Schwan
Mo'arg Forgefiend (HA)
MoorutuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1947) (H)
Nethergarde Infantry (HA)
Operations Officer (A)
Overlord Hun MaimfistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1948) (H)
Peon Overseer (H)
Provisioner AnirWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1949) (A)
Quartermaster GormanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1950) (A)
Raging Colossus (HA)
Razorfang Ravager (HA)
Ripp (HA)
Ruak StronghornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1951) (H)
Scout VanuraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1952) (HA)
Sergeant ShatterskullWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1953) (HA)
Shattered Hand Captain (HA)
Shattered Hand Mage (HA)
Silvermoon Magister (HA)
Stone Guard Ambelan (H)
Stonescythe Whelp (HA)
Subjugator Shi'aziv (HA)
Supply Officer PestleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1954) (A)
TalaaraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1955) (A)
Telhamat Protector (HA)
Thornfang Venomspitter (HA)
Thrallmar Riding Wolf (H)
Twilight Cryomancer (HA)
Undercity Mage (HA)
Unyielding Sorcerer (HA)
Vengeful Unyielding (H)
Viera Sunwhisper (H)
Void Baron Galaxis (HA)
Wanted Poster
Warlord Morkh (HA)
Watch Commander Leonus
Wing Commander GryphongarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (1956) (A)
Wounded Stormwind Infantry (A)
Yaluu (A)

Hillsbrad Foothills

Howling Fjord

"Crowleg" Dan
"Silvermoon" HarryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2011)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2012)
Ahota WhitefrostWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2013)
Anchorite YazminaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2014)
Annie BonnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2015)
Apothecary Celestine
Apothecary MalthusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2016)
Assistant Apothecary
Baron Ulrik von Stromhearth
Bat Handler AdelineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2017) (H)
Big Roy
Black Conrad's Ghost
Bombardier PetrovWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2018)
Brom BrewbasterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2019)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2020)
Camp Winterhoof Wayfarer
Captain HarkerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2021)
Captured Valgarde Warrior
Celina Summers
Chill Nymph
Christina Daniels
Dark Ranger LyanaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2022)
Deathless Watcher
DeniigiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2023)
Dragonflayer Ambusher
Dragonflayer Guardian
Dragonflayer Invader (A)
Dragonflayer Soulreaver
Dragonflayer Vrykul Prisoner
Drunken Northsea Pirate
Elizabeth JacksonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2024)
Engineer FeknutWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2025)
Fallen Combatant
Fearsome Horror
Firjus the Soul Crusher
Fjord Hawk Matriarch
Forlorn Soul
Forsaken Spy
Frosthorn Kid
Giant Tidecrawler
Gjalerbron Rune-Caster
Gjalerhorn Scavenger
GlorenfeldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2026)
Grezzix SpindlesnapWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2027)
Gunter Hansen
Harold LagrasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2028)
Helga RumsbaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2029)
Howling Wolvar Lookout
Ice Elemental
Impaled Valgarde Scout
Iron Rune Binder
Iron Rune Laborer
Iron Rune Steelguard
Isuldof Iceheart
Jennifer OwingsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2030)
Jonathan LewisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2031)
Kamagua Turtle Rider
Lieutenant Celeyne
Lion Seal
Longrunner PembeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2032)
Lou the Cabin Boy
MacalroyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2033)
Mahana Frosthoof
Mur'ghoul Flesheater
North Fleet Marine
North Fleet Salvager
Old IcefinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2034)
OunhuloWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2035)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2036)
Peppy WrongnozzleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2037)
Plagued Dragonflayer Tribesman
PontiusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2038)
Prowling Worg
Queen Angerboda
Red-Eyed Ben
Risen Vrykul Ancestor
Roberta Jacks
Sally TompkinsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2039)
Scourging Crystal
Scuttle FrostprowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2040)
Sergeant Lorric
Shoveltusk Calf
Slain Apothecary
Spectral Sailor
Stabled Westguard Horse
Steel Gate Excavator
Stone Giant
TanaikaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2041)
The Big Gun
Thornvine Creeper
Tisha LongbridgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2042)
Trapped Animal
Ulf the Bloodletter
Val'kyr Watcher
Vengeance Bringer
Vice Admiral KellerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2043) (A)
Westguard Defender
Wind Tamer
Winterskorn Bonegrinder
Winterskorn Raider
Winterskorn Shield-Maiden
Winterskorn Warrior
Yanis the Mystic
Zeh'gehnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2044)

"Hacksaw" JennyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2045)
"Tiny" Jimb
Ancient Female Vrykul
AntonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2046)
Apothecary GrickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2047)
Apothecary Scyllis
Attracted Reef Bull
Bartleby ArmorfistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2048)
Bat Handler Camille
Binder Murdis
Blacksouled Keeper
Booker KellsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2049)
Bull Lion Seal
Cannoneer ElyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2050)
Captain Olster
Caregiver Iqniq
Chef KettleblackWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2051)
Chillmere Coastrunner
Christopher SloanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2052)
DaegarnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2053)
Darkclaw Bat
Deathstalker Razael
Deranged Explorer
Dragonflayer Berserker
Dragonflayer Handler
Dragonflayer Lieutenant
Dragonflayer Thane
Dragonflayer Warrior
Duskwing Eagle
Ember Clutch AncientWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2054)
Everett McGillWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2055)
Fanggore Worg
Fengir the Disgraced
Fjord Crawler
Fjord Rat
Forsaken Crossbowman
Frost Nymph
Frosthorn Ram
Gil GrisertWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2056)
Gjalerbron Skeleton
Gjalerhorn Worker
Great Reef Shark
Grumbol StoutpickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2057)
Harpoon Master Yavus
Hidalgo the Master FalconerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2058)
Howling Wolvar Shaman
Icehollow Behemoth
Injured Defender
Iron Rune Destroyer
Iron Rune Runemaster
Iron Rune Stonecaller
Jack Adams
Jessica EvansWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2059)
Junat the WandererWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2060)
Keeper Witherleaf
Kristen SmytheWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2061)
Lieutenant IcehammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2062)
Lion Seal Whelp
Longrunner SkycloudWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2063)
Lunk-tuskWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2064)
Maddened Frosthorn
Marjory Kains
Megan OwingsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2065)
Mutinous Sea Dog
New Agamand Deathguard
North Fleet Marksman
North Fleet Soldier
Old Man StonemantleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2066)
Orfus of KamaguaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2067)
Overseer Irena StonemantleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2068)
Plaguebringer TillinghastWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2069)
Plagued Proto-Dragon
Pricilla WinterwindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2070) (HA)
Proto-Drake Egg
Pulroy the ArchaeologistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2071)
Rabid Brown Bear
Reef Bull
Riven Widow
Rock Falcon
Rowan Helfgot
Sapper SteelringWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2072)
Scout KnowlesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2073)
Seasoned Buccaneer
Servitor Shade
Shoveltusk Forager
Sorely TwitchbladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2074)
StanwadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2075)
Steel Gate Flying Machine
Tara Cooper
The Lich King
Tobias SarkhoffWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2076)
Trapper JethanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2077)
UlfangWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2078)
Valgarde Captive
Vengeance Landing Cannoneer
Vrykul Soul
Wild Worg (H)
Wind Tamer KaganWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2079)
Winterskorn Defender
Winterskorn Rune-Caster
Winterskorn Skald
Winterskorn Woodsman
Yorus the Flesh Harvester

"Mad" Jonah Sterling
Abandoned Pack Mule
Alexandra McQueenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2080)
Ancient Male Vrykul
AnuniaqWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2081)
Apothecary HanesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2082)
Ares the OathboundWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2083)
Balar RumsbaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2084)
Basil Crowe
Beltrand McSorfWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2085)
Blood Shade
Bori WintertotemWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2086)
Caldemere Snapper
Captain AdamsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2087) (A)
Captive Stone Giant
Carter TiffensWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2088)
Chief Plaguebringer HarrisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2089)
Chillmere Oracle
Coot "The Stranger" AlbertsonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2090)
Daggercap Hammerhead
David MarksWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2091)
Decomposing Ghoul
DonnyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2092)
Dragonflayer Death Weaver
Dragonflayer Harpooner
Dragonflayer Prisoner
Dragonflayer Tribesman
Dragonflayer Worg (A)
Elder AtuikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2093)
Emil AutumnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2094)
Explorer AbigailWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2095)
Father LevariolWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2096)
Fjord Crow
Fjord Turkey
Forsaken Deckhand
Frostwing Chimaera
Gjalerbron Gargoyle
Gjalerbron Sleep-Watcher
Greatmother AnkhaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2097)
Guard Captain ZorekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2098)
Halfdan the Ice-Hearted
Harry's Bomber
High Executor AnselmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2099) (H)
Howling Wolvar Trainer
Iceshard Elemental
Innkeeper Celeste Goodhutch
Iron Rune Golem
Iron Rune Sage
Iron Rune Worker
James Ormsby
Jhet IronbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2100)
King Ymiron
Lanolis DewdropWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2101)
Lieutenant MaeveWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2102)
Logistics Officer BrightonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2103)
Longtusk Fisherman
LurielleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2104)
Mage-Lieutenant MalisterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2105)
Mary Darrow
Necro Overlord Mezhen
NoatakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2106)
North Fleet Medic
Northern Barbfish
Oric the Baleful
Plagued Dragonflayer Handler
Plagued Proto-Whelp
Prince Keleseth
Putrid Wight
Rampaging Earth Elemental
Reef Cow
Riven Widow Cocoon
Rodin the Reckless
Sage EdanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2107)
Scalawag Frog
Scout ValoryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2108)
Sebastian CraneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2109)
Shoveltusk Stag
Spotted Hippogryph
Steel Gate Archaeologist
Stephan Franks
Talu FrosthoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2110)
TarukWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2111)
Thomas KolichioWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2112)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2113)
Timothy HollandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2114)
TorikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2115)
Trapper Shesh
Unstable Mur'ghoul
Valgarde Defender
Vengeance Landing Deathguard
WaltWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2116)
Wildervar Sentry
Wink SprinklesprankleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2117)
Winterskorn Elder
Winterskorn Rune-Seer
Winterskorn Spearman
Winterskorn Worg
Your Inner Turmoil

Abdul the Insane
Alexis WalkerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2118)
Animated Plague Slime
Apothecary AnastasiaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2119)
Apothecary LysanderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2120) (H)
ArrlukWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2121)
Barnabas FryeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2122)
Basil Osgood
Benjamin CleggWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2123)
Bjorn Halgurdsson
Bloodthirsty Worg
Brock OlsonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2124)
Camp Winterhoof Brave
Captain EllisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2125)
Captured Valgarde Priest
Celea FrozenmaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2126)
Chieftain AshtotemWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2127)
Chillmere Tidehunter
Crazed Northsea Slaver
Daggercap Hawk
Deathguard Hemil
Defender MordunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2128)
Dormant Vrykul
Dragonflayer Fleshripper
Dragonflayer Hunting Hound
Dragonflayer Rune-Seer
Dragonflayer Vrykul (A)
Dragonskin Scroll
Eldrim MounderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2129)
Emilune Winterwind
Explorer JarenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2130)
Fayin Whisperleaf
Finlay FletcherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2131)
Fjord Hawk
Foreman ColbeyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2132)
Forsaken Plaguebringer
Gjalerbron Prisoner
Gjalerbron Warrior
Glen Roberts
Greer OrehammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2133) (A)
Gunnar Thorvardsson
Handsome TerryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2134)
Helen FairchildWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2135)
Howling Cyclone
Image of Megalith
Innkeeper Hazel LagrasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2136)
Iron Rune Guardian
Iron Rune Sentinel
Island Shoveltusk
Jamesina WatterlyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2137)
Jlarborn the Strategist
Kamagua Spearman
Kip TrawlskipWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2138)
Lilleth Radescu
Longrunner NanikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2139)
Lord Irulon Trueblade
LydellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2140)
Magister Varenthas
Mur'ghoul Corrupter
Nokoma SnowseerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2141)
North Fleet Sailor
Oluf the Violent
Orson LockeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2142)
Patrick HallWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2143)
Plagued Dragonflayer Rune-Caster
Plaguehound Tracker
Prospector BelvarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2144)
Proto-Whelp Hatchling
Quartermaster BrevinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2145)
Ranger Captain AreielWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2146)
Researcher AderanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2147)
Robert Clarke
Rosina Rivet
Sage MistwalkerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2148)
Scarlet Ivy
Scribe SeguineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2149)
Sergeant GorthWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2150)
Skeld Drakeson
Spearfang Worg
Squeeg Idolhunter
Steel Gate Chief ArchaeologistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2151)
Stephen BaroneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2152)
Tamed Shoveltusk
Tattooed Marcy
Thoralius the WiseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2153)
TipvigutWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2154)
Trained Plaguehound
UukkarnitWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2155)
Vengeful Kvaldir Spirit
Watcher MoonleafWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2156)
Wilhelmina Renel
Winterskorn Berserker
Winterskorn Hunter
Winterskorn Scout
Winterskorn Tribesman
Wyrmcaller Vile
ZeddWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2157)

Hrothgar's Landing


Absalan the PiousWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2158)
Alumeth the Ascended
Argent Cannon
Argent Skytalon
Bethod FeigrWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2159)
Blessed Banner of the Crusade
Bridenbrad\'s Possessions
Captain KendallWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2160)
Chained Abomination
Coprous the Defiled
Crusade Engineer SpitzpatrickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2161)
Crusader of Virtue
Cultist Corrupter
Dark Subjugator
Death Knight Master
duch*ess MynxWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2162)
Dying SoldierWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2163)
Enslaved Minion
Foreman Thaldrin
Forgotten Depths Slayer
Fringe Engineer Tezzla
Frostskull Magus
Gjonner the Merciless
Ground Commander KoupWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2164)
Harbinger of Horror
High Thane Jorfus
Hulking Abomination
Initiate GaharkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2165)
Karen No
Kor'kron Reaver
Living Plague
Malefic Necromancer
Moonglade Portal
Onslaught Harbor Guard
Orgrim's Hammer Crew
Overseer Savryn
Plagued Fiend
Quartermaster VaskessWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2166)
Ravenous Jaws
Salranax the Flesh Render
Scavenging Geist
Scourge Soulbinder
Setaal DarkmenderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2167)
ShamblesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2168)
Skeletal Constructor
Sky-Reaver Korm BlackscarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2169)
Skybreaker Suppression Turret
Spitzpatrick's Bomber
Thane Illskar
The Ebon WatcherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2170)
Underking Talonox
Vaelen the FlayedWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2171)
Vile Creeper
Warbringer Davos RiohtWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2172)
Willy Maybe
Ymirheim Defender

Aedan Moran
Apprentice Osterkilgr
Argent Champion
Armored Decoy
BileblowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2173)
Blight Falconer
Captured Crusader
Chief Engineer BoltwrenchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2174)
Corp'rethar Guardian
Crusader BridenbradWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2175)
Cult Alchemist
Cultist Shard Watcher
Darkmender's Ghoul
Decomposed Ghoul
Duke LankralWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2176)
Ebon Blade Initiate
Faceless Lurker
Forgotten Depths Acolyte (H)
Forgotten Depths Underking
Frostbrood Skytalon
Geargrinder's Jumpbot
Ground Commander XutjjaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2177)
Hideous Plaguebringer
Highlord Darion Mograine
Hulking Horror
Initiate RoderickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2178)
Johnny Yes
Kibli KillohertzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2179)
Kor'kron Squad LeaderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2180)
Lord-Commander AreteWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2181)
MangledWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2182)
Morbid Carcass
Njorndar Proto-Drake
Onslaught Paladin
Orgrim's Hammer Scout
Overseer Veraj
Possessed Iskalder
Rabid Cannibal
Reanimated Captain
Risen Alliance Soldier
Sarhule the RisenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2183)
Scourge Banner-Bearer
Scourge War Engineer
Shadow Adept
Siegemaster FezzikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2184)
Skeletal Minion
Skybreaker Engineer
Slain Alliance Soldier
Stitched Brute
Thane Ufrang the Mighty
The LeaperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2185)
Undying Minion
Val'kyr Arbiter
Vault Geist
Void Summoner
Warlord Hork StrongbrowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2186)
Wrathstrike Gargoyle
Ymirjar Element Shaper

Alliance Infra-green Bomber
Arch Druid Lilliandra
Argent Crusader
Aurochs GrimbaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2187)
Bitter Initiate
Bone Giant
Brother KeltanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2188)
Carrion Fleshstripper (H)
Chief Engineer CopperclawWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2189)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2190)
Crusade Architect SilasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2191)
Crusader Lord Dalfors
Cult Blackguard
Damned Apothecary
Darkrider ArlyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2192)
Dr. Terrible
Durik BronzebombWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2193)
Efrem the Faithful
Fallen Hero's Spirit
Forgotten Depths Ambusher
Frazzle GeargrinderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2194)
Frostbrood Spawn
GeirrvifWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2195)
Grimkor the Wicked
Halig FireforgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2196)
High Captain Justin BartlettWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2197)
Highlord Tirion FordringWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2198) (H)
Icy Ghoul
Instructor Hroegar
Jotunheim Sleep-Watcher
Knight-Captain DroscheWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2199)
Kul'galar Oracle
Lumbering Atrocity
Marshal IvaliusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2200)
Mjordin Combatant
Morlia Doomwing
Njorndar Spear-Sister
Onslaught Raven Bishop
Overseer Faedris
Overthane Balargarde
Pustulent Horror
Rampaging Ghoul
Reanimated Crusader
Risen Soldier
Saronite Mine Slave
Scourge Converter
Scourgebeak Fleshripper
Shadow Channeler
Sigrid Iceborn
Skeletal Reaver
Skybreaker Infantry
Slumbering Mjordin
Summoned Soldier
ThassarianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2201)
Tinky Wickwhistle
Val'kyr Taskmistress
Veteran Crusader Aliocha SegardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2202)
Water Terror
Wyrm Reanimator

Alliance Infra-green Engineer
Argent Battle-priest
Argent Mason
Baron SliverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2203)
Blast Thunderbomb
Bone Sentinel
Captain Hartford
Carrion Hunter
Converted Hero
Crusade Commander Entari (H)
Crusader Marisse
Cult Researcher
Dark Messenger
Darkspeaker R'khemWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2204)
Dying BerserkerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2205)
Enraged Fleshrender
Father GustavWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2206)
Forgotten Depths High Priest
Freed Crusader
Frostbrood Whelp
General Lightsbane
Grimkor's Hound
Halof the Deathbringer
High Priest Yath'amon
Hildana Deathstealer
Initiate ClagetWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2207)
Jotunheim Warrior
Koltira DeathweaverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2208)
Lady Nightswood
Master Summoner Zarod
Mjordin Water Magus
Onslaught Gryphon Rider
Overseer Jhaeqon
Putridus the Ancient
Ravaged Ghoul
Reanimated Miner
Rizzy Ratchwiggle
Savage Proto-Drake
Scourge Drudge
Sentry Worg
Shadow Cultist
Sister Colleen TulleyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2209)
Skeletal Runesmith
Skybreaker Squad Leader
Spiked Ghoul
Supply Officer ThalmersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2210)
The Bone WitchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2211)
Umbral Brute
Uzo Deathcaller
Valhalas Vargul
VileWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2212)
Vrykul Necrolord
Webbed Crusader
Ymirheim Chosen Warrior


Advisor BelgrumWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2213) (A)
Artilleryman Sheldonore (A)
Bailey Stonemantle (HA)
Barrus (A)
Bilban TosslespannerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2214) (A)
Binny Springblade (A)
Braenna FlintcragWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2215) (A)
Brew Vendor (A)
Bruuk BarleybeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2216) (A)
Burbik GearspannerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2217) (A)
Curator ThoriusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2218) (A)
Daryl RiknussunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2219) (A)
DinkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2220) (A)
Durtham Greldon (A)
Emrul RiknussunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2221) (A)
Fillius FizzlespinnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2222) (A)
General Zog (A)
Ginny LongberryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2223) (A)
Gnomeregan Commendation Officer (A)
Greatfather WinterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2224) (A)
Grimnur StonebrandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2225) (A)
Gryth ThurdenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2226) (HA)
Harick BoulderdrumWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2227) (A)
High Tinker MekkatorqueWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2228) (HA)
Huntress SwiftriverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2229) (A)
Ironforge Firebreather (A)
John TurnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2230) (HA)
Juli StormkettleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2231) (A)
Kelomir IronhandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2232) (A)
Klockmort SpannerspanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2233) (A)
Larkin ThunderbrewWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2234) (A)
Lomac GearstripWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2235) (HA)
Macey JinglepocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2236) (A)
Master Mechanic CastpipeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2237) (HA)
Melnan DarkstoneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2238) (A)
Muren StormpikeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2239) (A)
Nissa FirestoneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2240) (A)
Officer Porterhouse (A)
Outfitter EricWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2241) (A)
Poranna SnowbraidWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2242) (A)
Prynne (A)
Reyna StonebranchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2243) (A)
Sara BallooWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2244) (HA)
Sergeant Major GermaineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2245) (A)
Sognar CliffbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2246) (HA)
Springspindle FizzlegearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2247) (A)
Talvash del KisselWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2248) (A)
Thief Catcher Farmountain (HA)
Thonys PillarstoneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2249) (A)
Tisa Martine (A)
Tormus DeepforgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2250) (HA)
Ulbrek FirehandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2251) (A)
Vosur BrakthelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2252) (A)
Xiggs FuselighterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2253) (A)

Alexander CalderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2254) (A)
Auctioneer Buckler (A)
Balthus StoneflayerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2255) (A)
Beldruk DoombrowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2256) (A)
Bimble LongberryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2257) (HA)
Bixi WobblebonkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2258) (A)
Brandur IronhammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2259) (A)
BriarthornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2260) (A)
Bryllia IronbrandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2261) (A)
Cenarion Emissary JademoonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2262) (A)
Daera BrightspearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2263) (A)
DelianaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2264) (A)
Dolkin CraghelmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2265) (A)
Dwarf CommonerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2266) (A)
Farseer JavadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2267) (A)
Fimble FinespindleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2268) (A)
Geofram BouldertoeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2269) (A)
Glordrum Steelbeard (A)
Goli KrumnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2270) (A)
Greatfather Winter's Helper (A)
Grizzled Gladiator (HA)
Gwenna FirebrewWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2271) (HA)
Hegnar SwiftaxeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2272) (A)
Historian KarnikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2273) (A)
Ingrys StonebrowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2274) (A)
Ironforge Guard (HA)
Jondor Steelbrow (A)
Kandaar (A)
Kelstrum StonebreakerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2275) (A)
Krom StoutarmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2276) (A)
Librarian Mae PaledustWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2277) (A)
Lyesa SteelbrowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2278) (A)
Maeva SnowbraidWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2279) (A)
Master NightsongWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2280) (A)
Milstaff StormeyeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2281) (HA)
Nittlebur SparkfizzleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2282) (A)
Olmin BurningbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2283) (A)
Pella Brassbrush
Private DraxlegaugeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2284) (A)
Raena FlinthammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2285) (A)
Roetten StonehammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2286) (A)
Sarah SadwhistleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2287) (A)
Sergeant StonebrowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2288) (A)
Soleil Stonemantle (A)
SraazWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2289) (HA)
Tansy PuddlefizzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2290) (A)
Thief Catcher Shadowdelve (HA)
Thurgrum DeepforgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2291) (A)
Tiza BattleforgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2292) (A)
Trixie QuikswitchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2293) (A)
Uthrar ThrexWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2294) (A)
War Effort Volunteer (A)

Arena Promoter (HA)
Auctioneer Lympkin (A)
Barim JurgenstaadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2295) (A)
Belia ThundergraniteWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2296) (A)
BingusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2297) (A)
Bombus FinespindleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2298) (A)
Brenwyn WintersteelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2299) (A)
Brombar Higgleby (A)
Bubulo Acerbus (A)
Corporal CarnesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2300) (A)
Dame TwinbraidWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2301) (A)
Demnul Farmountain (A)
Dolman SteelfuryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2302) (A)
Edris BarleybeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2303) (A)
FenthwickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2304) (A)
Fizzlebang BoomsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2305) (A)
Gerrig BonegripWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2306) (A)
GnoarnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2307) (HA)
Golnir BouldertoeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2308) (A)
Grenil SteelfuryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2309) (A)
Groum StonebeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2310) (A)
Gwina StonebranchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2311) (A)
High Explorer MagellasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2312) (A)
Hjoldir StonebladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2313) (A)
Innkeeper FirebrewWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2314) (A)
Ironus ColdsteelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2315) (HA)
Jormund StonebrowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2316) (A)
Katrina ShimmerstarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2317) (A)
Kelv SternhammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2318) (A)
Lago BlackwrenchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2319) (HA)
Lieutenant RotimerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2320) (HA)
Lylandris (A)
Mangorn FlinthammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2321) (A)
Master Sergeant FizzleboltWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2322) (A)
Mistina Steelshield (HA)
Myolor SunderfuryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2323) (A)
Nurse StonefieldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2324) (A)
Olthran CraghelmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2325) (A)
Pilot LongbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2326) (A)
Private PorterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2327) (A)
Ransin Donner (A)
Rotgath StonebeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2328) (A)
Senator Barin Redstone (A)
Skolmin GoldfuryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2329) (A)
Soolie BerryfizzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2330) (A)
Stormwind Commendation Officer (A)
Thalgus ThunderfistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2331) (A)
Thief Catcher Thunderbrew (HA)
Tilli ThistlefuzzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2332) (A)
Toldren DeepironWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2333) (A)
TymorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2334) (A)
Valgar HighforgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2335) (A)
Wizbang BoomsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2336) (A)

Argent QuartermasterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2337) (HA)
Auctioneer Redmuse (A)
Barnum Stonemantle (A)
Bengus DeepforgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2338) (A)
BinkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2339) (A)
Bonnie StoneflayerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2340) (A)
Bretta GoldfuryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2341) (A)
Bromiir OrmsenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2342) (A)
Buliwyf StonehandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2343) (A)
Courier HammerfallWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2344) (HA)
Darnassus Commendation Officer (A)
Dinita Stonemantle (A)
Donal Osgood (HA)
Elder Bronzebeard (HA)
Field Marshal Snowfall (A)
Gearcutter CogspinnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2345) (A)
Gimble ThistlefuzzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2346) (A)
Gnome CommonerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2347) (A)
Grand Mason MarblestenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2348) (A)
Gretta FinespindleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2349) (A)
Grumnus SteelshaperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2350) (HA)
Hammertoe's Spirit (A)
High Priest RohanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2351) (HA)
Hulfdan BlackbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2352) (A)
Ironforge Commendation Officer (A)
Jemma QuikswitchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2353) (A)
Jubahl CorpseseekerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2354) (A)
Keeper MoonshadeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2355) (A)
King Magni BronzebeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2356) (HA)
Laris GeardawdleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2357) (A)
Lissyphus FinespindleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2358) (A)
Lyon Mountainheart (A)
Marta FinespindleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2359) (A)
Max Xim (A)
Muiredon BattleforgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2360) (A)
Myra TyrngaardeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2361) (HA)
Officer Ironbeard (HA)
Ormyr FlinteyeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2362) (A)
PithwickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2363) (A)
Prospector StormpikeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2364) (A)
Regnus ThundergraniteWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2365) (A)
Royal Historian ArchesonusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2366) (A)
Sentinel SilverskyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2367) (A)
Slicky GastronomeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2368) (A)
Spectral Stalker (HA)
Tally BerryfizzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2369) (A)
Theodrus FrostbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2370) (A)
ThistleheartWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2371) (A)
Tinkmaster OversparkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2372) (HA)
Tormek StoneriverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2373) (A)
Tynnus VenomsproutWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2374) (HA)
Veteran Gladiator (HA)
Wulmort JinglepocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2375) (A)

Isle of Quel'Danas

Loch Modan


Molten Core




"King" Dond (HA)
Agitated Orc Spirit (HA)
Ancient Orc Ancestor
Banthar (HA)
Boulderfist Crusher (HA)
Boulderfist Saboteur (HA)
Bull Elekk (HA)
Captured Halaani Vindicator (H)
Challe (HA)
Consortium Claviger (HA)
Consortium RecruiterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2518) (HA)
Dark Worg (HA)
Deathshadow Hound (HA)
Deathshadow Warlock (HA)
Dust Howler (HA)
Elementalist IokiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2519) (HA)
Elementalist UntragWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2520) (HA)
Enraged Crusher (HA)
Farseer MargadeshWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2521) (HA)
Furgu (A)
Garadar Guard Captain (H)
Gava'xi (HA)
Goretooth (HA)
GurgthockWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2522) (HA)
Harold LaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2523) (HA)
Huntress KimaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2524) (A)
Jara (HA)
Kalandrios (HA)
Kil'sorrow Invader (HA)
Kor'kron Warrior (HA)
Lake Spirit (HA)
Living Cyclone (HA)
Mag'har CaptiveWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2525) (HA)
Matron CelestineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2526) (H)
Minion of Gurok (HA)
Mogor (HA)
Murkblood Brute (HA)
Murkblood Scavenger (HA)
Nahuud (A)
Nula the Butcher (H)
Ortor of Murkblood (HA)
Pilot Marsha (HA)
Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe (HA)
Rokdar the Sundered Lord (HA)
Seer JovarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2527) (A)
Shattered Rumbler (HA)
Stabled Kurenai Lion (A)
Stabled Tallstrider (H)
Sunspring Post Orphan (H)
Talbuk Thorngrazer
Telaari Jailor (A)
Tortured Earth Spirit (HA)
Uriku (A)
Vision of the Forgotten
Warden Moi'bff JillWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2528) (A)
Warmaul Reaver (HA)
Watoosun's Polluted Essence (HA)
Wilda Bearmane (H)
Windyreed Wretch (HA)
Zorbo the Advisor (HA)

"Shotgun" JonesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2529) (A)
Aldraan (HA)
ArechronWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2530) (A)
Bleeding Hollow Orphan (H)
Boulderfist Hunter (HA)
Boulderfist Warrior (HA)
Captain KroghanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2531) (H)
Caregiver Isel (A)
Chief Researcher AmereldineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2532) (HA)
Clefthoof Bull (HA)
Consortium Gemcutter (HA)
Coreiel (HA)
Darkened Spirit (HA)
Deathshadow Imp (HA)
Demo (H)
Ear-Biter (HA)
Elementalist Lo'apWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2533) (HA)
Elementalist Yal'hahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2534) (H)
Explodyne Fizzlespurt (HA)
Fel Cannon: Fear (HA)
Gan'arg Tinkerer (HA)
Garadar Wolf Rider (HA)
GezheWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2535) (HA)
Greater Windroc (HA)
Gurok the Usurper (HA)
Hemet NesingwaryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2536) (HA)
Incineratus (HA)
Jheel (HA)
KarrtogWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2537) (H)
Kil'sorrow Ritualist (HA)
Kristen DipswitchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2538) (HA)
Lake Surger (HA)
Living Fire (HA)
Mag'har Pitfighter (H)
Matron DrakiaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2539) (H)
Mo'arg Engineer (HA)
Mother KashurWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2540) (HA)
Murkblood Invader (HA)
Murkblood Twin (HA)
Nancila (A)
Ogir (A)
Osrok the Immovable (H)
Poli'lukluk the WiserWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2541) (A)
Raging Fire-Soul (HA)
Rumbling Earth-Heart (HA)
Seer NakhaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2542) (H)
Skra'gath (HA)
Stabled Kurenai Panther (A)
Storm Rager (HA)
Sunspring Post Refugee (H)
Tasaldan (HA)
Telaari Watcher (HA)
Trader Narasu (A)
Vanteg (H)
Voidhunter Yar (HA)
Warmaul Brute (HA)
Warmaul Shaman (HA)
WazatWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2543) (HA)
Wodin the Troll-Servant (HA)

Aborius (HA)
Alliance Halaani Guard (HA)
Bach'lor (HA)
Bleeding Hollow Refugee (H)
Boulderfist Mage (HA)
Bro'Gaz the Clanless (HA)
Captive Sparrowhawk (HA)
Cendrii (HA)
Chief Researcher KartosWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2544) (HA)
Clefthoof Calf
Consortium Nether Runner (HA)
Corki (HA)
Deathshadow Acolyte (HA)
Deathshadow Overlord (HA)
Drek'Thar (H)
Elder UngrizWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2545) (HA)
Elementalist MorghWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2546) (HA)
Elkay'gan the MysticWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2547) (H)
Farseer CorhukWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2548) (H)
Fel Cannon: Hate (HA)
Gankly Rottenfist (HA)
Garokk (HA)
Giselda the Crone (HA)
Greatmother GeyahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2549) (H)
Gursha (H)
Horde Halaani Guard (HA)
Injured Talbuk
Jorin DeadeyeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2550) (H)
Kil'sorrow Cultist (HA)
Kil'sorrow Spellbinder (HA)
Kurenai CaptiveWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2551) (HA)
LakoorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2552) (A)
Luftasia (A)
Mag'har Prisoner (HA)
Matron Qualia (H)
Mo'arg Master Planner (HA)
Mountain Gronn (HA)
Murkblood Putrifier (HA)
Nagrand Flame Keeper (H)
Nethrandamus (HA)
Ohlorn FarstriderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2553) (H)
Otonbu the SageWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2554) (A)
Provisioner Nasela (H)
Ravenous Windroc (HA)
Sa'rah (H)
Shado 'Fitz' FarstriderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2555) (HA)
Sparik (A)
Stabled Panther
Storming Wind-Ripper (HA)
Sunspring Villager (HA)
Telaari Citizen (A)
Terrorguard (HA)
Tusker (HA)
Vir'aani Arcanist (HA)
Voidspawn (HA)
Warmaul Champion (HA)
Warmaul Warlock (HA)
Wild Elekk
Windroc Matriarch
Xirko (H)

Aged Clefthoof (HA)
Altruis the SuffererWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2556) (HA)
Banro (HA)
Borto (A)
Boulderfist Mystic (HA)
Brokentoe (HA)
Captured Halaani Blood Knight (A)
Chaddo (H)
Cho'war the Pillager (HA)
Cobalt War Talbuk (HA)
Consortium Overseer (HA)
Crashing Wave-Spirit (HA)
Deathshadow Archon (HA)
Deathshadow Spellbinder (HA)
Durn the Hungerer (HA)
Elder YorleyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2557) (HA)
Elementalist Sharvak (HA)
Embelar (HA)
Farseer KurkushWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2558) (H)
Felguard Legionnaire (HA)
Garadar Defender (HA)
GarroshWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2559) (H)
GordawgWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2560) (HA)
Grikkin Copperspring (HA)
Gutripper (HA)
Huntress BintookWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2561) (A)
Interrogator Khan (A)
K'ureWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2562)
Kil'sorrow Deathsworn (HA)
Kor'kron Honor Guard (HA)
Kurenai Pitfighter (A)
Lantresor of the BladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2563) (HA)
Lump (HA)
Mathar G'ochar (H)
Matron Tikkit (H)
Mo'mor the BreakerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2564) (A)
Muck Spawn (HA)
Murkblood Raider (HA)
Nagrand Flame Warden (A)
Nitrin the LearnedWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2565) (HA)
Orc Ancestor
Paulsta'ats (HA)
Quartermaster Davian Vaclav (HA)
Reth'hedron the Subduer (HA)
Saurfang the YoungerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2566) (HA)
ShadrekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2567) (HA)
Stabled Bear (H)
Stabled Raptor (H)
Subjugator Vaz'shir (HA)
Talbuk Stag
Telaari Elekk Rider (HA)
Thrall (H)
Twilight Serpent
Vir'aani Raider (HA)
Warden BullrokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2568) (H)
Warmaul Chef Bufferlo (HA)
Watcher ElairaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2569) (HA)
Wild Sparrowhawk (HA)
Windyreed Scavenger (HA)
ZeridWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2570) (HA)



Abjurist Belmara (HA)
Agent Ya-sixWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2571) (HA)
Angered Nether-wraith (HA)
Ar'kelos (HA)
Arcanist Ardonis (HA)
Area 52 Bruiser (HA)
Audi the NeedleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2572) (HA)
Barbscale Crocolisk (HA)
Bill (HA)
Bot-Specialist AlleyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2573) (HA)
Captain Zovax (HA)
Chief Engineer TrepWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2574) (HA)
Commander Dawnforge (HA)
Craghide Basilisk (HA)
Culuthas (HA)
Daughter of Destiny (HA)
Dealer HazzinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2575) (HA)
Dealer RashaadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2576) (HA)
Dimensius the All-Devouring (HA)
Doc (HA)
DrijyaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2577) (HA)
Ethereum Assassin (HA)
Ethereum Nexus-Stalker (HA)
Ethereum Prisoner (Tyralius) (HA)
Ethereum Sparring Dummy (HA)
Eye of Culuthas (HA)
Farahlon Crumbler (HA)
Fel Imp (HA)
Foreman SundownWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2578) (HA)
Gan'arg Engineer (HA)
GhabarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2579) (HA)
HarpaxWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2580) (HA)
Image of Commander Ameer (HA)
Inactive Fel Reaver (HA)
Irradiated Worker (HA)
Kalynna LathredWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2581) (HA)
Kaylaan the Lost (HA)
KrexcilWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2582) (HA)
Lee Sparks (HA)
Legion Shocktrooper (HA)
Magister TheledornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2583) (HA)
Mana Invader (HA)
Markaru (HA)
Maxx A. Million Mk. VWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2584) (HA)
Mo'arg Warp-Master (HA)
Nandirx (HA)
Nether Beast (HA)
Nether Technician (HA)
Nether-Stalker OazulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2585) (HA)
Netherstorm Agent (HA)
Nexus-Prince Haramad (HA)
Overseer Athanel (HA)
Papa WheelerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2586) (HA)
Professor DabiriWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2587) (HA)
Protectorate Demolitionist (HA)
Qiff WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2588) (HA)
Ripfang Lynx (HA)
Scrap Reaver X6000
Seasoned Vindicator (HA)
Severed Defender (HA)
Shauly PoreWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2589) (HA)
Skeletal Stallion
Spectral Bovine
Stormspire Nexus-Guard (HA)
Sundered Shard (HA)
Sunfury Archer (HA)
Sunfury Bowman (HA)
Sunfury Flamekeeper (HA)
Sunfury Nethermancer (HA)
Sunfury Warp-Engineer (HA)
Talbuk Sire (HA)
ThadellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2590) (HA)
Tyrantus (HA)
VeroniaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2591) (HA)
Voidshrieker (HA)
Warp Chaser (HA)
Warpy (HA)
Wrath Lord (HA)
ZarevhiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2592) (HA)
ZephyrionWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2593) (HA)

Action Jaxon (HA)
Ambassador Solannas (HA)
Apex (HA)
Ara Engineer (HA)
Archmage VargothWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2594) (HA)
Area 52 Death Machine (HA)
Aurine MoonblazeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2595) (HA)
Battle-Mage Dathric (HA)
BlazzleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2596) (HA)
B\'naar Control Console
Captured Protectorate VanguardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2597) (HA)
Chubis (HA)
Congealed Void Horror (HA)
Cragskaar (HA)
Custodian DieworthWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2598) (HA)
Dealer AljaanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2599) (HA)
Dealer JadyanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2600) (HA)
Dealer SadaqatWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2601) (HA)
Disembodied Exarch (HA)
Doctor VomisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2602) (HA)
Ekkorash the Inquisitor (HA)
Ethereum Avenger (HA)
Ethereum Nullifier (HA)
Ethereum Relay
Ever-Core the Punisher (HA)
EyonixWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2603) (HA)
Farahlon Giant (HA)
Felblade Doomguard (HA)
Forgemaster Morug (HA)
Gan'arg Mekgineer (HA)
Glacius (HA)
Hatecryer (HA)
Image of Commander Sarannis (HA)
Innkeeper Remi DodosoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2604) (HA)
JazdalaadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2605) (HA)
KaraazWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2606) (HA)
Kerpow BlastwrenchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2607) (HA)
Krixel PinchwhistleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2608) (HA)
Leeni "Smiley" SmallsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2609) (HA)
Lieutenant-Sorcerer MorranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2610) (HA)
Magistrix LarynnaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2611) (HA)
Mana Seeker (HA)
Master Daellis Dawnstrike (HA)
Meeda (HA)
N. D. MeancampWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2612) (HA)
Necromantic FocusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2613)
Nether Dragon (HA)
Nether-Stalker (HA)
Netherock (HA)
Netherstorm Flame Keeper (H)
Nuramoc (HA)
Overseer Azarad (HA)
Parasitic Fleshling (HA)
Protectorate Advisor RahimWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2614) (HA)
Protectorate Nether Drake (HA)
RavandwyrWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2615) (HA)
Rocket-Chief FuselageWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2616) (HA)
Scrapped Fel Reaver (HA)
Seeping Ooze (HA)
Severed Spirit (HA)
Shimmerwing Moth
Socrethar (HA)
Spellbinder Maryana (HA)
Subservient Flesh Beast (HA)
Sundered Thunderer (HA)
Sunfury Astromancer (HA)
Sunfury Captain (HA)
Sunfury Geologist (HA)
Sunfury Protector (HA)
Sunfury Warp-Master (HA)
TasharWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2617) (HA)
Thorny Growth (HA)
TyriWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2618) (HA)
Vixton PinchwhistleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2619) (HA)
Wanted Poster
Warp Monstrosity (HA)
Wind Trader MaridWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2620) (HA)
Wrath Priestess (HA)
Zaxxis Ambusher (HA)
Zixxy (HA)

Adyen the LightwardenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2621) (HA)
Ambassador's Honor Guard (HA)
Apex Crumbler (HA)
Ara Technician (HA)
Arconus the Insatiable (HA)
Artifact Seeker (HA)
Avatar of Sathal (HA)
BessyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2622) (HA)
Boom Bot (HA)
Caledis BrightdawnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2623) (HA)
Chief Engineer Gork'lonn (HA)
Cohlien Frostweaver (HA)
Conjurer Luminrath (HA)
Cragskaar Shardling (HA)
Cyber-Rage Forgelord (HA)
Dealer DigrizWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2624) (HA)
Dealer MalijWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2625) (HA)
Dealer SenzikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2626) (HA)
Disembodied Protector (HA)
Doomclaw (HA)
Engineering Crewmember (HA)
Ethereum Gladiator (HA)
Ethereum Overlord (HA)
Ethereum Researcher (HA)
Exarch OrelisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2627) (HA)
Fallen Vindicator (HA)
Farahlon Lasher
Flesh Handler ViridiusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2628) (HA)
Furious Nether-wraith (HA)
Gan'arg Warp-Tinker (HA)
Greater Fire Elemental (HA)
Hound of Culuthas (HA)
Image of Nexus-Prince HaramadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2629) (HA)
Ironspine Forgelord (HA)
Jorad Mace (HA)
Karzo (HA)
Kirin'Var Apprentice (HA)
Lariel Sunrunner (HA)
Legion Destroyer (HA)
Liza CutlerflixWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2630) (HA)
Mama WheelerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2631) (HA)
Mana Snapper (HA)
Maxx A. Million Mk. I (HA)
MehrdadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2632) (HA)
Naberius (HA)
Nether Drake (HA)
Nether-Stalker Khay'jiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2633) (HA)
Netherock Crumbler (HA)
Netherstorm Flame Warden (A)
Off-Duty Engineer (HA)
Overseer Seylanna (HA)
Pentatharon (HA)
Protectorate Avenger (HA)
Protectorate Regenerator (HA)
Researcher NavuudWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2634) (HA)
Sab'aothWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2635) (HA)
Scryer Retainer (HA)
Seeping Sludge (HA)
Shadow Horror (HA)
Shrouded FigureWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2636) (HA)
Soren (HA)
Spellreaver Marathelle (HA)
Summoner Kanthin (HA)
Sunfury Arcanist (HA)
Sunfury Blood Knight (HA)
Sunfury Centurion (HA)
Sunfury Guardsman (HA)
Sunfury Researcher (HA)
Swiftwing Shredder (HA)
Terror Imp (HA)
Tormented Citizen (HA)
Unstable Voidwraith (HA)
Void Conduit (HA)
Warden Icoshock (HA)
Warp-Gate Engineer (HA)
Wind Trader TulumanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2637) (HA)
Wrathbringer (HA)
Zaxxis Raider (HA)
Zuben ElgenubiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2638) (HA)

Agent AraxesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2639) (HA)
Anchorite KarjaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2640) (HA)
Apprentice AndrethanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2641) (HA)
Arcane Annihilator (HA)
Area 52 Big Bruiser (HA)
AsarnanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2642) (HA)
Azurebeak (HA)
Big Zokk TorquewrenchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2643) (HA)
BootsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2644) (HA)
Captain Arathyn (HA)
Chief Engineer Lorthander (HA)
Commander AmeerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2645) (HA)
Cosmowrench Bruiser (HA)
Crash Bigbomb (HA)
DashWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2646) (HA)
Dealer DunarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2647) (HA)
Dealer NajeebWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2648) (HA)
Dealer ZijaadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2649) (HA)
Disembodied Vindicator (HA)
Dr. Boom (HA)
Ethereum Archon (HA)
Ethereum Jailor (HA)
Ethereum Prisoner (HA)
Ethereum Shocktrooper (HA)
Experimental Pilot (HA)
Farahlon Breaker (HA)
Farahlon Shardling (HA)
Fleshfiend (HA)
GahrujWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2650) (HA)
GantWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2651) (HA)
GrennikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2652) (HA)
Image of Agent Ya-six (A)
Image of Wind Trader MaridWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2653) (HA)
Irradiated Manager (HA)
Kablamm Farflinger (HA)
KaylaanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2654) (HA)
KizzieWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2655) (HA)
Lead Sapper BlastfizzleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2656) (HA)
Legion Fel Cannon (HA)
Mageslayer (HA)
Mana Beast (HA)
Mana Wraith (HA)
Maxx A. Million Mk. II (HA)
Mo'arg Doomsmith (HA)
Nadja (HA)
Nether Anomaly (HA)
Nether Ray (HA)
Nether-Stalker NauthisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2657) (HA)
Netherologist CoppernickelsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2658) (HA)
Nexus-King Salhadaar (HA)
Overmaster Grindgarr (HA)
Overseer Theredis (HA)
Phase Hunter (HA)
Protectorate Defender (HA)
Protectorate Vanguard (HA)
Rhonsus (HA)
Sagan (HA)
Scythetooth Raptor (HA)
Seeping Sludge Globule (HA)
Shaleskin Flayer (HA)
Silroth (HA)
Spawn of Dimensius (HA)
Spymaster ThalodienWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2659) (HA)
Sundered Rumbler (HA)
Sunfury Arch Mage (HA)
Sunfury Bloodwarder (HA)
Sunfury Conjurer (HA)
Sunfury Magister (HA)
Sunfury Technician (HA)
Talbuk Doe
Terrorguard Protector (HA)
Tormented Soul (HA)
Veraku (HA)
Void Waste
Warp Aberration (HA)
Warp-Raider Nesaad (HA)
Withered Corpse (HA)
XyrolWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2660) (HA)
Zaxxis Stalker (HA)
Zuben Eschamali (HA)


Alowicious CzervikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2661) (H)
Argent Dawn Priest (H)
AsoranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2662) (H)
Auctioneer Wabang (HA)
Bebri Coifcurl
Bloodguard RawtarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2663) (H)
Bounty Hunter Kolark (H)
Brown Riding Wolf (H)
Charlotte MaderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2664) (HA)
Craven DrokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2665) (HA)
Defilers Emissary (HA)
Doctor SerratusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2666) (H)
Dran DroffersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2667) (H)
EnyoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2668) (H)
Fisherman Lin'doWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2669) (H)
FurmundWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2670) (H)
GarylWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2671) (H)
GorinaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2672) (H)
Great-father Winter's Helper (H)
Grol'darWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2673) (H)
HagrusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2674) (H)
Healer LongrunnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2675) (H)
Horde Orphan (H)
Jes'rimonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2676) (H)
KajaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2677) (HA)
KarolekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2678) (H)
Kaymard CopperpinchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2679) (H)
KiroWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2680) (H)
Kor'geldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2681) (H)
KoruWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2682) (H)
Kruban DarkbladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2683) (H)
Lady Palanseer (H)
Linus GalespinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2684) (HA)
MageniusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2685) (H)
Miner CromwellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2686) (H)
MuragusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2687) (H)
Officer Redblade (HA)
OllanusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2688) (H)
Orgrimmar Fireeater (H)
Orok DeathbaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2689) (H)
OxWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2690) (H)
Rachelle GothenaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2691) (H)
RekkulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2692) (H)
SanaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2693) (H)
SayocWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2694) (H)
Searn FirewarderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2695) (H)
Sergeant Thunderhorn (H)
Shayis SteelfuryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2696) (H)
ShomaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2697) (H)
SnangWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2698) (H)
SovikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2699) (H)
SumiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2700) (H)
TamarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2701) (H)
ThundWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2702) (H)
Timber Riding Wolf (H)
Troll CommonerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2703) (H)
Ukra'norWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2704) (H)
Urtrun Clanbringer (H)
War Effort Recruit (H)
Warsong Emissary (HA)
Xan'tishWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2705) (HA)
Xor'juulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2706) (H)
ZankajaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2707) (H)
Zeal'ayaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2708) (H)
ZevrostWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2709) (H)

Ambassador DawnsingerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2710) (H)
Argent Healer (H)
Aturk the AnvilWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2711) (H)
AusteenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2712) (HA)
Belgrom RockmaulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2713) (H)
Borgosh CorebenderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2714) (H)
Brakgul Deathbringer (H)
Brown Snake
Chief SharpclawWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2715) (H)
Crimson Snake
DeinoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2716) (H)
DorasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2717) (HA)
Drix BlackwrenchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2718) (H)
FelikaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2719) (HA)
Forsaken Refugee
GalthukWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2720) (H)
GestWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2721) (H)
GotriWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2722) (H)
Grezz RagefistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2723) (H)
Grunt Komak (HA)
HanashiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2724) (H)
Herbalist ProudfeatherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2725) (H)
HorthusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2726) (H)
JhagWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2727) (H)
KamariWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2728) (H)
Kartra Bloodsnarl (H)
KeldranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2729) (H)
KithasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2730) (H)
Kor'ghanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2731) (H)
Kozish (H)
KurgulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2732) (H)
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner
LokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2733) (HA)
MakaruWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2734) (H)
MirketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2735) (H)
NazgrelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2736) (HA)
Officer Vu'Shalay (HA)
OlviaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2737) (H)
Orgrimmar Grunt (HA)
Orokk OmoshWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2738) (H)
Penney CopperpinchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2739) (H)
Raider BorkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2740) (H)
Rilli GreasygobWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2741) (H)
Sarlek (H)
Scout Manslayer (HA)
Senior Sergeant Kai'jinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2742) (H)
Sergeant UmalaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2743) (H)
ShenthulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2744) (H)
Sian'durWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2745) (H)
SnarlWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2746) (H)
SpoopsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2747) (H)
Swift Brown Wolf (H)
Tamaro (H)
Thunder Bluff Commendation Officer (H)
Tor'phanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2748) (H)
Troll Roof Stalker (HA)
Undercity Commendation Officer (H)
Uthel'nayWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2749) (HA)
Warcaller GorlachWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2750) (HA)
WhuutWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2751) (H)
Xao'tsuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2752) (H)
YelmakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2753) (H)
Zas'Tysh (H)
Zeggon Botsnap (H)
Zilzibin DrumloreWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2754) (H)

Andrissa Heartspear (H)
Argent Messenger (H)
Auctioneer Grimful (HA)
Barkeep MoragWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2755) (H)
Black Kingsnake
BorstanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2756) (H)
Brave StonehideWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2757) (H)
CazulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2758) (H)
Claire LittlesunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2759) (HA)
Darkspear Commendation Officer (H)
Deze SnowbaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2760) (H)
Doris Volanthius
Eitrigg (H)
Festival TalespinnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2761) (HA)
Frostwolf Ambassador RokhstromWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2762) (HA)
GodanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2763) (H)
Gotura Fourwinds
Grinkle (H)
Grunt MaugWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2764) (H)
HandorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2765) (H)
High Overlord Saurfang (HA)
Innkeeper GryshkaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2766) (HA)
Jin'soraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2767) (H)
Kardris DreamseekerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2768) (H)
Karus (HA)
Kelgruk BloodaxeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2769) (H)
Kizzak SparksWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2770) (H)
Kor'jusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2771) (H)
Krathok MoltenfistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2772) (H)
Lady CallowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2773) (H)
Libby WaterwheelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2774) (HA)
LumakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2775) (H)
Malton DroffersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2776) (H)
MokvarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2777) (H)
Neeru FirebladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2778) (H)
Ogunaro WolfrunnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2779) (H)
Orc Commoner (H)
Ormak GrimshotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2780) (H)
Orphan Matron BattlewailWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2781) (H)
PephredoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2782) (H)
Rashona Straglash (H)
RoxxikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2783) (H)
Sarok (H)
Scout Stronghand (HA)
Senior Sergeant T'kelahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2784) (H)
Shan'tiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2785) (H)
Shim'la (H)
Sian'tsuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2786) (H)
Soran (HA)
Stone Guard ZargWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2787) (H)
Swift Gray Wolf (H)
TherzokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2788) (H)
ThuulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2789) (HA)
Tosamina (H)
TumiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2790) (H)
Ur'kyoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2791) (H)
Vehena (H)
Warlord Gorchuk (H)
Winter Reveler (HA)
Xen'toWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2792) (H)
ZamjaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2793) (H)
ZayusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2794) (H)
Zel'makWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2795) (H)
Zor LonetreeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2796) (H)

Apothecary JezelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2797) (H)
ArnokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2798) (H)
Auctioneer Thathung (HA)
Batrider Pele'keikiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2799) (H)
Blood Knight Honor Guard (H)
BoryaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2800) (H)
Brew VendorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2801)
Cenarion Emissary BlackhoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2802) (H)
Commander Stronghammer (H)
David HumeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2803) (HA)
Dire Riding Wolf (H)
Doyo'da (H)
Elder Darkhorn (HA)
First Sergeant Hola'mahiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2804) (H)
Frostwolf Emissary (HA)
Gan'rul BloodeyeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2805) (H)
Goma (H)
Great-father WinterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2806) (H)
Grinning Dog (H)
Grunt Mojka (HA)
Harold DawsonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2807) (HA)
Holloway FjordhammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2808) (H)
JandiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2809) (H)
Juliet StonehelmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2810) (HA)
KarethWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2811) (H)
KatisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2812) (H)
KildarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2813) (H)
Koma (HA)
Kor'kron Elite (HA)
Krixx (H)
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
Lieutenant DagelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2814) (H)
MagarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2815) (H)
Master PyreanorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2816)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2817) (H)
MorgumWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2818) (H)
NoggWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2819) (H)
Okothos IronragerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2820) (H)
Orgrimmar Commendation Officer (H)
OrmokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2821) (H)
Overlord Runthak (HA)
Plague Zombie
Ray'maWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2822) (H)
Sagorne CreststriderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2823) (H)
Saru SteelfuryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2824) (H)
Scout Tharr (HA)
Sergeant Ba'shaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2825) (HA)
ShankysWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2826) (H)
ShimraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2827) (H)
Skinner JamaniWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2828) (H)
SorekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2829) (H)
Stoneguard ClayhoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2830) (H)
Swift Timber Wolf (H)
ThrallWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2831) (HA)
ThuwdWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2832) (H)
Trak'genWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2833) (H)
Ug'thokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2834) (H)
UrtharoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2835) (H)
Vol'jinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2836) (HA)
Warsong Battleguard
X'yeraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2837) (H)
Xon'chaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2838) (H)
Zando'zanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2839) (H)
Zazo (H)
Zendo'jianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2840) (H)

Ragefire Chasm

Razorfen Downs

Razorfen Kraul

Redridge Mountains

Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj

Scarlet Monastery


Searing Gorge

Shadowfang Keep

Shadowmoon Valley

Akama (HA)
Alorra (HA)
Ambassador Jerrikar (HA)
Ar'toWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2905) (H)
Arcubus Destroyer (HA)
Ashtongue Deathsworn (HA)
Ashtongue Worker (HA)
Battlemage VyaraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2906) (HA)
Blood Lord Zarath (HA)
BoraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2907) (H)
Brunn Flamebeard (A)
Cataclysm Overseer (HA)
Chief Apothecary HildagardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2908) (H)
Coilskar Cobra (HA)
Coilskar Myrmidon (HA)
Collidus the Warp-Watcher (HA)
Corlok the VetWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2909) (HA)
Corrupted Fire Elemental (HA)
Crazed Murkblood Miner (HA)
Daggle Ironshaper (A)
Dark Conclave Hawkeye (HA)
Dark Conclave Shadowmancer (HA)
Deathbringer Jovaan
Deathforge Smith (HA)
Demon Hunter Initiate (HA)
Disobedient Dragonmaw Peon (HA)
Doomwalker (HA)
Dragonmaw Drake-Rider (HA)
Dragonmaw Nether Drake (HA)
Dragonmaw Skybreaker (HA)
Dragonmaw Wrangler (HA)
Drek'Gol (H)
Earthmender SplinthoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2910) (H)
Eclipsion Archmage (HA)
Eclipsion Centurion (HA)
Eclipsion Spellbinder (HA)
Enraged Airy Soul (HA)
Enraged Fiery Soul (HA)
Enslaved Netherwing Drake (HA)
Exarch OnaalaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2911) (HA)
Felfire Diemetradon (HA)
Forgus (HA)
Gedrah (H)
Golden Gryphon (A)
Grokom DeatheyeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2912) (H)
Gryphon Rider Guard (HA)
Horus (HA)
Illidari Dreadlord (HA)
Illidari Mind Breaker (HA)
Illidari Satyr (HA)
Illidari Slayer (HA)
Illidari Watcher (HA)
Infernal Oversoul (HA)
Jonathan Garrett (H)
Karsius the Ancient Watcher (HA)
Kor'kron Rider (HA)
Kraator (HA)
Lady Sinestra (HA)
Lelagar (HA)
Lothros (HA)
Maranem (HA)
Mistress of the MinesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2913) (HA)
Morgroron (HA)
Mutant Horror (HA)
Netharel (HA)
Netherskate (HA)
Olrokk (H)
Oronok Torn-heart (HA)
Overmine Flayer (HA)
PlexiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2914) (A)
Redeemed Spirit of Air (HA)
Remnant of Corruption (HA)
Remnant of Pride (HA)
Roldemar (HA)
Ruul's Netherdrake (HA)
Scorchshell Pincer (HA)
Scorned Spirit of Water (HA)
Scryer Hawkstrider
Shadow Council Warlock (HA)
Shadowhoof Summoner (HA)
Shadowmoon Eye of Kilrogg (HA)
Shadowmoon Scout (HA)
Shadowmoon Valley Flame Warden (A)
Skethyl Owl (HA)
Son of Corok (HA)
Spirit of the Past
Sunfury Blood Lord (HA)
Swift Blue Riding Gryphon (A)
Swift Purple Wind Rider (H)
Targrom (H)
Terrormaster (HA)
Torloth the Magnificent (HA)
Umberhowl (HA)
Val'zareq the Conqueror (HA)
Vhel'kur (HA)
Warcaller Beersnout (A)
Wildhammer Guard (HA)
Wing Commander NuainnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2915) (HA)
Yarzill the MercWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2916) (HA)

Alandien (HA)
Alorya (HA)
Anchorite Caalen (HA)
Arcane Burst (HA)
Arrond (HA)
Ashtongue Handler (HA)
Azaloth (HA)
Belanna (HA)
Blue Wind Rider (H)
Borak, Son of Oronok (HA)
Captain SkyshatterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2917) (HA)
Celie Steelwing (A)
Chief Overseer MudlumpWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2918) (HA)
Coilskar Commander
Coilskar Siren (HA)
Commander ArcusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2919) (HA)
Corok the Mighty (HA)
Corrupted Water Elemental (HA)
Crazed Shardling (HA)
Dalin Stouthammer (A)
Dark Conclave Ravenguard (HA)
Dark Conclave Talonite (HA)
Deathforge Guardian (HA)
Deathforge Summoner (HA)
Demon Hunter Supplicant (HA)
Doctor Gutrick (HA)
Dormant Infernal (HA)
Dragonmaw Elite (HA)
Dragonmaw Peon (HA)
Dragonmaw Subjugator (HA)
Drake Dealer Hurlunk (HA)
Dunaman (HA)
Earthmender TorlokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2920) (HA)
Eclipsion Blood Knight (HA)
Eclipsion Dragonhawk (HA)
Elekk Demolisher (HA)
Enraged Earth Shard (HA)
Enraged Fire Spirit (HA)
Enslaved Netherwing Whelp (HA)
Eykenen (HA)
Felspine the Greater (HA)
Furan (HA)
Ghostrider of Karabor (HA)
Grand Commander Ruusk (HA)
Grom'toWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2921) (H)
Gryphonrider KieranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2922) (A)
Haalum (HA)
Illidan Stormrage (HA)
Illidari Highlord (HA)
Illidari Overseer (HA)
Illidari Shadowlord (HA)
Illidari Soldier (HA)
Ilsa Blusterbrew (A)
Infernal Soul (HA)
Kagrosh (HA)
KarynakuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2923)
Kor'kron Wind RiderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2924) (HA)
Krek Cragcrush (H)
Lakaan (HA)
Light-Armored Elekk
Maddix (HA)
Marcus Auralion (HA)
Mo'arg Weaponsmith (HA)
Murg "Oldie" MuckjawWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2925) (HA)
NakansiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2926) (HA)
Nethermine Burster (HA)
Netherwing Ray (HA)
Or'kaos the Insane (HA)
Oronu the Elder (HA)
Overseer Ripsaw (HA)
Prophetess Cavrylin (HA)
Redeemed Spirit of Earth (HA)
Remnant of Greed (HA)
Researcher TiorusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2927) (H)
Ronag the Slave DriverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2928) (HA)
Salle Sunforge (A)
Scorned Spirit of Air (HA)
Scout ZagranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2929) (HA)
Seasoned Magister (HA)
Shadow Council Zealot (HA)
Shadowlord Deathwail (HA)
Shadowmoon Harbinger
Shadowmoon Slayer (HA)
Shadowmoon Zealot
Sky'ree (A)
Spawn of Uvuros (HA)
Stormer Ewan WildwingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2930) (HA)
Sunfury Eradicator (HA)
Swift Green Riding Gryphon (A)
Swift Red Riding Gryphon (A)
Taskmaster Varkule DragonbreathWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2931) (HA)
Thane YoregarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2932) (A)
Totem of Spirits (H)
Uvuros (HA)
Varedis (HA)
Vilewing Chimaera (HA)
Warcaller Sardon Truslice (H)
Wildhammer Scout (A)
Wrathstalker (HA)
Zandras (HA)

Aldor Gryphon Guard (HA)
Altar Defender (HA)
Anchorite CeylaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2933) (HA)
Arcanist ThelisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2934) (HA)
Arvoar the Rapacious (HA)
Ashtongue Shaman (HA)
Barash the Den Mother (HA)
Black Blood of Draenor (HA)
Bonechewer Marauder (HA)
Bron Goldhammer (A)
Captured Water Spirit (HA)
Chain of Shadows (HA)
Cleric of Karabor (HA)
Coilskar Defender (HA)
Coilskar Sorceress (HA)
Commander HobbWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2935) (HA)
Corrupted Air Elemental (HA)
Crazed Colossus (HA)
Crinn Pathfinder (A)
Dama Wildmane (H)
Dark Conclave Ritualist (HA)
Darmend (HA)
Deathforge Imp (HA)
Deathforge Tinkerer (HA)
Denath (HA)
Doctor Maleficus (HA)
Dorni (HA)
Dragonmaw Enforcer (HA)
Dragonmaw Pitfighter (HA)
Dragonmaw Tower Controller (A)
Dreadwarden (HA)
Earthmender Gorboto (HA)
Earthmender WildaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2936) (HA)
Eclipsion Bloodwarder (HA)
Eclipsion Hawkstrider (HA)
Eli Thunderstrike (A)
Enraged Earth Spirit (HA)
Enraged Water Spirit (HA)
Envoy Icarius (HA)
Fel Reaver Sentinel (HA)
Feranin (HA)
Fyra Dawnstar (HA)
GnomusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2937) (A)
Greater Felfire Diemetradon (HA)
Grom'tor, Son of Oronok (HA)
Gryphonrider Nordin (HA)
Harbinger SaronenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2938) (HA)
Illidari Agonizer (HA)
Illidari Jailor (HA)
Illidari Painlasher (HA)
Illidari Shadowstalker (HA)
Illidari Succubus (HA)
Image of Warbringer Razuun (HA)
Innkeeper Darg Bloodclaw (H)
Kalara (H)
Keeper of the Cistern (HA)
Kor'kron Wyvern Rider (HA)
Kurdran Wildhammer (A)
Larissa SunstrikeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2939) (HA)
Lightsworn Elekk Rider (HA)
Maiev Shadowsong (HA)
Mari Stonehand (A)
Mokthar Grimblade (HA)
Murkblood Miner (HA)
Nanomah (HA)
Nethermine Flayer (HA)
Newly Crafted Infernal (HA)
Oran Blusterbrew (A)
Overlord Mor'ghorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2940) (HA)
Painmistress Gabrissa (HA)
Ravenous Flayer (HA)
Redeemed Spirit of Fire (HA)
Remnant of Hate (HA)
Rocknail Flayer (HA)
Rumpus (HA)
Sanctum Defender (HA)
Scorned Spirit of Earth (HA)
Scryer Cavalier (HA)
Sergeant KargrulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2941) (H)
Shadow Serpent (HA)
Shadowmoon Chosen (HA)
Shadowmoon Peon (HA)
Shadowmoon Soulstealer (HA)
Shadowsworn Drakonid (HA)
Smith Gorlunk (HA)
Spellbound Terrorguard (HA)
Sulamin (HA)
Sunfury Summoner (HA)
Swift Green Wind Rider (H)
Swift Red Wind Rider (H)
Tawny Wind Rider (H)
Theras (HA)
Trop Rendlimb (H)
Uylaru (HA)
Varen the ReclaimerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2942) (HA)
Vindicator AluumenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2943) (HA)
Wildhammer Defender (HA)
Wing Commander IchmanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2944) (HA)
Wrathwalker (HA)
Zorus the JudicatorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2945) (A)

Alieshor (HA)
Altar of Sha'tar Vindicator (HA)
Ancient Shadowmoon SpiritWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2946) (HA)
Arcano-Scorp (HA)
Asghar (HA)
Ashtongue Warrior (HA)
Barimoke Wildbeard (A)
Blood Guard GulmokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2947) (H)
Bonechewer Messenger (HA)
Brubeck Stormfoot (A)
Caretaker Aluuro (HA)
Chancellor Bloodleaf (HA)
Coilskar Assassin (HA)
Coilskar Muckwatcher (HA)
Coilskar Waterkeeper (HA)
Cooling Infernal (HA)
Corrupted Earth Elemental (HA)
Crazed Murkblood Foreman (HA)
Cyrukh the Firelord (HA)
Dark Conclave Harbinger (HA)
Dark Conclave Scorncrow (HA)
Dearny (HA)
Deathforge Mine (HA)
Deathforged Infernal
Detrafila (H)
Domesticated Felboar
Dragonmaw Ascendant (HA)
Dragonmaw ForemanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2948) (HA)
Dragonmaw Shaman (HA)
Dragonmaw Transporter (HA)
Dreg Cloudsweeper (A)
Earthmender SophurusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2949) (A)
Ebon Gryphon (A)
Eclipsion Cavalier (HA)
Eclipsion Soldier (HA)
Enraged Air Spirit (HA)
Enraged Earthen Soul (HA)
Enraged Watery Soul (HA)
Eva (HA)
Felboar (HA)
Flanis Swiftwing (HA)
Gan'arg Technician (HA)
Goblin Merc (HA)
Green Wind Rider (H)
Grutah (H)
Gug (HA)
Harram (HA)
Illidari Dreadbringer (HA)
Illidari Lord BalthasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2950) (HA)
Illidari Ravager (HA)
Illidari Shocktrooper (HA)
Illidari Temptress (HA)
Infernal Attacker (HA)
Ja'y Nosliw (HA)
Karabor Infernal (HA)
Kor'kron Defender (HA)
Korthul (H)
Lady Shav'rar (HA)
Legion Hold Fel Reaver (HA)
Lightsworn Vindicator (HA)
Makazradon (HA)
Mature Netherwing Drake (HA)
MordenaiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2951) (HA)
Murkblood Overseer (HA)
NeltharakuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2952)
Nethermine Ravager (HA)
Niobe Whizzlespark (A)
Ordinn ThunderfistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2953) (A)
Overlord Or'barokhWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2954) (H)
ParshahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2955) (HA)
Ravenous Flayer Matriarch (HA)
Redeemed Spirit of Water (HA)
Remnant of Malice (HA)
Rocknail Ripper (HA)
Ruul the Darkener (HA)
SanoruWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2956) (HA)
Scorned Spirit of Fire (HA)
Scryer Guardian (HA)
Shadow Council Felsworn (HA)
Shadowhoof Assassin (HA)
Shadowmoon Darkweaver (HA)
Shadowmoon Retainer (HA)
Shadowmoon Valley Flame Keeper (H)
Shadowwing Owl
Snowy Gryphon Mount (A)
Spirit of Ar'torWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2957) (HA)
Summoner Skartax (HA)
Sunfury Warlock (HA)
Swift Purple Riding Gryphon (A)
Swift Yellow Wind Rider (H)
Teron Gorefiend (HA)
Toranaku (HA)
Trope the Filth-BelcherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2958) (HA)
Vagath (HA)
Veneratus the Many (HA)
Warbringer Razuun (HA)
Wildhammer Gryphon RiderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2959) (HA)
Wing Commander MulverickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2960) (HA)
Xi'riWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2961) (HA)
Zuluhed the Whacked (HA)

Shattrath City

"Backstab" Bindo Gearbomb (HA)
A'dalWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2962) (HA)
Albert Quarksprocket (HA)
Aldor Neophyte (HA)
Amshesha StilldarkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2963) (HA)
Arcanist RaestanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2964) (HA)
Arodis SunbladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2965) (HA)
Battle-Tiger (HA)
Big Dancing Flames (HA)
Brendan TurnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2966) (HA)
Caylee Dak (HA)
Crashin' Thrashin' Robot
Defender GrashnaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2967) (HA)
Dwarf Refugee (HA)
Empoor's Bodyguard (HA)
Enchantress VolaliWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2968) (HA)
Exarch NasuunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2969) (A)
Farmer Griffith (HA)
G'eras Vindicator (HA)
Gidge SpellweaverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2970) (HA)
GriftahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2971) (HA)
Haelga Slatefist (HA)
Harbinger Erothem (HA)
High Enchanter BardolanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2972) (HA)
Innkeeper HaeltholWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2973) (HA)
IshanahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2974) (HA)
KelaraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2975) (HA)
Khadgar's Servant (HA)
KyleneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2976) (HA)
Lisrythe BloodwatchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2977) (HA)
LorokeemWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2978) (HA)
Mag'har Refugee (HA)
Mai'Kyl (HA)
Mendorn (HA)
MinaleiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2979) (HA)
Muffin Man MoserWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2980) (HA)
Neophyte Combatant
NutralWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2981) (HA)
Ontok ShatterhornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2982) (HA)
Oric Coe (HA)
Peacekeeper Jadaar (HA)
Quartermaster EndarinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2983) (HA)
Redeemed Avian (HA)
Rilak the RedeemedWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2984) (HA)
Scribe VeredisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2985) (HA)
Selanam the BladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2986) (HA)
ShaaruboWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2987) (HA)
Shattered Sun Marksman
Shattrath Saul (HA)
SkreahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2988) (HA)
Strange Winged Goblin (HA)
Teldrassil Pink Elekk
Tobias the Filth GorgerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2989) (HA)
V'eruWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2990) (HA)
Veynna DawnstarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2991) (HA)
Vinemaster AlamaroWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2992) (HA)
Wind Trader ZhareemWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2993) (HA)
YuulaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2994) (HA)
Zoya (HA)

Aaron HollmanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2995) (HA)
Aldor Acolyte (HA)
Aldor Reveler
Anchorite Attendant (HA)
Apprentice TasserelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2996) (HA)
Arcanist SavanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2997) (HA)
AsuurWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2998) (HA)
Bergrisst (HA)
Black Cat
Brewfest Reveler (HA)
Chief Thunder-Skins (HA)
Cro ThreadstrongWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2999) (HA)
Drelik BlastpipeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3000) (HA)
Eebee JinglepocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3001)
Enchanter Aeldron (HA)
EralWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3002) (HA)
Eye of the Storm Envoy (HA)
Gargoth (HA)
Gordie (HA)
Grisy Spicecrackle (HA)
Haggard War VeteranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3003) (HA)
Harbinger HaronemWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3004)
IlthurilWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3005) (HA)
Investigator Asric (HA)
Iz'zard (HA)
Jorus (HA)
Keldor the Lost (HA)
Kixi the Shiv (HA)
L'lura Goldspun (HA)
LissafWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3006) (HA)
Lost One Refugee (HA)
Magister Falris (HA)
Malfas (HA)
Mi'irku FarstepWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3007) (HA)
Minion of Terokk (HA)
NakoduWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3008) (HA)
Neophyte Nemarn (HA)
Olnayvi CopperpinchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3009)
OntuvoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3010)
Orphan Matron Mercy (HA)
Peasant Refugee (HA)
Quartermaster EnurilWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3011) (HA)
Refugee Child (HA)
Sal'salabimWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3012) (HA)
Scryer Arcane Guardian (HA)
SethWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3013) (HA)
Shattered Sun Channeler
Shattered Sun Trainee
Sig Nicious (HA)
Spirit of Competition
Suraku (HA)
The RokkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3014) (HA)
Tonk Mine (HA)
Vagabond (HA)
Viggz ShinesparkedWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3015) (HA)
Voranaku (HA)
Wolf-Sister Maka (HA)
Zahlia (HA)
Zula SlagfuryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3016) (HA)

"Dirty" LarryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3017)
Adam Eternum (HA)
Aldor Anchorite (HA)
Aldor Vindicator (HA)
Anchorite Nindumen (HA)
Araac (HA)
Arcanist XorithWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3018) (HA)
Avatar of Terokk (HA)
Berudan Keysworn (HA)
Broken Refugee (HA)
Commander Steele
DarmariWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3019) (HA)
Drolig BlastpipeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3020) (HA)
EiinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3021) (HA)
Enchanter Salias (HA)
Ernie PackwellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3022) (HA)
EzekielWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3023) (HA)
Furious Mr. Pinchy
GarulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3024) (HA)
Grand Anchorite Almonen
GrokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3025) (HA)
Haldor the CompulsiveWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3026) (HA)
Haris PiltonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3027) (HA)
InesseraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3028) (HA)
IorioaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3029) (HA)
Jack TrapperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3030) (HA)
Kael'thas Sunstrider (HA)
Kevin BrowningWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3031) (HA)
Leatei (HA)
Lonika Stillblade (HA)
Lylandor (HA)
Magistrix FyalennWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3032) (HA)
Marksman BovaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3033) (HA)
Midsummer Celebrant (HA)
Montok Redhands (HA)
Nalama the MerchantWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3034) (HA)
Nether-Stalker Mah'duunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3035) (HA)
Olodam Farhollow (HA)
Onyxien (HA)
OruheWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3036) (HA)
Perry Gatner
Quelama LightbladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3037) (HA)
Refugee Kid (HA)
Samuro (HA)
Scryer Arcanist (HA)
SeymourWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3038) (HA)
Shattered Sun Cleric
Shattered Sun Veteran
Sinnea Starsong (HA)
Sporeling Refugee (HA)
Thunderbrew "Apprentice"WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3039) (HA)
Trader EndernorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3040) (HA)
Vagrant (HA)
Vindicator AeusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3041) (HA)
Voren'thal the SeerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3042) (HA)
Yula the Fair (HA)
Zephyr (HA)

"Epic" Malone
AhemenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3043) (HA)
Aldor Marksman (HA)
AlmaadorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3044) (HA)
Andrion DarkspinnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3045)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3046) (HA)
Arcanist AdyriaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3047) (HA)
Archer DelvinarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3048) (HA)
Barthamus (HA)
Big Bruiser (HA)
Boss Dummy
Captain Dranarus
Consortium Assistant (HA)
Dathris SunstrikerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3049) (HA)
Dusky (HA)
Emissary MordinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3050)
Enchantress Metura (HA)
FanteiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3051) (HA)
G'erasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3052) (HA)
General Tiras'alanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3053)
Granny SmithWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3054) (HA)
Gromden (HA)
HamanarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3055) (HA)
High Elf Refugee (HA)
Injured Refugee (HA)
Iravar (HA)
Jim SaltitWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3056) (HA)
KarokkaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3057) (HA)
KhadgarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3058) (HA)
Kradu GrimbladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3059) (HA)
Lord TorvosWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3060)
Madame RubyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3061) (HA)
Mahir RedstrokeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3062) (HA)
Maxima Blastenheimer (HA)
Mildred FletcherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3063) (HA)
Mounted Neophyte (HA)
Nasmara MoonsongWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3064) (HA)
Nicole Bartlett (HA)
OloraakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3065) (HA)
Orc Refugee (HA)
Paymaster (HA)
Plague Zombie (A)
Raliq the Drunk (HA)
Ricole Nichie
Scribe SaalynWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3066) (HA)
Scryer Reveler
Sha'nirWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3067) (HA)
Shattered Sun Magi
Shattrath City Peacekeeper (HA)
Skettis Outcast (HA)
Spymistress Mehlisah HighcrownWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3068) (HA)
Technician HalmahaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3069) (HA)
Tinkerbell (HA)
Urumir StavebrightWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3070) (HA)
VekaxWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3071) (HA)
Vindicator KaanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3072) (HA)
Wind Trader LathraiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3073) (HA)
Yurial SoulwaterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3074) (HA)
Zindik Pinchwhistle (HA)

Sholazar Basin


Aendel WindspearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3109) (HA)
Anubisath Conqueror (HA)
Aurel GoldleafWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3110) (HA)
Beetix FicklespraggWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3111) (HA)
Captain Blackanvil (HA)
Cenarion Scout Azenel (HA)
Cloud SkydancerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3112) (HA)
Colossus of Zora (HA)
Commander Mar'alithWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3113) (HA)
Cyclone Warrior (HA)
Desert Rumbler (HA)
Duke August Foehammer (HA)
Elder Bladesing (HA)
Frankal StonebridgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3114) (HA)
Glacial Lieutenant (HA)
Hermit OrtellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3115) (HA)
Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig (HA)
Hive'Ashi Sandstalker (HA)
Hive'Regal Ambusher (HA)
Hive'Regal Slavemaker (HA)
Hive'Zora Reaver (HA)
Hoary Templar (HA)
Imp (HA)
Ironforge Cavalryman (HA)
Jarund Stoutstrider (HA)
KaniaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3116) (HA)
Krug Skullsplit (HA)
Lord Skwol (HA)
Might of Kalimdor Archmage
MishtaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3117) (HA)
Orgrimmar Elite Cavalryman (HA)
Orgrimmar Legion Grunt (HA)
Qiraji Brigadier General Pax-lish (HA)
Qiraji Wasp (HA)
Rock Stalker (HA)
Sandy Cookbook
Shade of Ambermoon (HA)
Squire Leoren Mal'derathWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3118) (HA)
Stormwind Archmage (HA)
Supreme Silithid Flayer (HA)
The Duke of Fathoms (HA)
Tortured Druid (HA)
Twilight Geolord (HA)
Twilight Lord Everun (HA)
Twilight Overlord (HA)
Vish Kozus (HA)
Whirling Invader (HA)
Xil'xix (HA)

Alliance Silithyst Sentinel (HA)
Apothecary Quinard (H)
Azure Templar (HA)
Bor WildmaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3119) (HA)
Cenarion Hold Infantry (HA)
Cenarion Scout Jalia (HA)
Colossal Anubisath Warbringer (HA)
Colossus Researcher EazelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3120) (HA)
Creeping Doom (HA)
Darkspear Shaman (H)
Dirk ThunderwoodWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3121) (HA)
Dust Stormer (HA)
Elder Primestone (HA)
Garon HutchinsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3122) (HA)
Glibb (HA)
High Commander Lynore Windstryke (HA)
Hive'Ashi Ambusher (HA)
Hive'Ashi Stinger (HA)
Hive'Regal Burrower (HA)
Hive'Regal Spitfire (HA)
Hive'Zora Tunneler (HA)
Horde Silithyst Sentinel (H)
Imperial Qiraji Destroyer (HA)
Ironforge Infantryman (HA)
Jonathan the Revelator (HA)
Keyl SwiftclawWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3123) (HA)
Lapress (HA)
Malagav the Tactician (HA)
Might of Kalimdor Infantry (H)
Mistress Natalia Mar'alith (HA)
Orgrimmar Elite Infantryman (HA)
Priestess of the Moon (HA)
Qiraji Drone (HA)
Ralo'shan the Eternal Watcher (HA)
Runk WindtamerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3124) (HA)
Scout BloodfistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3125) (HA)
Shadow Priestess Shai (HA)
Stonelash Flayer (HA)
Stormwind Cavalryman (HA)
Tauren Primalist (HA)
The Duke of Shards (HA)
Tortured Sentinel (HA)
Twilight Keeper Exeter (HA)
Twilight Marauder (HA)
Twilight Prophet (HA)
Vyral the Vile (HA)
Windcaller KaldonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3126) (HA)
Zannok HidepiercerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3127) (HA)

Aluntir (HA)
Arakis (HA)
Baristolth of the Shifting SandsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3128) (HA)
CaelestraszWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3129) (HA)
Cenarion Hold Reservist (HA)
Cenarion Scout Landion (HA)
Colossus of Ashi (HA)
Colossus Researcher NestorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3130) (HA)
Crimson Templar (HA)
Deathclasp (HA)
Dredge Crusher (HA)
Earth Elemental (HA)
Emissary Roman'khan (HA)
General KirikaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3131) (H)
Gretheer (HA)
High Marshal Whirlaxis (HA)
Hive'Ashi Defender (HA)
Hive'Ashi Swarmer (HA)
Hive'Regal Hive Lord (HA)
Hive'Zora Abomination (HA)
Hive'Zora Wasp (HA)
Huricanian (HA)
Ironforge Brigade Footman (HA)
J.D. Shadesong (HA)
Kaldorei Infantry (HA)
Khur HornstrikerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3132) (HA)
Layo StarstrikeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3133) (HA)
Marshal BluewallWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3134) (A)
Might of Kalimdor Major (HA)
Nelson the Nice (HA)
Orgrimmar Elite Shieldguard (HA)
Prince Skaldrenox (HA)
Qiraji Lieutenant General (HA)
Rex Ashil (HA)
Rutgar GlyphshaperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3135) (HA)
Sergeant Carnes (HA)
Silithus Flame Keeper (H)
Stonelash Pincer (HA)
Stormwind Infantryman (HA)
Tauren Rifleman (HA)
The Duke of Zephyrs (HA)
Twilight Avenger (HA)
Twilight Keeper Havunth (HA)
Twilight Marauder Morna (HA)
Twilight Stonecaller (HA)
Wanted Poster: Deathclasp
Windcaller ProudhornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3136) (HA)
Zora (HA)

Anachronos the Ancient (HA)
Arcanist Nozzlespring (HA)
Baron Kazum (HA)
CalandrathWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3137) (HA)
Cenarion Outrider (HA)
Chief Expeditionary Requisitioner Enkles (A)
Colossus of Regal (HA)
Colossus Researcher SophiaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3138) (HA)
Crystalline TearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3139)
Desert Rager (HA)
Dredge Striker (HA)
Earthen Templar (HA)
Fandral Staghelm (HA)
Geologist LarksbaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3140) (HA)
Grubthor (HA)
Highlord DemitrianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3141) (HA)
Hive'Ashi Drone (HA)
Hive'Ashi Worker (HA)
Hive'Regal Hunter-Killer (HA)
Hive'Zora Hive Sister (HA)
Hive'Zora Waywatcher (HA)
Huum WildmaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3142) (HA)
Ironforge Brigade Rifleman (HA)
Janela Stouthammer (HA)
Kaldorei Marksman (HA)
Krellack (HA)
Lieutenant General Nokhor (HA)
Merok Longstride (HA)
Might of Kalimdor Marshal
Noggle FicklespraggWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3143) (HA)
Orgrimmar Legion Axe Thrower (HA)
Prince Thunderaan (HA)
Qiraji Tank (HA)
Rifleman TorrigWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3144) (A)
Sand Skitterer (HA)
Setis (HA)
Silithus Flame Warden (A)
Stonelash Scorpid (HA)
Supreme Anubisath Warbringer (HA)
The Duke of Cynders (HA)
The Windreaver (HA)
Twilight Flamereaver (HA)
Twilight Keeper Mayna (HA)
Twilight Master (HA)
VargusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3145) (HA)
Warden HaroWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3146) (HA)
Windcaller YessendraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3147) (HA)

Silvermoon City

Silverpine Forest

Stonetalon Mountains

Stormwind City

Acolyte DellisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3289) (A)
Aedis Brom (A)
Alexandra BoleroWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3290) (A)
Ander GermaineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3291) (A)
Archbishop BenedictusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3292) (A)
Argos NightwhisperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3293) (A)
Auctioneer Chilton (HA)
BartlebyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3294) (A)
Bernard GumpWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3295) (A)
Bishop DeLaveyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3296) (A)
Brandon (A)
Brother CassiusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3297) (A)
Brother SarnoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3298) (A)
Captain O'Neal (A)
Carla GrangerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3299) (A)
Clavicus Knavingham (A)
Construction Worker
Dane LindgrenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3300) (A)
Defias Rioter (A)
Donyal Tovald (A)
Dwarven Construction Worker
Elder Hammershout (HA)
Elly LangstonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3301) (A)
Erich Lohan (A)
Eye of the Storm Emissary (HA)
Field Marshal Stonebridge (HA)
Furen LongbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3302) (A)
Gazin TenormWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3303) (A)
Georgio BoleroWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3304) (A)
Gregory ArdusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3305) (A)
Hank the HammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3306) (A)
High Priestess LaurenaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3307) (A)
Ian Drake (A)
Innkeeper AllisonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3308) (HA)
Jasper FelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3309) (A)
JesperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3310) (A)
Joachim BrenlowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3311) (A)
Julia GallinaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3312) (A)
Karlee Chaddis (A)
Keldric BoucherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3313) (A)
Kimberly Grant (A)
Lady Hoteshem (HA)
Larimaine PurdueWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3314) (HA)
Lenny "Fingers" McCoy (A)
Lieutenant OrrinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3315) (A)
Lillian SinghWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3316) (A)
Lisbeth SchneiderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3317) (A)
Lord Gregor Lescovar (HA)
Major Mattingly (HA)
Maria LumereWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3318) (A)
Master Mathias ShawWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3319) (A)
Mayda ThaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3320) (A)
Mercutio (A)
Miss Danna (HA)
Morris Lawry (A)
Noarm (A)
Officer Jaxon (HA)
Ol' EmmaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3321) (A)
Osborne the Night ManWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3322) (A)
Pat (A)
Reese Langston (A)
Renzik "The Shiv"WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3323) (A)
Royal Factor BathrilorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3324) (A)
Sergeant Major ClateWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3325) (A)
Sheldras MoontreeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3326) (A)
Silverwing Emissary (HA)
Sprite JumpsprocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3327) (A)
Stephen RybackWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3328) (A)
Stockade Guard (HA)
Stormwind Firebreather (A)
Stormwind Royal Guard (HA)
Suzetta Gallina (A)
Thelman Slatefist (HA)
ThomasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3329) (A)
Thurman MullbyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3330) (A)
TyrionWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3331) (A)
Ursula DelineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3332) (A)
Wilhelm StrangWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3333) (A)
Wynne LarsonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3334) (A)

Acolyte Porena (A)
Agustus MoulaineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3335) (A)
AliciaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3336) (A)
Andi (A)
Archmage MalinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3337) (A)
Aristan MottarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3338) (A)
Auctioneer Fitch (HA)
Beka Zipwhistle (A)
Betty QuinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3339) (A)
Bishop FarthingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3340) (A)
Brohann CaskbellyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3341) (A)
Brother CrowleyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3342) (A)
Bryan CrossWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3343) (A)
Captain O\'NealWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3344)
Catherine LelandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3345) (A)
Colara Dean (A)
Corbett Schneider (A)
Darian SinghWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3346) (A)
Demisette CloyceWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3347) (A)
Duncan CullenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3348) (A)
Edna MullbyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3349) (A)
EldraeithWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3350) (A)
ElsharinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3351) (HA)
Erika TateWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3352) (A)
Faint Necrotic CrystalWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3353) (HA)
Fizzles (A)
Gelman StonehandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3354) (A)
Gerik KoenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3355) (A)
Grimand ElmoreWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3356) (A)
Harlan BagleyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3357) (A)
High Sorcerer AndromathWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3358) (HA)
Ilsa CorbinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3359) (A)
Jalane AyroleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3360) (A)
Jenn Langston (A)
Jessara CordellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3361) (A)
John Burnside (A)
Justin (A)
Karrina MekendaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3362) (A)
Kelly Grant (A)
King Varian WrynnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3363)
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
Lawrence SchneiderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3364) (A)
Lieutenant JackspringWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3365) (A)
Lieutenant TristiaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3366)
Lilyssia NightbreezeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3367) (A)
Little Noah
Lord Tony RomanoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3368) (A)
Major Samuelson (A)
Maris GrangerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3369) (A)
Master Sergeant BigginsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3370) (A)
Mazen Mac'NadirWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3371) (A)
Michael Corpora
Mithras Ironhill (A)
Nara MeiderosWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3372) (A)
Nurse Lillian (A)
Officer Maloof (HA)
Old Town Thug (A)
Osric StrangWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3373) (A)
Plague Zombie (A)
Reginald WindsorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3374) (HA)
Rift Spawn
SandahlWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3375) (A)
Sewer Beast (A)
Shellene (A)
Simon TannerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3376) (A)
Squire Rowe (HA)
Steven (A)
Stormpike Emissary (HA)
Stormwind Harbor Guard
Summoned Incubus
SylistaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3377) (A)
Theresa MoulaineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3378) (A)
Thomas MillerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3379) (HA)
Thurman Schneider (A)
Tyrion's Spybot (A)
Warden ThelwaterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3380) (A)
William (A)
Zardeth of the Black ClawWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3381) (A)

Adair GilroyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3382) (A)
Aldric MooreWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3383) (A)
Allan HafganWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3384) (A)
Anduin Wrynn (HA)
Ardwyn CailenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3385) (A)
Arnold LelandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3386) (A)
Auctioneer Jaxon (HA)
Ben TriasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3387) (A)
Billibub CogspinnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3388) (A)
Bloodsail Raider
Brooke StonebraidWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3389) (A)
Brother JoshuaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3390) (A)
Caledra Dawnbreeze (A)
Captain Paul Carver
Charys YserianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3391) (A)
Collin MaurenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3392) (A)
Count Remington RidgewellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3393) (A)
Dashel StonefistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3394) (A)
Doc MixilpixilWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3395) (A)
Dungar LongdrinkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3396) (HA)
Einris BrightspearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3397) (A)
Elfarran (HA)
Emissary TaluunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3398) (A)
Evan LarsonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3399) (A)
Farseer UmbruaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3400) (A)
Foreman Wick (A)
Gakin the DarkbinderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3401) (A)
General Marcus JonathanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3402) (HA)
Gil (A)
Guchie JinglepocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3403) (A)
Harry BurlguardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3404) (A)
Highlord Bolvar FordragonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3405) (HA)
Imelda (A)
Janey Anship (A)
Jennea CannonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3406) (HA)
Jillian TannerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3407) (A)
JorgenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3408) (HA)
Justine Demalier (HA)
Katherine the PureWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3409) (A)
Kendor KabonkaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3410) (A)
Kwee Q. Peddlefeet (HA)
Lady Katrana Prestor (HA)
League of Arathor Emissary (HA)
Lieutenant Jocryn HeldricWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3411) (A)
Lil TimmyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3412) (A)
Lina StoverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3413) (A)
Lord Baurles K. Wishock (A)
Lucan CordellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3414) (A)
MaldrynWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3415) (A)
Marzon the Silent Blade (A)
Master Sergeant MaclureWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3416) (A)
Meghan Dawson
Mikey (A)
Morgan PestleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3417) (A)
Newton Burnside (A)
Officer AreynWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3418) (A)
Officer Pomeroy (HA)
Olivia Burnside (A)
Owen VaughnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3419) (A)
Randal WorthWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3420) (A)
Rema SchneiderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3421) (A)
Roberto PupellyverbosWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3422) (A)
SellandusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3423) (A)
Shailiea (A)
Shoni the ShilentWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3424) (A)
Sloan McCoyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3425) (A)
Stanly McCormickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3426)
Steven Lohan (A)
Stormwind City Patroller (HA)
Stormwind Orphan (A)
Summoned Voidwalker (HA)
TannysaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3427) (A)
TheridranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3428) (A)
Thorfin StoneshieldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3429) (A)
Topper McNabb (A)
Ulfir IronbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3430) (A)
White Kitten
Woo PingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3431) (A)
Zggi (A)

Adam (A)
Aldwin Laughlin (A)
Alyssa GriffithWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3432) (A)
Angus SternWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3433) (A)
Argent RecruiterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3434) (A)
Arthur the FaithfulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3435) (A)
Baros AlexstonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3436) (A)
Benik Boltshear
Billy (A)
Borgus SteelhandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3437) (A)
Brother BenjaminWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3438) (A)
Brother KristoffWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3439) (A)
Captain DirgehammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3440)
Caretaker FolsomWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3441) (A)
Christoph Faral (A)
Connor RiversWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3442) (A)
Crier GoodmanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3443) (HA)
David Langston (A)
Donna (A)
Duthorian RallWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3444) (A)
Elaine TriasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3445) (A)
Elling TriasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3446) (A)
Emmithue SmailsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3447) (A)
Evert SorisamWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3448) (A)
Felicia GumpWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3449) (A)
Frederick StoverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3450) (A)
Galley Chief Paul KubitWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3451)
Geoff (A)
Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth (A)
Gunther WellerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3452) (A)
Heinrich StoneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3453) (A)
Human CommonerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3454) (A)
Injured Stockade Guard (A)
Jarel MoorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3455) (A)
Jenova StoneshieldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3456) (A)
Jimmy (A)
Jovil (A)
Kaita DeepforgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3457) (A)
Kathrum AxehandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3458) (A)
Khole JinglepocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3459) (A)
Kyra BoucherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3460) (A)
Lara MooreWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3461) (A)
Leesha Tannerby
Lieutenant KarterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3462) (A)
Lilliam SparkspindleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3463) (A)
Lisan Pierce (A)
Lord Grayson ShadowbreakerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3464) (A)
Maginor DumasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3465) (HA)
Marda WellerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3466) (A)
Mason Goldgild (A)
Master Wood (A)
Melris Malagan (HA)
Milton SheafWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3467) (A)
Morgg Stormshot (HA)
Nikova RaskolWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3468) (A)
Officer Brady (HA)
Ol' Beasley (A)
Orphan Matron NightingaleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3469) (A)
Paige Chaddis (A)
Rebecca LaughlinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3470) (A)
Renato GallinaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3471) (HA)
Roman (A)
Seoman GriffithWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3472) (A)
Shaina FullerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3473) (A)
ShylamiirWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3474) (A)
Spackle ThornberryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3475) (A)
Stephanie TurnerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3476) (HA)
Stockade Archer (HA)
Stormwind Elite Guard (A)
Stormwind Reveler (HA)
Suzanne (A)
Tel'AthirWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3477) (A)
Therum DeepforgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3478) (A)
Thulman FlintcragWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3479) (A)
Twain (A)
Underwater Construction Worker
Wilder ThistlenettleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3480) (A)
Wu ShenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3481) (A)

Stranglethorn Vale

"Pretty Boy" Duncan (HA)
Al'tabim the All-SeeingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3482) (HA)
Auctioneer Kresky (HA)
Bhag'thera (HA)
Bloodsail Mage (HA)
Bloodsail Traitor (HA)
Bloodscalp Berserker (HA)
Bloodscalp Scavenger (HA)
Bloodscalp Warrior (HA)
Booty Bay Elite (HA)
Brother NimetzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3483) (HA)
Captain Hecklebury SmottsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3484) (HA)
Caravaneer RuzzgotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3485) (HA)
Compact Harvest Reaper (HA)
Cowardly CrosbyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3486) (HA)
DeegWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3487) (HA)
DrizzlikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3488) (HA)
Elder Saltwater Crocolisk (HA)
Elder Winterhoof (HA)
Far Seer Mok'thardinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3489) (HA)
First Mate Hapana (H)
Flora SilverwindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3490) (HA)
Garr Salthoof (HA)
Gnaz BlunderflameWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3491) (HA)
GringerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3492) (HA)
GyllWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3493) (HA)
High Priestess Hai'watna (HA)
Ian StromWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3494) (HA)
Ironpatch (HA)
Jaquilina DrametWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3495) (HA)
Jungle Stalker (HA)
Kelsey YanceWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3496) (HA)
Kizz BluntstrikeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3497) (HA)
KrakkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3498) (H)
Kurzen Elite (HA)
Kurzen Mindslave (HA)
Kurzen War Tiger (HA)
Landro Longshot (HA)
Lord Sakrasis (HA)
Maywiki of ZuldazarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3499) (HA)
Mogh the Undying (HA)
Mosh'Ogg Brute (HA)
Mosh'Ogg Shaman (HA)
MuddukWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3500) (H)
Murkgill Oracle (HA)
Naias (H)
Nemeth HawkeyeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3501) (H)
NimboyaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3502) (HA)
Oglethorpe ObnoticusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3503) (HA)
Placeholder - Darkhollow Mine
Privateer BloadsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3504) (HA)
Riggle Bassbait (HA)
River Crocolisk (HA)
Saltscale Hunter (HA)
Saltwater Crocolisk (HA)
ScootyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3505) (HA)
Sergeant YohwaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3506) (HA)
Short John Mithril (HA)
Skullsplitter Axe Thrower (HA)
Skullsplitter Hunter (HA)
Skullsplitter Spiritchaser (HA)
Sly GarrettWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3507) (HA)
Squibby Overspeck (HA)
Stranglethorn Tiger (HA)
Succubus Minion (HA)
ThystaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3508) (HA)
Venture Co. Lumberjack (HA)
Venture Co. Strip Miner (HA)
Verifonix (HA)
Ward of Zanzil (HA)
Witch Doctor Unbagwa (HA)
Young Lashtail Raptor (HA)
Zandalar Enforcer (HA)
Zanzil Naga (HA)
Zanzil Zombie (HA)

"Sea Wolf" MacKinleyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3509) (HA)
Ana'thek the Cruel (HA)
Auctioneer O'reely (HA)
Blixrez GoodstitchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3510) (HA)
Bloodsail Sea Dog (HA)
Bloodsail Warlock (HA)
Bloodscalp Headhunter (HA)
Bloodscalp Scout (HA)
Bloodscalp Witch Doctor (HA)
Booty Bay Reveler (HA)
Brutus (HA)
Captain Keelhaul (HA)
Catelyn the BladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3511) (HA)
Cold Eye Basilisk (HA)
Corporal BluthWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3512) (HA)
Crank FizzlebubWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3513) (HA)
Dizzy One-EyeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3514) (HA)
Drunken Bruiser (HA)
Elder Shadowmaw Panther (HA)
Enraged Silverback Gorilla (HA)
Fargon MortalakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3515) (HA)
Fishbot 5000 (HA)
Foreman Cozzle (HA)
Gazban (HA)
Gorlash (HA)
Grizzlowe (HA)
Hakkari Oracle (HA)
Hired Bodyguard (HA)
Innkeeper SkindleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3516) (HA)
Jaguero Stalker (HA)
Jaxin ChongWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3517) (HA)
Jungle Thunderer (HA)
Kin'weelayWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3518) (HA)
Knaz BlunderflameWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3519) (HA)
KrazekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3520) (HA)
Kurzen Headshrinker (HA)
Kurzen Shadow Hunter (HA)
Kurzen Witch Doctor (HA)
Lashtail Raptor (HA)
Mai'Zoth (HA)
Mazk SnipeshotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3521) (HA)
Mok'rash (HA)
Mosh'Ogg Butcher (HA)
Mosh'Ogg Spellcrafter (HA)
Murkgill Forager (HA)
Murkgill Warrior (HA)
NargattWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3522) (H)
NerristWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3523) (HA)
Nixxrax FillamugWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3524) (HA)
Ol' Chumbucket
Princess PoobahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3525) (HA)
Qixdi GoodstitchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3526) (HA)
RikqizWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3527) (HA)
Rocket Chicken
Saltscale Oracle (HA)
Samantha Swifthoof (HA)
Se'JibWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3528) (HA)
Servant of the Hand (HA)
Silverback Patriarch (HA)
Skullsplitter Beastmaster (HA)
Skullsplitter Mystic (HA)
Skullsplitter Warrior (HA)
Snapjaw Crocolisk (HA)
Steamwheedle Bruiser (HA)
Stranglethorn Tigress (HA)
Syndicate Spectre (A)
UthokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3529) (H)
Venture Co. Mechanic (HA)
Venture Co. Surveyor (HA)
VharrWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3530) (H)
Wharfmaster LozgilWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3531) (HA)
Xizk GoodstitchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3532) (HA)
Young Panther (HA)
Zandalar Headshrinker (HA)
Zanzil Skeleton (HA)
Zarena CromwindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3533) (HA)

"Shaky" PhillipeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3534) (HA)
AngrunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3535) (H)
Barnil StonepotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3536) (HA)
Bloodsail Deckhand (HA)
Bloodsail Swabby (HA)
Bloodscalp Axe Thrower (HA)
Bloodscalp Hunter (HA)
Bloodscalp Shaman (HA)
Bookie Herod (HA)
BrawnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3537) (H)
Bubbling Cauldron
Captain Stillwater (HA)
Chillwind Lieutenant (HA)
Colonel Kurzen (HA)
Corporal KalebWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3538) (HA)
Crazk SparksWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3539) (HA)
Dread Captain DeMeza (H)
DurikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3540) (H)
Elder Starglade (HA)
ExzhalWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3541) (HA)
Fin FizracketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3542) (HA)
Fleet Master Firallon (HA)
Galvan the AncientWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3543) (HA)
Gluggle (HA)
Grarnik GoodstitchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3544) (HA)
Grom'gol Grunt (HA)
Haren KanmaeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3545) (HA)
HragranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3546) (H)
Innkeeper ThulbekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3547) (H)
Jang (HA)
Jin'rokh the BreakerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3548) (HA)
JutakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3549) (HA)
King Bangalash (HA)
Konda (HA)
Kurmokk (HA)
Kurzen Jungle Fighter (HA)
Kurzen Subchief (HA)
Kurzen Wrangler (HA)
Lesser Water Elemental (HA)
Markel Smythe (HA)
McGavanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3550) (HA)
Mokk the Savage (HA)
Mosh'Ogg Lord (HA)
Mosh'Ogg Warmonger (HA)
Murkgill Hunter (HA)
Myizz LuckycatchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3551) (HA)
NarkkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3552) (HA)
Nez'raz (HA)
NizzleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3553) (A)
Old Man HemingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3554) (HA)
Private Merle (HA)
Rebel Watchman (HA)
Rin'wosho the TraderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3555) (HA)
Roloch (H)
Saltscale Tide Lord (HA)
Scale Belly (HA)
Shadowmaw Panther (HA)
Sin'Dall (HA)
Skullsplitter Berserker (HA)
Skullsplitter Panther (HA)
Skullsplitter Witch Doctor (HA)
Southern Sand Crawler
Stone Maw Basilisk (HA)
Stranglethorn Vale Flame Keeper (HA)
Tethis (HA)
Venture Co. Foreman (HA)
Venture Co. Miner (HA)
Venture Co. Tinkerer (HA)
VinchaxaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3556) (HA)
Whiskey SlimWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3557) (HA)
Yenniku (HA)
Young Stranglethorn Raptor (HA)
Zandalarian Emissary (HA)
Zanzil the Outcast (HA)
Ziggle SparksWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3558) (A)

Ajeck RouackWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3559) (HA)
Auctioneer Graves (HA)
Baron RevilgazWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3560) (HA)
Bloodsail Elder Magus (HA)
Bloodsail Swashbuckler (HA)
Bloodscalp Beastmaster (HA)
Bloodscalp Mystic (HA)
Bloodscalp Tiger (HA)
Booty Bay Bruiser (HA)
Brikk KeencraftWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3561) (HA)
Cap'n Slappy
Captured Hakkari Zealot (HA)
Chucky "Ten Thumbs" (HA)
Commander Aggro'goshWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3562) (HA)
Corporal SethmanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3563) (HA)
Crystal Spine Basilisk (HA)
Dread Crew
Elder Mistvale Gorilla (HA)
Elder Stranglethorn Tiger (HA)
Falthir the SightlessWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3564) (HA)
First Mate CrazzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3565) (HA)
Fleet Master SeahornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3566) (HA)
Gan'zulah (HA)
Glyx BrewrightWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3567) (HA)
GrimestackWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3568) (HA)
Gurubashi Warrior (HA)
Hemet Nesingwary Jr.WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3569) (HA)
HurklorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3570) (HA)
Ironjaw Basilisk (HA)
Jansen UnderwoodWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3571) (HA)
Jon-Jon the Crow (HA)
KebokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3572) (HA)
King Mukla (HA)
KraggWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3573) (HA)
Kurzen Commando (HA)
Kurzen Medicine Man (HA)
Kurzen War Panther (HA)
Kurzen's Agent (HA)
Lieutenant DorenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3574) (HA)
Maury "Club Foot" Wilkins (HA)
Mistvale Gorilla (HA)
Molthor (HA)
Mosh'Ogg Mauler (HA)
Mosh'Ogg Witch Doctor (HA)
Murkgill Lord (HA)
Naga Explorer (HA)
Negolash (HA)
Nezzliok the Dire (HA)
Panther (HA)
Private ThorsenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3575) (HA)
Rickle Goldgrubber (HA)
Rippa (HA)
Saltscale Forager (HA)
Saltscale Warrior (HA)
Scarshield Quartermaster (HA)
Sergeant Malthus (HA)
Sharptooth Frenzy (HA)
Sir S. J. ErlgadinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3576) (HA)
Skullsplitter Headhunter (HA)
Skullsplitter Scout (HA)
Skymane Gorilla (HA)
SproggerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3577) (HA)
Stranglethorn Raptor (HA)
Stranglethorn Vale Flame Warden (A)
Thrashtail Basilisk (HA)
Venture Co. Geologist (HA)
Venture Co. Shredder (HA)
Venture Co. Workboss (HA)
Viznik Goldgrubber (HA)
WigcikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3578) (HA)
Young Jungle Stalker (HA)
Young Stranglethorn Tiger (HA)
Zanzil Hunter (HA)
Zanzil Witch Doctor (HA)
ZuddWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3579) (HA)


Swamp of Sorrows


A Conspicuous Gravestone
Anachronos (HA)
Aquementas (HA)
Bip Nigstrom (HA)
BortegaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3617) (HA)
Centipaar Sandreaver (HA)
Centipaar Wasp (HA)
Coast Strider (HA)
Deep Dweller (HA)
Dune Smasher (HA)
Dunemaul Ogre Mage (HA)
Elder Ragetotem (HA)
Gadgetzan Bruiser (HA)
GikkixWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3618) (HA)
Glasshide Petrifier (HA)
Greater Firebird (HA)
Haarka the Ravenous (HA)
Hazzali Stinger (HA)
Hazzali Worker (HA)
Jhordy Lapforge (HA)
Krinkle GoodsteelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3619) (HA)
Lumbering Horror
Meridith the MermaidenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3620) (HA)
Narain SoothfancyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3621) (HA)
Prospector IronbootWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3622) (HA)
Rabid Blisterpaw (HA)
Riding Tiger (HA)
Sandfury Axe Thrower (HA)
Scorpid Dunestalker (HA)
Security Chief BilgewhizzleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3623) (HA)
Skeletal Mount (HA)
Southsea Freebooter (HA)
Spigot Operator LuglunketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3624) (HA)
Steeljaw Snapper
Surf Glider (HA)
Thistleshrub Rootshaper (HA)
Torta (HA)
Treasure Hunting Swashbuckler (HA)
Wanted PosterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3625)
Wastewander Bandit (HA)
Wastewander Thief (HA)
Yeh'kinyaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3626) (HA)

Alchemist PestlezuggWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3627) (HA)
Andi LynnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3628) (HA)
ArazmoduWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3629) (HA)
Blisterpaw Hyena (HA)
Bulkrek RagefistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3630) (HA)
Centipaar Stinger (HA)
Centipaar Worker (HA)
Curgle CranklehopWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3631) (HA)
Derotain Mudsipper (HA)
Dunemaul Brute (HA)
Dunemaul Warlock (HA)
Evee CopperspringWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3632) (HA)
Gadgetzan Sniper (HA)
Gimblethorn (HA)
Gnarled Thistleshrub (HA)
Greater Silithid Flayer (HA)
Haughty ModisteWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3633) (HA)
Hazzali Swarmer (HA)
Homing Robot OOX-17/TNWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3634) (HA)
Jin'Zallah the Sandbringer (HA)
Land Rager (HA)
Marin NoggenfoggerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3635) (HA)
Might of Kalimdor Priest
Nixx SprocketspringWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3636) (HA)
Omgorn the Lost (HA)
Qiraji Brigadier General (HA)
Raging Dune Smasher (HA)
Riding Wolf (HA)
Sandfury Firecaller (HA)
Scorpid Hunter (HA)
Senior Surveyor FizzledowserWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3637) (HA)
SoridormiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3638) (HA)
Southsea Kidnapper (HA)
Spirit of the Damned
Steward of TimeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3639) (HA)
Tanaris Flame Keeper (H)
Tran'rekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3640) (HA)
Trenton LighthammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3641) (HA)
Warden of Time (HA)
Wastewander Rogue (HA)
Winkey (HA)
Yorba ScrewspigotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3642) (HA)

Alexston ChromeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3643) (HA)
AndormuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3644) (HA)
Auctioneer Beardo (HA)
Blizrik BuckshotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3645) (HA)
Buzzek BracketswingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3646) (HA)
Centipaar Swarmer (HA)
Chief Engineer BilgewhizzleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3647) (HA)
Custodian of Time (HA)
Dirge QuikcleaveWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3648) (HA)
Dunemaul Enforcer (HA)
Ecton BrasstumblerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3649) (HA)
GaeriyanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3650) (HA)
Glasshide Basilisk (HA)
Gor'marok the Ravager (HA)
Ground Pounder (HA)
Hazzali Parasite (HA)
Hazzali Tunneler (HA)
Innkeeper FizzgrimbleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3651) (HA)
Katrina Turner (HA)
LaziphusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3652) (HA)
Marvon RivetseekerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3653) (HA)
Murderous Blisterpaw (HA)
Nozari (HA)
PikkleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3654) (HA)
Qizzik (HA)
Riding Horse (HA)
Roc (HA)
Sandfury Hideskinner (HA)
Scorpid Tail Lasher (HA)
ShreevWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3655) (HA)
Soriid the Devourer (HA)
Southsea Pirate (HA)
SprinkleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3656) (HA)
StoleyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3657) (HA)
Tanaris Flame Warden (A)
Time Watcher (HA)
Treasure Hunting Buccaneer (HA)
Uldum Pedestal
Warleader Krazzilak (HA)
Wastewander Scofflaw (HA)
Wrinkle GoodsteelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3658) (HA)
Zalashji (HA)

AlurmiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3659) (HA)
Andre Firebeard (HA)
Bera StonehammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3660) (HA)
Bone Witch
Caliph Scorpidsting (HA)
Centipaar Tunneler (HA)
Cyclok the Mad (HA)
Don CarlosWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3661) (HA)
Dunemaul Ogre (HA)
Elder Dreamseer (HA)
Fire Roc (HA)
GalgromWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3662) (HA)
Glasshide Gazer (HA)
Greater Anubisath Warbringer (HA)
Gusting Vortex (HA)
Hazzali Sandreaver (HA)
Hazzali Wasp (HA)
JabbeyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3663) (HA)
Kregg Keelhaul (HA)
Living Storm (HA)
Max Luna (HA)
Mux ManascramblerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3664) (HA)
O'Reily (HA)
Prospector Gunstan (HA)
Quinn (HA)
Riding Raptor (HA)
Rumsen Fizzlebrack (HA)
Scorpid Duneburrower (HA)
Searing Roc (HA)
Silithid Swarm (HA)
Southsea Dock Worker (HA)
Southsea Swashbuckler (HA)
Starving Blisterpaw (HA)
Stone Watcher of Norgannon (HA)
Thistleshrub Dew Collector (HA)
ToogaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3665) (HA)
Treasure Hunting Pirate (HA)
VizzklickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3666) (HA)
Wastewander Assassin (HA)
Wastewander Shadow Mage (HA)
YarleyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3667) (HA)


Terokkar Forest

"Captain" Kaftiz (HA)
Acolyte of Earth (HA)
Aeman Brightsong (A)
Allerian Defender (HA)
Anchorite EnshamWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3734) (HA)
Artificer MorphaliusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3735) (HA)
Auchenai Initiate (HA)
Bar TaletWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3736) (H)
Bone Crawler (HA)
Bonelasher (HA)
Cabal Abjurist (HA)
Cabal Skirmisher (HA)
Captive Child
Chief Archaeologist LetollWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3737) (HA)
Dampscale Basilisk (HA)
Dealer TariqWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3738) (HA)
Disciple of Sar'this (HA)
Draenei Tomb Guardian
DwarfowitzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3739) (HA)
Enslaved Doomguard
Ethereal Nethermancer (HA)
Exorcist VaishaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3740) (HA)
Fel Orc Plans
Firewing Defender (HA)
Forest Strider (HA)
Gezzarak the Huntress (HA)
Gordunni Soulreaper (HA)
Grek (H)
Guardian of the Falcon (HA)
Hathyss the Wicked (HA)
Horvon the ArmorerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3741) (HA)
Innkeeper BiribiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3742) (A)
Ironspine Petrifier (HA)
Karrog (HA)
Kirrik the AwakenedWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3743) (HA)
LakotaeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3744) (HA)
Levixus (HA)
Lithic Oracle (HA)
Lower City Healer (HA)
MalukazWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3745) (H)
MekedaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3746) (HA)
Mokasa (H)
Naphthal'ar (HA)
Okrek (HA)
RakoriaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3747) (H)
Reanimated Exarch (HA)
Rotting Forest-Rager (HA)
RuogoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3748) (HA)
Scorpid Bonecrawler (HA)
Sergeant ChawniWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3749) (HA)
Shadowstalker KaideWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3750) (HA)
Shadowy Initiate (HA)
Shalassi Talonguard (HA)
Shienor Talonite (HA)
Skettis Assassin (HA)
Skettis Surger (HA)
Skithian Dreadhawk (HA)
Sky Sergeant DorynWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3751) (HA)
Skyguard Navigator (HA)
Slaag (HA)
Soot (A)
Spirit Sage ZranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3752) (A)
Stonebreaker Peon (HA)
Talonpriest Ishaal (HA)
Tavgren's Kodo (HA)
Terokkar Forest Flame Warden (A)
Thadok (H)
Timber Worg (HA)
Time-Lost Skettis Worshipper (HA)
TragWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3753) (H)
Unliving Draenei
Vengeful Harbinger (HA)
Wanted Poster
Warped Peon (HA)
Wrekt Warrior (HA)

"Slim"WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3754) (HA)
Acolyte of Fire (HA)
Aimi (HA)
Allerian Horseman (HA)
AndarlWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3755) (A)
Ashkaz (HA)
Auchenai Warrior (HA)
BertelmWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3756) (A)
Bone Sifter (HA)
Boulderfist Invader (HA)
Cabal Agent
Cabal Spell-weaver (HA)
Caravan Defender (HA)
Clarissa (HA)
Dampscale Devourer (HA)
Deathskitter (HA)
Dod'ssWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3757) (H)
Dread Relic Thrall (HA)
Earthbinder TavgrenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3758) (HA)
Erick Nateson (A)
Ethereal Plunderer (HA)
Explorers' League Researcher (HA)
Field Commander MahfuunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3759) (HA)
Firewing Warlock (HA)
Freed Sha'tar Warrior (HA)
Gordunni Back-Breaker (HA)
Gralga (H)
Grek's Riding Wolf (H)
Guardian of the Hawk (HA)
HazzikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3760) (HA)
Human Refugee (HA)
Innkeeper GrilkaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3761) (H)
IsfarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3762) (HA)
Keb'ezil (H)
Kugnar (H)
LeassianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3763) (A)
Lieutenant GravelhammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3764) (A)
Lithic Talonguard (HA)
Lower City Operative (HA)
Mamdy the "Ologist" (HA)
Miihi (HA)
Monstrous Kaliri (HA)
Netherweb Victim (HA)
Old Man BarloWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3765) (HA)
Ramdor the MadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3766) (HA)
Redeemed Hatchling (HA)
Royal Teromoth
SahaakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3767) (HA)
Scout NavrinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3768) (HA)
SeverinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3769) (HA)
Shadowy Advisor (HA)
Shadowy Laborer (HA)
Sharth Voldoun (HA)
Shienor Wing Guard (HA)
Skettis Kaliri (HA)
Skettis Talonite (HA)
Skithian Windripper (HA)
Skyguard Ace (HA)
Skyguard Nether Ray (HA)
Slain Auchenai Warrior
Spirit of Exarch Maladaar (HA)
Spy Grik'thaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3770) (HA)
Stonegazer (HA)
Talonpriest Skizzik (HA)
Teribus the Cursed (HA)
Terokkar Wolf Spirit (H)
ThanderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3771) (A)
Timber Worg Alpha (HA)
TookiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3772) (H)
Tuurem Hunter (HA)
Urdak (HA)
Vengeful Husk (HA)
Warden TreelosWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3773) (HA)
Wood Mite (HA)

Accursed Apparition (HA)
Acolyte of Water (HA)
Akkarai Hatchling (HA)
Allerian Peasant (A)
Anzuli Hatchling (HA)
Auchenai Death-Speaker (HA)
AundroWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3774) (HA)
Blackwind Sabercat (HA)
Bonechewer Backbreaker (HA)
Broken Corpse (HA)
Cabal Initiate (HA)
Cabal Tomb-Raider (HA)
Cecil MeyersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3775) (A)
Commander Ra'vajWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3776) (HA)
Darkscreecher Akkarai (HA)
Deathtalon Spirit (HA)
Doomsayer Jurim (HA)
Dreadfang Lurker (HA)
Eckert (A)
EthanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3777) (HA)
Evoker of Sar'this (HA)
Fabian LanzonelliWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3778) (A)
Firewing Bloodwarder (HA)
Flawless Arcane Elemental (HA)
Furnan SkysoarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3779) (A)
Gordunni Elementalist (HA)
Great Elite Elekk (HA)
GrellaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3780) (HA)
Ha'leiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3781) (HA)
High Elf Ranger (HA)
Infested Root-Walker (HA)
Ironjaw (HA)
Isla StarmaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3782) (HA)
KernaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3783) (H)
KurgatokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3784) (H)
Leeli LonghaggleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3785) (A)
Lieutenant MeridianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3786) (HA)
Lost Spirit (HA)
Luanga the Imprisoner (HA)
Mature Bone Sifter (HA)
Miiji (HA)
MorulaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3787) (HA)
Nexus-Prince HaramadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3788) (HA)
Private WeeksWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3789) (HA)
Razorthorn Flayer (HA)
RokagWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3790) (H)
Ru'zah (H)
Sand Gnome (HA)
Scout NeftisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3791) (HA)
Sha'tar Vindicator (HA)
Shadowy Executioner (HA)
Shadowy Summoner (HA)
Shattrath Refugee (HA)
Shimmerscale Eel (HA)
Skettis Refugee (HA)
Skettis Windwalker (HA)
SkraaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3792) (HA)
Skyguard Handler (HA)
Skyguard PrisonerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3793) (HA)
Slain Sha'tar Vindicator
Spirit Raven (HA)
Stonebreaker Grunt (HA)
Supply Officer MillsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3794) (A)
Talonpriest Zellek (HA)
Terokk (HA)
Terokkarantula (HA)
Theine Brightsong (A)
Time-Lost Skettis High Priest (HA)
Torgos (HA)
Tuurem Scavenger (HA)
Vakkiz the Windrager (HA)
Vicious Teromoth (HA)
Warp Hunter (HA)
Wounded Sha'tar Vindicator (HA)

Acolyte of Air (HA)
Advisor FailaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3795) (H)
AkunoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3796) (HA)
Alluvion (HA)
Arthorn's SparrowhawkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3797)
Auchenai Doomsayer (HA)
Ayit (HA)
Blackwind Warp Chaser (HA)
Bonechewer Devastator (HA)
Broken Skeleton (HA)
Cabal Interrogator (HA)
Captain Auric Sunchaser (A)
Cenarion Sparrowhawk
Crippler (HA)
David WayneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3798) (HA)
Decrepit Clefthoof
Draenei Pilgrim (HA)
Dreadfang Widow (HA)
EmpoorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3799) (HA)
Ethereal Arcanist (HA)
Exorcist SullivanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3800) (A)
Fallen Druid (HA)
Firewing Courier (HA)
Floon (HA)
Gardok Ripjaw (H)
Gordunni Head-Splitter (HA)
Greatfather AldrimusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3801) (HA)
Guardian of the Eagle (HA)
Hai'shulud (HA)
High Priest OrglumWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3802) (HA)
Injured Sha'tar Vindicator (HA)
Ironspine Chomper (HA)
Jenai StarwhisperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3803) (A)
KilrathWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3804) (HA)
Lady Dena KennedyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3805) (A)
Lemla Hopewing (A)
Lisaile Fireweaver (HA)
Lost Torranche (HA)
Malevolent Hatchling (HA)
Mawg GrimshotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3806) (H)
Minion of Sar'this (HA)
Mug'gok (HA)
OakunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3807) (HA)
Provisioner TsaaltWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3808) (HA)
Razorthorn Ravager (HA)
Ros'elethWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3809) (A)
RungorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3810) (H)
Sar'this (HA)
Screeching Spirit (HA)
Shadowmaster Grieve (HA)
Shadowy Hunter (HA)
Shalassi Oracle (HA)
Shienor Sorcerer (HA)
Siflaed ColdhammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3811) (HA)
Skettis Soulcaller (HA)
Skettis Wing Guard (HA)
Sky Commander AdarisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3812) (HA)
Skyguard Handler DeesakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3813) (HA)
SkywingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3814) (HA)
SoolaveenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3815) (HA)
Spirit Sage GartokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3816) (H)
Stonebreaker Guard (A)
Taela EverstrideWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3817) (A)
Talonsworn Forest-Rager (HA)
Terokkar Forest Flame Keeper (H)
Theloria ShadecloakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3818) (HA)
Time-Lost Skettis Reaver (HA)
Trachela (HA)
Unkor the Ruthless (HA)
Vengeful Draenei (HA)
Vindicator HaylenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3819) (HA)
Warp Stalker (HA)
Wrekt Seer (HA)

The Barrens

Acolyte Fenrick (HA)
Affray Challenger (HA)
Ambassador Bloodrage (HA)
Azzere the Skyblade (H)
Bael'dun Officer (HA)
BargWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3820) (HA)
Barrens Kodo
BragokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3821) (HA)
Bristleback Hunter (HA)
Burning Blade Toxicologist (H)
Captain Gerogg Hammertoe (H)
Control ConsoleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3822)
Deviate Coiler (HA)
Devouring Ectoplasm (HA)
Dishu (H)
Echeyakee (HA)
Elder Windtotem (HA)
Explosive Sheep (HA)
Feegly the ExiledWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3823) (HA)
Foreman Silixiz (H)
Gann StonespireWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3824) (HA)
GazrogWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3825) (HA)
Gilthares FireboughWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3826) (HA)
Greater Barrens Kodo
Grimble (HA)
Grunt LogmarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3827) (H)
Halija WhitestriderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3828) (H)
Hecklefang Hyena (HA)
Herald of Thrall
Horde Elite (HA)
HraqWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3829) (HA)
Innkeeper ByulaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3830) (H)
Isha Awak (HA)
Jaxxil SparksWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3831)
KadrakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3832) (H)
Kelm HargunthWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3833) (H)
KilxxWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3834) (HA)
Kolkar Bloodcharger (HA)
Kolkar Packhound (HA)
KorranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3835) (HA)
Kuz (HA)
Liv RizzlefixWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3836) (HA)
Lost Barrens Kodo
Makaba FlathoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3837) (HA)
MankrikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3838) (HA)
Menara VoidrenderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3839) (HA)
Minor Silithid Flayer (H)
Muck Frenzy (HA)
Okla (H)
Owatanka (HA)
Polly (H)
Qiraji Lieutenant (H)
RanikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3840) (HA)
Razorfen Servitor (HA)
Razormane Hunter (HA)
Razormane Stalker (HA)
Razormane Wolf (HA)
Ruga RagetotemWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3841) (H)
Savannah Highmane (HA)
Savannah Prowler (HA)
Sickly Gazelle
Silithid Grub (HA)
Sister Rathtalon (HA)
Southsea Brigand (HA)
SputtervalveWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3842) (HA)
Strahad FarsanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3843) (HA)
Sunscale Scytheclaw (HA)
Takar the SeerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3844) (HA)
Taskmaster Fizzule (HA)
Theramore Marine (HA)
Thun'grim FiregazeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3845) (H)
Thunderstomp (HA)
TraughWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3846) (HA)
UzzekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3847) (H)
Venture Co. Enforcer (HA)
Venture Co. Patroller (H)
Vrang WildgoreWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3848) (H)
Wenikee BoltbucketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3849) (HA)
Witchwing Roguefeather (HA)
Wooly Kodo
YonadaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3850) (H)
Zhevra Runner

Acolyte MagazWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3851) (HA)
Affray Spectator (HA)
Ambassador Malcin (HA)
Babagaya ShadowcleftWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3852) (HA)
Bael'dun Rifleman (HA)
Baron Longshore (HA)
Beaten Corpse (HA)
Brewmaster DrohnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3853) (HA)
Bristleback Thornweaver (HA)
Burning Blade Acolyte (HA)
Cannoneer Smythe (H)
Captain Shatterskull (H)
Crane Operator BigglefuzzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3854) (HA)
Deviate Coiler Hatchling (HA)
DevrakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3855) (HA)
Doan KarhanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3856) (HA)
Elder High Mountain (HA)
Engineer Whirleygig (HA)
Falla SagewindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3857) (HA)
Flame EaterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3858) (HA)
Fuzruckle (HA)
Gargok (H)
General Twinbraid (HA)
Goblin CommonerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3859) (HA)
Greater Plainstrider
GrubWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3860) (H)
Guard Kurall (HA)
Hannah Bladeleaf (HA)
Hecklefang Snarler (HA)
Hezrul Bloodmark (HA)
Horde Guard (HA)
Hula'mahiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3861) (HA)
Innkeeper WileyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3862) (HA)
Ishamuhale (H)
JazzikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3863) (HA)
Kalyimah StormcloudWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3864) (H)
KelsuwaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3865) (H)
Kirge SternhornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3866) (H)
Kolkar Invader (HA)
Kolkar Stormer (HA)
Kranal FissWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3867) (H)
LizzarikWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3868) (HA)
Mad Magglish (HA)
Malgin Barleybrew (H)
Marcus Bel (HA)
Might of Kalimdor Grunt
Minor Water Guardian (A)
Mupsi Shacklefridd (HA)
Nak (HA)
Omusa ThunderhornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3869) (H)
Peon (HA)
Pooka (HA)
Qiraji Lieutenant Jo-rel (H)
Ratchet Bruiser (HA)
Razorfen Thornweaver (HA)
Razormane Mystic (H)
Razormane Thornweaver (HA)
ReggifuzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3870) (HA)
Sanuye RunetotemWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3871) (H)
Savannah Huntress (HA)
Seereth StonebreakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3872) (HA)
SikwaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3873) (H)
Silithid Harvester (H)
Slimeshell Makrura (HA)
Southsea Cannoneer (HA)
Stonearm (H)
Summoned Felhunter (HA)
Supervisor Lugwizzle (HA)
Takk the Leaper (HA)
Tatternack SteelforgeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3874) (H)
Theramore Preserver (HA)
Thunderhawk Cloudscraper (HA)
Tinkerer Sniggles (HA)
Trok (HA)
Vazario LinkgreaseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3875) (HA)
Venture Co. Lookout (H)
Venture Co. Peon (HA)
Wandering Barrens Giraffe
Wharfmaster DizzywigWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3876) (HA)
Witchwing Slayer (HA)
WrahkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3877) (H)
ZarghWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3878) (H)
Zikkel (HA)

Acolyte WytulaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3879) (HA)
Agro 7
Apothecary HelbrimWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3880) (HA)
Bael'dun Excavator (HA)
Bael'dun Soldier (HA)
Barrens Giraffe
Big Will (HA)
BrineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3881) (H)
Bristleback Water Seeker (HA)
Burning Blade Bruiser (HA)
Cannoneer Whessan (H)
Captain Thalo'thas BrightsunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3882) (HA)
Darsok SwiftdaggerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3883) (H)
Deviate Creeper (HA)
Dig Rat
DranhWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3884) (H)
Elder Moonwarden (HA)
Erk (HA)
Faltering Silithid Flayer (H)
Fleeting Plainstrider
GagsprocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3885) (HA)
Geopriest Gukk'rok (H)
Grand Foreman Puzik Gallywix (H)
Greater Thunderhawk (HA)
Gruk (H)
Guard Taruc (H)
Harvester Swarm (H)
Hecklefang Stalker (HA)
Horde Axe Thrower (HA)
Horde Laborer (H)
Humar the Pridelord (HA)
IronzarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3886) (HA)
Islen WaterseerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3887) (HA)
Jorb (HA)
Kargal BattlescarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3888) (HA)
KiknikleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3889) (HA)
Klannoc MacleodWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3890) (HA)
Kolkar Marauder (HA)
Kolkar Stormseer (HA)
Kreenig Snarlsnout (H)
Lanti'gah (HA)
Lok Orcbane (H)
MahaniWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3891) (H)
MangletoothWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3892) (H)
Matero ZeshuwalWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3893) (HA)
Might of Kalimdor Shaman (H)
Mogg (HA)
Mutated Venture Co. Drone (H)
Nargal DeatheyeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3894) (HA)
Ornery Plainstrider (HA)
Pilot Wizzlecrank (HA)
Prairie Dog
Qiraji Officer (H)
Rathorian (HA)
Razormane Defender (HA)
Razormane Pathfinder (HA)
Razormane Warfrenzy (HA)
Regthar DeathgateWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3895) (HA)
Sarilus Foulborne (HA)
Savannah Matriarch (HA)
Serena Bloodfeather (HA)
Silithid Creeper (HA)
Silithid Protector (H)
Sludge Beast (H)
Southsea Cutthroat (HA)
Stormhide (HA)
Sunscale Lashtail (HA)
Tarban HearthgrainWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3896) (HA)
Tazan (HA)
Thora Feathermoon (HA)
Thunderhawk Hatchling (HA)
TinkerwizWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3897) (HA)
Twiggy Flathead (HA)
Venture Co. Drone (HA)
Venture Co. Mercenary (HA)
Verog the Dervish (H)
Warlord Krom'zar (H)
Witchwing Ambusher (HA)
Witchwing Windcaller (HA)
Wrenix the WretchedWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3898) (HA)
Zhevra Charger
ZizzekWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3899) (HA)

Aean Swiftriver (HA)
Ak'ZelothWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3900) (HA)
Arctic Riding Wolf (HA)
Bael'dun Foreman (HA)
Barak Kodobane (H)
Barrens Guard (HA)
Boss Copperplug (HA)
Bristleback Geomancer (HA)
Brokespear (HA)
Burning Blade Crusher (HA)
Captain Fairmount (H)
Cloned Ectoplasm (HA)
Death's Head Cultist (HA)
Deviate Stalker (HA)
Digger Flameforge (H)
DuhngWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3901) (H)
Elder Mystic Razorsnout (H)
Eroded Anubisath Warbringer (H)
Fang (H)
Foreman Grills (HA)
GahrootWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3902) (H)
GazloweWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3903) (HA)
Gesharahan (HA)
GrazlixWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3904) (HA)
Grenthar (HA)
Grunt DogranWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3905) (H)
Hagg Taurenbane (HA)
Hecht CopperpinchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3906) (H)
Heggin Stonewhisker (H)
Horde Defender (HA)
Horde WarbringerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3907) (HA)
Innkeeper Boorand PlainswindWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3908) (HA)
Isaac Pearson
Jahan HawkwingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3909) (H)
Jorn SkyseerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3910) (H)
Karu (H)
Kil'halaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3911) (H)
Koiter (H)
Kolkar Pack Runner (HA)
Kolkar Wrangler (HA)
Krulmoo FullmoonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3912) (H)
LarhkaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3913) (H)
Lord Cyrik Blackforge (H)
Mahren SkyseerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3914) (HA)
Manifestation of Water (HA)
Mebok MizzyrixWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3915) (HA)
Minor Anubisath Warbringer (H)
Moorane HearthgrainWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3916) (H)
Myriam MoonsingerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3917) (HA)
Oasis Snapjaw (HA)
Overseer Glibby (HA)
PizznukleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3918) (H)
Prospector Khazgorm (H)
Qiraji Officer Zod
Razorfen Battleguard (HA)
Razormane Geomancer (HA)
Razormane Seer (HA)
Razormane Water Seeker (HA)
Rocklance (HA)
Savannah Cub (HA)
Savannah Patriarch (HA)
Sergra DarkthornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3919) (HA)
Silithid Creeper Egg (HA)
Silithid Swarmer (HA)
Snort the Heckler (HA)
Southsea Privateer (HA)
Stormsnout (HA)
Sunscale Screecher (HA)
Swinegart Spearhide (H)
Tari'qaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3920) (HA)
The Barrens Flame Keeper (H)
ThorkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3921) (HA)
Thunderhead (HA)
Tonga RunetotemWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3922) (H)
UthrokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3923) (H)
Venture Co. Drudger (HA)
Venture Co. Overseer (HA)
VexspindleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3924) (HA)
Washte Pawne (HA)
Witchwing Harpy (HA)
Wizzlecrank's ShredderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (3925) (HA)
Wrenix's Gizmotronic Apparatus (HA)
Zhevra Courser

The Deadmines

The Exodar

The Hinterlands

The Scarlet Enclave

The Stockade

The Storm Peaks

"Honest" Max
Apothecary Maple
Astrid BjornrittarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4041)
Bloodguard LorgaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4042)
Brann's Flying Machine
Brunnhildar Bearhandler
Brunnhildar Warmaiden
Captive Proto-Drake
Chieftain SwiftspearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4043)
Corpse of the Fallen Worg
Dagni OregleamWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4044)
Dead Icemaw Bear
Disturbed Taunka Ancestor
Earthen Defender
Fallen Earthen Defender
Frost Giant Stormherald
Frostfeather Screecher
Fylla Ingadottir
Goblin Prisoner
Grillix BonesawWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4045)
Hapanu Coldwind
Hodir\'s Spear
Hyldsmeet Drakerider
Ice Steppe Rhino
Icemaw Bear
Injured Goblin MinerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4046)
Iron Dwarf Assailant
Iva the VengefulWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4047)
K3 Bruiser
Lok'lira the CroneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4048)
Mechagnome Attendant
Nascent Val'kyr
NjormeldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4049)
Overseer Narvir
Ravaged Cavedweller Worg
RicketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4050) (H)
Rutner Steelpick
Scion of Storm
Sifreldar Storm Maiden
SloshWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4051)
Snowblind Digger
Stoic Mammoth
Stormforged Amplifier
Stormforged Infiltrator
Stormforged Monitor
Stormforged Reaver
Stormforged Tracker
Stormpeak Hatchling
The Guardian's ChargeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4052)
Thyra KvinnshalWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4053)
Tracker Thulin
Valduran the Stormborn
Wailing Winds
Xark BolthammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4054)

Agnetta Tyrsdottar
Archaeologist AndorinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4055)
Boktar BloodfuryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4056)
Breck Rockbrow
Brunnhildar Challenger
Bruor IronbaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4057)
Captive Vrykul
Column Ornament
CreteusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4058)
Danho Farcloud
Dead Iron Giant
Dolomite Giant
Earthen Elite
Eternal Watcher
Fjorlin FrostbrowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4059)
Frostfeather Witch
GinoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4060)
Goblin Sapper
Gunda Boldhammer
Harpoon Crate
Horgoru the CollectorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4061)
Hyldsmeet Proto-Drake
Icebound Revenant
Icetip Crawler
Injured Icemaw Matriarch
Iron Dwarf Magus
Kabarg Windtamer
LagnusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4062)
Lorekeeper RandvirWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4063)
Mechagnome Laborer
Niffelem Forefather
Overseer Syra
Ravenous Jormungar
Roaming Jormungar
Savage Hill Brute
Seething Revenant
Sigdis the TraderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4064)
Smilin' Slirk BrassknobWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4065)
Snowblind Follower
Stormcrest Eagle
Stormforged Artificer
Stormforged Iron Giant
Stormforged Pillager
Stormforged Saboteur
Stormforged War Golem
Stormpeak Wyrm
The Iron Watcher
Tore RumblewrenchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4066)
Tracker Val'zijWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4067)
Valkyrion Aspirant
Victorious Challenger
Warsmith SigfinnaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4068)
Yorg StormheartWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4069)

Ancient Sentinel
Archivist Mechaton
Attendant Tock
Bouldercrag the RockshaperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4070)
BrijanaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4071)
Brunnhildar Prisoner
CalderWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4072)
Cavedweller Worg
Copperpot Goon
Crystalweb Spitter
Dargum HammerdeepWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4073)
Dim Flathoof
Drom FrostgripWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4074)
Earthen Ironbane
Exhausted Vrykul
Frostborn Axemaster
Garm Invader
Glorthal StiffbeardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4075)
Gretchen FizzlesparkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4076)
Halefnir the Windborn
Hodir\'s Helm
Hyeyoung Parka
Hyldsmeet Warbear
Image of the North Wind
Inventor\'s Library Console
Iron Sentinel
Jeer SparksocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4077)
KhaliisiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4078)
Library Guardian
MagornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4079)
Mildred the CruelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4080)
Niffelem Frost Giant
Olut AlegutWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4081)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4082)
Peon Gakra
Restless Frostborn Ghost
Rork SharpchinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4083)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4084)
Savage Hill Mystic
Shavalius the Fancy
Sirana Iceshriek
Snowdrift Jormungar
Stormcrest Hatchling
Stormforged Champion
Stormforged Loreseeker
Stormforged Pursuer
Stormforged Soldier
Stormforged Warmonger
The North Wind
Tormar Frostgut
Tundra Ram
Valkyrion Harpoon Gun
Viscous Oil
Wild Wyrm
Yulda the Stormspeaker

Andurg Slatechest
Arngrim the Insatiable
Blighted Proto-Drake
Brann Bronzebeard
Brittle Revenant
Brunnhildar Warbear
Captive Mechagnome
Chester CopperpotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4085)
Corig the CunningWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4086)
Crystalweb Weaver
Duronn the Runewrought
Earthen Stoneguard
Faldorf Bitterchill
Fjorn\'s Anvil
Frostborn Scout
Frostworg DenmotherWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4087)
Garm Watcher
Gretta the ArbiterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4088)
Hodir\'s Horn
Hyldnir Overseer
Ice Steppe Bull
Icemane Yeti
Infesting Jormungar
Iron Colossus
Ironwool Mammoth
King JokkumWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4089)
LillehoffWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4090)
Marksman UdabuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4091)
Moteha Windborn WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4092)
Nilika BlastbeakerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4093)
OntakWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4094)
Plip FatpurseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4095)
Restless Frostborn Warrior
Roxi RamrocketWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4096)
Savage Hill Scavenger
Sifreldar Runekeeper
Skizzle Slickslide
Snowblind Devotee
Son of Hodir
Stormforged Ambusher
Stormforged Eradicator
Stormforged Magus
Stormforged Raider
Stormforged Taskmaster
Stormhoof's Spirit
Tamed Jormungar
Torseg the Exiled
Tunka'lo Brave
Velog Icebellow
Wabada WhiteflowerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4097)
XarantaurWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4098)

The Temple of Atal'Hakkar

Thousand Needles

Thunder Bluff

Tirisfal Glades

Abe WintersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4241) (H)
Apothecary DithersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4242) (HA)
Argent Defender (HA)
Bardu Sharpeye (HA)
Bleeding Horror (HA)
Brown Skeletal Horse (H)
Captain Melrache (H)
Captured Scarlet Zealot (H)
Clyde KellenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4243) (HA)
Crewman Coilspan
Dannal SternWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4244) (H)
Darkeye Bonecaster (HA)
Deathguard Bartrand (H)
Deathguard Elite (HA)
Deathguard Lawrence (H)
Deathguard Mort (HA)
Deathguard Royann (H)
Decrepit Darkhound (HA)
Executor ZygandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4245) (H)
Fellicent's Shade (HA)
Green Skeletal Warhorse (H)
Hamlin AtkinsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4246) (HA)
Hungering Dead (HA)
Joshua KienWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4247) (H)
Lieutenant Sanders (H)
Magistrate SevrenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4248) (H)
Martine TramblayWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4249) (HA)
Meven Korgal (H)
Mrs. WintersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4250) (HA)
Nissa Agamand (H)
Purple Skeletal Warhorse (H)
Rattlecage Skeleton
Ravishing Betrayer
Rot Hide Graverobber (HA)
Rupert BochWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4251) (H)
Scarlet Bodyguard (H)
Scarlet Initiate (H)
Scarlet Preserver (HA)
Scarlet Zealot (HA)
Shambling Horror (HA)
Stephen Bhartec
Tirisfal Farmer (HA)
Ulag the Cleaver (H)
Vampiric Duskbat (HA)
Vicious Night Web Spider (HA)
Vol'jinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4252)
Wickerman Guardian (HA)
Yvette Farthing (H)

Abigail ShielWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4253) (H)
Apothecary JohaanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4254) (H)
Argent Officer Garush (HA)
Bayne (H)
Blue Skeletal Horse (H)
Cain FiresongWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4255) (H)
Captain Perrine (H)
Caretaker Caice (H)
Coleman FarthingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4256) (H)
Crewman Spinwheel
Dark Cleric BerylWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4257) (H)
David TriasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4258) (H)
Deathguard BurgessWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4259) (H)
Deathguard Florence (H)
Deathguard LinneaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4260) (HA)
Deathguard Oliver (H)
Deathguard SaltainWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4261) (H)
Deeb (H)
Elder Graveborn (HA)
Farmer Solliden (H)
Gina LangWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4262) (H)
Gregor Agamand (H)
Harold RaimsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4263) (H)
Innkeeper ReneeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4264) (H)
Junior Apothecary HollandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4265) (H)
Lillith Nefara (H)
Mangy Duskbat
MaximillionWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4266) (H)
Mickey LevineWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4267) (HA)
Muad (H)
Novice ElrethWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4268) (H)
Ragged Scavenger
Rattlecage Soldier (HA)
Red Skeletal Horse (H)
Rot Hide Mongrel (H)
Sahvan Bloodshadow (H)
Scarlet Convert (H)
Scarlet Magician (HA)
Scarlet Scout (HA)
Selina WestonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4269) (HA)
Shelene RhobartWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4270) (HA)
The Banshee Queen (H)
Tirisfal Farmhand (HA)
Undercity Reveler (HA)
Vance UndergloomWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4271) (H)
Vile Fin Minor Oracle (HA)
Wailing Ancestor (H)
Wretched Ghoul
Zachariah PostWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4272) (H)

Ageron KargalWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4273) (H)
Archibald KavaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4274) (H)
Argent Quartermaster HasanaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4275) (HA)
Black Skeletal Horse
Bowen BrisboiseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4276) (H)
Calvin MontagueWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4277) (H)
Captain Vachon (H)
Carolai AniseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4278) (H)
Constance BrisboiseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4279) (H)
Cursed Darkhound (HA)
Dark Cleric DuestenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4280) (H)
Deathguard Abraham (HA)
Deathguard Cyrus (H)
Deathguard Gavin (H)
Deathguard Lundmark (HA)
Deathguard Phillip (H)
Deathguard SimmerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4281) (H)
Devlin Agamand (H)
Eliza CallenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4282) (H)
FaruzaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4283) (H)
GordoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4284) (HA)
Gretchen DedmarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4285) (H)
High Executor DerringtonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4286) (HA)
IsabellaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4287) (H)
Karrel Grayves
Lost Soul (H)
Maquell Ebonwood (H)
Meefi Farthrottle
Mindless Zombie
Night Web Matriarch (H)
Nurse NeelaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4288) (H)
Rand RhobartWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4289) (HA)
Ravaged Corpse (HA)
Ressan the Needler (H)
Rotting Ancestor (H)
Samuel Fipps
Scarlet Disciple (HA)
Scarlet Missionary (HA)
Scarlet Vanguard (HA)
Shadow Priest SarvisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4290) (H)
Sky-Captain Cryoflight
Thomas Arlento (H)
Tirisfal Glades Flame Keeper (H)
Undertaker MordoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4291) (H)
Velma WarnamWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4292) (H)
Vile Fin Muckdweller (HA)
Wandering Spirit (HA)
Young Night Web Spider
Zapetta (HA)

Alexi BarovWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4293) (HA)
Ardo Dirtpaw
Austil de MonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4294) (H)
Blacksmith RandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4295) (H)
Broll BearmantleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4296)
Captain Dargol (H)
Captured Mountaineer (H)
Claire Willower (H)
Cracked Skull Soldier (H)
Daniel Ulfman
Darkcaller YankaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4297) (HA)
Deathguard Bartholomew (H)
Deathguard DillingerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4298) (H)
Deathguard Kel (H)
Deathguard Morris (H)
Deathguard Randolph (H)
Deathguard TorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4299) (H)
Doreen Beltis (H)
Executor ArrenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4300) (H)
Felguard Marauder
Greater Duskbat
Gunther ArcanusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4301) (H)
Hin Denburg (HA)
Jamie Nore (H)
Kayla SmitheWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4302) (H)
Maggot Eye (H)
Marion CallWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4303) (H)
Mehlar DawnbladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4304) (HA)
MorganusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4305) (H)
Night Web Spider (H)
Oliver DworWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4306) (H)
Ratslin Maime (H)
Ravenous Darkhound (HA)
Rot Hide Gnoll (HA)
Rotting Dead (HA)
Scarlet Augur (HA)
Scarlet Friar (HA)
Scarlet Neophyte (HA)
Scarlet Warrior (HA)
Shadow Priestess VandisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4307) (HA)
Sri'skulk (H)
Thurman Agamand (H)
Tormented Spirit (H)
Valeera Sanguinar
Venya MarthandWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4308) (H)
Vile Fin Puddlejumper (H)
Werg ThickbladeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4309) (HA)
Young Scavenger


Un'Goro Crater


Abigail SawyerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4332) (H)
AlgernonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4333) (H)
Andrew BrownellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4334) (H)
Anya MaulrayWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4335) (H)
Apothecary Keever (H)
ArchibaldWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4336) (H)
Auctioneer Epitwee (H)
Auctioneer Stockton (H)
Basil FryeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4337) (H)
Blight Doctor
Brother Malach (H)
Captive Abomination (H)
Carolyn WardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4338) (H)
Chemist CuelyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4339) (H)
Christopher Drakul (H)
Dark Ranger Clea
Doctor MarshWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4340) (H)
Edward (H)
Eldin Partridge (H)
Engorged Blight Worm
Failed Experiment
Felicia DoanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4341) (H)
Forsaken CommonerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4342) (H)
Genavie CallowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4343) (H)
Godrick FarsanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4344) (H)
Grand Apothecary Putress
Hannah AkeleyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4345) (H)
High Overlord Saurfang
Jaycrue CopperpinchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4346) (H)
Jezelle's Felsteed (H)
Jezelle's Voidwalker (H)
Josef GregorianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4347) (H)
Kaelystia HatebringerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4348) (H)
Killian HageyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4349) (H)
Kurden Bloodclaw (HA)
Lavinia CroweWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4350) (H)
Leona Tharpe (H)
Lordaeron Citizen
Luther PickmanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4351) (H)
Male Human Captive (H)
Martha StrainWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4352) (H)
Mennet CarkadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4353) (H)
Millie GregorianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4354) (H)
Nardstrum CopperpinchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4355) (H)
Ophelia Montague (H)
Patrick GarrettWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4356) (H)
Raleigh AndreanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4357) (H)
Reginald Grimsford (H)
Richard Van Brunt (H)
Royal Dreadguard (HA)
Samuel Van BruntWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4358) (H)
Seeker Thompson (HA)
Sergeant Rutger (H)
Sir Malory Wheeler (HA)
Sydney UptonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4359) (H)
Theresa (HA)
Timothy WeldonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4360) (H)
Tyler (H)
Undercity Practice Dummy
Victor WardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4361) (H)
Winifred Kerwin (H)

Adrian Bartlett (H)
Alyssa Blaye (H)
Andrew Hartwell (H)
Apothecary Chemist
Apothecary Lycanus (H)
Armand CromwellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4362) (H)
Auctioneer Leeka (H)
Auctioneer Tricket (H)
Benijah FennerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4363) (H)
Blight Spreader
Caged Dwarf Male (H)
Captive Ghoul (H)
Cedric Stumpel (H)
Chemist FuelyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4364) (H)
Davitt Hickson (H)
Doctor Martin FelbenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4365) (H)
Edward Cairn (H)
Eleanor RuskWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4366) (H)
Estelle Gendry (H)
Father LankesterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4367) (H)
Female Human Captive (H)
Francis EliotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4368) (H)
Geoffrey HartwellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4369) (H)
Gordon WendhamWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4370) (H)
Gregory CharlesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4371) (H)
Harbinger BalthazadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4372) (H)
Highborne Lamenter (H)
Jeremiah PaysonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4373) (H)
Jezelle's Imp
Joanna WhitehallWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4374) (H)
Joseph MooreWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4375) (H)
Katrina AlliestarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4376) (H)
King Varian Wrynn
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
Legion Dreadwhisperer
Lexington MortaimWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4377) (H)
Louis WarrenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4378) (H)
Lyrlia Blackshield (H)
Mara RennickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4379) (H)
Mary EdrasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4380) (H)
Merill PleasanceWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4381) (H)
Mirelle TremayneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4382) (H)
Nathaniel SteenwickWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4383) (H)
Oran SnakewritheWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4384) (H)
Perfidious Dreadlord
Ralston Farnsley (H)
Rex Pixem (H)
Riley Walker (H)
Royal Overseer BauhausWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4385) (H)
Sarah KillianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4386) (H)
Selina Pickman (H)
SharlindraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4387) (HA)
Stormwind Elite
Tawny GrisetteWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4388) (H)
Thersa Windsong (H)
Tirisfal Pink Elekk
Undercity Elite Guardian (H)
Varimathras (HA)
Walter EllingsonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4389) (H)
Zane BradfordWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4390) (H)

AelthalysteWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4391) (H)
Ambassador SunsorrowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4392) (H)
Andron GantWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4393) (H)
Apothecary Collaborator
Apothecary Vallia (H)
Arthur MooreWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4394) (H)
Auctioneer Naxxremis (H)
Auctioneer Yarly (H)
Bethor IceshardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4395) (H)
Boyle (H)
Caged Human Female (H)
Captive Zombie (H)
Champion Cyssa DawnroseWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4396) (H)
Chloe Curthas (H)
Dan GolthasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4397) (H)
Derek the UndyingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4398)
Doomguard Pillager
Edward Remington (H)
Elenia Haydon (H)
Eunice BurchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4399) (H)
Father LazarusWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4400) (H)
Fenstad ArgyleWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4401) (H)
Franklin LloydWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4402) (H)
Gerard Abernathy (H)
Gothard Winslow (H)
Grizzle Halfmane (HA)
Helena Atwood (H)
Innkeeper NormanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4403) (H)
Jezelle Pruitt (H)
Jezelle's Incubus
Jonathan ChambersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4404) (H)
Josephine ListerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4405) (H)
Keeper Bel'dugurWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4406) (H)
Kor'kron Overseer
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner (HA)
Legion Invader
Lieutenant RukagWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4407) (H)
Lucian Fenner (H)
Lysta Bancroft (H)
Marla Fowler (H)
Master Apothecary FaranellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4408) (H)
Michael GarrettWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4409) (H)
Morley BatesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4410) (H)
Nicholas AtwoodWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4411) (H)
Pallid Horror (HA)
Pierce ShackletonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4412) (H)
Randolph Montague (H)
Rhiannon DavisWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4413) (H)
Robert Gossom (H)
Salazar BlochWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4414) (HA)
Seeker Cromwell (HA)
Senior Sergeant GrimsfordWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4415) (H)
Sheldon Von CroyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4416) (H)
Summoned Succubus (HA)
Thaddeus WebbWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4417) (H)
Thomas MordanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4418) (H)
Travist Bosk (H)
Undercity Fireeater (H)
Velora NitelyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4419) (H)
Warsong Battleguard

Alessandro LucaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4420) (H)
Anastasia HartwellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4421) (H)
Angela CurthasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4422) (H)
Apothecary Katrina (H)
Apothecary ZingeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4423) (H)
Auctioneer Cain (H)
Auctioneer Rhyker (H)
Baltus FowlerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4424) (H)
Blight Aberration
Brom KillianWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4425) (H)
Caged Human Male (H)
Carendin HalgarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4426) (H)
Charles SeatonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4427) (H)
Christoph WalkerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4428) (H)
Daniel BartlettWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4429) (H)
Doctor Herbert HalseyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4430) (H)
Edrick Killian (H)
Elder Darkcore (HA)
Elizabeth Van TalenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4431) (H)
Ezekiel GravesWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4432) (H)
Felguard Marauder
Flameshocker (HA)
Ganoosh (H)
Gillian MooreWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4433) (H)
Graham Van TalenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4434) (H)
Gunther's Visage (H)
Hepzibah Sedgewick (H)
James Van BruntWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4435) (H)
Jezelle's Felhunter (H)
Jezelle's Succubus (H)
Jorah AnnisonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4436) (H)
Kaal SoulreaperWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4437) (H)
Khanok the Impassable
Kraxx (H)
Lauren NewcombWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4438) (H)
Legion Overlord
Lizbeth CromwellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4439) (H)
Lucille CastletonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4440) (H)
Malcomb WynnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4441) (H)
Martha AlliestarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4442) (H)
Mattie Alred (H)
Miles DexterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4443)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4444) (H)
Mortimer Montague (H)
Officer Gothena (H)
Parqual FintallasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4445) (H)
Plagued Felbeast
Ravishing Betrayer
Richard KerwinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4446) (H)
Ronald BurchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4447) (H)
Samantha Shackleton (H)
Seeker Nahr (HA)
Sergeant Houser (H)
Silas Zimmer (H)
Susan Tillinghast (H)
Theodore Griffs (H)
Treacherous Guardian
Undercity Guardian (HA)
Victor Bartholomew (H)
William Montague (H)

Wailing Caverns

Warsong Gulch

MontyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4448) (HA)

Western Plaguelands



Adam Lind (HA)
Ashlan StonesmirkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4499) (HA)
Bethaine FlinthammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4500) (HA)
Bluegill Forager (HA)
Bluegill Puddlejumper (HA)
Brak DurnadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4501) (HA)
Captain StoutfistWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4502) (A)
Crimson Ooze (HA)
Dark Iron Demolitionist (HA)
Dark Iron Rifleman (HA)
Dewin ShimmerdawnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4503) (A)
Dragonmaw Centurion (HA)
Dragonmaw Shadowwarder (HA)
Edwina MonzorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4504) (HA)
Fen Creeper (HA)
First Mate FitzsimmonsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4505) (HA)
Fremal DoohickeyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4506) (A)
Glorin SteelbrowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4507) (HA)
Guard ThomasWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4508)
Hargin Mundar (HA)
Highland Raptor (HA)
Intrepid\'s Locked Strongbox
Junder Brokk (A)
Leech Stalker (HA)
Ludin Farrow
Menethil Sentry (HA)
Monstrous Ooze (HA)
Mosshide Gnoll (HA)
Mosshide Trapper (HA)
Mottled Screecher (HA)
Mountaineer Thar (HA)
Neal AllenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4509) (A)
Red Dragonspawn (HA)
Red Wyrmkin (HA)
Ridge Stalker Patriarch
Sarltooth (A)
Shellei BrondirWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4510) (HA)
Spirit HealerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4511) (HA)
Telurinon MoonshadowWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4512) (A)
Unger StatforthWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4513) (A)
Wetlands Crocolisk (HA)
Wyrmkin Firebrand (HA)

Andrea Halloran (A)
Balgaras the Foul (HA)
Black Slime (HA)
Bluegill Murloc (HA)
Bluegill Warrior (HA)
Camerick Jongleur (HA)
Chieftain Nek'rosh (HA)
Cursed Marine (HA)
Dark Iron EntrepreneurWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4527) (HA)
Dark Iron Tunneler (HA)
Dragonmaw Battlemaster (HA)
Dragonmaw Raider (HA)
Druid 15
Elder Razormaw (HA)
Fen Lord (HA)
Flamesnorting Whelp (HA)
Giant Wetlands Crocolisk (HA)
Gobbler (HA)
Half-buried Barrel
Harold RiggsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4528) (HA)
Highland Scytheclaw (HA)
Jennabink PowerseamWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4529) (A)
Kersok ProndWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4530) (A)
Longbraid the GrimWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4531) (HA)
Maiden's Virtue Crewman (HA)
MikhailWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4532) (A)
Mosshide Brute (HA)
Mosshide Mongrel (HA)
Mottled Raptor (HA)
Mountaineer Grugelm (HA)
Murphy West (A)
Prospector WhelgarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4533) (A)
Red Scalebane (HA)
Rethiel the GreenwardenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4534) (HA)
Roggo Harlbarrow (HA)
Scalebane Royal Guard (HA)
Slim's Friend (HA)
Tapoke "Slim" JahnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4535) (HA)
Thomas Booker (A)
Vincent HyalWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4536) (A)
Witherbark Venomblood




"Count" Ungula (HA)
Ango'rosh Mauler (HA)
Ango'rosh Shaman (HA)
Baby Murloc (HA)
Bloodscale Overseer (HA)
Bloodthirsty Marshfang (HA)
Boglash (HA)
Bogstrok Razorclaw (HA)
Captain Krosh (HA)
Chieftain Mummaki (HA)
Daggerfen Assassin (HA)
Darkcrest Siren (HA)
DobaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4589) (A)
Expedition Warden (HA)
Fen Strider (HA)
Feralfen Hunter (HA)
Fungal Giant (HA)
GshaffWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4590) (HA)
Gzhun'ttWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4591) (HA)
Horde Field ScoutWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4592) (HA)
Innkeeper Coryth StoktronWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4593) (HA)
JoraalWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4594) (A)
Kataru (HA)
Khn'nixWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4595) (HA)
Lethyn MoonfireWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4596) (HA)
Mack DiverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4597) (HA)
Marsh Baron Brok (HA)
Marshfang Ripper (HA)
Marshrock Threshalisk (HA)
Mire Hydra (HA)
Msshi'fnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4598) (HA)
MycahWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4599) (HA)
Overlord Gorefist (HA)
Ragestone Threshalisk (HA)
ReavijWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4600) (H)
Scout JyobaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4601) (HA)
Sporelok (HA)
Starving Fungal Giant (HA)
Talut (HA)
Terrorclaw (HA)
Umbrafen Seer (HA)
Unstable Shroom (HA)
Watcher JhangWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4602) (HA)
Withered Bog Lord (HA)
Young Sporebat
Zangarmarsh Flame Warden (A)

Alliance Field ScoutWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4603) (HA)
Ango'rosh Ogre (HA)
Ango'rosh Souleater (HA)
Blacksting (HA)
Bloodscale Sentry (HA)
Bog Lord (HA)
Bogstrok Clacker (HA)
Boss Grog'ak (HA)
Captured GnomeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4604) (H)
Coilfang Emissary (HA)
Daggerfen Muckdweller (HA)
Darkcrest Slaver (HA)
Dreghood Drudge (HA)
FahssnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4605) (HA)
Fenclaw Thrasher (HA)
Feralfen Mystic (HA)
GambarinkaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4606) (H)
Guard Untula (H)
HaalrunWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4607) (A)
Hungry Bog Lord (HA)
Innkeeper KerpWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4608) (A)
Juno DufrainWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4609) (HA)
Kayra LongmaneWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4610) (HA)
Lagoon Eel (HA)
LoolrunaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4611) (A)
MagashaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4612) (H)
Marsh Dredger (HA)
Marshfang Slicer (HA)
Marticar (HA)
Morthis WhisperwingWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4613) (HA)
Mudfin Frenzy (HA)
NakaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4614) (HA)
Parched Hydra (HA)
Ragestone Trampler (HA)
Seer JanidiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4615) (H)
Sporeggar Harvester (HA)
Sporewing (HA)
Steam Pump Overseer (HA)
Tamed Sporebat (HA)
Timothy DanielsWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4616) (A)
Umbrafen Slavebinder (HA)
Vindicator IdaarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4617) (A)
Watcher Leesa'ohWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4618) (HA)
Withered Giant (HA)
Ysiel WindsingerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4619) (HA)
ZuraiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4620) (H)

Anchorite AhuurnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4621) (A)
Ango'rosh Sentry (HA)
Ango'rosh Warlock (HA)
Bloodscale Elemental (HA)
Bloodscale Slavedriver (HA)
Bog Lurker (HA)
Bogstrok Crusher (HA)
Buddy (HA)
Caregiver AbidaarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4622) (A)
Coosh'coosh (HA)
Daggerfen Servant (HA)
Darkcrest Sorceress (HA)
Du'gaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4623) (H)
Farbosi (H)
Fenglow Stinger (HA)
Feralfen Serpent Spirit (HA)
Gur'zilWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4624) (HA)
HaluWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4625) (A)
IkeyenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4626) (HA)
Ironspine Gazer (HA)
K. Lee SmallfryWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4627) (A)
Keleth (HA)
Lagoon Walker (HA)
Lord Klaq (HA)
MaktuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4628) (A)
Marsh Lurker (HA)
Marshlight Bleeder (HA)
MerajitWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4629) (H)
Mortog SteamheadWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4630) (HA)
Muheru the WeaverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4631) (A)
NoraaniWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4632) (A)
Prospector ConallWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4633) (A)
Rajah Haghazed (HA)
RuamWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4634) (A)
Shade of Mal'druk (HA)
Sporeggar Preserver (HA)
Ssslith (HA)
Swamprat Guard (HA)
Tayemba (H)
Umbrafen Eel (HA)
Umbrafen Witchdoctor (HA)
Wanted PosterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4635)
Windcaller BlackhoofWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4636) (HA)
Wrekt Slave (HA)
Zabra'jin Guard (HA)
ZurjayaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4637) (H)

Ango'rosh Brute (HA)
Ango'rosh Shadowmage (HA)
Ashyen (HA)
Bloodscale Enchantress (HA)
Bloodscale Wavecaller (HA)
Bogflare Needler (HA)
Bogstrok Hatchling (HA)
Captain Bo'kar (HA)
Cenarion Storm Crow (HA)
Darkcrest Sentry (HA)
Darkcrest Taskmaster (HA)
Elder Kuruti (HA)
Fedryen SwiftspearWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4638) (HA)
Feralfen Druid (HA)
FhwoorWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4639) (HA)
Greater Sporebat
Hch'uu (HA)
IkutiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4640) (A)
Ironspine Threshalisk (HA)
Kameel LongstrideWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4641) (HA)
KhalanWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4642) (H)
Lauranna Thar'wellWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4643) (HA)
LortiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4644) (H)
Mal'druk the Soulrender (HA)
Marsh Walker (HA)
Marshrock Stomper (HA)
Messenger GazgriggWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4645) (H)
Mragesh (HA)
MunciWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4646) (HA)
Orebor Harborage Defender (HA)
PuluuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4647) (A)
Rajis Fyashe (HA)
Sarinei WhitestarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4648) (HA)
Shadow Hunter DenjaiWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4649) (H)
Sporeggar Spawn (HA)
Starving Bog Lord (HA)
T'shuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4650) (HA)
Telredor Guard (HA)
Umbrafen Oracle (HA)
Umbraglow Stinger (HA)
Warden HamootWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4651) (HA)
Witch Doctor Tor'gashWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4652) (H)
Xeleth (HA)
Zangarmarsh Flame Keeper (H)


Aidan SteeleyeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4653)
Alchemist FinklesteinWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4654)
AnsariWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4655)
Argent Shieldman
Avenger Metz
Banshee Soulclaimer
Bloated Abomination
Caged Geist
Captain RupertWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4656)
Captured Drakkari Scout
Champion of Sseratus
Chronicler To'kiniWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4657) (H)
Co'manWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4658)
Crusade Recruit
Crusader Josephine
Crusader Whathah
DeathdripWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4659)
Dr. RogersWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4660)
Drakkari Corpse
Drakkari Water Binder
Drakuru Raptor
Ebon Watch Guardian
Elemental Rift
Fiend of Air
Footman Hordum
Gundrak Brute
GurgthockWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4661)
Haley CopperturnWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4662)
Hath'ar Necromagus
High Priest Mu'funu
Icetouched Earthrager
Korrak the Bloodrager
Lurking Basilisk
Male Frost Leopard
Nerubian Cocoon
Orinoko Tuskbreaker
Priest of Rhunok
Prophet of Har'koa
Putrid Abomination
Rageclaw Primalist
Reed's Steam Tank
Rotting Abomination
Scourged Argent Footman
Serpent-Touched Berserker
SpikedWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4663)
Sub-Lieutenant JaxWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4664)
Trapdoor Crawler
Vargul Runelord
Witch Doctor KhufuWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4665)
YamunaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4666)
Zim'Torga Defender

Akali Subduer
Algar the Chosen
Apprentice PestlepotWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4667)
Argent Soldier
Blight Geist
Blood of Mam'toth
Captain ArnathWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4668)
Captive Footman
Captured Rageclaw
Chief RageclawWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4669)
Chulo the Mad
Commander FalstaavWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4670)
CorrosionWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4671)
Crusader Brune
Crusader Lamoof
Cursed Offspring of Har'koa
Decaying Ghoul
Drakkari Bear Trapper
Drakkari Native
Drakuru Berserker
Drakuru Raptor Rider
Elizabeth HollingsworthWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4672)
Enraged Mammoth
Fiend of Earth
Frost Leopard
GerkWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4673)
Gorged Lurking Basilisk
Gundrak Fire-eater
GurricWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4674) (H)
Har'koaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4675)
Hath'ar Skimmer
Heb'Jin's Bat
High Priestess Tua-Tua
Jin'Alai Medicine Man
Mam'toth Disciple
NofalWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4676)
Overlord Drakuru
Priest of Sseratus
Prophet of Quetz'lun
SareeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4677)
Sergeant MoonshardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4678)
Servant of Drakuru
Spirit of Quetz'lun
Stefan VaduWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4679) (H)
Vargul Blighthound
Vargul Slayer
Warlord Zol'Maz
Withered Argent Footman
Zul'Drak Bat

Altar Warden
Argent Crusader
Argent Stand Defender
Ba'kariWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4680)
Blightblood Troll
Bloodrose DaturaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4681)
Captain BrandonWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4682)
Captured Champion
Carrion Eater
Chin'ikaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4683)
Claudia BloodravenWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4684)
Commander KunzWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4685)
Crazed Water Spirit
Crusader Dargath
Crusader Lord LantingaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4686)
Danica SaintWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4687) (HA)
Defeated Argent Footman
Drakkari Captive
Drakkari Skullcrusher
Drakuru Blood Drinker
Drakuru's Guard
Elder Shaman MokyWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4688)
Enchanted Tiki Warrior
Fiend of Water
Frozen Earth
GristlegutWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4689)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4690)
Gundrak Raptor
GymerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4691)
Har'koan Subduer
Heb'Drakkar Headhunter
Hexxer UbungoWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4692) (H)
Hungry Penguin
Jin'Alai Warrior
Lapu StormhornWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4693)
Magister Teronus III
Marissa EverwatchWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4694)
NoggraWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4695)
Plague Sprayer
Prince Navarius
Prophet of Rhunok
Quetz'lun Worshipper
Rageclaw Berserker
Rampaging Geist
Rhunok's Tormentor
ScabbardWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4696)
Sergeant Riannah
Sky Terror
Spirit of RhunokWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4697)
Vargul Deathwaker
Vincent HuberWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4698)
Watery Lord
Withered Troll
Zul'Drak Rat

Alarmed Blightguard
AmaranteWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4699)
Argent Footman
Arlen BrighthammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4700)
Captain GrondelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4701)
Captured Drakkari Chieftain
Chad CarterWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4702)
Chronicler Bah'KiniWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4703)
Claw of Har'koa
Corporal MagaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4704)
Crusade Commander Korfax
Crusader Jonathan
Crusader MacKellarWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4705)
Disturbed Soul
Drakkari Chieftain
Drakkari Snake Handler
Drakuru Prophet
Element-Tamer DagodaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4706)
Engineer ReedWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4707)WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4708)
Fala Softhoof
Flying Fiend
Gargoral the Water Lord
Gooey Ghoul Drool
Guardian of Zim'Rhuk
Gundrak Savage
Ha'wanaWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4709)
Hath'ar Broodmaster
Heb'Drakkar Striker
High Priest Hawinni
Icepaw Bear
Kevin WeaverWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4710)
Lost Drakkari Spirit
Malas the Corrupter
Mossy Rampager
Orders From Drakuru
Prophet of Akali
Prophet of Sseratus
Quetz'lun's SpiritWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4711)
Rageclaw Hunter
Rimblat Earthshatter
Scalper AhunaeWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4712) (H)
Sergeant StackhammerWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4713)
Specialist CogwheelWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4714)
SquirmwormWoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (4715)
Storm Cloud
Vargul Plaguetalon
Vladof the Butcher
Wodin the Troll-Servant
Yggdras Worm



WoW NPC Database & Locations :: Gamermaps (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.