gluten free potato gnocchi recipe - use #1-rated gfJules Flour for NO grit! (2024)

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gluten free potato gnocchi recipe - use #1-rated gfJules Flour for NO grit! (2)


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Over the years, readers have shared their family gnocchi recipes with me, effusively praising how amazing they are when made as gluten free potato gnocchi with my gfJules Flour. Until a few years ago though, I hadn’t had a chance to try my hand at gluten free potato gnocchi.

I actually remember right after my celiac diagnosis, clinging to the hope that potato gnocchi was gluten free, but becoming further downtrodden when I learned that (like potato bread), regular gnocchi was also made with wheat flour.

gluten free potato gnocchi recipe - use #1-rated gfJules Flour for NO grit! (3)

How happy was I when I finally got around to making homemade gluten free potato gnocchi! I was surprised at how amazingly simple it was to make — why had I not tried this before?! I published this recipe in my cookbook, Free for All Cooking, but I’m sharing it now on my blog in hopes that even more of you will try it.

I suppose there was some mystique about making homemade pasta since I’d never made it in my pre-gluten-free days, but now I’ve made homemade gluten free ravioli and gluten free pierogi and now gluten free gnocchi, and they are all so easy and delicious to make with my gfJules Flour.

gluten free potato gnocchi recipe - use #1-rated gfJules Flour for NO grit! (4)

If you’re in search of warming comfort food, longing for yummy pasta or just hungering for something that seems fancy, this gluten free potato gnocchi recipe is for you!

gluten free potato gnocchi recipe - use #1-rated gfJules Flour for NO grit! (5)

Make it with regular white potatoes or for fun, try sweet potatoes or even blue potatoes!

They all require different amounts of gfJules Flour added to the recipes, so take note when you’re preparing ingredients, but they’re all equally delicious!

gluten free potato gnocchi recipe - use #1-rated gfJules Flour for NO grit! (6)

And while you can make the gluten free gnocchi by hand using the tines of a fork as I have in these photos, there’s this magical board called a gnocchi board which makes the process go much faster!

gluten free potato gnocchi recipe - use #1-rated gfJules Flour for NO grit! (7)

Reader Susan Y-T used a gnocchi board (who invented this magical board?! SO smart!) and made the gorgeous gluten free gnocchi you see above with my gfJules Flour and pre-made mashed potatoes. Here’s what she says about how she did it:

I used mashed potatoes, added 1 cup gfJules Flour, mixed in mixer. Added the 1 egg, olive oil, then more flour until the right consistency.

If I didn’t have your flour my cooking would be terrible! Sometimes people try to be nice and buy me flour or dessert items, but 99% of the times for the desserts- they are blah! I’ve tried the flours (mostly I mix with yours) and I don’t like the underlying flavors. I am a true gfJules woman! I usually use my own recipes too.

So what are YOU waiting for? Delicious homemade gluten free pasta awaits you!

gluten free potato gnocchi recipe - use #1-rated gfJules Flour for NO grit! (8)

Gluten Free Potato Gnocchi Recipe

Yield: serves 4

Prep Time: 1 hour

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

Authentic Italian gluten free Gnocchi, homemade anytime you're craving it!


  • 1 lb. Russet potatoes (2-3 medium-sized), unpeeled and washed
  • 1 cup (135 grams) gfJulesGluten Free All Purpose Flour*
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  • 1 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 large egg, beaten (or favorite egg sub like aquafaba)


To make the gluten free potato gnocchi, boil or microwave the washed potatoes (if microwaving, pierce potatoes with a fork in several places) until fork tender – approximately 20 minutes for boiling, 8 minutes for microwaving, depending on the power of your microwave. Set aside to cool until you can hold them to peel.

Once cooled, place peeled potatoes in a large bowl and mash with a potato masher until there are no remaining lumps. Shake ¼ cup gfJules Flour over top of the potatoes, along with the salt. Squish together with your hands until incorporated with the potatoes. Repeat by the ¼ cup full, incorporating until the full cup is added. (This process can be done in a food processor or using a stand mixer with paddle attachment)

Form the potato mixture into a mound and make a well in the center. Pour the oil and beaten egg into the well and knead together until fully incorporated into the potato/flour mixture. It should no longer be wet, but will hold together if you squeeze a handful together. If it is too wet, add more gfJules Flour by the tablespoon; if it is too dry, add a touch of milk (dairy or non-dairy).

Flour a clean surface or baking mat with gfJules Flour. Pat the potato mixture out to approximately ½ inch thickness and cut into strips approximately ½ inch wide.

Cut each strip into ½ inch pieces. Take each piece and round the edges with the tines of a fork, forming tubular pieces like miniature barrels.

Place each piece of formed gnocchi onto a parchment-lined baking sheet and when finished forming the pasta pieces, cover with a cloth and refrigerate until ready to boil or boil right away.

Bring a 6 quart pot of water to boil in preparation for the gnocchi.

Place the gnocchi individually into the boiling water, boiling only enough to cover the bottom of the pot. Boil for 5 minutes; they should float to the surface before removing. Remove with a slotted spoon and serve with your preferred gluten free sauce.


If using other types of potatoes like sweet potatoes, they will need extra gfJules Flour. Sweet potatoes require approximately 1 ½ cups gfJules™ Flour; purple potatoes need extra ½ cup gfJules™ Flour.

Did you make this recipe?

Please leave a comment (and maybe even a picture!) below or share a photo onInstagram! Be sure to tag me! @gfJules

I hope you love this recipe as much as we do!

Pin it for later!

gluten free potato gnocchi recipe - use #1-rated gfJules Flour for NO grit! (9)



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Related Tags

  • Dinner, gnocchi, Italian, Meals, Pasta, Potato, potato pasta, Sweet Potato

gfJules Award Winning Products

gfJules All Purpose Gluten Free Flour $7.50
gfJules Gluten Free Bread Mix $11.99
gfJules Gluten Free Pizza Crust Mix $13.99
gfJules Gluten Free Muffin Mix $7.99
gfJules Gluten Free Cookie Mix $9.99
gfJules GF Graham Cracker – Gingerbread Mix $7.99
gfJules Gluten Free Cornbread Mix $7.99
gfJules Gluten Free Flour Sample $7.50
Organic Gluten Free Oats $14.99
gfJules Starter Pack with Sandwich Bread Mix $52.60 $102.00
gfJules Gluten Free Cake Mix $10.99 $43.96.00

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Leave a Comment

  1. I made ravioli with GF Jules flour for Christmas Dinner. They were wonderful. I filled them with dairy-free homemade ricotta and Italian sausage. The dough was outstanding! The filling very tasty. Gnocchi for New Years’! I am so happy that my family can enjoy Italian foods that are easy to make and enjoyable to eat.


    • YUM! Sounds like Christmas dinner was amazing at your house, Cathy, and gluten free gnocchi for New Years is a tradition I could really get into! Thanks so much for taking the time to let me know how much you’ve enjoyed my gfJules Flour and my recipes — it really means a lot to me. Happy Holidays and Happy Baking!!!


  2. With GF Jules flour, I can continue to enjoy my family’s tradition of making and having gnocchi on the holidays…and honoring my dad. It’s actually lighter than with wheat flour.


    • That is fantastic to hear, Carol! I’m thrilled you have gnocchi back, gluten free, and that you can enjoy it and honor your father with this recipe. Thanks so much for sharing!


  3. Could I use leftover mashed potaoes?


    • Hi Maureen, yes I definitely think you could use leftover mashed potatoes for this gluten free potato gnocchi recipe!


  4. Pingback: Preparing for Emergencies Gluten Free

  5. Jules, so glad to see your gnocchi recipe. I grew up on gnocchi (Grandparents from Italy). My first GF attempts fell apart in the boiling water so I assumed it was the lack of gluten and therefore impossible to make. Years later, I learned it was because there wasn’t enough flour in the dough (never had this problem with regular flour) and now I make them every year…joyously. (See the tip below that I learned.) I hope you don’t mind my sharing some things that I do.

    Instead of mashing the potato with a masher, I use a potato ricer for a smooth potato and a smooth dough (no lumps). Fill the ricer only about half way, but if too hard to squeeze, put in less. (I did break a ricer by forcing too much at once.)

    After kneading, we roll small pieces into long snakes then cut them. Then roll each gnocchi with our fingers, which is hard to learn for some. Many think it’s to hold the sauce, but my family does this so they cook more evenly and they’re lighter.

    Tip: Before putting all the cut gnocchi in the boiling water, boil a small pot of water and put in only a few. If they fall apart, you need to add more flour to the dough. You don’t want to use more flour than you need to, but they will disintegrate in the water if you don’t use enough.

    To freeze them, my family puts the gnocchi in a single layer on a floured sheet pan then into the freezer until they’re hard. Then we put them into a freezer bag and freeze them. This way, they won’t stick together. When you take them from the freezer to cook, have a big pot of water already boilding then put them right into the boiling water to cook. (Don’t thaw them out first.) Sorry this is so long, but I want to share what I’ve learned. I’ve learned so much from others who share what they know. 🙂


    • Hi Carol, thanks so much for sharing your tips! These are so helpful and I’m sure will be welcomed by anyone attempting gluten free gnocchi!


  6. I’m so excited to have some gnocchi! Can it be frozen and kept on hand?


    • Absolutely!!! Let it cool and then bag in a freezer bag. Return to boiling water when you’re wanting to serve it!


      • Thank you! That’s great! It’s nice if everything doesn’t have to be done on the same day.


        • Always! My gluten free ravioli and gluten free pierogi recipe are also great for making, freezing, then boiling before serving!


  7. Just wondering why the postage costs for your flour to Australia is so expensive? Is this stocked anywhere that I can buy it locally?


    • Hi Kylie, I’m so sorry for the postage rates — I wish I had any control over that! It’s a heavy product and it ships from a long way away. I will tell you that there’s a store in Singapore which will ship for less to Australia. Here’s the link: I hope it helps you enjoy delicious gluten free baked goods again very soon!


  8. I’ve always wanted to make gnocchi! Managing egg, dairy, nut, wheat allergies in our home. Any thoughts on what would be the best egg replacer to use for this recipe?


    • Hi Cassandra – I’m so glad you’re eager to try this recipe! For an egg sub, I think I’d try vegan mayonnaise. Here are some more vegan egg substitution options for your reference.


      • Thank you so much for your help!


    • Will this uphold in a soup? I’ve made a different recipe before for my chicken gnocchi soup and one time it was ok and the other they dissolved.


      • It should hold up, Juliana. I haven’t tried it in soup, but these are not flimsy or especially wet, so they should hold their own, although adding them later (as close to serving time) is always preferred for best results.


        • With GF I do not add the pasta until I am ready to serve it. I cook it separate then pour the broth over.


  9. Where do I pirchase the flour?


    • Hi Betty, hop to this link to go to the SHOP page where you can learn more about the flour and mixes and make purchases. Enjoy!


  10. Jules, I have a family recipe for gnocchi which uses ricotta cheese. Any suggestions for conversion? I miss these terribly!


    • Hi Angela – just use my gfJules Flour in your ricotta gnocchi recipe — it should work just fine!


  11. Homemade gnocchi has been on my bucket list for a while now, and you make it look so easy! I think I need to dive in this holiday season and try making it.


  12. I love gnocchi. Have you ever made it with spinach? Had the in Rome and they were divine!


    • OOooh yum! I’ve put wilted spinach in with my ravioli dough before and it was gorgeous! Haven’t tried for gnocchi, but I bet it would be just as pretty. The key is squeezing the extra liquid out of the wilted spinach or pressing it between paper towels so it’s not so wet. That way it won’t throw off the liquid:dry proportions. This would be adding spinach for color to the existing recipe; if you’re talking about using spinach instead of potatoes or flour, I don’t have a recipe for that! Let me know how it goes!


gluten free potato gnocchi recipe - use #1-rated gfJules Flour for NO grit! (2024)


What is a substitute for all-purpose flour in gnocchi? ›

Potatoes: I used Yukon Gold potatoes here, but you can also use russet potatoes if that's all that you can find in your stores! Flour: I recommend using Tipo 00 or oat flour (if you're gluten-free, use oat flour!). That being said, you can also use all purpose flour if that's all that you have on hand!

Why are gnocchi not gluten-free? ›

While the primary ingredient in gnocchi is potatoes, flour is typically used as a binder in traditional gnocchi so this makes them definitely NOT gluten-free. However, if you need to eat gluten-free and you love gnocchi, not all hope is lost!

What are gluten-free gnocchi made from? ›

For gluten-free gnocchi that's light, fluffy, flavorful, and stays together without being gummy, this recipe uses a combination of superfine blanched almond flour, tapioca flour, and sweet rice flour.

What are the best floury potatoes for gnocchi? ›

Floury potatoes like Carisma or Desirees potatoes are generally considered the best. Floury potatoes help the gnocchi pillows hold their shape and cook evenly.

What is the best flour to use for gnocchi? ›

Some gnocchi recipes recommend floury potatoes instead, such as Idaho potatoes or Russet potatoes, but I don't always agree. They're too mealy. Tipo 00 Flour is a soft, fine milled flour from Italy. It's a must-have for light and tender gnocchi and homemade pasta.

What flour can I use if I dont have all-purpose flour? ›

Substituting Plain Flour in Your Recipes

For each cup of all-purpose flour, simply use one cup of plain flour. Keep in mind that plain flour in the UK has a slightly lower protein content, which may affect the texture of your final baked goods.

Is gnocchi more unhealthy than pasta? ›

Nutritional Value

Believe it or not, regular pasta is actually more carb-heavy than gnocchi, coming in at around 2 times the amount of carbs per serving. Gnocchi is also notorious for having a lot more sodium, with over 200 grams of it per serving. Regular pasta doesn't have nearly as high of a sodium content.

Is there a difference between gnocchi and potato gnocchi? ›

Unlike potato gnocchi, Roman gnocchi (Gnocchi alla romana), are made with semolina instead of potatoes and flour, that's why they are also called Semolina gnocchi. Roman gnocchi are shaped differently than potato gnocchi.

Why use 00 flour for gnocchi? ›

What is the best flour for making gnocchi? I always suggest using 00 double zero flour. For most Italian dishes, this soft-wheat flour creates a delicate texture that's easy to bite through. Double zero is perfect for the light, pillowy texture you want for gnocchi.

Is it better to boil or bake potatoes for gnocchi? ›

The secret to the lightest, most tender potato gnocchi is to bake the potatoes instead of boiling them. A baked potato is dryer than one that has been boiled, which means you avoid having to add more flour to the dough to account for excess moisture, a practice that leads to over-kneaded, tough gnocchi.

What can I use if I run out of all-purpose flour? ›

All-purpose flour is the most common flour called for in recipes, for both cooking and baking. But if you don't have any in the pantry, or can't find any in the store, there are other flours you can use in its place. Bread flour and cake flour—on their own or mixed together—can substitute for all-purpose.

What is the closest substitute to all-purpose flour? ›

Either cake flour or pastry flour can be used as a 1:1 substitute for all-purpose flour in most baking recipes. Steer away from cake flour for chewy bread baking, though, and opt instead for bread or whole-wheat flour for your no-knead and sourdough loaves.

What is the Italian equivalent of all-purpose flour? ›

In the American flour classification system, type 0 Italian flour would correspond the closest to all-purpose flour. Despite type 00 popularity, high-quality type 0 flour is by no means a niche product, with most flour manufacturers offering options.

Is plain flour or self raising flour better for gnocchi? ›

For potato gnocchi, mashing with a mouli or ricer ensures light, fluffy results, but an ordinary masher is fine. Don't overmix the dough and never use a processor or you will end up with a gluey mess. For guaranteed lightness in potato gnocchi, try replacing 25g of the plain flour with self-raising.

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