Roots, tubers, plantains and bananas in animal feeding (2024)


The sweet potato (Ipomoea batata L.) is one of the twelve principal plantspecies utilized as a human feed throughout the world.

It can be cultivated in many different climatic conditions, and as a resultlarge areas of sweet potato are cultivated in Asia, Africa, Europe,America and Oceania (Table 2). The various ways in which it can beused are shown in Table 1.

TABLE 1. Use of tubers of sweet potato
Japan USA
Starch, Alcohol, Wine 54% 0%
Cattle Feed 25% 10%
Human Food 15% 84%
Seed 6% 6%
TABLE 2. World production of sweet potato (FAO 1987)
Regions Production (in 1000 ton) % of world production
Africa 6.766 5.0
Asia 124.775 92.3
South America 1.546 1.1
North and Central 1.476 1.0
Oceania 0.570 0.4
Europe 0.103 0.0
Total 135.237 99.8


Sweet potato is a tropical and subtropical plant which can adapt to moretemperate climates providing the average temperature does not dropbelow 20°C and minimum temperatures stay above 15°C. In otherwords it can be cultivated between the 30 and 40° latitudes in bothhemispheres.


For the cultivation of sweet potatoes a range of temperature between 15to 33°C is required during the vegetative cycle, with the optimumtemperature being between 20 to 25°C. The highest yields are obtainedwhen temperatures are high during the day (25 to 30°C) and low bynight (15 to 20°C); low temperatures during the night favour theformation of tubers, and high temperatures by day favour vegetativedevelopment. (Note: tubers development only occurs within a temperaturerange of 20 to 30°C, optimum 25°C and generally stops below 10°C).


Sweet potato is a short day plant, that needs light for maximum development. However, the growth of the tubers appears not to be influenced byphotoperiod alone. It is probable that temperature and fluctuations intemperature, together with short days favour the growth of tubers andlimit the growth of foliage (Youg, 1962).


In tropical regions it is possible to cultivate sweet potato from sea levelto 2500 m; for example in Bolivia, Peru and Colombia it is cultivatedfrom sea level to 2300 m. (Del Carpio, 1969).


Moisture has a decisive influence on sweet potato growth and production.In this context it is relevant to note the water content of the leaf is (86%),stem (88.4%) and tuber (70.6%).

At planting it is important to have moist soils in order to achieve goodgermination. The soil must also be kept moist during the growth period(60–120 days), though at harvesting the humidity must be low in order toprevent the tubers rotting (Carballo, 1979).

Conditions that favour the development of the vegetative part of theplant include an 80% relative humidity and moist soils.


Sweet potato can be cultivated in a wide range of soils, with the bestresults obtained in ferralitic, brown humic and calcimorphologic soils.Ideally the soil should be friable, have a depth of more than 25 cm. andhave good superficial and internal drainage.

The chemical properties of the soil are less limiting than structuralproperties in obtaining good yields. For example, in sandy soils poor innutrients good yields can be obtained whereas in rich soils the vegetationoften becomes luxuriant and the roots large and irregular (in the sandysoils of Manacas Villa Clara, Cuba, yields of 28 t/ha. have beenobtained).

Other problems include the difficulty of using machinery on hilly landand drainage on flat land.

The sweet potato also prefers lightly acid or neutral soils, with theoptimum PH being between 5.5 and 6.5. Soils which are excessivelyacid or alkaline often encourage bacterial infections and negativelyinfluence yields (Cairo, 1980).


Generally the growth cycle of the sweet potato is from 3.5 to 7 monthsand takes place in three phases; these are:

  1. From planting to formation of tubers (40 to 60 days)

  2. From formation of tubers to the time of maximum leaf development (60–120 days)

  3. From maximum leaf development to the total development oftubers (45 to 90 days)

Normally the cycle is completed within 100 to 150 days at which timethe plant can be harvested.


Sweet potatoes are multiplied by both sexual and asexual means, thoughthe former is only of interest to geneticists and plant breeders.

Asexual reproduction using tubers and stems is the form of productionmost commonly used.

Propagation by stem

Of the two systems of multiplication of sweet potato, this form is thequickest and most economic and therefore the most commonly used. Thematerial to be used must be selected to avoid the transportation of eggsor larvae of Cylas formicarius elegantus S. to the new plantation and toavoid the use of unwanted crossbred varieties. In order to avoid this itis necessary to establish “seed banks”.

To maintain standards in Cuba it is necessary to obtain a certificate ofquality from the CEMSA (Experimental Centre for Improvement ofa*gamic Seeds), before seed material can be used.

Requirements for the production of “seed material” are:

  1. The seed bank must not be planted in a field that has been used forsweet potato during the previous two years.

  2. The irrigation system must be reliable.

  3. The seed (stem) must be Cylas formicarius elegantus Summers andvirus free and less than 0.5% must be infested with the nematodeRotylenchulus remiformis Linfod y Olivera.

Other aspects to be considered are:

  • The cut stems must be planted within four daysof cutting:

  • The fertilisation applied to the soil at planting and after each cutwill be as follows:


9.0–5–16.50.17 t/ha/cut
7.5–6–180.18 t/ha/cut
5.4–7–211.11 t/ha/cut

45 days after planting and after every cut, a 2% foliar urea spray (20 g/lwith a final solution of 500 l/ha) must be applied (Lopez and Alvarez,1971).

The first seed cutting to take place between 60 and 80 days afterplanting.

After each seed cutting, the following actions should be carried out:

  • Weeding

  • Fertilization

  • Hilling

  • Irrigation

Further cuts should be carried out every 60 days.


Table 3 demonstrates the yields of 6 of the best varieties, grown in threedifferent soil types and harvested at different times. Two of thesevarieties have only recently been produced. Note: the recently developedvariety, CENSA, 85–48 which is a short cycle variety (90 to 100 days)has given excellent results in experimental conditions in terms of bothtops and tuber yield (40 ton/ha).

TABLE 3. Yields of tubers in 3 provinces of Cuba (ton/ha)
Varieties Pianar del Rio Habana Cienfuegos
Days to harvest 135 120 100
CMSA 78326 37.4 45.05 23.6
CMSA 78354 46.4 49.5 18.5
CMSA 78425 43.7 41.93 19.1
CMSA 78228 30.5 39.98 16.5
CMSA 85–48 = = 25.4
Yabu 8 40.0 = =


In Cuba sweet potato can be planted all the year round if you haveirrigation and appropriate varieties.

Where the soils are sandy or clay and irrigation is not available it isadvisable to plant at the beginning of the spring, (April to May) thoughgood yields can usually be obtained from July to January.

As indicated, time of planting depends upon the variety used; forexample, the variety Cuba 3 gives better yields when planted during thedry season, with irrigation, than when it is planted during the rainyseason with the same soil moisture content. Other varieties, like Haiti,give the same yields either when planted during the dry season withirrigation or during the rainy season with or without irrigation. Theyield of this variety depends upon the soil moisture content which is theprincipal factor limiting the growth and development of tubers, and isindependent of the time of planting.


The distance between plants in any crop is a factor which can affectyields, however, in the case of sweet potato no significant responses havebeen obtained with the different distances studied.

At CENSA the effect of planting distance between plants (22.5 to 30cm.) and between rows (70 to 90 m.) under irrigation were studied; thebest results (i.e. 30 ton/ha) were obtained planting at 90 × 22 cm and 70× 30 cm.

In experimental work carried out at the Central University of Las Villaswith different distances between plants and location of stems, i.e.perpendicular or across the hill, no significant yield differences wereobtained. The distances studied were 90 × 30 cm and 90 × 15 cm.

On the basis of these studies, the planting density recommended byCENSA is 37000 plants/ha with the following distances of planting:Sept.-Feb. 0.90 × 0.23 m and March-August 0.90 × 0.30 m (Ministry ofa*griculture, 1990).


  1. In the furrow

  2. In the upper part of the hill

  3. On one side or on both sides of the hill.



In Cuba planting is generally done by hand, putting the stem on the hillor in the furrow and covering it with earth using a spade.


In Cuba planting is done with a TR4 planter made in Bulgaria or anothersimilar Trakia planter made in the USSR.

In order to obtain the best results the following planting procedureshould be taken into account:

  1. - stems should be 25 to 30 cm in length

  2. - the depth of planting should be between 7 to 10 cm

  3. - planting should be on the hill

  4. - 2/3 of the stems should be buried


Cultivation activities depend on a series of factors including: variety,time of planting, type of soil, planting distance, etc. The objectiveshould be to carry out as many operations as necessary to optimisevegetative development of the plants (Rodriguez Nodal and MoralesTejon, 1990).


In this crop, weeds can be controlled by manual, mechanical-manual orchemical means.

Manual control alone is used only for small areas. Mechanical—manualcontrol consists of a combination of between row and between plantcultivations, as follows:

  1. Mechanical cultivation using an inter row harrow and a manualcultivation between plants within 10 to 15 days of planting.

  2. Hilling up around plants, 25 to 30 days after planting with the aimof reconstructing the hill to eliminate weeds and the incorporatefertilizers. If necessary, hand hoeing between plants should bedone at this stage.

In Cuba a second mechanical cultivation might be necessary for dryseason planting.

Use of chemical products

There are many products on the market which can be used and their usewill depend upon the chemical to be used.


Due to the sweet potato's great yield potential (foliage and tubers) itrequires a considerable amount of fertilization; this varies according tovariety and soil type. The percentages of N.P. and K in the organicmatter of sweet potatoes are as follows:

Leaves 0.81 0.15 1.05
Roots 1.80 1.14 3.00

When 15 ton/ha of sweet potato are harvested approximately: 70 Kgof N; 20 Kg of P2O5 and 110 Kg of K2O are extracted from the soil (Jacoband Uexkull, 1968).

Method and timing of fertilizer application

There are several different ways of applying fertilizer, including:

  1. In the furrow.

    1. Placing the fertilizer in the furrow and covering with soil fromthe hill.

    2. Planting the stem in a new hill after opening the furrow at ahigher level than the fertilizer.

  2. In the hill. The fertilizer is placed at points 30 cm apart within thefurrow.

  3. At 30 days after planting. The fertilizer is continuously spreadalong the the length of one side of the hill, following which it iscovered using a double mould—board plough passed down thecentre of the furrow.

  4. At 20 or 30 days before planting (in sandy soils). After spreadingthe fertilizer it is incorporated using a harrow.

The ratio and amount of fertilizer to be used in sweet potato productionhas been established in different countries. Examples are shown in Table4.

TABLE 4. Ratio and amount of nutrient applied to sweet potato crops in different countries (Kg/ka)
Country N P2O2 K2O Nutrient Ratio
Korea 200 100 350 2:1:35
Taiwan 60 50 120 1:1:2
Thailand 20 30 = 1:1:0
Madeira Island 25 90 125 1:3:6:5
Egypt 25 100 75 1:4:3
USA 50 150 200 1:3:4
Puerto Rico 56 46 100 1:1:2
Cuba (ferralitics red soils) 71.6 71.6 205.8 1:1:3
Cuba (black soils) 62.6 62.6 142 1:1:2


Overall the sweet potato plant requires soils with a high moisture content.For vegetative growth its needs are moderate, though during the firstmonth of growth when the tubers are developing the moisture requirement increases. During the final days of the cycle the moisture requirement reduces.

Furrow and sprinkler irrigation techniques can be used. It is best tocarry out one irrigation before planting if the soil is not moist. The netapplication of irrigation should be between 200 to 250 m3/ha every 7 to10 days. This should be stopped about 15 days before harvest (INRA,1972).


The sweet potato plant is not seriously affected by fungus diseases orvirus attacks. Though it can suffer from insect attack.

Tetuan (Cylas formicarius elegantulus S.) is the most important pestthat affects the sweet potato. The female lays its eggs in stems and rootsand the larvae make galleries in the tubers which affects flavour (DiasSanchez, 1980). In order to control this pest it is best to use “seed” fromareas free of the pest, though various insecticides can be used to combatthe pest; these are applied to the soil and stems.

Biological control

In Cuba the insect “Hormiga Leona” (Pheidole megacephala frabricio)has been used successfully to control the pest. This is achieved bydistributing its colonies or nests around the fields at a rate of 13 per ha.,30 to 45 days after planting. Distribution of the fungus (Blauberia bassiana Bal.) over the plants 15 days after planting has also been successful.

Nematodes in general do not constitute a serious problem. Theprincipal species are Rotylenchulus remiformis Lenford and Oliveira.

Overall, biological control, complimented by agronomic practices suchas crop rotation is the best way to achieve success in sweet potato cultivation.


The time of harvest largely depends upon the variety and soil moisturecontent during the first month of plant development. However the actualcommercial varieties used take different times to harvest, for example:

  • early varieties take 3 to 4 months

  • medium varieties take 4 to 6 months

  • late varieties take more than 6 months

The growth cycle of any variety can be altered by an excess of moisturein the first 3 months after planting. This produces an intense foliardevelopment and a late formation of tubers. Often in these cases thenumber of tubers are reduced.

Methods of harvesting

Harvesting can be carried out in 3 ways: manual, semi-manual andmechanical.

The manual method is the simplest. It is usually used by the smallscale producers and involves the use of a digging stick to lever the tubersout of the ground.

Semi-manual: This is the most frequently used method in Cuba andinvolves the removal of the foliage with the help of a harrow whichclears the foliage from the area to facilitate the final harvesting. Theelimination of foliage must be carried out 24 hours before harvesting.After the foliage is removed a double mould board plough is passeddown the centre of the hill leaving a ridge in between the original twoand ensuring that the soil does not cover part of the adjacent ridges. Thetubers exposed after the first pass are picked up by hand and removedprior to making a second pass. Tubers are then again collected by hand.

Mechanical: This system is not ideally suited to the conditions of Cuba.Where this system can be applied satisfactory results can be achievedwith a potato harvester. With this equipment the tubers can be collectedin bulk in the field or on a trailer running along side the harvester. Thepresence of foliage or inadequate soil preparation can make this type ofharvesting more difficult.

Conservation and storage

The tubers of sweet potato can be conserved in good condition for sometime if they are stored in good conditions; for example:

  1. All tubers damaged by insects or fungus disease should beremoved.

  2. All tubers with mechanical damage should be removed.

  3. Storage should be carried out in 45 Kg bags in store rooms withgood ventilation and low humidity. The bags should be raised offthe ground on wooden pallets. Stacks should be no more than 10bags high with space around each for the circulation of air.

  4. Once the tubers are bagged they should be transported within 24hours.

In countries such as USA, USSR and Japan some producers of sweetpotato store their products in refrigerators at a temperature of 13–15degrees C and with 80% relative humidity. In this way the tubers can bestored for 4 to 6 months.


Cairo, P. 1980. Soil. Editorial Puebloy Educacion Habana Cuba.

Carballo, N. 1979. Effect of soilhumidity on the sub - period ofgrowing in the cultivation of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batata L) I Forumcienific technic. Santa Clara,Cuba.

Del Carpio. 1969. The genetic improvement of sweet potato in Peru.Vida Agricola Peru.

Dias Sanchez, J. 1980. Determinationof the fly activity of Cylas formicarius elegantulus (F) using a lighttrap. Centro Agricola, CentralUniversity of Las Villas, Cuba.

FAO. 1987. Production Yearbook.FAO, Rome.

INRA. 1972. Irrigiation standards.Technical collective of Irigation.La Havana, Cuba.

Jacob, A. and Uexkull. 1968. Fertilization. Edicion revolucionaria.Instituto del Libro. La Havana,Cuba.

Lopez Zada, M. and Carmen Alvarez. 1971. Comparative study ofsweet potato yield with differenttimes of foliar nitrogen application.Centro Agricola Fac. de CienciasAgropecuarias. Universidad Central de las Villas.

Ministry of Agriculture. 1990. Recommendations for agamic multiplication of tropical crops. Cuba.

Rodriguez, Nodal, A.A. and MoralesTenon, T. 1990. Recommendationsfor agamic multiplication of tropical plants. Santo Domingo, Cuba.

Youg, C.K. 1962. Effects of thermoIpomoea batata under controlledconditions. Plant physiologyc 36No. 5 pp. 680–684, 1961.

Roots, tubers, plantains and bananas in animal feeding (2024)


What is the nutritional difference between a banana and a plantain? ›

Bananas are higher in sugar, whereas plantains are slightly higher in calories and carbs than bananas, and those numbers tend to climb once they're cooked.

Can rabbits eat plantain bananas? ›

They are safe, but they are also much higher in carbs than bananas so, limited quantities as treats only. Too many carbs are not good for rabbits.

Can plantains replace bananas? ›

Bananas are a staple in many household fruit baskets. Plantains, though, are not as well known. It's easy to confuse a plantain with a banana because they look so much alike. However, if you were to substitute a plantain for a banana in a recipe, you may be surprised by its very different taste.

What is the difference between plantain and Saba? ›

While both Plantains and Saba are considered types of cooking bananas, they are not the same variety. Plantains have a starchy, neutral flavor and versatile applications—from savory dishes when green to sweet preparations as they ripen. In contrast, Saba bananas are sweeter and creamier in texture than plantains.

Are plantains healthier than potatoes? ›

Cooked plantains are nutritionally very similar to a potato, calorie-wise, but contain more of certain vitamins and minerals. They're a rich source of fiber, vitamins A, C, and B-6, and the minerals magnesium and potassium. This hidden superfood warrants a trip your local grocery. Read on to learn why.

Are plantains good or bad carbs? ›

Plantains are a carb-rich food and a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They also contain antioxidants that fight free radicals.

Can I feed my rabbit with plantain peel? ›

Recently, plantain peels have been used as feedstuff for growing snails, fishes, rabbits and poultry (Omole et al., 2008) . ... ... better than other treatments.

Can chickens have bananas? ›

Can chickens eat bananas? Absolutely! Bananas are an eggcellent source of nutrition for your girls! Extremely high in vitamins A, C and B6, they also contain magnesium, iron, niacin, as well as other essential trace elements.

Can goats eat bananas? ›

The simple answer is yes, goats can eat bananas. The entire banana tree or plant is non-toxic for goats, though, of course, the sweet flesh is always their favorite. Unfortunately, bananas are high in sugar, so goats should only enjoy bananas in moderation.

Is plantain good for diabetics? ›

Foods like plantains that digest slowly have a low glycemic index (GI). A GI under 55 is considered low. Plantains have a GI in the 40s, making them a good food choice if you have diabetes.

Can you eat a plantain raw? ›

Ripe plantains are sweet like a banana, without the banana flavor. They can be eaten raw but are best when fried. The edges caramelize and become crispy like the edges of pancakes cooked in butter.

Is it good to eat plantains every day? ›

Protect Your Heart Health

Plantains are supportive of cardiovascular health because of their fiber and potassium content. According to 2019 research in Nutrients, dietary fiber has been shown to be involved in reducing LDL cholesterol and blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Which is healthier banana or plantain? ›

Bananas and plantains have very similar nutrition profiles. Both are good sources of several vitamins, including potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. They're also good sources of fiber. Bananas do have more sugar, though, and plantains have more starch.

Can dogs eat plantains? ›

Yes. The cooking or vegetable banana is not harmful to dogs, but should not be served raw or in large quantities. Plantains contain dietary fiber and some anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

Which is better green plantain or ripe plantain? ›

Both are wonderful. Yes, if you are looking for a low glycemic load, then green would be better, but the fact is that they cannot be interchanged in recipes due to the consistency and starchiness of the food. If you want to do something like plantain chips you have to have green.

Can you eat plantains like you eat bananas? ›

“While there is no problem with eating a plantain raw, you may not get the same enjoyment out of it as you would a banana.” Grilling them, however, will create a naturally sugary candied taste.

Which is healthier, green banana or green plantain? ›

Plantain nutritional facts and healthy banana properties are very similar thanks in part to their similar genealogical tree. The difference between the two is reflected in their flavor profile. Plantains are less sweet than bananas, which indicates their lower sugar and higher starch content.

Is it healthy to eat plantains everyday? ›

Plantains are supportive of cardiovascular health because of their fiber and potassium content. According to 2019 research in Nutrients, dietary fiber has been shown to be involved in reducing LDL cholesterol and blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Is ripe or unripe plantain more nutritious? ›

Depending on their ripeness, plantains will also vary nutritionally, the major difference being that ripe plantains will be higher in sugar, and green plantains will be higher in starch.

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